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Summary: From the Tulpas of ancient hindu belief to the espers of modern metaphysics. These elementals are composed of thought or emotion and not unlike spirits of many religions. In modern fantasy they are beings composed of kinetic energy and able manipulate objects as if they where physical. or they are glamour forms existing only in the demensional world of someones mind. They are often Portrayed as seen feeding on mental/neural energy or emotions leaving the victem confused,comatose or with amnesia.
Summary: From the Tulpas of ancient hindu belief to the espers of modern metaphysics. These elementals are composed of thought or emotion and not unlike spirits of many religions. In modern fantasy they are beings composed of kinetic energy and able manipulate objects as if they where physical. or they are glamour forms existing only in the demensional world of someones mind. Some of them have incredibly high intelligence. They are often Portrayed as seen feeding on mental/neural energy or emotions leaving the victem confused,comatose or with amnesia.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to broadcast mental energy.
For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to broadcast mental energy.

Revision as of 16:28, 1 August 2015

Welcome to the List of Elementals

Here within you will find a list of Elemental creatures and users as found in myth, folklore and modern fiction. They are organized by name and Genus and as they are portrayed in the myriad of works that describe them. This list tries to catalog the many instances of the elemental motif or serve as a directory to where you can find more specific information. Only beings that are attuned to a specific Element are included, those who have a casual sway over an element amongst other abilities are not. Those beings already compiled into lists eleswhere such as Titans and Superheroes, are only nominaly represented in order to help direct you to thier lists.

Summary of Type and Genus

This list divides the Elemental into 3 main classifications. They are defined as True Elemental, Demi-Elemental, User of Elements, aka Elementalist. Since the majority of elemental users have lists of thier own only a few sample will be placed here to give you an idea of the types of powers typicaly associated with that element.

  • Full/completely elemental

The true Elementals as portrayed in in the various works of fiction are living or animate embodiments of the elemental forces, or aspects of nature, as experienced by the human condition. They personify the abstract concepts of energy, substance, or natural phenomena. The core of the belief in Elementals probably stems from the oldest concepts of religion; Such as the veneration of natural objects or that of "Animism". In fact; rather then being considered fictional, many Elementals where the pantheon gods of early man; or at least considered spirits that must be appeased in other to ward the harmful aspects of nature.

  • To be classified as a Full Elemental in this list; the following criteria should be met.

The beings form or substance must be composed entirely of, or fully manifest, the Element they represent. Traditionaly this being is portrayed as a spiritual entity having a substancial but not always tangible body. The spirit will cease to exist if the body is destroyed. The personality of this type is often portrayed as wild, dangerous and as unpredictable as the forces of nature that it represents. This Elemental is completely invulnerable from harm by its element. It is often empowered or healed by exposure to its element. It is often weak towards the element considered in opposition by the various philosophical systems. It can dwell in, disperse its being within, or merge with its own element; becoming unreachable. It has control over its element as an extension of itself. Typicaly it is humanoid in shape.

  • Demi/part Elemental

The Demi-Elemental may have its roots in the theories on the origens of life. Many creation myths had man being formed from earth; so it only seemed logical that other things should be created from the other elements; such as djinn from fire and angels from air(ref to ezekiel?). Passive observations may have led to many beliefs that would seem preposterous in modern thinking. Theories such as "Spontaneous generation" was prevalent in the medeival period; with "accepted facts" that dirty rags turned into mice and salamanders are born from fire. Another source for the demi-elemental is the fantastic notion of humans hybridizing with nature spirits or nymphs. This motif is quite common in greek myth. In Lore the Demi-Elemental is portrayed as some type of supernatural or magical creature that has an extreme affinity to the point of inhabiting within its favored element. At first one may think of a bird as an Elemental of air, a fish as an Elemental of water, or a worm as an Elemental of earth; However these are natural creatures with only mundane existences, unlike the Demi-Elemental that traditionaly is considered as supernatural.

  • To be considered a Demi-Elemental in this list; the following criteria should be met;

allowences may be given for a few noteable exceptions.

The creature should have supernatural or fantastic origens. It may be sustained throuh exposure to an element, or at least makes its habitat in or near is favored element. It often embodies an elemental aspect but doesn't need a form consisting of that element. It portrays in part properties consistent with its element such as Transfiguration (changing it's living structure into an element)or other supernatural abilities such as exhailing fire, or being cloaked in an elemental aura. The creature may also hold some seemingly casual influence over its elemental affinity; creating the element often producing it at will,or manipulating the element psychokineticaly. Typicaly this being is envisioned as some type of fantastic beast rather then humanoid, and its' existence revolves around a specific element. Such as The pheonix reborn from fire. It may also have an aversion or allergy to its elemental opposite wich harms or poisons it.

  • User/elementalist

The user of elemental forces may have its roots in the primitive religious beliefs of early man. The ability to directly influence the forces of nature; in the methods of preventive (wards off happenings), productive (bringing about happenings)and sympathic (like produces like) magic, as well as fetishism (powers in inanimate objects) and Shamanism (Use of magic possessed by certain persons), and later the psuedo-science of Alchemy.[1]

  • To be considered an user of elemental forces or an elementalist in this list; The following criteria must be met.

The being aquired the ability to use an element due to the possesion of some power source such as a magical talisman, or the being is innately able to manipulate or generate an element without actualy being composed of it. The being does not physicaly embody an element but may have a personality trait akin to its element; such as a hotheaded fire user, emotional water user, whimsical and graceful air user, or stubborn earth user. Often it is empowered to Evoke elemental energy seemingly by magic or be able to manipulate a specific aspect of nature by virtue of will, such as telekinetic manipulation. sometimes he/she/it, is not limited to only a specific element. This creature or person may be resistent against injury from its specialized elemental realm but not always immune. The creature otherwise has a normal and seemingly natural existence in the cosmology it is portrayed in but is sometimes considered special or a freak when compared to others of its kind.

List of Elementals by aspect


Summary: Depending on the source earth can refer to stone and seismic activity or the generative power of soil. It is often portrayed as an animate stone statue or a group of boulders magneticaly bound to each other in a familiar shape often humanoid. In Egyptian pantheology earth dieties often had plants sprouting from ,or growing on thier bodies.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use Earth.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
The Avalanche Monster full Fraggle rock Tv series is a terrible pile of walking boulders. This creature has very poor eyesight, but quite acute hearing
Golem full Folk lore Animate being created from inanimate matter. given a spirit but no soul.
Grishnak full Galaxy Quest film living rocks magneticaly linked
Igoo full Herculoids bipedal rock ape
Thing (Ben Grimm) full Fantastic Four media man with a body of peculiar stone
Rock monster full Rock monster tv movie A boulder composite monster that drenches itself with blood.
Scarmiglione (fiend of earth) user Final Fantasy IV vidgame Undead monster of beastial form
Keven Levin user Ben 10: Alien Force toon at will he absorbs properties of terrian types he touches including metal,chrystal & stone.
Namazu demi japanese folklore A giant catfish that dwells in the earth and causes quakes when it thrashes about unrestrained.
Gnome demi? Folk lore A spirit of the earth. Paracelsus Lable for earth Elementals.
Petra Kristensen user Marvel Comics, X-Men Terrakenetic that can change the allotropic phase of minerals & psychokinetically manipulate, control, levitate and reshape the classic element of earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, and/or dirt
Kwame user Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon Has a magic ring that allows him to raise and move earth.
Badgermoles user Avatar: The Last Airbender , toon series beasts with a portmanteu name of the two real-world creatures they resembles it is able to manipulate the surrounding terrain at will.
Earthbenders user Avatar: The Last Airbender ,toon series Toph Bei Fong , King bumi , humans born with the spiritual powers of terrakenesis some specialize in sand and one unique individual can maniplulate metal.
Tara Markov user/demi Marvel Comics & X-men the ability to control all forms of earthen matter.

Gem/Rock crystal

Summary: Depending on source gemstones and crystals may be apart or seperate from earth. When seperate it has special properties such as weakness to sonic attack, ability to hold or refract an energy charge, ability to grow or increase,and in pokemon tv series episode a rare crystaline onyx was strong vrs water atttack when a normal earth onyx was weak.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Chromastone (crystalsapien) full Ben 10: Alien Force,toon series a living crystal, able to absorb energy (like a conductor) and channel it into multi-colored laser blasts or simply allow it to pass through him harmlessly. He also has super-strength and is nearly invulnerable to harm.
Diamondhead (Petrosapien) Full Ben 10, toon series body is composed of an extremely durable organic crystal, making him nearly invulnerable. It can manipulate crystal and its own body, body acts as a prism, refracting lazors and similar beams. weak against sonic vibrations.
Hosenki full InuYasha anime & manga A skull of diamond who can grow crystal
Q'yth-az full Scott D. Aniolowski story, Cthulhu Mythos a crystalline entity.


Summary: An elemental of metal is only sometimes considered a form of earth. In the chinese tradition it is seperate. The most common feature of this type is shapeshifting; refering to metal being maleable in the real world. Sometimes they are shown as being subject to magnetism or holding and conducting heat.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Dalk full Bleach (manga) & anime A mettalic golumn appearing as a semi-humanoid/spider-like shape and can control the metal that makes up her body, reforming it into any shape she wishes. She is under the direction of Gō Koga a vampire-like being called a Bount.
T-1000 full Terminator 2: Judgment Day , film and media hard to catagorize its artificial but sentient thus has a spirit? A metal body that can become solid and liquid at will and shapeshift to form blades and mimic objects.
Talos full greek myth living broze or brass statue full of gods blood "ichor". It could heat itself to red hot temperature and grasp and burn enemies.
Tin woodsman (Nick Chopper) full Land of Oz sort of a sentient golumn of metal
Captain Atom,(Nathaniel Christopher Adam) demi DC Comics metallic shell, or "skin", is composed of a portion of the alien being known as Silver Shield, and is called Dilustel this skin is tied into the Quantum Field, which enables him to absorb and manipulate theoretically infinite amounts of energy amongst other powers.
Wolverine,(James John Howlett.Aka Logan) user Marvel Comics & X-man Adamantium-laced skeletal structure with retractable claws.


Summary: The sand elemental is often shown to have a fluid nature. It can harden and soften, shapeshift, and travel on air currents.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Imhotep full The Mummy (1999 film) a cursed priest who is reincarnated as a immortal sand spirit. He can shapeshift into swirling sand, manipulate huge volumes of sand, raise the dead, summon flesh-eating locust swarms, and enthrall masses of people.
Shukaku full Naruto manga & anime sand spirit who also uses wind attacks
Sandman (William Baker) full Marvel Comics shapeshifting body of sand
Gaara user Naruto manga and anime animates sand with power recieved from indwelling sand spirit
Sandy Hawkins demi DC Comics being of living silicon, shift his body into a pure silicon or sand-form, alter his shape and density. He can pass his molecules through solid objects that contain traces of silica, to travel through the earth as easily as one would swim through water. mentally manipulate the earth and soil in his vicinity, causing it to rumble, change shape, levitate, or burst forth to attack his enemies. produce localized earthquakes, and is aware of both natural and artificial seismic effects.


Summary: One of the classic four; Fire elementals have been shown in a wide range of forms and aspects from destructive wild fire such as Logi to tame and protective sacred or hearth fire such as Vesta. Portrayed as animate self sustaining flames to creatures of lava. In some systems fire is linked with electricity or the sun. In others it is not just physical flames but also the flames of passion and human ingenuity without wich mankind would fall into apathy.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Full Elementals
Abura-bō full Japanese folklore A fire spirit that appears as a monk enshrouded in flames.
Cthugha full Cthulhu Mythos A living ball of fire.
Calcifer full Howls moving castle media A portrayal of the more gentle hearth flame it protects rather then destroys and was once a falling star.
Balrogs full Tolkien lore humanoid forms of fire and shadow, wielding a multi thong whips of flame
Djinn full Muslim and Zoroastrian theos servents of god who are forged from primordial fire.
Gothmung (Lord of Balrogs) full Tolkien lore Whip of flame and a black axe, strongest of his kind
The burning bush full Judeo/Cristian/Muslim bilbles Exo 3:2 a theophany of god in the form of a bush on fire but not consumed.
enenra full Japanese folklore A spirit of living smoke that dwells in bonfires.
Abi-Hime demi InuYasha anime & manga a female yokai who can fly and produce fire
Basan demi Japanese folklore A monsterous firebreathing chicken.
Charlene Mcgee demi? Firestarter Novel by Stephen King Pyrokinetic offspring of "Labrat" parents. Her power is such that she can trigger a nuclear chain reaction. pyrogenisis
Entei demi InuYashamanga & anime A fiery horse spirit
Fire,(Beatriz da Costa) demi DC Comics Projection and transformation into green flame.
Salamander demi folk lore, Ancient bestiaries Paracelsus classification of fire Elemental.
Vorvadoss demi Cthulhu Mythos, Henry Kuttner's stories first appeared in Kuttner's "The Eater of Souls". appears as a cloaked, hooded being, enveloped in green flames, with fiery eyes.
Hiei demi YuYu Hakusho anime elemental spirit who wields black hellfire.
Liz Sherman demi? Hellboy, Comic & Media Pyrogenisis and pyrokinesis
Human Torch (Johnny Storm) demi Fantastic Four Marvel comics,media "Flame on" a flying sassy fireman.
Users & Elementalists
Firebenders user? Avatar: The Last Airbender , Toon series Prince Zuko , Princess Azula , Uncle Iroh , Fire lord Ozai , Admiral Zhao, Et Al.--Individuals born spiritualy attuned to fire and can generate and manipulate heat and flame, the more adept ones can also control electricity.
Gandolf user The lord of the rings media A wizard who bears the ring of fire (name) and used to motivate people.
Rubicant(fiend of fire) user final fantasy IV evil but honorable master of flames uses his dark crystal of fire to steal worlds fire.
Kari (fiend of fire) user Final Fantasy (videogame) 6 armed women with a serpents body below the waist who's stealing the worlds warmth.
Wheeler user Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon Has a magic ring that allows him to generate flames.
Pyro, (St. John Allerdyce) user Marvel Comics, X-Men-Media Pyrokeneticaly control flames but unable to generate them.


Summary: The Lava Elemental contains aspects of earth and fire but is often considered a fire type. It is often portrayed as semi solid and leaving fiery footprints. Its conductive heat flash burns anything it touches. a cartoon cliche often ignores its radiant heat.
Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Heat blast (pyronite) full Ben 10, toon series magma-based lifeform typical of the genre with the added ability to fly by heat jets. Weak to water and fire retardents and can't grasp anything without involuntarily burning it.

Sun/Solar radiation

Summary: The solar elemental often embodies the harmful aspects of the sun rather then the benificial. In modern fantasy it is often a plasma creature of light and energy in ancient times it was given allegorical forms such as that of a lion or flaming chariot. Portrayals include being able to scorch,cause drought,famine,emit light or laser beams. When portrayed as a benevelent being it is often seen promoting life with its invigorating light.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Birdman (latter named harvey) demi Hanna-Barbara toon winged man powered by the sun. able to shoot solar rays from his fists and produce plasma shields; whose EM field deflects matter and energy.
Three-legged bird demi Various mythology lives in the sun and more powerful then dragons.


Summary. One of the classic 4; air is sometimes portrayed as being linked to the winds of change; bringing fortune or plague. The Elemental of air is usualy portrayed as invisible but tangible and able to control winds of variuos intensities. 'Air' usualy encompasses only breathable gases but sometimes noxious fumes and smogs are included

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use wind.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Sylph full Paracelsus's Writtings Invisible spirits of the air.
Amelia Voght demi Marvel Comics & X-Men villian Vaporize and mentaly control sublimated matter including her own body.
Fūjin demi Japanese folklore God of the wind who holds a big windbag
Invisible Woman (Susan Storm/Richards) demi Fantastic Four media Invisibility and force fields of compressed air
Vapor,(Ann Darnell) demi Marvel Universe & comics Vapor can transform her body into any form of gas, either pure elements or complex compounds. She can only return to solid form for brief periods. vulnerable to any chemical interaction that would affect the chemical-form she is currently in. generally immune to physical harm, harmed by different types of energy
Tiamat (fiend of air) user Final Fantasy (videogame) Multi headed dragon who steals the power of the wind, stilling the worlds air currents.
Barbariccia (fiend of wind) user Final Fantasy IV Vidgame female who can shroud herself in a wall of whirlwind
Cyclone,(Maxine Hunkel) user DC Comics Due to nanomachines in her body she is able to mentally summon cyclones and whirlwinds, project powerful bursts of air, and glide through the air on wind currents.
Wind Dancer,(Sofia Mantega aka Renascence) user Marvel Comics , X-Men Air and wind manipulation, Flight, Long distance eaves dropping ,later lost via magic.
Linka user Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon Has a magic ring that allows her to generate gusts.
Airbenders user Avatar: The Last Airbender , Toon series Aang , Human born with the special spiritual power aerokinesis.
Appa,(Air Bison) user Avatar: The Last Airbender , toon series A six legged buffalo-like crearure able to exhale gusts and fly.


Summary: Sometimes linked to water or wind but often as a stand alone Element. Portrayed as an entity that commands chilling winds and composed of solid ice or snow particles that can disperse at will. It is often associated with death/darkness/dispair/apathy/ruthlessness.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Full Elementals
Aphoom-Zhah full Great Old One & Cthulhu mythos Appears as a vast, cold, grey flame.
Father Frost full Russian fairy tale Ambivalent Spirit of winter who rewards polite girls and murders rude ones.
Jack Frost full Folk lore personification of winter
Killer Jack Frost Full B-movie Horror films A serial killer turned snowman who can liquify and refreeze at will.
Nice Jack Frost Full Family film Restless spirit incarnates as a snowman to spend time with his neglected son.
Frosty the Snowman full Christmas Song,media a magicaly incarnate and later sentient lump of snow
Ice king full Sharkboy and lavagirl film antropomorphic ice cube man
Articguana (polar manzardill) demi Ben 10,toon series a blue iguana-like alien that can breathe freezing vapor.
Big chill demi Ben 10: Alien Force,toon series can become intangible and invisible, and can breathe freezing vapor. He can also freeze the objects he passes through at his discretion.
Frostbite demi DC Comics Long lives frost elf with control over cold
Hero Jack Frost demi Timely Comics A man glazed in ice who could project ice and cold.
Ithaqua demi Cthulhu Mythos Ithaqua is one of the Great Old Ones and appears as a horrifying frozen giant with a roughly human shape and glowing red eyes.
Iceman (Robbert Luis Drake) demi Marvel Comics X-man can freeze moisture around him and turn his body into ice.
Icicle (Jr.),(Cameron Mahkent) demi DC Comics generate and control ice he can create blasts of cold, ice missiles and walls of ice from ambient moisture, as well as forming sleet, snow, and freezing rain.
Killer Frost,(Louise Lincoln) demi DC Comics able to absorb heat from a living being and project the cold and ice.
Mr. Freeze (Dr. Victor Fries) demi DC Comics universe He's a cool villian
Yukina demi YuYu Hakusho anime Female ice apparition with powers over snow & ice.
Polar Boy,(Brek Bannin) demi DC Comics reduce the heat around himself or other objects, creating a drop in temperature ranging from mild to intense. Because of this, Brek can withstand hotter than normal temperatures. Usually, when he makes an item very cold, ice or frost will condense on its surface
Yuki-onna,(snow woman) demi Japanese mythology ambivalent spirit of the cold, appears as a pale women that can transform into a cloud or mist. her gaze can terrify. some say she freezes mortals in a serene but ruthless death. Being as dense as snow she leaves no footprints.
Wendigo demi Native American mythology flesh-eating personification of frostbite.
Users & Elementalists
Ice, (Tora Olafsdotter) user DC Comics Ice magic , genesis of ice and snow
Icemaiden,(Sigrid Nansen) user DC Comics Ice magic , Icemaiden can control small quantities of snow and ice, project ice shields and icicles from her body, but her greatest ability is to become very cold and create ice armour in times of great stress. Her powers are closely linked to her mental state
Sub Zero (family moniker) user Mortal Kombat Vidgame, media Family of ninja Cryomancers


Summary: The sky elemental usualy embodies a number of weather phenomina or aspects of the sky such as sun and night, starlight, comets and clouds; but typicaly thunder and lightning accompanied by storm. It is often portrayed as a nebulous creature capable of summoning the powers of storm. such as Showers,Hail,Thunder and lightning,vilolent winds,mists and fogs.

For a larger sampling of elementalists or those empowered to control the weather.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Ameonna full? Japanese folklore A rain spirit that may resemble a women.
Raijin demi Japanese folklore God of thunder who beats on his many drums.
Raijū ,(thunder beast) full Japanese folklore Falling to eart during storms; Its body is composed of either lightning or fire and may be in the shape of a cat, tanuki, monkey, or weasel. The form of a white and blue wolf (or even a wolf wrapped in lightning) is also common. It may also fly about as a ball of lightning or fire .
Jin Kariya user Bleach (manga) & anime A Bount (vampire-like being) that can evoke upon his arm a sentient sword with a hilt formed from mettalic gases condensed into thier solid states and a blade of swirling air that can also become static-electricaly charged.
Storm (Ororo Munroe) demi X-Men comics & media weather Manipulation
Superman demi Action Comics & cross media powered by sun, heat beam eyes, freezing gale breath, X-ray-like vision, rock hard body, flight


Summary: Water is one of the classic four. Water can run the gamut from liquid water, Its natural forms such as rain and river ,or it allotropic phases (ice, mist, liguid,steam). In modern portrayals its' Elementals can transmit themselves from water source to water soure or increase in size by absorbing the water around it. In ancient times they caused earthquake, ocean storms, coastal flooding, or benificial anual floods/rains needed for farmland.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use water.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Guhl & Günther full Bleach (manga) & Anime A water golums in the service of Hō and Ban. sibling vampire-like creatures known as Bounts. the golumns can envelope and drown enemies or invade bodies and burst them from inside out.
Haku, true name Kohaku river full? Spirited Away Animovie a river spirit who can transorm into a boy or ryu-type dragon.
Mizuchi full? Japanese folklore A spirit dragon that controls water sources from rivers to rain. a four legged hornless serpent.
Naiad,(Mai Miyazaki) full DC comics travel astraly and remanifest in any body of water, She can control all water in her immediate vicinity, but is mentally affected by pollutants in water she uses to make up her body.
Mist aka Nimbus demi DC Comics villian Able to become living vapor and thus intangible at will
Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) demi Fantastic Four media stretches like silly putty as if he is fluid internaly with an external skin.
Hydro man (Morris Bench) demi Marvel Comics can liquify himself, vaporize self, and control water that he melds with
[[Kappa (folklore)|Kappa demi Japanese folklore A strange creature and japanese version of a water sprite whose strength comes from the water kept in a bowl shaped indention in thier heads.
Umibōzu demi Japanese folklore A spirit of the sea that can evoke water and drowns people in it. It is usually reported as having a grey, cloud-like torso and serpentine limbs.
Undines demi folk lore Paracelsus's classification of water Elementals. A type of nymph.
Waterbenders user Avatar: The Last Airbender ,toon series]] Katara of the Water Tribe ,Humans specialy endowed with the spiritual ability of hydrokineses and thermokinesis but only in regards to water. Some specialize in plant and animal puppetry by controling thier blood or juices.
Kraken (fiend of water) user Final Fantasy (videogame) Anthropomorphic squid who turns the sea violent. weak to ice and electricity
Cagnazzo (fiend of water) user Final Fantasy IV vidgame A man-turtle beast
Gi user Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon Has a magic ring that allows her to manipulate liquid water.
Zan user DC Comics & Super Friends, Toon series by Hanna-Barbara magicaly transform into any aspect or form of water, including thermal phases and weather conditions.


Summary: The ooze creature is an entity of water and earth or vegative matter but most often associated with the force of water Its body behaves like a viscous fluid. It is seemingly a modern creation often portrayed in fantasy settings.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Goop user Ben 10: Alien Force,toon series a shape-shifting green blob that weighs 200 pounds. Goop's slime is controlled by a UFO-like machine over its head.
Clayface full DC comics universe shapeshifting mudman (many have donned the name)
Lady Clay full DC comics universe female Clayface incarnation


Summary: The promoters of plant life have a myriad of forms and portrayals both ancient and modern. Typicaly they can cause barren earth to bloom and barren women to concieve. They can be tied to light, sunlight,fruiting trees, lifeforce, generative soil, fresh water and other life sustaining aspects of nature.Modernly most often portrayed as a sentient plants, but ancient Welsh myth had trees coming to life to battle.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use plantlife.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Full Elemental
Ent full The Lord of the Rings,& other books,media fictional race of humanoid trees from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth.
Fimbrethil full Book and works by J.R.R. Tolkien A Plant-like crearure. One of the lost Entwives and mate of Treebeard. The entwives are said to be able to garden and control plants.
Huorn full Books and works by J. R. R. Tolkien's A feral tree-like creature that hates any creatures that chop wood too freely. They are vengeful. Huorns can create darkness to conceal their movements and are capable of moving quickly. They still have voices and can speak to the Ents, but unlike Ents, they do not seem able to speak intelligibly to other races.
Old Man Willow full books and works by J. R. R. Tolkien An ancient tree that obtained a malicious sentience and power. his heart was rotten, but his strength was green; a master of winds, and his song and thought ran through the woods. His grey thirsty spirit drew power out of the earth and spread like fine root-threads in the ground, and invisible twig-fingers in the air, till it had under its dominion nearly all the trees of the Forest.
Wildvine(florauna) full Ben 10, toon series a plant-based alien with five vine-like legs, four-fingered claws, and venus flytrap-shaped flaps covering his head, can manipulate plants. weak to cold and lack of sun or water.
Jade,(Jennifer-Lynn Hayden) demi Dc comics plant manipulation, photosynthesis from green tinged chlorophyll skin.
Man-Thing,(Theodore "Ted" Sallis) full Marvel Universe, Comics a creature composed of vegetable matter,senses human emotions, and is enraged by fear and automatically secretes a strong chemical corrosive.
Pinocchio full The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, books and media A living wooden puppet carved from a talking piece of wood. self aware but not very wise.
Vulthoom full? Clark Ashton story, Cthulhu Mythos While under the influence of the hallucinogenic perfume of an alien blossom, one man envisioned Vulthoom as a gigantic, otherworldly plant, but the being's true form is unknown.
Yoko Kurama demi YuYu Hakusho anime spirit Kitsune & man that manipulates deadly plants
[[Kodama (spirit)|Kodama demi Japanese folklore tree spirits similar to the western notion of dryads.
Kijimunaa demi Okinawan folklore A tree sprite not unlike the western notion of a dryad but of different behavior and appearence.
Swampfire (Methanosian) full Ben 10: Alien Force,toon series a super strong plant-like alien with a flame-patterned head. it is able to control plant life through a type of gas.
Swamp Thing full Swamp Thing media he took the vegan lifestyle too far
Solomon Grundy full DC comics universe Swamp zombie with a body of vegitative matter, born on a monday, nigh indestructable.
Users & Elementalists
Floronic Man (Jason Woodrue) user DC comics universe doctor jekyl and Mr broccoli
Rose and Thorn,(Rose Canton) user DC Comics Exposer to jungle root sap gave her limited control over plants.

Bloom/Life energy/Mana/Heart/Aether/Chi/Quintessence

Summary: A being that represents creation and the lifeforce of the universe, and as such; life instanly manifest in its wake; causing plant forms to spontaneously spring out of the ground, and bloom or go to fruit. Embodying the breath of life it can heal wounds in others and can even rejuvinate the old, cure the sick or revive the dead. It is often compassionate and displays true love for all forms of life no matter how trivial that creature may seem to others. It will not trample a blade of grass or crush a bug.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Hakushin demi Inuyasha manga & anime a mumified & undead monk who can create a blanket of purifying spiritual energy that causes wounds to heal quickly, weaken humans of evil thought and destroys most evil spirits on contact.
Jesus demi the holy bible can heal, restore and revive others
Captain Planet full Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon natures janitor and controler of all elements


Summary: A being that represents the antithesis of life or existence. Plants wilt in its wake. It can age and decay things in an instant. Portrayed as a parasite or agent of chaos. In modern fantasy this Elemental is associated with evil/darkness/death/coldness and negativity.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Akurojin-no-hi full Japanese folklore A ghostly flame that appears during rain and inflicts illness on any who linger near it.
Baura demi Bleach (manga) & manga A golumn or Tsukumogami-like creature in the shape of a giant whale. Its belly is a microcosmic demension that dissolves all matter. and it can phase into different dimensions by breaching the surface of solid objects.
Azathoth full Cthulhu Mythos of H.P.Lovecraft A living black hole at the center of creation.
Hone-onna demi Japanese folklore A yokai succubus appearing as a skeletal woman but guised by glamour to seem beautiful, mates with men and sucks them dry of lifeforce.
Mike Morningstar demi Ben10 AF-all that glitters toon Empowered by draining the life force out of females he touches. Victems become zombies he can control.
Lich (fiend of earth) demi Final Fantasy (videogame) A skeletal undead creature who drains the earth of its life sustaining ability. weakness is fire.
Wanyūdō demi Japanese folklore A flaming wheel with a face as its hub, it steals souls to drag back to hell.
Wraith (species) demi Stargate Atlantis Tv Series drains life force from humans they touch; rapidly aging victems.
Wraith (spirit) Full Folk lore,Legends,Media A cloaked spirit with no visible face that feeds off of living energy or emotions.
  • honey scented wraith cloud-Star trek episode #-A nimbus that encapsulates and drains the life out of living beings

Organic poison/toxins/venom

Summary: Like the Biblical tree of knowledge of good and evil this Element embodies the dangerous side of nature and the dangers of temptation. This being uses thorns or poisons. It may incorporate enticement snares. It may seem harmless or appear as very beautiful, yet it will kill those who are foolish enough to cross its path without mercy.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use poison.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Sesshomaru(Destruction man) demi Inuyasha manga & anime spirit dog & man who is immune to, and produces poison of a corrosive nature.
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) demi DC comics universe she has poison blood & her hobbies include,Apothocary,eco-terrorism,talking to plants.

Waste/industrial & human

Summary: Probably a modern creation as an allegory against unchecked industry and consumption. The Elemental has been portrayed as animate sludge or living smog often encasing a humanoid skeleton similar to medieval art portraying the spirit of the blackdeath.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Marjory the trash heap Full Fraggle Rock tv series oracle of wisdom
Golgothan full Dogma movie A Demon composed of excrement from all the people crucified in biblical times.
Hexxus full FernGully: The Last Rainforest An evil Elemental once sealed into a tree. He feeds on decomposed organic waste such as crude oil, engine exhaust. He seeks to pollute the world since it is his life force and strength. Takes on the aspect of whatever food source he is tapped into.
Stink Spirit full Spirited Away animovie river spirit returning mans trash
Captain Pollution full Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon empowered by industrial waste and other pollutants
Pig demon Demi Princess Mononoke movie A wild boar infected with pollutants that behave like maggots.

Energy beings

Summary: The trope of energy beings run the gamut from light to electricity. Mostly a modern concept related to scientific understanding of the natural phenomina though electric beings have ancient roots stemming from observation of lightning. Energy creatures are most often interchangable with plasma creatures. able to produce energy streams and structures that acts as if solid.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Doctor Manhatten full The Watchmen media Able to manipulate energy and matter at will
Fthaggua and fire vampires Full Cthulhu Mythos Energy beings resembling living electricity that prey on sentient intellect. Thier victems burst into flames.
Juk-Shabb full Cthulhu Mythos a Great Old One a telepathic entity which appears as a glowing, color-shifting orb.
Gwen Tennyson demi Ben 10: Alien Force toon Hybrid grandaughter of a human and an energy being. able to create shields and create solid and flexible energy sort of like rope as well as shields that deflect energy but shatter on solid impacts..
Verdona (grand ma) full Ben 10: Alien Force toon Energy being who draws power from surrounding aether that she calls manna
Green Lantern user DC comics universe A number of galactic cops with rings of green kinetic energy. that cannot affect anything yellow
Alan Scott (Green Lantern) user DC comics universe A pact with a strange flame-like elemental grants him many fantasic abilities. Except protection from wood and plants.
Kazuma Kuwabara user YuYu Hakusho anime Human who posesses the ability to manipulate his own spiritual energy into a fluid yet solid sword-like blade "Rei Ken".
Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) Demi Marvel Comics Nigh unlimited energy manipulation of all forms.
Mothergod,(Erica Pierce) demi? Valiant Comics & UNITY crossover able to manipulate energy and matter amongst other things.


Summary: A glowing being of crackling electricity. Sometimes portrayed as being born from a bolt of lightning. It is often shown zipping around at great speeds and can transmit itself through wires to travel. Usualy portrayed as wild and hard to contain it must be captured in an insulated container such as glass or rubber as it often cannot be destroyed .

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use electricity or magnetism.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Black Lightning user DC Comics Electricity generation and manipulation,

Force field generation.

Doctor Polaris,(Neal Emerson) user DC comics capable of manipulating and channelling magnetic fields. He can manipulate iron and iron-based alloys to his whim. He can explode most metal constructs, and also fly using his power. known to lose his powers when around extreme heat due to the fact that heat makes objects lose their magnetism.
The what is it? Full Ben 10 cartoon A manic being of electricity imprisoned in a giant rubberband ball then a giant light bulb.
Magneto,((Erik Magnus Lehnsherr) demi X Men'& Marvel Comics,media magneticaly controls all metallic substances even blood.
Magneto,(Erik Magnus) demi Amalgam Comics Magnetism manipulation
Static,(Virgil Ovid Hawkins) demi? DC Comics, Milestone Comics, toon series Electromagnetic induction, EM fields, Electric absorbtion
Zatch bell demi? zatch bell manga,anime A mamodo (a troll-like extrademinsional being) who uses lightning and magnetism
Electro demi Marvel Comics A living electric capacitor
Brainstorm user Ben 10: Alien Force,toon series crustacean alien with the ability to control electrical energy and project force fields around himself and others through thought. He can also fire bolts of electricity.


Summary: The being could be in a form of sonic energy or vibrating air but more often a person empowered with the element. Sometimes it is thunder without the lightning. The Element is often shown as being able to cause dibilitating sonic attacks or vibrating structures to pieces especialy stone or crystals; probably as a nod to opera singers shattering drinking glasses with thier voice.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Klaw,(Ulysses Klaw) full Marvel Universe & comics a being composed of psionically "solidified" sound, He embodies all of the classic sonic Elemental powers, & can project solid sound constructs and creatures, called Sominals, under his mental control
Echo Echo demi Ben 10: Alien Force,toon series a small white alien whose body is a living amplifier. It can scream at ultrasonic frequencies and can duplicate itself.
Siryn (Theresa Rourke Cassidy demi Marvel comics Sonic scream, sonic


Banshee (Sean Cassidy) demi Marvel comics sonic scream can make your ears bleed
Thor user Norse legends His power is actualy embodied in his magic hammer.

Summary: This element has ancient roots but is seldom embodied as a full elemental since music has no physical form. instead it imagined as the power to enchant and enthrall others or to empassion emotion for good or evil purposes.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Ditzie demi Fraggle rock Tv serie A small flying creature that lives off of music and emits light.
The fiddler, (Isaac Bowin) user DC Comics possesses magical abilities that he channels through his violins. The musical vibrations he creates can shatter solid objects, create force-fields and hypnotize others.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin User Legend dubious bard
Muse Demi Greek myth deified nymphs who inspire men and the sourse of the term music.
Siren Demi Greek myth Portrayed as female headed birds or mermaids that lured men to destruction with irresistable songs of temptation.
lorelei Demi Legend siren of the Rhine
Ludo Demi Labyrinth (film) specializes in charming rocks
Orpheus user Greek myth could even charm inanimate objects with his music
  • mandolinist bros-kung fu hustle?-thier music became physical manifestations that flew through the air.


Summary: Usualy this Element is typicaly associated with evil and negativity even death. A primordial fear of man-kind is the predatorial beasts and wicked men that conceal themselves in the shroud of darkness. This Elemental as portrayed by the ancients was often demonic in nature. Borrowing the image of whatever beasts that illicits the most fear in thier region. Modernly it is often portrayed as a free roaming humanoid shadow clinging to the landscape and up to no good.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use darkness.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Gesell full Bleach (manga) , and anime A golumn-like creature formed from darkness. It is controlled via a tarot deck wich determines its attack forms.
Leviathan lord of the labrinth demi Hellraiser hellbound , horror film Portrayed as a sentient lighthouse that casts a beam of darkness that lays to bear images of your greatest sins, if it lands upon you.
Ungoliant demi The Silmarillion -J.R.R. Tolkien light devouring spirit spider
Nyogtha Full Henry Kuttner's short story "The Salem Horror" Nyogtha appears as a shapeless, dark mass.
Zushakon full Henry Kuttner story, Cthulhu Mythos Zushakon has an intense hatred of light. His arrival is heralded by the rapid darkening and chilling of the surrounding environment. Upon his arrival, the surrounding shadows darken, thicken, swirl, and finally clot into his dreadful shape.
Obsidian,(Todd Rice) demi DC Comics Merge his body with his own shadow. As a shadow, he can fly, as well as envelop enemies, showing them their dark side. He has also shown the ability to enlarge himself and cover the world in darkness
Set Demi Egyption mythology A Snake,crocadile,dragon, or other type of reptile determined to slay the Sun on its nightly journey.
Shadowmaster Full Dungeons and dragons cartoon The shadowy minion of the evil wizard venger and his primary spy.
Leviathan Demi Hellraiser 2 movie An elongated double tetrahedron that emits darkness like a lighthouse that manifests memories of sinful acts one has done or witnissed refered as if being sentient by one of the characters.
  • peter pans shadow


Summary: Just as darkness is often shown as being evil, light is shown as being good and they often share a duality with each other. Light Elementals can manifest themselves as mirrages or as luminescent beings in many Ancient and modern stories .

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use light.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Angel Full Ancient religions Servents of the highest deities of many religions some monotheistic.
Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi) demi DC Universe, & comics possesses all the classic Elemental powers: ambient light manipulation, illumination absorption, release absorbed energy as blinding flashes, or destructive laser beams. refract lightwaves to create holographic images. focus photons into "hard light", fire blasts of pure force or create protective barriers. She can fly by riding lightwaves. She can also turn into light. Her weakness is that she needs a light source to fuel her powers, and being placed in an area of absolute darkness severely weakens her abilities.
Doctor Light (Arthur Light) user DC Comics a light manipulator, can bend the light around him to become invisible, generate blasts of energy, By mentally repulsing photons,he can create areas of complete darkness. could 'power up' by draining the ambient light in the area.


Summary: Mostly a modern invention and often seen in games and anime from japan. The gravity Elemental is often thought of being comprised of the theoretical particle known as a Graviton. When a purely Elemental being it is often potrayed as a large black orb; giving reference to collapsars. It is shown often able to increase ambient gravity or bending space in a localized area. In modern fantasy it is often made one of the more powerful Elementals but in the real world physics it is one of the weakest forces. Depending on the authors system it can be grouped with Earth, or space time elements. For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use gravity.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Alex Power user Marvel Universe Controlling gravity, Acceleration/Flight, Control over his own mass and size and Disintegrating, absorbing and releasing energy.
Brago demi Zatch Bell Anime/manga A mamodo attuned to gravity. his attacks are portrayed as black orbs and beams of gravity.
Konaki-Jijii demi Japanese folklore - an infant spirit that cries until it is picked up, then increases its weight and crushes its victim.
????? Demi Final fantasy 12 A summoned creature who uses gravity.
????? Full Sailer moon movie A Sentient evil star at the center of a blackhole.


Summary: Rarely personified as a fully elemental entity but instead as a power weilded by others. When Dimension is portrayed it is usualy as a portal to a pocket dimension where things float about. When time is portrayed it is either a wizened man, a being who endlessly cycles through birth to death. or a creature obscured by warped space that ages everything it physicaly contacts. Portrayals show outcomes that are similar to that of nether/void though the method differs. Even the ancients believed in other dimensions; typicaly as doorways to the afterlife such as magic doors drawn on Egyptian tomb walls.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to alter the space time continuum.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
[[]] T '
  • The space baby 2012 movie
  • The anomaly ben 10 alien force
  • void
  • X-death Finalfantasy 5


Summary: From the Tulpas of ancient hindu belief to the espers of modern metaphysics. These elementals are composed of thought or emotion and not unlike spirits of many religions. In modern fantasy they are beings composed of kinetic energy and able manipulate objects as if they where physical. or they are glamour forms existing only in the demensional world of someones mind. Some of them have incredibly high intelligence. They are often Portrayed as seen feeding on mental/neural energy or emotions leaving the victem confused,comatose or with amnesia.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to broadcast mental energy.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Baku (spirit) demi Japanese folklore a chimeric monster that eats nightmares.
Andrew KcGee demi Firestarter Novel,Film survivor of the drug lot 6. obtained telepathic hypnosis "the push" that can make others do his bidding.
Vicky Tomlinson demi Firestarter Novel,film survivor of lot 6 experiment. Gained the power of minor telekinesis.
Ma-Ti user Captain Planet and the Planeteers toon Has a magic ring that grants him telepathy and animal empathy.
Darth vader(Aniken skywalker) user star wars movie "If you only knew the power of the dark side". Empowered by his negative emotions to grant him telekinesis, telepathy, Intuition, & Foresight
  • ????||Full||startrek ep#|| A nimbus that preys on negative emotions and inspires enmity and violence in others so it can feed off of it. driven off by the bad taste of joy.
  • Rejak?||Full||startrek ep#||A nimbus that preys on human fear and murders to instill it.
  • ???||Full||startreck deepspace 9|| a muse/succubus that eventualy drained her victems creative energy and killed her victems

Atomic energy

Summary: A modern invention similar to the solar elemental but it is usualy born from harmful radiation of human manufacture. It is usualy portrayed as an energy version of the waste elemental.

For a larger sampling of elementalists and those empowered to use atomic energy.

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Duke Nukem demi Captain Planet and the Planeteers cartoon energized by radiation and of a irratiated rock-like body.
Captain Atom,(Allen Adam) demi DC Comics Superhuman strength, flight, energy blasts, minor atomic transmutation and huge atomic absorption.
Doctor Phosphorus full DC Universe Comics Everburning skeleton that can manipulate radiation and emit toxic fumes.
Nukla,(Matthew Gibbs) demi Dell Comics Can fire energy beams that cause nuclear explosions; can make body immaterial; can quickly regenerate from injuries
Doctor Solar, (man of the atom) full? Gold Key Comics & later Valiant able to convert his mass into any type of energy. He must recharge himself with radiation sources. otherwise god-like.
X-Ray, (James "Jimmy" Darnell) full Marvel Universe & comics permanently transformed into a living energy field. In this form he can fly and emit various forms of heavy radiation, including in the form of very potent blasts, intangible and mostly invulnerable to physical harm. harmed by energy disruption or absorbtion.


Summary: Seldom a true elemental embodies multiple aspects instead this is the realm of elementalists and demi-elementals.
Name Type Elements Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
Ben Tennyson user plant,fire,crystal,cold,electric Ben 10 Posseses a watch-like device that allows him to become many alien forms some of wich are Elementals.
Celsius,(Arani Desai) user Fire and Ice DC Comics , Doom Patrol control and manipulate her core temperature, projecting heat or intense cold from her hands.
Shishigame (the forest spirit) full? aether,nether Princess Mononoke animovie spirit of life and death. Its a stag-like chimera form by day, and a starscaped tentacle monster at night. things bloom and wither in its wake.


Summary: Occasional powerful,sentient and like minded elementals form cabals.
Name of group Source fiction purpose or member types
Element Benders Avatar: the last airbender, toon series Special individuals of a fantasy world that are born with the spiritual power to manipulate one of the 4 classic elements. each person has thier own agendas.
Parliament of Trees DC comics Group of plant Elementals born from beings who died in flames. they protect plant life.
Ent moot Works and books by J.R.R. Tolkien council of surviving tree-like race; the shepards of the trees, determined to protect the forests from axe and fire. Treebeard(aka)Fangorn , Skinbark(aka)Fladrif , Leaflock(aka)Finglas , Beechbone , Bregalad(aka)Quickbeam ,
Pokemon Anime, Videogames, media A large number of imaginary beasts with various elemental properties(17 in all) that can be coerced into sport fighting.
Masters of Disaster DC Comics Team of Elemental villians bent on mayhem
Mamodos & Ancient Mamodos Zatch Bell,manga and anime various extraplaner demon youths many with a specific elemental attribute that come to earth every 1000yrs to play last man standing is king.
Sailor soldiers/scouts Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, anime & media Group of female reincarnations of long dead members of an ancient kingdom who can magicaly transform and gain the ability to evoke various elemental attacks.
W.I.T.C.H. comic series created in Italy by Elisabetta Gnone & other media Group of five teenage girls each one attuned to a certain classical element. who protect the center of the universe from people and creatures who wish to cause harm to it. Will(life), Irma(water), Taranee(fire), Cornelia(earth) and Hay Lin(air).
Ryus Japanese mythology Various races of water spirits in dragon form that can shapeshift to human. they control all aspects of water in nature including rains and floods and are triphibious.
  • norse giants born from the frost of fire mingling with cold over the abyss of nothing typicaly earth and fire varieties they are nature run amok and kept in line by the gods.
  • Greek titans chaos darkness time night day love they ruled universal forces while the olypians ruled earthly mortal concerns
  • egyptian pantheon typicaly embody water sun darkness the things important to dessart dweelers


Since an Elemental is limited only by the imagination here is listed any form that does not include enough examples to warrent thier own stand alone table.

Name Type Element Source fiction Description
Pizza the hut full Pizza topping Space balls,parady film A sentient ooze-like elemental comprised of cheese and meats.
Anarchist,(Tike Alicar) demi acid Marvel Comics in X-Force Acid generation & Acidic blasts

See also

Name Type Source fiction Composition,form,or power.
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  1. ^ |page=1627-1628|title= Funk & Wagnalls New Comprehensive International Dictionary Of The English Language ~Encyclopedic Edition~|distributer= THE PUBLISHERS GUILD PRESS|state= New York|year=1977|library of congress card number=74-150152|copyright=1977,1971,1973 by. J.G Ferguson Publishing Company