International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions: Difference between revisions

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→‎Memberships: Imported list from supreme audit institutions, removed non-INTOSAI members
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== Memberships ==
== Memberships ==
The following countries are members of the INTOSAI:<ref></ref>
The following supreme audit institution are members of INTOSAI:<ref></ref>

===Full Members===
{{div col}}
* {{AFG}}: Supreme Audit Office
* {{ALB}}: [[State Supreme Audit (Albania)]]
* {{ALG}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{AND}}: Tribunal de Comptes
* {{ANG}}: Tribunal de Contas de Angola
* {{ARG}}: Auditoría General de la Nación
*[[Antigua and Barbuda]]
* {{ARM}}: Chamber of Audit
* {{AUS}}: [[Australian National Audit Office]]
* {{AUT}}: Rechnungshof
* {{AZE}}: Chamber of Accounts
* {{BAH}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{BHR}}: National Audit Office
* {{BGD}}: [[Comptroller and Auditor General (Bangladesh)|Comptroller and Auditor General]]
* {{BAR}}: Auditor General's Office
* {{BLR}}: State Control Committee
* {{BEL}}: [[Court of Audit of Belgium]]
* {{BLZ}}: The Office of the Auditor General
* {{BEN}}: Chambre des Comptes de la Cour Suprême
* {{BTN}}: Royal Audit Authority
* {{BOL}}: Contraloría General del Estado
* {{BWA}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{BRA}}: [[Tribunal de Contas da União]]
*[[Bosnia and Herzegovina]]
* {{BGR}}: [[Chamber of Audit (Bulgaria)|Chamber of Audit]]
* {{CPV}}: Tribunal de Contas
* {{KHM}}: National Audit Authority of Cambodia
*[[Brunei Darussalam]]
* {{CAN}}: [[Auditor General of Canada]]
* {{CAF}}: Inspection Général d’État
*[[Burkina Faso]]
* {{CHL}}: [[Comptroller General of Chile]]
* {{CHN}}: [[National Audit Office (China)|National Audit Office]]
*[[Cabo Verde]]
* {{COL}}: Contraloria General de la República
* {{COM}}: Cour Suprême – Section des Comptes des Comores
* {{CRI}}: Contraloria General de la República
* {{CIV}}: Cour des Comptes de Côte d’Ivoire
*[[Central African Republic]]
* {{HRV}}: Drzavni Ured za Reviziju
* {{CUB}}: Contraloría General de la República de Cuba
* {{CYP}}: Audit Office of the Republic
* {{CZE}}: [[Supreme Audit Office (Czech Republic)|Supreme Audit Office]]
* {{COD}}: Cour des Comptes
*[[Republic of the Congo|Congo, Republic of the]]
* {{EGY}}: [[Central Auditing Organization]]
*[[Congo, Democratic Republic of the]]
* {{ERI}}: Office of the Auditor General
*[[Cook Islands]]
* {{FJI}}: Office of the Auditor General
*[[Costa Rica]]
* {{FIN}}: National Audit Office of Finland
*[[Côte d'Ivoire]]
* {{FRA}}: [[Court of Audit (France)|Court of Audit]]
* {{GAB}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{GMB}}: National Audit Office
* {{GHA}}: Ghana Audit Service
*[[Czech Republic]]
* {{DEU}}: [[Bundesrechnungshof]]
* {{GEO}}: State Audit Office of Georgia
* {{GRC}}: [[Court of Audit (Greece)|Court of Audit]]
* {{GRD}}: Audit Department
*[[Dominican Republic]]
* {{GTM}}: Contraloría General de Cuentas
* {{GIN}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{GNB}}: Tribunal de Contas
*[[El Salvador]]
* {{GUY}}: The Audit Office of Guyana
*[[Equatorial Guinea]]
* {{HTI}}: Cour Supérieure CCA
* {{HND}}: Tribunal Superior de Cuentas
* {{HUN}}: Allami Számvevöszék
* {{ISL}}: Rikisendurskodun
* {{IND}}: [[Comptroller and Auditor General of India]]
* {{IDN}}: [[Audit Board of Indonesia]]
* {{IRN}}: Supreme Audit Court
* {{IRQ}}: Federal Board of Supreme Audit
* {{IRL}}: [[Comptroller and Auditor General (Ireland)|Comptroller and Auditor General]]
*[[Georgia (country)|Georgia]]
* {{ISR}}: State Comptroller's Office
* {{ITA}}: [[Court of Audit (Italy)|Court of Audit]]
* {{JAM}}: Audit Department
* {{JPN}}: [[Board of Audit (Japan)|Board of Audit]]
* {{JOR}}: [[Audit Bureau of Jordan]]
* {{KAZ}}: Accounts Committee
* {{KEN}}: Kenya National Audit Office
* {{KIR}}: Kiribati National Audit Office
* {{flag|Kosovo}}: National Audit Office of Kosovo
* {{KWT}}: State Audit Bureau
*[[Holy See]] / [[Vatican City State]]
* {{KGZ}}: The Accounts Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic
* {{LAO}}: State Audit Organization
* {{LVA}}: Latvijas Republikas Valsts kontrole
* {{LBN}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{LSO}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{LBR}}: General Auditing Commission
*[[Iran (Islamic Republic of)]]
* {{LBY}}: Libyan Audit Bureau
* {{LIE}}: Finanzkontrolle des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
* {{LTU}}: Valstybės kontrolė
* {{LUX}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{MDG}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{MWI}}: National Audit Office
* {{MYS}}: [[National Audit Department (Malaysia)|National Audit Department]]
* {{MDV}}: Auditor General's Office
* {{MLI}}: Contrôle Général des Services Publics
* {{MLT}}: National Audit Office
* {{MHL}}: Office of the Auditor General
*[[Korea (Republic of)]]
* {{MRT}}: Cour des Comptes de la République Islamique de Mauritanie
* {{MUS}}: National Audit Office
* {{MEX}}: Auditoría Superior de la Federación de México
*[[Lao People's Democratic Republic]]
* {{FSM}}: Office of the Public Auditor
* {{MDA}}: [[Curtea de Conturi (Moldova)|Curtea de Conturi]]
* {{MCO}}: Commission Supérieure des Comptes
* {{MNG}}: Mongolian National Audit Office
* {{MNE}}: State Audit Institution of Montenegro
* {{MAR}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{MOZ}}: Tribunal Administrativo
* {{NAM}}: Office of the Auditor-General
* {{NRU}}: Department of Audit
*[[Republic of Macedonia]]
* {{MMR}}: [[Office of the Auditor General (Myanmar)|Office of the Auditor General]]
* {{NPL}}: [[Office of the Auditor General (Nepal)|Office of the Auditor General]]
* {{NLD}}: [[Court of Audit (Netherlands)|Court of Audit]]
* {{NZL}}: Office of the Auditor-General
* {{NIC}}: Consejo Superior de la Contraloría General
* {{NER}}: Cour des comptes
* {{NGA}}: [[Office of the Auditor General for the Federation (Nigeria)|Office of the Auditor General for the Federation]]
*[[Marshall Islands]]
* {{MKD}}: Drzaven zavod za revizija
* {{NOR}}: [[Office of the Auditor General of Norway]]
* {{OMN}}: State Audit Institution
*[[Federated States of Micronesia]]
* {{PAK}}: [[Auditor General of Pakistan]]
* {{PLW}}: Office of the Public Auditor
* {{PSE}}: State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau
* {{PAN}}: Contraloría General de la República de Panamá
* {{PNG}}: Auditor General's Office
* {{PRY}}: Contraloría General de la República
* {{PER}}: Contraloria General de la República
* {{PHL}}: [[Commission on Audit of the Philippines]]
* {{POL}}: [[Supreme Audit Office (Poland)|Supreme Audit Office]]
* {{PRT}}: [[Court of Auditors (Portugal)|Court of Auditors]]
* {{QAT}}: State Audit Bureau
*[[Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal]]
* {{COG}}: Cour des Comptes et de Discipline Budgétaire
* {{ROU}}: [[Court of Audit (Romania)|Court of Audit]]
*[[Netherlands Antilles]]
* {{RUS}}: [[Accounts Chamber of Russia]]
*[[New Zealand]]
* {{RWA}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{KNA}}: The Audit Office
* {{LCA}}: Office of the Director of Audit
* {{WSM}}: Samoa Audit Office
* {{STP}}: Tribunal de Contas
* {{SAU}}: General Auditing Bureau
* {{SEN}}: Cour des Comptes
* {{SRB}}: Drzavna revizorska institucija
* {{SYC}}: The Audit Department
*[[Papua New Guinea]]
* {{SLE}}: Audit Service Sierra Leone
* {{SGP}}: Auditor General's Office
* {{SVK}}: Najvyšši kontrolný úrad Slovenskej republiky
* {{SVN}}: [[Court of Audit of Slovenia]]
* {{SLB}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{SOM}}: Office of the Auditor General
*[[Puerto Rico]]
* {{ZAF}}: Auditor-General of South Africa
* {{ROK}}: [[Board of Audit and Inspection]]
* {{SSD}}: National Audit Chamber
*[[Russian Federation]]
* {{ESP}}: [[Court of Auditors (Spain)|Court of Auditors]]
* {{LKA}}: [[National Audit Office (Sri Lanka)|National Audit Office]]
*[[Saint Kitts and Nevis]]
* {{VCT}}: Audit Office
*[[Saint Lucia]]
* {{SDN}}: National Audit Chamber
*[[Saint Vincent and the Grenadines]]
* {{SUR}}: Rekenkamer van Suriname
* {{SWE}}: [[Swedish National Audit Office]]
*[[São Tomé and Príncipe]]
* {{CHE}}: Eidgenössische Finanzkontrolle
*[[Saudi Arabia]]
* {{SYR}}: The Central Organization of Financial Control
* {{TWN}}: [[Control Yuan]]
* {{TJK}}: Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Tajikistan
*[[Sierra Leone]]
* {{TZA}}: National Audit Office
* {{THA}}: State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand
* {{TLS}}: Tribunal de Recurso
* {{TGO}}: La Cour des Comptes
*[[Solomon Islands]]
* {{TON}}: Audit Department
* {{TTO}}: Auditor General's Department
*[[South Africa]]
* {{TUN}}: Cour des Comptes
*[[South Sudan]]
* {{TUR}}: [[Court of Accounts (Turkey)|Court of Accounts]]
* {{TUV}}: Office of the Auditor General
*[[Sri Lanka]]
* {{UGA}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{UKR}}: [[Accounting Chamber (Ukraine)|Accounting Chamber]]
* {{ARE}}: State Audit Institution
* {{GBR}}: [[National Audit Office (United Kingdom)|National Audit Office]]
* {{USA}}: [[Government Accountability Office]]
* {{URY}}: Tribunal de Cuentas de la República
*[[Syrian Arab Republic]]
* {{VUT}}: Office of the Auditor General
* {{VAT}}: Officium Recognitoris Generalis
* {{VEN}}: Contraloría General de la República
* {{VNM}}: State Audit Office of Vietnam
* {{YEM}}: Central Organization for Control and Auditing
* {{ZMB}}: Office of the Auditor General
*[[Trinidad and Tobago]]
* {{ZWE}}: Office of the Auditor General
{{div col end}}
*[[United Arab Emirates]]
*[[United Kingdom]]
*[[United Republic of Tanzania]]
*[[United States of America]]

===Supranational Organisations===
===Supranational Organisations===
*[[European Court of Auditors]]
* {{EUR}}: [[European Court of Auditors]]

===Associate Members===
===Associate Members===

Revision as of 10:23, 25 September 2020

International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
HeadquartersVienna, Austria
Secretary General
Margit Kraker[1]
INTOSAI 50 Years report

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) is an intergovernmental organization whose members are supreme audit institutions. Nearly every supreme audit institution in the world is a member of INTOSAI. Depending on the type of system used in their home country, the members of INTOSAI may be variously titled the Chief Financial Controller, the Office of the Comptroller General, the Office of the Auditor General, the Court of Accounts, or the Board of Audit.

INTOSAI was founded in 1953[2] in Havana, Cuba.[3] Thirty-four audit organizations formed the group originally and as of 2010 the current membership includes 193 institutions (188 national institutions, the European Court of Auditors and 4 associated members).[2]

The members of INTOSAI are the primary external auditors of the United Nations.[3] The UN's General Assembly appoints the UN Board of Auditors (3 members appointed for 6 years) among the INTOSAI member representatives.[4]

INTOSAI holds a triennial conference entitled the International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI).[5] It publishes the quarterly International Journal of Government Auditing. Examples of its major publications are:

The ISSAIs, International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions

The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) are a benchmark for auditing public entities (External Audit Standards for public entities).
The "INTOSAI Auditing Standards" had been approved by the INCOSAI in 1998 and updated in 2001. In its strategic plan 2005-2010, the INTOSAI decided to "provide an up-to-date framework of professional standards", so the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee decided to merge the existing and new INTOSAI standards and guidelines into a framework.
The framework comprises all documents endorsed by INCOSAI with the purpose of guiding the professional standards used by SAIs

The ISSAIs can be found at INTOSAI.ORG and The list of ISSAIs is in the table below:

  • Auditing Standards (ISSAI-numbers of 3 digits) stipulate general principles and postulates for carrying out the audit work;
  • Implementation Guidelines (ISSAI-numbers of 4 digits) give more detailed guidance, practical assistance to SAIs in implementing the Standards in their individual constituents.
Hierarchical level of the text ISSAI series Name Notes Link to ISSAI document
Level 1: Founding Principles ISSAI 1 The Lima Declaration (endorsed 1977) Comprehensive precepts on auditing in the public sector
Level 2: Prerequisites ISSAI 10-40 Prerequisites for the Functioning of Supreme Audit Institutions * The 'ISSAI 30' Code of Ethics is the statement of values and principles guiding the daily work of the auditors. One of the principles outlined in the Code of Ethics is the statutory auditor’s obligation to apply generally accepted auditing standards. (not to be mistaken with the AICPA's Generally accepted auditing standards)
Level 3: Fundamental Auditing Principles ISSAI 100-400 Basic Principles, General Standards, Field Standards (endorsed 2001), and Reporting Standards
Level 4: Auditing Guidelines ISSAI 1000-1810 Financial Audit Guidelines Financial_Audit_Guidelines_E.pdf
ISSAI 3000-3100 Performance Audit Guidelines
ISSAI 4000-4200 Compliance Audit Guidelines
ISSAI 5000-5010 Guidelines on auditing International Institutions
ISSAI 5100-5140 Guidelines on Environmental Audit
ISSAI 5200-5240 Guidelines on Privatisation
ISSAI 5300-5399 guidelines on IT-audit
ISSAI 5400-5499 Guidelines on Audit of Public Debt
ISSAI 5500-5599 Guidelines on Audit of Disaster-related Aid
ISSAI 5600-5699 Guidelines on Peer Reviews
Guidance for Good governance INTOSAI GOVs 9100 - 9230 Internal Control and Accounting Standards,1033)/Internal_Control_Standards.pdf

Two main types of audit

The INTOSAI Auditing Standards distinguish basically two types of audit that a government auditor may perform:

Regularity audit

A Regularity audit or Statutory audit is a financial audit of the financial reporting or budget reporting of the audited entity.

In a regularity audit, the audit report contains the auditor's opinion.

Performance audit

Performance audit refers to an examination of a program, function, operation or the management systems and procedures of a governmental or non-profit entity to assess whether the entity is achieving economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the employment of available resources.

In a performance audit, the report should contain a statement of assurance on those items tested for compliance, as the auditor's conclusion (as opposed to opinion).

The INTOSAI's (and GAO's or ECA's) Performance audit corresponds to the Review Engagements or "Assurance Engagements other than Audits" of the IFAC.

Adoption by intergovernmental organizations

In addition to the INTOSAI members (the Supreme Audit Institutions), the following intergovernmental organizations have adopted INTOSAI AS:

INTOSAI and Internal Audit

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is among the four associated members of the INTOSAI.[9] The INTOSAI is a strong advocate for the establishment of Independent Internal audit in public entities.

  • ISSAI 1610 – Using the Work of Internal Auditors
  • INTOSAI Guidance for Good governance: INTOSAI GOVs 9100–9230

The guidance "INTOSAI GOV 9100" states:

  • (page 46) "The Supreme Audit Institution also has a vested interest in ensuring that strong internal audit units exist where needed. Those audit units constitute an important element of internal control by providing a continuous means for improving an organisation's operations. In some countries, however, the internal audit units may lack independence, be weak, or be non-existent. In those cases, the SAI should, whenever possible, offer assistance and guidance to establish and develop those capacities and to ensure the independence of the internal auditor's activities."
  • "The creation of an internal audit unit as part of the internal control system is a strong signal by management that internal control is important. ... For an internal audit function to be effective, it is essential that the internal audit staff be independent from management, work in an unbiased, correct and honest way and that they report directly to the highest level of authority within the organisation. ... "For professional guidance, internal auditors should use the Professional Practices Framework (PPF) of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) (...) Additionally, internal auditors should follow the INTOSAI Code of Ethics".

Regional working groups

  • AFROSAI: African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • ARABOSAI: Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • ASOSAI: Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • CAROSAI: Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
  • EUROSAI: European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. For more information please see website.
  • OLACEFS: Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions. For more information please see website
  • PASAI: Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions

List of INCOSAI Conferences

INCOSAI Place Date Host Information
I Havana, Cuba November 1953 Ministry of Auditing and Control of the Republic of Cuba
II Brussels, Belgium September 1956 Court of Audit of Belgium
III Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 1959 Tribunal de Contas da União
IV Vienna, Austria May 1962 Court of Audit of the Republic of Austria
V Jerusalem, Israel June 1965 State Comptroller's Office of Israel
VI Tokyo, Japan May 1968 Board of Audit of Japan
VII Montreal, Canada September 1971 Office of the Auditor General of Canada
VIII Madrid, Spain May 1974 Tribunal de Cuentas
IX Lima, Peru October 1977 Contraloría General de la República del Perú
X Nairobi, Kenya June 1980 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Kenya
XI Manila, Philippines April 1983 Philippine Commission on Audit
XII Sydney, Australia April 1986 Australian National Audit Office
XIII Berlin, Germany June 1989 Bundesrechnungshof
German commemorative stamp from XIII INCOSAI
XIV Washington, D.C., U.S. October 1992 Government Accountability Office
XV Cairo, Egypt September - October 1995 Central Auditing Organization of Egypt
XVI Montevideo, Uruguay November 1998 Contraloría General de la República del Uruguay
XVII Seoul, South Korea October 2001 Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea
XVIII Budapest, Hungary October 2004 Hungarian State Audit Office
XIX Mexico City, Mexico November 2007 Contraloría General de la República de Mexico
XX Johannesburg, South Africa November 2010 Auditor-General of South Africa
XXI Beijing, PR China October 2013 National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China
XXII Abu Dhabi, UAE December 2016 State Audit Institution of United Arab Emirates
XXIII Moscow, Russia September 2019 Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation


The following supreme audit institution are members of INTOSAI:[10]

Full Members

Supranational Organisations

Associate Members

See also


  1. ^ "Margit Kraker". International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.
  2. ^ a b Hussey, Roger; Ong, Audra Wei Ming (2006), International Financial Reporting Standards Desk Reference, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, p. 289, ISBN 978-0-471-72715-6, OCLC 57573800
  3. ^ a b Franda, Marcus F. (2006), The United Nations in the Twenty-first Century: Management and Reform Processes in a Troubled Organization, Lanham, Maryland, U.S.: Rowman & Littlefield, p. 219, ISBN 978-0-7425-5334-7, OCLC 62895793
  4. ^
  5. ^ Shah, Anwar (2007), Performance Accountability and Combating Corruption (PDF), Washington, D.C., U.S.: World Bank, p. 309, ISBN 978-0821369418, OCLC 77116846
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^ The INTOSAI Financial Audit Guidelines will be based on the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) issued by the IAASB
  9. ^ Official membership list
  10. ^

External links