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Family Trochilidae - Hummingbirds [1]

Sequence within Trochilidae follows McGuire et al. (2014); Stiles et al. (2017b); Licona-Vera & Ornelas (2017). Revised classification of Trochilini follows McGuire et al. (2014); Stiles et al. (2017b); Hernández-Baños et al. (2020); SACC; AOS-NACC (2020-A-02, 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01). New sequence and generic allocations of Trochilinae based on McGuire et al. (2014) accepted by Chesser et al. (2020), NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-A-03.

Trochilidae   genera: 112
Trochilidae   species: 366
Trochilidae   subspecies: 501

Trochilidae   Breeding Range: SA, MA, NA [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Crimson topaz Topaza pella (Linnaeus, 1758) SA Linn 1758 1
Fiery topaz Topaza pyra (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 2
White-necked jacobin Florisuga mellivora (Linnaeus, 1758) MA SA Linn 1758 3
Black jacobin Florisuga fusca (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 4
White-tipped sicklebill Eutoxeres aquila (Bourcier, 1847) MA SA Bour 1847 5
Buff-tailed sicklebill Eutoxeres condamini (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 6
Saw-billed hermit Ramphodon naevius (Dumont, 1818) SA Dumo 1818 7
Hook-billed hermit Glaucis dohrnii (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1852) SA Bour 1852 8
Bronzy hermit Glaucis aeneus Lawrence, 1868 MA SA Lawr 1868 9
Rufous-breasted hermit Glaucis hirsutus (Gmelin, JF, 1788) MA SA Gmel 1788 10
Band-tailed barbthroat Threnetes ruckeri (Bourcier, 1847) MA SA Bour 1847 11
Pale-tailed barbthroat Threnetes leucurus (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 12
Sooty barbthroat Threnetes niger (Linnaeus, 1758) SA Linn 1758 13
Broad-tipped hermit Anopetia gounellei (Boucard, 1891) SA Bouc 1891 14
Dusky-throated hermit Phaethornis squalidus (Temminck, 1822) SA Temm 1822 15
Streak-throated hermit Phaethornis rupurumii Boucard, 1892 SA Bouc 1892 16
Little hermit Phaethornis longuemareus (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 17
Tapajos hermit Phaethornis aethopygus Zimmer, JT, 1950 SA Zimm 1950 18
Minute hermit Phaethornis idaliae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1856) SA Bour 1856 19
Cinnamon-throated hermit Phaethornis nattereri Berlepsch, 1887 SA Berl 1887 20
Black-throated hermit Phaethornis atrimentalis Lawrence, 1858 SA Lawr 1858 21
Stripe-throated hermit Phaethornis striigularis Gould, 1854 MA SA Goul 1854 22
Grey-chinned hermit Phaethornis griseogularis Gould, 1851 SA Goul 1851 23
Reddish hermit Phaethornis ruber (Linnaeus, 1758) SA Linn 1758 24
White-browed hermit Phaethornis stuarti Hartert, EJO, 1897 SA Hart 1897 25
Buff-bellied hermit Phaethornis subochraceus Todd, 1915 SA Todd 1915 26
Sooty-capped hermit Phaethornis augusti (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 27
Planalto hermit Phaethornis pretrei (Lesson, RP & Delattre, 1839) SA Less 1839 28
Scale-throated hermit Phaethornis eurynome (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 29
Pale-bellied hermit Phaethornis anthophilus (Bourcier, 1843) MA SA Bour 1843 30
White-bearded hermit Phaethornis hispidus (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 31
White-whiskered hermit Phaethornis yaruqui (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 32
Green hermit Phaethornis guy (Lesson, RP, 1833) MA SA Less 1833 33
Tawny-bellied hermit Phaethornis syrmatophorus Gould, 1852 SA Goul 1852 34
Koepcke's hermit Phaethornis koepckeae Weske & Terborgh, 1977 SA Wesk 1977 35
Needle-billed hermit Phaethornis philippii (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 36
Straight-billed hermit Phaethornis bourcieri (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 37
Mexican hermit Phaethornis mexicanus Hartert, EJO, 1897 MA Hart 1897 38
Long-billed hermit Phaethornis longirostris (Delattre, 1843) MA SA Dela 1843 39
Long-tailed hermit Phaethornis superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 40
Great-billed hermit Phaethornis malaris (Nordmann, 1835) SA Nord 1835 41
Green-fronted lancebill Doryfera ludovicae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1847) MA SA Bour 1847 42
Blue-fronted lancebill Doryfera johannae (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 43
White-throated daggerbill Schistes albogularis Gould, 1852 SA Goul 1852 44
Geoffroy's daggerbill Schistes geoffroyi (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 45
Hyacinth visorbearer Augastes scutatus (Temminck, 1824) SA Temm 1824 46
Hooded visorbearer Augastes lumachella (Lesson, RP, 1839) SA Less 1839 47
Brown violetear Colibri delphinae (Lesson, RP, 1839) MA SA Less 1839 48
Mexican violetear Colibri thalassinus (Swainson, 1827) MA Swai 1827 49
Lesser violetear Colibri cyanotus (Bourcier, 1843) MA SA Bour 1843 50
Sparkling violetear Colibri coruscans (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 51
White-vented violetear Colibri serrirostris (Vieillot, 1816) SA Viei 1816 52
Tooth-billed hummingbird Androdon aequatorialis Gould, 1863 MA SA Goul 1863 53
Horned sungem Heliactin bilophus (Temminck, 1820) SA Temm 1820 54
Purple-crowned fairy Heliothryx barroti (Bourcier, 1843) MA SA Bour 1843 55
Black-eared fairy Heliothryx auritus (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 56
White-tailed goldenthroat Polytmus guainumbi (Pallas, 1764) SA Pall 1764 57
Tepui goldenthroat Polytmus milleri (Chapman, 1929) SA Chap 1929 58
Green-tailed goldenthroat Polytmus theresiae (Da Silva Maia, 1843) SA Da S 1843 59
Fiery-tailed awlbill Avocettula recurvirostris (Swainson, 1822) SA Swai 1822 60
Ruby-topaz hummingbird Chrysolampis mosquitus (Linnaeus, 1758) MA SA Linn 1758 61
Jamaican mango Anthracothorax mango (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 62
Green-throated mango Anthracothorax viridigula (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 63
Green-breasted mango Anthracothorax prevostii (Lesson, RP, 1832) MA SA Less 1832 64
Veraguan mango Anthracothorax veraguensis Reichenbach, 1855 MA Reic 1855 65
Black-throated mango Anthracothorax nigricollis (Vieillot, 1817) MA SA Viei 1817 66
Hispaniolan mango Anthracothorax dominicus (Linnaeus, 1766) NA Linn 1766 67
Puerto Rican mango Anthracothorax aurulentus (Audebert & Vieillot, 1801) NA Aude 1801 68
Green mango Anthracothorax viridis (Audebert & Vieillot, 1801) NA Aude 1801 69
Green-throated carib Eulampis holosericeus (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 70
Purple-throated carib Eulampis jugularis (Linnaeus, 1766) NA Linn 1766 71
Orange-throated sunangel Heliangelus mavors Gould, 1848 SA Goul 1848 72
Amethyst-throated sunangel Heliangelus amethysticollis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1838) SA Orbi 1838 73
Longuemare's sunangel Heliangelus clarisse (Longuemare, 1841) SA Long 1841 74
Merida sunangel Heliangelus spencei (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 75
Gorgeted sunangel Heliangelus strophianus (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 76
Tourmaline sunangel Heliangelus exortis (Fraser, 1840) SA Fras 1840 77
Flame-throated sunangel Heliangelus micraster Gould, 1872 SA Goul 1872 78
Purple-throated sunangel Heliangelus viola Gould, 1853 SA Goul 1853 79
Royal sunangel Heliangelus regalis Fitzpatrick, Willard & Terborgh, 1979 SA Fitz 1979 80
Green-backed firecrown Sephanoides sephaniodes (Lesson, RP & Garnot, 1827) SA Less 1827 81
Juan Fernandez firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis (King, PP, 1831) SA King 1831 82
Green thorntail Discosura conversii (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) MA SA Bour 1846 83
Wire-crested thorntail Discosura popelairii (Du Bus de Gisignies, 1846) SA Bus 1846 84
Black-bellied thorntail Discosura langsdorffi (Temminck, 1821) SA Temm 1821 85
Letitia's thorntail Discosura letitiae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1852) SA Bour 1852 86
Racket-tailed coquette Discosura longicaudus (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 87
Tufted coquette Lophornis ornatus (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 88
Dot-eared coquette Lophornis gouldii (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 89
Frilled coquette Lophornis magnificus (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 90
Short-crested coquette Lophornis brachylophus Moore, RT, 1949 MA Moor 1949 91
Rufous-crested coquette Lophornis delattrei (Lesson, RP, 1839) MA SA Less 1839 92
Spangled coquette Lophornis stictolophus Salvin & Elliot, DG, 1873 SA Salv 1873 93
Festive coquette Lophornis chalybeus (Temminck, 1821) SA Temm 1821 94
Butterfly coquette Lophornis verreauxii Bourcier, 1853 SA Bour 1853 95
Peacock coquette Lophornis pavoninus Salvin & Godman, 1882 SA Salv 1882 96
Black-crested coquette Lophornis helenae (Delattre, 1843) MA Dela 1843 97
White-crested coquette Lophornis adorabilis Salvin, 1870 MA Salv 1870 98
Ecuadorian piedtail Phlogophilus hemileucurus Gould, 1860 SA Goul 1860 99
Peruvian piedtail Phlogophilus harterti Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1901 SA Berl 1901 100
Speckled hummingbird Adelomyia melanogenys (Fraser, 1840) SA Fras 1840 101
Long-tailed sylph Aglaiocercus kingii (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 102
Violet-tailed sylph Aglaiocercus coelestis (Gould, 1861) SA Goul 1861 103
Venezuelan sylph Aglaiocercus berlepschi (Hartert, EJO, 1898) SA Hart 1898 104
Red-tailed comet Sappho sparganurus (Shaw, 1812) SA Shaw 1812 105
Bronze-tailed comet Polyonymus caroli (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 106
Grey-bellied comet Taphrolesbia griseiventris (Taczanowski, 1883) SA Tacz 1883 107
Andean hillstar Oreotrochilus estella (d'Orbigny, 1838) SA Orbi 1838 108
White-sided hillstar Oreotrochilus leucopleurus Gould, 1847 SA Goul 1847 109
Ecuadorian hillstar Oreotrochilus chimborazo (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 110
Blue-throated hillstar Oreotrochilus cyanolaemus Sornoza-Molina, Freile, Nilsson, J, Krabbe & Bonaccorso, 2018 SA Sorn 2018 111
Green-headed hillstar Oreotrochilus stolzmanni Salvin, 1895 SA Salv 1895 112
Black-breasted hillstar Oreotrochilus melanogaster Gould, 1847 SA Goul 1847 113
Wedge-tailed hillstar Oreotrochilus adela (d'Orbigny, 1838) SA Orbi 1838 114
Mountain avocetbill Opisthoprora euryptera (Loddiges, 1832) SA Lodd 1832 115
Black-tailed trainbearer Lesbia victoriae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) SA Bour 1846 116
Green-tailed trainbearer Lesbia nuna (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 117
Black-backed thornbill Ramphomicron dorsale Salvin & Godman, 1880 SA Salv 1880 118
Purple-backed thornbill Ramphomicron microrhynchum (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 119
Bearded mountaineer Oreonympha nobilis Gould, 1869 SA Goul 1869 120
Buffy helmetcrest Oxypogon stuebelii Meyer, AB, 1884 SA Meye 1884 121
Blue-bearded helmetcrest Oxypogon cyanolaemus Salvin & Godman, 1880 SA Salv 1880 122
White-bearded helmetcrest Oxypogon lindenii (Parzudaki, 1845) SA Parz 1845 123
Green-bearded helmetcrest Oxypogon guerinii (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 124
Bronze-tailed thornbill Chalcostigma heteropogon (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 125
Rainbow-bearded thornbill Chalcostigma herrani (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 126
Rufous-capped thornbill Chalcostigma ruficeps (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 127
Olivaceous thornbill Chalcostigma olivaceum (Lawrence, 1864) SA Lawr 1864 128
Blue-mantled thornbill Chalcostigma stanleyi (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 129
Tyrian metaltail Metallura tyrianthina (Loddiges, 1832) SA Lodd 1832 130
Perija metaltail Metallura iracunda Wetmore, 1946 SA Wetm 1946 131
Viridian metaltail Metallura williami (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 132
Violet-throated metaltail Metallura baroni Salvin, 1893 SA Salv 1893 133
Neblina metaltail Metallura odomae Graves, GR, 1980 SA Grav 1980 134
Coppery metaltail Metallura theresiae Simon, 1902 SA Simo 1902 135
Fiery-throated metaltail Metallura eupogon (Cabanis, 1874) SA Caba 1874 136
Scaled metaltail Metallura aeneocauda (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 137
Black metaltail Metallura phoebe (Lesson, RP & Delattre, 1839) SA Less 1839 138
Greenish puffleg Haplophaedia aureliae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) MA SA Bour 1846 139
Buff-thighed puffleg Haplophaedia assimilis (Elliot, DG, 1876) SA Elli 1876 140
Hoary puffleg Haplophaedia lugens (Gould, 1852) SA Goul 1852 141
Black-breasted puffleg Eriocnemis nigrivestis (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1852) SA Bour 1852 142
Gorgeted puffleg Eriocnemis isabellae Cortés-Diago, Ortega, Mazariegos-Hurtado & Weller, 2007 SA Cort 2007 143
Glowing puffleg Eriocnemis vestita (Lesson, RP, 1839) SA Less 1839 144
Black-thighed puffleg Eriocnemis derbyi (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 145
Turquoise-throated puffleg Eriocnemis godini (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 146
Coppery-bellied puffleg Eriocnemis cupreoventris (Fraser, 1840) SA Fras 1840 147
Sapphire-vented puffleg Eriocnemis luciani (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 148
Golden-breasted puffleg Eriocnemis mosquera (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 149
Blue-capped puffleg Eriocnemis glaucopoides (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1838) SA Orbi 1838 150
Colorful puffleg Eriocnemis mirabilis Meyer de Schauensee, 1967 SA Meye 1967 151
Emerald-bellied puffleg Eriocnemis aline (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 152
Marvelous spatuletail Loddigesia mirabilis (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 153
Shining sunbeam Aglaeactis cupripennis (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 154
White-tufted sunbeam Aglaeactis castelnaudii (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1848) SA Bour 1848 155
Purple-backed sunbeam Aglaeactis aliciae Salvin, 1896 SA Salv 1896 156
Black-hooded sunbeam Aglaeactis pamela (d'Orbigny, 1838) SA Orbi 1838 157
Bronzy inca Coeligena coeligena (Lesson, RP, 1833) SA Less 1833 158
Brown inca Coeligena wilsoni (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 159
Black inca Coeligena prunellei (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 160
Green inca Coeligena conradii (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 161
Collared inca Coeligena torquata (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 162
Gould's inca Coeligena inca (Gould, 1852) SA Goul 1852 163
Violet-throated starfrontlet Coeligena violifer (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 164
Rainbow starfrontlet Coeligena iris (Gould, 1853) SA Goul 1853 165
White-tailed starfrontlet Coeligena phalerata (Bangs, 1898) SA Bang 1898 166
Dusky starfrontlet Coeligena orina Wetmore, 1953 SA Wetm 1953 167
Buff-winged starfrontlet Coeligena lutetiae (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 168
Perija starfrontlet Coeligena consita Wetmore & Phelps, WH Jr, 1952 SA Wetm 1952 169
Golden-bellied starfrontlet Coeligena bonapartei (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 170
Golden-tailed starfrontlet Coeligena eos (Gould, 1848) SA Goul 1848 171
Blue-throated starfrontlet Coeligena helianthea (Lesson, RP, 1839) SA Less 1839 172
Mountain velvetbreast Lafresnaya lafresnayi (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 173
Sword-billed hummingbird Ensifera ensifera (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 174
Great sapphirewing Pterophanes cyanopterus (Fraser, 1840) SA Fras 1840 175
Buff-tailed coronet Boissonneaua flavescens (Loddiges, 1832) SA Lodd 1832 176
Chestnut-breasted coronet Boissonneaua matthewsii (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 177
Velvet-purple coronet Boissonneaua jardini (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 178
White-booted racket-tail Ocreatus underwoodii (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 179
Peruvian racket-tail Ocreatus peruanus (Gould, 1849) SA Goul 1849 180
Rufous-booted racket-tail Ocreatus addae (Bourcier, 1846) SA Bour 1846 181
Rufous-gaped hillstar Urochroa bougueri (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 182
Green-backed hillstar Urochroa leucura Lawrence, 1864 SA Lawr 1864 183
Purple-bibbed whitetip Urosticte benjamini (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 184
Rufous-vented whitetip Urosticte ruficrissa Lawrence, 1864 SA Lawr 1864 185
Velvet-browed brilliant Heliodoxa xanthogonys Salvin & Godman, 1882 SA Salv 1882 186
Pink-throated brilliant Heliodoxa gularis (Gould, 1860) SA Goul 1860 187
Rufous-webbed brilliant Heliodoxa branickii (Taczanowski, 1874) SA Tacz 1874 188
Black-throated brilliant Heliodoxa schreibersii (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 189
Gould's jewelfront Heliodoxa aurescens (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 190
Fawn-breasted brilliant Heliodoxa rubinoides (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) SA Bour 1846 191
Green-crowned brilliant Heliodoxa jacula Gould, 1850 MA SA Goul 1850 192
Empress brilliant Heliodoxa imperatrix (Gould, 1856) SA Goul 1856 193
Violet-fronted brilliant Heliodoxa leadbeateri (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 194
Brazilian ruby Heliodoxa rubricauda (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 195
Giant hummingbird Patagona gigas (Vieillot, 1824) SA Viei 1824 196
Violet-chested hummingbird Sternoclyta cyanopectus (Gould, 1846) SA Goul 1846 197
Scissor-tailed hummingbird Hylonympha macrocerca Gould, 1873 SA Goul 1873 198
Rivoli's hummingbird Eugenes fulgens (Swainson, 1827) MA NA Swai 1827 199
Talamanca hummingbird Eugenes spectabilis (Lawrence, 1867) MA Lawr 1867 200
Fiery-throated hummingbird Panterpe insignis Cabanis & Heine, 1860 MA Caba 1860 201
Long-billed starthroat Heliomaster longirostris (Audebert & Vieillot, 1801) MA SA Aude 1801 202
Plain-capped starthroat Heliomaster constantii (Delattre, 1843) MA Dela 1843 203
Stripe-breasted starthroat Heliomaster squamosus (Temminck, 1823) SA Temm 1823 204
Blue-tufted starthroat Heliomaster furcifer (Shaw, 1812) SA Shaw 1812 205
White-bellied mountaingem Lampornis hemileucus (Salvin, 1865) MA Salv 1865 206
Blue-throated mountaingem Lampornis clemenciae (Lesson, RP, 1830) MA NA Less 1830 207
Amethyst-throated mountaingem Lampornis amethystinus Swainson, 1827 MA Swai 1827 208
Green-throated mountaingem Lampornis viridipallens (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) MA Bour 1846 209
Green-breasted mountaingem Lampornis sybillae (Salvin & Godman, 1892) MA Salv 1892 210
Purple-throated mountaingem Lampornis calolaemus (Salvin, 1865) MA Salv 1865 211
Grey-tailed mountaingem Lampornis cinereicauda (Lawrence, 1867) MA Lawr 1867 212
White-throated mountaingem Lampornis castaneoventris (Gould, 1851) MA Goul 1851 213
Garnet-throated hummingbird Lamprolaima rhami (Lesson, RP, 1839) MA Less 1839 214
Amethyst woodstar Calliphlox amethystina (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 215
Purple-collared woodstar Myrtis fanny (Lesson, RP, 1838) SA Less 1838 216
Oasis hummingbird Rhodopis vesper (Lesson, RP, 1829) SA Less 1829 217
Short-tailed woodstar Myrmia micrura (Gould, 1854) SA Goul 1854 218
Peruvian sheartail Thaumastura cora (Lesson, RP & Garnot, 1827) SA Less 1827 219
Magenta-throated woodstar Philodice bryantae (Lawrence, 1867) MA Lawr 1867 220
Purple-throated woodstar Philodice mitchellii (Bourcier, 1847) MA SA Bour 1847 221
Chilean woodstar Eulidia yarrellii (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 222
Slender-tailed woodstar Microstilbon burmeisteri (Sclater, PL, 1888) SA Scla 1888 223
White-bellied woodstar Chaetocercus mulsant (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 224
Little woodstar Chaetocercus bombus Gould, 1871 SA Goul 1871 225
Gorgeted woodstar Chaetocercus heliodor (Bourcier, 1840) SA Bour 1840 226
Santa Marta woodstar Chaetocercus astreans (Bangs, 1899) SA Bang 1899 227
Esmeraldas woodstar Chaetocercus berlepschi Simon, 1889 SA Simo 1889 228
Rufous-shafted woodstar Chaetocercus jourdanii (Bourcier, 1839) SA Bour 1839 229
Sparkling-tailed woodstar Tilmatura dupontii (Lesson, RP, 1832) MA Less 1832 230
Slender sheartail Doricha enicura (Vieillot, 1818) MA Viei 1818 231
Mexican sheartail Doricha eliza (Lesson, RP & Delattre, 1839) MA Less 1839 232
Lucifer sheartail Calothorax lucifer (Swainson, 1827) NA Swai 1827 233
Beautiful sheartail Calothorax pulcher Gould, 1859 MA Goul 1859 234
Black-chinned hummingbird Archilochus alexandri (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) NA Bour 1846 235
Ruby-throated hummingbird Archilochus colubris (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 236
Vervain hummingbird Mellisuga minima (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 237
Bee hummingbird Mellisuga helenae (Lembeye, 1850) NA Lemb 1850 238
Bahama woodstar Nesophlox evelynae (Bourcier, 1847) NA Bour 1847 239
Inagua woodstar Nesophlox lyrura (Gould, 1869) NA Goul 1869 240
Anna's hummingbird Calypte anna (Lesson, RP, 1829) NA Less 1829 241
Costa's hummingbird Calypte costae (Bourcier, 1839) MA NA Bour 1839 242
Calliope hummingbird Selasphorus calliope (Gould, 1847) NA Goul 1847 243
Rufous hummingbird Selasphorus rufus (Gmelin, JF, 1788) NA Gmel 1788 244
Allen's hummingbird Selasphorus sasin (Lesson, RP, 1829) NA Less 1829 245
Broad-tailed hummingbird Selasphorus platycercus (Swainson, 1827) NA Swai 1827 246
Bumblebee hummingbird Selasphorus heloisa (Lesson, RP & Delattre, 1839) MA Less 1839 247
Wine-throated hummingbird Selasphorus ellioti (Ridgway, 1878) MA Ridg 1878 248
Volcano hummingbird Selasphorus flammula Salvin, 1865 MA Salv 1865 249
Scintillant hummingbird Selasphorus scintilla (Gould, 1851) MA Goul 1851 250
Glow-throated hummingbird Selasphorus ardens Salvin, 1870 MA Salv 1870 251
Dusky hummingbird Phaeoptila sordida (Gould, 1859) MA Goul 1859 252
Cuban emerald Riccordia ricordii (Gervais, 1835) NA Gerv 1835 253
Brace's emerald Riccordia bracei (Lawrence, 1877) NA Lawr 1877 254
Hispaniolan emerald Riccordia swainsonii (Lesson, RP, 1829) NA Less 1829 255
Puerto Rican emerald Riccordia maugaeus (Audebert & Vieillot, 1801) NA Aude 1801 256
Blue-headed hummingbird Riccordia bicolor (Gmelin, JF, 1788) NA Gmel 1788 257
Broad-billed hummingbird Cynanthus latirostris Swainson, 1827 MA NA Swai 1827 258
Tres Marias hummingbird Cynanthus lawrencei (Berlepsch, 1887) MA Berl 1887 259
Turquoise-crowned hummingbird Cynanthus doubledayi (Bourcier, 1847) MA Bour 1847 260
Golden-crowned emerald Cynanthus auriceps (Gould, 1852) MA Goul 1852 261
Cozumel emerald Cynanthus forficatus (Ridgway, 1885) MA Ridg 1885 262
Canivet's emerald Cynanthus canivetii (Lesson, RP, 1832) MA Less 1832 263
Garden emerald Chlorostilbon assimilis Lawrence, 1861 MA Lawr 1861 264
Western emerald Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus Gould, 1860 SA Goul 1860 265
Red-billed emerald Chlorostilbon gibsoni (Fraser, 1840) SA Fras 1840 266
Blue-tailed emerald Chlorostilbon mellisugus (Linnaeus, 1758) SA Linn 1758 267
Chiribiquete emerald Chlorostilbon olivaresi Stiles, 1996 SA Stil 1996 268
Glittering-bellied emerald Chlorostilbon lucidus (Shaw, 1812) SA Shaw 1812 269
Coppery emerald Chlorostilbon russatus (Salvin & Godman, 1881) SA Salv 1881 270
Narrow-tailed emerald Chlorostilbon stenurus (Cabanis & Heine, 1860) SA Caba 1860 271
Green-tailed emerald Chlorostilbon alice (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1848) SA Bour 1848 272
Short-tailed emerald Chlorostilbon poortmani (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 273
White-eared hummingbird Basilinna leucotis (Vieillot, 1818) MA Viei 1818 274
Xantus's hummingbird Basilinna xantusii (Lawrence, 1860) MA Lawr 1860 275
Curve-winged sabrewing Pampa curvipennis (Deppe, 1830) MA Depp 1830 276
Wedge-tailed sabrewing Pampa pampa (Lesson, RP, 1832) MA Less 1832 277
Rufous sabrewing Pampa rufa (Lesson, RP, 1840) MA Less 1840 278
Emerald-chinned hummingbird Abeillia abeillei (Lesson, RP & Delattre, 1839) MA Less 1839 279
Violet-headed hummingbird Klais guimeti (Bourcier, 1843) MA SA Bour 1843 280
Antillean crested hummingbird Orthorhyncus cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 281
Santa Marta blossomcrown Anthocephala floriceps (Gould, 1853) SA Goul 1853 282
Tolima blossomcrown Anthocephala berlepschi Salvin, 1893 SA Salv 1893 283
Green-crowned plovercrest Stephanoxis lalandi (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 284
Purple-crowned plovercrest Stephanoxis loddigesii (Vigors, 1831) SA Vigo 1831 285
Grey-breasted sabrewing Campylopterus largipennis (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 286
Outcrop sabrewing Campylopterus calcirupicola Lopes, de Vasconcelos & Gonzaga, 2017 SA Lope 2017 287
Diamantina sabrewing Campylopterus diamantinensis Ruschi, 1963 SA Rusc 1963 288
Rufous-breasted sabrewing Campylopterus hyperythrus Cabanis, 1849 SA Caba 1849 289
White-tailed sabrewing Campylopterus ensipennis (Swainson, 1822) SA Swai 1822 290
Lazuline sabrewing Campylopterus falcatus (Swainson, 1821) SA Swai 1821 291
Santa Marta sabrewing Campylopterus phainopeplus Salvin & Godman, 1879 SA Salv 1879 292
Violet sabrewing Campylopterus hemileucurus (Deppe, 1830) MA Depp 1830 293
Buff-breasted sabrewing Campylopterus duidae Chapman, 1929 SA Chap 1929 294
Napo sabrewing Campylopterus villaviscensio (Bourcier, 1851) SA Bour 1851 295
Bronze-tailed plumeleteer Chalybura urochrysia (Gould, 1861) MA SA Goul 1861 296
White-vented plumeleteer Chalybura buffonii (Lesson, RP, 1832) MA SA Less 1832 297
Crowned woodnymph Thalurania colombica (Bourcier, 1843) MA SA Bour 1843 298
Fork-tailed woodnymph Thalurania furcata (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 299
Long-tailed woodnymph Thalurania watertonii (Bourcier, 1847) SA Bour 1847 300
Violet-capped woodnymph Thalurania glaucopis (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 301
Snowcap Microchera albocoronata (Lawrence, 1855) MA Lawr 1855 302
Coppery-headed emerald Microchera cupreiceps (Lawrence, 1866) MA Lawr 1866 303
White-tailed emerald Microchera chionura (Gould, 1851) MA Goul 1851 304
Violet-capped hummingbird Goldmania violiceps Nelson, 1911 MA SA Nels 1911 305
Pirre hummingbird Goldmania bella (Nelson, 1912) MA SA Nels 1912 306
Mexican woodnymph Eupherusa ridgwayi (Nelson, 1900) MA Nels 1900 307
White-tailed hummingbird Eupherusa poliocerca Elliot, DG, 1871 MA Elli 1871 308
Oaxaca hummingbird Eupherusa cyanophrys Rowley, JS & Orr, 1964 MA Rowl 1964 309
Stripe-tailed hummingbird Eupherusa eximia (Delattre, 1843) MA Dela 1843 310
Black-bellied hummingbird Eupherusa nigriventris Lawrence, 1868 MA Lawr 1868 311
Scaly-breasted hummingbird Phaeochroa cuvierii (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) MA SA Dela 1846 312
Buffy hummingbird Leucippus fallax (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 313
Tumbes hummingbird Thaumasius baeri (Simon, 1901) SA Simo 1901 314
Spot-throated hummingbird Thaumasius taczanowskii Sclater, PL, 1879 SA Scla 1879 315
Many-spotted hummingbird Taphrospilus hypostictus (Gould, 1862) SA Goul 1862 316
Swallow-tailed hummingbird Eupetomena macroura (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 317
Sombre hummingbird Eupetomena cirrochloris (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 318
Olive-spotted hummingbird Talaphorus chlorocercus (Gould, 1866) SA Goul 1866 319
Red-billed streamertail Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus, 1758 NA Linn 1758 320
Black-billed streamertail Trochilus scitulus (Brewster & Bangs, 1901) NA Brew 1901 321
Violet-crowned hummingbird Ramosomyia violiceps (Gould, 1859) MA NA Goul 1859 322
Green-fronted hummingbird Ramosomyia viridifrons (Elliot, DG, 1871) MA Elli 1871 323
Cinnamon-sided hummingbird Ramosomyia wagneri (Phillips, AR, 1966) MA Phil 1966 324
Azure-crowned hummingbird Saucerottia cyanocephala (Lesson, RP, 1830) MA Less 1830 325
Blue-vented hummingbird Saucerottia hoffmanni (Cabanis & Heine, 1860) MA Caba 1860 326
Berylline hummingbird Saucerottia beryllina (Deppe, 1830) MA Depp 1830 327
Blue-tailed hummingbird Saucerottia cyanura (Gould, 1859) MA Goul 1859 328
Snowy-bellied hummingbird Saucerottia edward (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) MA Dela 1846 329
Steely-vented hummingbird Saucerottia saucerottei (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 330
Indigo-capped hummingbird Saucerottia cyanifrons (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 331
Chestnut-bellied hummingbird Saucerottia castaneiventris (Gould, 1856) SA Goul 1856 332
Green-bellied hummingbird Saucerottia viridigaster (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 333
Copper-tailed hummingbird Saucerottia cupreicauda (Salvin & Godman, 1884) SA Salv 1884 334
Copper-rumped hummingbird Saucerottia tobaci (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 335
Cinnamon hummingbird Amazilia rutila (Delattre, 1843) MA Dela 1843 336
Buff-bellied hummingbird Amazilia yucatanensis (Cabot, S, 1845) MA Cabo 1845 337
Rufous-tailed hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl (de la Llave, 1833) MA SA la L 1833 338
Honduran emerald Amazilia luciae (Lawrence, 1868) MA Lawr 1868 339
Mangrove hummingbird Amazilia boucardi (Mulsant, 1877) MA Muls 1877 340
Amazilia hummingbird Amazilis amazilia (Lesson, RP & Garnot, 1827) SA Less 1827 341
Andean emerald Uranomitra franciae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) SA Bour 1846 342
Shining-green hummingbird Chrysuronia goudoti (Bourcier, 1843) SA Bour 1843 343
Golden-tailed sapphire Chrysuronia oenone (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 344
Versicolored emerald Chrysuronia versicolor (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 345
Sapphire-throated hummingbird Chrysuronia coeruleogularis (Gould, 1851) MA SA Goul 1851 346
Sapphire-bellied hummingbird Chrysuronia lilliae (Stone, 1917) SA Ston 1917 347
Humboldt's sapphire Chrysuronia humboldtii (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1852) MA SA Bour 1852 348
Blue-headed sapphire Chrysuronia grayi (Delattre & Bourcier, 1846) SA Dela 1846 349
White-chested emerald Chrysuronia brevirostris (Lesson, RP, 1829) SA Less 1829 350
Plain-bellied emerald Chrysuronia leucogaster (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 351
White-throated hummingbird Leucochloris albicollis (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 352
Glittering-throated emerald Chionomesa fimbriata (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 353
Sapphire-spangled emerald Chionomesa lactea (Lesson, RP, 1832) SA Less 1832 354
Rufous-throated sapphire Hylocharis sapphirina (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 355
Gilded sapphire Hylocharis chrysura (Shaw, 1812) SA Shaw 1812 356
White-bellied hummingbird Elliotomyia chionogaster (Tschudi, 1846) SA Tsch 1846 357
Green-and-white hummingbird Elliotomyia viridicauda (Berlepsch, 1883) SA Berl 1883 358
Blue-chested hummingbird Polyerata amabilis (Gould, 1853) MA SA Goul 1853 359
Charming hummingbird Polyerata decora Salvin, 1891 MA Salv 1891 360
Purple-chested hummingbird Polyerata rosenbergi Boucard, 1895 SA Bouc 1895 361
White-bellied emerald Chlorestes candida (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) MA Bour 1846 362
Blue-throated sapphire Chlorestes eliciae (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) MA SA Bour 1846 363
White-chinned sapphire Chlorestes cyanus (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 364
Violet-bellied hummingbird Chlorestes julie (Bourcier, 1843) MA SA Bour 1843 365
Blue-chinned sapphire Chlorestes notata (Reich, 1793) SA Reic 1793 366

Trochilidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Topaza Gray, GR, 1840 2 SA Gray 1840 1 Topaza and Florisuga are basal genera within Trochilidae (Altshuler et al. 2004; McGuire et al. 2014).
Florisuga Bonaparte, 1850 2 MA SA Bona 1850 2
Eutoxeres Reichenbach, 1849 2 MA SA Reic 1849 3
Ramphodon Lesson, RP, 1830 1 SA Less 1830 4
Glaucis Boie, F, 1831 3 MA SA Boie 1831 5
Threnetes Gould, 1852 3 MA SA Goul 1852 6
Anopetia Simon, 1918 1 SA Simo 1918 7
Phaethornis Swainson, 1827 27 MA SA Swai 1827 8
Doryfera Gould, 1847 2 MA SA Goul 1847 9
Schistes Gould, 1852 2 SA Goul 1852 10
Augastes Gould, 1849 2 SA Goul 1849 11
Colibri Spix, 1824 5 MA SA Spix 1824 12
Androdon Gould, 1863 1 MA SA Goul 1863 13
Heliactin Boie, F, 1831 1 SA Boie 1831 14
Heliothryx Boie, F, 1831 2 MA SA Boie 1831 15
Polytmus Brisson, 1760 3 SA Bris 1760 16
Avocettula Reichenbach, 1849 1 SA Reic 1849 17
Chrysolampis Boie, F, 1831 1 MA SA Boie 1831 18
Anthracothorax Boie, F, 1831 8 NA MA SA Boie 1831 19
Eulampis Boie, F, 1831 2 NA Boie 1831 20 The phylogenetic study of McGuire et al. (2014) shows that Eulampis is embedded in Anthracothorax. NACC would require a proposal to merge the genera.
Heliangelus Gould, 1848 9 SA Goul 1848 21 Bogota Sunangel Heliangelus zusii, currently recognized by the SACC, is here regarded as a hybrid specimen, of which one of the parents is likely Aglaiocercus kingi (Pérez-Emán et al. 2018).
Sephanoides Gray, GR, 1840 2 SA Gray 1840 22
Discosura Bonaparte, 1850 5 MA SA Bona 1850 23 Popelairia is now merged into Discosura (Schuchmann 1999; SACC).
Lophornis Lesson, RP, 1829 11 MA SA Less 1829 24
Phlogophilus Gould, 1860 2 SA Goul 1860 25
Adelomyia Bonaparte, 1854 1 SA Bona 1854 26
Aglaiocercus Zimmer, JT, 1930 3 SA Zimm 1930 27
Sappho Reichenbach, 1849 1 SA Reic 1849 28
Polyonymus Heine, 1863 1 SA Hein 1863 29
Taphrolesbia Simon, 1918 1 SA Simo 1918 30
Oreotrochilus Gould, 1847 7 SA Goul 1847 31
Opisthoprora Cabanis & Heine, 1860 1 SA Caba 1860 32
Lesbia Lesson, RP, 1833 2 SA Less 1833 33
Ramphomicron Bonaparte, 1850 2 SA Bona 1850 34
Oreonympha Gould, 1869 1 SA Goul 1869 35
Oxypogon Gould, 1848 4 SA Goul 1848 36
Chalcostigma Reichenbach, 1854 5 SA Reic 1854 37 McGuire et al. (2014) show that Chalcostigma is paraphyletic with respect to Oxypogon and Oreonympha. Merger of all three genera into Oxypogon would require SACC proposal.
Metallura Gould, 1847 9 SA Goul 1847 38
Haplophaedia Simon, 1918 3 MA SA Simo 1918 39
Eriocnemis Reichenbach, 1849 11 SA Reic 1849 40
Loddigesia Bonaparte, 1850 1 SA Bona 1850 41
Aglaeactis Gould, 1848 4 SA Goul 1848 42
Coeligena Lesson, RP, 1833 15 SA Less 1833 43
Lafresnaya Bonaparte, 1850 1 SA Bona 1850 44
Ensifera Lesson, RP, 1843 1 SA Less 1843 45
Pterophanes Gould, 1849 1 SA Goul 1849 46
Boissonneaua Reichenbach, 1854 3 SA Reic 1854 47
Ocreatus Gould, 1846 3 SA Goul 1846 48
Urochroa Gould, 1856 2 SA Goul 1856 49
Urosticte Gould, 1853 2 SA Goul 1853 50
Heliodoxa Gould, 1850 10 MA SA Goul 1850 51
Patagona Gray, GR, 1840 1 SA Gray 1840 52
Sternoclyta Gould, 1858 1 SA Goul 1858 53
Hylonympha Gould, 1873 1 SA Goul 1873 54
Eugenes Gould, 1856 2 NA MA Goul 1856 55
Panterpe Cabanis & Heine, 1860 1 MA Caba 1860 56
Heliomaster Bonaparte, 1850 4 MA SA Bona 1850 57
Lampornis Swainson, 1827 8 NA MA Swai 1827 58 Linear sequence of Lampornis follows the phylogenies of Garcia-Moreno et al. (2006) and McGuire et al. (2014). Proposal needed to update NACC sequence of Lampornis.
Lamprolaima Reichenbach, 1854 1 MA Reic 1854 59
Calliphlox Boie, F, 1831 1 SA Boie 1831 60 Calliphlox is treated as a monotypic genus which is basal to the entire "South American" bee hummingbird clade (McGuire et al. 2014; Licona-Vera & Ornelas 2017).
Myrtis Reichenbach, 1854 1 SA Reic 1854 61
Rhodopis Reichenbach, 1854 1 SA Reic 1854 62
Myrmia Mulsant, 1876 1 SA Muls 1876 63
Thaumastura Bonaparte, 1850 1 SA Bona 1850 64
Philodice Mulsant, Verreaux, J & Verreaux, É, 1866 2 MA SA Muls 1866 65 Philodice is resurrected for two species of woodstar which were formerly included in Calliphlox, to avoid paraphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; Licona-Vera & Ornelas 2017; SACC 886; NACC 2021-A-12; Chesser et al. 2021).
Eulidia Mulsant, 1877 1 SA Muls 1877 66
Microstilbon Todd, 1913 1 SA Todd 1913 67
Chaetocercus Gray, GR, 1855 6 SA Gray 1855 68
Tilmatura Reichenbach, 1854 1 MA Reic 1854 69
Doricha Reichenbach, 1854 2 MA Reic 1854 70
Calothorax Gray, GR, 1840 2 NA MA Gray 1840 71
Archilochus Reichenbach, 1854 2 NA Reic 1854 72
Mellisuga Brisson, 1760 2 NA Bris 1760 73
Nesophlox Ridgway, 1910 2 NA Ridg 1910 74 Resurrect Nesophlox for two species (evelynae and lyrura) formerly assigned to Calliphlox to avoid polyphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; Licona-Vera & Ornelas 2017; NACC 2019-D-14).
Calypte Gould, 1856 2 NA MA Goul 1856 75
Selasphorus Swainson, 1832 9 NA MA Swai 1832 76
Phaeoptila Gould, 1861 1 MA Goul 1861 77
Riccordia Reichenbach, 1854 5 NA Reic 1854 78 Greater Antillean emerald clade is removed from Chlorostilbon and placed in resurrected Riccordia to eliminate polyphyly (NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Cynanthus Swainson, 1827 6 NA MA Swai 1827 79 Generic limits of Cynanthus revised to include the canivetii group formerly included in Chlorostilbon (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Chlorostilbon Gould, 1853 10 MA SA Goul 1853 80 Sequence of Chlorostilbon and Cynanthus is based on Hernández-Baños et al. (2020).
Basilinna Boie, F, 1831 2 MA Boie 1831 81
Pampa Reichenbach, 1854 3 MA Reic 1854 82 Campylopterus s.l. is polyphyletic; removal of four northern Middle American species to Pampa resolves polyphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01). Note gender.
Abeillia Bonaparte, 1850 1 MA Bona 1850 83
Klais Reichenbach, 1854 1 MA SA Reic 1854 84
Orthorhyncus Lacépède, 1799 1 NA Lacé 1799 85
Anthocephala Cabanis & Heine, 1860 2 SA Caba 1860 86
Stephanoxis Simon, 1897 2 SA Simo 1897 87
Campylopterus Swainson, 1827 10 MA SA Swai 1827 88 Campylopterus s.l. is polyphyletic; removal of four northern Middle American species to Pampa resolves polyphyly (NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01). Those species not included in McGuire et al. (2014).
Chalybura Reichenbach, 1854 2 MA SA Reic 1854 89
Thalurania Gould, 1848 4 MA SA Goul 1848 90
Microchera Gould, 1858 3 MA Goul 1858 91 The two species of Elvira are now subsumed within formerly monotypic Microchera due to short branch lengths (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC-2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Goldmania Nelson, 1911 2 MA SA Nels 1911 92 Monotypic Goethalsia is merged into formerly monotypic Goldmania due to rather short branch length and overall similarity (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC-2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Eupherusa Gould, 1857 5 MA Goul 1857 93
Phaeochroa Gould, 1861 1 MA SA Goul 1861 94
Leucippus Bonaparte, 1850 1 SA Bona 1850 95 Recent molecular studies show that Leucippus, as previously treated, is polyphyletic. Revise classification of Leucippus to a monotypic genus with split of Thaumasius and Talaphorus (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Thaumasius Sclater, PL, 1879 2 SA Scla 1879 96 To resolve polyphyly in Leucippus, resurrect Thaumasius for baeri and taczanowskii (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Taphrospilus Simon, 1910 1 SA Simo 1910 97
Eupetomena Gould, 1853 2 SA Goul 1853 98 Aphantochroa cirrochloris is merged into Eupetomena based on genetic relationships, shared sabre-winged structure, and similar biogeography (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Talaphorus Mulsant & Verreaux, J, 1874 1 SA Muls 1874 99 Monotypic Talaphorus resurrected for chlorocercus, a phylogenetic outlier, to avoid a polyphyletic Leucippus (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Trochilus Linnaeus, 1758 2 NA Linn 1758 100
Ramosomyia Stiles & Bruce, 2021 3 NA MA Stil 2021 101 Leucolia resurrected for these three Mexican species to avoid an overly broad Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01). Bruce & Stiles (2021) determined that the type species for Leucolia is Leucippus fallax and is thus not available for these three species formerly attributed to Leucolia. They propose a new genus, Ramosomyia: Stiles & Bruce, 2021, which has been subsequently adopted (NACC 2022-B-2; Chesser et al. 2022).
Saucerottia Bonaparte, 1850 11 MA SA Bona 1850 102 Saucerottia is one of several genera split from a broad, polyphyletic Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Amazilia Lesson, RP, 1843 5 MA SA Less 1843 103
Amazilis Gray, GR, 1855 1 SA Gray 1855 104 An outlier on the phylogeny of Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014), hence earlier generic name Amazilis restored as a monotypic genus (Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03).
Uranomitra Reichenbach, 1854 1 SA Reic 1854 105 Uranomitra is a synonym of Saucerottia. The replacement name Coeruleomitra has been proposed (Bruce & Stiles 2021). SACC proposal badly needed.
Chrysuronia Bonaparte, 1850 9 MA SA Bona 1850 106 Chrysuronia is broadened to include all the Lepidopyga species and a few Amazilia and Hylocharis species on the basis of phylogeny (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Leucochloris Reichenbach, 1854 1 SA Reic 1854 107
Chionomesa Simon, 1921 2 SA Simo 1921 108 Glittering-throated Emerald and Sapphire-spangled Emerald are not closely related to Amazilia, hence available generic name Chionomesa resurrected (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03).
Hylocharis Boie, F, 1831 2 SA Boie 1831 109
Elliotomyia Stiles & Remsen, 2019 2 SA Stil 2019 110 New genus Elliotomyia (replacing preoccupied Elliotia) for montane representatives formerly in Amazilia (sometimes Leucippus) (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Polyerata Heine, 1863 3 MA SA Hein 1863 111 Polyerata resurrected for three species forming a distinct clade outside of core Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Chlorestes Reichenbach, 1854 5 MA SA Reic 1854 112 Chlorestes expanded to include species from Amazilia, Hylocharis and Juliamyia which form a distinct clade outside of core Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges