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Northern Ohio League

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The Northern Ohio League (NOL) is an OHSAA athletic league in north central Ohio. The following schools are members of the league:


The seven members of the NOL since the fall of 2013.
School Nickname Location District Colors Joined
Bellevue Redmen Bellevue 4:12 Red, White
Columbian Tornadoes Tiffin 3:8 Blue, Gold
Norwalk Truckers Norwalk 3:8 Blue, Gold
Ontario Warriors Ontario 4:12 Blue, Gold
Sandusky Blue Streaks Sandusky 3:8 Blue, White
Shelby Whippets Shelby 4:12 Red, Gray
Willard Crimson Flashes Willard 5:16 Crimson, White

Former members

School Nickname Location Colors Tenure Left for
Bucyrus Redmen Bucyrus Red, White
1944–2002 NCC
Crestline Bulldogs Crestline Blue, White
1944–1954 JAC
Fostoria Redmen Fostoria Red, Black
2002–2011 NBC
Galion Tigers Galion Orange, Blue
1944–2011 NCC
Upper Sandusky Rams Upper Sandusky Black, Orange
1944–2011 NCC

League history

The all-time member schools of the NOL. Current members are in red and former members are in green.


  • The NOL was formed in 1944 as the third-oldest high school league in Ohio. The original members were Bellevue, Bucyrus, Crestline, Galion, Norwalk, Shelby, Upper Sandusky and Willard.


  • In 1954, Crestline left and was replaced by Tiffin Columbian.[2]


  • In what was accepted as a move based on competing with schools closer to their size,[3] Bucyrus left after the 2001-02 school year for the North Central Conference and was replaced by Fostoria during winter of the 2002-03 school year.[4] Fostoria had considered joining the NOL back in 1961.[5]
  • In February and March 2009, Upper Sandusky[6] and Galion[7] were accepted as the ninth and tenth members of the North Central Conference, beginning in fall 2011. Both schools had cited long travel for NOL games as partial factors.[8] Meanwhile, Fostoria applied for membership in the Suburban Lakes League, but was initially turned down.
  • In June 2009, the member schools of the NOL voted to accept Sandusky into the league, with competition beginning in 2011.[9]
  • On August 17, 2009, Fostoria voted to join the newly formed Northern Buckeye Conference in 2011 with Rossford, coming from the Northern Lakes League and Eastwood, Elmwood, Genoa, Lake, Otsego and Woodmore, all schools that are coming from the Suburban Lakes League.[10]
  • Clear Fork (Ohio Cardinal Conference) and Vermilion (West Shore Conference) are brought up as potential candidates to bring the league's membership back to 8 schools.[11]


  • After a proposal to merge with the Sandusky Bay Conference was turned down by SBC principals, the NOL sought out additional members for their league.
  • Vermilion was initially admitted as a future member in 2011, to join in all sports but football for 2012-13, and for football in 2013-14.[12] However, at a board meeting on June 11, 2012, they decided to recommit to the West Shore Conference and not leave for the NOL in 2012.[13]
  • Ontario was admitted as a member of the NOL for the 2013-14 school year.[14]This happened a year before the North Central Conference folded in 2014. Galion was also invited to re-join the league, but they ultimately decided to join the MOAC after citing concern over potential league trips to Vermilion, even though travel distances are greater to some MOAC schools.
  • According to the Willard Times-Junction, letters were sent to schools to consider NOL membership: former NOL members Upper Sandusky and Galion; Clyde, Edison, and Huron of the Sandusky Bay Conference; Clear Fork of the Ohio Cardinal Conference; and Western Reserve of the Firelands Conference.[15]
  • Because of their shrinking enrollment, it has been rumored that Willard is considering options outside of the NOL, including the newly formed Northern 10 Athletic Conference.

Boys Championships

All league champions have been updated besides champions from Crestline, Fostoria and Galion.
Year Football Cross Country Golf Soccer Basketball Bowling Swimming Wrestling Baseball Track & Field Tennis
1944-45 Bellevue, Galion Bellevue Started 2014-15
1945-46 Upper Sandusky Norwalk Shelby Upper Sandusky
1946-47 Shelby Bellevue, Upper Sandusky Galion Upper Sandusky
1947-48 Upper Sandusky Bellevue Willard Upper Sandusky
1948-49 Bucyrus Bucyrus Galion
1949-50 Shelby Shelby, Willard Upper Sandusky
1950-51 Shelby Bucyrus, Galion Galion Upper Sandusky
1951-52 Bellevue Norwalk Bellevue Willard Shelby
1952-53 Shelby, Upper Sandusky Norwalk, Shelby Bellevue, Bucyrus, Shelby Bucyrus Bellevue
1953-54 Shelby Shelby Bellevue Galion Bellevue
1954-55 Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby
1955-56 Upper Sandusky Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby
1956-57 Shelby Shelby Galion Shelby
1957-58 Galion Galion Bucyrus
1958-59 Galion Upper Sandusky, Willard Bucyrus
1959-60 Shelby Norwalk Bucyrus
1960-61 Shelby Willard Bucyrus
1961-62 Bellevue Norwalk Willard Columbian
1962-63 Bellevue Columbian Galion Columbian
1963-64 Bellevue, Bucyrus, Willard Upper Sandusky Galion Columbian Bellevue
1964-65 Bellevue Bucyrus Galion Shelby Bellevue
1965-66 Shelby Shelby Columbian Galion Columbian Shelby
1966-67 Bellevue Columbian Galion Columbian Bellevue, Shelby
1967-68 Shelby Bucyrus, Willard Galion, Shelby Shelby Shelby
1968-69 Shelby Norwalk Bellevue Galion, Shelby Shelby Bellevue
1969-70 Shelby Columbian Bellevue, Columbian Columbian, Willard Columbian Bucyrus
1970-71 Bucyrus Columbian Upper Sandusky Columbian Norwalk Columbian Upper Sandusky Bucyrus
1971-72 Columbian, Shelby Columbian Columbian Galion Norwalk Galion Shelby Bucyrus
1972-73 Bellevue Willard Norwalk Galion Bellevue
1973-74 Bellevue Norwalk Galion, Willard Bellevue Columbian Shelby
1974-75 Columbian, Norwalk, Shelby Bucyrus Shelby Galion Norwalk Norwalk Shelby Shelby
1975-76 Bellevue Shelby Willard Bellevue Norwalk, Shelby Shelby
1976-77 Norwalk Columbian Shelby Willard Norwalk Galion Shelby Norwalk
1977-78 Shelby Columbian Shelby Columbian Galion Upper Sandusky
1978-79 Galion Columbian Shelby Willard Norwalk Bellevue Columbian Columbian
1979-80 Willard Shelby Shelby Willard Norwalk Columbian Willard
1980-81 Shelby Shelby Shelby Willard Columbian Norwalk, Shelby Galion Willard
1981-82 Bellevue Bellevue Shelby Willard Norwalk Shelby Galion Willard
1982-83 Bellevue Bellevue Shelby Bellevue Columbian Shelby Galion Columbian
1983-84 Columbian Bellevue Willard Shelby Columbian Columbian
1984-85 Shelby Bellevue, Shelby Bellevue Bellevue Shelby Shelby Norwalk
1985-86 Galion Bellevue Willard Shelby Shelby Norwalk
1986-87 Columbian, Galion Shelby Upper Sandusky Willard Columbian, Shelby Shelby Norwalk
1987-88 Columbian Columbian Upper Sandusky Willard Bellevue Columbian Columbian Norwalk
1988-89 Columbian Shelby Upper Sandusky Willard Bellevue Bellevue Columbian Norwalk
1989-90 Columbian, Galion Columbian, Shelby Upper Sandusky Bellevue Bellevue Bucyrus Willard Norwalk
1990-91 Willard Columbian Willard Norwalk Bucyrus, Galion Columbian Norwalk
1991-92 Bellevue, Bucyrus, Willard Columbian Bellevue Shelby, Willard Bellevue Bucyrus Columbian Shelby
1992-93 Bellevue Columbian Bellevue Bellevue, Willard Bellevue Bucyrus Columbian Shelby
1993-94 Bellevue Columbian Bellevue, Shelby Bellevue Bellevue, Norwalk Shelby, Upper Sandusky Willard Norwalk
1994-95 Bellevue Columbian Shelby Bellevue Bellevue Bellevue, Columbian Willard Norwalk
1995-96 Columbian Columbian Upper Sandusky Bellevue, Columbian Bellevue Columbian Upper Sandusky
1996-97 Bellevue, Columbian Willard Bellevue Bellevue Bucyrus, Galion Shelby Norwalk
1997-98 Bellevue, Galion Columbian Upper Sandusky Bellevue, Shelby Bellevue Bellevue Shelby Norwalk
1998-99 Shelby Columbian Shelby Shelby Bellevue Shelby Columbian Norwalk
1999-00 Bellevue, Willard Columbian Shelby Willard Bellevue Galion Columbian Norwalk
2000-01 Bellevue, Columbian, Shelby Columbian Shelby Willard Bellevue Norwalk Shelby Norwalk
2001-02 Bellevue, Columbian Columbian Willard Bellevue Bellevue, Columbian Shelby Norwalk
2002-03 Columbian Columbian Shelby Willard Bellevue Columbian Shelby Norwalk
2003-04 Bellevue, Columbian, Upper Sandusky Columbian Norwalk Fostoria Bellevue, Willard Galion Shelby Norwalk, Willard
2004-05 Bellevue Columbian Upper Sandusky Upper Sandusky Willard Bellevue Bellevue Norwalk
2005-06 Columbian Norwalk, Willard Willard Bellevue Norwalk, Shelby Galion Columbian, Norwalk
2006-07 Columbian Columbian Upper Sandusky Shelby Shelby Norwalk
2007-08 Columbian, Fostoria Willard Fostoria Bellevue Fostoria Shelby Bellevue
2008-09 Columbian, Fostoria Willard Columbian, Upper Sandusky Columbian Bellevue Fostoria Columbian Willard
2009-10 Galion Shelby Columbian, Shelby Columbian Bellevue, Columbian, Shelby Norwalk Bellevue, Columbian, Norwalk Shelby Norwalk
2010-11 Columbian Columbian Upper Sandusky Norwalk, Shelby Norwalk Norwalk Shelby Norwalk
2011-12 Sandusky Norwalk Willard Norwalk Sandusky Norwalk Columbian, Bellevue, Norwalk Bellevue Norwalk
2012-13 Columbian Norwalk Willard Norwalk Sandusky Sandusky Norwalk Norwalk Norwalk
2013-14 Columbian Columbian Bellevue Columbian Norwalk, Ontario Ontario Sandusky Ontario Norwalk Shelby
2014-15 Norwalk Willard Bellevue Norwalk Ontario Willard Ontario Bellevue, Sandusky Bellevue Sandusky Shelby
2015-16 Bellevue Norwalk Norwalk Ontario Ontario, Sandusky Columbian Shelby Bellevue
Year Football Cross Country Golf Soccer Basketball Bowling Swimming Wrestling Baseball Track & Field Tennis

Girls Championships

Year Volleyball Cross Country Golf Tennis Basketball Bowling Swimming Softball Track & Field
1944-45 Started in 2013-14 Started in 1974-75 Started in 2014-15
1974-75 Bellevue Shelby, Upper Sandusky Upper Sandusky
1975-76 Bellevue Shelby Bellevue
1976-77 Willard Bellevue Shelby
1977-78 Bellevue Bellevue Upper Sandusky Shelby Willard
1978-79 Columbian Columbian Columbian Shelby
1979-80 Columbian Shelby Columbian Shelby Bellevue
1980-81 Upper Sandusky Bellevue Shelby Upper Sandusky Bellevue
1981-82 Norwalk Upper Sandusky Bellevue
1982-83 Bellevue, Norwalk, Willard Columbian Bellevue Shelby Shelby Columbian
1983-84 Bellevue, Norwalk Columbian Bellevue Bellevue Shelby
1984-85 Bellevue Columbian, Norwalk Bucyrus Upper Sandusky Willard
1985-86 Columbian Bellevue Columbian Shelby Willard Bellevue
1986-87 Norwalk Bellevue Columbian Galion Bellevue Bellevue
1987-88 Shelby Bellevue Columbian Shelby Bellevue, Bucyrus Bellevue
1988-89 Bellevue, Shelby Columbian Columbian Shelby, Upper Sandusky Bellevue, Bucyrus Columbian
1989-90 Bellevue Columbian Bucyrus, Columbian Willard Bucyrus, Shelby Columbian
1990-91 Columbian, Shelby Columbian Bucyrus Willard Columbian
1991-92 Columbian Shelby Shelby Shelby Columbian
1992-93 Norwalk Columbian Columbian Willard Shelby Columbian
1993-94 Norwalk Columbian Shelby Willard Bucyrus Shelby
1994-95 Bellevue, Norwalk, Shelby Columbian Bucyrus Columbian Bellevue, Bucyrus Willard
1995-96 Norwalk Columbian Bucyrus, Columbian Upper Sandusky Willard Shelby
1996-97 Norwalk Bellevue Bellevue Shelby Willard Bellevue
1997-98 Bucyrus Norwalk Shelby Columbian, Willard Upper Sandusky
1998-99 Columbian Upper Sandusky Shelby Shelby Upper Sandusky
1999-00 Columbian Bellevue Columbian Columbian, Upper Sandusky, Willard Bellevue Upper Sandusky
2000-01 Columbian Upper Sandusky Willard Columbian Upper Sandusky
2001-02 Willard Columbian Willard Willard Columbian, Shelby
2002-03 Norwalk Columbian Bellevue Bellevue Shelby
2003-04 Bellevue Shelby Upper Sandusky Upper Sandusky Bellevue, Shelby Shelby
2004-05 Bellevue, Norwalk Columbian Upper Sandusky Bellevue Shelby
2005-06 Bellevue Upper Sandusky Shelby Bellevue Bellevue
2006-07 Columbian Bellevue Shelby Shelby Bellevue Shelby
2007-08 Norwalk Shelby Shelby Shelby Bellevue Shelby
2008-09 Columbian Columbian Shelby Columbian Shelby Bellevue Columbian
2009-10 Columbian Shelby Norwalk Columbian Shelby Willard Shelby
2010-11 Norwalk Shelby Willard Bellevue Shelby Shelby Columbian
2011-12 Norwalk Bellevue Willard Bellevue, Shelby Sandusky Bellevue Columbian
2012-13 Norwalk Bellevue Columbian Bellevue, Shelby Sandusky Bellevue Bellevue
2013-14 Norwalk Bellevue Shelby Norwalk Bellevue Sandusky Bellevue Bellevue
2014-15 Norwalk Bellevue Norwalk Bellevue Norwalk, Willard Sandusky Bellevue Bellevue
2015-16 Norwalk Bellevue Bellevue Norwalk Bellevue, Willard Willard Sandusky
Year Volleyball Cross Country Golf Tennis Basketball Bowling Swimming Softball Track & Field

See also

  1. ^ http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20120314/NEWS01/203140306
  2. ^ http://www.crawfordcountybasketball.com/northernohioleague.html Northern Ohio League Index, CrawfordCountyBasketball.com
  3. ^ Hazelwood, Mark (Uploaded August 25, 2010). "Major shakeup in Northern Ohio League members?". Fandy.com. Retrieved October 18, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^ Associated Press (January 29, 2003). "Bucyrus changes own losing legacy". Bryan Times. Retrieved October 1, 2014.
  5. ^ "Fostoria may quit Great Lakes". Toledo Blade. November 15, 1961. Retrieved October 2, 2014.
  6. ^ "Upper Sandusky approved by the NCC". WMFD-TV. February 6, 2009. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  7. ^ Hazelwood, Mark (March 2009). "Galion officially leaves Northern Ohio League". Sandusky Register. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  8. ^ Norwalk Reflector Staff (February 2009). "Upper, Galion consider leaving NOL". Norwalk Reflector. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  9. ^ Sandusky Register Staff (Uploaded May 24, 2010). "JUST IN: Sandusky accepted into Northern Ohio League". Sandusky Register. Retrieved October 18, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  10. ^ "Fostoria votes to join NBC". Toledo Blade. August 18, 2009. Retrieved January 12, 2014.
  11. ^ http://www.reviewtimes.com/Issues/2009/Jul/24/ar_sports_072409_story1.asp?d=072409_story1,2009,Jul,24&c=s
  12. ^ Fandy.com Staff (November 1, 2011). "NOL accepts Vermilion as seventh team". [Fandy.com]. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  13. ^ http://www.theseniorreports.com/ohio.htm
  14. ^ Norwalk Reflector Staff (March 14, 2012). "School board gives OK to become Northern Ohio League's eighth team". Norwalk Reflector. Retrieved October 18, 2014.
  15. ^ Schmidt, Dave (February 22, 2013). "Willard: Northern Ohio League or Sandusky Bay Conference?". The Senior Reports. Retrieved February 22, 2013. {{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help)