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User:My very best wishes/sandbox

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Встреча с поэзией странная
Все вспоминается мне.
Где ж ты, певунья желанная,
Свет моих грез при луне?

Муза любви одинокая
Молча отводит глаза.
Что ж ты, моя не далекая,
Слово боишься сказать?

Видно любовь потаенная -
Доля совсем не моя:
Ждет меня Ева влюбленная
Там, где мой дом и семья.

Только мне страшно, родимая,
За заключенных в аду.
Муза моя нелюдимая,
Что ж ты мне шепчешь в бреду?


"Поддалась лихому подговору,
Отдалась разбойнику и вору,
Подожгла посады и хлеба,
Разорила древнее жилище,
И пошла поруганной и нищей,
И рабой последнего раба."
(Maximilian Voloshin - [1])

Локоны вьются не зная оков,
Взгляд простодушный и ясный -
Словно явился из бездны веков
Лик Синдереллы прекрасной.

Но в ожиданье устало плечо,
И появился избранник -
Жутин-Малютин, качок-стукачок,
Сам же и вор, и охранник.

Так-то свешилось веленье Судьбы,
Русской судьбины кромешной,
И красоту простодушной рабы
Обнял Кощей-кагебешник.

“Что же?” - сказала она через год -
“Сбылось мое назначенье.
Пусть же детишки мои - мой народ
Радуют папку-Кощея!”

Oh, my... I wrote this in 2016 because of a very different story. But could it be about A.K.? Yes, absolutely.

--- [://my.mail.ru/music/search/%D0%95%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%A4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0] check

Tsvetaeva, [13]


Yesenin,[14] ---

[15], Tsvetaeva Mandelshtam Akhmatova,[16] ---

Сгинет Трамп без Твиттера,
Сдохнет без Фэйсбука.
Закопали Гитлера,
Осрамился, сука!

Деньги в Дойче-банке
Он отмыть не сможет.
Впрочем, есть "В Конакте” -
ФСБ поможет.

  • [17] - Her election show that her voters think more or less the same, just as people who voted for Trump this year. And speaking about one of the claims,

Кто же, кто же Qanon?
Ну конечно Путин!

My thoughts about Navalny in 2021
  • [18] (link by VM) - Yes, exactly. And of course Putin also killed Polish President, just as many others. But I see a problem: this is not just Putin. This is the entire current Russian top establishment, people who lead this Mafia state. If Putin dies tomorrow (some tell he is sick), very little will change in the country. He will be replaced by someone else from the same FSB. That's why Alexander Radishchev invoked the image of "The Beast with a hundred of heads" aka Leviathan. These guys will not give up their power because they do not want to end up as Muammar Gaddafi and Nicolae Ceaușescu. Right now they will do as Lukashenko. But if needed, they will do as Bashar al-Assad. That's why Putin helped Assad. Syria was a training ground, just in case. So, here my perception of this, in style of bylina:

Жил да был Навальный
В стороне провальной,
Патриот нормальный,
Диссидент опальный.

В той стране заборы,
Звери прокуроры,
Жулики, да воры.

Но решил Алеша:
"Я людей не брошу".
В логово Дракона
Запустил он дрона.

Да и сам к Дракону
Он пришел и сдался:
Посреди Омона
Он один остался.

Стражники Дракона
Всю его дружину -
Им ведь нет закона -
В землю уложили.

На Руси великой
Так уж испокону:
У Кремлевской клики
Сто голов Дракона.

  • So, I am really surprised he did it. Here is proper analogy. A mafia boss orders killing of a witness. By a miracle that witness survived, but then gives up voluntarily. The henchmen s xoxotom sakatavaet glupogo "loxa" v asfalt. Did not he read Shalamov? Gessen [19] completely misses the point. "Prison versus exile"? No, Navalny is already convicted to death (when someone ordered to poison him), just as Viktor Suvorov was convicted. This is returning back only to be executed:

Но сердце, как бы ты хотело,
чтоб это вправду было так:
Россия, звёзды, ночь расстрела
и весь в черемухе овраг.
(by Vladimir Nabokov, Shooting down)

Now, that poem by Nabokov reminds me something

("Россия, звёзды, ночь расстрела" -> "Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека")

Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека
Бессмысленный и тусклый свет.
Живи еще хоть четверть века —
Всё будет так. Исхода нет.
Умрешь — начнешь опять сначала
И повторится всё, как встарь:
Ночь, ледяная рябь канала,
Аптека, улица, фонарь.
(by Alexander Blok)

That is real understanding of Russian history. Besides, the poem by Nabokov is a pure imagination, nothing real. Actually, the eternal goal of Arts is to become reality ("make me real" asks David in A.I. Artificial Intelligence, but he is already real):

О, я хочу безумно жить:
Всё сущее — увековечить,
Безличное — вочеловечить,
Несбывшееся — воплотить!
Alexander Blok

Когда строку диктует чувство,
Оно на сцену шлет раба,
И тут кончается искусство,
И дышат почва и судьба.
Boris Pasternak
So, speaking about something real, that would be Osip Mandelstam :
Петербург, у меня еще есть адреса,
По которым найду мертвецов голоса.[2]

Is not he talking about himself and a lot of other people in real life, including Galina Starovoytova, Yuri Shchekochikhin, Anna Politkovskaya, Alexander Litvinenko, Boris Nemtsov, and to be continued?

Отдать всего себя народу?
А хочет ли того народ?
Раб проклянет твою свободу.
Народ сажает огород.


Как же так что даже этот умный дог
Выжить не смог в коридорах высшей власти?
Ведь четыре года здесь громко лаял бульдог,
Только был он не черной, а рыжей масти.

[21] -

Интервью взяла у мерзкого маньяка.
Он садист, но может не нарочно?
Много ведь таких в стране, однако.
Вот и Крестный - он такой же точно:

Заточил страну свою в подвале,
И ее насиловал лет двадцать,
Убивал и мучил, кат кровавый,
Но велел гарантом называться.

И бедняжке не видать свободы,
Потому что все привыкли жить в подвале,
И его силовики-уроды
Злому гному когти целовали.

  • New "tough" sanctions - not only they are laughable, but Putin will attack Ukraine. Frankly, since "Russia" (Putin) stored nuclear weapons in Crimea, NATO should store them (and a lot more, under appropriate guard) in Ukraine. But how do I know that Putin is going attack? For exactly same reasons he attacked Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. That was hardly anything beneficial for his Mafia state or bank accounts, although waging small wars does help such regimes to stabilize. But he is driven by the ideology of Great Russian chauvinism and believes that his historical mission is to restore the Soviet Union aka Moscow, third Rome. There is also another reason, and it is exactly the same as one that fuels the desire by communist China to conquer Taiwan: the country is a living proof that people of the same (or very similar) culture can build a better democratic society. Hence the hatred:

Нашей Крысе еще помолитесь,
Или кровью своей умоетесь.
Мы дадим снайперам демократию.
Брянский волк и Гулаг вам, братия!
(that was the meaning of Facebook postings I saw in 2014)

  • US and allies fly over NATO countries in message to Putin. And Putin (or perhaps Patrushev) is also sending messages to you guys. But there is one big difference. Such flights by NATO is only a performance, nothing more. Every message from Putin (i.e. every new supply chain attack on another US company [22]) is an act of war [23]. The US and European sanctions are laughable, and they always will be laughable [24] because, as one of Bolsheviks said, "The capitalists will sell us a rope to hang them". Not only all computer and other technology used to attack the "West" came from the West, but the US and Europe will continue to appease the Kremlin because they are afraid to damage their own financial interests. Or at least that is what people in the Kremlin think.

Now, thinking about Belarus and Russia, I think here is the present and the future: video and text. This is a parody to Vladimir Mayakovsky, but not really a parody; this is history repeats itself. And BTW, the actor who was reading this "parody" is already in prison. Of course.

  • [27] - Oh yes, it is entirely possible that Earth was always controlled by aliens, but we simply do not know about it. See Hard to Be a God. But it was actually a case of technologically relatively close and biologically identical civilizations. Consider something along the lines of Lymphater's Formula. It is more likely that the technologically inferior civilization is simply obsolete and kept from a purely research or a humanistic perspective, or perhaps as a factory of consciences (that last and rather selfish idea came from religions, "Веди меня, поэзия, туда..." on my user page). To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me (Isaac Newton)
  • [28] - "the relationship between China and Russia ... seems to be transforming into something more sustained and strategic". Oh yes, Russia is gradually becoming not just a partner, but a part of China. Every battle is won before it’s ever fought. (Sun Tzu)
  • [29] - Oh yes, Putin won. Knowing what is happening in Russia (an excellent explanation indeed), no doubts that the "hybrid war" will resume. So, looking at the interview by Putin after the meeting, here is what I wrote on another [poisoning] occasion a couple of years ago:

Он, убийца, не кается,
Испускает вранье.
На вранье откликается
Всей Земли воронье.

Убивает, куражится,
Губит души людей.
Мало всем не покажется:
Ведь бессмертен Злодей.

  • [30] - oh yes, the Republican Party works as the Ministry of Truth to whitewash their Big Brother. Which brings this - “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” (George Orwell). This is just as in Russia. No wonder because a significant part of population is so scientifically illiterate (or perhaps indoctrinated) that they refuse to take vaccine.
  • If one party is at war with another, and the other party does not realize it is at war, the party who knows it’s at war almost always has the advantage and wins the war. (Sun Tzu) That is the rationale behind the hybrid war by Russia against their neighbors and the West in general, including cyber attacks and maybe even microwave weapons [31]. Actually, this is classic GRU strategy in the beginning of WWIII described by Victor Suvorov in his 1987 non-fiction: [32]. But wait a minute... Among the predicted active measures of the future, Suvorov wrote in 1987 that In the United States an epidemic of some unidentified disease breaks out and spreads rapidly.
  • Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House - that was plainly obvious several years ago. And this is not over. Not at all [33]. The entire GOP does it right now. "Bipartisanship"? Get real. End the filibuster and let the people vote. This is the only choice.
  • After looking at a variety of sources, such as [34],[35], [36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41], [42], it seems the best USA could do was to make a some kind of political settlement with Pashtuns and other tribes and leave the country (at least militarily) in 2001, soon after toppling the Taliban.

U.S. commitment to everyone is under scrutiny. - Oh yes, USA will betray everyone. That is something you can count on. Some say this is a competence, not a commitment problem. Sure, no one can rely on competence of US government after everything that had happen, and not only in Afghanistan, but in Iraq, Syria (the betrayal of Kurds), and historically speaking, also Yalta betrayal.

In the style of chastushka or bylina:

Разгулялся, расплясался Талибан,
Захватил, заполонил Афганистан.
А в России Талибан уже давно -
Как чекистское, гебистское говно.

  • The invasion of Ukraine. So, why did Putin really wanted to talk with Biden? Along with a propaganda stunt, that was an intelligence operation. Biden said that NATO will not be militarily involved. Yes, that is exactly what Putin wanted to hear. Now he is free to invade (he could not care less about any sanctions of course). But NATO could easily prevent the invasion, simply by deploying its aviation, drones and some other high technology. During first hours of the invasion the entire aviation and most of the Ukrainian Army will be destroyed by Russian aviation and rockets. Then, this is going to be just a massacre. That might be prevented by NATO quickly deploying their aviation and other forces.
  • [43] - long time ago I could not believe the Ukrainian leaders were so stupid or corrupted they gave up their nuclear weapons. Same here. Will USA protect anyone? Of course not.
  • [44] - I think the idea that the gang from Lubyanka can be deterred by sanctions is openly idiotic. Based on the positions of Russian forces (if they are going to attack; one can not be 100% certain), they will strike from the East, North and South to meet in the middle and take over Kiev, "the mother of all Russian cities".
  • No doubts, Putin (or the group of people behind him) will attack Ukraine, possibly with a coup d'etat in Belorussia in the process. He is 100% predictable. All they were doing since 2000 was murder and aggression, and specifically in Ukraine, starting from installing Yanukovich. I hope that Zelenskiy is mobilizing his military forces, but he probably does not. This is going to be a Blitzkrieg:

По выжженной равнине -
За метром метр -
Идут по Украине
Солдаты группы "Центр".
(Vladimir Vysotsky)

  • [45] -> So, they are probably going to attack just before February 23, the official Day of Soviet Army. The objective is obviously a destruction of Ukraininan Army and statehood and transforming it to a wasteland similar to DNR, LNR, Transnistria and Abkhazia. They are probably going to attack from all sides, even possibly from Brest to Lviv. Russian pundits say this will happen on 22/02/2022 because these rats believe in numerology.
  • [46],[47] [48], "От Красного террора к мафиозному государству: спецслужбы России в борьбе за мировое господство" (From Red Terror to Mafia State: Russia's Secret Services in the Struggle for World Domination.), [49] - so, according to Felshtinsky, Putin, after taking over Belorussia and Ukraina, will take Moldova, but then will not be able to stop and will try to take over Baltic States. Hence WWIII. But I am not so sure because everyone suppose to be clever after knowing the history. Would Hitler attack Poland if he knew the future? Well, according to historians, this is simply due to the intrinsically aggressive nature of such regimes. When the entire population was mobilized and brainwashed about the Enemy, Great Leader simply must attack that Enemy. In other words, Putin needs NATO, he needs the "enemy at the gates" to keep his power and mobilize the population. But then, he will have to attack NATO per Felshinsky. As noted by Victor Suvorov, at the beginning of WWII, Hitler attacked Poland, thus removing the last neural state separating Nazi Germany from the USSR, which made the collision of Nazi Germany and USSR inevitable. Now, Putin is doing the same by attacking Ukraine and making his anschluss of Belorussia, last countries separating Russia from NATO. But there is a huge difference. Britain and France did declare war on Germany when it attacked Poland. And the reason for the difference is obvious: nuclear weapons. Would not Hitler be invincible if he had nuclear weapons? That is what Putin's strategists have realized and even openly proclaimed. That is why they are returning the old world order, with no rules, including even the option of waging a "limited nuclear war" [50] against NATO or whoever.
  • [51] - "The Ukraine crisis “will be a historic opportunity for us to solve the Taiwan problem” - that does sound like WWIII. Would not North Korea use the opportunity?
  • [52] - Well, may be not so strange, because according to some historians, the Imperial Russia was successor of the Golden Horde, so it now attacks the Kievan Rus' once again.
  • But in the end, this is all muss murder, and for no reason:

Зачем Убийце Украина?
Затем что он садист, злодей.
Он ей сказал: "Терпи, дивчина!"
И разбомбил ее детей.

  • [53] - Yes! Please disclose everything, guys. I think the USA administration made a HUGE mistake by not disclosing this in due time.
  • that painting by Repin looks like an illustration to the Russian attack on Ukraine. Another one was recent (around 2014) work by a Ukrainian painter who depicted every person in a room, even a dog, as having the face of Putin.

Ожидание войны (in the style of requiem)

Сегодня плакала природа
О всех убитых снайперами,
О всех избитых мусорами,
О всех казненных Путлерами.

В Кремле собрались три урода.
Они гундят, не уставая,
Любимцы страшного народа,
Потомки зверя-Субудая.

Зачем идет Орда на Киев?
Никто того понять не может.
Зачем решил Пахан России,
Что сотни тысяч жизней сложит?

Затем, что миру он докажет
Что нет ни чести, ни закона,
И кровью пролитой измажет
Подножье дьявольского трона.

Bombing the kids was not surprising. This is something they always did. Read The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire by Khassan Baiev. Their first or second target in every small Chechen town was hospital. That's why he performed surgery in basements. What they do with Kharkiv is the same as they did with Grozny. Same in Afghanistan. It does not matter for them who they kill.

For the same reason, one should not be surprised if they use chemical weapons [54], just as thermobaric weapons, etc. That is if they think using the mass terror will help them to win the war. It will not. Quite the opposite. The problem though that taking over the Ukraine is not necessarily their main objective. The destruction of Ukraine and Ukrainian people is. They are just creating wastelands everywhere, and that is their goal. Consider Afghanistan (it was a very different country prior to the USSR-led political experiments and the invasion), Syria, Abkhazia (this is really a wasteland compare to what it was), DNR/LNR, Transnistria, and now the entire Ukraine. This is just like cancer. This is either a surgery or the patient is dead.
  • [55] - "Biden emphatic that the US will not "fight World War 3" in Ukraine" - Oh man, you are fighting it already. Speaking in words of Soviet classics about Ukrainians now, that would be Alexander Tvardovsky:

Переправа, переправа!
Пушки бьют в кромешной мгле.
Бой идет святой и правый.
Смертный бой не ради славы,
Ради жизни на земле.

  • [56] - an incredible interview with Muratov. He provides a completely convincing explantion why exactly Putin decided to attack Ukraine.
  • But still there is a question. What made it happen? This?

Я не хочу в России умирать.
Дай волю мне - я б в ней и не рождался:
Я б случая удобного дождался,
Чтоб совести своей не замарать...
(Yuri Heifetz)

Пора уже прикончить Пахана
Заточкой в бок, или подсыпать яда.
А то ведь будет всей стране хана,
А может пепел ядерного ада.

  • [66] - welcome to the "Russian world".
  • This is all extremely depressing:

Я не буду ни есть, ни петь.
Я не буду ни жить, ни спать.
Мне на вечном огне гореть,
Мне в холодой земле лежать.

Армия позора,
Армия зверей.
Может сгинет скоро?
Пусть бы уж скорей!

  • (video) - Russian citizens explain why they think that massacre in Bucha was "fake"
  • So, when and how this war will end? According to Felshtinskiy, what we see is a typical beginning of a new World War to continue for as long as the aggressor would be completely defeated, just as Nazi Germany was defeated in the WWII. But can this be just a partial defeat? Meaning only a complete eviction of Russian forces from the Ukrainian territory? If that happens, Russia may be similar to Germany after WWI, i.e. an angry country looking for revenge during next war (WWII). Not a good ending.

Я уехал потому
Что была та не моя страна.
А теперь уже и не пойму
А зачем она вообще нужна.

  • Interview with Felstinsky - Well explained! And he might be right that NATO will be forced to intervene directly at some point. One can foresee only two scenario: (a) Russia will start winning (NATO can not allow this), or (b) Ukraine will start winning (then Putin will do something, like engagement of Belarus to the war, occupation of Moldova, gradual mobilization of the entire Russian population, nuclear blackmail, and finally, nuclear war). There is no other options. This conflict must have a winner. Freezing the conflict (e.g. "Minsk-3") would be a huge win for Russia and a great opportunity to prepare for the next strike, after which very same conflict will resume.
[76] - this is even better! So, he says [77]: "Я думаю, что сценарий у Путина в голове совсем другой. После того, как все увидят, на какие разрушения способна российская армия, после того, как все увидят, что российской армии абсолютно все равно, сколько она теряет при этом своих людей, после того, как все увидят, что Россия готова нажать ядерную кнопку, все наконец сдадутся, а вот если не сдадутся, то тогда придется нажать ядерную кнопку." I am thinking about [78].
Also this (that is what Western analysts failed to understand): – "Украина не может победить в этой войне без прямого вмешательства НАТО. Вообще война, которая ведется на чужой территории, не может быть в каком-то плане проиграна Путиным. Потому что, поскольку ему все равно, сколько людей, в том числе россиян, гибнет в этой войне. Обычно любое нормальное государство исчисляет победу и поражение с точки зрения гибели людей, а для Путина этого фактора нет, поэтому ему все равно, сколько народу гибнет, а разрушения все производятся на территории Украины. Поэтому с точки зрения российского обывателя, пока все идет нормально. Он вообще последствий этой войны не чувствует, ее не видит." Yes, conducting the war of annihilation at the territory of another state is already a win in the view of Putin, even if his forces will be pushed back, because his purpose is destruction of the Ukrainian identity and state, and that is what he will continue doing at all costs. Poor Zelensky. He counts killed Russian soldiers [79]. That number matters very little. It can be 10 times higher, Putin does not care.
The image of this war will certainly be houses destroyed by shelling together with people who lived there and who remained to be buried in ruins:

Среди расстрелянных домов
Во сне душа моя летает.
Ей этот мир уже не нов,
Здесь только души обитают.

Им нет покоя, нет конца,
Они в краю родном летают,
И лишь убийцу-подлеца
Пролятьем вечным проклинают.

Здесь пылью сыплют этажи,
И запах пороха и тленья,
Моя душа от слез дрожит:
Здесь беспредельно преступленье.
(Could not finish it, April 2022)

  • [82] - (in the end of record) Felshtinsky: "Russian State Security was preparing for this war 100 years. This is their last war. They want to go down in history by starting a nuclear war." He suggested that transfer of nuclear weapons to Belarus should be the last moment for NATO to militarily interfere. Otherwise, it might be too late, he said. I doubt though that Putin will use nuclear weapons. He is not that crazy. He attacked Ukraine only because he believed in a quick success, just as many Western analysts. Rather, he will use a wider mobilization of Russian, Belorussian and other resources, and he can continue this war, in particular air strikes, to infinity. I also doubt that Putin will loose his power if Ukrainian forces de-occupy Kherson or even the entire Ukrainian territory. But one can not be sure of course. A lot of people thought that Hitler was not that crazy.
  • I am thinking about the meeting of Putin with Xi Jinping just before the invasion. What it reminds me? Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. As described by Victor Suvorov, Stalin used Hitler as an "Icebreaker" to attack Europe and to appear himself as a "liberator" of the Europe from Nazi. So perhaps Xi Jinping is now using Putin as an "Icebreaker" to attack Europe? Sure thing, after the defeat of Russia, it will be much easier for China to take over Siberia (a part of which they already almost own). What a trap.
  • [83] - This is nothing new:

Ныне ль, даве ль?- все одно и то же:
Волчьи морды, машкеры и рожи,
Спертый дух и одичалый мозг,
Сыск и кухня Тайных Канцелярий,
Пьяный гик осатанелых тварей,
Жгучий свист шпицрутенов и розг...
(Voloshin, Crimea, 1920)

  • [85] - an excellent explanation by Felshinsky of how and why Putin may decide to use nuclear weapons. And what the response will be? One of these?
[86] - Would not Hitler use nuclear weapons if he had them? Of course he would. Hence, as explained here,[87],[88].
Great analysis [89] and more [90],[91]. Obviously, the nuclear weapons [92] are too destructive to be useful in warfare. They are only good for blackmail. And that is the danger. Putin might first issue a nuclear ultimatum, and then follow through when the ultimatum is rejected. This is why merely issuing a nuclear ultimatum should trigger a preemptive strike against him personally, as some commenters say. Or, as another commenter said, the radioactive cloud will travel to Europe (that is an attack on NATO), and they will have to hunt Putin down just like one of the Islamic terrorists.
  • [93] - So, General Wesley Clark is saying that "we [USA] are involved in the war [already]." True, and especially in the eyes of Putin. The refusal of Biden to provide longer-range missiles - why is that? Well, I think he said about it himself: nuclear blackmail by Putin. For example here [94]:
Biden: "This would be an Armageddon!"
Putin: "Great! That is what my opponent fears the most. Let's do exactly that."
Now, what exactly he might do? He knows that using such weapons on a battlefield would be meaningless. His army has no training or ability to operate under such conditions. This is a weapon of blackmail (that is how USA used it in the end of WW II). Just a demonstration somewhere? That would be also meaningless. I am afraid he will follow Soviet textbooks (as noted in the book by Stanislav Lunev), i.e. killing the government of the country-opponent. I think the government of Zelensky already lives in a bunker. Ah, someone already wrote this in Forbes [95]. But this will not work. Zelensky has a very much pro-Russian background. Any other next Ukrainian president will be a lot more anti-Russian. No Armageddon. Give ATACMS to Ukraine.
Now, this nonsense is dangerous. Making just a single "small" nuclear strike will make things much worse for Putin, even if the response by the West will not be military (they can double their weapons deliveries or send F16 and tanks manned by volunteers; in fact, the should do it right now). At the same time, Ukraine will continue the war. There will be no "win". Putin will have to make multiple strikes, sending multiple radioactive clouds to Europe and changing the entire world order (every country in the world will then acquire and use nuclear weapons, thus making the Armageddon inevitable). I can not imagine that Europe/NATO would not react militarily. Actually, I believe that even after the first strike the response by NATO will be militarily because if not, then next strikes will follow. Everyone understands that.
  • [96] - So, what choices he is going to make? At least in theory, he could start negotiations to retreat to the 1991 boundaries, then retreat, and still possibly remain in power and save his army and people. But he has made the choice already by making the ridiculous "annexations". Obviously, he is going to continue this war to infinity, kill as many people as possible, to destroy or at least greatly weaken Russia (that is his historical mission), and possibly be arrested and executed himself in the process.
  • I am looking at the new Russian leadership: Putin, Kadyrov, Prigozhin, Surovikin. What most important qualities do they have in common? Bloodthirsty corrupted criminals. What will they do? Well, as cited here, "What is their nature? What is that they do?"
  • Which brings the question: what are the next steps in the escalation? Obviously, entangling Belarus into the war and mobilizing a million of Russians for the battle. Using nuclear weapons? This is very likely. Western governments must remove Putin from power and resort to other preemptive actions right now. As a side note, US is responsible because it forced Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons. But why do I think that the use of nuclear weapons by Putin is likely even though it does not make sense militarily? The reasons:
  1. Joe Biden said that Putin is a rational actor. Yes, he is a "rational" actor who believes that ends justify the means, and his ends is a destruction or subordination of the Ukrainian state, political repression and genocide of Ukrainians, exactly as he and his propagandists said. Therefore, using nuclear weapons is 100% logical for him. For the same reason, the targets will be large Ukrainian cities. Furthermore, does he looks like a "rational actor" after such speech? If anything, he is simply MAD.
  2. Putin is already making ridiculous decisions, such as the "annexations" or the most recent attacks on civilian targets. Such actions do not make any sense militarily or politically (just the opposite!), but Putin still made them, just because he wants to harm his hated opponents for whatever cost.
  3. Putin probably thinks that such action will not be responded by a nuclear attack on Russia or even by a serious conventional attack, no matter what was privately said [97]. Sure thing, Putin does not trust a single threatening word of Joe Biden and believes that his nuclear blackmail is working after seeing the slow walking of the military help to Ukraine, [98].
  4. Some commenters say that the matter of using nuclear weapons has been discussed already at the Security Council of Russia, but there was no consensus at this point. Needless to say, no one is going to follow the Military doctrine of Russia.
  • I guess the strategy by the West is to make Russia as weak as possible at the moment when Putin could decide using the nuclear weapons (e.g. when Ukrainian forces will start to de-occupy Crimea). Or perhaps they hope that Putin will be removed from power by that time. Hence, the slow walking the weapons delivery to avoid "escalation". Yes, he might, and yes, Russia is becoming weaker and weaker every day. Several processes will be at play. A significant part of Russian army will not survive this winter, while the Ukrainian army will be taking back their territories. The mobilization, war and economic sanctions will destabilize everything in Russia. One the other hand, the internal political repressions will escalate dramatically, with the regime becoming even more oppressive but politically more stable despite the economic decline (Putin hopes to create another big army and attack Ukraine again during next year). But the gradual frog boiling approach has a huge humanitarian cost. The basic civilian infrastructure in the Russia-occupied areas was completely destroyed. A lot of civilians will die during this winter.
  • [99] - Wow! According to Osechkin and his sources, the following appointments are due:
  1. Kadyrov will be director of National Guard of Russia (Oh yes, if anyone can instill fear into Russians, this is him! Russia will be a part of Chechnya.)
  2. Suvorikin will replace Shoigu. (Oh yes, that one will press the "big red button" without any hesitation. Is that the plan?)
  3. Prigozhin will lead the FSB (Oh yes, every criminal organization must be led by a career criminal)
  • [100] - an excellent commentary by Fiona Hill. She is right that Putin will do everything to win, that he thinks he can win, that he will not win, and that it was a "pure nuclear blackmail" by Putin so far. So here is the problem. The strategy of the genocidal war by Putin is not unreasonable according to his logic: destroying the entire civilian infrastructure in the country (by turning lights off, etc.) would give him a victory. But can he do it? Only by using multiple nuclear weapons. Obviously, he will not do it for as long as he thinks he can win using other methods (and indeed, he still might win using thousands Iranian drones, missiles and a million-strong army, unless NATO countries will significantly increase their help and change their rules). But later on... Can he be deterred? Not by making such statements [101]. That needs to be an official and open policy that any future nuclear attack on Ukraine will be treated by US as an attack on any NATO country. Only then Putin will believe this is all for real. Without such deterrence, this is going to be an Armageddon, exactly as Biden said. A nuclear umbrella? No man, Biden did not say it at all.
[102] - a great commentary by Felshtinskiy about everything (including Putin going nuclear) except only one thing. I think Putin will avoid a direct war with NATO (that would be an obvious suicide, however mad he is), so that NATO still has a hope to win simply by arming Ukraine (much more than they do it right now) and by using the nuclear deterrence. By avoiding the direct war with NATO Putin probably would be able to remain in power, keep his nuclear weapons, do not pay any reparations, and escape any criminal responsibility for the war. But maybe Putin is crazy enough to want NATO be directly involved to the war (for example, by making a "limited" nuclear strike), and then say "hey, I am doing the Armageddon, unless we stop the warfare and negotiate with NATO right now!"? To avoid such development, West does need to officially declare that any future nuclear attack on Ukraine will be treated by as an attack on NATO (as above), i.e. use the deterrence, which is something well-known [103]
  • [104] - so, according to this, Putin is possibly planning a nuclear strike on Ukrainian army in Kherson after withdrawal of his forces and "his" civilians from this area (another conclusion from that info: Putin possibly transferred some ready-to-use nuclear weapons to Iran, in addition to nuclear technology, in order to get the drones and missiles). Can this actually happen? Thinking logically, he should not because the position of Russia would became much worse in many aspects, but the gains would be insignificant. On the other hand, he is not a "rational actor" and may decide to show "here is what will happen with any Russian territory that you liberate!" Of course hitting his own territory (he considers Kherson to be "Russian" territory) would be crazy, but that is what he does from the beginning of the invasion.
  • [105] - yes, one can foresee two major versions of events here. Well explained. But I suspect the "collective Putin" is smarter. Instead of just launching the nuclear attack from Belarus, he made sure that Iran will soon have nuclear weapons (unless it already has them), with all consequences.
  • The calls by Shoigu about the alleged dirty bomb attack were really unique. There was nothing quite like that ever. No, of course he did not "sought to slow or suspend Western military aid to Ukraine and possibly weaken the NATO alliance in scare-mongering calls" [106] because he and his patrons knew it would not work this way (that lie is too obvious for Western leaders, and the "collective Putin" is not an idiot). That could be only a statement for record to be used later for internal and external propaganda ("we knew and said it in advance!"). Meaning there will be a strike by Russia with the dirty bomb or a nuclear weapon that they will blame on Ukraine. Yes, as ISW say, "Shoigu’s claims further a longstanding Russian (des)information campaign." But no, they can be mistaken that "Ukraine is not apparently on the verge of tripping some new Russian redline". The 2nd defeat in Kherson can be just such "red line" for Putin. Russia just cut undersea cables [107],[108], exactly as was expected, after cutting the North Stream pipes. Which is classic Soviet/Russian strategy described in 1987 [109]. More action is coming.
Still, Putin has a lot to lose by using nuclear weapons, even if the West will not respond militarily. That will not give him a victory. Quite the opposite. Right now he enjoys an implicit support or neutrality from a number of countries like China. The war has not been officially declared. Some agencies like Rosatom are still not under sanctions. Western countries are not providing Ukraine many weapons it needs (like tanks, long-range missiles, and a lot more of artillery). I am sure that West will provide a lot of long-range missiles to attack military targets in Russia and Belarus in the case of the nuclear attack. In fact, West must do it now to provide deterrence. That's why the "collective Putin" is bluffing about using the dirty bomb in Ukraine. Yes, he did poison Litvinenko... But the dirty bomb? Detonating such bomb just to say to Russians: "Here is what Ukrainians did. That's why we have lost Kherson"? Another plausible explanation: Putin will use actual nuclear weapons, but blame Ukraine for using a dirty bomb - this is only for internal Russian audience of course. I talked with people. They believe everything: that the "operation" was a preemptive strike by Russia to prevent an imminent invasion by NATO, that all Russian war crimes were staged by Ukrainians, and a lot more.
But in any case, any nuclear action by Putin (or blowing up the dam) will only lead to defeat and further destruction of Russia. Some believe this is a historical mission of Putin. Oh, f... [110] - this will be a dirty bomb. This is cheap, easy, low damage, but very good for propaganda in Russia (everyone will forget about the loss of Kherson). To be fair, blowing up the dam would produce an immeasurably more damage than the dirty bomb. If so, they will likely do it right in the city of Kherson. This could be a remote detonation of multiple dirty mines (when the Ukrainian forces will retake Kherson in a few weeks or months) or using dirty artillery shells. I am sure that Ukrainian forces will bring all equipment to the city.
[111] - anything stronger? I think not yet because the "collective Putin" still might have a chance to freeze the conflict (which amounts to a win by Russia). The mobilization is working, the help from Western countries is slow walking, Belarus will be taken over, and the future is still unpredictable. This winter will be brutal.
[112] - yes, sure, but I think that all public threats and lies by Putin's administration (e.g. [113]) do matter, and they matter a lot. They should be taken very seriously and be responded by certain actions right now to show that they are taken seriously. One of such actions would be arming Ukraine a lot more than they are doing right now. Continuing the deliveries "as planned" is ridiculous. Putin will not be acting by your plans. This is his plan.
[114] - the level of misunderstanding here is staggering. Yes, of course, “Vladimir Putin would have signed that letter if asked.”! That's because he needs a pause in fighting, while keeping all his positions in order to regroup, resupply and attack later. Obviously, he or his successors are not going to respect any promises they made in signed agreements. However, I am afraid that the Biden's administration makes very same mistake, because it indeed has "been too slow to provide Ukraine the arms that it needs", possibly to "shape the conditions for an eventual negotiation" and a deal with Putin, exactly as the author of this opinion says.
  • The speech by Putin. It is addressed to the internal Russian audience (Putin knows that West will not believe him). As a true former KGB officer, Putin considers every presentation as an opportunity to sow disinformation. This helps to easily "translate" his statements by "reverting" them (the lies by Trump are more complex). For example, when Putin tells "we do not have such intention", that translates as "we have exactly such intention". And BTW, when he was hinting some time ago that "yes, we might have such intention [e.g. to use nuclear weapons]", that had to be translated as "no, we do not have such intention, just bluffing".
  • [115] - Lapin just has been "retired". That means the scenario outlined by Osechkin based on his sources, i.e. Prigozhin, Kadyrov and Suvorikin taking power as bosses of FSB, National Guard and Army is moving forward. Currently, they are the only highly visible "rising stars" at the very top in Russia. Obviously, Putin is promoting these guys because he can fully rely on them (right now they are completely dependent on Putin), however, if and when they take such positions (most importantly, the FSB), then after a period of time they will act exactly as Lavrentiy Beria. Their next steps? There are two possible scenario: (1) they will present themselves as "peacemakers" to resolve the crisis while blaming Putin of everything ("Оказался наш Отец Не отцом, а сукою..."); or (2) they will accelerate the military hysteria to consolidate their powers. At the first glance, the scenario of Prigozhin controlling FSB (formerly KGB, NKVD, etc.) seems unlikely, but it has been frequently directed by career criminals like Lavrentiy Beria, etc.
[116] - yes, Osechkin knows what he is talking about as the most informed blogger on the internal power struggle in Russia right now.
[117] - Nevzorov and Latynia (in the end of record) debate who will win, these new guys or the current bosses of the FSB and Army? Sure thing, these new gang (P., K., etc.) will try: (a) to be appointed by Putin at very top positions in the coming months and (b) to replace subordinates by "their" own people. Then they win. But if they will not be appointed, will they start a mutiny? I would say "yes" because they do not have other choice, and because that is who they are. Bloody hell.
[118] - Oh, no, Prigozhin was a "Petukh"? This is probably the end of him. No mutiny. Yes, exactly as Feygin said, Putin knew. That's why he selected Prigozhin. He is probably no longer needed because his forces had no success under Bakhmut.
  • [119] -"Russia will continue to conduct conventional military operations well into 2023 rather than ..." - yes, probably, unless Ukrainian forces will mount another significant offensive operation. Putin is planning a continuous mobilization of millions, which is only limited by the capacity of the enrollment ("voenkomats") system, i.e. ~150-200 thousand newly mobilized conscripts per month. But I suspect that the harsh winter will break Russian conscripts, along with Ukrainian civilians at the occupied territories. The first wave will be in November. Yes, this is such a great time of the year to start in trenches with mud.
  • [120] - I guess they have debated that using a single tactical nuke would be like shooting yourself in the foot due to international reactions. Regardless, the nuclear non-proliferation is already dead if Putin can get away with using nuclear weapons during this war as a deterrence against intervention by other countries while pillaging a non-nuclear neighbor. Indeed, [121] - author of this book is saying that Putin has successfully used nuclear blackmail to extract concessions from the Biden's administration already.
  • [122] - obviously, the only adequate military response to the recent attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure would be ATACMS and longer-range missiles raining down on Russian targets. However, the Biden administration decided differently. Putin must be happy. One can not say the same about the Ukrainian population.
  • [123] - yes, Putin still can win in Ukraine because of the political events in the US (almost the entire Republican Party wants to reduce the support to Ukraine). More importantly, Putin will never lose by conducting the war only at the Ukrainian territory (no one threatens Moscow). Oh yes, "Putin's poodle" is already "effectively in control of the US House of Representatives". There will be no vote on anything in support of Ukraine.
  • [124] - interesting. How long will it take for Ukrainian army to accumulate reserves? They probably have them already, but need the ground to freeze. Obviously, they will use the window of opportunity during this winter and liberate their land, unless the Republican party will manage to stop the weapon deliveries (hardly).
  • [125] - Yuri Shvets gave an incorrect explanation why the Ukrainian cities were not yet bombed by Russians to the ground like Dresden. Well, in fact, they did do it with Mariupol. They did not do it with other large Ukrainian cities only because they can not fly their bombers anywhere close to other large cities (they would be shot down by Ukrainian air defense), but they need very large bomb payloads to accomplish such task.
  1. "Kremlin says US, NATO 'directly participating' in Ukraine war" - Well, if Russian government thinks that NATO countries are already directly engaged in the war, then why these countries did not give Ukraine long-range missiles, tanks, and aviation (even withheld Polish Migs-29)? That does not make any sense.
  2. Lavrov: "the U.S. and NATO are directly involved in the war in Ukraine even though war between nuclear superpowers should be unthinkable". This is an obvious lie. Soviet and USA air forces directly fought with each other (not through "proxies") during the Korean and Vietnam wars. No one thought about using nuclear weapons.
  • [127] - "Leaving Russia undefeated is dangerous" (because it will attack later). Yes, sure, but consider leaving it defeated. It will be just as Germany after WWI. You think this is fascist state now?
  • [128] - "We're seeing a kind of a reduced tempo already of the conflict ... and we expect that's likely to be what we see in the coming months" - assuming this is true, it would be very bad news for Ukrainians because Putin will mobilize hundreds thousand soldiers during the winter and freeze the conflict. She probably based her judgement on the slow pace of weapons delivery to Ukraine, something she certainly knows about. Slowing down the conflict by restraining the set of "allowed weapons" and their quantity is a deadly mistake by the Biden's administration: the longer the conflict the higher the cost and the probability of using nuclear weapons. But perhaps that is the strategy, i.e. to make this war as costly as possible for Russia (as about others - who cares)? Or perhaps they have calculated that the Russian forces will be more than sufficient to keep the shorter borders of February 24, hence this is going to be a conflict for many years to come anyway? Yeh. The intelligence probably assessed that the war will not stop even if Russian forces will be pushed completely from Ukraine and even if Putin will be replaced by one of his "colleagues": they will continue shelling to infinity in order to prevent the accession of Ukraine to NATO.
As of note, this war has enormous popular support in Russia, pretty much as it would be in North Korea or as it was in Nazi Germany. A part of them say they are "against the war". But what do they mean? I asked. They mean two things: (a) Ukraine must agree on all demands by Putin (or to follow similar suggestions by Elon Musk), and (b) in the event of Russia loosing the Crimea or Donbass, some say they would take part in the war as mobilized soldiers because Russia must ultimately win this war. Others (from the outright "pro-war" group) even greet "American traitors" with mat.
  • Himars controversy - it means that the Biden administration was indeed susceptible to the nuclear blackmail by Putin, which is a very bad development by itself and ridiculous after the recent Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory.
  • TV Rain - Latvia follows bad example of Russia in censorship.
  • This is not a new idea of course. In a long historical perspective, Russians have always presented themselves as protectors of Europe from wild Mongolian hordes (e.g. Scyntians by Blok, etc.). That was not true. In fact, Russians were subdued by the Hordes and became a horde themselves. Therefore, they attacked Europe, and the service of protecting Europe from hordes is now in the hands of true descendants of the Kievan Rus'. Well, even Putin respects Kyiv, "mother of all Russian cities". Some say this is the reason he will never nuke that city, but rather London or another Western capital.


Viroporins, TCDB






[141] Felshtinsky: "Everyone realized already that the war with Russia is inevitable". [142] - now I got it.

  • [143] -> [144] - Authors rise some really important general questions, but with regard to the poem by Brodsky this is overblown. Just as Pushkin, he was not a "singer of the Empire" (Kipling - yes, maybe). That his poem was very weak, that's why he did not publish it. As a reader, I simply ignore everything I do not like. End of story.
  • [145] - yes, exactly, well said. I thought the same.
  • [146] -Zaluzhnyi also said that to be able to liberate all territories occupied by Russia since the beginning of the full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, Ukraine will need 300 tanks, about 700 infantry fighting vehicles, and 500 howitzers. In other words, Zaluzhnyi said that Ukraine is not able to liberate all their territories, even up to the boundaries of February 24. Yes, that is what I suspected - judging from the significant human and technical reserves of Russia.

Родившийся в стране-убийце
Носитель языка насильника,
Гляди, как голубь с голубицей
Летят на фоне неба синего,

Друг друга крыльями касаются
И перья треплет ветер ласковый –
Над ссадинами детских садиков,
Над почерневшими колясками.

Над осквернёнными музеями,
Над чужеземцами безглазыми,
Над женщинами, в чьих мужей они
Стреляли, сбор добычи празднуя.

Смотри, как голубь с голубицей
Летят живым дневным созвездием
Над сердцем, что устало биться,
Но будет биться до возмездия.

Обезъязычели, будто бы онемели,
Толку-то из пустого опять в порожнее.
Если от лютости челюсти каменеют,
Зубы крошатся, как здания в Запорожье.

После подвалов дети на солнце щурятся,
Дети, что научились навек прощаться.
Лучше б враги отрастили клыки и щупальца,
Было б понятнее, как с ними обращаться.

Товарищ, огорчаться брось,
Дави тяжёлый вздох.
Нам жить с тобою довелось
В эпоху из эпох.

Вот соотечественник твой –
Он брызгает слюной.
Он сильно болен головой,
Он болен всей страной.

Прими с восторгом, старина,
Его безумный пыл.
Когда, в какие времена,
Он так безумен был?

Он был угрюм, и глух, и нем,
И дрался с пьяных глаз.
Но чтоб свихнуться насовсем –
Такое в первый раз!

Да нам подарено судьбой
Над смертью торжество.
Конец пришёл, а мы с тобой
Свидетели его.

Иной родится и помрёт,
Другой уже угас.
А мы видали свой народ
В его последний час.

Тверди, когда тоска дерёт,
Когда своих забыл:
Я не был там, где мой народ
Тогда, к несчастью, был.
I think the author is wrong about the madness "for the first time" and about the end of the nation. But the ending is really good. Sure thing, as a reader, I am very happy not to be there. And sure, even Akhmatova would prefer not to be there, together with her husbands and son, if she only knew what would happen with all of them. I like this author: [3] - she is just as good as Igor Guberman. But that little poem above is definitely influenced by Sasha Chorny:
Что можно с Маркова взыскать?
Он скорбен головой.
Смешно и дико разбирать
Его "научный" вой...
Не он один - кастрат ума,
И сердца, и души -
Долбит: "Веревка и тюрьма...
Бей насмерть и души!"
Но страшно то, что этот крик,
Как лом, по нервам бьет,
И то, что вырезан язык,
И то, что хам идет...
(Same thing. No, this is not "for the first time". And Chorny wrote this even before the October revolution.)

Чтобы сделаться волком, куницей, кабаном или барсуком,
нужно рыть на рассвете яму тайком,
лечь в нее целиком,
жадно есть и нахваливать рыжей землицы ком.

Встанет солнце и скажет: русский солдат, оставайся тут,
тех, кого отрыгнула бойня, нигде не ждут.
Позаботься о дочках своих, не тащи к ним отца-мерзавца.
Не ходи домой – стань тритоном, полозом, зайцем.
That reminds me the poem by a prisoner who returns home (in The Gulag Archipelago):
Не надо теплого белья,
Не открывайте дверь
Наверно в самом деле я -
косматый дикий зверь.
Не знаю как мне с вами быть,
И как вас величать:
По птичьи петь,
По волчьи выть,
Реветь или рычать.
This is not a coincidence: both war and prison (especially Russian/Soviet version) dehumanize people, meaning not a propaganda technique, but a man becoming the actual beast. With regard to criminals of Soviet labor camps, no one described this better than Varlam Shalamov in "Очерки преступного мира" and Solzhenitsyn in the chapter about "малолетки". With regard to Nazi - I think Schindler's List and Come and See did a pretty good work (not counting documentaries). With regard to man at war - I did not read or watch anything really making this point. This is strange. Yeh, this thing of course. Unfortunately, someone removed the original intercept in Russian. The Evil is in details. (

[4] - Yeh.

По Украине ходит Вий,
Шагнёт – и нет моста,
И Волноваха, вся в крови,
Свисает изо рта,

И Харьков взорванный хрустит
В его гнилых зубах,
И синий Днепр в его горсти
Седой бедой пропах.

Поверх весны, поверх любви
Разбрасывая смерть,
По Украине ходит Вий
С огромной буквой Z.

Обломок свастики, зигзаг
Поверх оконных дыр
Косой чертой – наискосок
Зачёркивает мир.

На танке, на стене, в пыли,
Снаружи и внутри
Увидишь – и с лица земли
Сотри его, сотри!

И продажная девка История истаскается по умам,
по городам и весям, по гостиным и кухням.
Но вот История настоящая – она рождается там,
где города убивают, где в окнах огни потухли.

Где солдат с унитазом, а вот офицер с манто,
а третий носки и тапочки прихватил для мамаши.
Хозяева дома убиты, они – ничто.
А сын поседел, он стал на сорок лет старше.

Язык их могуч и велик, правдив и свободен,
поскольку они говорят семиэтажным матом
в разговоре с отцом и мамой, с дядей и тетей,
с невестой и другом – священно слово солдата!

И сколько детей ты убил, и сколько невест изнасиловал –
расскажешь ли перед свадьбой любимой своей невесте?
Но когда все пройдет, девчонка обнимет милого,
и он ей расскажет матом о доблести и о чести.

Всё это где-то за дымом, за тыном –
Трупы в песочнице, пули в затылок.
Вот вам картинки, идите, смотрите,
Артиллеристов в плен не берите.
Кто на детей там не смотрит в прицел?
Двадцать процентов? Тридцать процентов?
Мёртвые люди по улицам корчатся,
Расчеловечиться хочется, хочется,
Хочется, хочется, хочется очень.
Очередь в рай – автоматная очередь –
Прёт окровавленными вратами.
Есть оправдание? Нет оправдания.

Vera Polozkova ([5]:
русь моя теперь аль-каида, хезболла,
As she said [6], her analogy of the political transformation of Russia would be your plane/country/life taken over by terrorist hijackers. This is a questionable analogy that excludes any guilt of the "passengers" and incorrectly assumes that the "terrorist hijackers" were unexpected - see below.

Bulat Okudzhava:
Ребята, нас вновь обманули,
опять не туда завели.
Мы воздух свободы вдохнули,
А выдохнуть - так не смогли.

Мы только всей грудью вздохнули
и по сердцу выбрали путь,
и спины едва разогнули,
да надо их снова согнуть.

Ребята, нас предали снова,
и дело как будто к зиме,
и правды короткое слово
летает, как голубь во тьме.

Vladimir Vysotsky:
Вдоль дороги — лес густой
С бабами-ягами,
А в конце дороги той —
Плаха с топорами.
Эх, раз, да ещё раз,
Да ещё много, много, много, много раз,
Да ещё раз…
Всё не так, ребята!

I should say though that authors of the recent poetry above failed to describe the actual horrors of this war (e.g. [147]) or other similar horrors. Maybe only Alexander Lanin:

Мёртвые люди по улицам корчатся,
Расчеловечиться хочется, хочется,
Хочется, хочется, хочется очень.
Очередь в рай – автоматная очередь –
Can such things be described at all in poetry? Yes, here is one of such examples:
Вперёд, вперёд, свободные рабы,
достойные Ходынки и Трубы!
Там, впереди, проходы перекрыты.
Давитесь, разевайте рты, как рыбы.
Вперёд, вперёд, истории творцы!
Вам мостовых достанутся торцы,
хруст рёбер и чугунная ограда,
и топот обезумевшего стада,
и грязь, и кровь в углах бескровных губ.
Вы обойдётесь без высоких труб.
Спрессованные, сжатые с боков,
вы обойдётесь небом без богов,
безбожным небом в клочьях облаков.
Вы обойдётесь этим чёрным небом,
как прежде обходились чёрным хлебом.
До самой глубины глазного дна
постигнете, что истина черна.
Труба, Труба! В день Страшного Суда
ты будешь мёртвых созывать сюда:
тех девочек, прозрачных, как слюда,
задавленных безумьем белоглазым,
и тех владельцев почернелых морд,
доставленных из подворотен в морг
и снова воскрешённых трубным гласом...
(by German Plisetsky about stampede during funeral of Joseph Stalin)

But Vysotsky? Yes, I think he did it:
Мы бредим от удушья,
Спасите наши души,
спешите к нам.
Услышьте нас на суше,
Наш SOS всё глуше, глуше,
И ужас режет души
But I can see it only now: all these very different poems are about same horror, same country, same people.

  • NYT investigation -> discussion. So, he concludes, "Putin is a total idiot". Unfortunately, I can not agree. First of all, Putin is capable of mobilizing ~150,000 new fighters during each two months (consider him doing this for a couple of years), while West is not giving the weapons Zaluzhnyi asked about. The eviction of Russian forces from Ukraine is far from certain, to say the least. Secondly, Putin risks very little (from his perspective) by continuing the war because no one is attacking Russian territory (the attack on Engels was not much). He is going to remain dictator, just like Saddam after losing the Gulf War. Moreover, he will never admit the defeat and continue the war to infinity by shelling the Ukrainian territory.
And here is it [148]: ISW just came to the same conclusions: "Putin may have already decided to reconstitute a significant conventional Russian military threat to Europe once this war ends", etc.
I think that the overall strategy by Putin and comrades is clear: hold as much Ukrainian territory as possible, while helping Iran to manufacture nuclear weapons and encouraging China to attack Taiwan [149]. These other conflicts could downgrade the Ukrainian conflict, and allow some "winning" in a couple of years. That strategy might be countered by the Biden administration by giving Valerii Zaluzhnyi all weapons he asked for right now. But they are not doing this. Maybe that's because pushing Russian forces from Ukraine is actually irrelevant. Putin will make 2nd and 3rd mobilizations and continue the war, regardless to losing any territory in Ukraine. Yes, indeed, that is what he said [150]. I do understand that Biden administration is trying to play it as safe as possible, but what is their end game? That one by Zelensky? Well, if he is the boss, then they should give him all weapons. But he is not the boss. I suspect the end game here might be taking Ukraine under nuclear umbrella after an armistice between Ukraine and Russia, whatever this armistice might be (similar to the ending of Korean War). That's why Putin probably will not agree to any armistice.
Yuri Shvets is commenting that Putin decided not to use nuclear weapons after receiving info about the possible response by US (and that the future of Ukraine is great). No man, Putin decided not to use them only right now, but he well can do it in a future if his power (and therefore his life) is threatened. Right now he is expecting not to lose by other means, and his expectations are not unreasonable, given his enormous resources. The future of Ukraine may be not so great. And here Dmitry Muratov is equally pessimistic and said a lot more. He is freaking out, I never saw him like that. What a tight spot! But he is great at explaining things and right on all accounts, except only one thing: most Russians who are "against the war" want it to stop immediately at Putin's conditions, this is not such a good thing. But my point here is different. Yes man, you are antifascist. But Gestapo knows where you are. Want to be another Carl von Ossietzky like Navalny?
It seems that people in Russia are meeting the coming New Year in a great mood. Nothing bad is happening. Everyone is happy. And BTW, they say Armenia is Russia, not just Crimea. No one gives a shit about millions of Ukrainians or a hundred thousand of dead Russians for that matter. That attitude might change if they lose Crimea (no less), but it will not be enough for "regime change".
  • [151] - some commenters assume that Russian society with turn against the war if some of their friends or neighbors will be killed or maimed, similar to that in US during the Vietnam war or in Russia during the First Chechen war. This is not the case because of the ongoing propaganda and the overall situation in Russia, which is now very different from 1990s. The more Russians will be killed during this war, the more they will hate Ukrainians and NATO, pretty much as they hated Nazi during WWII.
  • [152] - ""Обману" ограниченной правом западной демократии "русский мир" противопоставляет свою правду жизни - правду грубого, не ограниченного ни правом, ни моралью государственного насилия. ... Исход битвы в Украине в конечном счете будет зависеть от того, чья решимость убивать и умирать окажется сильнее: тех, кто готов умирать (и убивать) за свободу, человеческое достоинство, справедливость, или тех, кто готов убивать (и умирать) за право наступить сапогом на лицо другого. "
  • Two thoughts:
  1. Do not the bombings in Ukraine and in Moscow look the same? And they are committed by the same gang. The regime has completed its first circle. Several US administrations are responsible for covering up the crimes of this regime.
  2. [153] - This is not just Ukraine. Putin wants to establish new world order when an aggressor has the right. This is the biggest problem. That's why Western countries must fight, either through helping Ukraine or even directly. A "conundrum"? Yes, indeed, because Putin or his successors will continue doing the same even if Russian forces are evicted from Ukraine. Still, evicting them quickly can at least temporarily stabilize the situation, hopefully like after the Korean war. But do not we live in this "new world order" already after the Iraq invasion? This is disputable because of the nature of Saddam's regime (i.e. the democracy versus political oppression). But regardless, as I wrote long time ago, the Apocalypse is happening:

Уже стучит домов упавших дрожь,
Как первый гром всемирного распада,
И вышел Страх, и воцарилась Ложь,
Открыв ворота призракам из ада.

  • So, according to Biden administration, USA will support Ukraine for as long as this war continue. This is a very generous offer because the war may continue for many years, some military analysts say. Indeed, it was 200,000+ Russian forces at the Ukrainian territory at the beginning of the invasion, 300,000+ forces right now, and so on. Besides, they are probably planning only limited offensive operations. Their main goal is to freeze the conflict and the current front lines for years, ultimately leading to a win for Putin. The Ukrainian forces may try to break through the South and blockade Crimea, but shortening the front line will lead to the increased density and resistance by Russian forces at the East. Hence the "bloody stalemate". Basically, if Ukraine has 1 million soldiers, Putin is ready to spend 5 million of Russian citizens to eliminate that million. Putin wants Ukraine bleed to death [155]. That's the plan.
  • Estonia - I am surprised that so many countries still have diplomatic relations with war criminals. This is because their businessmen and corporations still have a lot of business in Russia. Just close all embassies.
  • I think the war between USA and Russia is ongoing for a number of years. Russia has attacked USA using the "grey terror" strategy several years ago, and with enormous success, most notably by placing their Manchurian Candidate dubbed in press as "Putin's puddle" [156]. The supporters of that "puddle" not only attacked the US congress, but are working hard in very same Congress right now to default the US government [157]. That would be quite a feat.
  • Anne Applebaum. Yes, Gulag has defined Russian history, maybe even the ongoing war. As Yuri Heifetz wrote maybe 10 or 20 years ago:

Вся Россия - барак,
Где концлагерный мрак
Все метет по углам
Человеческий хлам.

А на вышке торчит
Пулемет, что ворчит
И на тех, кто кричит,
И на тех, кто молчит.

Вся Россия - беда,
Вся Россия - бурда,
Банда, шайка, орда,
Крестный путь в никуда.

Is not it about Russia today and prisoners recruited by "Wagner"?
  • The defining feature of this war is how meaningless and harmful it is for Russia. There was no any reason for the attack, and there is even less reason to continue. What Putin is trying to accomplish? Militarization of Ukraine to the teeth? Creating a lot of enemy countries around? I suspect it is indeed the goal. Russia will become a country under the constant siege by hostile neighbors. This is an excellent scenario for creating a permanent totalitarian system in the country, as was noted by Orwell. There is only one "catch". This must be a low-intensity war with neighbors, exactly as Orwell said, idiots. The war is moving towards an escalation. This is time for Russian forces to withdraw from the Ukrainian territory and start negotiations. But again, Russian leadership behave like a pack of rabid dogs. No rational behavior expected. Will Russia disintegrate? If so, Putin can consider his historical mission accomplished.
Another, novel feature of this war is conducting the large-scale military aggression and genocide under the protection of nuclear weapons. This is really a critical factor. Otherwise, it would end as quickly and decisively as Gulf War. I always thought that Soviet physicists who created nuclear weapons were criminals. And how about all sides who stripped Ukraine of nuclear weapons? Given the ongoing war, it should probably go down in history just like Munich Agreement.
  • [158]: "F-15s and F-16s require long, high-quality runways, which Ukraine lacks. Experts say it would be easy for Russia to spot any attempt to build operational bases, and strike them." Right. Therefore, these Ukrainian jets should operate from another country, let's say UK or Poland (where they will be well protected). Why not? Belarus does such service for Russia, no problem. No one did it for the obvious reason (noted in this article), i.e. Western leaders are paralyzed by fear whereas Russian forces execute Ukrainian civilians. Moreover, they did not provide even ATACMS and other longer-range missiles, something that Russia is using against Ukrainian cities every day. This is exactly what Putin wanted by issuing threats. Speaking Russian, Western leaders празднуют труса (literally, "celebrate their fears").


  • [161] - that book [162], Episode 28, "Zelensky under Yermak".
  • [163],ru:Ермак, Андрей Борисович, His father: "В конце 1980-х отец был командирован в советское посольство в Демократическую Республику Афганистан ... 1989 году был назначен начальником отдела кадров торгового представительства СССР в Афганистане" That is ..., obviously. Now, he was there, etc., as described in the book. Some say he negotiated this deal with Kozak just before the war [164] and that deal was extremely good for Putin. Of course.
One can say only one thing: the incompetence of Putin is staggering, both in starting and conducting this war, which is very good for the world. He is a paper tiger and a war criminal. Whatever he says is meaningless. No one will negotiate with him. Which brings the question of the coup. Comrade Beria or comrade Zhukov? New "comrade Beria" of course. But his henchmen have no balls. Some commenters (e.g. Felshtinsky) say that top figures in Kremlin are afraid to overthrow Putin because they think he provides stability to the system. These fears are blown out of proportion. Even after the murder of Stalin (who was much smarter and more important than Putin), the changes in the system were rather limited. This is not to say that the regime of Putin is unstable. To the contrary, I think the regime will remain the same (stable) even without Putin. Moreover, I suspect that Putin can remain in power even after loosing the war in Ukraine (if he is loosing this war), contrary to opinions by pro-Ukrainian pundits.
  • Wild opinions in Russia. Well, this is not specific for Russia. How many Americans voted for Donald Trump and company [165]? And consider that US has free media and elections, unlike Russia. Which is exactly what one of characters by Guy de Maupassant was saying, i.e. the democracy is bad because the majority of people are poorly educated and can easily be fooled. But of course dictatorship is much worse. One of key differences: unlike in the US, nothing depends on the public opinion in Russia, exactly as one women in the video by CNN said. Putin can waste 2 million Russians in the war, and this will not threaten his power; only one of his closest friends might.
That's why I wrote in 2016:

Тебе эту долю дано пережить,
Чтоб "русского мира" позор обнажить.
Он веру свою причащает свинцом -
Да сгинет его вурдалачье лицо! -
Как сгинули лысый, очкастый гебил,
Что женщин в своей преисподней губил,
И тот коротышка, усатый рябил,
Которого этот гебил отравил.

Не зря переполнен толпой Мавзолей
Убийцы последних российских царей.
Династии новых царей-палачей
Не спится во тьме смертоносных ночей.
Он будет лежать, белобрысая тля,
У стен-саркофагов гробницы Кремля,
Где каждый убил пахана своего,
Чтоб страшное дело продолжить его.

The only question is "when?".
  • So, speaking about my little poem above. Every "great" long-term Russian leader had started (or was going to start) an existential war at the end of his "tenure", which contributed to his end.
  1. Nicholas II get involved to WWI. That cost life to him and all his family.
  2. Lenin died soon after the end of Russian Civil War he started. His death (some say a poisoning by Stalin) was related to his involvement into the ensuing political struggle.
  3. Stalin was poisoned by Beria after starting making preparations for the WWIII that involved a purge of Soviet leadership, including Beria.
  4. Nikita Khrushchev started Cuban Missile Crisis which contributed to his dismissal.
  5. Brezhnev started the Afghan war which contributed to the dissolution of the USSR.
  6. Yeltsin started First Chechen War, which did contribute to his forced "retirement" by Russian siloviks (Few people knew that Yeltsin behaved erratically because he was drugged, and he was forced to suddenly retire because of the apartment bombings in Moscow and corruption by his relatives).
  7. Putin started the Ukrainian war.
This is not so surprising. All tyrants start making personal mistakes when they become older. But it is noteworthy that all Russian/Soviet leaders were tyrants, although to a different degree. And all their future leaders will also be tyrants.
  • CNN analysis - Burns: “puncturing Putin’s hubris, making clear that he’s not only not going to be able to advance further in Ukraine, but as every month goes by, he runs a greater and greater risk of losing the territory he’s illegally seized so far” This is a clear admission by US administration that: (a) Putin has an upper hand in the conflict, and (b) he is the man who decides the war. Why is that? Mostly because the US administration itself and allies are allowing Putin to win by not giving a sufficient amount of weapons during 2022 [167], and still not giving enough and certain type of weapons to Ukraine, such as ATACMS (this is a large-scale war!). What will follow? Contrary to groundless claims by Budanov, Putin will keep Crimea and Donbass and prepare a 0.5 million Army very soon and probably even a 1 million Army by the end of 2023 (he already has a million in Russian Armed Forces, but those would be numbers of servicemen actively deployed in Ukraine). Sure thing, that Army will go to further action against the "collective West". Some say Putin might ultimately attack the Baltic Republics or use nuclear weapons based on the following logic: "if I am loosing the war without an escalation, then I must to escalate". Maybe that is why Western powers are not allowing Ukraine to win, and instead appeal to the conscience of Putin, as Burns just did.
So, as things stand right now, the best case scenario is Ukraine liberating the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions and laying siege to the Crimean peninsula during 2023. Anything beyond that look like a "frozen conflict" or even as prolonged high-intensity war that can only end by the defeat of Ukraine (Western leaders prohibit hitting military targets on Russian territory with their weapons, so that only Ukrainian territory is ravaged by the war). Ultimately, Putin will be able to establish the New World Order (i.e. the unlimited military aggression under cover of nuclear weapons). This is unless he will make the stupid thing (as above) and/or other countries will engage more directly to the war.
Here I assume that Russia will withstand all economic sanctions (thanks to Turkey, China and others!), just as Iran did, except that Russia is a lot bigger, richer, and a lot less economically and politically isolated.
[168] - Svitan explains potential future operations by the both sides, including the importance of aviation for Ukrainians (one that has been denied by Biden!). New Desert Storm!? Well, it is not. I am skeptical. Consider what would happen if the coalition of Western states just transferred some weapons to Kuwait army and let it to attack Saddam's forces during the Gulf war. That would be a blood bath and the end of Kuwait. Sure, Kuwait is smaller than Ukraine, but Iraq is also much smaller than Russia. Some pro-Russian voices claim that Uncle Sam has decided to let them fight "to the last Ukrainian" [169]. I am sure this is not the intention by US administration, but the events are unfolding in such direction. Some commenters say that Western countries want to frog boil Putin, but the "frog" is actually the Ukraine because it is "boiled" by the war and the enormous destruction happening at its territory.
[170] - So, Shvets is saying that Putin stopped using nuclear rhetorics and did not even try to move any such weapons, which is a good sign [he has no such intention]. No. First of all, some other guys like Medvedev continue making such statements. More important, this is exactly the opposite. Here is why. As a true former KGB officer, Putin considers his every statement as an opportunity to saw disinformation. If he tells: "we will do something", that means he will not, he is just bluffing. If he really wanted to do something, he would use maximum secrecy and remain silent or would be telling: "no, this is out of question, we are going to agree to your demands, let's talk tomorrow" or something like that. That is something traditional for Russian rulers of certain type. For example, Stalin frequently was giving someone a promotion, only to arrest him next day.
Another strange claim (a disinformation?) by Burns: the next 6 months will decide everything. How is that? The best imaginable scenario: Ukraine liberates Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, lays siege to Crimea, and Putin is removed from his position. But even then the war will continue. Worst case scenario: Ukrainian army falls back. The war will continue. Given the situation (and the explanations by Svitan), probably the best Ukrainian strategy would be to start a large-scale offensive only after receiving enough aviation (such as F-16, etc.) from Western partners, whenever that might be. Let's see what they do.
  • [171] - Now I understand why Ukrainian presidents transferred all their nuclear weapons, Crimea, strategic bombers and a lot more to Russia. And obviously, this is from the same playbook.
  • [172] - Security guarantees for Ukraine? This is simple: (a) arm Ukraine to the teeth including tanks, aviation and a lot of long-range missiles which they can use against Russia if need arises; (b) nuclear security guarantees, meaning explicitly and publicly saying what exactly NATO will do in the unlikely case of Russia using nuclear weapons. Importantly, nothing prevents NATO from doing this right now.
  • [173] - Russian POW describes his childhood. After heavy drinking, his mother (a chronic alcoholic) killed his stepfather with an axe, his friend with a knife, and tried to kill her 6-year son (who tells the story), but he was smart and hide to a kennel where big dog protected him. This story is no more crazy than a lot of stories by Anatoly Pristavkin he described in a book about his work in the top pardon committee under Yeltsin administration. Many people in the West simply have no idea what is happening in Russia and therefore look surprised after Bucha.
It was debated why so many Russian wives are so happily sending their husbands to this war. This is because they hate or at least do not like their husbands. Sending that heavy-drinking, smelly, useless and abusive bastard to die for a hefty reward sounds like an excellent solution.
  • [174] - yes, this is all true, but they are missing main point: Why the "collective Putin" is so confident about winning his war in Ukraine? This is a war of attrition, or more exactly a war of annihilation where the immediate purpose is not to occupy and control the territory, but to transform the entire Ukraine to wasteland, to depopulated failed state, so it will be no more relevant. It is defining that this war and the enormous destruction are happening at the Ukrainian territory. This is a war Putin can not lose, however badly conducted. He is winning this war of destruction of Ukraine every day. Basically, Western countries are making Russia the winner by not giving long-range missiles and aviation to Ukrainians to attack military targets in Russia. They say they will support Ukraine forever. But Putin knows that they are lying, that Republicans are coming, etc. This creates an indefinite war with only two possible outcomes: (a) Putin wins, or (b) NATO will have to participate in this war directly. One can not exclude some other outcomes, such as an anti-Putin coup in Russia (that's why FSB is very busy right now), but they are not very likely. Russian population? It is completely brainwashed, and the main narrative of propaganda is not that Ukraine is the enemy, but that nothing is happening. Most Russians are still living their normal lives and could not care less what is happening in Ukraine.
[175] - Indeed, a year ago, Felshtinsliy said that Putin will move nuclear weapons to Belarus if he is going to actually use them (that makes Belarus rather than Russia a target for immediate retaliation), and that is exactly what Putin does right now. A lot more can be found in the interview 2 days ago (the link). What I think?
  1. The nuclear blackmail strategy by Putin has been a big success. This is the only reason Western countries did not intervene directly, and still do not provide all weapons that Ukraine needs. But they do provide enough for Ukraine not to loose. This is obviously the problem, from Putin's perspective.
  2. A serious argument against using nuclear weapons for Putin is loosing the support of China. That's why he and Lukashenko just consulted with Xi and apparently received "go ahead" since they declared the intention to deploy the weapons in Belarus just after. Obviously, even a larger confrontation of Russia and the West is something Xi wants because that makes Russia and Belarus completely dependent on China. That indeed will make their bond unbreakable, and perhaps, in the long-term perspective, will make Russia a part of China (they have populated and exploit Siberia already). Also, a lot of trouble from Putin is a great distraction to prepare for Taiwan operation.
  3. Putin is moving the weapons just to make his blackmail more threatening? No, he knows that the support from the West to Ukraine will continue (that is what they said many times). So why bother with moving the weapons? He can blackmail everyone from Russia. Hence, I do agree with Felshinsky that Putin is planning to actually use these weapons from Belarus, just to ensure that everyone perceives his threats seriously and finally stop supporting Ukraine. Just as Felshtinsky said, Putin did not annex Belarus long time ago only because he needs it as a proxy for deploying nuclear weapons.

This is just as Andrey Orlov said:

Что в бункере над златом чахнет,
Что он несёт погибель всем,
Что бомбой атомною жахнет
Без сожаленья, а затем
Драконьим клёкотом злосчастным
Возьмётся на весь мир орать,
Когтями Землю драть на части
И жадно мертвичину жрать.

  • [176] - a conspiracy of foreign and domestic spies and saboteurs, this is straight from the cookbook of Stalinist trials, where Navalny play the same role as Trotsky (or maybe Kamenev). I am waiting for the suspect to publicly confess, accuse Navalny and name Ukrainian spies. This will probably take a while. I do not think that Navalny will confess, but this is only because he is not treated as some defendants of Moscow Trials. Contrary to claims by certain Ukrainian commenters, this war has significantly strengthen the oppressive system in Russia, pretty much per Nineteen Eighty-Four. It will not collapse any time soon. Nazi Germany has collapsed only after the battle for Berlin. Depending on the decision by Putin to use nuclear weapons (I would hope not, but his Belarus action show the opposite), this is going to be either WWIII or a permanent war. That's why Finland just joined NATO. This is just in time! However, the Biden administration seems to be behind the schedule. Otherwise, they would give ATACMS and F-16s (manned by international volunteers) to Ukraine already.
And here someone else is saying the same. Yes, true, this is going to be a forever war because this is war Putin will win by destroying Ukraine every day, regardless to any possible advances by Ukrainian army (even if Russian forces are evicted from Crimea, they will continue to attack). And this is not just F-16s and ATACMS, the Ukrainian forces do not have enough ammunition even to repel Russian forces in Bakhmut.
  • [177] - a lot of commentary was posted about Prigozhin, including his recent statement. Some say he might become next Russian president. Regardless, if Russian army will be evicted from Ukraine including Crimea, a new super-fascist political regime will come to power in Russia, and it will be worse than the current regime (and that is what Prigozhin correctly anticipated in his statement on April 14).
The story with Prigozhin is going to be dramatic. And what a photo [178], [179]! Is it very different from this, the "puddle"? Or yet another president for that matter. That's why I wrote in 2013:

Наместник ада на земле,
Тиран из органов опасных
Разграбил родину в Кремле,
Томимый алчностью ужасной,

Волков с погонами пахан,
Убийц чеченских повелитель,
Воров и взяточников хан,
Детей и стариков грабитель.

Его опричников не счесть,
Пираний, вылезших на сушу,
Солдат, свою отдавших честь,
Лжецов, свою продавших душу.

Подвластный Черту одному,
Христоотступник и предатель,
Он бросил девушек в тюрьму
За то что звали Богоматерь.

Науку русскую сгубил,
Раздев ее без сожаленья,
И журналистку застрелил
Ко дню Нечистого рожденья.

Пока еще он полон сил
Никто не может спать спокойно.
От гор кавказских до Курил
Он сеет ненависть и войны.

Пред ним согнулся Новый Свет,
Склонились западные страны,
Сломался жалкий президент,
В объятьях хитрого тирана.

Так звездный час его настал,
И нет конца его кошмару.
Кто вору руку подавал
Достоин будет вечной кары.

Агент исламского вождя,
Торговец ядерным ударом,
Он град ракетного дождя
Развеет бешеным пожаром.

Ему от Кармы не уйти,
Не отмолить вины ужасной.
Он - Каин русского пути,
Иуда матери несчастной.

That was long before D.Trump or missile strikes on Ukraine.
  • [180] - What a wishful thinking by Ukrainian officials! No. (1) This war has ravaged Ukraine, not Russia, thanks to help from China, India and others. Most people in Moscow say they could not care less about the events in Ukraine. (2) Even if Russian forces retreat completely from Ukraine (I doubt), there will be no regime change, or perhaps it will be, but to the worse. (3) There will be no dissolution of Russia beyond separation of Chechnya and Dagestan at most. (4) Russia will never pay any reparations or prosecute any criminals. It will start preparing for the next attack. Consider the hypothetical situation when Nazi Germany was not defeated on its own territory during WW II, it was of the size and with resources of Russia, it was supported by other major countries, such as China and India, and it had nuclear weapons. That is what happening right now. And this is going to be affected by other international events, such as (a) Iran going nuclear (almost certainly), (b) Taiwan being attacked by China (almost certainly, the only question is when), (c) re-election of D.Trump (unpredictable), (d) a military action by North Korea (not likely, but poorly predictable), and who knows what. So, how did humanity come to this very bad junction? I like a lot the explanation by Vitaly Portnikov where he describes geopolitical changes starting from WWII.
  • [181] - NYT aside, the dark prognosis by Piontkovsky was probably correct. No doubts that Xi is preparing to attack Taiwan, while having Putin as his supporter. That is just as crazy and as possible as the invasion by Putin or other "great" invasions in history. Sending a million of armed Chinese "mobiks" to fight with Ukraine? Also, not impossible. But what these "mobiks" will do with Russia after that? Maybe nothing because there will be their Mandarin in Moscow already. And they just said it, openly and loudly [182]. What they mean, however, is not that Putin has every right to annex Ukraine, but that they have every right to annex Siberia. [183].
  • The offensive and beyond - yes, sure, but it was obvious for a long time already. Yes, this war will be very long, except for a couple of less likely scenario, such as downfall of Putin followed by fight between different factions in Russia, crumbling of Russian forces, or (as predicted by Felshtinsky) a nuclear strike on NATO from the Belorussian territory by Putin in a few months.

Снежная равнина, белая луна,
Саваном покрыта наша сторона.
И берёзы в белом плачут по лесам.
Кто погиб здесь? Умер? Уж не я ли сам?
Sergei Yesenin, 1925

  • This war has killed a lot more than just a lot of people.

It killed the future, it killed good memories, friendships, the culture and the country.
I was never a big fan of it, but there was a hope:
Я не стану Страною гордиться,
Что взошла на насилье и лжи,
Где у власти остались убийцы
И Гулаг нескончаемо жив.
Я не стану Победой гордиться
Что создала Империю Зла:
Подневольного мира граница
За Берлинской стеной пролегла.
Но душе суждено пробудиться
Под напев бескорыстной любви,
Что как пепел поэтов стучится,
Утонувших навеки в крови.
Те, что были в застенках убиты
Или сами убили себя,
Или были безвинно забыты,
Ваш архангел взывает, трубя!
Not any more:
Больше нету никакой страны.
Только зверства тварей Сатаны,
Только мясо мобиков-совков,
Только бред Кремлевских стариков.
Hey, but this is nothing new:
Спертый дух и одичалый мозг,
Сыск и кухня Тайных Канцелярий,
Пьяный гик осатанелых тварей,
Свист кнута, шпицрутенов и розг...
(Voloshin, 1920 - this is one hundred years ago!)


Этот день победы над фашизмом
Празднуют легавые рашисты.
Ничего не станется с рашизмом
До тех пор пока рулят чекисты.

Nuclear attack
  • [184] - I am afraid this is a correct analysis. What can deter P. from doing this if he feels his power (and therefore his life) threatened? China will disapprove it? Yes, publicly, but who cares? Will his own life be threatened as a result? No, because an attempt to bust his bunkers may fail, but would result in a nuclear WWIII. Further isolation of Russia? No, he only cares about his power. This is only a matter of P. deciding if it would be beneficial for him. Not yet. If he will not do it, this is only because the retreat from Ukraine will not threaten his power. But unfortunately, he is not a rational player. He may do something only to satisfy his hatred, nothing else. This is something he already did a number of times: starting the war in Ukraine, attacking Georgia, ordering to kill many people, torturing Navalny, etc.
And they are actually doing it: [185]. Transferring the nuclear weapons to Belarus may have only one purpose: "deniability". Meaning that some "rogue" or official Belarus forces will take the possession of the weapons and use them to prevent the alleged takeover of the country by Poland. Which will provide an excuse for Western governments not to punish Russia too much, while the collective West will be taking any future nuclear blackmail a lot more seriously (according to the thinking by Putin's administration). That's the plan. Can it be prevented? Only through an urgent "regime change" in Belarus. Will they do it? No, of course not. They will be waiting just as before the attack by Putin on Ukraine.
[186], [187] - Experts weighted in. They said a lot, but just a few points they made:
  1. Lukashenko probably wants to be protected just like Kim Jong Un. According to reports, the Belarusian pilots were trained to launch the tactical nukes. So perhaps, he thinks that the weapons will be ultimately operated by Belarusian military (which would be a violation of the nonproliferation agreement).
  2. As soon as the nukes will be transported and positioned for actual use, all intelligence agencies will know. Therefore, a preemptive non-nuclear strike will likely be delivered to stop the nuclear strike as soon as it becomes imminent. But it will be strike directly on the weapons, i.e. on the Belarusian, not Russian territory. That's why Putin possibly moved them.
  3. Putin might also have an entirely different motivation. This could be a part of a plan to take over the entire Belarus - by creating need to protect the nuclear weapons from an alleged takeover by rogue Belarusian forces or Ukrainian partisans and by making the entire Belarus a target of the future NATO retaliation, a target that will need his protection.
  4. [188] - another expert says that Putin did not annex Belarus long time ago only because he needs it as a proxy state to serve as a launch pad for his nuclear weapons, potentially even the strategical ones. This is his "plan B" for the war he started implementing immediately after realizing that "plan A" did not work. The historian is certain that the direct military retaliation will be delivered to Belarus, not Russia if the weapons are lunched from there (that is why Putin does it). To muddy the waters, Putin might declare that the weapons were under attack or stolen by "pro-Ukrainian rebels", etc. Which they easily could [189]. If they did not attack the installation, this is precisely because they do not want to create a reason for Putin to act in such way.
Blowing up the dam - That was expected. This is a war of annihilation driven by pure hatred. The purpose is transforming Ukraine to wasteland and a failed state. After that, they may blow up Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and blame it on Ukraine. Next thing (potentially), they may use nukes and blame it on Lukashenko and Ukrainian saboteurs. Sure thing, Putin knows that the nuclear weapons are useless on a battlefield. Therefore, he may use them according to the specification, i.e. solely for mass destruction (and to make his future nuclear blackmail believable).
And the expert insists about Putin going nuclear [190]. I hope he is wrong. And this is still very difficult to imagine - just as it was with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One thing is clear: there is no such crime they would not commit. I think NATO or USA must publicly declare what they will do in such scenario. Otherwise, everyone will think they will do as little as possible. But they would not to avoid panic.
And now Pavel Latushko, who is a great expert on Belarusian affairs, seem to at least partially agree with Felshtinsky [191]. Excellent explanations by Latushko about everything!
[192],[193] - this nonsense by Sergey Karaganov could be dismissed as another propaganda, but ... After attacking Ukraine, the political system in Russia has changed significantly to the worse. Right now, this is an intrinsically aggressive system (just as one in Nazi Germany) that must strike the world, sooner or later. A partial defeat in Ukraine can only make it worse by fueling anger and resentment in Russia, with Putin or without him. And the only way they can strike is this. Well, maybe not. In this opinion piece, Karaganov is advocating that Russia must support China when it attacks Taiwan, and therefore must free her hands from Ukrainian "affairs". That is the proper way for Russia to strike, according to him. Well, if that is their goal, it has a very simple solution, i.e. an immediate withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine. But no, they will do exactly the opposite, pretty much as Br'er Rabbit with Tar-Baby. Indeed, NATO is using Ukraine exactly as Tar-Baby. All words by the Biden administration that "we gave Ukraine everything she needs" was a lie. This game can change only after an arrival of a hundred of F-16s with a very large number of missiles for them. Still, the Ukrainian forces are expected to break through to the Azov Sea, at least in a couple of months if they act properly, if the support from NATO continue, and if Russian forces do not have something extraordinary (like the nukes) in store (what an excellent explanation!).
[194] - "I [Lukashenko] demanded them [nuclear weapons] back," he said, claiming that he needed them for protection from external aggression - a false threat.... No, Lukashenko does think so because he knows that the only way to prevent the use of nuclear weapons from Belarusian territory is an immediate regime change by Western countries. That is what he would do in their place. He also emphasized that they will be his personal nuclear weapons he will use without any hesitation, after a brief consultation with Putin over the phone. And I am sure that Lukashenko is right about it. He must order the nuclear strike for the plan B by Putin to work (as Felshinskiy predicted a couple of years ago).
[195] best historian expert on FSB which is a ruling "Party" in Russia (Felshtinsky) explains again why the nuclear strike by Putin from Belarus has been planned.
A lot of new materials on this... One thing is clear: after the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus (probably many units), Putin will deploy strategical nuclear weapons out there to make his threats even more credible. The apparent success of his nuclear blackmail (almost certainly a bluff) is very much concerning. Instead of immediately giving modern aviation and a lot of long-range missiles to Ukraine (which would be a proper reply showing they are not giving up to blackmail), the allies apparently forbid using Storm Shadows in Crimea.
  • [196] - No, Ukraine is not Israel, and Russia is not Iran (actually, this is a de facto coalition of Russia, Iran and apparently China). Therefore, such model can be sustainable only for a couple of years. I think there are three possible outcomes here. (1) Putin wins in a few years by conducting the war of annihilation at the Ukrainian territory. (2) Ukraine is accepted to NATO at some point. (3) Ukraine will attack military and critical infrastructure in Russia because this is something it must do to stop the war. Obviously, (2) is preferred. "“Russia already sees Ukraine as a ‘de facto’ NATO member." Yes, exactly. Therefore, I am certain they will have to do it as soon as Russian forces are evicted from Ukraine. Or simply place a few NATO military bases in Ukraine instead of Poland.
Actually, they can accept Ukraine to NATO even right now. The application of article 5 was misinterpreted in press. It says: each member state is to assist by taking "such action as [the member state] deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.". It does not mean that any of these countries must attack Russia. It only means that the individual countries may use their military forces if and as they see it necessary. This is also the reason why NATO countries might actually do little if Putin quickly occupies one of them and then uses nuclear blackmail. To prevent such scenario, they preemptively deployed their forces in Baltic states and Poland.


Скоро предстоит моГилизация!
Это не ошибка и не шутка,
Русских мужиков утилизация,
Но Кощею их не жалко и не жутко.

А чего же их жалеть, покорненьких?
Сами ведь пришли в военкоматы.
Скоро станут все они покойники
Под раскаты выстрелов и мата.

Ну а после смерти иль увечья
Их не ждут ни слава ни прощенье:
Ведь они лишь мясо человечье,
Что сражалось за нечистого Кощея.

Тот Кощей сидит в своей норище,
И с ухмылкой адскою, крысиною,
Превращает в дым и пепелище
Украину заодно с Россией.

Но не взять московским басурманам
Непокорной Киевской Руси!
Вся их жизнь была сплошным обманом,
Чтобы землю кровью оросить.

Путин школьникам отдал наказ:
"У России жопа не резиновая,
Хоть и прет по ней природный газ
И бурчит в кишках бабло бензиновое!"

Проклятье двадатого века -
Пророки фальшивых идей
Смогли превратить Человека
В толпу разъяренных людей.

Их крики как пули стучали:
"Враги, отщепенцы, куркуль!"
Гулаг и Освенцим молчали,
Встречали, кончали без пуль.

Но снова явились чекисты,
Вожди, патриоты-лжецы -
И все, как один, популисты,
Обманутых наций "Отцы".

Так сколько же можно, собратья,
Печальную участь влача,
Как будто от Бога проклятье,
Себе выбирать палача?

This is by Boris Berg:
Вся Россия – тюрьма.
Тюрьмы – наши дома,
Тюрьмы – в поле стога
И реки берега,
И лесной бурелом,
И провал под веслом,
И небесная синь,
И сугробная стынь…

Вся Россия - барак,
Где концлагерный мрак
Всё метет по углам
Человеческий хлам,
А на вышке торчит,
Пулемёт, что ворчит
И на тех, кто кричит,
И на тех, кто молчит...

Вся Россия - погост,
На котором до звёзд
Вырастают кресты
Из могил, что пусты,
Ибо мертвыми мы
Выползаем из тьмы -
И спешим умереть,
Чтоб ожить и прозреть...

Вся Россия - беда,
Вся Россия - бурда,
Шайка, банда, орда,
Крестный путь в никуда,
Бесконечный бардак,
Вековечный кабак,
Неуёмная плеть,
Потаённая клеть.

  • [197] - Yes, this is exactly what I thought when he was elected:

Будет новый президент
Для России Резидент.

And then,
Дорогой товарищ Жутин,
Приходи ко мне на party!
Будем вместе, Лиллипутин,
Мы Америку ебати.

Мы ошейник ей наденем
И возьмем тяжелый хлыст,
И наотмашь отметелим,

Мы возьмем ее за pussy
И на лбу поставим штамп,
Чтобы знали все на Русси:
Это наша миссис “Срамп!”

And then, after his comments about Charlottesville car attack:

Куражится рыжий, бесстыжий пахан,
Как будто потомок Малютин.
А может быть предок его Чингиз-хан?
Не зря же помог ему Путин!

Виновен тот Джон, что его выбирал -
Ведь было таких миллионы.
Зачем же он власть психопату отдал,
Что лгал и глумился над Джоном?

Затем что он сам - ксенофоб-реваншист,
И лично убъет несогласных?
Мне жалко страну, где главарь-альт-райтист
На Твиттере бздит ежечасно.

And then:
Может вы обидитесь, ребята,
Только вам от Путина – привет:
Здесь была Америка - когда-то,
А теперь ее уже и нет!

Больше не работают законы,
Конгрессмены спятили с ума,
Президент с министрами – шпионы,
И по ним соскучилась тюрьма.

С юга ощетинились стеною,
В Твиттере оскалились враги.
Что же будет завтра со страною?
Господи, спаси и помоги!

--- Epstein: [198], [199], [200],[201], [202],[203]

  • [204] - On Rashism.
  • [205] - what a photo! Poor Pushkin. [206] - but no, I do not think that "рано или поздно российский режим убийц и гопников рухнет под тяжестью собственных злодеяний и собственной глупости" (Portnikov) because it did not during many centuries. If you wanted to fix this country, then indeed you wasted your time. Are you guilty of not fixing the country? Are you guilty of not being able to jump up to 20 meters? No. And BTW, it is important to know what you can not do.
  • [207] - Freudian analysis.
"Few have captured the Russian cycle of self-destruction and the destruction of others as well as the Ukrainian literary critic Tetyana Ogarkova. In her rewording of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Russian classic novel Crime and Punishment, a novel about a murderer who kills simply because he can, Ogarkova calls Russia a culture where you have “crime without punishment, and punishment without crime”.
"Ogarkova and Yermolenko note the difference between Hitler and Stalin: while Nazis had some rules about who they punished (non-Aryans; communists) in Stalin’s terror anyone could be a victim at any moment. Random violence runs through Russian history. Reacting to how Vladimir Putin’s Russia is constantly changing its reasons for invading Ukraine – from “denazification” to “reclaiming historic lands” to “Nato expansion” – Ogarkova and Yermolenko decide that the very brutal nature of the invasion is its essence: the war crimes are the point. Russia claims to be a powerful “pole” in the world to balance the west – but has failed to create a successful political model others would want to join. So it has nothing left to offer except to drag everyone down to its own depths.“How dare you live like this,” went a resentful piece of graffiti by Russian soldiers in Bucha. “What’s the point of the world when there is no place for Russia in it,” complains Putin [208]. After the dam at Kakhovka was destroyed, a General Dobruzhinsky crowed on a popular Russian talkshow: “We should blow up the Kyiv water reservoir too.” “Why?” asked the host. “Just to show them.” But, as Ogarkova and Yermolenko explore, Russians also send their soldiers to die senselessly in the meat grinder of the Donbas, their bodies left uncollected on the battlefield, their relatives not informed of their death so as to avoid paying them. On TV, presenters praise how “no one knows how to die like us”. Meanwhile, villagers on the Russian-occupied side of the river are being abandoned by the authorities. Being “liberated” by Russia means joining its empire of humiliation."
"Where does this drive to annihilation come from? ... The desire for death was the desire to let go of responsibility, the burden of individuality, choice, freedom – and sink back into inorganic matter. To just give up. In a culture such as Russia’s, where avoiding facing up to the dark past with all its complex webs of guilt and responsibility is commonplace, such oblivion can be especially seductive. But Russia is also sending out a similar message to Ukrainians and their allies with these acts of ultra-violent biblical destruction: give in to our immensity, surrender your struggle..."
"есть в мире нечто более опасное, чем даже фашизм или коммунизм. Эта идеология относится к фашизму, примерно как ядерное оружие к обычному. Речь идет опанфобии — тотальной ненависти: не к иным классам, нациям или расам, а к миру как таковому. Это жажда абсолютной гегемонии над миром и стремление диктовать ему свою волю — или уничтожить его. Это безумная, иррациональная идея всевластия одной банды, приставившей к виску всего человечества ядерное дуло."
And this is more about Dostoevsky: " в «Бесах» Петр Верховенский говорит Ставрогину: «В сущности, наше учение есть отрицание чести, и откровенным правом на бесчестие всего легче русского человека за собою увлечь можно». Ставрогин отвечает:«Право на бесчестие — да это все к нам прибегут, ни одного там не останется».
"Бобок — агрессивно-депрессивный совок, который ничего хорошего не ждет от мира. А потому готов первым нанести сокрушительный удар — и, разлагаясь в могиле, грозит «бобокалипсисом»"
Now, what "bobok"? Bobkov? Yes, sure.
"“You need to kill them all, and their children too. They’re a rot that has spread..." [210], [211],[212]
  • what a "revelation"!. So, it appears there is an informal agreement between the USA and "collective Putin", as many suspected. Here is how USA administration helps Putin (per my understanding of comments by several experts):
  1. Such agreement makes Putin the winner in the war. He will win by conduction the endless war of annihilation at the Ukrainian territory, even if Russian forces will retreat.
  2. It is irrelevant if the Ukrainian forces will be hitting military objects in Russia with USA weapons. Putin will follow such agreement (for as long as it helps him) or violate it at any moment, regardless to this. He does not need any "provocations". He already considers USA as a party of this war and stated it. He already considers the annexed Ukrainian territories as a part of Russia, and stated it.
  3. By concluding such agreement USA gave up to the nuclear blackmail by Putin. He understands it, and will use it again and again, to his advantage.
  • [215] - Finally, Osechkin explains everything something that is happening with Wagner and Prigozhin right now
  • [216] and [217] => Ukrainian forces must stop offensive until they get enough F-16s and ammunition. According to the book, they should inflict as much losses to the opponent as possible, while taking more territory is irrelevant. Are they doing this right now? But this is not the point. Arestovich asks if the "allies" did not provide them modern aviation and more artillery on purpose to make the offensive to fail and save Putin. This is a reasonable assumption because the Ukrainian offensive was expected to fail without the advantage in air and artillery - according to the military doctrine of NATO itself and as many experts were saying. Well, regardless to the motivation, this is something Biden administration had actually "achieved". But was it done on purpose? Based on that, the answer is "yes". What a shame. Besides, the Biden administration lied while saying that they provided "everything that Ukraine needs" for the war.
Biden says war with Russia must end before NATO can consider membership for Ukraine - Meaning that Putin must continue this war to infinity to prevent this membership, even if Russian forces completely retreat from Ukraine. He will simply fire a couple of missiles or drones over the border every day. Which can be countered only by hitting military infrastructure targets in Russia. Ukrainian forces will have to do it. This is assuming that Ukraine will not be a complete wasteland by that time.
Yeh, after looking at this and above, it seems that the Biden administration has a plan that Ukraine will effectively cede a lot of territory after culminating during this summer. Otherwise, they would provide F-16s with all support in a matter of weeks (aviation experts say it is entirely possible by using some off-duty personnel to service the planes).
If the de facto ceding the Ukrainian territory will happen, then it would ultimately trigger the WWIII (maybe nor right away, but soon) - according to Gennady Gudkov and others who appeal to well-known historical analogies. But I am not convinced: a lot of important features are different right now. The contemporary Russia is really unique as a combination of Counterintelligence state and Mafia state. The future is unpredictable.
  • [219] - "By the end of the day, their hands curled into icy claws." (Well, this is straight from Shalamov's "The artist of shovel"). "One man who refused to dig was shot on the spot — yet another body for the grave." Etc.

Ныне ль, даве ль?- все одно и то же:
Волчьи морды, машкеры и рожи,
Спертый дух и одичалый мозг,
Сыск и кухня Тайных Канцелярий,
Пьяный гик осатанелых тварей,
Жгучий свист шпицрутенов и розг,
Дикий сон военных поселений,
Фаланстер, парадов и равнений,
Павлов, Аракчеевых, Петров,
Жутких Гатчин, страшных Петербургов,
Замыслы неистовых хирургов
И размах заплечных мастеров.
Сотни лет тупых и зверских пыток,
И еще не весь развернут свиток,
И не замкнут список палачей...
(Voloshin, 1920, Crimea)
Well said! One can only try to escape:
Зверя пугают в уютной берлоге
Два человека - бегущие боги.
Выше за ними - сосен молчанье,
Звёзд в небесах голубое свеченье.
Сзади - собак разъярённых рычанье,
Сзади - тоска и позор заключенья.
Сзади - с винтовками страшные люди.
Многих из них предоставят к награде.
Страшные люди.
И грянувший выстрел!..
(by Valentin Sokolov)

  • Biden says Putin is wrong to believe 'he can outlast Ukraine'. Oh no, every action by US administration shows Putin that he can outlast Ukraine and destroy it in the process. The "allies" did not provide enough weapons and ammunition to Ukraine during last year, and they did not do it during this year, even though they have a plenty of outdated stuff in their stocks. They allow Russian army to prepare for the next Ukrainian offensive. They do not allow Ukrainian forces to use western weapons on military targets in Russia (and probably even in Crimea!), while Russian forces annihilate everything on the Ukrainian territory. This will ensure an endless war for Putin or his successors to win by destroying Ukraine, regardless to any possible successes by Ukrainian forces.
[220]: "Putin has already lost in terms of what he was trying to achieve in Ukraine. Remember, this was about, for Putin, erasing Ukraine from the map, ending its independence, subsuming it into Russia. That’s failed and cannot succeed.". Oh no. Putin is erasing Ukrainians and Ukraine every day, and he will not stop [221]. The only way to prevent this from happening is attacking military infrastructure on Russian territory, as would be done in any typical war. The Biden administration hopes that Putin will change his mind. No. Why? He is winning. He is also increasing his grip on Belarus'.
Why USA administration does not want Putin to lose? Probably the most concise and convincing explanation was given by Mikhail Veller here. And it explains everything. If so, then the US administration is wrong for a number of reasons. First, using a Saddam analogy, the events in Ukraine suppose be similar to Gulf War, not the Iraq invasion, i.e. no one is deposing Putin or invades Russia. Secondly, the Ukrainian war is not just a war, but genocide. Third, Putin is not important; whoever can replace him if the events force it. He is not Stalin, not Saddam, and even not Lukashenko. And so on.
  • [222] - That was interesting. The key here: "Smirnova staged her own protest after her handshake was refused". One might ask a question: how soon this generation of Russians will realize what they have done? And we know the answer from the history of another state that conducted a similar "war of annihilation" long ago. The answer is "never". Moreover, even their children will never realize it, while living in a totalitarian state protected by the nuclear umbrella.
  • [223] - well, it is plainly obvious what Wagner fighters might do (not taking over the Suwalki of course). One of Kremlin's ideologists mentioned 20+ unnamed "steps of escalation" in his paper, and they are doing just that. First, they attacked US drones in Syria. What US did? Nothing. Now Wagner fighters will quietly penetrate to Poland and/or Lithuania by small teams. They will blow up some objects, not necessarily military. According to Osechkin, more GRU experts just came for that mission. What NATO will do in response? Probably nothing. Then, they will do something else, like taking over the nukes in Belarus' to make a threat. (compare to [224].) But the question is "why"? Well, it appear that the cost of this war is mounting, even for the Russian "elites", hence the "collective Putin" is looking for an exit (the indefinite war is possibly just another desa). One of the possible scenario here is to carefully start a limited conflict with NATO, only to get them involved to negotiations, which will be conducted without Ukraine ("an attack to surrender"). It appears they are trying to do just that by attacking US drones in Syria and through other actions. In other words, the "collective Putin" will try to incite an open military response from NATO, but he wants this response to be as limited as possible, only to start negotiations with Europe. But I doubt it would work because the proper limited military response by NATO (to a military action by Russia against one of NATO countries) would be moving their forces to Ukrainian territory and declaring "guarantees" to the parts of Ukraine which are not yet annexed by Russia, while allowing Ukraine to continue military operations to liberate all their currently annexed territories. And that is before starting any negotiations with Russia.
  • "Allies will not support Ukraine if it moves hostilities to Russia" (according to Zelensky) - This strongly contradicts public statements by the allies that Ukraine has a right to self-defense, such as [225]. "Zelensky also said he believes it is possible to "push for the demilitarization of Russia" in Crimea by political means." ??? Not with the current political regime in Russia, of course. Why? They will keep every inch of the occupied territory forever [226] and will try to occupy more, while destroying the Ukrainian people and infrastructure. This can not be resolved by any means except a significantly greater military investment by the West (We gave to Ukraine all weapons it needs and we could. This is such an obvious lie by the Biden administration, on par with lies by Putin. They could give a bunch of F-16 a year ago, for example (the planes could be staffed by any hired military pilots). They could give a lot more. )
  • [227] - oh yes, exactly as this blogger said, their next step must be targeting Russian oil and gas infrastructure. How else can they win?

Хотят ли русские войны?
Спросите вы у Сатаны,
и вы тогда понять должны,
хотят ли русские войны.

  • [229] - Interesting. That one is really non-conformist, but probably right on many points, including the Pope.
[230] - revelations by Zelen'ko continue.
  • [231] "По словам Ниинистё, Путин много говорил с ним о русской культуре, как будто был "одержим" ею. Однажды, как вспоминает финский президент, он задал ему вопрос, связанный со стихотворением Михаила Лермонтова "На смерть поэта". Ответный монолог Путина длился более получаса."
Wow! I'd like to know what he talked about. "мы царю России возвратили пулю, что послал в тебя Дантес"? But this is nothing new:

Сухомятная русская сказка, деревянная ложка, ау!
Где вы, трое славных ребят из железных ворот ГПУ?
Чтобы Пушкина чудный товар не пошел по рукам дармоедов,
Грамотеет в шинелях с наганами племя пушкиноведов...
(Osip Mandelstam, 1935, just before Great Purge)

Why? Well, this is just like Torquemada used Jesus to justify his inquisition.
  • the claim by Lavrov - if Russian government truly believes they are already at war with the USA (I am sure they do believe it, this is not lie), then USA government must forget about any hesitation, give all F16s and 500 Tomahawks to Ukraine, and allow using them on Russian military targets, especially ones in Moscow. Only this may have an effect on Russian population. This is the only way to quickly win this war. Otherwise, it will continue to infinity. Agree with Felshtinsky - [232]. NATO might finish this war in a month, simply by providing a lot of offensive weapons to Ukraine and permission to use them on Moscow. It is just that they "празднуют труса" ("celebrate a coward"), speaking Russian. And BTW, this has nothing to do with elections or corruption in Ukraine.
  • [233] - “The fact of the matter is, Russia is a nuclear-armed state. Period, and they have the capability to destroy humanity. That’s nothing to play with.” (Milley). What follows? That any country with nuclear capabilities can occupy their neighbors, commit genocide, and do whatever their leadership wants in general. But can it really? Well, regardless to the ultimate outcome (which is unpredictable), Putin and his allies have proved already that the answer is "yes" because they have done just that already, and they are going to get away with it.
  • [234] - "Putin's poodles" won! That is exactly what Putin had expected. And that had happen on September 30, the date of expiration of this act, which probably would not require the allocation of funds from the Congress.
"Poodle" won again [235]! But on the wider scale, [236]. Yes, that is exactly what I thought in 2016, after looking at this:

Будет новый президент
Для России Резидент.

And then,
Дорогой товарищ Жутин,
Приходи ко мне на party!
Будем вместе, Лиллипутин,
Мы Америку ебати.

Мы ошейник ей наденем
И возьмем тяжелый хлыст,
И наотмашь отметелим,

Мы возьмем ее за pussy
И на лбу поставим штамп,
Чтобы знали все на Русси:
Это наша миссис “Срамп!”

And he continues doing just that right now: [237] This is an excellent analysis in NYT. So, according to Prof. Blight, “I don’t know of another analogy except in authoritarian regimes elsewhere...” Yes, exactly. That's because USA is transforming already to an authoritarian country. Just as I thought:

Может вы обидитесь, ребята,
Только вам от Путина – привет:
Здесь была Америка - когда-то,
А теперь ее уже и нет!

Больше не работают законы,
Конгрессмены спятили с ума,
Президент с министрами – шпионы,
И по ним соскучилась тюрьма.

С юга ощетинились стеною,
В Твиттере оскалились враги.
Что же будет завтра со страною?
Господи, спаси и помоги!

  • [238]. Most Ukrainian commenters agree that Zelensky torpedoed the military mobilization/recruitment process by dismissing all officials in charge of regional military recruitment centers [239] and describe the situation as nearly a disaster. Some suggest that the only workable solution is an urgent mobilization of Ukrainian police forces (let's say 30% of them) to the front line. [240] - yes, well explained. The collapse of Ukraine is coming. There are no miracles.
Next chapter: [241]. That needs to be perceived critically.
[242] - Ukraine is becoming Russia, thanks to Yermak-Zelensky administration. This is like in the fair tale: someone who defeated the Dragon becomes the Dragon because he loves gold. But they never even defeated the Dragon, and never will.
"But the "bad story," Kaleniuk continued, is that Yermak — whom she called "intoxicated by power" — is creating a new system of oligarchy over which he presides. By her account, Yermak, through his deputies in the Office of the President and cabinet ministers at his beck and call, is maneuvering to exert control over a large swath of Ukraine's economy, as well as its law enforcement and security apparatus. Through these machinations, she said, "well-connected people" in business are getting government contracts at inflated prices. "He is not building a strong Ukraine," Kaleniuk said. "He is damaging the war effort." What she was describing, in effect, is the formation of an accidental oligarchy, under the cover of martial law invoked by the Zelensky government."
"Yermak denies that he's using Zelensky's office to plunder Ukraine. "
"In December 2021, Roman Chervinsky, a former officer in Ukraine's chief directorate of intelligence, voiced allegations that Yermak might have spied for Russia by supplying the enemy with details of a Ukrainian plan to entrap Russian mercenaries in Belarus. In April, Chervinsky was arrested on charges of exceeding his authority in an operation to try to get a Russian pilot to defect to Ukraine. ... General Kyrylo Budanov ... told me that an exhaustive internal investigation definitively proved that Chervinsky's allegation against Yermak as a Russian spy was false." (What "internal investigation"? That would be in competence of Ukrainian SBU, not Budanov.)
"In Arestovych's perspective, a key to understanding his former boss is Yermak's Russianness. Like Zelensky, his first language is Russian. With nationalist passions in Ukraine running high, some Ukrainians refuse to speak the tongue of its invader. Yet Yermak and Zelensky talk to each other in Russian; it was also the language spoken in the Office of the President..."
"In 2020, the Kyiv Post — in a scandal it dubbed "Yermakgate" — reported on videos of Yermak's younger brother, Denys, appearing to discuss bribes in return for landing people jobs with the government and state-controlled companies."
"Since the war began, Ilto said, control of the energy sector has been seized by a "nascent" oligarchic clan led by Yermak."
"Ilto flagged another top Yermak deputy, Rostyslav Shurma, who served the Akhmetov clan for years before assuming oversight of energy and other sectors of the economy for the Office for the President. Like Oleh Tatarov, Shurma is cited in Kyiv circles as another cog in the Yermak machine. "He kind of acts as a cashier for Yermak and the Office of President," said an ex-Zelensky government official who declined to go on the record for fear, he said, of becoming a target of the Yermak team."
"The worst-case scenario for Ukraine — a very, very "bad story" — is that Yermak's oligarchic bent intensifies to the point that Washington and allies in Europe retreat both from continued military assistance and from plans to pour massive amounts of aid into the country for postwar reconstruction. The Zelensky government, in response, ushers in yet another sorry chapter of corrupt, parasitic rule in post-Soviet Ukraine. Membership in the European Union becomes an impossible dream. Despairing citizens turn to violence in an effort to topple their oppressors. Ironically, it's a scenario with an eerie echo of how Russia under Putin devolved into the state-girded oligarchy it has become today."
"But it doesn't have to be that way. ..."
Leader the mobster
  • [245] - Yes! But... it seems he will be the first US president serving from prison [246]. Many parts of US Constitution are absolutely ridiculous, including president being elected by minority, or a single speaker in the House unilaterally blocking any law. And now he says: "...every citizen registered to vote should not be denied the right...". No, a mobster should not be in a presidential ballot, at least in the US (yeh, I know, another mobster will be in the ballot in Russia, and he will be elected). But this is only logical: a Party of crooks and thieves "elects" her mobster, in Russia and USA. Just as Lenin said, There is such a party!, whatever the name. And sure thing, these mobsters support each other all the way [247]. And what is notable here? The process of electing the mobster (the monster?) permeates the entire society [248]. As one pundit said, nearly a half of Americans do not want to live in democracy. That's why they vote this way. This is the totalitarianism coming [249].
But the interpretation of 14th amendment should be simple. The Supreme Court will decide that the amendment is applicable, but only if the person was already convicted of the insurrection. Based on that, D.Trump will participate in the elections and even occupy the office because he will stall all court decisions by appealing. However, after being elected as the President, he will be convicted of the insurrection in the state of Georgia where he can not self pardon. Meaning that his presidency will have to be terminated based on the 14th amendment, and new elections conducted. But he will disagree and start an actual resurrection, exactly as he already promised. And yes, he will eliminate all his political opponents, again exactly as he said [250].
Hence, I think this analysis may be wrong because he will not be eligible to serve as a President per 14th amendment if he is convicted in Georgia (Oh hell [251], the prosecutor probably needs to step down). But that depends on interpretations by Supreme Court. Regardless, the phenomenon of so many Americans willing to vote for a nearly convicted criminal (no doubts, any ordinary person would be convicted) is a proof for the entire world what kind of country USA really is.
And BTW, while the election of Trump will dramatically weaken USA, he is erratic and can easily order using nuclear weapons in the event of an international crisis caused by his own incompetence. He has a striking similarity to the Presidential candidate Greg Stillson (Martin Sheen) from The Dead Zone. If so, this will be yet another example of art predicting the future.
Happy New Year!
The world was quickly moving towards WWIII during this year. But next year will probably be much worse. Here is why:
  1. The war in the Middle East will escalate significantly. The large-scale Israel-Hezbollach war is inevitable, but a lot more is happening, mostly with regard to Iran and its proxies.
  2. Russia-Ukraine war will only escalate. Perhaps it could be stopped economically (by dropping world oil prices) or militarily (by providing lots of aviation, long-range missiles and other ammunition to the Ukrainian side), but none of that is really happening.
  3. China can attack Taiwan at any moment of their choosing.
  4. Iran will go nuclear. This is not a question of "if", but "when".
  5. The annexation by Venezuela will contribute to the international instability.
  6. North Korea is a wild card, and they are constantly preparing for a war. This card can be played by China or possibly even Russia.
  7. The elections in US and Donald Trump presidency will allow Russia, Iran, China and North Korea to move forward with their conquests. Given the results of polls, I think that Joe Biden should withdraw from the elections and allow another candidate (let's say Gavin Newsom) to replace him or at least take him as a VP).
So, let's check how these New Year trends are developing. [254] Oh yes:
  1. Yes, Netanyahu is guilty as sin, and this is a perpetual war.
  2. A "terror attack"? Yes, of course, by Donald Trump and his MAGA.
  3. Yes, China is using Russia as proxy, an "Icebreaker" to attack NATO.
  • [255] - yes, as the former NATO chief said, this is USA to blame. But the role of USA is actually much worse. By forcing Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons USA made it defenseless, leading to the ongoing invasion and genocide by Russia. And they did very same with Taiwan. Israel was smarter. Regardless to the outcome of the Russia-Ukrainian war, Putin has proved already that a country with a nuclear umbrella can attack with impunity all surrounding countries that have no such weapons. That nuclear umbrella played a critical role in deterring the international community from following the Gulf war scenario. Putin dared to attack only because he had nuclear weapons. This is also a reason he may attack Baltic countries. Not now of course. He made a mistake by starting from Ukraine.
  • [256] - This is the end of US democracy already. D.Trump does not officially represent any branch of the government, but can effectively govern the legislation and one of two major political parties in the country. That is while being indicted on 90+ counts of shocking crimes including racketeering, treason, insurrection, rape, fraud, etc. This is while openly claiming that he is above the law and promising a terrible vengeance and repressions to his "enemies" if elected. This is while being widely known as a "Putin's poodle" [257] and protecting the interests of Putin all the time, such as by blocking the help to Ukraine.
[259] - What an outrageously ridiculous argument by Trump's lawyers:
"“Conducting a months-long criminal trial of President Trump at the height of election season will radically disrupt President Trump’s ability to campaign against President Biden... The DC Circuit’s ruling “threatens immediate irreparable injury to the First Amendment interests of President Trump and tens of millions of American voters, who are entitled to hear President Trump’s campaign message ...
Yes, of course this "will radically disrupt President Trump’s ability to campaign", just as his ability to play golf. But why does it matter? He has no obligation to participate in any campaign, and no one forbids him to use his First Amendment rights. Not mentioning that he is not a president.
  1. Hence, the presidential candidate from the Republican Party will be a convicted fraudster who stole $300+ million. Which tells a lot about the Republican Party. As Navalny said, a "Party of crooks and thieves".
  2. Even if he has such money, he will not pay. Who will help with this? Putin? Is it something he just discussed with Tucker Carlson?
  • What a scandal! Which begs the question: did these FBI guys were pathological idiots who trusted this "informant" and did not realize that he actually works for Russia? Or did they knew it and just wanted to discredit a couple of American politicians? Probably the latter because I can not believe they are pathological idiots. If so, that would be a serious crime by the FBI people.
  • Hackers threaten to release Trump documents from Georgia case - The hackers are Russians. The objective by Russian secret services here is very simple. Having a convicted criminal (who supports Putin) as a POTUS will destroy the United States. How can USA respond? By providing a thousand Tomahawks and a few dozen F-35s to Ukraine and allowing using them on Russian military objects. Will they do it? No, they will not, partly because Donald Trump is already a president (or at least he blocked the funding in Congress).
  • [261]: “Whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office,” the court wrote. ?? They say "alleged to involve official acts". For example, taking home secret documents is surely not a legitimate official act, but the defendant will always allege it to be such. And what if he will be elected (i.e. no longer "former")? Can he do an allegedly official act of shooting someone on a street? This is a "Presidential immunity impunity in the United States".
  • [262] - So, according to investigation by Seth Abramson, "New research into old business articles reveal that Evan Greenberg’s ACE Insurance, which became Chubb in 2016, “does business” with his onetime Russian-bank-owning father’s Russia investment vehicle Starr International. Greenberg’s father—and longtime boss at AIG—Maurice Greenberg, is a Vladimir Putin business associate who has also associated, as discussed in detail below, with Russian spies, other Kremlin agents, and the 2016 Trump presidential campaign. If these entanglements continue to exist in 2024, it is highly likely that in fact Evan Greenberg’s company’s business interests are entwined, through his still-living father, with Russian government-owned entities." - also here, [263], as debated by Yuri Shvets here. He knows what he is talking about. But it was obvious long time ago:

Как это по-русски будет, дукомпф тойфель, -
Это гусь свинье не друк!
(Young ignoramus, version by Yuli Kim)

Дорогой товарищ Жутин,
Приходи ко мне на party!
Будем вместе, Лиллипутин,
Мы Америку ебати.

Мы ошейник ей наденем
И возьмем тяжелый хлыст,
А бабло ее поделим,

Мы возьмем ее за pussy
И на лбу поставим штамп,
Чтобы знали все на Русси:
Это наша миссис “Срамп!”

Деньги в Дойче-банке
Он отмыть не сможет.
Впрочем, есть "В Конакте” -
ФСБ поможет.

Here is what some people think about it. I think Ukraine might ultimately win only through a collapse of Russian economy or state. But such collapse can not be caused by any sanctions (Iran is a living proof). This might happen only if Ukrainians will produce or receive many thousands of long-range missiles or drones to hit every military base and industrial installation in Russia. Ironically, that is exactly what Iran and Hezbollah want to do with Israel. How this is going to play out? Israel has much better aerial defenses than Russia, but a very small territory.
"Ukraine has become stronger" in 2023 - Had it? Can it withstand yet another year of the annihilation? Or another three years? The year of 2023 could be the inflection point in the war. Meaning that 2022 was a year of Ukrainian successes, 2023 was the year of military equilibrium, and Russia will be winning in 2024. There is a problem with people in Ukrainian army. They need to be rotated much more frequently, there are few people who are capable for such duties and willing to fight, few officers, etc. That's why Russian forces continue to attack. Loosing their people even in proportion 5:1 is a win from the "collective Putin" perspective. Speaking Chess, he wants to exchange as many "pieces" as possible.
  • CIA in Ukraine So, that is how Ukraine has survived. "and crack Moscow’s encryption systems". But ... this all will stop when Trump would appoint his 3000 officials in all positions in the US government. The stakes can not be higher. That's why there is nothing surprising here [264]. Putin owns Trump, and Trump owns Johnson. This is organized crime, same as in Russia. To make it Mafia state they need to subvert all three branches of the government. The Supreme Court is partly subverted, judging from reversing the Roe v. Wade and some other decisions. The Congress was paralyzed by Johnson and his MAGA supporters. And Trump is going to be elected even from behind the bars. Biden probably has just a few months. That's why Macron is talking [265]. Well, unlikely. Although they can probably deploy some air and special forces in Ukraine very quickly ...
  • Putin Says West Risks Nuclear Conflict if It Intervenes More in Ukraine (Putin: "We also have weapons that can strike targets on their territory"). - This is a bluff. Here is why. Putin considers all the currently occupied Ukrainian territories (and beyond) a part of Russia. This is what he said, and this is according to Russian constitution. However, he did not start any nuclear war over the Western missiles being used on that part of "Russian" territory. He will do just the same (i.e. nothing) even if Ukraine will use Tomahawks on the military objects around Moscow, just as they are using their drones right now. He will do nothing even if British forces will deploy a lot more "boots on the ground" than they currently have. Why? Because there is nothing he can do. Starting the nuclear war is not an option, even for Putin. The war in Ukraine is actually a trap for Russia. It is just that NATO decided not to fully exploit it. Consider Ukrainian forces attacking installations of Russian Aerospace Forces and Strategic Rocket Forces using Western-made long-range missiles and aviation. That would be a legitimate defense. They could even attack Russian nuclear submarines on their bases, pretty much as they destroyed the Kilo submarine in Black Sea.
  • [266] - 3 helicopters + 2 Patriots + 1 Himars in a few days! No man, this is something even more complex. This is work of well known Russian agent "Kozyr" and his colleagues. Same Kozyr who just dismissed Zaluznyi. And BTW, the strategy of the "collective Putin" is not necessarily killing everyone. This is just placing his man in charge of Ukraine (someone like Yanukovich or Kozyr) and yes, "demilitarization".
(surveys on the approval of Putin and the war in Russia) - Yes, this is very similar to views of Russians I talked with. Even those who say they are "against the war" want the peace on the conditions of Putin, i.e. all the occupied Ukrainian territories now belong to Russia, and Ukraine must "demilitarize" and be "neutral". And yeh, they blame West, some even using strong language.
  • [267] - no, man, this is just another trick by Johnson to block the aid to Ukraine. But the rest is great. Yes, this is one big gang in the USA acting on the orders from Putin.
It does matter who started an unprovoked military aggression because it makes the invading soldiers murderers and all people "on the other side" just victims (civilians or military, does not matter). For example, these Indian/Nepalese guys happily agreed to kill other people for money, and it matters that they help aggressors to commit their war crimes. Therefore, they are worse than human traffickers who enrolled them. Same with Russian soldiers "on the contract". Mobilized soldiers? They too had a choice. Brainwashed? Yes, that's the key. But they are still murderers:

Что мы скажем предкам и потомкам
О зловонье нынешнего дня,
Дохнущей Империи обломки,
Сталинских расстрельщиков родня?

Мы распались мертвою основой -
Трупами, гниющими в полях.
Мы - убийцы. И убиты снова.
Нас отвергли люди и земля.

Some advocacy in their favor?

Мы – братья ваши, хоть и палачам
Достались мы, обмануты судьбой,
Но ведь никто,- известно это вам? –
Никто из нас не властен над собой!
Мы скоро станем прахом и золой,
Окончена для нас стезя земная,
Нам бог судья! И к вам, живым взывая,
Лишь об одном мы просим в этот час:
Не будьте строги, мертвых осуждая,
И помолитесь господу за нас!
fr:Ballade des pendus, François Villon, 1463.

500 years later, another man in a similar situation wrote Notes from the Gallows:

Не бойтесь врагов — они могут только убить;
не бойтесь друзей — они могут только предать;
бойтесь людей равнодушных — именно с их молчаливого согласия
происходят все самые ужасные преступления на свете.
… Люди, я любил вас. Будьте бдительны!

And this is also very much on the subject because what is the problem with all these killers for hire? They simply do not care.
  • An excellent commentary by Boris Akunin. Key phrase: "Надежды на скорый крах паршивого режима (опять-таки как 100 лет назад) не оправдываются." Yes, indeed. But I think this is not about "bad regime". The "political Asia" goes much deeper:

Что-то всеми навек утрачено.
Май мой синий! Июнь голубой!
Не с того ль так чадит мертвячиной
Над пропащею этой гульбой.

Ах, сегодня так весело россам,
Самогонного спирта — река.
Гармонист с провалившимся носом
Им про Волгу поет и про Чека.

Где ж вы те, что ушли далече?
Ярко ль светят вам наши лучи?
Гармонист спиртом сифилис лечит,
Что в киргизских степях получил.

Нет! таких не подмять, не рассеять.
Бесшабашность им гнилью дана.
Ты, Рассея моя… Рас… сея…
Азиатская сторона!

(Sergei Yesenin, 1922, [8])

Is not it about Russia today? Probably no one felt and comprehend Russia better than Yesenin and ... Shalamov. Dmitry Bykov did not get it because he loved Russia too much.

  • [268] - this commenter is saying already for a year that the Ukrainian command suffers from the lack of strategical thinking. He suggests the following: (a) occupy Transnistria to take prisoners Russian forces; (b) bringing Lukashenko down, or/and (c) making a raid towards Moscow, just like Prigozhin, and occupying some Russian territories to exchange them to Ukrainian ones. What I think? (a) should be easy, and yes, they must do something drastic because they are loosing the war.
  • [269],[270] - The coup by Yermak continue. Even if he is not a Russian agent of influence (as many say he is), Ukraine follows very same pattern of transformation that destroyed Russia: the enthusiastically elected Gavriil Popov was replaced by corrupt Yury Luzhkov, Anatoly Sobchak was replaced by Yakovlev, and Yeltsin was replaced by Putin. New Ukrainian Yanukovich is in order, even if his name will be different. Another, more remote analogy would be Beria convincing Stalin to remove his personal protectors Nikolai Vlasik and Alexander Poskrebyshev, in order to be able to poison Stalin. Sure thing, Yermak convincing Zelensky to remove Zaluzny is a little different, but ... This is classics. King Lear condemns Cordelia, and everyone is dead. Meaning that Zelensky is just as "good" at judging his people as King Lear, and he therefore will end up just like him (or Sobchak). To be fair, Yeltsin was not any better by selecting Putin as his successor, except that he probably had no choice, because his close relatives were implicated in corruption already, which made them hostages of the FSB. I can only imagine: someone is telling him in December 1999 that the bombings in Moscow were just committed by the FSB people (of course without his knowledge), which is now his responsibility. But if he resigns and remains quiet, he and his family will be given full protection. If he does not, well, he knew what had happen with his wife's friend Galina Starovoytova. Sure, Ukraine may be different, but there was indeed a lot of corruption, and I can not see any reason why Zelensky still keeps Yermak, except that he might have a kompromat and/or de facto overthrow Zelensky already. And again, that would be nothing new. For example, Stalin overthrow Lenin and others by placing "his people" everywhere.
King Lear is one of the best Soviet movies. It shows that evil always wins because it lies. And we can see this everywhere. Consider people voting for Donald Trump and his Republicans.
  • [271] - Yes, but ... that's why Russia is winning the war. Would they honor civilian Germans during WWII in the same way? No, they bombed them and invaded Germany. I feel guilty even though I left Russia long before these maniacs came to power.
20 days in Mariupol
Nuclear war
[272] - The response by US to the limited nuclear attack by North Korea in the book is absolutely ridiculous because:
  1. All such missiles would be probably intercepted,
  2. There is no need in a very urgent response since such a limited attack would not disable the military capabilities of the USA, and
  3. A response by USA with conventional weapons would be more than sufficient.
  4. In my opinion, the threat of nuclear retaliation by the USA (or any other country) should be only a threat, but never be actually accomplished because it will only make things much worse, even for the country that retaliates with nuclear weapons. Any use of nuclear weapons (for offense or retaliation) is a crime against humanity. If I were a military, I would never follow such order.
But I have zero confidence in wisdom of governments. In fact, I would describe the leadership of at least 3 nuclear countries (Russia, North Korea and China) as мразь capable of anything, and US will join that "club" if Trump is elected. Iran - yes, it too will join the "club". Israel will retaliate, no doubts. Three of these countries (Russia, Israel and Iran) are already in the state of prolonged war, others (North Korea, China and USA) are delivering weapons to combatants. Add a couple of other challenges, such as global warming and AI, and I do not really see how humanity can survive.
Russia, Ukraine and USA

Just saw Narcos, and it is interesting in many aspects:

  1. It shows how US agencies work with friendly but corrupt governments. Now I understand much better what these agencies may do in Ukraine. But of course in that case, it was not just Mafia, but a Mafia state attacking the Ukrainian state from the outside and inside.
  2. It shows the inner workings of large criminal organizations, and Russian state security services certainly belong to them. Their criminal transformation was described by many in books (e.g. by Yuri Felshtinskiy). In movies? Probably the closest was McMafia. Moreover, FSB provided a cover for cocaine cartels [273]. This is not a joke. One guy described how he decided to run from the SVR after being offered payment in illicit diamonds. He knew what it means. Sure, there are some differences. For example, Escobar was critically important and created the organization. Same with the leadership of the Cali Cartel. Putin? No, not so much. Little will change if he disappears. It is actually the organization that matters and de facto rules Russia. Curiously though, the Cali cartel did borrow some techniques from the KGB.
  3. The dream by Escobar of becoming a President. That did happen in Russia when Putin was "elected". But I am really surprised this is happening right now in the USA, not without the covert participation by Russia and probably China. Russian secret services quickly realized that promoting Mafias worldwide will undermine democracies, and that is exactly what they do in USA and many other places, including Ukraine. This is like a spider. He almost paralyzed two branches of USA government and going after the third. USA already can not respond, even by providing weapons to Ukraine.
  4. Narcoterrorism by Escobar. Would not he use nuclear weapons if he had them? Who knows.
  5. Mafia. Every citizen of a Mafia state who takes part in the state business, even indirectly and even if he/she is a good person, becomes a member of the Mafia, with all consequences shown in Narcos. That's why I wrote in 2016:

Разве вы не знаете что народ виновен – всегда,
Даже если он дал себя обмануть?
Заедино холопы и господа
Выбирают гибельный путь.

First trial. What comes to my mind? "Подсудимый Гольцман похож на жабу, мясистую и отвратительную жабу... Вот он сидит перед судом, грязно-рыжая ехидная крыса по виду." (Pravda, 1938, probably about Trial of Twenty One). This is merely a visual association, not to imply it was the same. Now, this article explains such perception much better: This means that voters who only barely register the drumbeat of political news will still see a man they are supposed to consider the potential leader of the free world falling asleep, muttering threats at jurors, and generally looking sad and trapped and small. And if he is declared guilty, this process will render him, in many voters’ understanding, a criminal. Yes, exactly. This is going to be his election campaign. Also, Donald Trump has a striking similarity to the Presidential candidate Greg Stillson (Martin Sheen) from The Dead Zone. How and why did he lost his elections?
  • [274] - What a story! Of course it is consistent with this testimony [275].
[276] - I think Donald Trump has a chance to get away with it. The guilt is proven beyond the reasonable doubt, but it might not matter. If at least one juror is a Trump's supporter, he/she will ignore all facts and exonerate him, no matter what. However, simply taking part in such proceedings will damage his image and probably prevent him from winning the elections. If not elected, he will be almost certainly convicted in at least one of 4 cases.
+1 - Good news! US democracy has a chance.
[277] - I do not see any way for SCOTUS to decide this differently than the lower courts. I understand that SCOTUS is only interpreting the Constitution and other existing laws and does not create new laws. But there is nothing Constitution say about it. Hence, this is just a spurious claim of immunity. And even if it decides that POTUS has immunity from criminal prosecution for as long as he acted within the scope of his duties, then who should decide if he acted within the scope of his duties in each specific case? Is it SCOTUS or the lower court handling the case? I would say this is a question for jurors. But deciding that POTUS is free to commit any crimes "for as long as" would be a violation of the Constitution. They simply can not rule there is an absolute immunity. Moreover, any kind of presidential immunity must be covered by specific laws which do not exist if I am not mistaken.
This is something obvious. Nowhere USA constitution or laws say that a POTUS has a right to commit crimes, even if they are framed as "official acts", such as an official order to kill his personal political opponents.
What Ketanji Brown Jackson said. Presidents must be required to follow the law when acting in their official capacity or not. There are lots of people who have to make life and death decisions and still face the risk of criminal prosecution. There is no "middle ground". The president is either required to respect the law or he is not. If the latter, USA will become just as Russia:

Станут Штаты "Совком" -
Как спланировал Путин:
"Вашингтонский Обком"
И Нью-Йоркский Распутин.

Claims by some other justices were less convincing. Instead of simply rejecting the immunity claim as spurious (not covered by any existing lows), as lower courts did, they are trying to replace lawmakers. This is wrong.
[278] - oh yes, exactly, that is what Trump will do after being elected. This will be the end of USA as we know it.
public opinion versus experts. And sure, I thought about this:

Виновен тот Джон, что его выбирал -
Ведь было таких миллионы.
Зачем же он власть психопату отдал,
Что лгал и глумился над Джоном?

Затем что он сам - ксенофоб и расист,
И лично убъет несогласных.
Мне жалко страну, где главарь-альт-райтист
На Твиттере бздит ежечасно.

Может вы обидитесь, ребята,
Только вам от Путина – привет:
Здесь была Америка - когда-то,
А теперь ее уже и нет!

Больше не работают законы,
Конгрессмены спятили с ума,
Президент с министрами – шпионы,
И по ним соскучилась тюрьма.

С юга ощетинились стеною,
В Твиттере оскалились враги.
Что же будет завтра со страною?
Господи, спаси и помоги!

That sounds harsh, but I think this is not merely a result of misinformation. Voting for a pathological liar indicted on 90+ counts goes beyond that. This is a matter of personal values, just as in Russia:

Дьяволу служить или пророку —
каждый выбирает для себя.
(Yuri Levitansky, 1983, [9])

But what really influenced my little verses about USA was this:

Мне жаль страну, где прощены убийцы
И каждый пятый с ними заодно.
(Vitaliy Garmash, 1950-1960s, [10], [11])

"Every fifth" is a reference to 20% of people in USSR who supported Stalin when Garmash wrote his poem (after the revelations by Khruschev). A few years ago in Russia it was more than 50%. Same thing.
  • [279] Even if these student protests do not have Russian ties, they do help Putin enormously, because nothing is more important to him than the election of Trump. These protesters think they fight for Palestinian people, but they fight for the monster, for killing more people in Europe and for defeat of democracy in the United States. Exactly as Lenin said, these students are useful idiots, no matter if some of their organizers have links to Russia or not. I do agree that neither Israel nor USA have a viable solution of the conflict - because the conflict can have only very bad solutions, i.e. when one of the sides (or the both) would cease to exist as we know them today. This may be also the case for the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. That's why both conflicts/wars seem to be endless right now. Sure, Russia can stop the war at any moment (just as USA in Vietnam), and it would be hugely beneficial for all Russians. But she would not because such is the nature of the ruling regime. Israel? Well, this is something for Israeli people to decide.

Russian advances. This is a result of Putin's agents working in the US Congress (the delay of funds) and in Ukrainian government. Why did they remove Zaluzny and replaced him essentially by Yermak? This is also a result of incompetence and corruption in the Ukrainian government.

(instability of the current regime in Russia) - he is wrong about it, just as author he cites. There are several features that make this political system stable.
  1. The regime is not based on the Putin's personality (e.g. the coup by Prigozhin would not change the system even if it were successful). The country is ruled by the caste of Siloviks who are not interested in changing the system. Yes, a lot of them do not like the war in Ukraine as "bad business", but many are also profiting from the war.
  2. Unlike USSR, it does not consist from ethnic "republics" that could easily separate to independent states
  3. Putin and his comrades are very different from Gorbachev. They would rather kill everyone, rather that give up their power (like Saddam or Assad)
  4. The oil and gas prices are high.
  5. The brainwashing of Russian population is much worse than it was in last USSR years (especially during "glasnost'"). People who whom I talked do believe that "Ukrainian Nazi" attacked Russia (one guy said: "and we already have killed a million of these Nazi, great news!")
[280] - "Что может заставить Россию свернуть с пути агрессий и репрессий? Признание всеобщих моральных ценностей и окончательный отказ от идеи "особого пути". - Yes, but it will never happen. What can happen is Russia being effectively taken over by China (it is already happening) or disintegrate like USSR, which is not likely, but possible through the emergence of Muslim republics in parts of Russia and civil war. In any case, Russia will always belong to the "historical Asia", not Europe.
[281] - Here he explains why Putin decided to attack Ukraine. Yeh, no doubts. What a trap, what an idiot and what a mraz'. That's why millions on all sides will be killed, handicapped or have a PTSD.

Ukrainian men evading conscription. This is to be expected with the government so incompetent and corrupt. And BTW, the involuntary conscription should never happen with a competent government. Only a few % of people are fit for combat, physically and mentally. This is time for Kiyv to "make such a request".


[282] - Main point of these court proceedings is that "the boss" means "the criminal boss"; this "boss" has ruled the country, and he is going to rule it again. The "boss of Lybyanka" must be happy [283]. Not only Donald Trump likes Putin [284]], but he always follows the advice by infamous "KGB brain" to his agents, i.e. "never ever admit anything, even if you were caught with your pants down". No, he never had an "affair" with Daniels.

If I were a member of the jury, that would certainly affect my perception: a guy who denies even something obvious for others must be guilty as sin. But I wonder what his political supporters think. Do they truly believe in all his denials (as a lot of Russians believe in Putin) or they do not care that their candidate is lying and such a ...
Pardon for Trump? - Well, assuming that the guilt will be proven, he would be the most dangerous criminal in the United States, not because his crimes are so terrible, but because of his enormous political powers [285]. The more power a criminal has, the more dangerous he is. Consider Putin. Now, pardoning such a criminal would be an act of corruption or treason. Unfortunately, a lot of people would do it (and doing something similar right now) because it serves their political ambitions or monetary gains.
[286] oh yes, this is proven beyond all doubt. I hope jurors heard what he said. But will it matter for Republican politicians? No [287]. I can't elaborate, but [288]. Which birngs the dilemma of the last minutes of Come and See and The Dead Zone (film).
I think ChatGPT appears in comedy The Wedding by Chekhov under name of a telegraph operator Yat' (Yat?) who was speaking like "Я не субъект какой-нибудь! Я одушевленное имя существительное! И у меня в душе свой жанр есть." This is a fool who is using "smart" unusual words to appear very clever, but he does not understand the actual meaning of these words, and therefore frequently makes a mockery of himself.

Собрались Республиканцы
И давай deliberate:
Как же им американцев
От свободы liberate?

"Выбрать Трампа! Это - дело." -
Порешили кореши.
"Демократия заела,
Капитолий - сокрушить!

Журналистов, прокуроров
За решетку посадить,
А в Суде Верховном воры
Будут дело говорить.

И тогда-то Ху и Путин,
Аятоллы и Хамас
Будут нас лобзать до жути,
А Европу - в унитаз!"

Что мы скажем предкам и потомкам
О зловонье нынешнего дня,
Дохнущей Империи обломки,
Сталинских расстрельщиков родня?

Мы распались мертвою основой -
Трупами, гниющими в полях.
Мы - убийцы. И убиты снова.
Нас отвергли люди и земля.
11/22/2022 (inspired by [12])

Similar ideas: [289]: ""Where does this drive to annihilation come from? ... The desire for death was the desire to let go of responsibility, the burden of individuality, choice, freedom – and sink back into inorganic matter. To just give up. In a culture such as Russia’s, where avoiding facing up to the dark past with all its complex webs of guilt and responsibility is commonplace, such oblivion can be especially seductive. But Russia is also sending out a similar message to Ukrainians and their allies with these acts of ultra-violent biblical destruction: give in to our immensity, surrender your struggle..."
  • [290] - Zver'. But such is Russia.
  • [291] - nothing changed in Russia.
  • "Jill Biden decided the fate of the world" (in a bad sense) - a A well known Ukrainian blogger with a good knowledge of US and world politics, argued that Joe has absolutely no chance to win the elections and explains why he and his top supporters are doing this stupidity. Yes, of course he will lose, unless something extraordinary happens. Like even worse health, dropping from the race or Donald Trump acually sitting behind the bars. Let's hope for a miracle, although this will be possibly a civil war in November. If so, then the immunity just given by SCOTUS might be handy.
  • One commenter has compared the "immunity" decision by SCOTUS to a nuclear bomb dropped on the USA. I agree. Not only this decision changes the separation of powers and violates the constitution, but it will allow Donald Trump (who is going to be elected, thanks to Joe Biden!) to destroy the United States, along with NATO, Ukraine, etc. And that is exactly what I thought in 2016:
And I even correctly predicted such decisions by SCOTUS (above):

Журналистов, прокуроров
За решетку посадить,
А в Суде Верховном воры
Будут дело говорить.

У Америки-работницы судьба нелегка:
Ей сосватали сумасшедшего старика.
Вот такой уж у нее приговор -
Овладеет ею насильник и вор.

И никто ее уже не спасет -
Даже пуля охальника не берет!
Будет, будет и позор и разбой,
И закат в крови, вечный бой.

But the closest historical analogy would be Attempted assassination of Leonid Brezhnev. (Russian joke: Почему Ильин промахнулся? Потому что каждый вокруг пытался отобрать у него пистолет: "Дай мне! дай мне!")
[292] - another one. So, how about the scene from the "Dead Zone" where the president who looks exactly as Trump orders a nuclear strike? That does not seem too far fetched if he is elected, given that Iran is acquiring nuclear wepons, and it was Trump who ordered the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani.
Surprisingly, but I wrote here about USA nearly the same as I wrote about Russia 8 years ago (yes, of course: "И закат в крови, вечный бой" is a reference to Alexander Blok)

Но в ожиданье устало плечо,
И появился избранник -
Жутин-Малютин, качок-стукачок,
Сам же и вор, и охранник.

Moreover, the villans of the both verses are allies [293]. Kamala Harris? Well, that would be an entirely different story, an exact personification, and I wholeheartedly hope this will happen. God Bless America.

[294] - yes, this is GRU classic since 1987 [295], see also Stanislav Lunev. I wonder what they will do in November to promote The Manchurian Candidate everyone knows about [296]. Some analysts suggested there will be an action by North Korea.

Middle East.

[297] - To achieve their stated goal of returning population to the North of their country, Israel will have to destroy the Hezbollah capabilities to launch a large-scale missile strike. This is only possible through a ground invasion up to the Beqaa Valley. Iran can only act through its proxies or a limited aerial attck, which is very little. The defeat of Hezbollah (that served to deter Israel) will leave the nuclear installations of Iran open to the Israeli attack. Their best chance is concluding a new "nuclear deal" with Western countries. That might be remotely possible only with Harris administration. Russia and Iran have opposite goals during this US elections.

There is one common feature of Russia and Israel: both are nuclear states. Putin recently said that no one can defeat a nuclear state [hence, leading to endless wars that will be conducted for as long as the nuclear state wants]. This is actually a lie. Not only they have been defeated (USA in Vietnam and USSR in Afghanistan), but they have limited resources. In theory, this still can lead to endless conflicts, if intensity of the conflict is reduced to the level of a stationary process, pretty much per Orwell. And in fact, Israel is engaged in such endless conflict. Russia should not be, but it is.
2nd Iranian attack. It is significant because 2nd such attack is essentially a declaration of war: they will do it again and again in response to any military actions that Israel must conduct in other countries. Given that the war has been declared, Israel has no choice but became engaged in the war. How? Iran has one big port and two big "fat" targets related to their oil and gas industry. In the logic of war, Israel should now attack all three (if they can). The Iranian nuclear installations are much better protected, not clear if Israel can completly destroy them. But the actual question is this: can Israel pevent Iran from accuiring nuclear wapons in the near future? If Israel does not attack right now, then of course Iran will have them soon. If Israel does mount a significant attack an so on, then who knows? At least in theory, a complete destruction of the country could prevent it. But the smartest solution for Israel would be wait until after the US elections, while doing their "business" in the Lebanon and elswhere. I can only imagine how Iranian engineeres are working 24/7 right now to create their muclear weapons, unless they already have them.
Israel can possibly decide the US elections. By attacking oil and gas Iranian installations before the elections, they will increase fuel prices in the US and might bring Donald Trump to power. Many guys think that would be good for Israel. Not so fast: it was Trump, with his isolationist ideas, who withdrew US forces from the Middle East and betrayed everyone he could, including the US-installed goverment in Aghanistan. Why would he support Israel? His informal handler [298] will say "no" (because he needs strong militant Iran), just as he already ordered him to leave Ukraine. Actually, I am surprised that Putin did not transfer some of his nuclear weapons to Iran already, only the technology. But maybe he already did, who knows?
An Israeli Attack on Iran's Nuclear Sites Would Push Tehran to Assemble a Bomb What? No man, the Iranian leaders are not such idiots. Of course they have decided to have the nuclear weapons long time ago, they work frantically to achieve this goal right now, and they will test it immediately when they have it. If they could, they would do it right now. That indeed would be huge deterrnet against Israel. Basically, a victory.
USA elections: [299].
I hope that Licthman was right [300], but the current polls definitely show that Trump will win the elections. The significant systematic errors during pollings of 2016 and 2020 is not anything related to Republicans, as many commenters are misinterpreting. This is all about Trump. A significant part of people who vote for him suffer from doublethink since they are voting for a candidate they despise. Hence, they have a trouble taking part in surveys or openly admitting their choice. If so, this will be the end of the independent Ukraine and Taiwan. Not mentioning what will happen with the USA in hands of the supremacists.
[301] - even a better explanation (#1 of course), with the same disasterous conclusion. What follows? The less people are voting, the better. Which is expected based on the very old and obvious idea: the majority of voters are fools. As an illustration, many Jewish people (and I have such relatives and friends) are going to vote for Donald Trump who likes Hitler (as he said himself) and whose freinds are white supremacists.
But one thing is certain: "On election night, no matter what the results show, how many votes remain uncounted and how many advisers tell him otherwise, Donald Trump will declare himself the winner" and then may take the power anyway [302].
Yeh, the result seems to predetermined: Trump will be the next president, not matter what's the vote. Just like Stalin said: "It does not matter how they vote. It only matters who counts". This is because USA ceased to be a democratic country after the decision by SCOTUS judges (appointed by Trump!) that the POTUS is above the law. When that happens, the leader on the top will be someone who does not hesitate to violate the law, even to order the execution of his political opponents. Here, a convicted criminal is going to be elected, and he will do just that.

I was very surprised that Ukrainian forces started 2024 Kursk offensive. Of course they had to attack Russian forces in Transnistria. It would be taken over in a matter of weeks, including the Cobasna ammunition depot they need. But maybe it is not too late?


[303]. No, the Israel alone had no sufficient technical capabilities to destroy their nuclear program. Will Trump help them after coming back to the office? He might as someone completely unpredictable, but I doubt. He is an isolationist and white natiolalist. Moreover, his informal boss Putin [304] will not approve any strike by the USA on his friends in Iran.