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Fruit of Islam

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Fruit of Islam, Chicago, March 1974

The Fruit of Islam (FOI) or "Fruit" for short, is a group of Muslim American men who serve as the paramilitary wing and the executive protection for the Nation of Islam Leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, its other ministers, members (women and children), temples, and events. The Fruit of Islam wear distinctive blue or white colored uniforms and caps. The Fruit of Islam believes that they are the Army of Allah (God). Minister Louis Farrakhan is the acting commander in chief of the Fruit of Islam, with Mustapha Farrakhan his second in command. There are also FOI members in the United Kingdom (Nation of Islam (West London)). [1] There's also a female version like the Fruit of Islam (FOI) they are called the Muslim Girls Training (MGT).


The Fruit of Islam in the west (United States of America) was founded on July 4, 1930 in Detroit, Michigan by W. Fard Muhammad (Master Fard Muhammad). Master W. Fard Muhammad middle name "Fard" is a Universal word, which means religious duty or Obligated to follow. Fard or Farida is also used in Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Hindi, however it's spelled "Farz" which has the same meaning. The Egyptians use the word Ma'at, the Chinese use the word Tao, the Greeks use the word Themis and Jews use the word Mitzvah. all these words means the same as Fard (Farida).

The Fruit of Islam in the east (Africa, Asia, Southern Europe (Moors) and the Middle East) was around for a long time; they are known mostly by the names Muslim Knights, Muslim Nobles, or Ancient Noblemen Knights. Elijah Muhammad was the first Fruit of Islam member in the west (America), and he was taught by Master Fard Muhammad in person for over three years. Elijah Muhammad believed and taught that Master Fard Muhammad was Allah (God) in person. Master Fard Muhammad ordered Elijah Muhammad and every Fruit of Islam member to make every man and boy into a FOI. Every Fruit of Islam member is given a book entitled "Supreme Wisdom Book", and in this book are lessons by Master Fard Muhammad. [2]

The Fruit of Islam training emphasizes how to be civilized, behave with courtesy and thoughtfulness. [3] [4][5] The men in this class are taught to respect and honor women no matter what color they may be, and they also believe that women should never be beaten by a man. Under no circumstances will the behavior of hitting a woman be tolerated in the Fruit of Islam. [6]

The Fruit of Islam believes that the only justification for killing a human being is in self-defense. [7] To be a member of the Fruit of Islam; the qualifications are, that you must believe in Allah (God) and His Messenger, have a job and be a non-white male. [7] The Fruit of Islam believes that Freemasonry was set up by Allah (God) and the Black Man (The Black, Brown, Red and Yellow People) for white males, and when a Freemason studies for 35 to 50 years and becomes a Shriner the Fruit of Islam call him a "Muslim Son" or a "Poor Religious Teacher (Five Percenters)". [8]

The White American Freemason Shriners in Detroit, Michigan honors the Fruit of Islam by wearing fezzes with the word "Moslem" on it. The Dictionary says that “Moslem” means: “1. also Mos•lem (mŏz'ləm, mŏs'-) A believer in or adherent of Islam. 2. A member of the Nation of Islam; a Black Muslim.” See: Dictionary.com at http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Moslem%20 In Detroit News on June 22, 1937, there is a picture of Imperial Potentate Clyde Webster, a Wayne County Circuit Court Judge wearing a Shriners Fez (hat) and/or Islamic Hat (Fez) with the word "Moslem" on it. [9]

Wallace Fard Muhammad established his first Temple in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930s (Muhammad’s Temple #1), and this is why the Shriners in Detroit, Michigan wear Fezzes with the word "Moslem" on it. Temple means the Arabic word "Mosques" in English. The second Temple was established in Chicago, Illinois (Muhammad’s Temple #2 or/and Mosque Maryam renamed by Louis Farrakhan to honor Mary (mother of Jesus)), and this is why the Shriners in Chicago wear fezzes with the word "Madinah" (The English word for Medina the name of their Temple (Medinah Temple)), a Holy Islamic city in Saudi Arabia) on it. The Prophet Muhammad fled to Madinah (Medina) from Mecca around 1400 years ago because of persecution, just like Wallace Fard Muhammad & Elijah Muhammad had to flee to Chicago from Detroit, Michigan because of persecution from local authorities. Wallace Fard Muhammad established the Nation of Islam and the Fruit of Islam in Detroit, Michigan, just like Prophet Muhammad established the religion of Islam in Mecca.

Wallace Fard Muhammad was called a Prophet by the Fruit of Islam when he was living in Detroit, Michigan, but when he left Elijah Muhammad in charge of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad started teaching his followers that Wallace Fard Muhammad was a Master and Allah (God) in person. Elijah Muhammad had all of his follows to start calling Wallace Fard Muhammad "Master Fard Muhammad". Some people say that Master Fard Muhammad was a "Master Freemason", but the Freemasons and the Nation of Islam claims that he was not a Freemason. Those people have good reasons to believe this sent the first Shriner Temple that was established in New York City in 1870 is called Mecca Shrine Temple (A.A.O.N.M.S.). See Dr Walter Millard Fleming wearing a fez (hat) with the word Mecca on it, at Wikipedia encyclopedia on (Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine).

The Fruit of Islam and the American Shriners were the first (Five Percenters). The Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percenters) Adopted this term from the Fruit of Islam. The Nation of Gods and Earths or Five Percenters was founded in Harlem in 1964 by Clarence 13X, known to his young disciples as Allah (the Arabic term for God) or the Father. Clarence 13X (Clarence Jowars Smith) was a Fruit of Islam member that broke away from the Nation of Islam, and stated his own organization called the Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percenters). The term Five Percenters come from the "Supreme Wisdom Book" lessons by Master Fard Muhammad, which Master Fard Muhammad calls the Fruit of Islam and the American Shriners. In this book called "Supreme Wisdom Book" Master Fard Muhammad teach there is a population of people on the planet Earth that are called the 5%, 10% and 85%.

"The 5%", "They are the poor, righteous Teachers, who do not believe in the teachings of the 10%, and are all-wise; and know who the Living God is; and Teach that the Living God is the Son of man, the supreme being, the (black man) of Asia; and Teach Freedom, Justice and Equality to all the human family of the planet Earth. Otherwise known as: Civilized People. Also are called: Muslims (Fruit of Islam) and Muslim Sons (American Shriners)." "The 10%", "The rich (Illuminati or/and (the World Bank)); the slave-makers of the poor; who teach the poor lies --- to believe that the Almighty, True and Living God is a spook and cannot be seen by the physical eye. Other wise known as: The Blood-Suckers Of The Poor." "The 85%", "The uncivilized people (Freemason that have not become Shriners yet & the Masses of people on the planet Earth); poison animal eaters (Pork (Pig flesh) eaters); slaves from mental death and power, people who do not know the Living God or their origin in this world, and they worship that they know not what --- who are easily led in the wrong direction, but hard to lead into the right direction."

The Fruit of Islam wear the same fezzes as the Shriners, but Shriners has an Arabian Sword on it. The Arabian Sword represents justice and if they (The Shriners) tell the secret they would be put to death or have their head cut off. The Fruit of Islam member does not have an Arabian sword on his Fez, because the FOI Members give an oath to tell the Shriner’s secret. The Fez (hat) is what the Muslim Knights (Nobles, Noblemen or Nobility) wear in the crusades and the Fruit of Islam and the Shriners both bear witness to this. In the “Supreme Wisdom Book” Master Fard Muhammad asks Elijah Muhammad about the Shriners.

Master Fard Muhammad question:

“Why does Muhammad make the Devil Study from thirty-five to fifty years before he can call himself a Muslim son? And wear the greatest and only Flag of the Universe? And he must add a sword on the upper part of the Holy and Greatest Universe Flag of Islam?”

Elijah Muhammad answer:

“So that he could clean himself up. A Muslim does not love the Devil regardless to how long he studies. After he has devoted thirty-five or fifty years trying to learn and do like the original man, he could come and do trading among us and we would not kill him as quick as we would the other Devils - that is, who have not gone under this Study. After he goes through with this Labor from thirty-five to fifty years, we permit him to wear our Holy Flag, which is the Sun, Moon and Star. He must add the sword on the upper part.” The sword is the emblem of Justice and it was used by the original man in Muhammad's time. Thus, it was placed on the upper part of the Flag so that the Devil can always see it, so he will keep in mind that any time he reveals the Secrets, his head would be taken off by the sword. We give him this chance so that he could clean himself up and come among us. The Holy Flag of Islam is the greatest and only Flag known. The Universe is everything - Sun Moon and Stars. They are planets. Planets are something grown or made from the beginning. And holy is something that has not been diluted, mixed or tampered with in any form.”

The Fruit of Islam calls the White Freemason & Shriners devils, and the Freemason & Shriners call themselves devils too. All Freemasons must “Ride The Goat”, and the goat represents the devil with in oneself. The Fruit of Islam call themselves baby devils, but Master Fard Muhammad allows them to wear the name Muslim. Most people think when the Fruit of Islam call White American men the "Devil" that it’s racist, however this is all Masonic (Freemason) talk. A Fruit of Islam has to study for 35 to 50 years, before he can really call himself a Muslim & wear the Fez (hat) of Islam until then he is a baby devil.

In Islam a Muslim Knight may only trade with a Muslim or a Freemason, and this is why President George W. Bush and his father (President George Herbert Walker Bush) can hold hands and trade with the Muslims Rulers, even though they are at war with the rest of the Muslim World. President George W. Bush and his father are both Freemasons (Skull & Bones). The Shriners were the Knight Templars in the crusades and the Muslim Knights would tell the Knight Templars in the crusades “You have friends among your enemies.” The Fruit of Islam wear Fezzes, because they are the Muslim Knights in the west (America).

In the crusades Muslim General Saladin (Salah al-Dīn Yusuf ibn Ayyub) army captured and wounded King Richard I, but General Saladin nursed Richard back to health and helped him to escape from his own army. Saladin was a Muslim Knight (5%) and King Richard I was a member of the Knight Templars (5% or/and Freemasonry) and this is why General Saladin help Richard to escape from his own army. In the movie Kingdom of Heaven General Saladin was very kind to the Christian Crusaders (Knight Templars). General Saladin achieved a great reputation in Europe as a chivalrous knight, so much so that there existed by the fourteenth century an epic poem about his exploits, and Dante included him among the virtuous pagan souls in Limbo. Saladin appears in a sympathetic light in Sir Walter Scott's (A Scottish Rite Freemason) ''The Talisman (1825 novel''). Despite the Crusaders' slaughter when they originally conquered Jerusalem in 1099, Saladin granted amnesty and free passage to all common Catholics and even to the defeated Christian army, as long as they were able to pay the aforementioned ransom (the Greek Orthodox Christians were treated even better, because they often opposed the western Crusaders). There is a book called "The Original Asiatic Black Man’s History" by Islam Muhammad, a Fruit of Islam member (Muhammad’s Temple #32 Phoenix, Arizona) that goes more in detail about the 5%, 10% and 85% in his book.

The Fruit of Islam believe that they study and practice the Ancient Islam back in Abrahamic (Abrahamic religion) times and before Abraham times. In these time the Universal Religion (Islam) was not called "Islam", because the word Islam was not used until the time of the Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Most people will say the Religion of Islam is only 1,400 years old, but the Fruit of Islam will said: "Islam has no birth record, no beginning nor end". Muhammad is a Islamic name, however the name Muhammad has been around before Prophet Muhammad was born or before there was a word named Islam. The Ancient Dharma Religion has the same meaning as the word Islam. Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism all come from The Ancient Religion called Dharma. The Teaching of the Buddha also has six supreme qualities, and one of the qualities are the Universal Law of peace (Islam), and the Dharma can be perfectly realized only by the noble disciples (Ariyas) who have matured and enlightened enough in "Supreme Wisdom". The Fruit of Islam study a book called the "Supreme Wisdom", and they claim to have "Supreme Wisdom" from Allah (God) who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. In Religion called Hinduism they say Dharma is the Truth or a man who speaks truth. In the Brihadaranyaka's own words: "Verily, that which is Dharma is truth. Therefore they say of a man who speaks truth, 'He speaks the Dharma, or of a man who speaks the Dharma, 'He speaks the Truth.' Verily, both these things are the same." (Brh. Upanishad, 1.4.14) See Wikipedia free encyclopedia "Dharma"'. In Sikhism Dharma means the "path of righteousness". In all three Religions Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism they call the men that practice Dharma the "Righteous Soldiers". The Fruit of Islam calls themselves "Righteous Soldiers" or "Poor Righteous Teachers".

Protection services

The Fruit of Islam do not carry any weapons, because they believe that Allah (God) protects them from their enemies. The Fruit of Islam has never lost one human life under their protection, but they only had one assassination attempt in 1994. [10] [1]

The Fruit of Islam have provided executive protection for Civil Rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson when he was a Presidential Candidate in the 1984 election. [11] The Fruit of Islam also provided executive protection for Johnnie Cochran, Spike Lee ,Michael Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Wesley Snipes, R. Kelly, Ice Cube, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X and Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad. [12] When asked why he hired Fruit of Islam for his personal protection, Johnnie Cochran replied, “No I’m not a Muslim; and I hired the Fruit of Islam because they are the best, and if something goes down I know they will have my back!” </ref> See: CNN News & Vanity Fair Magazine on Johnnie Cochran and the Fruit of Islam at [2] [3] [4] [5]</ref> [citation needed]

The Fruit of Islam also had a U.S. security contract, patrolling some of the country’s most dangerous public housing projects in early 1990s. The Fruit of Islam lost the contract when the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) complainted to the U.S. Government that the Fruit of Islam leader (Louis Farrakhan) was Anti-Semitic.

MICHELE NORRIS, ABC News ask the question:

"is whether the Nation of Islam, with its all-black Muslim-led security patrols, discriminates or promotes religious bigotry." Rep. PETER KING, (R), New York told ABC News:"It was Louis Farrakhan who denounced Jewry as a gutter religion; who said that Hitler was a very great man; who said he would grind Jews and break them into little bits; and who denounced the Pope as a ‘no good cracker.’"


"New Life Self Development Co.: The focus should not be on what you have spent on so-called Muslim affiliated security companies. Where is the focus on the money that we’ve saved you and the lives that we’ve saved? Does anybody care about that, Mr. Chairman?"

HENRY CISNEROS, Secretary, Housing and Urban Development told ABC News:

"In fact, we’ve con-ducted over 1,000 interviews of residents and management and they illustrate that these security guards have been effective." MICHELE NORRIS, ABC News said: "the Fruit of Islam was so effective that in one case - the Flag House com-plex in Baltimore - security patrols are credited with reducing crime by almost 50 percent, even though they do not carry guns. [on camera] Residents here say the Nation of Islam patrols have helped transform this housing project. The sound of gunfire, which was once so common, is now rare. And children are once again allowed to play outdoors." [6] [7]

Black Vibes Entertaiment reported that the Fruit of Islam was accused of attacking a Civil Right leader and founder of "Project Islamic H.O.P.E" named Najee Ali. Najee Ali was Allegedly attacked by the Fruit of Islam after he attended a news conference regarding proposed clemency for convicted murderer Stanley "Tookie" Williams, a co-founder of the Los Angeles Crips gang who is scheduled to be executed December 13, 2005. Many activists are fighting for Tookie not be executed and Najee Ali is one in the number. However many of the activist fighting to keep him alive is also fighting each other- this is how Ali got attacked by the Fruit of Islam. Now the rumor is some of the various leaders got into a heated debate following the press conference when Ali was disrespectful to Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad from Muhammad's Mosque # 27 Los Angeles, California. Ali yelled at Minister Tony Muhammad and Black Vibes Entertainment Writer William G. Mccray II, said “I am sure after being beat down and stomped he regrets having opened his mouth. A witness that was afraid to give his name said that Ali ran after he was punched in the jaw the first time, but he was not successful. Tony Muhammad commented that he would handle the matter within the Nation. Seems to me that was an admission of guilt. Ali is 42 and has yet to file any charges by my deadline.” See: Black Vibes Entertainment at http://www.blackvibes.com/features/news/story.asp?newsid=669

Meaning of the name

The Fruit of Islam; the name given to the military training of the men that belong to Islam in North America.

The responsibility of the F.O.I. is that of a head of house: protection, provision, and maintenance of the Nation of Islam (all Original People). The F.O.I. are militant in the sense that our operations are done as a unit. "Belong" means "to be owned by". For over 400 years we "belonged" to our slavemasters and their children, but now with the Revelation of Allah to His Messiah, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we are returned to Him who created us, and therefore we belong to Allah alone, whose nature is the same as ours, called Islam. "http://www.noibaltimore.org/foi.shtml"

The Nation of Islam calls these men the Fruit of Islam, because, "you judge a tree by the fruit it bears." The Nation of Islam say the Fruit of Islam are the Muslim men military training class of the Nation of Islam. [13]

1994 assassination attempt

In 1994 an assassination attempt was made on the life of the former Nation of Islam Minster and New Black Panther Party leader Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and four FOI men were shot and wounded in the chest and legs by James Edward Bess from 10 feet (3.0 m) in Riverside, California. [10] A bystander was also hospitalized with bullet wounds. Dr. Khalid Muhammad was hit in the left leg by a 9 mm bullet while another grazed his right leg. See: New York Times Newspaper & Miami Times Newspaper on the FOI & Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad assassination attempt [10] The Fruit of Islam and a bystander apprehended, beat-up and disarmed James Edward Bess and then turned him over to the local authorities. [10]

The Population of the fruit of Islam

No one really knows the Population of the Fruit of Islam, some say 10,000 but Minister Louis Farrakhan claims he register more than a million men in the Nation of Islam. No one knows how many men left, or stayed in the Fruit of Islam. The Nation of Islam does not give this information to the public.

Mission Statement

The Fruit of Islam says their "Mission" & "Mission Statement" is to teach civilization, and teach what they know to those who do not know. To deliver the Lost Sheep (Black Americans), to the lamb (Elijah Muhammad) of God. They also give an oath that they will tell the Masses of the people (The 85%) the truth, even if it cost them their own lives. The Capitan of the Fruit of Islam always asks the members in the Fruit of Islam a question from the “Supreme Wisdom Book”.

Capitan’s question:

“Have you not learned that your word shall be Bond regardless of whom or what?”

The Fruit of Islam answer:

“Yes. My word is Bond and Bond is life, and I will give my life before my word shall fail.”


  1. ^ http://www.noi.org/reg_united_kingdom.htm
  2. ^ The Supreme Wisdom
  3. ^ The Meaning of F.O.I. - By Min. Farrakhan
  4. ^ Brief history on origin of the Nation of Islam
  5. ^ The Muslim Program
  6. ^ See: Message to the Blackman book chapters "The Black Woman" and "Protect And Elevate Your Woman" by Elijah Muhammad at http://www.noineworleans.org/messenger_books/mttbm/index.html
  7. ^ a b See: the Nation Of Islam Muslim Program at http://www.noi.org/muslim_program.htm
  8. ^ See:See: Supreme Wisdom Book, IV. LOST FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO. 1 verse 9 at http://www.thenationofislam.org/lostfoundlesson.html
  9. ^ See: Judge Clyde Webster and The Moslem Drill Team (White American Freemason Shriners) pictures at http://info.detnews.com/redesign/history/story/historytemplate.cfm?id=194.
  10. ^ a b c d See: New York Times Newspaper & Miami Times Newspaper on the FOI & Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad assassination attempt atNYTimes NYTimes NYTimes High Beam
  11. ^ See: The New York Times Newspaper on FOI & Jesse Jackson's Presidential Candidate in the 1984 at http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE7DE123FF935A35752C0A964958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all
  12. ^ See: The New York Times Newspaper on FOI & celebrities at http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE7DE123FF935A35752C0A964958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all
  13. ^ See: The Meaning of F.O.I. book by Min. Louis Farrakhan at http://www.noineworleans.org/farrakhan_books/tmofoi/index.html