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Dynasty Warriors

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The Logo of Shin Sangoku Musou 4 (Dynasty Warriors 5)


Dynasty Warriors ( 真・三國無双:Shin Sangokumusou in Japan; literally meaning "True - Unrivaled Three Kingdoms") is a series of video games created by Koei based loosely around the Romance of the Three Kingdoms epic, and is a spinoff series of another Koei game Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sangokushi in Japan). The series is often criticized for its repetitive gameplay, yet sale count is always extremely high among most games in the series. At one time these games were the highest selling series in Japan.

Games in the series

File:Dynasty warriors 5.jpg

The games in this series (in chronological release order) are as follows:

Game characteristics

Xiahou Dun uses his Real Musou no Ranbu in Shin Sangokumusou 4

The first Dynasty Warriors was a traditional one on one fighting game, released in 1997 on the PlayStation. Its play style was reminiscent of Tekken with the additions of weapons and some more exotic moves.

The next game was released in Japan as 'Shin (True) Sangokumusou'. This game was released in other countries as Dynasty Warriors 2, leading to the discrepancy in title numbers. From this game onward, the player chooses a playable character general, and plays through a number of levels representing particular conflicts in the time of the three kingdoms, eventually defeating both of the other kingdoms and becoming the ruler of a unified China. In this mode, known as Musou Mode, the generals are usually chosen from one of the three kingdoms (Wu, Shu or Wei; however, from Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends onwards, independent generals were given full stories as well). Dynasty Warriors 3 had two secret characters, Nu Wa and Fu Xi, that were not playable in Musou Mode.

Both Dynasty Warriors 3 and Dynasty Warriors 5 have individual Musou Modes for each character. Dynasty Warriors 4 has a single, but much longer, Musou Mode for an entire Kingdom. For example, all characters aligned with Wu play through Wu's Musou Mode. This allows the player to switch characters with another general from the same kingdom as they play through the story if they wish.

The stages are presented in a third-person view, with the camera set behind the player as they engage the enemy forces. Each scenario can have different win/loss conditions, although the player's own death invariably leads to the game over screen. Less common loss scenarios usually involve the death of the player's superior officer, the loss of a critical ally or fortification, or the escape of an enemy leader. The generals in Dynasty Warriors have relatively superhuman abilities and can send enemy soldiers flying through the air with a blow, if not killing them instantly. Certain generals can fire magical projectiles or pound the ground to create massive shockwaves. It is possible for a single general to kill hundreds or even thousands of enemy soldiers and defeat their commander without the aid of any AI controlled allies. In fact the game will declare the player as unrivaled (either through the character or the character's superior officer) at every 1000 kills.

The order of events in a full Musou game follows the general order set by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story, with allowances made for non-canon results (e.g. the player's army winning a battle they historically lost).

  1. Put down the Yellow Turban Rebellion.
  2. End Dong Zhuo's insurrection.
  3. Defeat various 'other' warlords of the time period (i.e., not Wu, Shu, or Wei; however, this varies depending on the Kingdom—may include Liu Zhang, Liu Biao, Zhang Xiu, or others).
  4. Defeat one of the other two kingdoms.
  5. Defeat the last remaining other kingdom.

Missions on smaller maps are interspersed between the major levels, and each of the main three kingdoms has additional levels that deal mainly with internal problems, or with small skirmish-like battles between kingdoms. Since Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Lü Bu, Zhu Rong, Zhang Jiao and Meng Huo are all defeated in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Diao Chan leaves the arena of war and politics shortly after Dong Zhuo's downfall, their Musou Modes are pure fiction.

Dynasty Warriors 5 introduced a relatively more realistic Musou mode. Instead of fighting in the entire set of their kingdom's events, the generals participate in battles they would have been alive for. The generals therefore start out at different points in time, and some generals will never encounter one another. In between stages are dramatic scenes in which the general will discuss the battles and their feelings on what is happening. This gives the game more of a personal view as well as keeping the player up to date with what has happened in the story. Dynasty Warriors 5 also deviates from the goal of unifying China. Not all characters are interested in conquest, and a general's Musou mode may end just after their kingdom is established instead of after the last rival kingdom is defeated. However, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Jian's Musou modes still vary from history. Although these characters die in history, story, and other generals' Musou modes, if you choose them as the playable character, the gameplay deviates from the original story and they continue to participate in events taking place after their deaths.

Due to the space restraints of the Game Boy Advance cartridge, Dynasty Warriors Advance only has 13 playable characters. The battle system has been reduced to basic moves and a power-up system added. The weapon system has also been overhauled with over 200 weapons. Each character can equip three different kinds of weapons adding for a unique experience. For instance, Zhen Ji can equip flutes, fans and swords while Sun Shang Xiang can equip a chakram, claws and maces. The maps are a tactical type system with characters moving between spots on the map in a turn-based manner while fighting real time battles on a small battle field. The plot is essentially the same; however due to the limited number of maps and characters, several events have changed. For example, Sun Ce can show up at the battle of Yi Ling despite the fact he was dead before the battle was fought. Cao Cao is also present at the battle of Wu Zhang plains when should have been long dead. Those characters who are not playable in Dynasty Warriors Advance but are in other Dynasty Warriors games are present as generic generals with their respective profile image. However, there are some generals such as Sun Quan, Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo who have unique sprites leading some fans to believe that there are more than 13 playable characters. Koei has not confirmed this.

The Dynasty Warriors series is known for both portraying some of the characters with personalities that are far-fetched and eccentric, such as the flamboyant Zhang He and the bestial Wei Yan, while portraying others with characteristics that are quite consistent with the novel, such as Cao Cao and Dong Zhuo. Some generals wield weapons that are rather anachronistic, such as Ling Tong's nunchaku, Zhou Tai's katana, and Sun Ce's tonfas. Additionally, characters that were non-combatants in the stories or in history are included in the battles, as demonstrated by the inclusion of the female characters (in the original novel, Zhu Rong was the only female who fought, using throwing knives). Finally, the issue of mysticism is touched upon with the characters Zhuge Liang (lasers), Sima Yi (lasers), Pang Tong (tornados), Cao Pi (ice orbs) and Zuo Ci (mystical paper talismans) who possess magical attacks.


There are, as of Dynasty Warriors 5, a total of 48 playable characters in the Dynasty Warriors series. 4 characters found in earlier installments have since been removed. Each character is armed with a weapon, which may be a conventional historical weapon, an exotic martial weapon, or a magical weapon enhancing their mystical powers and their stats.

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Cao Cao, father of Cao Pi, who became the strongest warlord after defeating Yuan Shao and established the basis for the Kingdom of Wei. Died of a neurological disease.
  • Cao Cao (曹操) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Long Sword (Wrath of Heaven)
  • Xiahou Dun (夏侯惇) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Scimiter (Kirin Fang)
  • Xiahou Yuan (夏侯淵) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Sword (Mystic Fang), Iron Rod (Enforcer Rod)
  • Dian Wei (典韋) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Hand Axe (Mad Bull)
  • Cao Pi (曹丕) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 5
    Weapon: Dual Sword (Chaos)
  • Zhang Liao (張遼) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Guan Dao (Gold Wyvern)
  • Sima Yi (司馬懿) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Strategist Fan (Dark Feather)
  • Xu Zhu (許褚) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Mace (Stone Crusher)
  • Cao Ren (曹仁) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 4
    Weapon: Buckler Blade (Roc)
  • Xu Huang (徐晃) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Poleaxe (Marauder)
  • Pang De (龐徳) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 5
    Weapon: Dual Halberds (Heavenly Halberd)
  • Zhang He (張郃) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Claws (Phoenix Talon)
  • Zhen Ji (甄姫) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Flute (Dark Moon Flute)
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Liu Bei, first ruler of the Kingdom of Shu, and the eldest sworn brother of Guan Yu (right) and Zhang Fei (left). Died of illness shortly after the defeat in Yi Ling.
  • Liu Bei (劉備) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Long Sword (Gold Moon Dragon)
  • Guan Yu (關羽) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Guan Dao (Blue Moon Dragon)
  • Zhang Fei (張飛) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Pike (Viper Blade)
  • Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: War Fan (Peacock Feather)
  • Zhao Yun (趙雲) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Bronze Spear (Fierce Dragon)
  • Huang Zhong (黄忠) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Sword (Oracle Sword)
  • Ma Chao (馬超) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Iron Spear (Stallion Fury)
  • Guan Ping (關平) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 5
    Weapon: Braodsword (Young Dragon)
  • Wei Yan (魏延) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Double Voulge (Comet Strike)
  • Jiang Wei (姜維) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Trident (Blink)
  • Pang Tong (龐統) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Staff (Tornado Staff)
  • Yue Ying (月英) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 4
    Weapon: Scythe (Oblivion)
  • Xing Cai (星彩) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 5
    Weapon: War Fork (Ambition)
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Sun Jian, father of Sun Ce, Sun Quan and Sun Shang Xiang, who established the basis for the Kingdom of Wu. Killed in an ambush by forces of Liu Biao during the Assault of Jing.
  • Sun Jian (孫堅) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Long Sword (Savage Tiger)
  • Sun Ce (孫策) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Dual Tonfa (Overlord)
  • Huang Gai (黃蓋) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Iron Rod (Dark Shadow)
  • Sun Quan (孫權) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Long Sword (Master Wolf)
  • Sun Shang Xiang (孫尚香) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Chakram (Sol Chakram)
  • Zhou Tai (周泰) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 4
    Weapon: Katana (Dusk)
  • Zhou Yu (周瑜) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Sword (Ancients Sword)
  • Gan Ning (甘寧) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Pirate Sword (Sea Master)
  • Lu Meng (呂蒙) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Pike (White Tiger)
  • Lu Xun (陸遜) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Dual Sabers (Falcon)
  • Taishi Ci (太史慈) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Dual Rods (Tiger Slayer)
  • Ling Tong (凌統) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 5
    Weapon: Nunchuku (Dragon Fury)
  • Da Qiao (大喬) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Folding Fan (Qiao Beauty)
  • Xiao Qiao (小喬) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Folding Fan (Qiao Grace)

Others (他)

File:Lu Bu Art.jpg
Lu Bu, renowned as the mightiest warrior during the era of the Three Kingdoms. Defeated and executed by Cao Cao at Xia Pi.
  • Lu Bu (呂布) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Halberd (Sky Scorcher)
  • Zuo Ci (左慈) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 5
    Weapon: Card Deck (Trump Deck)
  • Yuan Shao (袁紹) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Long Sword (Sword of Kings)
  • Dong Zhuo (董卓) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Jagged Sword (Horror)
  • Diao Chan (貂蝉) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Dual Maces (Diva)
  • Meng Huo (孟獲) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Gauntlets (King of Beasts)
  • Zhang Jiao (張角) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 2
    Weapon: Staff (Volcano Staff)
  • Zhu Rong (祝融) Introduced in Dynasty Warriors 3
    Weapon: Boomerang (Inferno)
  • Nobunaga (織田 信長) Only available in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Yari Spear
  • Toukichi Only available in Dynasty Warriors
    Weapon: Sword


Many of the stages are recreations of notable battles present historically or from the Romance of Three Kingdoms novel, while original creations became more common with the newer installments. Here is a list of stages from Dynasty Warriors 2 to Dynasty Warriors 5 that appear quite often throughout the series.


Due to the enormous popularity of Dynasty Warriors, Koei released numerous additional games to the series as well as spin-off games.

In 2002, the Xtreme Legends (in Japan, Moushouden) series was introduced as a kind of supplement to the original game, featuring story modes for the "other" generals. Starting from Dynasty Warriors 3, every new version number of the game was followed by an Xtreme Legends. The same applied to the Empires series starting from Dynasty Warriors 4. Introduced in 2004, Empires was a mix of the pure action of Dynasty Warriors series and the tactical and strategic gameplay of Koei's other popular series, Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In 2006, Koei introduced a surprising new game to the series – Dynasty Warriors Mahjong, a mahjong game with the characters of Dynasty Warriors. Kessen II is considered a Dynasty Warriors spin-off.

Expanding their market into other game consoles, Koei released Xbox and PC versions of the games, as well as the specially designed Dynasty Warriors Advance for Game Boy Advance and Dynasty Warriors for PlayStation Portable. An online PC version of the game, entitled Dynasty Warriors BB (BB for broadband) is scheduled to be released in 2007 in North America.

Spin-off series of this game include Dynasty Tactics, first released in 2002 and followed by a sequel in 2003. Samurai Warriors (Sengoku Musou) has the same proven game engine, and portrays the Sengoku period of Japan, like Dynasty Warriors, Koei released Xtreme Legends and Empires expansions to the Samurai Warriors games. Gundam Musou, a Playstation 3 collaboration between Koei and Namco Bandai, has been released in March 1, 2007. It features Gundam mecha instead of historical people.[1] On February 3, 2007, Koei announced its first cross-over with characters from Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors, entitled Musou Orochi, it introduces a new system in which the player can switch between three characters at will.

Criticism of English voice-work

The English voice-overs of Dynasty Warriors series wrongfully uses straightforward English pronunciations for the romanized pinyin names of characters and locations. The results are rather humorous to Chinese speakers, sometimes insulting, and misleading to its Western audience. Some unfortunate examples are the pronunciations of Cao Cao (pronounced cow cow instead of tsao tsao, if using Wade-Giles), Cao Pi (pronounced cow pee instead of tsao pee) and Sun Ce (pronounced "sun say" instead of "sun tse").

See also
