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Talk:Indian (Asian)

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The following addition, the first and so far only contrib by Rahul303 (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · nuke contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log) has been removed from the accompanying Dab page, if only bcz such prose is utterly unsuited to the purposes of Dabs. The possibility of intentional vandalism is not ruled out. Comment on this talk page is welcome.
--Jerzyt 05:26, 29 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

It is a big question, "how did INDIAN classification come from?"

If you look at the history, Aryans from Europe were migrated to Indus Valley and started Indus Valley civilization which started to called as a Vedic culture over the period of time. Vedic culture is the origin of Hindu philosophy or idealogy. The king BHARATA around MAHABHARATA time had big influence on major kindoms of Indian sub continents. Bharat also defined certain phylosophy related to Dharma (Religious, social, spiritual, political etc. duties of human). The bharat philosophy was widely accepted and appreciated around Indian subcontinent. That is the reason the actual name of India is BHARAT in all indian languages. This philosophy and preaching of Bharat widely defined as Hindu philosophy or way of life. Hence, the people who started to follow/practice the Hindu philosophy (Hinduism) were started to call as HINDUS.Hindusim is also well known as the oldest and finest religion or culture on the earth. Please note, the hinduim was not considered as religion. The definition of religion is very wide in Hinduism. Because of high intellectual and ambitious nature as well cultural richness of the people from Indus valley made an ancient India(Bharat) very prospoerouse, popular significantly around the world. Thus, persian, greek, middle eastern regions etc. got curiosity which lead intially them developing mutual trading, technology transfer and lately invasion into Indian subcontinent. The persians, greek etc. started to call Indian subcontinent as "HINDUSTAN"(Land of Hindus). Then after successfull invasion of the Moguls and Muslims (around 1200 AD), they named Hindustan or Hind to ancient India. The moguls/muslims, they got mixed with indian culture and the glory of india was still intake around the world. As a result of wide spread buisness, trading through India, Europeans got interest in India, initially it was limited to trade then turned in to invasion. There was trend in European and Latin languages to add "ia" behind the land name just as "stan" ("stan" means land in farsi, example: Hindustan, Afghanistan,Turkistan, Uzbekistan etc...)(Please not: No certain rules and regulations are known or yet available for "how, when and for what " to put "ia" behind the land name. example: romania, italia, britania, russia etc.). Hence, european countries started to call Hindustan as HINDIA. If you know little bit Latin language you will realise, it doesn't have proper pronounceation for "H", as a result of the Latin speaking countries started to pronounce HINDIA as INDIA and HINDIAN as INDIAN keeping the speeling HINDIA and HINDIAN (still in spanish they spell as HINDU and pronounce as INDU for Indians. The glory of India was wide spread and still ongoing, and made many European people jealouse and greedy to enter India for trading or buisness. Thats how, Potugese, Dutch, French tried to enter into India also tried to invade India with not much success. Dutch left as they weren't capable to handle the indian subcontinent and aggressive indians. French decided to develop freindship with view to develop trading as well strong allies against Britishers. Portugese did the most disgusting thing of forceful religion conversion around costal area (example GOA, Kerala etc. which were highly populated with fisherman and sailor communities. These communities were not much mixed with other parts of inida and other hindus or muslim people due to their profession and social structure of India).So their empire was just limited to certain area because they didn't have capabilty to fight against Indians who got angry and fierce against the portugese forceful religious conversion activity. Meanwhile, the britisher heard about Hindia but it was pronounced as INDIA,so, they spelled it as INDIA and INDIAN without caring about the logic or theory behind the naming convension. India and Indian became officially added in the britsh vocabulary. They established East India Trading Company and started the voyage to find the route of India. Ultimately, it was assigned to well known notorious pirate "Christopher Colmbus" who accedently landed to America and thought the America is INDIA. And announced that he found India and started to call Native Americans as Indians eventhough without caring much about the fact that Indians were at that time technologically, economically, intellectually way more advance then other part of the world. Somehow the britishers realized it was not India but something else (America, current USA). They agian started their voyage to find India. Finally with the help of some Portugese sailors they found the actuall route to India and landed with a view to trade. But, eventually they showed their real colors and they took the benifit of internal problems within Indian kingdoms. End result was Britishe ruled India. Finally, India got freedom from the evil empire on 15, August, 1947 without using any single weapone eventhough the britishers showed their height of brutality in all possible disgusting ways. Please not, the britisher played very important role in manipulating the history and cultural as well religious facts of India and Indian people. Not only they devided the India based on the religion and that is still a big security issue (pakistan) for India.

So, when you call India thats means "Land of Hindus" and Indian means '''HINDU'''.And actual or real name of India is '''BHARAT'''. Indirectly, Indians can be generalized as ARYANS (Supreme race or Gentlemen). Please don't compare Indian Aryans with Hitlers Aryan definition. Swastik is a very holy symbol or mechanism for Indians which was misuded in a very bad way by Nazis. Another fact is Indians mainly from northen part of India (Nortth East-west, central india) are genetically and historically "caucassians" as they migrated from Europe (Germany, Austria, central Europe). But over the period time, evolution as well mixing with other people like Greek and Persian enforced genetic changes, the skin, hair and eye color of Indians changed significantly. Then, the vegetarian food diet, peaceful nature and easy life brought other physical changes like short hieght, narrow bone structure etc. That is why Indians are classified as ethinic group of caucassian race.