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Liu Pai Lin (Traditional Chinese: 劉 百齡; Simplified Chinese: 刘 百龄; Pinyin: Lin bǎi líng) (China, Tianjin, December 8, 1907 - Brazil, São Paulo, February 3, 2000), a general retired by the Chinese army, was one of the introducers of traditional Chinese medicine in Brazil. He released the nationwide practice of Tai Chi Pai Lin (太極 百齡), also offering training courses in Tui Na Massage and Meditation Tao Yin.

A naturalized Brazilian, Liu Jen Yu (traditional Chinese: 劉君瑜; pinyin: Liu Jun yú) is the name most commonly found in documents. He took the name Father Lin (bailing), which in Chinese means one hundred years, to express his desire that all people can have a long and healthy life: "Not only my own name, but all that dedicated heart to these practices. " (Liu Pai Lin, 1992).

Tao Master


In the introduction to his article Tao Masters: tradition, experience and ethnography (link between the "external pages"), José Bizerril Neto stressed that: "The idea of knowledge in Taoism is based on a pragmatic notion: it is known by experience personal embodied the legacy of tradition. "

Thus, it states that the Taoists lines "the achievements of longevity, health, grace, vivacity of spirit and spontaneity are understanding rates of Tao, of spiritual realization. The master literally embodies wisdom."

Speaking specifically about Liu, Bizerril makes the following statement: "At ninety-something, Liu Pai Lin was old, but without visible signs of decrepitude: the skin and still firm muscles, joints and flexible tendons, teeth good condition. bright eyes transpareciam a lively and quick intelligence. Able to work for hours as a doctor or speaker, seemingly running out. Part of his prestige derived from what he expressed constantly by the body. "

The title of Master Liu Pai Lin received not only refers to his teaching job or the degree to which it reached in Taoist practices, it is also a recognition given by the masters of the lines that belong to those who take to heart the mission of spreading knowledge of the Tao.

Beginning on Tao


As a child begins to study the Taoist arts with his great-uncle Liu Yunpu (Liu Yuen Pu), known in China as a Grand Master Taoist. Catherine Despeux in his translation of Alchemy Treaty and Medicine Taoist Zhao Bichen says that the Master author of this treatise was the second disciple of Liu Yunpu, which was "originating from the city of Titou, near Tianjin, Hebei Province . in his youth he practiced martial arts and traveled extensively throughout the country by implementing the Chinese chivalrous spirit. If set for a time as a merchant in Changpin district. I died 93 years. "

Liu commented that having read news dissemination on the Tui knowledge In the West from Westerners who learned the technique with students from his great-uncle is one of the reasons that led him to engage in the transmission of this type of therapy in Brazil.

Pursuing his studies, Liu was initiated in the following Taoists lines:

It belongs to the 11th generation of Dragon Gate lineage (龍 門派) (Longmen Pai) famous Inner Alchemy School of the Northern tradition of China. It was a direct disciple of Liao Kun (Liaokong Shizun);

It represents the 5th generation of the lineage of the Golden Mountain (金山 派) (Jinshan Pai). Photo of Tanbai Master (Laisheng Zhenren) was one of these in your workout space;

Kun Lun Shan Chien (崑崙 派). Taiwan was a direct disciple of Liu Peizhong (劉培 中). This Master is quoted by sinóloga Despeux to explain the circulation of energy methods in his book Tai-Chi Chuan:

martial art technique of long life .;

and Fuchow.

He learned from the longevo Li Ching-Yuen the supreme importance of empty farming (Wu Wei).

Liu emphasized that Taoism practiced and disclosed that he is not religious Taoism, nor is it the practice of a cult. His TRANSMISSION is a spiritual nature knowledge, where the tradition of a lineage and initiation are treated secular way. This distinction between Taoism as a religion (Taochiao) and as a philosophy of life (Taochia) is an old question in Chinese culture.



In Tai Chi Chuan is a disciple of two Grand Masters:

Yang Chengfu (楊澄甫), (1883–1936), who studied the Yang Style;

and Chang Chin Ling (Zhang Qin Ling, 張欽 霖) (1887-1967 ~), who taught him beyond the Yang Style another Taoist style.

During the time he served as military, Liu Pai Lin used to receive and talk to practitioners of different spiritual traditions and forms of Chinese martial arts.

The coming of Liu to Brazil in 1975 and his work of dissemination of Tai Chi Chuan can be considered as part of a diaspora that released this tradition throughout the world. Other examples of this movement are your training brothers (term that means sharing Masters) Ma Tsun Kuen (馬 存 坤), which in 1973 moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Cheng Man Ching, who in 1964 was transferred to New York, USA.

Liu Pai Lin received in 1993 the title of Honorary President of the International Tai Chi Chuan Association of Taiwan (ROC), diploma offered by Yang Zhen Yu (楊玉振) and Wang Yen Nien (王 延年).

Military Carrer


China joined the 17 years in Huang Pu Military Academy (黃埔 軍校, pinyin Huangpu Junxiao), which is formed especially in 1928, the 6th class of this renowned school.

Military career reaches the rank of general, coming to command 60,000 men. During this period of his life he sought to use his knowledge of Taoism to benefit his men.

Liu Pai Lin serves the Chinese army during a period of great conflict. Since 1937 China and Japan are involved in the Second Sino-Japanese War, the war continued in the Second World War, and even with its ending the conflict continues because of the Chinese Civil War, related to the Communist Revolution led by Mao Zedong (毛澤東).

This real combat experience deepens his understanding that in an age where battles are fought with modern weapons ranging from machine guns to atomic bombs does not make sense to learn Tai Chi Chuan just to win an external enemy.

Suffers seven major injuries in war, being the worst in the knees. Rallies by the Taoists training practicing daily.

In 1948 it is called by Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) to participate in the withdrawal of the Republicans to Taiwan.

See also


Category:Chinese Taoists