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2021 Chilean Constitutional Convention election

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2021 Chilean Constitutional Convention election

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155 seats in the Chilean Constitutional Convention
  File:Lista del apruebo.png
Alliance Apruebo Dignidad Lista del Apruebo Vamos por Chile
Candidates 171 188 184

An election for the members of the Constitutional Convention is being held in Chile between 15 and 16 May 2021.[1] This election was called after 78% of voters in the 2020 national plebiscite voted to write a new Constitution through this method.[2]

After massive protests and riots sparked in October 2019, an agreement was reached on 15 November 2019 between several political parties to start the process to write a new Constitution.[3] In case the first referendum was approved (originally scheduled for 26 April 2021), a special election would be called to select the members of the Constitutional Convention.

This election was originally scheduled for 25 October 2020, six months after the first referendum. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile, the first referendum was moved to 25 October and the eventual election of the members of the Convention was scheduled for 11 April 2021.[4] The extension of the pandemic forced the government to change the date of the election twice later: on March 2021, the election was extended to two days (10 and 11 April)[5] and later, moved one month later, to 15 and 16 May 2021 due to a rise in COVID-19 cases.[1]

This was the first time that Chilean citizens were able to vote for the members of the body created to write the Constitution. Although based originally in the system to elect the 155 members of the Chamber of Deputies, this election process established several changes. For the first time, 17 reserved seats were established for the 10 official indigenous groups. Also, different mechanisms in the inscription of candidates and the election system will secure total gender parity in the Convention, being the first assembly of this kind in the world with equal representation of men and women.[6]

Electoral system

Ballots used for the Constitutional Convention election: beige ballot for at-large election in the 10th district (left) and green ballot for Mapuche reserved seats. (right).
Ballot box used in the 2021 Constitutional Convention election.

The Constitutional Convention is composed of 155 members directly elected in this election: 138 by the electorate at-large and 17 were reserved for citizens identified as indigenous.

The 138 at-large members were chosen in 28 constituencies of between three and eight seats by open list proportional representation. The constituencies are the same used for the election of the 155 members of the Chamber of Deputies. However, the districts with the largest number of indigenous people (according to the last census) and more than 3 seats were reduced by one seat to allocate the reserved indigenous seats.[7] Candidates should be at least 18 years old and not have been previously convicted of a felony. Candidates could be presented by political parties or alliances of parties; in case of independents candidates, they could participate as single independent candidates (gathering signatures of other independent citizens equal to 0.2% of voters in the last parliamentary election) or as a list (in this case, 0.5% of voters).[8]

Seats were allocated using the D'Hondt method, just like in the parliamentary elections. On April 2020, a constitutional reform made some adjustment to that system to ensure equal representation of men and women in the Constitutional Convention. In case there is no gender equality in a constituency,[n 1] the least-voted elected candidate of the over-represented gender will be replaced by a different-sex member in the same list or political party of the replaced candidate. Also, all alliances and parties had to present a list of candidates alternating their gender, starting by a women, followed by a man and so on.[9]

The 17 seats reserved for Chilean indigenous peoples were allocated proportionally, depending on the number of people identifying in the 2017 census: 7 seats for Mapuche,[n 2] 2 for Aymara, and 1 each for the Diaguita, Quechua, Atacameño, Colla, Chango, Rapa Nui, Kawésqar, and Yaghan peoples. Originally, an additional seat was set for the Afro-Chilean tribal group, but the proposal didn't meet the quorum for approval in the Congress.[10] Candidates for these seats must have been registered as a member of one of the recognized indigenous groups with CONADI or have an affidavit declaring that, and have to live in one of the designated regions for each group. Citizens identifying as indigenous could chose one of the ballots: the beige for the at-large election or the green for the reserved seats (with different candidates depending on its group). The candidates with the largest number of votes will be elected and, in case there is no gender equality, the least-voted members of the over-represented gender will be replaced by their alternate candidate of the different gender.[11]

Each list also had to present candidates with disability at least in 5% of their candidacies. Other proposals to allow more diversity in the Constituent Assembly were rejected, including one to secure 5% of the candidacies to people from gender or sexual minorities or to establish 3 electoral districts (with 8 seats) for Chileans living abroad.[12][13]

Electoral districts

District number Geographical area No. of members elected
1st district Arica and Parinacota
2nd district Tarapacá
3rd district Antofagasta
4th district Atacama
5th district Coquimbo
6th district Aconcagua, Quillota and Petorca
7th district Valparaíso, San Antonio and Pacific Islands
8th district Santiago West
9th district Santiago North
10th district Santiago Central
11th district Santiago North East
12th district Santiago South East
13th district Santiago South
14th district Santiago Outer
15th district Cachapoal Valley
16th district Colchagua Valley
17th district Maule North
18th district Maule South
19th district Ñuble
20th district Greater Concepción
21st district Biobio and Arauco
22nd district Araucanía North
23rd district Araucanía South
24th district Los Ríos
25th district Osorno and Llanquihue Lake
26th district Puerto Montt, Chiloé and Palena
27th district Aysén
28th district Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica
Seats for Chilean indigenous peoples[n 3] 17
Mapuche Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Santiago, O'Higgins and Maule
Ñuble, Biobío, La Araucanía
Los Ríos, Los Lagos and Aysén
Aymara Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá and Antofagasta
Diaguita Atacama and Coquimbo
Quechua Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá and Antofagasta
Lickanantay Antofagasta
Qulla/Colla Atacama and Coquimbo
Chango Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo and Valparaíso
Rapa Nui Easter Island
Kawésqar Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica
Yaghan Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica

Contesting parties and coalitions

71 lists of candidates were submitted and approved by the Electoral Service (Servel). Three run on all 16 regions of the country, including the three largest coalitions with parliamentary representation. 2 coalition lists and the 3 parties presented candidates in different regions, but not in all country. Other 63 lists of independent candidates were presented on a district level; however, some of them congregated on a national level, being La Lista del Pueblo and Independientes No Neutrales two of the main coalition of independent lists presented in several regions. 28 independent candidates run outside lists, acting as individual lists in each district.

In total, 1278 candidacies were presented for the at-large election.

Coalition Parties Ideology Political position Previous election[n 4] Candidates
% Votes Seats Number Regions
  Logo Vamos por Chile
Let's go for Chile
List XP.
Chile Vamos:
National Renewal (RN)
Independent Democratic Union (UDI)
Political Evolution (Evopoli)
Democratic Independent Regionalist Party (PRI)
Republican Party (PLR)
Economic liberalism
National conservatism
Liberal conservatism
72 / 155
184 16
  Logo Lista del Apruebo
List of the Approve
List YB.
Socialist Party (PS)
Party for Democracy (PPD)
Radical Party (PR)
Christian Democratic Party (PDC)
Progressive Party (PRO)
Citizens (CIU)
Liberal Party (PL)
Social democracy
Christian democracy
Social liberalism
52 / 155
182 16
  Logo Apruebo Dignidad
Approve Dignity
List YQ.
Broad Front:
Democratic Revolution (RD)
Social Convergence (CS)
Commons (Comunes)
Chile Digno:
Communist Party (PC)
Social Green Regionalist Federation (FRVS)
Direct democracy
Democratic socialism
Socialism of the 21st century
Green politics
24 / 155
171 16
  Lista del Pueblo
List of the People
Lists E., J., N., Q., S., WD., WJ., XC., XD., XJ., XT., YL., YP., ZD., ZE., ZI. and ZN.
Coalition of multiple lists of independent candidates Anti-establishment Left-wing
New list 149 15
  Logo Independientes No Neutrales
Non-Neutral Independents
Lists I., L., XR., YF., YS., YU., YV., ZA. and ZT.
Coalition of multiple lists of independent candidates Big tent Centre New list 127 12
  Logo Partido Ecologista Verde
Green Ecologist Party
List XA.
Green Ecologist Party (PEV) Green politics Left-wing 1.30%
1 / 155
76 8
  Logo Partido de los Trabajadores Revolucionarios
Revolutionary Workers Party
List ZR.
Revolutionary Workers Party (PTR) Anti-capitalism
Far-left 0.08%
0 / 155
52 5
  Logo Unión Patriótica
Patriotic Union
List ZB.
Patriotic Union:
Communist P. (Proletarian Action) (PC-AP)
Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR)
• Several smaller groups and movements
Left-wing nationalism
Far-left 0.86%
0 / 155
52 4
  Logo Ciudadanos Cristianos
Christian Citizens
List YX.
Christian Conservative Party
National Citizen Party
Christian right
Christian fundamentalism
Right-wing populism
New list 26 5
  Logo Partido Humanista
Humanist Party
List XG.
Humanist Party Left-wing populism Left-wing 0.63%
5 / 155
7 3
  Logo Lists of independent candidates
33 different lists
1 / 155
224 14
Independent candidates outside lists 28 11


  1. ^ For the election of members for the Constitutent Convention, it will be considered the criteria for gender parity is not met if:
    • in the case of districts with an even number of seats, the number of elected members of one gender is larger than the other.
    • in the case of districts with an odd number of seats, when the difference in the number of elected members by gender is more than one.
  2. ^ Mapuche seats will be allocated in three different constituencies according to the place of residency of the candidates.
  3. ^ Election was held nation-wide. However, candidates were restricted to certain regions depending on their residency and the indigenous group they represent.
  4. ^ For comparison, only the election of members for the Chamber of Deputies is considered.


  1. ^ a b "Presidente Piñera promulga reforma que posterga elecciones al 15 y 16 de mayo". El Mostrador (in Spanish). 2021-04-06. Retrieved 2021-04-07.
  2. ^ "Jubilation as Chile votes to rewrite constitution". October 26, 2020 – via www.bbc.com.
  3. ^ "Acuerdo por la Paz y la Nueva Constitución" (PDF). Library of the National Congress of Chile. 15 November 2019. Retrieved 15 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ "Piñera promulgó reforma constitucional que posterga el plebiscito: "Era necesario"". CNN Chile (in Spanish). Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ "President Piñera enacts laws regarding the elections on April 10 and 11". Chile Reports. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ Arce Riffo, Javiera (2020-04-04). "Gender Parity in the Chilean Constitutional Convention: What Does it Mean for Chilean Democracy?". OHRH. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ "Pueblos Indígenas: Servel determinó distritos con disminución de escaños". El Mostrador (in Spanish). 2020-12-26. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  8. ^ Cifuentes, Patricia (2020-12-04). "A ley proyecto para facilitar candidaturas independientes a la Convención". El Mercurio. Retrieved 2021-05-16.
  9. ^ "Ley 21.216: Modifica la Carta Fundamental para permitir la conformación de pactos electorales de independientes y garantizar la paridad de género en las candidaturas y en la integración del órgano constituyente que se conforme para la creación de una nueva Constitución Política de la República". Library of the National Congress of Chile. 24 March 2020. Retrieved 16 May 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  10. ^ "Cámara aprobó escaños reservados para pueblos originarios, pero no para afrodescendientes". CNN Chile (in Spanish). 15 December 2020. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  11. ^ "Ley 21.298: Modifica la Carta Fundamental para reservar escaños a representantes de los pueblos indígenas en la Convención Constitucional y para resguardar y promover la participación de las personas con discapacidad en la elección de convencionales constituyentes". Library of the National Congress of Chile. 23 December 2020. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  12. ^ "Cámara de Diputados rechaza cuotas para la diversidad sexual y de género en el órgano constituyente". Movilh Chile (in Spanish). 2019-12-20. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  13. ^ "Modifica la Carta Fundamental para crear distritos electorales en el extranjero, en los que los chilenos podrán votar y postular a la convención a que alude su artículo 131". Honorable Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados de Chile (in Spanish). 2020-12-20. Retrieved 2021-05-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)