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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Latin

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The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list[edit]

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Latin
# Articles in Latin instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Turcia country, regional power, social state Turkey 402
2 Iaponia country, island country, sovereign state Japan 401
3 Europa continent, part of the world Europe 388
4 Francia country, republic, sovereign state France 388
5 Mexicum country, nation, empire Mexico 388
6 Germania country, sovereign state Germany 384
7 Canada country, sovereign state Canada 376
8 Ucraina sovereign state Ukraine 366
9 Columbia country, republic, secular state Colombia 355
10 Belgica country, federation, member state of the European Union Belgium 352
11 Atropatene country, sovereign state Azerbaijan 350
12 Lingua Theodisca language, modern language German language 346
13 Tellus terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 343
14 Estonia country, republic, unitary state Estonia 342
15 Res publica Coreana country, constitutional republic, sovereign state South Korea 337
16 Georgia sovereign state Georgia (country) 328
17 Roma metropolis, commune of Italy, border city Rome 327
18 Aethiopia country, landlocked country, sovereign state Ethiopia 323
19 Cuba country, island country, unitary state Cuba 321
20 Berolinum city-state, metropolis, Hanseatic city Berlin 318
21 Mathematica academic major, academic discipline, mathematical term Mathematics 318
22 Gulielmus Shakesperius human William Shakespeare 315
23 Feles organisms known by a particular common name Cat 306
24 Musica specialty, field of study, academic discipline Music 304
25 Unio Europaea confederation, supranational union, regional organization European Union 300
26 Confucius human Confucius 299
27 Carolus Marx human Karl Marx 296
28 Lingua Latina language, dead language, ancient language Latin 294
29 Isaacus Newtonus human Isaac Newton 290
30 Mars superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
31 Costarica country, sovereign state Costa Rica 287
32 Panama sovereign state Panama 284
33 Gaius Iulius Caesar human Julius Caesar 277
34 Guatimala country, republic, sovereign state Guatemala 273
35 Vindobona city-state, enclave, metropolis Vienna 273
36 Secundum bellum mundanum world war, historical period World War II 273
37 Cultura concept Culture 270
38 Athenae city-state, metropolis, big city Athens 269
39 Guinea Aequinoctialis sovereign state Equatorial Guinea 269
40 Mahometus human Muhammad 265
41 Res publica Dominiciana country, island country, sovereign state Dominican Republic 263
42 Oceanus Pacificus sea, ocean Pacific Ocean 261
43 Scacci type of sport, board game, game-based sport Chess 259
44 Mercurius inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Mercury (planet) 258
45 Liber type of mass media Book 256
46 Pecunia legal fiction, medium of exchange Money 255
47 Oceanus Atlanticus ocean Atlantic Ocean 252
48 Saturnus outer planet, gas giant Saturn 252
49 Uranus outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus 248
50 Ius academic discipline Law 244
51 Bagdatum big city, largest city Baghdad 241
52 Elizabeth II human Elizabeth II 241
53 Groenlandia island country, dependent territory, electoral unit Greenland 241
54 Neptunus outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune 239
55 Renatus Cartesius human René Descartes 239
56 Tempus scalar quantity, spatio-temporal entity Time 236
57 Rabindranath Tagore human Rabindranath Tagore 235
58 Augustus human Augustus 232
59 Psychologia science, academic discipline, health specialty Psychology 232
60 Bucaresta municipality of Romania, college town, big city Bucharest 229
61 Alexander Puškin human Alexander Pushkin 223
62 Nix type of meteorological phenomenon Snow 219
63 Tigris taxon Tiger 219
64 Vinum Wine 216
65 Olympia recurring sporting event Olympic Games 214
66 Portus Dives insular area of the United States, commonwealth, unincorporated territory of the United States Puerto Rico 214
67 Oceanus Arcticus ocean Arctic Ocean 213
68 Franciscus human Pope Francis 209
69 Lingua Catalana language, modern language Catalan language 207
70 Morbus deficientiae immunitatis acquisitae pandemic, syndrome, endemic disease HIV/AIDS 203
71 Marcus Paulus Venetus human Marco Polo 201
72 Caseus Cheese 196
73 Ecclesia Catholica Romana Christian Church, Christian denomination, historic church Catholic Church 194
74 Canariae Insulae autonomous community of Spain Canary Islands 188
75 Publius Ovidius Naso human Ovid 187
76 Alanus Mathison Turing human Alan Turing 178
77 Noam Chomsky human Noam Chomsky 175
78 Socolata Chocolate 174
79 Imperium Romanum Orientale historical country, historical period Byzantine Empire 173
80 Arithmetica area of mathematics Arithmetic 172
81 Ludovicus XIV human Louis XIV 172
82 Mythologia genre, type of world view Mythology 171
83 Numerus pi real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant Pi 171
84 Vascus Gama human Vasco da Gama 170
85 Pulchritudo value, personality trait, aesthetic concept Beauty 169
86 Petrus I human Peter the Great 168
87 Sacrum Romanum Imperium historical country Holy Roman Empire 167
88 Stephanus Spielberg human Steven Spielberg 166
89 Ethica academic discipline, branch of philosophy Ethics 165
90 Ganges river Ganges 165
91 Harrius Potter canon, heptalogy, novel series Harry Potter 164
92 Melodrama music genre, theatrical genre, type of dramatico-musical work Opera 163
93 Asteroides astronomical object type Asteroid 161
94 Bellum Civile Americanum civil war American Civil War 160
95 C programming language, compiled language, imperative programming language C (programming language) 160
96 Alphabetum Graecum alphabet, natural writing system, bicameral script Greek alphabet 159
97 Expeditio sacra war, conflict Crusades 156
98 Franciscus Petrus Schubert human Franz Schubert 156
99 Zoroastrismus religion Zoroastrianism 155
100 David Humius human David Hume 154
101 Lucius Annaeus Seneca minor human Seneca the Younger 154
102 Thomas Hobbius human Thomas Hobbes 152
103 Iacobus Quarterius human Jacques Cartier 150
104 Hồ Chí Minh human Ho Chi Minh 148
105 Euripides human Euripides 146
106 Reformatio subject heading, schism from the Catholic Church Reformation 144
107 Odyssea literary work Odyssey 142
108 Sexus medical attribute Sex 142
109 Suleimanus I human Suleiman the Magnificent 140
110 Asturiae autonomous community of Spain Asturias 139
111 Azteci civilization, culture, historical ethnic group Aztecs 135
112 Gulielmus Wordsworth human William Wordsworth 133
113 Theoria copiarum area of mathematics, mathematical theory Set theory 131
114 Angkor Wat tourist attraction, archaeological site, Hindu temple Angkor Wat 130
115 Infinitas mathematical concept Infinity 129
116 Parthenon ancient Greek temple, tourist attraction, Ancient Greek archaeological site Parthenon 128
117 Theoria numerorum area of mathematics Number theory 126
118 Sinan Architectus human Mimar Sinan 125
119 Orchidaceae taxon Orchid 125
120 Xenophon human Xenophon 123
121 Ayn Rand human Ayn Rand 120
122 Museum Orceaci art museum, production company, national museum Musée d'Orsay 120
123 Robertus Frost human Robert Frost 119
124 Relativitas specialis physical law, scientific theory Special relativity 119
125 Hizbullah political party, non-state actor, terrorist organization Hezbollah 117
126 Physica electromagnetica branch of physics Electromagnetism 115
127 Cannabis taxon Cannabis 114
128 Ratisbona district capital, compact city, major regional center Regensburg 114
129 Britannia Minor historical region, historical country, cultural region Brittany 111
130 Machina vaporaria Steam engine 111
131 Anaxagoras human Anaxagoras 109
132 Morphologia academic major, language subsystem Morphology (linguistics) 109
133 Satura art genre Satire 108
134 Morbus Parkinsonianus rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Parkinson's disease 106
135 Planeta extrasolaris astronomical object type Exoplanet 104
136 Protagoras human Protagoras 104
137 Leivus Erici filius human Leif Erikson 102
138 Philologia methodology, academic major, academic discipline Philology 102
139 Iohannes Hus human Jan Hus 100
140 Moles Trium Angustiarum boat lift, gravity dam, hydroelectric power station Three Gorges Dam 99
141 Unicornis class of mythical entities Unicorn 98
142 Theophrastus human Theophrastus 97
143 Tabula Rosettana archaeological artifact, bilingual inscription, Überrest Rosetta Stone 95
144 Franciscus Renatus Castribrientii human François-René de Chateaubriand 94
145 Anna human Anne, Queen of Great Britain 92
146 Codex Hammurabi code of law Code of Hammurabi 91
147 Hedy Lamarr human Hedy Lamarr 90
148 Scepticismus attitude, personality trait, philosophical school Skepticism 90
149 Imperium Cossanum historical country Kushan Empire 89
150 Iuno goddess, Roman deity Juno (mythology) 87
151 Nicolaus Cazantzaces human Nikos Kazantzakis 84
152 Perceptio specialty, field of study, core concept Perception 84
153 Petrus Seeger human Pete Seeger 84
154 Alma Mater Rudolphina Vindobonensis university University of Vienna 83
155 Catharina Aragonensis human Catherine of Aragon 82
156 Saturnus time and fate deity, Roman deity, agricultural deity Saturn (mythology) 82
157 Diana epithet, Roman deity Diana (mythology) 81
158 Iohannes Rawls human John Rawls 81
159 Historia Franciae academic discipline History of France 78
160 Naxos island Naxos 78
161 Trafalgaris Pugna naval battle Battle of Trafalgar 76
162 Cassius Dio human Cassius Dio 75
163 Bellum Peloponnesiacum war Peloponnesian War 75
164 Ius Romanum Roman law 73
165 Fretum Torresianum strait Torres Strait 73
166 Theoria chordarum branch of physics String theory 72
167 Cercopithecidae taxon Old World monkey 71
168 Iter transtemporale hypothesis, superpower Time travel 71
169 Ianus Roman deity, liminal deity Janus 69
170 Iosephus Schumpeter human Joseph Schumpeter 69
171 Hispania Visigothica historical country Visigothic Kingdom 66
172 Tyrannis position Tyrant 64
173 Centum Napoleonis dies war, regime, legislative term Hundred Days 63
174 Regnum Navarrae rump state, realm, historical country Kingdom of Navarre 63
175 Trappist-1 red dwarf, high proper-motion star, low-mass star TRAPPIST-1 63
176 Silmarillion literary work The Silmarillion 63
177 Eleutherius Benizelus human Eleftherios Venizelos 61
178 Litterae Civitatum Foederatarum academic discipline, sub-set of literature American literature 58
179 Bisbona commune of Italy Bivona 58
180 Cybele goddess, Roman deity, Greek deity Cybele 54
181 Antiquitas posterior culture, archaeological culture, historical period Late antiquity 54
182 Denarius currency, coin type Denarius 50
183 Historiae written work Histories (Herodotus) 50
184 Obiectivismus world view, cultural movement Objectivism 48
185 The 39 Steps film The 39 Steps (1935 film) 48
186 Viceregnum Peruvianum viceroyalty of the Spanish Empire Viceroyalty of Peru 48
187 Lingua Ojibwayensis natural language, macrolanguage, modern language Ojibwe language 47
188 Aspectus Grammatical aspect 46
189 Alfredus Ludovicus Kroeber human Alfred Kroeber 44
190 Res militaris concept Military affairs 43
191 Alba Longa city-state, historical country, ancient city Alba Longa 42
192 Maria Antonius Carême human Marie-Antoine Carême 40
193 Renatus Andegavensis human René of Anjou 39
194 Tiara Tiara 39
195 K2-18b exoplanet, sub-Neptune K2-18b 38
196 Bacchae dramatic work The Bacchae 37
197 Bomba atomica weapon functional class Atomic bomb 36
198 Ornithoptera alexandrae taxon Queen Alexandra's birdwing 36
199 Arnaldus de Villa Nova human Arnaldus de Villa Nova 34
200 Kyriacus Anconitanus de Picenicollibus human Cyriacus of Ancona 34
201 De vita Caesarum written work The Twelve Caesars 32
202 Theaetetus written work Theaetetus (dialogue) 32
203 Argumentum cosmologicum Cosmological argument 29
204 Pong cervisiale ball game, drinking game Beer pong 28
205 Lapita archaeological culture Lapita culture 28
206 Rationes inter imperia Sinicum et Romanum bilateral relation Sino-Roman relations 28
207 Sisith time-bound positive commandment Tzitzit 27
208 Lingua Homerica dialect Homeric Greek 23
209 Historiae written work The Histories (Polybius) 22
210 Tangaloa water deity Tangaroa 20
211 Bibliotheca historica written work Bibliotheca historica 19
212 Senatus consultum ultimum senatus consultum Senatus consultum ultimum 19
213 Horatii et Curiatii mythical event, legendary battle Horatii and Curiatii 18
214 Graeciae descriptio literary work Description of Greece 15
215 Cremifanum monastery, art museum Kremsmünster Abbey 15
216 Moretum Moretum 15
217 Apocolocyntosis literary work, creative work Apocolocyntosis 14
218 Computing machinery and intelligence scholarly article Computing Machinery and Intelligence 14
219 Gerasimus Lebedev human Gerasim Lebedev 12
220 Lingua Aegyptia Demotica dead language, ancient language, chronolect Demotic Egyptian language 10
221 Ioannes Hildebrandus Withofius human Johann Hildebrand Withof (d:Q99457) 5
222 Grammatica Cambrica Welsh grammar 5
223 Cyclus Inarotis et Petubastis ✗ (d:Q12899525) 1
Average With English: en/la (Latin) = 221/223 (99.1%) 154
Sum No article or article with the same title: 1
No label: 1

See also[edit]