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Territorial evolution of Poland

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Territorial changes of Poland from 1635 to 2009

The territorial evolution of Poland over the history of Europe has taken many forms. As nations emerged from the Middle Ages they as nations or ethnic groups moved through out Europe; not so for the Polish people. The Poles are the nation of the Vistula river, and their settlements extended from its sources to its estuary at the Baltic Sea. There is no other European nation centred, to that extent, on one single river.[1] The establishment of a Polish state is often identified with the adoption of Christianity by its ruler Mieszko I, in 966 (see Baptism of Poland), when the state covered territory similar to that of present-day Poland. In 1025, Poland became a kingdom.

In 1569, it cemented a long association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, by signing the Union of Lublin, forming the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was one of the largest and most populous countries in 16th and 17th-century Europe,[2][3][4][5] formed by a union of Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1569. It was characterized by many particularities that made it unique among contemporary states. The Commonwealth's political system, often called the Noble's Democracy or Golden Freedom, was characterized by the sovereign's power being reduced by laws and the legislature (Sejm) controlled by the nobility (szlachta). This system was a precursor of the modern concepts of broader democracy[6] and constitutional monarchy.[7][8] The two comprising states of the Commonwealth were formally equal, although in reality Poland was a dominant partner in the union.[9] Its population was hallmarked by a high level of ethnic and confessional diversity and the state was noted for having religious tolerance unusual for its age,[10] although the degree of it varied with time.[11]

In the late 1700s the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth began to collapse and it's neighbouring states were able to slowly dismember the State until 1795 when Poland's territory was completely partitioned among Kingdom of Prussia, Russian Empire and Austria. Poland regained its independence as the Second Polish Republic in 1918, after World War I, but lost it again in World War II, then occupied by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Poland lost over six million citizens in World War II, emerging several years later as the socialist People's Republic of Poland within the Eastern Bloc, under strong Soviet influence. During the Revolutions of 1989, communist rule was overthrown and Poland became what is constitutionally known as the "Third Polish Republic". Poland is a unitary state, made up of sixteen voivodeships (Polish: województwo). Poland is also a member of the European Union, NATO and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Territorial timeline

Pre 1635

992 - 1025

In the period following the emergence of Poland in the 10th century, the Polish nation was led by a series of rulers of the Piast dynasty, who converted the Poles to Christianity, created a sizeable Central European state and integrated Poland into European culture. Formidable foreign enemies and internal fragmentation eroded this initial structure in the thirteenth century, but consolidation in the 1300s laid the base for the dominant Polish Kingdom that was to follow.

Beginning with the Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, the Jagiellon dynasty (1385–1569) formed the Polish-Lithuanian Union. The Lublin Union of 1569, established the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as an influential player in European politics and a vital cultural entity.

Duchy of Prussia

In 1525 during the Protestant Reformation, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Albert of Hohenzollern, secularized the order's Prussian territory, becoming Albert, Duke of Prussia. His duchy, which had its capital in Königsberg was established as a fief of the Crown of Poland.[12]


Blue and white stripes indicate Swedish control of Polish territory. Orange and white stripes represents the Duchy of Prussia

Sweden, weakened by involvement in the Thirty Years' War, agreed to sign the Armistice of Stuhmsdorf (also known as Treaty of Sztumska Wieś or Treaty of Stuhmsdorf) in 1635, favourable to the Commonwealth in terms of territorial concessions.[13]


Blue represents the invasion of Sweden and Green the invasion of Russia

In the history of Poland and Lithuania, the Deluge refers to a series of wars in the mid-to-late seventeenth century which left the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in ruins.[14]

Foreign occpation of Poland during the Deluge

The Deluge refers to the Swedish invasion and occupation of western half of the Poland-Lithuania from 1655 to 1660 and the Khmelnytskyi Uprising in 1648 which led to the invasion of the right half of Polish territory by Russia in the Russo-Polish War.[14]


Blue and white stripes indicate Swedish control of Polish territory. Light green represent Russian occupation

The Treaty of Wehlau was a treaty signed in the eastern Prussian town of Wehlau (Welawa, now Znamensk) between Poland and Brandenburg-Prussia during the Swedish Deluge on September 19, 1657. The treaty granted independence to Prussia in recognition of its help against the Swedish forces during the Deluge.[15]


Light green represent Russian occupation

In the Treaty of Oliva the Polish King, John II Casimir, renounced his claims to the Swedish crown, which his father Sigismund III Vasa had lost in 1599. Poland also formally ceded Swedish Livonia and the city of Riga, which had been under de facto Swedish control since the 1620s.[16] The signing of the treaty ended Swedish involvement in the Deluge.

Map of Swedish Livonia


Territorial changes of Poland 1667

The War for Ukraine ended with the Treaty of Andrusovo of January 13, 1667.[17] The peace settlement gave Moscow control over the so called Left-bank Ukraine with the Polish Commonwealth retaining Right-bank Ukraine.[17] The signing of the Treaty ended Russian occupation of the the Polish confederation and the Deluge war. Since the war started the population of the commonwealth had been nearly halved by war and disease. War had destroyed the economic base of the cities and raised a religious fervor that ended Poland's policy of religious tolerance.[14]


Poland losing Podolia in 1672

As a result of the Polish–Ottoman War the Polish commonwealth ceded Podolia in the 1672 Treaty of Buczacz.[18][19]

Region of Podolia


Territorial changes of Poland 1686

The Eternal Peace Treaty of 1686 was a treaty between Tsardom of Russia and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on May 6 1686 in Moscow. It confirmed the earlier Treaty of Andrusovo of 1667. It consisted of a preamble and 33 articles. The treaty secured Russia's possession of the Left-bank Ukraine, Zaporozh'ye, Seversk lands, cities of Chernihiv, Starodub, Smolensk and its outskirts, while Poland retained Right-bank Ukraine.[20]

Land lost via the Eternal Peace Treaty of 1686 of 1686 in pink.


Territorial changes of Poland 1699

The Treaty of Karlowitz or Treaty of Karlovci was signed on January 26, 1699 in Sremski Karlovci, a town in modern-day Serbia, concluding the Austro-Ottoman War of 1683–1697 in which the Ottoman side had finally been defeated at the Battle of Senta. Following a two-month congress between the Ottoman Empire on one side and the Holy League of 1684, a coalition of various European powers including the Habsburg Monarchy, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Republic of Venice and Peter I's Alekseyevich Muscovite Russia, largely due to claims of being a self-professed defender of the Christian Slavs, a treaty was signed on January 26, 1699.[21] The Ottomans ceded most of Hungary, Transylvania and Slavonia to Austria while Podolia returned to Poland. Most of Dalmatia passed to Venice, along with the Morea (the Peloponnesus peninsula) and Crete.[20]


First partition of Poland in 1772

In February, 1772, the agreement of partition of Poland was signed in Vienna.[22] Early in August the Russian, Prussian and Austrian troops simultaneously entered the Commonwealth and occupied the provinces agreed upon among themselves.

The First Partition (1772)

By the first partition in 1772, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth lost about 211,000 square kilometres (81,000 sq mi) (30% of its territory, amounting at that time to about 733,000 square kilometres (283,000 sq mi)), with a population of over four to five million people (about a third of its population of 14 million before the partitions).[23][24]


2nd partition of Poland in 1793

By the 1790s the First Polish Republic had deteriorated into such a helpless condition that it was successfully forced into an unnatural and ultimately deadly alliance with its enemy, Prussia. The alliance was cemented with the Polish-Prussian Pact of 1790.[25] The conditions of the Pact were such that the succeeding and final two partitions of Poland were inevitable. The May Constitution of 1791 enfranchised the bourgeoisie, established the separation of the three branches of government, and eliminated the abuses of Repnin Sejm.

After the Second Partition (1793)

Those reforms prompted aggressive actions on the part of its neighbours, wary of the potential renaissance of the Commonwealth. Once again Poland dared to reform and improve itself without Russia's permission, and once again the Empress was angered; arguing that Poland had fallen prey to the radical Jacobinism then at high tide in France, Russian forces invaded the Commonwealth in 1792.[26][27][28] In the 2nd partition, Russia and Prussia helped themselves to enough land so that only one-third of the 1772 population remained in Poland.[26][28]


Third partition of Poland in 1795

Kosciuszko's ragtag insurgent armies who fought to regain Polish territory won some initial successes, but they eventually fell before the superior forces of Russian Empire.[29] The partitioning powers, seeing the increasing unrest in the remaining Commonwealth, decided to solve the problem by erasing any independent Polish state from the map. On 24 October 1795 their representatives signed a treaty, dividing the remaining territories of the Commonwealth between their three countries.[30]

Third Partition of Poland


Territorial changes of Poland 1815

Napoleon's attempts to build and expand his empire kept Europe at war for almost a decade and brought him into conflict with the same east European powers that had beleaguered Poland in the last decades of the previous century. An alliance of convenience was the natural result of this situation. Volunteer Polish legions attached themselves to Bonaparte's armies, hoping that in return the emperor would allow an independent Poland to reappear out of his conquests.[31]

The Duchy of Warsaw was a Polish state established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807 from the Polish lands ceded by the Kingdom of Prussia under the terms of the Treaties of Tilsit. The duchy was held in personal union by one of Napoleon's allies, King Frederick Augustus I of Saxony.[31]


Territorial changes of Poland 1815

Following Napoleon's failed invasion of Russia, the duchy was occupied by Prussian and Russian troops until 1815, when it was formally partitioned between the two countries at the Congress of Vienna.[32]

Congress Poland

Congress Poland

Congress Poland was created out of the Duchy of Warsaw at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, when European states reorganized Europe following the Napoleonic wars. [33]

Grand Duchy of Posen

The Grand Duchy of Posen was a region in the Kingdom of Prussia in the Polish lands commonly known as "Greater Poland" between the years 1815-1848. Per agreements from Congress of Vienna it was to have an autonomy. However in practice it was subordinated to Prussia and the proclaimed rights for Poles were not respected. The name was unofficially used afterward for denoting the territory, especially by Poles, and today is used by modern historians to describe different political entities until 1918. Its capital was Posen (Polish: Poznań).[33]

Free City of Kraków

The Free, Independent, and Strictly Neutral City of Kraków with its Territory more commonly known as either the Free City of Kraków or Republic of Kraków was a city-state created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.[34]


Territorial changes of Poland 1831

After the November Uprising Congress Poland lost its status as a sovereign state in 1831 and the administrative division of Congress Poland was reorganized. Russia issued an, "organic decree" which preserved the rights of individuals in Congress Poland but abolished the Sejm and meant Poland was subject to rule by Russian military decree.[35]


Territorial changes of Poland 1846

In the aftermath of the unsuccessful Kraków Uprising the Free City of Kraków was annexed by the Austrian Empire. [34]


Territorial changes of Poland 1848

After the defeat of Congress Poland many Prussian liberals sympathised with the demand for the restoration of the Polish state. In the spring of 1848 the new liberal Prussian government allowed some autonomy to Grand Duchy of Posen in the hope of contributing to the cause of a new Polish homeland.[36] Due to a number of factors including the outrage of the German speaking minority in Pozen the Prussian government reversed course. By April 1848 the Prussian army had already suppressed the Polish militias and National Committees that emerged in March. By the end of the year the Duchy had lost the last vestiges of its formal autonomy, and was downgraded to a mere Province of the Prussian kingdom.[37]


The red and green stripes represent the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

The West Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed on November 1 1918 with Lviv as its capital. The proclamation of the Republic, which claimed sovereignty over Eastern Galicia, including the Carpathians up to the city of Nowy Sącz in the West, as well as Volhynia, Carpathian Ruthenia and Bukovina was a complete surprise for the Poles. Although the majority of the population of the Western-Ukrainian People's Republic were Ukrainians, large parts of the claimed territory were considered Polish by the Poles. In Lviv the Ukrainian residents enthusiastically supported the proclamation, the city's significant Jewish minority accepted or remained neutral towards the Ukrainian proclamation, while the Polish minority was shocked to find themselves in a proclaimed Ukrainian state.[38]


Creation of Poland

White and green stripes indicate the furthest the Russians were able to advance and the furthest the Poles were able to attack in Russia during the Polish-Soviet War. Blue and white stripes indicate fighting with the West Ukrainian People's Republic

In the aftermath of World War I the Polish people broke out in a great uprising on December, 27 1918 in Poznań after a patriotic speech by Ignacy Paderewski, a famous Polish pianist. The fighting continued until June 28, 1919 when the Treaty of Versailles was signed, which recreated the nation of Poland. From the defeated German Empire Poland received the following:

Poland seizes West Ukrainian People's Republic

White and green stripes indicate the furthest the Russians were able to advance and the furthest the Poles were able to attack into Russia during the Polish-Soviet War

On July 17, 1919 a ceasefire was signed in the Polish–Ukrainian War with the West Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR). As part of the agreement Poland kept ZUNR territory. The West Ukrainian People's Republic then moved to and merged with the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR).[42] On June 25, 1919 Supreme Allies Council transferred East Galicia (ZUNR territory) to Poland.[41]

File:Ucrania marzo 1919.png
Political regions of the former Russian Empire

Polish-Soviet War

White and green stripes indicate the furthest the Russians were able to advance and the furthest the Poles were able to attack into Russia during the Polish-Soviet War

The Polish-Soviet War (February 1919–March 1921) was an armed conflict of Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine against the Second Polish Republic and the short-lived Ukrainian People's Republic. The war was the result of conflicting expansionist attempts. Poland, whose statehood had just been re-established by the Treaty of Versailles following the Partitions of Poland in the late 18th century, sought to secure territories it had lost at the time of partitions. The aim of the Soviet states was to control those same territories, which the Russian Empire gained in the Partitions of Poland.[43]


Polish–Lithuanian War

Russian border shown though Treaty of Riga not signed

The Polish-Lithuanian War was an armed conflict between Lithuania and Poland, lasting from August 1920 to October 7, 1920, in the aftermath of World War I, not long after both countries had regained their independence. It was part of a wider conflict over disputed territorial control of the cities of Vilnius (Polish: Wilno), Suwałki and Augustów.

Lithuania claims of land

In the aftermath of the war the Republic of Central Lithuania was created in 1920 following the staged rebellion of soldiers of the 1st Lithuanian-Belarusian Infantry Division of the Polish Army, supported by the Polish air force, cavalry and artillery.[44] Centered around the historical capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vilna (Lithuanian: Vilnius, Polish: Wilno), for eighteen months the entity served as a buffer state between Poland, upon which it depended, and Lithuania, which claimed the area.[45]

Negotiations with Russia

Russian, Polish border agreed to on October 18, 1920

Soon after the Battle of Warsaw (Miracle at the Vistula) the Bolsheviks sued for peace. The Poles, exhausted, constantly pressured by the Western governments and the League of Nations, and with its army controlling the majority of the disputed territories, were willing to negotiate. The Soviets made two offers: one on 21 September and the other on 28 September. The Polish delegation made a counteroffer on 2 October. On the 5th, the Soviets offered amendments to the Polish offer which Poland accepted. The armistice between Poland on one side and Soviet Ukraine and Soviet Russia on the other was signed on 12 October and went into effect on 18 October.[46] Long negotiations of the peace treaty ensued with Treaty of Riga being signed on March 1921. The question of a Polish victory is not universally agreed on.  Russian and Polish historians tend to assign victory to their respective countries. Outside assessments vary, mostly between calling the result a Polish victory and inconclusive. Lenin in his secret report to the 9th Conference of the Bolshevik Party on September 20, 1920, called the outcome of the war "In a word, a gigantic, unheard-of defeat"[47]

Negotiations with Czechoslovakia

Territory adjustments between Czechoslovakia (green) and Poland (red).

During the closing years of World War I Polish and Czechoslovakian diplomats met to hammer out a common border between the two new countries. By the time armistice was declared most of the border was worked out except for three small politically sensitive areas with both Polish and Czechoslovakian residents.

The Duchy of Cieszyn

The Cieszyn Silesia or the Duchy of Cieszyn (German: Teschen and Czech: Tesin) was a small area that census showed on the eve of the First World War was predominantly Polish in three districts (Teschen, Bielsko, and Frysztat) and mainly Czech in the fourth district of Frydek. The Chief importance of Cieszyn Silesia lay in the rich coil basin around Karvina and in the valuable Košice-Bohumín Railway railroad which linked Bohemia with Slovakia. Furthermore in northern Cieszyn Silesia the railroad junction of Bohumín (German: Oderberg and Czech: Bohumin) served as a crossroad for international transport and communications.[48]

Claims over these regions would turn violent with a brief military conflict, the Seven-day war, in 1919 between Polish and Czechoslovakian units. The Allied governments pressed for a cease fire and on February 3, 1919 a Polish-Czech border agreement was signed on the basis of the November 5, 1918, ethnic division agreement.[41] This was later changed at the Conference of Ambassadors in Spa, Belgium on 28 July 1920. Cieszyn (German: Teschen) was divided along the Olza river between the two newly created states of Poland and Czechoslovakia. The smaller western suburbs of Cieszyn were joined to Czechoslovakia as a new town of Český Těšín along with the railroad and the Karvina coal basin.[49][48] Poland received the portion of Cieszyn east of the Olza river.[48] The conference divided the region just as the Red Army was nearing Warsaw. It was later learned that this award resulted from a secret deal between Edvard Benes and French and British officials[50]

Orawa and Spisz

The county of Orawa (Slovene: Orava) arose before the 15th century. The county's territory is situated along the Orava River between Zazriva and the Tatra Mountains. Spisz (Slovene: Spiš) is situated between the High Tatras and the Dunajec River in the north, the springs of the Vah River in the west, the Slovenske rudohorie Mountains (Slovak Ore Mountains) and Hnilec River in the south, and a line running from the town of Stara Ľubovňa, via the Branisko mountain, to the town of Margecany in the east. While the Orawa and Spisz border was in arbitration many groups fought to be a part of Poland including a number of Polish authors. They began to write about an alleged three hundred thousand Poles living in the Orawa territory.[51]

At the Conference of Ambassadors it was also decided that Czechoslovakia would cede to Poland a number of villages from the Orawa and Spisz regions including the municipalities of Oravy Srnie, Podvlk, Harkabúz, Nižná Zubrica, Vyšná Zubrica, Oravka, Bukovina-Podsklie, Pekelník, Jablonka, Chyžné, Hladovka, Suchá Hora, Vyšná Lipnica a part Nižné Lipnice, and 4.2% of the rather Belá new communities, with Fridman (Falštin settlement), Krempach, Tribš, Durštín, Čierna Hora, Jurgov, Repiská, Vyšné lapse, Nižné lapse, Nedeca, Kacvín and Lapšanka.[52]


Upper Silesian industrial district (red) to Poland after the Upper Silesia plebiscite in 1921

In late 1921 a border adjustment between the Weimar Republic and Poland took place as a result of the Silesian Uprisings. The uprising were a series of three armed rebellions that took place between 1919 and 1921 of the Polish people in the Upper Silesia region against Weimar Republic. The Polish people of the region wanted to join the new Polish state, which had been established following World War I. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles had called for a plebiscite in Upper Silesia in 1921 to determine whether the territory should be a part of Germany or Poland.[53]

The plebiscite took place as arranged on March 20, 1921 two days after the signing of the Treaty of Riga, which ended the Polish-Soviet war. In the plebiscite, around 707,605 votes were cast for Germany, while 479,359 for Poland.[53] The Germans thus had 228,246 votes of majority. The big powers interpreted the results differently and could not decide on what to do with the region. In late April 1921, rumors flew that Upper Silesia would stay in Germany. This led to the Third Polish Uprising in May-July 1921.[53] Stalemated the question of the Upper Silesia problem was turned over to the Council of the League of Nations. The commission, consisting of four representatives—one each from Belgium, Brazil, Spain, and China. The commission gathered its own data, interviewed Poles and Germans from the region, and made its decision on the basis of self-determination. On the basis of the reports of this commission and those of its experts, on October 1921 the Council awarded the greater part of the Upper Silesian industrial district to Poland.[53]


Territorial changes of Poland 1922

After a variety of delays, a disputed election to join Poland took place on January 8 1922, and the Republic of Central Lithuania was annexed to Poland.[54]


Lipnica Wielka (red) went to Poland and Suchá Hora and Hladovka (green) went to Czechoslovakia

The Polish government was not satisfied with the Czechoslovakia-Polish border decided from the Paris Peace Conference or from the Conference of Ambassadors in Spa, Belgium. The conflict was only resolved by the Council of the League of Nations' Permanent Court of International Justice on March 12, 1924, which decided that Czechoslovakia should retain the territory of Javorzyna.[55] and which entailed (in June of the same year) an additional exchange of territories in Orava - the territory around Lipnica Wielka (Nižná Lipnica) went to Poland, the territory around Suchá Hora (Sucha Gora) and Hladovka (Glodowka) went to Czechoslovakia.[56]


Territories in red seized by Poland

As Czechoslovakia was being dissolved Zaolzie, the Czech half of Cieszyn, was annexed by Poland in 1938 following the Munich Agreement and the First Vienna Award. At noon on 30 September, Poland gave an ultimatum to the Czechoslovak government. It demanded the immediate evacuation of Czech troops and police from Zaolzie and gave Prague time until noon the following day. At 11:45 a.m. on 1 October the Czech foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Germans were delighted with this outcome. They were happy to give up the Zaolzie provincial rail centre to Poland; it was a small sacrifice indeed. It spread the blame of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, made Poland a seeming accomplice in the process and confused the issue as well as political expectations. Poland was accused of being an accomplice of Nazi Germany – a charge that Warsaw was hard put to deny.[57]

Carving up Czech

Poland also seized more land from northern Spisz and northern Orawa such as the territories around Suchá Hora and Hladovka, around Javorina, and in addition the territory around Lesnica in the Pieniny Mountains, a small territory around Skalité and some other very small border regions (they officially received the territories on 1 November 1938. After seizing the land special Polish military groups began to carry out assimilation of the population. Polish was introduced as the only official language and the Slovak Intelligence were displaced from the territories.[58]


Territorial changes of Poland 1939

World War II

In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland and partitioned it pursuant to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact[59].

After invading Poland in 1939, Germany annexed the lands it was forced to give to a reformed Poland in 1919–1922 by the Treaty of Versailles, including the "Polish Corridor", West Prussia, the Province of Posen, and parts of eastern Upper Silesia. The council of the Free City of Danzig voted to become a part of Germany again, although Poles and Jews were deprived of their voting rights and all non-Nazi political parties were banned. Parts of Poland that had not been part of Wilhelmine Germany were also incorporated into the Reich.

Two decrees by Adolf Hitler (October 8 and October 12, 1939) provided for the division of the annexed areas of Poland into the following administrative units:

USSR and Nazi Germany carve up Poland

These territories had an area of 94,000 square kilometres (36,000 sq mi) and a population of 10,000,000 people. The remainder of the Polish territory was annexed by the Soviet Union (see Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) or made into the German-controlled General Government occupation zone. Eastern areas of Poland became part of either Soviet Belarus (with such cities as Białystok, Łomża, Baranowicze and Brest) or Soviet Ukraine (with the cities of Lwów, Tarnopol, Lutsk, Rowne and Stanisławów). The city of Wilno with adjacent area was annexed by Lithuania.

After the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, the district of Białystok, which included the Białystok, Bielsk Podlaski, Grajewo, Łomża, Sokółka, Volkovysk, and Grodno Counties, was "attached to" (not incorporated into) East Prussia.


Territorial changes of Poland 1945

On Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day or VE Day) May 7 and May 8, 1945 the World War II Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany.

After World War II, there were extensive changes to the territorial extent of Poland, following the decision taken at the Teheran Conference of 1943 at the insistence of the Soviet Union. The Polish territories east of the Curzon Line, which the Soviet Union had occupied in 1939 along with the Bialystok region, were permanently annexed.[60] While a large portion of this area was predominately populated by Ukrainians and Belarussians, most of their Polish inhabitants were expelled.[61] Today these territories are part of Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania.

Poland received former German territory east of the Oder-Neisse line in turn, consisting of the southern two thirds of East Prussia and most of Pomerania, Neumark (East Brandenburg), and Silesia. The German population was expelled before these "occupied territories" were repopulated mainly with Poles from central Poland and those expelled from the eastern regions.[62] Early expulsions in Poland were undertaken by the occupying Soviet and Polish Communist military authorities [62] even before the Potsdam Conference ("wild expulsions"). To ensure territorial incorporation into Poland, Polish Communists ordered that Germans were to be expelled: "We must expel all the Germans because countries are built on national lines and not on multinational ones," a citation from the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Polish Workers Party, May 20-21, 1945.[63] Germans were defined as either Reichsdeutsche, people enlisted in 1st or 2nd Volksliste groups, and those of the 3rd group, who held German citizenship. People of Slavic descent ("autochthones", almost exclusively in Upper Silesia and Masuria) could apply for "verification" as Poles and were allowed to stay.[64]

German territories were occupied by Poland and the native population was subject to ethnic cleansing as the German inhabited territories (blue) were occupied by Poland in 1945

Winston Churchill was not present at the end of the Yalta Conference as the results of the British election had made it clear he had been defeated. Churchill later claimed that he would never have agreed to the Oder-Western Neisse line, and in his famous Iron Curtain speech declared that:

The Russian-dominated Polish Government has been encouraged to make enormous and wrongful inroads upon Germany, and mass expulsions of millions of Germans on a scale grievous and undreamed-of are now taking place.

— Winston Churchill [65]

Poland USSR

Border adjustment between Poland and the USSR on the 16 August 1945

On August 16, 1945 a border agreement between Poland and the USSR was signed. The western portion of the Byelorussian SSR was granted to Poland.

The agreement concerned border adjustment between Poland and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR, as the Belastok Voblast was divided into Soviet Brest Voblast, Hrodna Voblast and Polish Białystok Voivodeship.[66]


After World War II the Czechoslovakian government wanted to return to the 1920 border between the two nations, while Polish inhabitants of Zaolzie were in favor of the boundary of August 31, 1939. On May 20, 1945 in Trstena an agreement for a return to the 1938 borders of Poland was signed and the following day the Czechoslovak border guards moved to the old Czechoslovakian border. At several places there were fights between Polish and Czechoslovakian militias, but the situation calmed with the arrival of Polish troops on July 17, 1945.[67] The Polish government still did not want to give up Zaolzie, and on June 16, 1945, Marshall Michał Rola-Żymierski issued directive number 00336, which ordered the 1st Armored Corps of the Polish Army to concentrate in the area of Rybnik, and to seize Zaolzie[68] However, the Soviets decided to hand the region to Czechoslovakia, and the Poles followed the Moscow directive. Furthermore, the Czech side demanded former German areas of Klodzko, Glubczyce, and Raciborz, but after Soviet mediation, all sides signed a treaty on September 21, 1945, which accepted the December 31, 1937 Polish - Czechoslovak and Czechoslovak - German borderline as the boundary between the two countries.[69]


Village of Medyka near Przemyśl was transferred to Poland

Polish border has a minor corrections in 1948, when the village of Medyka near Przemyśl was transferred to Poland. [70]


Territorial changes of Poland 1951

On February 15, 1951 Aleksander Zawadzki the president of the Polish Republic and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Andrey Vyshinsky signed Treaty No. 6222. Agreement between the Polish republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the exchange of sectors of their state territories. The treaty was a border adjustment that took place in 1951, when Poland and the Soviet Union exchanged 480 square kilometres (190 sq mi). [71]


On June 13, 1958 the Agreement concerning the final demarcation of the state frontier between Czechoslovakia and Poland was sign in Warsaw. Adam Rapacki signed for Poland and Václav David signed for Czechoslovakia. The treaty confirmed the border at the line of January 1, 1938 or the situation before the Nazi-imposed Munich Agreement transferred territory from Czechoslovakia to Poland.[72]


Territorial changes along the Dunajec river 1975

In March 1975 Czechoslovakia and Poland modified their border along the Dunajec to permit Poland to construct a dam in the Czorsztyn region, southeast of Kraków. Canoeing through the Pieniny gorge is a notable tourist activity.[73]


Territorial changes between Poland and Slovakia in 2002

In 2002, Poland and Slovakia made some further minor border adjustments:

Territory of the Republic of Poland with a total area of 2,969 m 2, including:

a) in the area of a viewing tower on the surface of the saddle Dukielskie about 376 m 2, according to documents limit referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2
b) bezimiennej on the island with an area of 2,289 m 2, according to documents limit referred to in Article 1, paragraph 3
c) in the Polish village Jaworzynka region with an area of 304 m 2, according to documents limit referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4, including real estate, equipment and plants are transferred to the ownership of the Slovak Republic.

Territory of the Slovak Republic with an area of 2,969 m 2, including:
a) in the area of a viewing tower on Dukielskie enters an area of 376 m 2, according to documents limit referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2
b) Nokiel on the island with an area of 2,289 m 2, according to documents limit referred to in Article 1, paragraph 3

c) in the Slovak village Skalité region with an area of 304 m 2, according to documents limit referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4, including real estate, equipment and plants are transferred to the ownership of the Republic of Poland.

— Dziennik Ustaw z 2005 r. Nr 203 poz. 1686 [74].

See also


  1. ^ a b c pg 44 - Von Lewis Bernstein Namier. In the margin of history (June 1939 ed.). Ayer Co Pub. p. 303. ISBN 0836900502.
  2. ^ "Poland". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009. Established as a kingdom in 922 under Mieszko I, Poland was united with Lithuania in 1386 under the Jagiellon dynasty (1386–1572) to become the dominant power in east-central Europe, enjoying a prosperous golden age.
  3. ^ "Heritage: Interactive Atlas: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth". Public Broadcasting Service. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009. At its apogee, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth comprised some 400,000 square miles (1,000,000 km2) and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million.
  4. ^ pg 554 - Norman Davies. Europe: A History (January 20, 1998 ed.). Harper Perennial. p. 1392. ISBN 0060974680.
    Poland-Lithuania was another country which experienced its 'Golden Age' during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. The realm of the last Jagiellons was absolutely the largest state in Europe.
  5. ^ pg 51 - Yale Richmond. From Da to Yes: Understanding the East Europeans (April 1995 ed.). Intercultural Press. p. 364. ISBN 1877864307.
    "the deluge," denoting the downfall of Poland, at that time the largest state in Europe, stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea and from the Oder to the Dnieper River.
  6. ^ pg 3 - Maciej Janowski. Polish liberal thought before 1918 (2004 ed.). Central European University Press. p. 282. ISBN 9639241180.
  7. ^ pg 84 - Paul W. Schroeder. The Transformation of European Politics 1763-1848 (1996 ed.). Oxford University Press; Edition: illustrated. p. 920. ISBN 0198206542.
    enabled them to push a new constitution through the Diet, transforming Poland from an anarchic republic ... into a reasonably modern constitutional monarchy
  8. ^ pg 34 - Rett R. Ludwikowski. Constitution-making in the Region of Former Soviet Dominance: With Full Texts of All New Constitutions Ratified Through July 1995 (1996 ed.). Duke University Press; Edition: illustrated. p. 641. ISBN 0822318024.It was Poland more than any other Western European country that became the early symbol of a liberal and constitutional monarchy.
  9. ^ "Lublin, Union of". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009. Formally, Poland and Lithuania were to be distinct, equal components of the federation… But Poland, which retained possession of the Lithuanian lands it had seized, but Poland had greater representation in the Diet and became the dominant partner.
  10. ^ pg 373 - Halina Stephan. Living in translation: Polish writers in America (2003 ed.). Rodopi. p. 382. ISBN 9042010169.Quoting from Sarmatian Review academic journal mission statement: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was […] characterized by religious tolerance unusual in premodern Europe
  11. ^ pg 122 - Feliks Gross. Citizenship and ethnicity: the growth and development of a democratic multiethnic institution (1999 ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group; Edition: illustrated. p. 144. ISBN 0313309329.[Poland] secured for a time a rule of religious tolerance, particularly in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ... The situation changed, however, toward the end of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  12. ^ "Past and Present Regions of Poland". info-poland.buffalo.edu. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  13. ^ Władysław Czapliński. Władysław IV i jego czasy (2008 ed.). Universitas. p. 403. ISBN 8324208739. {{cite book}}: Text "id:9788324208739" ignored (help)
  14. ^ a b c "The Deluge, 1648-67". USA.gov. 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  15. ^ "Treaty of Wehlau". Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-22. (Sept. 19, 1657), agreement in which John Casimir, king of Poland from 1648 to 1668, renounced the suzerainty of the Polish crown over ducal Prussia and made Frederick William, who was the duke of Prussia as well as the elector of Brandenburg (1640–88), the duchy's sovereign ruler.
  16. ^ "Peace of Oliva". Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia. 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  17. ^ a b Rickard, J (July 26, 2007). "Truce of Andrusovo". historyofwar.org. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  18. ^ Dariusz Kolodziejczyk (2009). "The Ottoman Survey Register of Podolia (ca. 1681)". Harvard. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  19. ^ "Polish-Ottoman War, 1672-1676". zum.de. November 19, 2004. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  20. ^ a b "Eternal Peace of 1686". Encyclopedia of Ukraine. 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  21. ^ pg 86 - Robert Bideleux, Ian Jeffries. A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change (New York, 1998 ed.). Routledge. ISBN 0415161118.
  22. ^ "Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796)". BBC News. 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  23. ^ Poland, Partitions of. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9060581
  24. ^ pg 97 - Jerzy Lukowski, Hubert Zawadzki. A concise history of Poland (2001 ed.). Cambridge University Press; Edition: 5. p. 317. ISBN 0521559170.
  25. ^ Piotr Stefan Wandycz, The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present, Routledge (UK), 2001, ISBN 0-415-25491-4, Google Print, p.128
  26. ^ a b Henry Smith Williams, The Historians' History of the World, The Outlook Company, 1904, Google Print, p.88-91
  27. ^ Norman Davies, Europe: A History, HarperCollins, 1998, ISBN 0060974680, Google Print, p.719
  28. ^ a b Jerzy Lukowski, Hubert Zawadzki, A Concise History of Poland, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0521559170, Google Print, p.101-103
  29. ^ Bartłomiej Szyndler. Powstanie kościuszkowskie (in Polish) (1994 ed.). Wydawn. Ancher. p. 455. ISBN 838557610X.
  30. ^ "The Three Partitions, 1764-95". USA.gov. 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-22.
  31. ^ a b "Constitution of the Duchy of Warsaw". poland.pl. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
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  33. ^ a b Agnieszka B. Nance. Literary and Cultural Images of a Nation without a State: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Poland (August 1, 2008 ed.). Peter Lang Publishing. p. 182. ISBN 0820478660.
  34. ^ a b pg 55 - Rosemary A. Chorzempa. Polish Roots (January 2000 ed.). Genealogical Publishing Company. p. 240. ISBN 0806313781.
  35. ^ pg 65 - Tim Chapman. Imperial Russia, 1801-1905 (July 3, 2001 ed.). Routledge; 1 edition. p. 160. ISBN 0415231108.
  36. ^ pg 107 - John Breuilly. Nationalism and the State (September 1995 ed.). Manchester Univ Pr; 2 edition. p. 492. ISBN 0719038006.
    Many Prussian liberals sympathised with the demand for the restoration of the Polish state. Since the defeat of the uprising of the 1830-31 in the Congress Poland ... In the spring of 1848 the new liberal Prussian government allowed some autonomy to Posen in the hope of contributing to the cause of restoration.
  37. ^ pg 178 -Robert Bideleux. A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change (January 28, 1998 ed.). Routledge; 1 edition. p. 704. ISBN 0415161118.
    April 1848 ... the Prussian army had already suppressed the [Grand Duchy of Posen] Polish militias and National Committee which had emerged in March. After 1848 [Grand Duchy of Posen] lost the last vestiges of its formal autonomy, and was downgraded to a mere Provinz of the Prussian kingdom...
  38. ^ pg 367-368 - Orest Subtelny. Ukraine: a history (December 20, 2000 ed.). University of Toronto Press; 3rd edition. p. 800. ISBN 0802083900.
  39. ^ pg 178 - George J. Lerski. Historical Dictionary of Poland, 966-1945 (January 30, 1996 ed.). Greenwood Press. p. 784. ISBN 0313260079.
  40. ^ "Działdowo Years 1871 - 1920". The City Działdowo. 2006. Retrieved 23 May 2009. Zasadniczym i podstawowym powodem powyższej decyzji zapisanej w artykule 28 traktatu była konieczność włączenia do Polski obszaru linii kolejowej łączącej Gdańsk z Warszawą. - Translation - The primary and fundamental reason for this decision, enshrined in article 28 of the Treaty was the need to integrate the Polish area of the railway line connecting Gdańsk and Warsaw.
  41. ^ a b c Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski. Poland: A Historical Atlas (March 1989 ed.). Hippocrene Books; Revised edition. p. 321. ISBN 0870522825.
    Dec3-5, 1918 Provincial Seym in Poznan of 1403 deputies from Gdansk-Pomerania, Warmia, Mazuria, Silesia, Poznania, and German areas populated by Poles; appointing a Supreme Peoples Council;demands that the Western Allies incorporate into Poland all of the lands annexed by Prussia in the partitions.
    Feb. 3, 1919 Signing in Paris of Polish-Czech border agreement on the basis o Nov. 5, 1918, ethnic division agreement.
    June 25, 1919 Supreme Allies Council transferring East Galicia to Poland...
    July 11, 1920 British anti-Polish decisions in the plebiscite in East Prussia (Powisle, Warmia, and Mazuria) during Soviet offensive towards Warsaw...
    July 28, 1920 Allied ambassadors decision partitioning Cieszyn, silesia, and Leaving in Czechoslovakia a quater of a million Poles in the strategic Moravian Gate...(leading to Poland from south-west)
  42. ^ "Ukraine after the Russian Revolution". mfa.gov.ua. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009. A Western Ukrainian People's Republic was also declared in Lviv on October 19, 1918. The ZUNR formally (and largely symbolically) joined the UNR
  43. ^ Chapter "The Russo-Polish War" - Robin Higham (Editor), Frederick W. Kaga. The Military History of the Soviet Union (February 9, 2002 ed.). Palgrave Macmillan; 1st edition. p. 336. ISBN 0312293984. {{cite book}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  44. ^ Template:Lt icon Čepėnas, Pranas (1986). Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, vol. II. Chicago: Dr. Griniaus fondas. ISBN 5-899570121.
  45. ^ Rauch, Georg von (1974). "The Early Stages of Independence". In Gerald Onn (ed.). The Baltic States: Years of Independence - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, 1917-40. C. Hurst & Co. pp. 100–102. ISBN 0-903983-00-1. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapterurl= (help); Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)
  46. ^ Template:Pl icon "Wojna polsko-bolszewicka". Internetowa encyklopedia PWN. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  47. ^ pg 106 - Richard Pipes. The Unknown Lenin (June 10, 1999 ed.). Yale University Press. p. 240. ISBN 0300076622.
  48. ^ a b c pg 75 - Piotr S. Wandycz. France and her Eastern Allies, 1919-1925: French-Czechoslovak-Polish Relations from the Paris Peace Conference in Locarno (January 1, 1962 ed.). Univ Of Minnesota Press; Minnesota Archive Editions edition. p. 468. ISBN 0816658862.
    Duchy of Cieszyn (German: Teschen and Czech: Tesin) was a small area ... on the eve of the First World War its population was predominantly Polish in three districts (Teschen, Bielsko, and Frysztat) and mainly czech in the fourth district of Frydek. The Chief importance of Teschen lay in the rich coil basin around Karvina and in the ... valuable Bohumin-Kosice railroad which linked Bohemia with Slovakia ... Furthermore the railroad junction of Bogumin (Czech: Bohumín, German: Oderberg) served as a crossroad for international transport and communications.
    Page 158 - According to it Teschen was divided along the Olza river which left the railroad and the Karvina coal basin to Czechoslovakia ...
  49. ^ pg 382 - Edmund Jan Osmańczyk, Anthony Mango. Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements - Volume 1 A-F (2003 ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 2941. ISBN 0415939216.
    Cieszyn - City on the border of Poland and Czechoslovakia , subject of a Polish-Czech conflict in 1919. The conflict was resolved by a decision of the Conference of Ambassadors (28 July 1920), which divided the city into a Polish part (Cieszyn) and a Czech part (Tesin). A treaty between Poland and Czechoslovakia on the community of Cieszyn was signed on 21 December 1920. The entire town was within the borders of Poland from 11 October 1938 to 1 September 1939 as a result of the Munich Agreement, 1938. Afer World War II the division of Cieszyn as of 1920 was restored.
  50. ^ pg 52 - Igor Lukes, Erik Goldstein. The Munich Crisis, 1938 (November 30, 1999 ed.). Routledge; 1 edition. p. 416. ISBN 0714649953.
  51. ^ pg 3 - Borak, Mečislav; Žáček, Rudolf. Stolen (in Czech) (1993 ed.). village. Český Těšín : Muzeum Těšínska. ISBN 80-85491-43-5.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  52. ^ pg 13 - Borak, Mečislav; Žáček, Rudolf. Stolen (in Czech) (1993 ed.). village. Český Těšín : Muzeum Těšínska. ISBN 80-85491-43-5.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  53. ^ a b c d Anna M. Cienciala (Revised Fall 2007). "The rebirth of Poland". web.ku.edu. Retrieved 23 May 2009. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  54. ^ Zigmantas Kiaupa (Author), S.C. Rowell (Editor, Translator), Johnathan Smith (Translator). The History of Lithuania (March 2005 ed.). Baltos Lankos Publishing House. p. 360. ISBN 9955584874. {{cite book}}: |last= has generic name (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  55. ^ pg 1199 - Edmund Jan Osmańczyk, Anthony Mango. Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements (2003 ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 2941. ISBN 0415939224.
    Javorzyna - The dispute was submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice. On the basis of the court's decision, the League of Nations Council, on 12 March 1924, delimited the border, leaving Javorzyna within Czechoslovakia; this was recognized by both sides in a protocol signed on 6 May 1924 in Krakow and approved by the Conference of Ambassadors on 5 September 1924
  56. ^ pg 46 - Stanislaw Figiel, Urszula Janicka-Krzywda, Piotr Krzywda, Wojciech W. Beskid Zywiecki (in Polish) (2006 ed.). Oficyna Wydawnicza "Rewasz". ISBN 8389188597.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  57. ^ pg 386 - Watt, Richard M. (1998). Bitter Glory. Poland and its fate 1918-1939. New York: Hippocrene Books. p. 511. ISBN 0-7818-0673-9. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  58. ^ pg 21 - Borak, Mečislav; Žáček, Rudolf. Stolen (in Czech) (1993 ed.). village. Český Těšín : Muzeum Těšínska. ISBN 80-85491-43-5.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  59. ^ Template:En icon Michael Brecher (1997). A Study of Crisis. University of Michigan Press. p. 255. ISBN 0-472-10806-9. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  60. ^ pg 47 - Gerhard Wettig. Stalin and the Cold War in Europe: The Emergence and Development of East-West Conflict, 1939-1953 (October 28, 2007 ed.). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. p. 294. ISBN 0742555429.
  61. ^ pg 7 - 24 - Volodymyr Serhiichuk. Deportatsiia poliakiv z Ukrainy: Nevidomi dokumenty pro nasylnytske pereselennia bilshovytskoiu vladoiu polskoho naselennia z URSR v Polshchu v 1944-1946 (in Ukrainian) (1999 ed.). Ukrainska vydavnycha spilka. p. 192. ISBN 9667060152.
  62. ^ a b pg 56 - Philipp Ther. TITLE (in German) (1998 ed.). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. p. 382. ISBN 3525357907.
    From June until mid-July, Polish military and militia expelled nearly all of the residents of the districts immediately east of the rivers Oder-Neisse line
    From June until mid July, Polish military and militia expelled nearly all people from the districts immediately east of the rivers Oder-Neisse line
  63. ^ pg 75 - Norman M. Naimark. The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949 (September 1, 1997 ed.). Belknap Press. p. 608. ISBN 0674784065.
  64. ^ pg 28 - "The Expulsion of 'German' Communities from Eastern Europe at the end of the Second World War" (PDF). Steffen Prauser and Arfon Rees, European University Institute, Florense. HEC No. 2004/1. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  65. ^ James W. Muller. Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech fifty years later (1999 ed.). University of Missouri Press. p. 180. ISBN 0826212476.
  66. ^ Poland and the USSR: Umowa graniczna pomiędzy Polską a ZSRR z 16 sierpnia 1945 roku on Wikisource
  67. ^ pg 28 - Borak, Mečislav; Žáček, Rudolf. Stolen (in Czech) (1993 ed.). village. Český Těšín : Muzeum Těšínska. ISBN 80-85491-43-5.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  68. ^ Andrzej Garlicki, Skrawek Ziemi (2009). "Scrap of land". slaskiesprawy. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  69. ^ pg 383 - Andrzej Jezierski, Cecylia Leszczyńska. Historia gospodarcza Polski (in Polish) (2003 ed.). Key Text Wydawnictwo. p. 568. ISBN 8387251712.
  70. ^ pg 65 - Grzegorz Rąkowski. Ziemia lwowska (in Polish) (2007 ed.). Opublikowana przez Oficyna Wydawnicza "Rewasz". p. 577. ISBN 838918866X.
    warto dodac, ze w 1948 r. prezeprowadzono inna, mniej znana regulacje granicy, dzieki ktorej w polsce znalazla sie medyka, pierwotnie pozostawiona po stronie radzieckiej, oraz kilka wsi no pogorzu przemyskim - translation - In addition in 1948 there was a less well-known border adjustment, medyka and a few villages, which were originally left on the Soviet side.
  71. ^ "Treaty No. 6222. Agreement between the Polish republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the exchnage of sectors of their state territories" (PDF). United Nations. 2009. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  72. ^ "No 5064 - Agreement concerning the final demarcation of the state frontier" (PDF). United Nations. June 13, 1958. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  73. ^ "Dunajec". The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008. Retrieved 23 May 2009.
  74. ^ "Official text of the treaty". Retrieved 2007-09-26. Dziennik Ustaw z 2005 r. Nr 203 poz. 1686 Template:Pl icon

Further reading

External links