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[[Anal sex]] in [[Sunni Islam]] is prohibited,<ref>[http://understanding-islam.com/related/text.asp?type=question&qid=262 understanding-islam.com]</ref> and is [[controversial]] among [[Islamic]] scholars. Disputes over anal sex also appear in pre-modern sources <ref>[http://science.jrank.org/pages/8078/Sexuality-Islamic-Views.html science.jrank.org]</ref> such as the [[hadith]] of Sahih Bukhari <ref name="islam-qa.com">[http://www.islam-qa.com/index.php?ref=91968&ln=eng islam-qa.com]</ref> and [[Usul al-Kafi]]. It is practiced by some Muslims as a means of family planning on the authority of above cites sources.<ref>[http://www.middleeast.org/read.cgi?category=Magazine&num=1319&standalone=0&month=1&year=2006&function=text middleeast.org]</ref> It is currently overwhelmingly considered [[taboo]] however.<ref name="islam-qa.com"/>
==Existence of Narratives on Allowance of Anal Sex==

The Quran says "Your wives are a '''[[Tillage|tilth]]''' for you [[[you refer to men not women]]], so have your tilth, whenever, however and wherever you wish ''''[[any time, anyway or any style and any place this is the meaning of Anna in Arabic]]'''', and do introduction of yourself [[[means foreplay]]]]. and also do it with them [[your wives]] from where god ordered And fear god [[[[god in Arabic means Allah]]], and know that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give good tidings to the believers." {{quran|2|223}}

The latest understanding of this verses, is that wives (women) are tilth for men, so the tilth happens to men in this sentence, and tilth here not means reproduction as men don't get pregnant, so tilth here means refreshing the body and giving energy to men as happens to the land after tilthing. so verses says have your tilth you men and the way you like not certain way, as it depends on free imagination without rules, so that means anal sex is allowed as the verses here gave permission to totally free style sex with wives as word [anna] means in Arabic whenever, wherever and however in the same time. after that verses asked to have vaginal sex also besides any type of sex you like [and also from where Allah ordered] as verses says [ and also ] and didn’t say [ only from where Allah ordered ] this verses came after a famous companion of the messenger called Omar Ibn Elkhattab made anal sex with his wife, and came to the messenger and said I'm lost god messenger, I switched my traveler [pines destination] yesterday, then this verses descended. so this verses talking mainly about anal sex.

Actually old interpreters feel shy about this verses and tried to interpret it by other ways to avoid saying allah permit totally free sex style including anal sex as long as it's with the wives like: {tilth means reproduction so the verses talk about free style sex (any pose any scinario any time) but vaginal sex only} and they say this companion means doggy style as he did it vaginally but from behind.
But the verses clearly says women do tilth to men not the contrary, so tilth happens to men not women so verses is not talking about reproduction or vaginal sex, it talk about sex in general and anal sex was the reason story for descending this verses. also it's not logic that men have desire for having children so they have their tilth (as reproduction as old interpreters say) in the position they like including doggy style as they say doggy style is what this companion made and thought it's a disaster. no men think of children while enjoying having poses?? That is completely not logic.

==References for and against==
The Bukhari Sharif Hadith 4170 & 4171 state that anal sex is permissible ([[halal]]). It also refers to what [[al-Bukhaari]] tells of [[Abu Suhail an-Nafi|Naafi']] telling of [[Ibn Umar]] analysing the passage "so go to your tilth when or how you will". Umar's interpretation was that "he may approach her from …" (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50 = #4253).<ref name="usc.edu"></ref> Umar's interpretation however has been questioned.
On the [[ellipsis]] [[Ibn Hajar]] says in [[Fath al-Bari]] (8/189): ''This is how it appears in all the texts. It does not mention what comes after the word "from".''' He also quotes other sources than al-Bukhaari, which have Ibn 'Umar saying "He may approach her in her back passage." <ref>[http://www.islamqa.com]</ref>

Most Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is [[haram]], based on the [[hadith]]: "Do not have anal sex with women", reported by Ahmad, [[At-Tirmidhi]], [[Al-Nasa'i]] and [[Ibn Majah]].

[[Khuzaima ibn Thabit]] also reports that the messenger of Allah said: "Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: "Do not have sex with your wives in the anus", reported by Ahmad, 5/213.

[[`Abd Allah ibn `Abbas]] narrates: "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah will not look at a man who has anal sex with his wife", reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah (3/529) and At-Tirmidhi, classified it as an authentic hadith (1165).

It is reported that Muhammad referred to such acts as "minor sodomy," reported by Ahmad and An-Nasa'i.

However, there are hadith which permit anal sex, one in Sunni Islam and two in Shia Islam. The [[Sahih Bukhari]] (Volume 6, Book 60: Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet), Hadith No. 50)<ref name="usc.edu">[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/060.sbt.html#006.060.050 usc.edu]</ref>, an important document for Sunnis, permits it. Its authenticity is conformed by a hadith of [[Abu Dawood|Sunan Abu Dawud]] (Book 11: Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Hadith Number 2159)<ref>[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/abudawud/011.sat.html#011.2157 usc.edu]</ref>, though the said hadith itself is in disagreement with many other hadith in other books, except for the Sahih Bukhari.<ref>[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/060.sbt.html#006.060.051 usc.edu],[http://quran.al-islam.com/Tafseer/DispTafsser.asp?nType=1&bm=&nSeg=0&l=arb&nSora=2&nAya=223&taf=TABARY&tashkeel=0],[http://www.scribd.com/doc/9676785/Anal-Oral-Sex-Touching-Penis-in-Islam-Hadith-Fiqh Anal Oral Sex & Touching Penis in Islam Hadith & Fiqh]</ref>.

In Shia Islam, the book of hadith [[Kitab al-Kafi]] (the Bukhari of [[Shi'ism]]) states that that anal sex with woman is considered repulsive. The [[Grand Ayatollah]] has decreed that anal intercourse is "not permissible without the wife's consent"''.

==Existence of Narratives on Allowance of Anal Sex in Arabic as Proof==

أرجو مساعدتي في معرفة الصواب ، في البخاري الحديث رقم (4170) و (4171) إن الإتيان في الدبر حلال ، وموقعكم يقول إنه حرام ، فما هو الصواب ؟
أرجو مساعدتي في معرفة الصواب ، في البخاري الحديث رقم (4170) و (4171) إن الإتيان في الدبر حلال ، وموقعكم يقول إنه حرام ، فما هو الصواب ؟
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ثم ذكر ما جاء من بعض الروايات خارج صحيح البخاري أن ابن عمر قال : يأتيها في دبرها.
ثم ذكر ما جاء من بعض الروايات خارج صحيح البخاري أن ابن عمر قال : يأتيها في دبرها.

[http://www.islam-qa.com/ar/ref/91968], [http://www.islamqa.com]

In Bukhari sharif hadeeth no-4170 & 4171, said that anal sex is halal (permissible). It is also referring to what al-Bukhaari narrated from Naafi’ from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him): “so go to your tilth when or how you will”; he said: “He may approach her from …”
Ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Baari (8/189):
This is how it appears in all the texts. It does not mention what comes after the word “from”. End quote.
And he quoted what is mentioned in some reports elsewhere than in Saheeh al-Bukhaari, that Ibn ‘Umar said: He may approach her in her back passage. [http://www.islamqa.com]

قال القرطبي: وممن نُسب إليه هذا القول سعيد بن المسيب ونافع وابن عمر ومحمد بن كعب القرظي وعبد الملك بن الماجشون، وحُكي ذلك عن مالك في كتاب له يُسمَّى كتاب السر، وحُذّاق أصحاب مالك ومشايخهم ينكرون ذلك الكتاب...
قال القرطبي: وممن نُسب إليه هذا القول سعيد بن المسيب ونافع وابن عمر ومحمد بن كعب القرظي وعبد الملك بن الماجشون، وحُكي ذلك عن مالك في كتاب له يُسمَّى كتاب السر، وحُذّاق أصحاب مالك ومشايخهم ينكرون ذلك الكتاب...
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فهل بعد قول مالك ((ما أدركت أحدا أقتدى به في دينى يشك في أنه حلال)) هل بعد هذا يقال انه لم يقل به احد الا الشيعة الامامية الاثني عشرية ..
فهل بعد قول مالك ((ما أدركت أحدا أقتدى به في دينى يشك في أنه حلال)) هل بعد هذا يقال انه لم يقل به احد الا الشيعة الامامية الاثني عشرية ..

[http://www.alhashimia.net/Importanttopics/z38.htm] <span style="font-size: smaller;" class="autosigned">—Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|unsigned]] comment added by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) 14:56, 24 March 2009 (UTC)</span><!-- Template:UnsignedIP --> <!--Autosigned by SineBot-->

==Narratives on the Prohibition of Anal Sex==

All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is Haram, based on the [[Hadith]]: "Do not have anal sex with women." (Reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa'i, and Ibn Majah.)

[[Khuzaymah Ibn Thaabit]] also reports that the Messenger of Allah, said: "Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: Do not have sex with your wives in the anus." (Reported by Ahmad, 5/213.)

[[Ibn `Abbaas]] narrates: "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah will not look at a man who has anal sex with his wife." (Reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah, 3/529, and At-Tirmidhi classified it as an authentic Hadith, 1165.)

Further, it is reported that Muhammad referred to such an act as "minor sodomy." (Reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaa'i.)

==Anal sex and Sunni Islam==

However, there are Ahadith which allows ([[anus]], in Arabic Dubur: “ فِي الدُّبُر ” ) sex, one in Sunni sect and two in Shia sect. In Sunni sect, a high rated Hadith Book [[Sahih Bukhari]], Volume 6, Book 60: Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet), Hadith No. 50, <ref name="usc.edu">[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/060.sbt.html#006.060.050 usc.edu]</ref> allows it, its authenticity and anal sex concept is conformed by a Hadith of Sunan [[Abu-Dawud]], Book 11: Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Hadith Number 2159 <ref>[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/abudawud/011.sat.html#011.2157 usc.edu]</ref>, whereas the said Hadith itself disapproves along with many other Ahadith in other books except Sahih Bukhari.<ref>[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/060.sbt.html#006.060.051 usc.edu],[http://quran.al-islam.com/Tafseer/DispTafsser.asp?nType=1&bm=&nSeg=0&l=arb&nSora=2&nAya=223&taf=TABARY&tashkeel=0],[http://www.scribd.com/doc/9676785/Anal-Oral-Sex-Touching-Penis-in-Islam-Hadith-Fiqh Anal Oral Sex & Touching Penis in Islam Hadith & Fiqh]</ref>.

==Ijma & Bukhari Hadith==

Narrated Nafi': Whenever Ibn 'Umar recited the Qur'an, he would not speak to anyone till he had finished his recitation. Once I held the Qur'an and he recited Surat-al-Baqara from his memory and then stopped at a certain Verse and said, "Do you know in what connection this Verse was revealed? " I replied, "No." He said, "It was revealed in such-and-such connection." Ibn 'Umar then resumed his recitation. Nafi added regarding the Verse:--"So go to your tilth when or how you will" Ibn 'Umar said, "It means one should approach his wife in ...(anus)" (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50 = #4253).<ref name="usc.edu"></ref>

==Anal Sex and Shia Islam==

In Shia Islam, a high rated Hadith Book “Usool al- Kafi, i.e., The Bukhari of [[Shi'ism]]”
says that anal sex with woman is Mekruh.

The Grand Ayatollah has issued that anal intercourse is '''not permissible without wife's consent'''. If she is consenting, it would be strongly '''Makrooh (abominable).'''

==Imam Malik View==

In other reference, Imam Malik said that anal [[intercourse]] is [[Haraam|haram]] (prohibited), but enjoyment of the [[rear]] (anus: dubur) without [[penetration]] (eelaaj) is licit.<ref>[http://www.abc.se/~m9783/fiqhi/fiqha_e92.html abc.se]</ref> It is lawful to place a finger on the anus as foreplay as long as it does not penetrate.<ref>[http://www.themodernreligion.com/misc/sex/sex-oral.html themodernreligion.com]</ref>

==Ibn Kathir View==
The anal sex concept of [[Sahih Bukhari]] was denied later on by other scholars such as by "[[Ibn Kathir]]" in "[[Tafsir]] Ibn Kathir" - [[Quran]] Tafsir – “The Reason behind revealing Allah's Statement Your Wives are a Tilth for You”.<ref>[http://www.qtafsir.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=189&Itemid=36 qtafsir.com]</ref>

Some forbid buttsecking as an obligatory precaution.<ref>[http://english.bayynat.org.lb/Jurisprudence/sex.htm english.bayynat.org.lb]</ref>

==Anal sex and [[Tafseer]] [[Tabari]]==
Imam Tabari cites as:

حَدَّثَنِي أَبُو قِلَابَةَ قَالَ : ثنا عَبْد الصَّمَد , قَالَ : ثني أَبِي , عَنْ أَيُّوب , عَنْ نَافِع , عَنْ ابْن عُمَر : { فَأْتُوا حَرْثكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ } قَالَ : فِي الدُّبُر

Hadith No. 3468 .<ref>[http://quran.al-islam.com/Tafseer/DispTafsser.asp?nType=1&bm=&nSeg=0&l=arb&nSora=2&nAya=223&taf=TABARY&tashkeel=0 quran.al-islam.com]</ref>

Translation of Arabic Text: It was narrated by Abu Kilaba, narrated by Abdel Samad, who said that it was narrated by his father who narrated from Ayub, narrated from Nafi’, narrated by Ibn Umar who said that (Sura 2:223), ‘Your wives are as a tilth unto you: so approach your tilth when or how you will’ means (فِي الدُّبُر ) in anus.[http://www.scribd.com/doc/9676785/Anal-Oral-Sex-Touching-Penis-in-Islam-Hadith-Fiqh]

==Anal Sex and Sahih Bukhari==

In Sahih Bukhari Hadith & Urdu translation of the Hadith by renowned Ahle Hadith scholar Waheed-uz-Zaman, it is clearly written in bracket, that is, “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

[[Image:Interpretation of Holy Quran Verse by Sahih Bukhari Hadith.JPG|500px|thumb|right|Interpretation of Quran Verse by Sahih Bukhari Hadith & Urdu translation of the Hadith by renowned Ahle Hadith scholar Waheed-uz-Zaman, it is clearly written in bracket, that is, “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.]]

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:

Ibn Umar misunderstood (the Qur'anic verse, "So come to your tilth however you will") --may Allah forgive him. The fact is that this clan of the Ansar, who were idolaters, lived in the company of the Jews who were the people of the Book. They (the Ansar) accepted their superiority over themselves in respect of knowledge, and they followed most of their actions. The people of the Book (i.e. the Jews) used to have intercourse with their women on one side alone (i.e. lying on their backs). This was the most concealing position for (the vagina of) the women. This clan of the Ansar adopted this practice from them. But this tribe of the Quraysh used to uncover their women completely, and seek pleasure with them from in front and behind and laying them on their backs.

When the muhajirun (the immigrants) came to Medina, a man married a woman of the Ansar. He began to do the same kind of action with her, but she disliked it, and said to him: We were approached on one side (i.e. lying on the back); do it so, otherwise keep away from me. This matter of theirs spread widely, and it reached the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him).

So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur'anic verse: "Your wives are a tilth to you, so come to your tilth however you will," i.e. from in front, from behind or lying on the back. But this verse meant the place of the delivery of the child, i.e. the vagina.

==Anal Sex and Tafseer of Sahih Bukhari Hadith==

[[Image:Anal Sex & Islam Hadith Tafseer.GIF|300px|thumb|right|In Bukhari Hadith Tafseer, it is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.]]

'''<span style="font-size:100%"> Image: Urdu translation of Anal Sex and Tafseer of Sahih Bukhari Hadith. It is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”. </span>'''

==Anal sex and Hanafi sect==

For the Hanafi view, read the [[Arabic]] Text, the [[English language|English]] [[translation]] & the image in Arabic and [[Urdu]] below:

The Arabic Text:

وفي المغني ج7ص225 : ( ورويت إباحته عن ابن عمر وزيد بن أسلم ونافع ومالك ، وروي عن مالك أنه قال : ما أدركت أحد أقتدي به في ديني يشك في أنه حلال . وأهل العراق من أصحاب مالك ينكرون ذلك واحتج من أجله بقول الله عز وجل {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ}(البقرة/223) وقوله سبحانه {وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ إِلاَّ عَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ}(المؤمنون/5-6) ) .

This is in the great Sunni book al-Mughni Bi Ibn Kudadma:
The permissibility was narrated on Ibn Omar , Zaid Ibn Aslam and Nafi'i And Malik : and it's been narrated on Malik that he said: I never spoke to someone I deem a role model in religion who doubts that it's Halal. [http://truemuslim.9.forumer.com/index.php?s=46069e7a4ef97cfde0c74f8497913d43&showtopic=772].

[[Image:Anal Sex and Hanafi Sect.JPG|400px|thumb|right|Anal Sex and Hanafi Sect, in Arabic & Urdu translation. It is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.]]

'''<span style="font-size:100%"> Image: Anal Sex and Hanafi Sect, in Arabic & Urdu translation. It is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”. </span>'''

==Contradiction in Hadith Literature==

This article appears to contradict itself, because of contradiction in Hadith literature itself.

Sahih Bukhari book 60 Hadith No. 50 has mentioned directly of Anal Sex and is not referring to the same matter as Hadith No. 51. The reasoning that the Arabic text of Hadith has left the word blank is valid. Other references are as:

An-Nasa'i reported that Ka`b bin `Alqamah said that Abu An-Nadr said that he asked Nafi`, "The people are repeating the statement that you relate from Ibn `Umar that he allowed sex with women in their rear (anus). He said, "They have said a lie about me. But let me tell you what really happened. Ibn `Umar was once reciting the Qur'an while I was with him and he reached the Ayah:

(Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will,) He then said, `O Nafi`! Do you know the story behind this Ayah' I said, `No.' He said, `We, the people of Quraysh, used to have sexual intercourse with our wives from the back (in the vagina). When we migrated to Al-Madinah and married some Ansari women, we wanted to do the same with them. They disliked it and made a big issue out of it. The Ansari women had followed the practice of the Jews who have sex with their women while they lay on their sides. Then, Allah revealed:
(Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will,)
This has an authentic chain of narrators.

Abu Muhammad `Abdullah bin `Abdur-Rahman Darimi reported in his Musnad that Sa`id bin Yasar Abu Hubab said: I said to Ibn `Umar, "What do you say about having sex with women in the rear He said, "What does it mean I said, "Anal sex. He said, "Does a Muslim do that This Hadith has an authentic chain of narrators and is an explicit rejection of anal sex from Ibn `Umar.

Abu Bakr bin Ziyad Naysaburi reported that Isma`il bin Ruh said that he asked Malik bin Anas, "What do you say about having sex with women in the anus He said, "You are not an Arab Does sex occur but in the place of pregnancy Do it only in the Farj (vagina). I said, "O Abu `Abdullah! They say that you allow that practice. He said, "They utter a lie about me, they lie about me. This is Malik's firm stance on this subject. It is also the view of Sa`id bin Musayyib, Abu Salamah, `Ikrimah, Tawus, `Ata , Sa`id bin Jubayr, `Urwah bin Az-Zubayr, Mujahid bin Jabr, Al-Hasan and other scholars of the Salaf (the Companions and the following two generations after them). They all, along with the majority of the scholars, harshly rebuked the practice of anal sex and many of them called this practice a Kufr.


==See also==
*[[Shabbir Ahmed (writer)]]
*[[Oral sex in Islamic law]]

==External links==
*[http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503543832 Islamic Ruling on Anal Sex] ''IslamOnline.net''
*[http://www.al-islam.org/m_morals/chap3b.htm The Islamic Sexual Morality (2) Its Structure]
*[http://understanding-islam.com/related/text.asp?type=question&qid=262 Narratives on the Prohibition of Anal Sex]

==Blank Space in Arabic & English Text for Anus==
==Blank Space in Arabic & English Text for Anus==

Revision as of 15:49, 15 April 2009

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Anal sex in Sunni Islam is prohibited,[1] and is controversial among Islamic scholars. Disputes over anal sex also appear in pre-modern sources [2] such as the hadith of Sahih Bukhari [3] and Usul al-Kafi. It is practiced by some Muslims as a means of family planning on the authority of above cites sources.[4] It is currently overwhelmingly considered taboo however.[3]

The Quran says "Your wives are a tilth for you [[[you refer to men not women]]], so have your tilth, whenever, however and wherever you wish 'any time, anyway or any style and any place this is the meaning of Anna in Arabic', and do introduction of yourself [[[means foreplay]]]]. and also do it with them your wives from where god ordered And fear god [[god in Arabic means Allah], and know that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give good tidings to the believers."

The latest understanding of this verses, is that wives (women) are tilth for men, so the tilth happens to men in this sentence, and tilth here not means reproduction as men don't get pregnant, so tilth here means refreshing the body and giving energy to men as happens to the land after tilthing. so verses says have your tilth you men and the way you like not certain way, as it depends on free imagination without rules, so that means anal sex is allowed as the verses here gave permission to totally free style sex with wives as word [anna] means in Arabic whenever, wherever and however in the same time. after that verses asked to have vaginal sex also besides any type of sex you like [and also from where Allah ordered] as verses says [ and also ] and didn’t say [ only from where Allah ordered ] this verses came after a famous companion of the messenger called Omar Ibn Elkhattab made anal sex with his wife, and came to the messenger and said I'm lost god messenger, I switched my traveler [pines destination] yesterday, then this verses descended. so this verses talking mainly about anal sex.

Actually old interpreters feel shy about this verses and tried to interpret it by other ways to avoid saying allah permit totally free sex style including anal sex as long as it's with the wives like: {tilth means reproduction so the verses talk about free style sex (any pose any scinario any time) but vaginal sex only} and they say this companion means doggy style as he did it vaginally but from behind. But the verses clearly says women do tilth to men not the contrary, so tilth happens to men not women so verses is not talking about reproduction or vaginal sex, it talk about sex in general and anal sex was the reason story for descending this verses. also it's not logic that men have desire for having children so they have their tilth (as reproduction as old interpreters say) in the position they like including doggy style as they say doggy style is what this companion made and thought it's a disaster. no men think of children while enjoying having poses?? That is completely not logic.

References for and against

The Bukhari Sharif Hadith 4170 & 4171 state that anal sex is permissible (halal). It also refers to what al-Bukhaari tells of Naafi' telling of Ibn Umar analysing the passage "so go to your tilth when or how you will". Umar's interpretation was that "he may approach her from …" (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50 = #4253).[5] Umar's interpretation however has been questioned.

On the ellipsis Ibn Hajar says in Fath al-Bari (8/189): This is how it appears in all the texts. It does not mention what comes after the word "from".' He also quotes other sources than al-Bukhaari, which have Ibn 'Umar saying "He may approach her in her back passage." [6]

Most Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is haram, based on the hadith: "Do not have anal sex with women", reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.

Khuzaima ibn Thabit also reports that the messenger of Allah said: "Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: "Do not have sex with your wives in the anus", reported by Ahmad, 5/213.

`Abd Allah ibn `Abbas narrates: "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah will not look at a man who has anal sex with his wife", reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah (3/529) and At-Tirmidhi, classified it as an authentic hadith (1165).

It is reported that Muhammad referred to such acts as "minor sodomy," reported by Ahmad and An-Nasa'i.

However, there are hadith which permit anal sex, one in Sunni Islam and two in Shia Islam. The Sahih Bukhari (Volume 6, Book 60: Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet), Hadith No. 50)[5], an important document for Sunnis, permits it. Its authenticity is conformed by a hadith of Sunan Abu Dawud (Book 11: Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Hadith Number 2159)[7], though the said hadith itself is in disagreement with many other hadith in other books, except for the Sahih Bukhari.[8].

In Shia Islam, the book of hadith Kitab al-Kafi (the Bukhari of Shi'ism) states that that anal sex with woman is considered repulsive. The Grand Ayatollah has decreed that anal intercourse is "not permissible without the wife's consent".

Existence of Narratives on Allowance of Anal Sex in Arabic as Proof

أرجو مساعدتي في معرفة الصواب ، في البخاري الحديث رقم (4170) و (4171) إن الإتيان في الدبر حلال ، وموقعكم يقول إنه حرام ، فما هو الصواب ؟

ولعل السائل يعني أيضا ما رواه البخاري عن نافع عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما : ( فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ ) قال : يأتيها في . . . قال ابن حجر في "فتح الباري" (8/189) : " هكذا وقع في جميع النسخ ، لم يذكر ما بعد الظرف وهو المجرور " انتهى . ثم ذكر ما جاء من بعض الروايات خارج صحيح البخاري أن ابن عمر قال : يأتيها في دبرها.

[4], [5]

قال القرطبي: وممن نُسب إليه هذا القول سعيد بن المسيب ونافع وابن عمر ومحمد بن كعب القرظي وعبد الملك بن الماجشون، وحُكي ذلك عن مالك في كتاب له يُسمَّى كتاب السر، وحُذّاق أصحاب مالك ومشايخهم ينكرون ذلك الكتاب...

وذكر ابن العربي أن ابن شعبان أسند جواز هذا القول إلى زمرة كبيرة من الصحابة والتابعين وإلى مالك من روايات كثيرة في كتاب (جماع النسوان وأحكام القِرَان)، وقال الكيا الطبري: وروي عن محمد بن كعب القرظي أنه كان لا يرى بذلك بأساً (1).

وقال ابن قدامة في المغني: ورُويت إباحته عن ابن عمر وزيد بن أسلم ونافع ومالك، وروي عن مالك أنه قال: ما أدركتُ أحداً أقتدي به في ديني يشك في أنه حلال (2).

ولا بأس بنقل ما ذكره السيوطي في الدر المنثور مع طوله، فإن فيه فوائد كثيرة.

قال السيوطي: أخرج إسحاق بن راهويه في مسنده وتفسيره والبخاري وابن جرير عن نافع قال: قرأت ذات يوم ( نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَّكُمْ فَأْتُواْ حَرْثَكُمْ أنَّى شِئْتُمْ ) قال ابن عمر: أتدري فيم أنزلت هذه الآية؟ قلت: لا. قال: نزلت في إتيان النساء في أدبارهن.


((- المجموع - محيى الدين النووي ج 61 ص 420 : وقد نقل ابن قدامة رواية عن مالك . قوله ما أدركت أحدا أقتدى به في دينى يشك في أنه حلال ، ثم أنكر ذلك أصحابه العراقيون ))). ونقل ايضا: - المجموع - محيى الدين النووي ج 61 ص 420 : قال المزني ، قال الشافعي ذهب بعض أصحابنا إلى احلاله وآخرون إلى تحريمه ولا أرخص فيه بل أنهى عنه . وحكى أن مالكا سئل عن ذلك فقال ( الآن اغتسلت منه )

وهذه ايضا اقوال وروايات نقلها صاحب الدر المنثور .. - الدر المنثور - جلال الدين السيوطي ج 1 ص 265 : في الآية ) * * أخرج اسحق بن راهوية في مسنده وتفسيره والبخاري وابن جرير عن نافع قال قرأت ذات يوم نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم قال ابن عمر أتدرى فيم أنزلت هذه الآية قلت لا قال نزلت في اتيان النساء في أدبارهن *

وأخرج البخاري وابن جرير عن ابن عمر فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم قال في الدبر *

وأخرج الخطيب في رواة مالك من طريق النضر بن عبد الله الازدي عن مالك عن نافع عن ابن عمر في قوله نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم قال ان شاء في قبلها وان شاء في دبرها *

وأخرج الحسن بن سفيان في مسنده والطبراني في الاوسط والحاكم وأبو نعيم في المستخرج بسند حسن عن ابن عمر قال انما نزلت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم نساؤكم حرث لكم الآية رخصة في اتيان الدبر

  • وأخرج ابن جرير والطبراني في الاوسط وابن مردويه وابن النجار بسند حسن عن ابن عمر ان رجلا أصاب امرأته في دبرها في زمن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فانكر ذلك الناس وقالوا أتقرؤها فانزل الله نساؤكم حرث لكم الآية *

وأخرج الخطيب في رواة مالك من طريق أحمد بن الحكم العبدى عن مالك عن نافع عن ابن عمر قال جاءت امرأة من الانصار إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تشكو زوجها فانزل الله نساؤكم حرث لكم الآية * وأخرج النسائي وابن جرير من طريق زيد بن أسلم عن ابن / صفحة 266 / عمر ان رجلا أتى امرأته في دبرها فوجد في نفسه من ذلك وجدا شديدا فانزل الله نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم انى شئتم

  • وأخرج الدارقطني في غرائب مالك من طريق أبى بشر الدولابى نبانا أبو الحرث أحمد بن سعيد نبانا أبو ثابت محمد بن عبيد الله المدنى حدثنى عبد العزيز بن محمد الدراوردى عن عبد الله بن عمر بن حفص وابن أبى ذئب ومالك بن أنس فرقهم كلهم عن نافع قال قال لى ابن عمر امسك على المصحف يا نافع فقرأ حتى أتى على نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم قال لى تدرى يا نافع فيم نزلت هذه الآية قلت لا قال نزلت في رجل من الانصار أصاب امرأته في دبرها فاعظم الناس ذلك فانزل الله نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم الآية قلت له من دبرها في قبلها قال لا الا في دبرها

وقال الرفافى فوائده تخريج الدارقطني نبانا أبو أحمد بن عبدوس نبانا على بن الجعد نبانا ابن أبى ذئب عن نافع عن ابن عمر قال وقع رجل على امرأته في دبرها فانزل الله نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم قال فقلت لابن أبى ذئب ما تقول أنت في هذا قال ما أقول فيه بعد هذا

  • وأخرج الطبراني وابن مردويه وأحمد بن أسامة التجيبى في فوائده عن نافع قال قرأ ابن عمر هذه السورة فمر بهذه الآية نساؤكم حرث لكم الآية فقال تدرى فيم أنزلت هذه الآية قال لا قال في رجال كانوا ياتون النساء في أدبارهن
  • وأخرج الدارقطني ودعلج كلاهما في غرائب مالك من طريق أبى مصعب واسحق بن محمد القروى كلاهما عن نافع عن ابن عمر انه قال يا نافع امسك على المصحف فقرأ حتى بلغ نساؤكم حرث لكم الآية فقال يا نافع أتدرى فيم أنزلت هذه الآية قلت لا قال نزلت في رجل من الانصار أصاب امرأته في دبرها فوجد في نفسه من ذلك فسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فانزل الله الآية قال الدارقطني هذا ثابت عن مالك وقال ابن عبد البر الرواية عن ابن عمر بهذا المعنى صحيحة معروفة عنه مشهورة
  • وأخرج ابن راهويه وأبو يعلى وابن جرير والطحاوى في مشكل الآثار وابن مردويه بسند حسن عن أبى سعيد الخدرى أن رجلا أصاب امرأته في دبرها فانكر الناس عليه ذلك فانزلت نساؤكم حرث لكم فاتوا حرثكم أنى شئتم
  • وأخرج النسائي والطحاوى وابن جرير والدارقطني من طريق عبد الرحمن بن القاسم عن مالك بن أنس أنه قيل له يا ابا عبد الله ان الناس يروون عن سالم بن عبد الله أنه قال كذب العبد أو العلج على أبى فقال مالك أشهد على يزيد بن رومان أنه أخبرني عن سالم بن عبد الله عن ابن عمر مثل ما قال نافع فقيل له فان الحارث بن يعقوب يروى عن أبى الحباب سعيد بن يسار أنه سأل ابن عمر فقال يا أبا عبد الرحمن انا نشترى الجوارى أفنحمض لهن قال وما التحميض فذكر له الدبر فقال ابن عمر أف أف أيفعل ذلك مؤمن أو قال مسلم فقال مالك أشهد على ربيعة أخبرني عن أبى الحباب عن ابن عمر مثل ما قال نافع قال الدارقطني هذا محفوظ عن مالك صحيح
  • وأخرج النسائي من طريق يزيد بن رومان عن عبيد الله بن عبد الله بن عمر أن عبد الله بن عمر كان لا يرى بأسا أن ياتي الرجل المرأة في دبرها
  • وأخرج البيهقى في سننه عن محمد بن على قال كنت عند محمد بن كعب القرظى فجاءه رجل فقال ما تقول في اتيان المرأة في دبرها فقال هذا شيخ من قريش فسله يعنى عبد الله بن على بن السائب فقال قذر ولو كان حلالا
  • وأخرج ابن جرير عن الدراوردى قال قيل لزيد بن أسلم ان محمد بن المنكدر نهى عن اتيان النساء في أدبارهن فقال زيد أشهد على محمد لاخبرني أنه يفعله
  • وأخرج ابن جرير عن ابن أبى مليكة أنه سئل عن اتيان المرأة في دبرها فقال قد أردته من جارية لى البارحة فاعتاصت على فاستعنت بدهن *

وأخرج الخطيب في رواة مالك عن أبى سليمان الجوزجانى قال سألت مالك بن أنس عن وطئ الحلائل في الدبر فقال لى الساعة غسلت رأسي منه

  • وأخرج ابن جرير في كتاب النكاح من طريق ابن وهب عن مالك أنه مباح * وأخرج الطحاوي من طريق أصبغ بن الفرج عن عبد الله بن القاسم قال ما أدركت أحدا أقتدى به في دينى يشك في أنه حلال يعنى وطئ المرأة في دبرها ثم قرأ نساؤكم حرث لكم ثم قال فاى شئ أبين من هذا
  • وأخرج الطحاوي والحاكم في مناقب الشافعي والخطيب عن محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد الحكم أن الشافعي سئل عنه فقال ما صح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في تحليله ولا تحريمه شئ والقياس انه حلال *

وأخرج الحاكم عن ابن عبد الحكم ان الشافعي ناظر محمد بن الحسن في ذلك فاحتج عليه ابن الحسن بان الحرث انما يكون في الفرج فقال له فيكون ما سوى الفرج محرما فالتزمه فقال أرأيت لو وطئها بين ساقيها أو في اعكانها أفى ذلك حرث قال لا قال أفيحرم قال لا قال فكيف تحتج بمالا تقول به قال الحاكم لعل الشافعي كان يقول ذلك في القديم وأما في الجديد فصرح بالتحريم *

فهل بعد قول مالك ((ما أدركت أحدا أقتدى به في دينى يشك في أنه حلال)) هل بعد هذا يقال انه لم يقل به احد الا الشيعة الامامية الاثني عشرية ..


Narratives on the Prohibition of Anal Sex

All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is Haram, based on the Hadith: "Do not have anal sex with women." (Reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa'i, and Ibn Majah.)

Khuzaymah Ibn Thaabit also reports that the Messenger of Allah, said: "Allah is not too shy to tell you the truth: Do not have sex with your wives in the anus." (Reported by Ahmad, 5/213.)

Ibn `Abbaas narrates: "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah will not look at a man who has anal sex with his wife." (Reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah, 3/529, and At-Tirmidhi classified it as an authentic Hadith, 1165.)

Further, it is reported that Muhammad referred to such an act as "minor sodomy." (Reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaa'i.)

Anal sex and Sunni Islam

However, there are Ahadith which allows (anus, in Arabic Dubur: “ فِي الدُّبُر ” ) sex, one in Sunni sect and two in Shia sect. In Sunni sect, a high rated Hadith Book Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60: Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet), Hadith No. 50, [5] allows it, its authenticity and anal sex concept is conformed by a Hadith of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11: Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Hadith Number 2159 [9], whereas the said Hadith itself disapproves along with many other Ahadith in other books except Sahih Bukhari.[10].

Ijma & Bukhari Hadith

Narrated Nafi': Whenever Ibn 'Umar recited the Qur'an, he would not speak to anyone till he had finished his recitation. Once I held the Qur'an and he recited Surat-al-Baqara from his memory and then stopped at a certain Verse and said, "Do you know in what connection this Verse was revealed? " I replied, "No." He said, "It was revealed in such-and-such connection." Ibn 'Umar then resumed his recitation. Nafi added regarding the Verse:--"So go to your tilth when or how you will" Ibn 'Umar said, "It means one should approach his wife in ...(anus)" (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50 = #4253).[5]

Anal Sex and Shia Islam

In Shia Islam, a high rated Hadith Book “Usool al- Kafi, i.e., The Bukhari of Shi'ism” says that anal sex with woman is Mekruh.

The Grand Ayatollah has issued that anal intercourse is not permissible without wife's consent. If she is consenting, it would be strongly Makrooh (abominable).

Imam Malik View

In other reference, Imam Malik said that anal intercourse is haram (prohibited), but enjoyment of the rear (anus: dubur) without penetration (eelaaj) is licit.[11] It is lawful to place a finger on the anus as foreplay as long as it does not penetrate.[12]

Ibn Kathir View

The anal sex concept of Sahih Bukhari was denied later on by other scholars such as by "Ibn Kathir" in "Tafsir Ibn Kathir" - Quran Tafsir – “The Reason behind revealing Allah's Statement Your Wives are a Tilth for You”.[13]

Some forbid buttsecking as an obligatory precaution.[14]

Anal sex and Tafseer Tabari

Imam Tabari cites as:

حَدَّثَنِي أَبُو قِلَابَةَ قَالَ : ثنا عَبْد الصَّمَد , قَالَ : ثني أَبِي , عَنْ أَيُّوب , عَنْ نَافِع , عَنْ ابْن عُمَر : { فَأْتُوا حَرْثكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ } قَالَ : فِي الدُّبُر

Hadith No. 3468 .[15]

Translation of Arabic Text: It was narrated by Abu Kilaba, narrated by Abdel Samad, who said that it was narrated by his father who narrated from Ayub, narrated from Nafi’, narrated by Ibn Umar who said that (Sura 2:223), ‘Your wives are as a tilth unto you: so approach your tilth when or how you will’ means (فِي الدُّبُر ) in anus.[8]

Anal Sex and Sahih Bukhari

In Sahih Bukhari Hadith & Urdu translation of the Hadith by renowned Ahle Hadith scholar Waheed-uz-Zaman, it is clearly written in bracket, that is, “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

File:Interpretation of Holy Quran Verse by Sahih Bukhari Hadith.JPG
Interpretation of Quran Verse by Sahih Bukhari Hadith & Urdu translation of the Hadith by renowned Ahle Hadith scholar Waheed-uz-Zaman, it is clearly written in bracket, that is, “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:

Ibn Umar misunderstood (the Qur'anic verse, "So come to your tilth however you will") --may Allah forgive him. The fact is that this clan of the Ansar, who were idolaters, lived in the company of the Jews who were the people of the Book. They (the Ansar) accepted their superiority over themselves in respect of knowledge, and they followed most of their actions. The people of the Book (i.e. the Jews) used to have intercourse with their women on one side alone (i.e. lying on their backs). This was the most concealing position for (the vagina of) the women. This clan of the Ansar adopted this practice from them. But this tribe of the Quraysh used to uncover their women completely, and seek pleasure with them from in front and behind and laying them on their backs.

When the muhajirun (the immigrants) came to Medina, a man married a woman of the Ansar. He began to do the same kind of action with her, but she disliked it, and said to him: We were approached on one side (i.e. lying on the back); do it so, otherwise keep away from me. This matter of theirs spread widely, and it reached the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him).

So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur'anic verse: "Your wives are a tilth to you, so come to your tilth however you will," i.e. from in front, from behind or lying on the back. But this verse meant the place of the delivery of the child, i.e. the vagina.

Anal Sex and Tafseer of Sahih Bukhari Hadith

In Bukhari Hadith Tafseer, it is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

Image: Urdu translation of Anal Sex and Tafseer of Sahih Bukhari Hadith. It is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

Anal sex and Hanafi sect

For the Hanafi view, read the Arabic Text, the English translation & the image in Arabic and Urdu below:

The Arabic Text:

وفي المغني ج7ص225 : ( ورويت إباحته عن ابن عمر وزيد بن أسلم ونافع ومالك ، وروي عن مالك أنه قال : ما أدركت أحد أقتدي به في ديني يشك في أنه حلال . وأهل العراق من أصحاب مالك ينكرون ذلك واحتج من أجله بقول الله عز وجل {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ}(البقرة/223) وقوله سبحانه {وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ إِلاَّ عَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ}(المؤمنون/5-6) ) .

This is in the great Sunni book al-Mughni Bi Ibn Kudadma: The permissibility was narrated on Ibn Omar , Zaid Ibn Aslam and Nafi'i And Malik : and it's been narrated on Malik that he said: I never spoke to someone I deem a role model in religion who doubts that it's Halal. [9].

File:Anal Sex and Hanafi Sect.JPG
Anal Sex and Hanafi Sect, in Arabic & Urdu translation. It is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

Image: Anal Sex and Hanafi Sect, in Arabic & Urdu translation. It is clearly written “in Anus” , in Arabic, “ فِي الدُّبُر ”.

Contradiction in Hadith Literature

This article appears to contradict itself, because of contradiction in Hadith literature itself.

Sahih Bukhari book 60 Hadith No. 50 has mentioned directly of Anal Sex and is not referring to the same matter as Hadith No. 51. The reasoning that the Arabic text of Hadith has left the word blank is valid. Other references are as:

An-Nasa'i reported that Ka`b bin `Alqamah said that Abu An-Nadr said that he asked Nafi`, "The people are repeating the statement that you relate from Ibn `Umar that he allowed sex with women in their rear (anus). He said, "They have said a lie about me. But let me tell you what really happened. Ibn `Umar was once reciting the Qur'an while I was with him and he reached the Ayah:

(Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will,) He then said, `O Nafi`! Do you know the story behind this Ayah' I said, `No.' He said, `We, the people of Quraysh, used to have sexual intercourse with our wives from the back (in the vagina). When we migrated to Al-Madinah and married some Ansari women, we wanted to do the same with them. They disliked it and made a big issue out of it. The Ansari women had followed the practice of the Jews who have sex with their women while they lay on their sides. Then, Allah revealed: (Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will,) This has an authentic chain of narrators.

Abu Muhammad `Abdullah bin `Abdur-Rahman Darimi reported in his Musnad that Sa`id bin Yasar Abu Hubab said: I said to Ibn `Umar, "What do you say about having sex with women in the rear He said, "What does it mean I said, "Anal sex. He said, "Does a Muslim do that This Hadith has an authentic chain of narrators and is an explicit rejection of anal sex from Ibn `Umar.

Abu Bakr bin Ziyad Naysaburi reported that Isma`il bin Ruh said that he asked Malik bin Anas, "What do you say about having sex with women in the anus He said, "You are not an Arab Does sex occur but in the place of pregnancy Do it only in the Farj (vagina). I said, "O Abu `Abdullah! They say that you allow that practice. He said, "They utter a lie about me, they lie about me. This is Malik's firm stance on this subject. It is also the view of Sa`id bin Musayyib, Abu Salamah, `Ikrimah, Tawus, `Ata , Sa`id bin Jubayr, `Urwah bin Az-Zubayr, Mujahid bin Jabr, Al-Hasan and other scholars of the Salaf (the Companions and the following two generations after them). They all, along with the majority of the scholars, harshly rebuked the practice of anal sex and many of them called this practice a Kufr.


See also

External links

Blank Space in Arabic & English Text for Anus

Blank Space in Arabic & English Text with three dots in Bukhari Hadith http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/060.sbt.html#006.060.050 is for Anus and is written in all translatons. "It means one should approach his wife in his anus". —Preceding unsigned comment added by Rana Ammar Mazhar (talkcontribs) 17:41, 24 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Images as Evidence of Issue

The three images of pages of actual books are concrete proof of the issues, do nor remove images. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Rana Ammar Mazhar (talkcontribs) 17:28, 24 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Article is extensively sourced

Article is extensively sourced. Deletion should only take place after discussion at AFD. If some scholars disapprove, then the subject IS controversial, & so seems noteworthy.

Rana Ammar Mazhar 18:07, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

This is to follow up on what Ranna Ammar Mazhar mentioned. Rana, I believe you well covered the aspect of anal sex except for commenting on the Ahadith that we keep hearing about prophit Muhamed prohibiting anal sex. What is your take on that?

Another genearl point to all muslims: Please stop differentiating between Sunni and Shia. People all over the world are unifying and looking for things that make unity, and some of us are still looking for reasons to continue fighting... does this make sense? You can not reject an opinion because it belongs to shia sect. However, you can comment on the content of the opinion.

We are all together one OMMAH, and the difference in opinion is Rahmmah. At least we all believe in the same book. Let us be smarter than that!

Regards, A muslim (neither Sunni nor Sheai)

—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:25, August 30, 2007 (UTC)

The sources are not authoritative. They are mostly from Shia hate sites or Pervez's criticism of Ahadith. One needs to do some better work to prove that anal sex is indeed controversial otherwise it is straightforward prohibited.... Farhan80.78.136.115 12:50, 23 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Answer: The both sources “Sahih Al-Bukhari” & “Usool al- Kafi” are authoritative. Sistani source is not a Shia hate sites. Pervez's criticism of Ahadith is not wrong. Abu-Dawud criticism is authoritative. It is a very important topic, if one can read Urdu & Arabic text in image. This particular saying is well known.

I wonder what Sistani thinks? I am oddly amused that he finds playing chess to be forbidden debauchery but is OK with anal sex. [10].

It is precisely to avoid having too many children that some Muslims practice anal sex. One man, writing to the Islamic Q&A website, says that his wife doesn't have any problem with it. "I think this is the best way of family planning instead of using condoms," the man writes, though he adds that many of his friends have told him otherwise. [11]

Thanks. 04:21, 27 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Question: Please help me for fining the truth. In Bukhari sharif hadesh no-4170 & 4171,said that anal sex is halal/jayaj.But you said (in mail a & q)that its haram.Now i'm confusied. I want to know what's the truth?Is anal sex haram or not? Please response my quetion [12].

Here the point to be noted is that Abu-Dawud denies the Bukhari sharif hadesh no-4170 & 4171. But the Imam Sb. did not answer the real question about Bukhari sharif hadesh no-4170 & 4171 in his answer at [13]. 17:35, 27 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Rana Ammar Mazhar 19:08, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please check all the references given. No one can prove with honesty that the references are wrong.

Some Muslims knows that Anal Sex is permissible according to Hadith of Bukhari [14] Some Muslim clerics say Anal Sex is a cool form of contraceptive.[15]. Some Muslims practice Anal Sex for family planning due to permission of Hadith of Bukhari and there is a FATWA in permission of anal and oral sex between wife husband in Saudia.[16].

“Narrated Ahmed (one of the top Islamic scholars) that if a man was unable to control his sexual desire during the fasting of Ramadan and he wanted to ejaculate in a manner that does not ruin his fasting (such as masturbating with his own hands or massaging his penis in the body of his wife or his slave girl), he is allowed to masturbate with the hand of his child slave-girl or the hand of a non-Muslim woman and he is allowed to put his penis into any area (e.g. anal or oral) but not in their vagina.” Baddaa Al-Fawaed (The pearls of the greatest benefits) for Ibn Al- Kaim : Bab Al-Itnab Fi Al-Igaba (Chapter The In-Depth answer)- Section of Istimnaa (Masturbation). [17].

“Your wives are your tilth; go, then, do your tilth (sex) wherever you desire … and do some preparatory steps (foreplay) first. (Quran 2: 223) One of the disciples of Mohammed said in the explanation of this verse “Do you know the reason for this verse or revelation?” The other person said “No.” The disciple continued “It is revealed to allow for making sex with women in their “Dubur” anus (anal sex)” … and Ibn Kumar said this verse is to allow Muslims to have sex in the “Dubur” or anus of women.” Fath Al-Bary Ala Sharh Sahih Al-Buchary Book of Tafseer (explanation) of the Qur’an chapter, implies that it is permitted to have sex with women wherever you like. (Note: generally, Shia Muslims allow anal sex while Sunni Muslims based on Hadith of Mohammed do not allow it. [18].

Anal sex is an issue about which Islamic scholars had many views. It must be differentiated between the sin of the people of Lut, which was between same sex, and this matter which is between husband and wife who are allowed every enjoyment between them, unless we have strong evidence that it is not allowed. Many famous Sunni scholars said that anal sex between husband and wife is allowed. Among these Sunni scholars were: Abdullah Bin Omar, Imam Malik Bin Anas, Zaid Bin Aslam and Naafe? (Al Mughni, by Ibn Qudamah Al-Nisaa?. Same reference mentions that Malik bin Anas used to say about anal sex with the wife: (I do not know any one whom can be trusted in his religion, saying that it is Haraam). These are some more references about allowing anal sex in Sunni books: Saheeh Al-Bukhari; 6: 35, Tafseer Al-Tabari; 2: 233, Siraajul Mureeden by Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi in Tafseer (Fa?atoo Harthakom Anna Shi?tom). Fath Al-Baari, 8:152, Musnad Abi Ya?la; 2: 355, Sharh Ma?ami Al-Aathaar; 3:40-45, Al-Durr Al-Manthoor by Syootee; 1: 638, Minhaaj Al-Sunnah by Ibn Taymeyyah; 2:97 and Al-Majmoo?a by Nawawi; 18: 100. According to Alul Bayt (AS), anal sex with the wife is not Haraam, but it becomes Haraam (forbidden) when she is in her menses, or if she does not agree to it. Still it is disliked (Makrooh) as Ibn Abi Ya?foor asked Imam Ja?far Al-Sadiq (AS) about anal sex with the wife, Imam said: Not Haraam, but I don?t like you to do it.) Wasaa?el Al-Shia; 20: 147. Quranic evidences that anal sex with the wife is allowed is mentioned in a saying of Imam Ja?far Al-Sadiq (AS) when somebody mentioned anal sex with the wife, Imam said: I know no verse in Quran allowing it but one verse (Are you doing anal sex with men leaving your women?) (2: 223). (Wasaa?el Al-Shia: 20: 148 and Tafseer Al-Ayyashi; 1: 111 & 331.) In spite of being allowed, but it is disliked (Makrooh), as the Hadeeth said: No one does it but the lowest of our followers.

Narrated Abdullah bin Abi Ya'foor: I asked Abu Abdullah about approaching women thru their anus, he said: No Problem. He then recited: 2:223 Your women are as tilth unto you, so approach your tilth when (or how) ye will ." [Tafseer al-Ayyashi, vol.1, p.110; Bihaar al-Anwaar Baqir al-Majlisi, vol.23, p.98; al-Burhaan fee Tafseer al-Qur'an: Hashim al-Bahraani, vol.1, p.219; Wasaa'il al-Shi'a: al-Hur al-Amily, vol.3, chpater 73: An-Nikaah wa Aadabuh] [allaahuakbar.net/shiites/KAFI.HTM] AL-KAFI

Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh))

Narrated Nafi': Whenever Ibn 'Umar recited the Qur'an, he would not speak to anyone till he had finished his recitation. Once I held the Qur'an and he recited Surat-al-Baqara from his memory and then stopped at a certain Verse and said, "Do you know in what connection this Verse was revealed? " I replied, "No." He said, "It was revealed in such-and-such connection." Ibn 'Umar then resumed his recitation. Nafi added regarding the Verse:--"So go to your tilth when or how you will" Ibn 'Umar said, "It means one should approach his wife in .." (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50:).[19]

وفي المغني ج7ص225 : ( ورويت إباحته عن ابن عمر وزيد بن أسلم ونافع ومالك ، وروي عن مالك أنه قال : ما أدركت أحد أقتدي به في ديني يشك في أنه حلال . وأهل العراق من أصحاب مالك ينكرون ذلك واحتج من أجله بقول الله عز وجل {نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ}(البقرة/223) وقوله سبحانه {وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ إِلاَّ عَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ}(المؤمنون/5-6) ) .


Anal Oral Intercourse & Shia Site

Answer by Rana Ammar Mazhar 18:24, 3 June 2007 (UTC):[reply]

B. Techniques of Foreplay:

As far as the methods of mutual stimulation in foreplay are concerned, the Shariah allows the husband and the wife to see, kiss, touch, smell and stimulate any part of each other's body. Therefore, oral sex, as it is known, is allowed. Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) was once asked, "Can a person kiss his wife's vagina?" The Imam said, "No problem."

The only restriction is that no foreign object should be used. The restriction on the use of foreign objects is based on the following hadith. Ubaydullah bin Zurarah says that he had an old neighbor who owned a young slave-girl. Because of his old age, he could not fully satisfy the young slave-girl during sexual intercourse. She would therefore ask him to place his fingers in her vagina, as she liked it. The old man complied with her wishes even though he did not like this idea. So he requested Ubaydullah to ask Imam Ali ar-Reza (a.s.) about it. When Ubaydullah asked the Imam about it, the Imam said, "There is no problem as long as he uses any part of his own body upon her, but he should not use anything other than his body on her."

Though masturbation (i.e., self-stimulation of one's own sexual organ till emission of semen or orgasm) is not allowed, in the case of married persons, there is no problem if the wife stimulates her husband's penis till the emission of semen or the husband stimulates his wife's vagina till orgasm. This is allowed because it does not come under "self-stimulation;" it is stimulation by a lawful partner.

C. Sexual Intercourse:

Is there any particular position for sexual intercourse, which is forbidden in Islam? No! As far as the basic coital positions are concerned, there are no restrictions. The term 'basic coital positions' denotes the positions known as the man above, face to face, woman above face to face; side position, face to face; rear-entry position in which the husband penetrates the vagina from the rear. Actually, the Shariah has left it on the husband and the wife to explore and experiment as they wish. However, it is makruh to adopt a standing position, or to face the Qiblah or keep it on the backside during the intercourse. It is advisable to refrain from the acrobatic positions given by some sexologists of the East and the West, which might even cause physical harm.

Remember, the basic rule is mutual pleasure and flexibility. If one partner does not like a particular position, then the other should yield to his or her feelings. It is highly emphasized that at the commencement of intercourse the partners should recite Bismillaahir Rah'maanir Rah'eem (In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful).

D. Anal Intercourse:

The opinions of our mujtahids vary on the permissibility of anal intercourse. The majority of the Shi'ah mujtahids have derived two conclusions: (1) that anal intercourse is not Haraam but strongly disliked (karahatan shadidah) provided the wife agrees to it. (2) and if she does not agree to it, then all mujtahids say that it is precautionarily wajib to refrain from it.

However, during the last decade of his life, Ayatullah al-Khu'i departed from the majority view and gave the ruling that it was precautionarily wajib to abstain from anal intercourse no matter whether the wife agrees to it or not.

Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi says, "I would strongly advise against anal intercourse," and quotes the saying of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq and Imam Ali ar-Reza (a.s.) about anal intercourse: "Woman is a means of your pleasure, therefore do not harm her." [21].

Anal Intercourse & Sunni Site

[21] "(Narrated) Ali bin Ibraaheem from his father from al-Nufaly from As-Sukoony from (Imam) Abu Abdallah [as] said: Amierul-Mu'mineen (Ali) [as] said: (al-Luwaat ma doon ad-dubur, wad-dubur huwal-kufr) Sodomy is in (anything) other than dubur (anal sex), for dubur [has multi meanings] is actually the Kufr (disbelief)". The commentator on al-Kafi wrote: "It is possible to understand (from the statement) that Sodomizing (a man) is permissible" (Al-Kafi (fil Furoo'): Book of Marriage: Chapter of Sodomy, narration 3, vol.5, p.544

[23] "(Narrated) al-Hussain bin Ali bin Yaqteen said: I asked Abul-Hassan about the permissibility for the man to have anal sex with women, he said: It was made halal (permissible) in the Book of Allah, when (Prophet) Lot said: 11:78 Here are my daughters, they are purer for you and he knew it was not the vagina they were after." [Tafseer al-Ayyashi, vol.1, p.157; Bihaar al-Anwaar vol.21, p.98; Tafseer al-Burhaan vol.2, p.230]

  • [allaahuakbar.net/allaahu_akbar.htm]

Ijma & Bukhari Hadith

Ijma of the 2nd-3rd century Sunni scholars is against, but Bukhari Hadith No. 50 is against the Ijma and is not taken out of context, reference. The Blank Space in Arabic & in English translation is for anus. The next Hadith No. 51 is not related to anus as children are not born out of anus.

Narrated Nafi': Whenever Ibn 'Umar recited the Qur'an, he would not speak to anyone till he had finished his recitation. Once I held the Qur'an and he recited Surat-al-Baqara from his memory and then stopped at a certain Verse and said, "Do you know in what connection this Verse was revealed? " I replied, "No." He said, "It was revealed in such-and-such connection." Ibn 'Umar then resumed his recitation. Nafi added regarding the Verse:--"So go to your tilth when or how you will" Ibn 'Umar said, "It means one should approach his wife in .." (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50), http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/060.sbt.html#006.060.050.

If the Blank Space was for vagina, it could not be blank.

For further details & confirmation, read Urdu page "Anal Sex and Islam" by Dr. Syed Mubin Akhtar at [8] & [9].

Tempering of on Line Facts

The tempering of the on line fact is against the neutral policy.

Added tags

Hi, I just tagged this article with contradiction, POV and cleanup tags. It's a bit of a mess right now and reads more like Islamic literature or propaganda, rather than an encyclopedic entry. Here's my reasoning:


There are a couple of places where an author has added a statement to "correct" the previous statement. This means we now have two conflicting statements. Some consensus needs to be achieved, or we need to find some other way of expressing the two differing without blatant contradiction.


Ststements like: "The wife has to resist this evil action and refuse to respond to her husband's desire to have anal sex." are completely POV. There are plenty more like this too.


There are various bolded paragraphs, which I believe should be avoided. There are also confusing statements, such as:

However, there are Ahadith which allows (anus, in Arabic Dubur: “ فِي الدُّبُر ” ) sex, one in Sunni sect and two in Shia sect. In Sunni sect, a high rated Hadith Book Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60: Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet), Hadith No. 50, [6] allows it, its authenticity and anal sex concept is conformed by a Hadith of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11: Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Hadith Number 2159 [7], whereas the said Hadith itself disapproves along with many other Ahadith in other books except Sahih Bukhari.

Straussian (talk) 04:48, 3 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Most sources in this article are primary, and hence likely violate OR. I ask users to provide secondary sources for the material, and to source all material.Bless sins (talk) 15:47, 28 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I am not fond of the sources provided for the Sistani position. What's the deal, exactly? The websites linked to quote him without themselves providing a reference. Mrbluesky (talk) 14:44, 5 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I've removed the sources and added the [citation needed] tag there. Hoping someone will come up with something on the statement in Anal Sex and Shia Islam InshaAllah. Peace 'Abd el 'Azeez (talk) 05:57, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I've got another thing to say about Sources, this one's for Imam Maliki View. There are four sources there, of which the first leads to a website named tolueislam and the second to ourbeacon. TolueIslam is a site about the views of a certain G.A.Pervez (A highly controversial person who denied the Hadith i.e. the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed PBUH. See Ghulam Ahmed Pervez on Wikipedia; besides, Imam Maliki and Imam Bukhari were both renowned Hadith scholars). Quoting Pervez, (who himself denied these two scholars' authenticity of Hadith,) on their views about this topic simply falls under the category POV. OurBeacon too seems POV because of the fact that it is run by someone called Dr. Shabbir; his personal views on this topic cannot be taken to be those of Islam; MOREOVER the PDF reference from his website for the second link (i.e. for Imam Bukhari) leads to a HTTP404 Page. The third reference (i.e. the one next to (eelaaj) is licit.) too leads to a 404 Page. The last reference is from a site called TheModernReligion () however the article it refers to doesn't provide any references of its own and more importantly it DOESN'T mention Imam Maliki's name anywhere at all! It says "Hanbali books mention that it is lawful for a husband to < suppressed to save space by elAzeez >. They also mention that while anal sex is absolutely unlawful, it is lawful to place a finger on the anus as long as it does not penetrate.". I am thus removing the section in its entirety until someone comes forth by with some reliable sources for these claims. (InshaAllah) Peace. 'Abd el 'Azeez (talk) 07:01, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What the...

There is a lot of unreferenced material, The section "Ijma & Bukhari Hadith" has a reference that forbids anal sex. Similarly, "Quran Commentators View" section has a reference that is opposite to what the content states. Section "Anal sex and Tafseer Tabari" rests on the last two words of the arabic script:فِي الدُّبُر, meaning "in anus", but the joke is that these words DO NOT appear EITHER in the Arabic text, or in the Arabic section of the Urdu translation. Similarly "Anal Sex and Tafseer of Sahih Bukhari Hadith" and "Anal sex and Hanafi sect" simply refer to the some funny image where there is Urdu translation of the Hadith. Having Urdu translation of a Hadith is an interesting way of proving legality of anal sex. Imagine being presented with an Urdu translation of, say, Romeo and Juliet which states (in Urdu) that Romeo was the woman, and Juliet was the man. If you have access to the original material, you can verify it. These sections will be removed. The original Arabic Hadiths are pretty clear, I think. Unflavoured (talk) 07:31, 16 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Blank space is a blank space... reverting. And you should place ur comment at the bottom of the talk page. Unflavoured (talk) 09:43, 26 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]


please can ppl not add their thoughts if they have no references of proof. Gives wrong impression of Islam if ur wrong.

Looks like this has been a problem article for some time. There's masses of original research and dubious material here - and I don't believe any of it is salvageable. I think stubbing is the best option and using well-sourced material to provide a brief summary which can be added to. ITAQALLAH 19:45, 31 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]


This page has recently had the cleanup it needed. The English was crap and there were swathes of POV and non-English quotes that did not add anything to the understanding of the topic. I'm by no means against improving and expanding the text but please no wholesale return to the rubbish version that was here originally. Let's not have and edit war and pester admins please, can we discuss changes/additions on here first? Cheers Akerbeltz (talk) 11:42, 15 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]