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User:Alexoneill/Books/The Roman Republic

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The Roman Republic[edit]

A History[edit]

Trojan Background (1300-1176)
Erichthonius of Dardania
Tros (mythology)
Kings of Alba Longa (1176-753)
Silvius (mythology)
Aeneas Silvius
Latinus Silvius
Alba Silvius
Atys (King of Alba Longa)
Capetus Silvius
Tiberinus Silvius
Agrippa (mythology)
Romulus Silvius
Aventinus of Alba Longa
Rhea Silvia
Kings of Rome (753-509)
Romulus and Remus
Numa Pompilius
Tullus Hostilius
Ancus Marcius
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
Servius Tullius
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
The Republic During the Latin Campaigns (509-458)
Overthrow of the Roman monarchy
Lucius Junius Brutus
Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus
Battle of Silva Arsia
Publius Valerius Publicola
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Roman–Etruscan Wars
Titus Lartius
Postumus Cominius Auruncus
Battle of Lake Regillus
First secessio plebis
Tribune of the Plebs
The Republic During the Early Italian Capaigns (458–396)
Plebeian Council
Twelve Tables
Tribal Assembly
Tribuni militum consulari potestate
Collegium (ancient Rome)
Patrician (ancient Rome)
Roman tribe
Roman consul
Roman Senate
Roman censor
Marcus Furius Camillus
Battle of the Cremera
Battle of Mons Algidus
Battle of Corbione
Capture of Fidenae (435 BC)
Battle of Veii
The First Celtic Invasion of Italy (396-387)
Battle of the Allia
The Expansion of Rome in Italy (387-280)
Battle of Arretium
Lucius Sextius
Samnite Wars
Battle of Mount Gaurus
Leges Genuciae
Battle of the Caudine Forks
Battle of Lautulae
Battle of Lake Vadimo (310 BC)
Battle of Bovianum
Lex Ogulnia
Battle of Tifernum
Battle of Sentinum
Publius Decius Mus (consul 312 BC)
Battle of Aquilonia
Conflict of the Orders
Secessio plebis
Lex Hortensia
Battle of Lake Vadimo (283 BC)
The Pyrrhic War (280-275)
Pyrrhic War
Pyrrhus of Epirus
Battle of Heraclea
Battle of Asculum
Siege of Syracuse (278 BC)
Battle of the Cranita hills
Siege of Lilybaeum
Battle of the Strait of Messina
Battle of Beneventum (275 BC)
First Punic War (264-241)
First Punic War
Battle of Messana
Battle of Agrigentum
Battle of the Lipari Islands
Battle of Mylae
Battle of Sulci
Battle of Tyndaris
Battle of Cape Ecnomus
Siege of Aspis
Battle of Bagradas
Battle of Adys
Battle of Panormus
Battle of Drepana
Siege of Lilybaeum (250 BC)
Siege of Drepana
Battle of the Aegates
Mercenary War
First Illyrian War &c. (241-220)
Siege of Medion
Battle of Phoenice
Siege of Issa
Invasions of Epidamnus (229 BC)
Battle of Paxos
Battle of Faesulae (225 BC)
Battle of Telamon
Battle of Clastidium
Second Punic War and the First Macedonian War (218-201)
Second Punic War
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps
Battle of the Trebia
Battle of Lake Trasimene
Battle of Cannae
Fabian strategy
Battle of the Metaurus
Scipio Africanus
Battle of Ilipa
Battle of Zama
Carthaginian peace
First Macedonian War
Philip V of Macedon
Marcus Valerius Laevinus
First Battle of Lamia
Battle of Mantinea (207 BC)
Second Battle of Lamia
Second Macedonian War (200-196)
Second Macedonian War
Battle of the Aous (198 BC)
Battle of Cynoscephalae
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
Publius Sulpicius Galba Maximus
Roman Spartan War &c. (195-3)
War against Nabis
Eumenes II
Aristaenos of Megalopolis
Battle of Placentia (194 BC)
Battle of Mutina (193 BC)
Cato the Elder
Roman-Syrian War &c. (192-182)
Roman–Seleucid War
Antiochus III the Great
Lucius Aemilius Regillus
Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus
Battle of Thermopylae (191 BC)
Battle of the Eurymedon (190 BC)
Battle of Myonessus
Battle of Magnesia
Treaty of Apamea
Aetolian War
Galatian War
First Celtiberian War &c. (181-171)
First Celtiberian War
Quintus Fulvius Flaccus (consul 179 BC)
Tiberius Gracchus the Elder
Third Macedonian War & Third Illyrian War (171-168)
Third Macedonian War
Perseus of Macedon
Aulus Hostilius Mancinus
Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus
Battle of Callinicus
Battle of Pydna
Illyrian Wars
Celtiberian and Third Punic Wars (166-135)
Lusitanian War
Numantine War
Fourth Macedonian War
Third Punic War
Hasdrubal the Boetharch
Scipio Aemilianus
Battle of Lake Tunis
Battle of the Port of Carthage
Battle of Nepheris (147 BC)
Battle of Carthage (c. 149 BC)
Lex Calpurnia
Achaean War
Battle of Corinth (146 BC)
Audax, Ditalcus and Minurus
The Era of Social Upheaval (135-100)
Tiberius Gracchus
Pontifex Maximus
Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio (consul 138 BC)
First Servile War
Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi (consul 133 BC)
Publius Rupilius
Cleon (Roman rebel)
Cimbrian War
Gaius Marius
Marian reforms
Quintus Lutatius Catulus
Battle of Noreia
Battle of Burdigala
Battle of Arausio
Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Battle of Vercellae
Jugurthine War
Caecilius Metellus
Battle of Suthul
Battle of the Muthul
Battle of Thala
Second Servile War
Publius Licinius Nerva
Lucius Licinius Lucullus (praetor 104 BC)
Manius Aquillius (consul 101 BC)
Salvius Tryphon
Athenion of Maroneia
Era of the Social War (99-88)
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
Gaius Servilius Glaucia
Gaius Memmius (tribune)
Social War (91–88 BC)
Publius Rutilius Lupus (consul)
Pompeius Strabo
Lucius Julius Caesar (consul 90 BC)
Titus Didius
Lucius Porcius Cato
Quintus Poppaedius Silo
Gaius Papius Mutilus
Titus Afranius
Era of Sulla's Ascendency (88-82)
First Mithridatic War
Mithridates VI of Pontus
Battle of the River Amnias
Battle of Mount Scorobas
Siege of Athens and Piraeus (87–86 BC)
Battle of Chaeronea (86 BC)
Battle of Orchomenus
Sulla's first civil war
Gnaeus Papirius Carbo
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius
Lucius Cornelius Cinna
Sulla's second civil war
Gaius Marius the Younger
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Battle of Mount Tifata
Battle of the Asio River (82 BC)
Battle of Sacriporto
Battle of Sena Gallica (82 BC)
First Battle of Clusium (82 BC)
Battle of Faventia (82 BC)
Battle of Fidentia (82 BC)
Second Battle of Clusium (82 BC)
Battle of the Colline Gate (82 BC)
Second Mithridatic War
Lucius Licinius Murena
Battle of Halys
The Rise of Pompey (81-63)
Sertorian War
Third Mithridatic War
Third Servile War
Lentulus Batiatus
Marcus Perpenna Vento
Gaius Claudius Glaber
Pompey's Georgian campaign
Cilician pirates
Siege of Jerusalem (63 BC)
Aristobulus II
Faustus Cornelius Sulla (quaestor 54 BC)
Second Catilinarian conspiracy
The Rise of Caesar (62-50)
Julius Caesar
First Triumvirate
Gallic Wars
Titus Labienus
Mark Antony
Quintus Tullius Cicero
Publius Licinius Crassus (son of triumvir)
Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus
Servius Sulpicius Galba (praetor)
Battle of Magetobriga
Battle of the Arar
Battle of Bibracte
Battle of Vosges (58 BC)
Battle of the Axona
Battle of the Sabis
Battle of Octodurus
Caesar's invasions of Britain
Caesar's Rhine bridges
Ambiorix's revolt
Battle of Gergovia
Battle of Alesia
Siege of Uxellodunum
The Roman Civil War (50-44)
Caesar's Civil War
Gaius Scribonius Curio
Publius Cornelius Sulla
Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio Nasica
Cato the Younger
Gnaeus Pompeius (son of Pompey the Great)
Publius Attius Varus
Sextus Pompey
Siege of Massilia
Battle of Ilerda
Battle of Utica (49 BC)
Battle of the Bagradas (49 BC)
Battle of Dyrrhachium (48 BC)
Battle of Pharsalus
Battle of Ruspina
Battle of Thapsus
Battle of Munda
Theatre of Pompey
Assassination of Julius Caesar
Second Triumvirate
Lex Titia
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir)
Liberators' civil war
Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger
Gaius Cassius Longinus
Augustus' Ascendency (44-28)
Gaius Sosius
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
Lucius Arruntius the Elder
Marcus Lurius
Battle of Actium
Sicilian revolt
Battle of Naulochus
Cantabrian Wars
Final War of the Roman Republic
Augustus (honorific)