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Winx Club

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 19:31, 17 December 2005 (→‎Season Two Overview). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Winx redirects here. For the musician who is nicknamed "Winx", see Josh Wink. WINX is also the callsign of "Shore Country" Radio station in Maryland, USA. [1]

Winx Club is an animated television series produced by Italian animation group Rainbow S.r.l.. and features the adventures of six fictional teenage girls that use magic.

The Winx Club and Pixies. Top row, from left to right: Amore, Stella, Tecna, Digit. Second row, from left to right: Lockette, Bloom, Flora, Chatta. Bottom row, from left to right: Piff, Layla/Aisha, Musa, Tune.


Template:Spoiler In the first episode of the first season, Bloom, a red-headed teenager from the Earth city Gardenia, stumbles upon Stella, who is locked in combat with an ogre named Knut and several small ghouls.

Knut and the ghouls are about to defeat and capture Stella when, frightened by the monsters, Bloom unwittingly lets off a magical blast; this directs Knut's attention at her, and gives Stella an opportunity to counter-attack with her own specialty, an attack from her scepter. Knut and his monsters escape, and an exhausted Stella faints. Bloom, concerned about Stella's condition, brings her home to recover.

When Bloom wakes up the next day, she thinks this was all a dream and reflects on what happened the previous day. Later, Knut and his ghouls return with a more powerful Hunter Troll determined to capture Stella. As Knut and the Hunter Troll are about to defeat both Stella and Bloom, the specialists from Red Fountain arrive and repel Knut's attacks and capture his troll.

Stella, impressed by Bloom's power, invites Bloom to attend Alfea, a school for fairies in training. At first, Bloom's parents are skeptical, but Bloom's interest in her innate magical power convinces her parents that her attendance would be in her best interest, and they allow to her go hone her skills a fairy.

Over the course of the series: Flora, Tecna, and Musa are introduced and form the Winx Club, with Bloom as the informal leader of the group; the conflict between the girls and a rival clique from another school called The Trix consisting of Icy, Stormy, and Darcy; The Trix form to search for the powerful Dragon fire, an omnipotent force that can control the Winx universe, and are convinced that one of the Winx Club members has it.

Although not Japanese, Winx Club shares many traits with Magical Girl animes. There are transformation sequences, magical gizmos, announced attacks, and of course, a romantic subplot. Winx is oftentimes confused with the anime W.I.T.C.H, which supposivly came after Winx and has a similar plot.

Overall, Winx Club is a successful show that ever since it's debut in countries around the world, merchandise from clothes to toys to even handphones have been coming to many departmental stores around the world.

Places, Locations and Characters



A school for Fairies, which heroines attend. More details

School Staff in Alfea
Principal Faragonda: The headmistress of Alfea. She is a kindly sort who cares for her students but she will not put up with nonsense and will dispense discipline when needed. She was once a witch and a fairy godmother. Rachael Lillis voices Faragonda in English version.
Assistant Principal Griselda: The head of discipline at Alfea. She is not very friendly at all and jumps at every chance to punish someone. Griselda seems to dislikes Bloom and Stella in particular, Bloom for lying to her on the first day and Stella for blowing up the potions lab. Su Meredith voices Griselda in English version.
Professor Palladium: An elf who teaches the Fairies survival skills at Alfea. He is somewhat flustered and nervous, particularly when he sees more of a girl than he needs to. He is a brave fighter though, jumping into battle with a magical scimitar. Sebastian Arcelus voices Palladium in English version.
Professor Wizgiz: A somewhat eccentric leprechaun who teaches transformation magic to the Fairies at Alfea. Pete Zarustica voices Wizgiz in English version.
Professor du Four: A woman in a scarlet hat who teaches about "good ways".
Professor Avalon: Magic physics teacher. He is a paladin.
Barbatea: Alfea's head librarian.
Ofelia: Alfea's resident doctor.
Students in Alfea
Winx Club
Bloom: A teenager of "magic and dreams" (magia e sogni). Originally hailing from the small town of Gardenia, Bloom was unaware of her great magical potential until it activated when an unfriendly ogre attacked her. Princess Stella took note of Bloom's "Winx" and got her enrolled at the Alfea School for Fairies. At first Bloom had little control over her powers, but has since mastered them to a fair degree. She later discovers that she is really a princess (the only heir to the Planet Domino). At the same time she also discovers that she is the keeper of the powerful Dragon Fire. Bloom is a nice girl, despite being new to magic and Magix. She's become the official leader of the Winx Club. Bloom's power is fire based. And is in love with Sky. Her English voice is provided by Liza Jacqueline.
Stella: A teenager of "style and beauty" (moda e bellezza). She is the princess of planet Solaria. Stella is the oldest of the Winx Club because she was held back a grade for an accident she caused. Stella is very vain and loves attention. She's very sensitive toward other people though. Her parents are in the middle of a divorce and it hurts her to see them break up. Her power comes from the sun and the moon. Stella is in love with Brandon and Stell calls Brandon shnookoms. Amy Birnbaum plays Stella in English version.
Stella means "star" in Italian.
Musa: A teenager of "music and free time" (musica e tempo libero). She especially loves music. Despite being the most tomboyish of the Winx she is the most emotionally vulnerable. Musa compensates by putting up a tough front. Her emotional weakness probably is a result from her mother's death and father being far away. Her powers are derived from music. And she is a bit of a loner. And Musa has a crush on Riven, but they both won't admit they like each other. Lisa Ortiz voices Musa in English version.
Musa means Muse in Italian.
Flora: A teenager of "love and nature" (amore e natura). She is a calm, mature girl whose power is based on plant life. She is very level-headed but also rather shy. Flora can always be counted on to make the right decision. Her skin is darker than everyone except for Aisha. She also is the girlyest of the Winx Club. She also can't live without smelling perfume from her plants. Flora has some feeling for Helia, but she says the guys have to make the first move from her realm. Kerry Williams plays Flora in English version.
Flora means "plant life" in Italian as well as English. Also Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers and springtime.
Tecna: A teenager of "science and technology" (scienza e tecnologia). She is highly intelligent and loves all technology. However, she doesn't understand non-technical things particularly well (e.g. when handed a bucket and a broom she wore the bucket as a helmet and used the broom like a feather-duster). Tecna has trouble expressing emotion and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic. Deep down inside she truly cares for her friends though. In English version, She has a British accent, respectively. Tecna likes Timmy and sometimes they do some things like what couples do, however, Timmy quotes that, in the friendship category, they haven't really "slapped the label" on their relationship. Tecna is played by Dani Schaffel in the English version.
The name Tecna is derived from tecnologia, the Italian word for "technology".
Aisha/Layla: A teenager with powers over fluids. She controls a special fuchsia fluid called Morfix that can assumes any shape that she wants. In the English version, her power is the contol of water molecules. Aisha is an affectionate, athletic and adventurous girl who is good at sports and dancing. She is the princess of planet Andros and wears a lime-green fairy outfit. Her name changed to Layla in Non-Italian language version.
Aisha name is Arabic in origin and means life, living or vivaciousness.
Layla means dark beauty or night in Arabic.
Other students in Alfea
Luna: Fairy with green hair.
Ortensia: She wears a yellow tiger-like outfit and being the fastest fairy at Alfea (wings-wise)
Amaryl: Has a yellow-green dress and pinkish-orangish wings. She comes from the Realm of Cosmosias (the Realm of all things celestial), and her power is Starlight. She is very calm like Flora, in a kick-but sort of way. Known for adding her two-cents into conversations
Francis: This fairy has the best counter-spells in the whole school and is Aisha's roommate, she has a harlequin fairy outfit.
Pricilla: She has a dark blue fairy outfit.

Torrenuvola (Cloud Tower)

A school for witches and the for the most part of the series the, the base of operations for the Trix girls. Plays host to some of the most obnoxious, rude, mean magical beings More details

School Staff in Torrenuvola
Principal Griffin: The headmistress for Torrenuvola. She seems something of a bitter rival to Faragonda and it is hinted that the two of them were once good friends. Griffin seems mean but she honestly cares for her students and will defend them if threatened. Carol Jacobanis voices Griffin in English version.
Professor Ediltrude:A professor at Torrenuvola and sister of Zarathustra.
Professor Zarathustra: A professor at Torrenuvola and sister of Eldiltrude.
Students in Torrenuvola
Icy: A young witch described as having a "heart of ice" (cuore di ghiaccio). She is the ruthless leader of the Trix and wishes to rule the universe. The name Icy suits her perfectly, describing her powers and her general personality. She is cruel for the sake of being cruel, viciously ridiculing people she does not approve of. She attacks victims with freezing rays and snow storms. Lisa Ortiz voices Icy in English version.
Darcy: A young witch described as the "lady of darkness" (signora dell'oscurità). She is more calm and competent than her sisters. Devious and manipulative, Darcy uses subtle dark magic to confuse and control opponents. She is good at discovering weakness and exploiting it. Darcy seems to be the most intellegent of the Trix. Caren Manuel voices Darcy in English version.
Stormy: A young witch described as the "queen of storms" (regina delle tempeste). Her temper matches her name; Stormy is extremely proud, ill-tempered and is somewhat immature. She secretly believes herself to be stronger than Icy but this is unlikely. Like her name also suggests, Stormy creates and controls storms. Suzy Myers voices Stormy in English version.
Other students in Torrenuvola
Mirta: A kind Witch who stands out quite prominently from the other Witches of Torrenuvola. Her sweet and shy nature makes her a target of ridicule and scorn at Torrenuvola. Mirta does not think the Fairies are so bad and even attempts to help Bloom on one occasion but she pays a heavy price for interfering in the Trix's business and turned into a pumpkin for the most part of the story. By end of the first season series, she is turned back into a witch and becomes a transfer student to Alfea.
Lucy: The closest thing to a friend Mirta has at Torrenuvola. Tall, pale, and sickly-looking, Lucy has self-esteem problems and desperately wants to befriend the Trix(though they scorn and tease her). She appears to be a very good dancer though.

Fonterossa (Red Fountain)

A school for boys, which the specialists attend in training to become heroes. More details

School Staff in Fonterossa
Principal Saladin: The headmaster of Fonterossa. Michael Alston Baley voices Saladin in English version.
Professor Codatorta: The head of discipline at Fonterossa. Not much is known about him other than that he is very robust and active. He fights with a whip. Matt Hoverman voices Codatorta in English version.
Noted Specialists
Sky: The prince of Eraklion. Before the school year started, he switched places with his squire, Brandon. He and Bloom fall in love.

Sky is the heir to Eraklion. Sky wants to be an expert fighter pilot and a great swordsman. He's noble, brave, loyal, reliable, and faithful. Frank Frankson voices Sky in English version.

Brandon: Sky's squire. His love interest is Stella. he likes engines. His favorite hobby is going out with girls.Dan Green voices Brandon in English version.
Brandon means sword in Old English.
Timmy: The geek of the group. He's also only one in the group who uses a laer gun which he identifies in one of the episodes as a "B-kicker Blaster". He and Tecna seem to get along pretty well, as later in the season they are caught dating. Sebastian Arcelus voices Timmy in English version.
Timmy is diminutive for Timothy, which means honoring/honored by God.
Riven: He's a loner, which means he grew up alone, and he acts for himself according to his rules. he doesn't really like girls, because Riven's mother abandoned him. He's very competitive(all above Sky). He good with the saber, and he's good at all kinds of sports. Some think Riven is a daredevil, and clever, and touchy. And he has a crush on Musa.Michael Sinterniklaas voices Riven in English version.
Helia: An artistic student who is Principal Saladin's Grandson. He is romantically linked with Flora.

He doesn't like to use technology. He likes to write poems and draws sometimes. He is a pacifist. He also uses the laser string glove.

Jared: A young man who likes Musa (Stella set them up on a Blind Date) and only appeared in the episode 38 and episode 52.
Jared means ones who rules in Hebrew.

Noted Planets

Planet Domino is Bloom's planet of origin. Planet Domino was frozen over by a coven of witches long ago when they were looking for the Dragon Fire.
Mariam: The queen of Domino (Everywhere else). Bloom's Birth mother.
Oritel: The king of Domino (Everywhere else). Bloom's Birth father.
Daphne: Bloom's sister who saved (at the cost of her life) Bloom from being captured by the coven of witches as a baby and later provides her with guidance as spirit. In English version, She's a Nymph and alive. Bella Hudson voices Daphne in English version.
Planet Solaria: Stella's homeworld.
Planet Melody: Musa's homeworld.
Planet Linphea: Flora's homeworld.
Planet Zenith: Tecna's homeworld.
Planet Andros: Aisha's homeworld.
Planet Eraklyon: Sky's homeworld.

Other Locations

Gardenia is the city on Earth in which Bloom lived with her adoptive parents.
Mike: Bloom's father on Earth. He is a fireman and over all nice person. Stuart Zagnit voices Mike in English version.
Vanessa: Bloom's mother on Earth. She is very sweet and owns a flower shop. Kayzie Rogers voices Vanessa in English version.
Mitzi: Bloom's classmate on Earth. She is a rich, spoiled girl who enjoys taunting Bloom every time she sees her. Lisa Ortiz voices Mitzi in English version
City of Magix Details
Adquistes: A shopping city and Stella's favorite place. More details
Wildland: A wasteland just outside of the borders of magix. this place is the home for wild dragon's, trolls, lions, etc. More details
Black-Mud Swamp Details

Minor characters

Kiko: Bloom's pet rabbit. It displays an unusually high amount of intelligence for a rabbit, but no one seems to notice.
Knut: A nearsighted ogre who works for the Trix. Despite being fairly intelligent, Knut is constantly messing something up somehow. This does not endear him to the Trix particularly well and they berate him often. In Season 2, hes walk on the Alfea grounds. Adam Blaustein voices Knut in English version.
Pepe: A duckling who resulted from the Winx using their powers to make a spell cast by the Trix backfire. Since Icy was the first person he saw upon hatching, he continually follows her, much to her annoyance. In Season 2, Pepe is no longer mentioned.
Princess Diaspro: Arranged fiancee of Prince Sky. Bloom, believing Diaspro was Icy in disguise, attacked her during the Day of the Royals. She also has a magical girl transformation in her season one episode, very similar to the main Winx Club girls. [Clip] Veronica Taylor voices Princess Diaspero in the English version.


Hunter Troll: The type of troll that Mr. Knut used against Stella and Bloom after using it's tracking abilities to find them. With the help of the Fonterossa Specialists, they defeated it and the Specialists took it to Fonterossa. Later on, the Fonterossa Specialists had to escort the Hunter Troll to Magix to give to a mind sorcerer. When the Hunter Troll escaped, the Trix beat the Winx Club and the Fonterossa Specialists to it and sent the troll to limbo.
Griffin: The Griffin was mentioned as one of the monsters that Fonterossa has in it's stables.
Bingledip Beast: Another monster mentioned that was in the stables at Fonterossa.
Cretan Minotaur: A four-armed minotaur that was used by the Trix to attack the powerless Winx Club while they were looking for the real location of the Dragon Fire. It was defeated and taken back to Fonterossa.
Junior League of the Swamp: The Junior League of the Swamp are made up of a bunch of water nymphs that live in a swamp where a rare plant about to go extinct was residing until Flora took a sample of it. Some of them warned Alfea of the invasion of the Army Decay led by the Trix.
Island Turtle: A resident of the swamp where the Junior League lives. When the Wedigo Willow was on it's back, it went berserk until it was vanquished.
Wendigo Willow: A tree that emits knockout gas when it was planted on the back of an Island Turtle. The Winx Club were able to vanquish it.
Craven: A crow/raven monster that the Trix use for reconnaissance missions.
Nightmare Gargoyle: The Nightmare Gargoyle is a type of gargoyle that gets more powerful whenever it feeds off nightmares. When it get's powerful, it's body changes. The Nightmare Gargoyle was vanquished by Professor Faragonda who dealt with one back when she was the age of the Winx Club girls.
Dragons: One of the many creatures living in the magic universe. Some of them were in Fonterossa's stables. The Great Dragon is the dragon responsible for creating the magical universe and it's power was on Domino where it rested and some of the power is within Bloom.
Dark Army (English version)/Army of Decay (4Kids version): A bunch of monsters made of rot and decay that can be summoned by whoever evil has the Dragon Fire (namely the Trix). If the person that has control over the Army of Decay is defeated, the army disappears.
Name Unknown Snow Monster: A big, tusked, furry monster with ice spikes on it's back that resided on the frozen Domino. It took the combined powers of Flora, Tecna, Musa, and Stella to vanquish it.
Ice Crabs: Crabs that are made of ice and can kill a fairy with their touch.

Season Two Overview

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In this second series, most the characters from the first season return to continue the series as well as introduce new characters. In the first episodes, the Winx Club return to Alfea after summer vacation to begin their sophomore year. As Bloom meets again with the other members of the Winx Club, she becomes separated and wanders deep into the halls of Alfea pursuing a flying seahorse-like creature. This creature leads her into the classroom of the resident teacher pixie that tells her that their meeting is nothing short than fate to procedes to tell her future.

In the vagues of terms, she tells Bloom that she will meet a new friend, a new enemy, and have adventure unlike any other. About this time, the scene changes to show Aisha climbing a giant stalagmite. When she reaches the top, she finds her friends, a group of pixies, confined behind a magical barrier. As she helps these pixies escape, she set off alarms and attracts the attention of Lord Darkar. Lord Darkar persues and recaptures all but one of the escaped pixiesa and throws Aisha (and her pixie) off a cliff. As Bloom and friends leave Alfea, a visually shaken Aisha wanders onto to Bloom's path and collapses.

Over the course of the series, Aisha explains her reason for being in shadowhaunt and request help to recue the pixies, in which the Winx Club and specialists oblige. About this time, Lord Darkar seeks additonal members for his plans and finds that help in the Trix girls. Lord Drakar aids in their escape and gives them jewerly that will increase their powers.

Added Places, Locations and Characters

Roccaluce (The Fortress of Light)

Located in a different dimension unreachable for almost anyone, this is a palace high above the clouds on a mountain. More details

Queen Algae: Queen of the aquatic fairies.
Lusiz: One of the aquatic fairies.

Darkar's Castle

Located in Shadowhaunt, which itself it located below the surface of the world. More details

Lord Darkar: The Master of Shadows. An ancient evil being who originated at the beginning of time, Darkar is diametrically opposed to the Dragon. He is the embodiment of negative energy, absorbing the strength of others to grow more powerful. Darkar can transform himself into the terrible Shadow Phoenix. He rescued the Trix from Do-Gooders Boot Camp and blessed them with greater power.
Keborg: A bat-like creature that serves Lord Darkar. Keborg acts as a spy for Darkar.
Monster servants of Lord Darkar: The Infernal Mastiff, The Spit Monster, The Brute Monster


Located underneath Lord Darkar's Place, it's where Princess Amentia lives.

King Enervus: The king of Downland.
Queen Quoeda: The queen of Downland.
Princess Amentia: The princess of Downland, who wanted to marry Brandon.
Sponsus: A suitor for the Princess Amentia hand in marriage.

Pixies' Village

The place where the pixies live. The pixies' home village. Thats where the evil Lord is looking for so he can distroy all of their kind. More details

Ninfea: She guards and protects the center square in the dark forest this is where the villege of the pixies is located.

Pixies are like small fairies. Some Pixie's bond with people other with places such as Concorda and Discorda.

Concorda: Protects a piece of the map at Alfea.
Discorda: Protects a piece of the map at Torrenuvola. She likes fashion and original clothes.
Athena: A Fonterossa pixie with a roman look. She guards and protects a part of Fonterossa. She lives in the scales hall and likes dragon racing. She dilikes Codatorta.
Tune: Bonds with Musa, pixie of Good Manners different from Musa, Tune doesn't like Musa being a boy all the time.
Digit: Bonds with Tecna and has the power over Technology, for example, she can take herself into any computer.
Piff: Bonds with Layla, pixie of the Sweet Sleep. She can't talk; at least not in complete sentences as she can say a few words at least and when Layla has bad dreams, Piff lays on Layla's head, and makes her have happy dreams.
Amore: Bonds with Stella, pixie of love, helps people fall in love with flowers.
Lockette: Bonds with Bloom, pixie of portals, and she is a cry-baby.
Chatta: Bonds with Flora. The Pixie of chatter. Chat as in she knows all the words in a dictionary, encycopedia, etc.
Glim: An orange pixie, queen of the fireflies. She can't talk.
Zing: She is the pixie of insects. She has the ability to shapeshift. For example in season 2 episode 14, she transformed into Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, Yuki, Jubei (Jubei-chan), Jesse (Predator) & one of the patchaman. She can also change her goggles.
Livy: She is the pixie of messages (the thing she flies on is the message).
Jolly: Appeared in the ep. 'Hallowinx' and wears a joker type outfit.
The Psychic Pixie: Does Psychic readings in ALfea and also teaches juniors and senoirs there. Gives Bloom psychic reading in 1st episode of season 2

The differences in the 4Kids and Italian language version


4Kids Version / Italian language version

  • Bloom : January 27 / December 10
  • Stella: August 10 / August 18
  • Flora: March 16 / March 1
  • Musa: May 10/ May 30
  • Tecna: June 8 / December 16
  • Layla / Aisha: Unknown / June 15
  • Sky: April 27 / March 20
  • Riven: November 6 / October 15
  • Brandon: October 14 / September 23
  • Timmy: January 13 / Feburary 15
  • Helia: Unknown / September 2


4Kids Version / Italian language version

  • Bloom Origin: Planet Sparks / Planet Domino
  • Flora Origin: The Fifth moon of Marigold,(General) All Green Fairylands / Planet Linphea
  • Tecna Origin: Third Vector of the Binary Galaxy (General) Techno Dust Fairyland / Planet Zenith
  • Musa Origin: The Harmonic Nebula (General) Melody Fairyland / Planet Melody
  • Layla/Aisha Origin: Realm of Tides / Planet Andros


4Kids Version / Italian language version

  • Layla / Aisha

Episode list

  • Example. Italian version ("Translate in English") | English version / 4Kids version

Season one

  • 01. Una Fata a Gardenia ("A Fairy in Gardenia") | An Unexpected Event / It Feels Like Magic
  • 02. Benvenuti a Magix! ("Welcome to Magix!") | Welcome to Magix! / More Than High School
  • 03. L'Anello di Stella ("Stella's Ring") | Alfea College For Fairies / Save The First Dance
  • 04. La Palude di Melmamora ("The Swamp of Melmamora") | The Black-Mud Swamp / The Voice of Nature
  • 05. Appuntamento al Buio ("Blind Date") | Date with Disaster / Date with Disaster
  • 06. Missione a Torrenuvola ("Mission to Cloud Tower") | Mission at Cloudtower / Secret Guardian
  • 07. A che Servono gli Amici? ("What are Friends For?") | Friends In Need / Grounded
  • 08. La Festa della Rosa ("The Festival of the Rose") | A Friendship Sundered / The Day of the Rose
  • 09. Il Tradimento di Riven ("Riven's Betrayal") | Betrayed! / Spelled
  • 10. La Fiamma del Drago ("The Dragon Fire") | Bloom Tested / Magical Reality Check
  • 11. Il Regno delle Ninfee ("The Reign of the Nymphes") | The Monster And The Willow / Junior League
  • 12. Miss Magix | Miss Magix / Miss Magix
  • 13. La Figlia del Fuoco ("The Daughter of Fire") | A Great Secret Revealed / Meant To Be
  • 14. Il Segreto di Bloom ("Bloom's Secret") | Bloom's Dark Secret / Witch Trap
  • 15. Voci dal Passato ("Voices From the Past") | Honor Above All / Pushing The Envelope
  • 16. Il Nemico nell'Ombra ("The Enemy in the Shadows") | Cold Spell / The Nightmare Monster
  • 17. Il Segreto di Brandon ("Brandon's Secret") | Secrets Within Secrets / Royal Heartbreak
  • 18. Addio Magix ("Farewell Magix") | The Font Of Dragon Fire / Senior Witches Go To Earth
  • 19. Attacco ad Alfea ("Attack on Alfea") | The Fall Of Magix / The Army of Decay
  • 20. La Scomparsa di Bloom ("Bloom's Disappearance") | Mission To Domino / Sparks of Hope
  • 21. Trappola di Ghiaccio ("Ice Trap") | The Crown Of Dreams / The Frozen Palace
  • 22. Il Ritorno di Riven ("Riven's Return") | Storming Cloudtower / Mission To Cloud Tower
  • 23. Fuga da Torrenuvola ("Escape from Cloud Tower") | Power Play / The Search for the Flame
  • 24. Il Mistero del Lago ("The Mystery of the Lake") | The Witches' Siege / Battle for Alfea
  • 25. Il Sonno di Magix ("The Sleep of Magix") | The Ultimate Challenge / The Great Witch Invasion
  • 26. Battaglia Finale ("Final Battle") | The Witches' Falldown / Fire and Ice

Season two

  • 27. La Fenice D'Ombra ("The Shadow Phoenix") | / Back To School
  • 28. Il Ritorno delle Trix ("The Return of the Trix") | / Princess Of Tides
  • 29. Rescue Mission | / Into The UnderRealm
  • 30. La Principessa Amentia ("Princess Amentia") | / Queen of Perfection
  • 31. Magico Bonding ("Magical Bonding") | / Rescuing The Pixies
  • 32. Il Matrimonio di Brandon ("The Wedding of Brandon") | / My Boyfriend's Wedding
  • 33. La Pietra Misteriosa ("The Mysterious Stone") | / The Dark Tower
  • 34. Il Guasta Feste ("The Broken Parties") | Party Crasher / Party Monster
  • 35. Il Segreto del Professor Avalon ("The Secret of Professor Avalon") | Professor Avalon's Secret / The Angel of Doom
  • 36. La Cripta del Codice ("Some Code Encrypts it") | Crypt of the Codex / Reaching for the Sky
  • 37. Corsa Contro il Tempo ("Race Against Time")| Race Against Time / Homesick
  • 38. Unite per la Vittoria ("Joined for Victory") | Win-x Together / Truth or Dare
  • 39. La Dama del Ballo ("The Lady Of The Dance") | Invisible Pixies / Gangs of Gardenia
  • 40. Battaglia sul Pianeta Eraklyon ("Battle on the Planet Eraklyon") | Battle on Planet Eraklyon /
  • 41. Lo Spettacolo Continua ("The Show Goes On") | Show Must go on /
  • 42. HalloWinX | Hallowinx! /
  • 43. Gemellaggio con le Streghe ("The Union With the Witches ") | Twinning with the Witches /
  • 44. Nel Cuore di Torrenuvola ("The Heart of Cloud Tower") | In the Heart of Cloud Tower /
  • 45. La Spia nell'Ombra ("The Spy In The Shadow") | Spy in the Shadows /
  • 46. Il Villaggio delle Pixies ("The Village of the Pixies") | Pixie Village /
  • 47. Il Potere del Charmix ("The Power of The Charmix") | Charmix Power /
  • 48. Wildland: La Grande Trappola ("Wildland: The Great Trap") | Danger in the Wildlands /
  • 49. Il Momento della Verità ("The Moment of Truth") | Time for Truth /
  • 50. Prigioniera di Darkar ("Prisoner of Darkar") | /
  • 51. Faccia a Faccia con il Nemico ("Face To Face with the Enemy") | Face to Face with the Enemy /
  • 52. Le Ceneri della Fenice ("The Ashes of the Phoenix") | Phoenix Revealed /


This TV series had premiered in January 28, 2004 on Rai Due in Italy. In USA (Free TV), it airs on 4Kids TV block on FOX. In Australia (Public TV), Network Ten airs it on Toasted TV block. In Canada, it is airs on YTV. In USA (Pay-TV), Latin America, Brazil, Australia (Cable TV), Southeast Asia, Philippines (Cable TV), India and Taiwan, it is airs on Cartoon Network. (Also in the Philippines, it is airs on ABS-CBN. Also in the Singapore, MediaCorp's TV Channel "Central" airs it on "Kids Central" block. Also ntv7 had aired it in Malaysia (Terrestrial).) In United Kingdom, Dutch speaking region and Sweden, it is shown on Nickelodeon.


In the United States, 4Kids Entertainment holds the licensing rights to the series. Toys such as dolls made by Mattel and a card game, created with Upper Deck Entertainment are available at mass merchandisers like Wal-Mart and Toys "R" Us.

Edit and censorship controversy in United States

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