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Talk:Women's rights in Ukraine

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Weasel words?[edit]

'(analyst's have described these as "virtual parties designed to steal votes from opposition parties")' Seems to be blunt bias and an attempt to paint particular parties as something.--Senor Freebie (talk) 05:15, 24 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I am sorry to say that Australian politics does not look like post-Soviet states politics (this is a bad thing for the Post-Soviet states); besides the info is from a book[1] published by a reliable source. Please remember that all cultures are different; just because Ukrainians are just as white as Australians dues not mean there political culture looks like the one in your beloved Melbourne (I wish it did…).
Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 18:04, 26 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  1. ^ Virtual Politics - Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World, Andrew Wilson, Yale University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-300-09545-7

Future new article?[edit]

New feminist action group arived at the scene. They are Feminist Offensive. — Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 18:08, 26 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

There are a lot of false statements in this article[edit]

What moron wrote this article? I am a woman and I have the same salary as men have. In addition, all deans in our Univ. are women. So the statement ' Women receive lower salaries and have limited opportunity for career advancement.' is wrong. Moreover, the most part of the population in our country doesn't like 'Femen' at all. I guess, 'Femen' wrote this strange article. (talk) 20:53, 26 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Fabricated Statistics[edit]

Lets use an easy number 100

Of 100 = 54 women Of 100 = 46 men, 45% of 54 women = 24.3 women. 55% of 46 men = 25.3 men. None of this considers children or the elderly, or women staying home by choice to have babies. Therefore lets use a half/half scenario of children verse adults. That means that 23 men and 27 women do not work-because they are children. This would then make more women in the work force then men ie 27% of women work and 23% of men. Even with all women and men working whether elderly or children,it would only equate to 75.7% of women not employed and not 80%, because also 74.7% of men do not work, which means an almost even amount or 50%.

Next the elderly, men work longer, age 60 vs. 55, another unfairness towards men. And whats more they die earlier too so in fact would even add more statistical favour towards women workers then male workers, because less are alive. This is only a few glorified statistics, that average people can see do not add up.

Then we have the violence statistics, for sure, i bet there are literally millions of males that do not speak of the violence towards them as women do, thereby altering these statistic dramatically that women are more violated then men.

As for the more salary garbage. It seems more women work in comfort government positions then men so why is it that men still earn more, because they don't and also put up with far more debilitating positions then any woman ever would have to. Not only that the trained women i bet there are't 60% of men trained. And the women who are trained go honme to have babies, thereby leaving the untrained men even worse off. As well adding to statistics, because the men who do have these so-called higher paying jobs, have been there 25 years-and the women are constantly cycling due to wanting families (A nature occurrance by the way, not a mans doing). I bet those stay home mothers also add to the unemployment garbage statistic.

See people like you always play male against female with made up garbge and use false statistics and none of it ever helps the real victims of these crimes, whether men or women and only makes it worse. Even then the actual women violated or raped, do not come forward because of this type of garbage. And your statistics are so well written, that when you look at it, it almost says that all women are violated in some way and that all men are the perpertraitors. If you wrote it like i wrote it, people would be far more likely to see your view, that unemployment is not good at all. And whether these people are women or men, do you think they care about garbage statistics, when they are the ones at home or on the streets doing it hard?

People like you need to spend our money that you get far more precisely, then to try cause problems so you can justify your heinous positions. If you are a man, why don't you give your job up for a woman, since it means that much to you.I bet you wouldn't because this worlsd is designed by psychopaths, who rule over all of us and create this disgrace of a planet so they can steal all our money. Money itself, in the end is a hinderance to the future of mankind because it only aids some and holds the rest of us back.

Until paper pushers realise that they are not helping this earth at all and the real jobs for humanity to survive are in the real world, then there will always be problems. It cost not one cent to produce anything. It costs labour and money stops from any of the best things from being produced by having to manufacture inferior quality products so they can be sold to people who can't afford the best, who then produce inferior consumer products, when we could all come together and produce what is needed for all and this fight between men and women would be non-existent. Money is a tool so that the greedy do not have to work. That is all it is. A control tool that causes more problems then ever, even the so called violence you speak of. The stress of not having enough money and trying to help your family survive, all because of greedy liars. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Cryingliars (talkcontribs) 12:39, 19 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]