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The Yale Record

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The Yale Record
"Old Owl", The Record's "mascot"
Editor in ChiefClio Rose
Online Editor in ChiefSam Leone
ChairAdriana Golden
PublisherArnav Tawakley
CategoriesHumor magazine
  • Edward Anthony Bradford
  • James Heartt VanBuren
  • Samuel J. Elder
  • E.H. Lemis[1]
  • Henry Ward Beecher Howard[2]
  • Founded1872, Yale University
    First issueSeptember 1872
    Based inNew Haven, Connecticut

    The Yale Record is the campus humor magazine of Yale University. Founded in 1872, it became the oldest humor magazine in the world when Punch folded in 2002.[3][4]

    The Record is currently published eight times during the academic year and is distributed in Yale residential college dining halls and around the nation through subscriptions. Content from the magazine is made available online and entire issues can be downloaded in .pdf form.[5]


    King Kong (1933) was written by Record editor James Ashmore Creelman

    The Record began as a weekly newspaper, with its first issue appearing on September 11, 1872. Almost immediately, it became a home to funny writing (often in verse form), and later, when printing technology made it practical, humorous illustrations. The Record thrived immediately, and by the turn of the century had a wide circulation outside of New Haven—at prep schools, other college towns, and even New York City.

    As Yale became one of the bellwethers of collegiate taste and fashion (especially for the younger universities looking East), so too The Record became a model—F. Scott Fitzgerald referred to the magazine as one of the harbingers of the new, looser morality of collegians of that time. But it wasn't just laughs The Record was serving up—during the 1920s, The Record ran a popular speakeasy in the basement of its building at 254 York Street (designed by Lorenzo Hamilton and completed in 1928).[4]

    Early 20th century

    Along with the Princeton Tiger Magazine (1878), the Stanford Chaparral (1899), and the Harvard Lampoon (1876), among many college humor magazines, The Record created a wide-ranging, absurdist style of comedy which mixed high-culture references with material dealing with the eternal topics of schoolwork, alcohol, and sex (or lack thereof). Comedy first published in the magazine was re-printed in national humor magazines like Puck[6] and Judge.[7]

    At first petting was a desperate adventure...As early as 1917, there were references to such sweet and casual dalliance in any number of The Yale Record...

    F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Echoes of the Jazz Age" (November 1931)[8]

    In 1914, J.L. Butler of The Yale Record and Richard Sanger of The Harvard Lampoon created the first annual banquet of the College Comics Association, which drew representatives from 14 college humor magazines to New Haven.[9] The college humor style influenced—or in some cases led directly to—the Marx Brothers, The New Yorker, Playboy, Mad magazine, underground comics, National Lampoon, The Second City, and Saturday Night Live.[4]

    The character "Whit" (pronounced "wit") in the Sinclair Lewis story Go East, Young Man drew caricatures for the Yale Record.[10]

    Mid-20th century

    Cover of the September 1925 issue of College Humor

    From the 1920s to the 1960s, The Record placed special emphasis on cartooning, which led many of its alumni to work at Esquire magazine and especially The New Yorker. Record cartoonists during this time period included Peter Arno, Reginald Marsh, Clarence Day, Julien Dedman, Robert C. Osborn, James Stevenson, William Hamilton and Garry Trudeau.

    From 1920 through the 1940s, many Record staffers and alums contributed to College Humor, a popular nationally distributed humor magazine. Additionally, comedy first published in The Record was re-printed in national humor magazines like Life[11] and College Humor.

    By the late 1940s, the magazine's ties to The New Yorker were so strong that designers from that magazine consulted on The Record's layout and design.

    By the 1950s, the Record had established the "Cartoonist of the Year" award, which brought people like Walt Kelly, the creator of Pogo, to New Haven to dine and swap stories with the staff.

    In the early 1960s, cartoons and comic writing from the magazine were regularly re-printed in Harvey Kurtzman's Help!,[12] a satirical magazine that helped launch the careers of Monty Python's Terry Gilliam, R. Crumb, Woody Allen, John Cleese, Gloria Steinem and many others.

    Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau in 2012

    In the late 1960s, the magazine played an integral role in editor-in-chief Garry Trudeau's creation of his epochal strip Doonesbury.[4] Trudeau published the pre-syndication Doonesbury collection Michael J. (1970) through The Yale Record.[13] In addition to editing the Record, Trudeau (and Record chairman Tim Bannon, basis of Doonesbury attorney T.F. Bannon of Torts, Tarts & Torque) organized Record events such as a successful Annette Funicello film festival, a Tarzan film festival (with guest Johnny Weissmuller) and a Jefferson Airplane concert featuring Sha Na Na.[14]

    Recent years

    The 1970s and 1980s are known as the "Dark Ages" amongst Record staffers. Economic conditions in New Haven were abysmal and despite its impressive pedigree, The Record sputtered along, self-destructed and was revived numerous times throughout this period, much like a Ford Pinto (coincidentally, Henry Ford II, CEO of Ford when the Pinto was released, served on The Record's business staff in the late 1930s[15]). Boards were convened and issues were published intermittently in 1971-1981, 1983, and 1987.[16][17][18]

    Then in 1989, Yale students Michael Gerber and Jonathan Schwarz relaunched The Record for good.[19] Their more informal, iconoclastic version of The Record proved popular, and a parody of the short-lived sports newspaper The National garnered national media attention.[20] Gerber also created an ad hoc advisory board from Record alumni and friends, including Mark O'Donnell, Garry Trudeau, Robert Grossman, Harvey Kurtzman, Arnold Roth, Ian Frazier, Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil.

    In the fall of 1992, Record contributor Ryan Craig[21] founded popular Yale tabloid the Rumpus.

    While The Record continues to publish paper issues, the magazine began publishing web content on April 1, 2001, well before many of its contemporaries.

    Alums from recent years have gone on to write for many publications and entertainment companies including The New Yorker, McSweeney's, Saturday Night Live, The Late Show with David Letterman, The Onion and The Onion News Network.

    Themed issues

    Each issue of the current magazine features a particular theme. Aspects of the magazine include:

    • Snews - One-liners in the form of headlines.
    • Mailbags - Humorous letters to the editor, historical figures, or inanimate objects.
    • The Editorial - Written by the editor in chief of the magazine each issue, giving a brief overview of the contents and making of the issue.
    • Cartoons - Captioned, "New Yorker style" cartoons that hail back to the magazine's early beginnings.
    • Lists and Features - Staff generated content pertinent to the magazine's theme.


    From time to time, The Record publishes parodies. These include (but are not limited to):

    Master's Teas

    Throughout the year, the Record invites notable figures from the world of comedy to "Master's Teas", informal interviews hosted by the Record in conjunction with residential colleges, at which tea is, in fact, not even served upon request. While residential colleges frequently organize Master's Teas, The Yale Record is known for its humorous ones. Guests have included:


    Any good humor magazine worth its salt needs to pull some pranks. Here are some of the better ones:

    • 1902: The Yale Record pranked Carrie Nation, the famous temperance activist. Pretending to be a Yale temperance group, they brought her to Yale. During her visit, they took a picture with her. At the time, you needed to take pictures in the dark and then a single flashbulb would illuminate the scene. However, in the darkness, The Record rapscallions pulled out their mugs to create on the most iconic prank photos ever. The photo now hangs in the bar at Mory's and at the bar at the Yale Club of New York.[28]
    • 2015: The Yale Record hosted a mock protest on Broadway. The students called for Yale administrators to bring a second Kiko Milano store. “When we heard that Yale had decided to replace the affordable food store up on Broadway with Kiko Milano and Emporium DNA, we were really excited to have the chance to buy more luxury products at Yale because that was really hard before,” Gertler said.[29]

    "Old Owl"

    "Old Owl"

    For over a century, the mascot of the Record has been "Old Owl", a congenial, largely nocturnal, 360-degree-head-turning, cigar-smoking bird who tries to steer the staff towards a light-hearted appreciation of life and the finer things in it. Sometimes he succeeds.

    Recently, the cigar that our fluffy feathered friend smokes has been deemed 'unsuitable' by the committee that governs Yale apparel. It is unclear when, if ever, this decision will be reversed.

    "Old Owl" is a Cutty Sark connoisseur of some repute and enthusiasm. In artists' sketches, he is often portrayed as anthropomorphic, naked and lacking in any identifiable genitals, possibly the result of an old Cutty Sark injury.

    As a nod to this lovable old coot and his off-the-wall antics, former chairpeople, editors-in-chief, and publishers are referred to as "old owls".

    Documenting the birth of American football

    The Yale Record of the late nineteenth century chronicled much of the birth of American football:

    Walter Camp, the "Father of American Football", pictured here in 1878 as the captain of the Yale football team
    • The Yale Record and the Nassau Literary Magazine of Princeton printed the only accounts of the first Yale-Princeton game (1873),[30] the first game played using the Football Association Rules of 1873. These were the first consolidated rules in American football; before this, each of the handful of colleges that had football teams played by its own set of rules.[31]
    • The Yale Record documented the organization and playing of the first Harvard-Yale game (1875). Yale proposed the game. Harvard, which had just rejected an offer to join the association of soccer-playing colleges, accepted the challenge, on condition that the game be played with what were essentially rugby rules. These were the rules used by Harvard, different to the rules of the other colleges. Yale agreed to this condition and was soundly defeated.[32] In reflecting on this crushing defeat, one Record editor blamed the loss on Yale's willingness to adopt the "concessionary rules", complaining that Yale "should not have given so much to Harvard."[33]
    • The Yale Record documented the creation of the Intercollegiate Football Association in 1876. The Harvard-Yale game of 1875 ushered in a national shift from the soccer form to the rugby form of football. Within a year, Princeton had adopted the rugby rules, and in the fall of 1876, Columbia joined Princeton and Harvard to form the Intercollegiate Football Association, which officially adopted English rugby rules. Although Yale agreed to adopt English rugby rules and played Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, they did not join the association as they favored a game with eleven rather than fifteen players, as well as points allowed only for kicked goals.[34]
    • The Yale Record documented the creation of the first American football championship. The Intercollegiate Football Association created the first championship game, which was played between Princeton and Yale on Thanksgiving Day in 1877.[34] The teams tied to share the first national championship.
    • The Yale Record documented Walter Camp's innovations in rules and scoring, notably the reduction of fifteen players to eleven, the establishment of the line of scrimmage and the snap, as well as the creation of downs.

    Coining the term "hot dog"

    They contentedly munched hot dogs during the whole service.

    The Yale Record (October 19, 1895)

    According to David Wilton, author of Word Myths: Debunking Linguistic Urban Legends (2009), The Yale Record is responsible for coining the term "hot dog":

    There are many stories about the origin of the term hot dog, most of them are false. Let us start with what we know. The first known use of the term is in the Yale Record of October 19, 1895...The reason why they are called hot is obvious, but why dog? It is a reference to the alleged contents of the sausage. The association of sausages and dog meat goes back quite a bit further. The term dog has been used as a synonym for sausage since at least 1884...[35]

    The magazine published its own history of The Yale Record/"hot dog" connection in its April 1998 issue.

    Bladderball at Yale in 1974. This game has spilled out of Old Campus and into the streets of New Haven.


    Bladderball was a game traditionally played by students at Yale, between 1954 and 1982, after which it was banned by the administration.

    It was created by Philip Zeidman as a competition between The Yale Record, the Yale Daily News, The Yale Banner and campus radio station WYBC. It was eventually opened to all students, with teams divided by residential college.[36]

    Notable alumni

    Notable Yale Record alumni include (but are not limited to):

    Guest contributors

    Guest contributors to The Record have included:

    See also


    1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Record Editors". The Yale Banner. New Haven: Thomas Penney and G. D. Pettee. 1877. p. 182.
    2. ^ "Henry Ward Beecher Howard". The twelfth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. New York: Psi Upsilon. May 1917. p. 112.
    3. ^ "Publications", Yale Daily News, June 10, 2001. "Publications | Yale Daily News". Archived from the original on 2013-02-09. Retrieved 2010-06-25.
    4. ^ a b c d "History", The Yale Record, March 10, 2010. http://www.yalerecord.com/about/history/
    5. ^ Browse the Magazine
    6. ^ Puck. New York: Keppler & Schwarzmann. January 7, 1891.
    7. ^ Judge. New York: Leslie-Judge Company. January 4, 1913.
    8. ^ Fitzgerald, F. Scott (November 1931). "Echoes of the Jazz Age". Scribner's Magazine. New York: Scribner's.
    9. ^ "Columbia Spectator 3 December 1914 — Columbia Spectator".
    10. ^ Lewis, Sinclair (December 1930). "Go East, Young Man". Cosmopolitan. New York: Hearst.
    11. ^ Life (January 6, 1947), pages 6 - 7
    12. ^ "Help! Magazine: History".
    13. ^ Trudeau, Garry (1970). Michael J.. New Haven: Yale Record.
    14. ^ Keating, Christopher (November 28, 2010). "Doonesbury on Chief of Staff Tim Bannon: Garry Trudeau Speaks Out On His Friend From Yale's Humor Magazine". The Hartford Courant'. Hartford: Tribune Company.
    15. ^ a b c d e Alexander, Cecil A. (May–June 2004) "The Pranks of Yesteryear". The Harvard Magazine. Cambridge: Harvard.
    16. ^ Gerber, Michael. "The Yale Record: A short history of its rise, fall, and rise again." 2007. Accessed at https://www.scribd.com/doc/204108707/The-Yale-Record-Its-rise-fall-and-rise-again on February 2, 2014.
    17. ^ Richard, Frank (1980). "The Vance Years: 1977-1980". Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. Retrieved at http://images.library.yale.edu/madid/oneItem.aspx?id=3007599&q= on February 7, 2014.
    18. ^ a b c d e f g "Yale Record Parodies Since 1926 | MagazineParody.com". 28 October 2016.
    19. ^ Gerber, 2007.
    20. ^ Associated Press. "Hey! This isn't the National." April 18, 1991. Accessed at https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2026&dat=19910418&id=OJQrAAAAIBAJ&sjid=vNAFAAAAIBAJ&pg=2013,2037941 on 1 Feb. 2014.
    21. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. February 1992. p. 3.
    22. ^ a b "Letter From The Publisher - 03.01.76 - SI Vault". sportsillustrated.cnn.com. Archived from the original on 2014-01-16.
    23. ^ "Yale University Library Search Results".
    24. ^ "Michael Maslin's Inkspill".
    25. ^ Life, pages 6-7 (January 6, 1947)
    26. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. October 1992. p. 31.
    27. ^ The Record's Master's Teas Archived 2010-05-11 at the Wayback Machine
    28. ^ "If At All Possible, Involve a Cow: The Book of College Pranks". Every Goddamn Day Blog. Retrieved 18 February 2021.
    29. ^ Liu, Michelle Liu (January 20, 2015). "Yale Record demands a second Kiko Milano, but not really". Yale Daily News. Retrieved 2021-07-31.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
    30. ^ Davis, Parke H. (October 31, 1923). "The Semicentennial of Yale-Princeton Football". The Princeton Alumni Weekly. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University. p. 99
    31. ^ Smith, Melvin I. (2008). Evolvements of Early American Foot Ball: Through the 1890/91 Season. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse. p. 12.
    32. ^ Smith, Ronald A. (1988). Sports & Freedom: The Rise of Big-Time College Athletics. New York: Oxford University Press. p.76.
    33. ^ The Harvard Advocate. Cambridge: Harvard Advocate. November 5, 1875. p. 53.
    34. ^ a b Smith, Ronald A. (1988). Sports & Freedom: The Rise of Big-Time College Athletics. New York: Oxford University Press. p.77.
    35. ^ Wilton, David (2009). Word Myths: Debunking Linguistic Urban Legands. New York: Oxford University Press.
    36. ^ Greenberg, Sam and Esther Zuckerman (October 12, 2009). "A Yale tradition reborn, redefined". The Yale Daily News. New Haven: Yale Daily News.
    37. ^ Hastings, Wells, Brian Hooker, and Henry Ely, eds. (1901) Yale Fun. New Haven: Yale Record. pp. 8, 18, 34, 35, 49, 54–56, 61, 62, 81.
    38. ^ Yale Banner. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1958. p. 219.
    39. ^ Arno, Peter (as "Peters") (January 17, 1923). Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    40. ^ "Grosvenor Atterbury". The twelfth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. New York: Psi Upsilon. May 1917. p. 158.
    41. ^ "Thomas Rutherford Bacon". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 220.
    42. ^ "Donn Barber". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1924-1925. New Haven: Yale University. August 1, 1925. p. 1492.
    43. ^ Bayne, Hugh Aiken (1891). The Tales of Temple Bar: A Prologue. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Publishers.
    44. ^ Becker, Daniel Levin and Martin Glazier (May 2003). "The Maelstrom Recording Diaries". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    45. ^ "Lucius Beebe Will Edit the Crimson Bookshelf". The Harvard Crimson. March 21, 1925.
    46. ^ "Clifford Whittingham Beers". History of the Class of 1897, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University: Decennial Record 1897-1907. New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company. 1907. p. 4.
    47. ^ a b c d e Yale Banner and Pot Pourri. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1923. p. 192.
    48. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 16–17, 24, 42–43, 50–51, 67–68, 82–83.
    49. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 104–106.
    50. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 100–101.
    51. ^ The Yew Norker (The New Yorker parody). New Haven: Yale Record. February–March 1961.
    52. ^ "Editors Yale Record". The Yale Banner. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers. 1874. p. 78.
    53. ^ "Edward Anthony Bradford". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 226.
    54. ^ Bryan, C.D.B. (1958). "Son of a Beach". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    55. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 93.
    56. ^ Carnes, Marc C., ed. (2005) American National Biography: Supplement 2. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 84.
    57. ^ "Walter Boughton Chambers". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 293.
    58. ^ a b The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. October 1991. p. 3.
    59. ^ a b c d Yale Banner and Pot Pourri: Freshman Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1937. p. 106.
    60. ^ "George Shepard Chappell". Obituary Record of Graduates Of Yale University: Deceased During the Year 1946-1947. New Haven: Yale University. January 1, 1948. p. 47.
    61. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. December 1995. p. 3.
    62. ^ "William Churchill". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1919-1920. New Haven: Yale University. August 1920. p. 1425.
    63. ^ Gerber, Michael (May 12, 2004). "Meet Gary Clarke". mikegerber.com. Retrieved January 28, 2014.
    64. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. December 2009. p. 9.
    65. ^ "Thomas Cochran". Obituary Record of Graduates Of Yale University: Deceased During the Year 1936-1937. New Haven: Yale University. December 1, 1937. p. 64.
    66. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 77–78.
    67. ^ "Charles Collens". Decennial Record of the Class of 1896. New York: De Vinne Press. 1907. p. 282.
    68. ^ a b c d e f g Yale Banner and Pot Pourri. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1926. p. 238.
    69. ^ "James Ashmore Creelman". Obituary Record of Graduates Of Yale University: Deceased During the Year 1941-1942. New Haven: Yale University. January 1, 1943. pp. 222–223.
    70. ^ "Raymond Moreau Crosby". Obituary Record of Graduates Of Yale University: Deceased During the Year 1945-1946. New Haven: Yale University. January 1, 1947. p. 46.
    71. ^ a b The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. 1997 (Volume 125, Number 1). p. 4.
    72. ^ Veevers-Carter, Wendy (2006). Clarence Day: An American Writer. Lincoln, Nebraska: Wilhelmine Blower. p. 268.
    73. ^ "George Parmly Day". The twelfth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. New York: Psi Upsilon. May 1917. p. 170.
    74. ^ Dedman, Julien (November 1947). Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    75. ^ a b The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. November 1990. p. 3.
    76. ^ The Yale Pot Pourri. New Haven: Yale University. 1904. p. 243.
    77. ^ a b The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. May 1949. p. 3.
    78. ^ Fabry, Jaro (January 1932). Cartoon. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    79. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 68–69.
    80. ^ "Henry Johnson Fisher". The twelfth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. New York: Psi Upsilon. May 1917. p. 168.
    81. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. May 1999. p. 7.
    82. ^ Fong, Karin (February 1992). Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    83. ^ Wilder, Thornton N., Stephen Vincent Benet, John Franklin Carter, Jr. et al., ed. (April 1918) "Memorabilia Yalensia". The Yale Literary Magazine. New Haven: Yale Lit. p. 355.
    84. ^ "Asa Palmer French". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 269.
    85. ^ The Retraction. New Haven: Yale Herald. October 1989. p. 2.
    86. ^ Griswold, A. Whitney (November 18, 1927). 'Harvard Men "Moist", According to Associate Editor of Yale Record: Only Those Who Think Too Much or Not at All at Harvard-Finds Polish of Little Use in Selling Bonds'. The Harvard Crimson. Cambridge: Harvard Crimson.
    87. ^ Grossman, Robert (February–March 1961). Cover Illustration. The Yew Norker (The New Yorker parody). New Haven: Yale Record.
    88. ^ "Editors Yale Record". The Yale Banner. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers. 1875. p. 90.
    89. ^ Hamilton, William (September 1960). Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    90. ^ Hastings, Wells, Brian Hooker, and Henry Ely, eds. (1901) Yale Fun. New Haven: Yale Record. p. 1.
    91. ^ a b c d The Yale Record ("Smut!" Issue). New Haven: Yale Record. February 1951. p. 3.
    92. ^ a b Osborn, Robert C. (1982). Osborn on Osborn. New York. Ticknor & Fields. p. 44.
    93. ^ Caws, Mary Ann (2005). "Jerome Hill". camargofoundation.org. Cassis, France: Camargo Foundation. Web. Retrieved January 27, 2014.
    94. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 13–14, 54–57.
    95. ^ a b Yale Banner and Pot Pourri. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1926. p. 236.
    96. ^ Bronson, Francis W., Thomas Caldecott Chubb, and Cyril Hume, eds. (1922) The Yale Record Book of Verse: 1872-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 61, 87–88.
    97. ^ "The Yale Record's "Smut," 1951. | MagazineParody.com". 6 January 2017.
    98. ^ "Richard Melancthon Hurd". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 297.
    99. ^ Gmur, Leonhard (November 14, 2013). Rex Ingram: Hollywood Rebel of the Silver Screen. Germany: epubli GmbH. p. 473.
    100. ^ "Samuel Isham". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1910-1911. New Haven: Yale University. July 1911. p. 798.
    101. ^ "Frank Jenkins". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 231.
    102. ^ Johnson, Tom Loftin (May 1920). Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    103. ^ "Lorenzo Medici Johnson". Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University: Deceased from June 1900, to June 1910. New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co. 1910. p. 501.
    104. ^ a b Yale Banner. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1955. p. 157.
    105. ^ "Stoddard King". Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University Deceased during the Year 1932-1933. New Haven: Yale University. October 15, 1933. p. 123.
    106. ^ Kingman, Eugene (March 25, 1931). "The Old Order Changeth" (Cartoon). The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    107. ^ Bloom, Harold, ed. (2009) Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations: John Knowles's A Separate Peace. Infobase Publishing. Chronology, p. 111.
    108. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. November 1992. p. 3.
    109. ^ a b The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. November 1994. p. 3.
    110. ^ "Kansas City Artist, Arthur Kraft, Dies". The Kansas City Times. Kansas City, Missouri: The Kansas City Star. September 29, 1977.
    111. ^ Kukoda, Jack (November 2001). "Return to Glory". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. p. 2.
    112. ^ Roche, John and R.J. Marx. (July 6, 2012). "Richard C. Lemon, man of letters, dies at 81". The Bedford-Pound Ridge Record-Review. Bedford Hills, New York: The Record-Review.
    113. ^ Grieder, Terence, Lee Chesney, and Gibbs Milliken (1995). Report of the Memorial Resolution Committee for Robert L. Levers, Jr. 21054-21055 pp. (accessed 7 December 2019)
    114. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. February 2006. p. 2.
    115. ^ Wreszin, Michael, ed. (2003) Interviews with Dwight Macdonald. University Press of Mississippi. p. 116.
    116. ^ Marsh, Reginald (October 1916). "On the Straight and Narrow". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    117. ^ Mason, Alane Salierno (July 1999). "To Love and Love Not". Vanity Fair. New York: Conde Nast.
    118. ^ Kelly, Charles J. (2009). Tex McCrary: Wars-Women-Politics, An Adventurous Life across the American Century. Lanham, Maryland: Hamilton Books. p. 6.
    119. ^ a b c Yale Banner & Pot Pourri. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. p. 182.
    120. ^ Charles Andrew Merz 1893-1977, Evelyn Scott Merz 1896-1980: Founders of the Charles Merz and Evelyn Scott Merz Memorial Funds in the New York Community Trust. New York: New York Community Trust. Pamphlet. p. 4.
    121. ^ Metaxas, Eric (2010). Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. About the Author.
    122. ^ Moghadam, Mahbod (November 2001). "Yale Ain't Nuthin to Fuck Wit". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. p. 4.
    123. ^ The Editor: The Journal of Information for Literary Workers. Ridgewood, NJ: The Editor Company. March 24th, 1917. p. 13.
    124. ^ "Augustus Kountze Oliver". The twelfth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. New York: Psi Upsilon. May 1917. p. 181.
    125. ^ Gussow, Mel (December 22, 1994). "Robert Osborn Is Dead at 90; Caricaturist and Satirist". The New York Times. New York: NYTC.
    126. ^ a b Yale Banner and Pot Pourri. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1927. p. 229.
    127. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. Spring, 1990. p. 2.
    128. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. Winter, 1990. p. 2.
    129. ^ "Sidney Catlin Partridge". Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University Deceased in the Year 1929-1930 New Haven: Yale University. July 1, 1930. p. 81.
    130. ^ "Editors Yale Record". The Yale Banner. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers. 1874. p. 78.
    131. ^ "James Protus Pigott". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1919-1920. New Haven: Yale University. August 1920. p. 1413.
    132. ^ Pease, Donald E. (2010). Theodor SEUSS Geisel. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 27.
    133. ^ "Editors Yale Record". The Yale Banner. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers. 1877. p. 100.
    134. ^ Price, Victoria (1999). Vincent Price: A Daughter's Biography. New York: St. Martin's Press. p. 40.
    135. ^ "Kenneth Rand". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1918-1919. New Haven: Yale University. August 1919. p. 1054.
    136. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. November 1993. p. 3.
    137. ^ "John Francisco Richards, II". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1918-1919. New Haven: Yale University. August 1919. p. 1101.
    138. ^ "Henry Roberts". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 245.
    139. ^ a b Yale Banner. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1942. p. 96.
    140. ^ Synnott, Marcia Graham (2010). The Half-Opened Door. 2nd ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. p. 24.
    141. ^ The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. January 1, 1932.
    142. ^ Oral history interview with Charles Green Shaw, 1968 April 15, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
    143. ^ "Howard VanDoren Shaw". Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1925-1926. New Haven: Yale University. August 1, 1926. p. 143.
    144. ^ Herrmann, Robert L. (1998). Sir John Templeton: From Wall Street to Humility Theology. Radnor, Pennsylvania: Templeton Foundation Press. p. 112.
    145. ^ "Sherman Day Thacher". The tenth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bethlehem, PA: The Comenius Press. March 1888. p. 277.
    146. ^ "Daniel Grant Tomlinson". Obituary Record of Graduates of the Undergraduate Schools Deceased in the Year 1950-1951. New Haven: Yale University. January 1, 1952. p. 75.
    147. ^ Trudeau, Garry (November 1968). Cover Illustration. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record.
    148. ^ "Sonny Tufts, Boston And Yale Scion, Makes Good In Movies". Miami Daily News. July 7, 1943. p. 21.
    149. ^ "Frank Wright Tuttle". The twelfth general catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. New York: Psi Upsilon. May 1917. p. 203.
    150. ^ "George Edgar Vincent". Obituary Record of Graduates Of Yale University: Deceased During the Year 1940-1941. New Haven: Yale University. January 1, 1942. p. 28.
    151. ^ Maclay, Kathleen (December 7, 2012). "Media Ethicist Edward Wasserman to become new journalism school dean". http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/. Berkeley, California: University of California, Berkeley. Web. Retrieved January 27, 2014.
    152. ^ Hardie, Martin (February 1912). Herman A. Webster. New York, NY: Frederick Keppel & Co. p. 4.
    153. ^ Bowden, Ken (2008). Teeing Off: Players, Techniques, Characters, Experiences, and Reflections from a Lifetime Inside the Game. Chicago, IL: Triumph Books. p. 108.
    154. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. May 2000. pp. 32–33.
    155. ^ Buckley, Christopher (Spring, 1997). "Stoned at Yale: A Memoir". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. pp. 14–15, 33.
    156. ^ "The Yale Record | The Weeklies | May 7, 2001".
    157. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. April 2001. pp. 33, 40.
    158. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. November 1998. pp. 37–38.
    159. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. May 1999. pp. 41–42.
    160. ^ Keillor, Garrison (February 2003). "How to Write a Letter to Your Mother in Seven Days". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. p. 38.
    161. ^ Lapham, Lewis (Spring, 1997). "A Dictionary of Economic Correctness". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. pp. 28–29.
    162. ^ McGrath, Charles (Spring, 1997). "The Last Word". The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. p. 34.
    163. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. December 2003.
    164. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. May 2000. pp. 32, 34.
    165. ^ Interview. The Yale Record. New Haven: Yale Record. December 2000.