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== External links ==
{{wikispecies|Amanita muscaria}}
*[http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/dec99.html "Fungus of the Month: ''Amanita muscaria'', the fly agaric"] by Tom Volk, December 1999.
*[http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/species/Amanita_muscaria.html "Amanita muscaria"] by Michael Wood and Fred Stevens, ''Mykoweb.com'', 2004.
*[http://cannabisculture.com/articles/3136.html "The psychedelic secrets of Santa Claus"] by Dana Larsen, ''Cannabis Culture Magazine'', December 18, 2003. – An article which suggests modern Christmas traditions are based on ancient ''Amanita muscaria''-eating shamans of the northern steppes.
*[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8999968493586165660 "Sacred Weeds - Amanita muscaria"] documentary on Google Video
*[http://bluehoney.org/bluehoney/index.php?module=photoalbum&PHPWS_Album_op=view&PHPWS_Album_id=4&PAGER_limit=16&PAGER_start=0&PAGER_section=1 Christmas and Greeting Cards with fly agarics]

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{{Hallucinogenic mushrooms}}

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[[bn:অ্যামানিটা মাস্কারিয়া]]
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[[eu:Kuleto faltsu]]
[[fr:Amanite tue-mouches]]
[[it:Amanita muscaria]]
[[lv:Sarkanā mušmire]]
[[lt:Paprastoji musmirė]]
[[hu:Légyölő galóca]]
[[no:Rød fluesopp]]
[[pl:Muchomor czerwony]]
[[pt:Amanita muscaria]]
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[[ru:Мухомор красный]]
[[sk:Muchotrávka červená]]
[[sv:Röd flugsvamp]]
[[tr:Sinek mantarı]]
[[uk:Мухомор червоний]]
[[wa:Amanite towe-moxhes]]
[[bat-smg:Paprastuojė mosmerie]]

Revision as of 07:43, 18 December 2008

Amanita muscaria
A. muscaria
showing various growth stages.
Scientific classification
A. muscaria
Binomial name
Amanita muscaria
Amanita muscaria
View the Mycomorphbox template that generates the following list
Gills on hymenium
Cap is flat or convex
Hymenium is free
Stipe has a ring and volva
Spore print is white
Ecology is mycorrhizal
Edibility is poisonous or psychoactive

Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly Amanita is a poisonous and psychoactive basidiomycete fungus, one of many in the genus Amanita. Native throughout the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Amanita muscaria has been unintentionally introduced to many countries in the Southern Hemisphere, generally as a symbiont with pine plantations, and is now a true cosmopolitan species. It associates with various deciduous and coniferous trees. The quintessential toadstool, it is a large white-gilled, white-spotted, usually deep red mushroom, one of the most recognizable and widely encountered in popular culture.

Although generally considered poisonous, Amanita muscaria is otherwise famed for its hallucinogenic properties with its main psychoactive constituent being the compound muscimol. Used as an intoxicant by the Koryaks of the Kamchatka Krai of eastern Siberia, the mushroom has had a religious significance in Siberian culture and possibly also in ancient Scandinavian culture. The American banker and amateur ethnomycologist R. Gordon Wasson proposed the fly agaric was in fact the Soma talked about in the ancient Rig Veda texts of India; although this theory has been refuted by anthropologists, it gained common credence when first published in 1968.

The common name in English is thought to have been derived from its European use as an insecticide, sprinkled in milk.[1] The fly-killing agent is now known to be ibotenic acid.[2] Another compound isolated from the fungus is 1,3-diolein which is an insect attractor.[3][4] An alternative derivation proposes that the term fly- refers not to insects as such but rather the delirium resulting from consumption of the fungus. This is based on the medieval belief that flies could enter a person's head and cause mental illness.[5]

Taxonomy and naming

Similar to its English common name, the German Fliegenpilz, Dutch Vliegenzwam, Swedish Röd flugsvamp, Danish Rød fluesvamp, Finnish punakärpässieni, Polish muchomor, Slovak muchotrávka, Croatian muhara, Hungarian légyölő galóca and French Amanite tue-mouches, are derived from its use in Europe as an insecticide, sprinkled in milk. This practice has been recorded from Germanic- (bar England) and Slavic-speaking parts of Europe, as well as the bilingual Vosges region and pockets elsewhere in France, and Romania.[6] Albertus Magnus was the first to record it in his work De vegetabilibus sometime before 1256,[7] commenting:

vocatur fungus muscarum, eo quod in lacte pulverizatus interficit muscas ("It is called the mushroom of flies, because crushed in milk it kills flies")[8]

The 16th century Flemish botanist Carolus Clusius traced the practice to Frankfurt in Germany,[9] while Linnaeus, the 'Father of Taxonomy' reported it from Småland in southern Sweden where he had lived as a child.[10] He officially described it in Volume Two of his Species Plantarum in 1753, giving it the name Agaricus muscarius,[11] the specific epithet deriving from Latin musca meaning "fly".[12] It gained its current name in 1783, when placed in the genus Amanita by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and sanctioned by Elias Magnus Fries.

The starting date had been formerly set as January 1st 1821, the date of the works of the 'father of mycology', Swedish naturalist Elias Magnus Fries, and under these conditions, the full name was Amanita muscaria (L.:Fr.) Hook.. However, a recent revision of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature in 1987 changed the rules regarding the starting date and primary work for names of fungi, and now names can be considered valid as far back as May 1st 1753, the date of publication of Linneaus' seminal work.[13] Hence, Linnaeus and Lamarck became the namers of the Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam.

English mycologist John Ramsbottom reported it was used for getting rid of bugs in England and Sweden, and bug agaric was an old alternate name.<[8] French mycologist Pierre Bulliard tried to replicate its fly-killing properties without success in his work Histoire des plantes vénéneuses et suspectes de la France, and proposed a new binomial name Agaricus pseudo-aurantiacus because of this.[14]

An alternative derivation proposes that the term fly- refers not to insects as such but rather the delirium resulting from consumption of the fungus. This is based on the medieval belief that flies could enter a person's head and cause mental illness.[5] Several regional names appear to be linked with this connotation, meaning either 'mad- or "fool's Amanita caesarea". Hence there is oriol foll "mad oriol" in Catalan, mujolo folo from Toulouse, concourlo fouolo from the Aveyron department in Southern France, ovolo matto from the Province of Trento in Italy. A local dialect name in Fribourg in Switzerland is tsapi de diablhou "Devil's hat".[15]

The word toadstool in English does not refer to any particular species, yet it has a more definite specific connotation with A. muscaria in continental Europe. Yet another name is crapaudin in many parts of France, and a Basque term from Guipúzcoa and Biscay is amoroto, all alluding to toads.[16] The toad is thought to be associated with the mushroom because it symbolises toxicity and chthonic forces in the same way that the serpent does.[17] In addition, a common name from China is ha-ma chün "toad mushroom" (). Interestingly, the toad does not carry a negative connotation in Chinese culture and symbolism.[18]

Wasson proposed this was due to its being a shamanic and also taboo object and hence unable to be named specifically in ancient Celtic culture.[19] He speculates that the power of this taboo may have perpetuated its malign reputation while other lethal fungi such as the death cap (A. phalloides) have had little cultural connotations throughout European history.[20]

An unusual derivation is the Japanese beni-tengu-take "long-nosed goblin-mushroom".[5] The woodpecker of Mars is another unusual folk name.[21]


Matured Amanita muscaria var. formosa growing in Scarborough, Maine

Amanita muscaria is the type species of the genus Amanita. By extension, it is also the type species of Amanita subgenus Amanita, as well as section Amanita within this subgenus. Amanita subgenus Amanita includes all Amanita with inamyloid spores. Amanita section Amanita includes those species with patchy universal veil remnants, including a volva that is reduced to a series of concentric rings and the veil remnants on the pileus being a series of patches or warts. Most species in this group also have a bulbous base.[22][23]

Amanita section Amanita consists of A. muscaria and its close relatives, including A. pantherina (the panther cap), Amanita gemmata, A. farinosa, and A. xanthocephala.[24] Modern fungal taxonomists have classified Amanita muscaria and its allies this way based on gross morphology and spore inamyloidy. Two recent molecular phylogenetic studies have confirmed this classification as natural.[25][26]

Amanita muscaria var. guessowii has a yellow cap surface.
Middlesex Fells, Massachusetts

Amanita muscaria varies considerably in its morphology and many authorities recognize a number of subspecies or varieties within the species. In The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy, German mycologist Rolf Singer listed three subspecies, though without description: A. muscaria ssp. muscaria, A. muscaria ssp. americana, and A. muscaria ssp. flavivolvata.[22]

Contemporary authorities recognize up to seven varieties:

  • var. muscaria, the typical red-and-white spotted variety. Some authorities, such as Rodham Tulloss, only use this name for Eurasian and western Alaskan populations.[23][27]
  • var. flavivolvata is red, with yellow to yellowish-white warts, and occurs in the western regions of the North American continent, from southern Alaska down through the Rocky Mountains, through Central America, to at least Andean Colombia. Rodham Tulloss uses this name to describe all "typical" A. muscaria from indigenous New World populations from Alaska southward.[23][28]
  • var. alba, an uncommon fungus, has a white to silvery white cap with white warts but otherwise similar to the usual form.[23][29]
  • var. formosa, has a yellow to orange-yellow cap with yellowish or tan warts and stem. Some authorities use this name for all A. muscaria fitting this description worldwide (cf, Jenkins), others (cf, Tulloss) restrict its use to Eurasian populations.[23][30]
  • var. guessowii is yellow to orange, with center of cap more orange or reddish orange than the outer part. It is found throughout North America, but is most common in northeastern North America, from Newfoundland and Quebec down to Tennessee. Some authorities (cf, Jenkins) treat these populations as part of A. muscaria var. formosa, while others (cf, Tulloss) recognize it as a distinct variety.[23][30]
  • var. persicina is pinkish to orangish "melon" colored with poorly formed or absent remnants of universal veil on the stem and vasal bulb, known from the Southeastern Coastal areas of the U.S.A, described in 1977.[23][31]
  • var. regalis (= Amanita regalis (Fr.) Michael), from Scandinavia and Alaska,[32] is liver-brown and has yellow warts. It appears to be uniformly distinctive and some authorities (cf, Tulloss) treat it as a separate species, while others (cf, Jenkins) treat it as a variety of A. muscaria.[23][33]

A 2006 molecular phylogenetic study of different regional populations of A. muscaria by Geml and colleagues found three distinct clades within this species representing, roughly, Eurasian, Eurasian "subalpine" and North American populations. (Alaska contains examples of all three clades, leading to the hypothesis that this was the center of diversification of this species.) The study also looked at four named varieties of this species; var. alba, var. flavivolvata, var. formosa (including var. guessowii), and var. regalis from both areas. All four varieties were found within both the Eurasian and North American clades, evidence that these morphological forms are simply polymorphisms found throughout the species rather than distinct subspecies or varieties.[34]


A mature Amanita muscaria near Tyndrum, Scotland, showing a flat pileus

A large conspicuous mushroom, Amanita muscaria is generally common and numerous where it grows, and is often found in groups with basidiocarps in all stages of development. Fully grown, the bright red cap is usually around 8-20 cm (3-8 in) in diameter, though larger specimens have been found. The red colour may fade after rain and in older mushrooms. After emerging from the ground, the cap is covered with numerous small white to yellow flecks (warts) which are remnants of the universal veil, a membrane that encloses the entire mushroom when it is still very young. The gills are white, as is the spore print. The stem is white, 5-20 cm high (approximately 2-8 in), with a basal bulb that bears universal veil remnants (more or less distinct rings or ruffs), and has the slightly brittle, fibrous texture typical of many large mushrooms. Between the basal universal veil remnants and gills are remnants of the partial veil (which covers the gills during development) in the form of a white ring. It can be quite wide and flaccid with age. There is generally no associated smell other than a mild earthiness.[35]

Fly agaric fruiting bodies emerge from the soil looking like a white egg, covered in the white warty material of the universal veil. As the fungus grows, the red colour appears through the broken veil, and the cap changes from hemispherical to plate-like and flat in mature specimens.[36]

spores under microscopy

Though very distinctive in appearance, the fly agaric has been mistaken for other yellow to red species in the Americas, including Armillaria cf. mellea and the edible Amanita basii—a Mexican species similar to A. caesarea of Europe. Poison control centers in the U.S. and Canada are aware that amarill is a common name for A. caesarea-like species in Mexico, not just the Spanish for 'yellow'.

Amanita caesarea can be distinguished as it has an entire orange red cap, lacking the numerous white warty spots of the fly agaric. Furthermore the stem, gills and ring are bright yellow, not white.[37] Finally the volva is a distinct white bag, not broken into scales.[38]

In Australia, the introduced fly agaric may be confused with the native vermilion grisette (Amanita xanthocephala), which grows in association with Eucalypts. The latter species generally lacks the white warts of A. muscaria and bears no ring.[39]

Distribution and habitat

A. muscaria in a pine woodland of Pinus sylvestris.

A. muscaria is a cosmopolitan mushroom, native to birch, pine, spruce, fir and cedar woodlands throughout the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere,[34] including high elevations of warmer latitudes in regions like the Hindu Kush, the Mediterranean and Central America. Interestingly, a recent molecular study proposes an ancestral origin in the SiberianBeringian region in the Tertiary period before radiating outwards across Asia, Europe and North America.[34] Though generally encountered in autumn, the season can vary in different climates: fruiting occurs in summer and autumn across most of North America, but later in autumn and early winter on the Pacific coast. It is often found in similar locations to Boletus edulis, and may appear in fairy rings.[40] It has been widely transported into the southern hemisphere, including Australia,[41] New Zealand,[42] South Africa[43] and South America, where it usually occurs under introduced pine trees.

A. muscaria is prone to slug attack, as are many other fungi.

The fungal equivalent of a weed in southeastern Australia, it appears to have formed new associations with southern beech (Nothofagus) in Tasmania and Victoria and invading native rain forest, where it may be displacing native species.[44]Furthermore it appears to be spreading northwards with recent reports near Port Macquarie on the New South Wales north coast.[45]

When imported to a new country, A. muscaria can jump to native species (for example, Eucalyptus in Australia). It can then be exported with its new symbiont (for example, from Australia to Argentina).


Amanita muscaria poisoning typically occurs in either young children or people ingesting it for a hallucinogenic experience. Occasionally, immature button forms have been mistaken for edible puffballs.[46] Additionally the white spots may be washed away during heavy rain and it can then appear similar to the edible A. caesarea.[47] About 1 g (0.04 oz) of A. muscaria, or 50-100 mg of an active ingredient ibotenic acid, is considered a toxic dose.[48][49] Ibotenic acid has shown to be highly neurotoxic when injected directly into the brains of mice and rats.[50]

Deaths from A. muscaria are extremely rare. A historical journal article reported two fatalities occurring in North America.[51] A fatal dose has been calculated at approximately 15 fly agaric caps,[52] although the amount and ratio of chemical compounds per mushroom varies widely from region to region, season to season, further confusing the issue. Spring and summer mushrooms have been reported to contain up to 10 times as much ibotenic acid and muscimol compared to fall fruitings.[53] Many older books mistakenly list it as deadly, giving the impression that it is far more toxic than it really is.[54] The vast majority of mushroom poisoning fatalities (90% or more) are from having eaten either the greenish to yellowish death cap (A. phalloides) or one of the several white Amanita species known as destroying angels.[55]

The active constituents of this species are water soluble, and boiling and then discarding the cooking water will at least partly detoxify A. muscaria. However, drying may increase potency as the process facilitates the conversion of ibotenic acid to the more potent muscimol.[56] According to some sources, once detoxified, the mushroom becomes edible.[57] In Sanada, Japan, fly agarics are detoxified by pickling them.[58]


Amanita muscaria contains a number of biologically active agents, at least two of which are known to be psychoactive. Muscarine, discovered in 1869,[59] was long thought to be the active hallucinogenic agent in A. muscaria. Muscarine binds with muscarinic acetylcholine receptor and lead to the excitation of the neurons bearing these receptors. The levels in Amanita muscaria, however, are minute when compared with other poisonous fungi,[60] such as Inocybe erubescens or small white Clitocybe species C. dealbata and C. rivulosa, and are too insignificant to play a role in the symptoms of poisoning.[61]

The major toxins involved in poisoning are muscimol (3hydroxy-5-aminomethy-1 isoxazole, an unsaturated cyclic hydroxamic acid) and ibotenic acid. Muscimol is the product of the decarboxylation or drying of ibotenic acid. Muscimol and ibotenic acid were discovered in the mid 20th century.[62][63] Researchers in England,[64] Japan,[65] and Switzerland[66] showed that the effects produced were due mainly to ibotenic acid and muscimol not muscarine.[3][67]

Ibotenic acid and muscimol are structurally related to each other and to two major neurotransmitters of the central nervous system: glutamic acid and GABA respectively. Ibotenic acid and muscimol act like these neurotransmitters, muscimol being a potent GABAA agonist, while ibotenic acid is an agonist of NMDA glutamate receptors and certain metabotropic glutamate receptors[68] which are involved in the control of neuronal activity. It is these interactions which are thought to cause the psychoactive effects found in intoxication. Following ingestion some of the ibotenic acid is metabolized to muscimol which would appear to be the agent responsible for the majority of the psychoactivity.[5][69] Indeed, ibotenic acid's strong water solubility means that it could not distribute into the brain without an active process like a transporter; this, and the lack of any reports of permanent brain damage following A. muscaria ingestion (which would be the result of ibotenic acid entering the brain due to its effect as an NMDA receptor agonist) make it unlikely that ibotenic acid enters the brain following A. muscaria ingestion. However, no studies have directly investigated ibotenic acid's ability to permeate the brain.

Muscazone is another compound more recently isolated from European specimens of the fly agaric. It is a product of the breakdown of ibotenic acid by ultra-violet radiation.[70] Muscazone is of minor pharmacological activity compared with the other agents.[5] Amanita muscaria and related species are known as effective accumulators of vanadium, some species concentrate vanadium to levels of up to 400 times those typically found in plants. Vanadium is present in fruit-bodies as an organometallic compound called amavadine.[71] However, the biological importance of the accumulation process is unknown.[72]

Amanita muscaria growing in autumn Scottish woodland


Fly agarics are known for the unpredictability of their effects. Depending on habitat and the amount ingested per body weight, effects can range from nausea and twitching to drowsiness, cholinergic like effects (low blood pressure, sweating and salivation), auditory and visual distortions, mood changes, euphoria, relaxation, and loss of equilibrium. Retrograde amnesia frequently results following recovery.[53][73][69]

In cases of serious poisoning it causes a delirium, characterized by bouts of marked agitation with confusion, hallucinations, and irritability followed by periods of central nervous system depression. Seizures and coma may also occur in severe poisonings.[69] Effects typically appear after around 30 to 90 minutes and peak within three hours, but certain effects can last for a number of days.[48][47] In the majority of cases recovery is complete within 12 to 24 hours.[74] The effect is highly variable and individuals can react quite differently to the similar doses.[53][48][75] Some cases of intoxication have exhibited headaches up to ten hours afterwards.[48]


Medical attention should be sought in cases of suspected poisoning. Initial treatment consists of gastric decontamination. Decontamination is typically performed by giving activated charcoal if the delay between ingestion and treatment is less than four hours. Additionally gastric lavage can be considered if the patient presents within 1 hour of ingestion.[76] Inducing vomiting with syrup of ipecac is no longer recommended in any poisoning situations.[77]

There is no antidote, and supportive care is the mainstay of further treatment for intoxication. Patients can develop symptoms similar to anticholinergic or cholinergic poisoning; however, the use of atropine or physostigmine as an antidote is not recommended as muscimol and ibotenic acid do not produce a true anticholinergic syndrome nor do they have activity at muscarinic receptors.[78] If a patient is delirious or agitated, this can usually be treated by reassurance and, if necessary, phsyical restraints. Additionally, benzodiazepine such as diazepam or lorazepam can be used to control combativeness, agitation, muscular overactivity, and seizures.[53] However, small doses should be used as they may worsen the respiratory depressant effects of muscimol.[79] Recurrent vomiting is rare but if present may lead to fluid and electrolyte imbalances, intravenous rehydration or electrolyte replacement may be required.[69][80] Serious cases may develop loss of consciousness or coma, intubation and artificial ventilation may be required.[81] Hemodialysis can remove the toxins, although this intervention is generally considered unnecessary.[74] With modern medical treatment the prognosis following poisoning is typically good following supportive treatment.[74][82]

Psychoactive use

A basket of A. muscaria.

Unlike the hallucinogenic mushrooms of the Psilocybe, Amanita muscaria has been rarely consumed recreationally.[83] It is classified as an unscheduled drug in the United States. Most other countries do not have laws against the use of A. muscaria, as it is currently legal and un-controlled under United Nations international law. However, following the outlawing of psilocybin-containing mushrooms in the United Kingdom, an increased quantity of Amanita mushrooms began to be sold and consumed.[84]

In eastern Siberia, the shaman would consume the mushrooms, and others would drink his urine.[85] This urine, still containing active hallucinogens may actually be more potent than the A. muscaria mushrooms with fewer negative effects, such as sweating and twitching, suggesting that the initial user may act as a screening filter for other components in the mushroom.[86] Among the Koryak, one report held the poor would consume the urine of the wealthy, who could afford to buy the mushrooms.[87] If a fly agaric is eaten, it is usually not fresh, but in its dried or cooked form, where ibotenic acid is converted to the more stable and far less poisonous muscimol.


A. muscaria was widely used as a hallucinogenic drug by many of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. Its use was known among almost all of the Uralic-speaking peoples of western Siberia and the Paleosiberian-speaking peoples of eastern Siberia. However, there are only isolated reports of A. muscaria use among the Tungusic and Turkic peoples of central Siberia and it is believed that hallucinogenic use of A. muscaria was largely not a practice of these peoples.[88] In western Siberia, the use of A. muscaria was restricted to shamans, who used it as an alternate method of achieving a trance state. (Normally, Siberian shamans achieve a trance state by prolonged drumming and dancing.) In eastern Siberia, A. muscaria was used by both shamans and laypeople alike, and was used recreationally as well as religiously.[88]

The Koryak of eastern Siberia have a story about the fly agaric (wapaq) which enabled Big Raven to carry a whale to its home. In the story, the deity Vahiyinin ("Existence") spat onto earth, and his spittle became the wapaq, and his saliva becomes the warts. After experiencing the power of the wapaq, Raven was so exhilarated that he told it to grow forever on earth so his children, the people, can learn from it.[89]

Beyond Siberia, there are only isolated and unconfirmed reports of the hallucinogenic use of A. muscaria. The Finnish historian T. I. Itkonen mentions that it was once used among the Sami people, sorcerors in Inari would consume fly agarics with seven spots.[90] Hartmut Geerken claims to have discovered a tradition of recreational use of this mushroom among a Parachi-speaking group in Afghanistan.[91] There are also unconfirmed reports of religious use of A. muscaria among two Subarctic Native American tribes, the Ojibway[92][93] and the Dogrib.[94] Authors of Sacred Soma Shamans Hawk and Venus have used A. muscaria as a sacrament and daily medicinal tonic since 1979.[95]


There are also claims that A. muscaria played an important role in a number of ancient religious rites, though these claims tend to be speculative and highly controversial. The best known of these claims is R. Gordon Wasson's proposition that A. muscaria was the Soma talked about in the Rig Veda of India,[96] and is less often also thought to be the amrita talked about in Buddhist scriptures.[97]


A single source for the notion that vikings used A. muscaria to produce their berserker rages was first suggested by the Swedish professor Samuel Ödman in 1784.[98] Ödman based his theories on reports about the use of fly agaric among Siberian shamans. The notion has become widespread since the 19th century, but no contemporary sources mention this use or anything similar in their description of berserkers. Today, it is generally considered an urban legend or at best speculation that cannot be proven. On the whole, muscimol, the psychoactive ingredient, is a mild relaxant, but it is widely known, as with all drugs that it can create a range of reactions within a range of people[99] and it is possible that it could make a person incredibly angry, as well as make them "very jolly or sad, [jump] about, [dance], [sing] or [give] way to great fright".[100]


Biblical scholar John Marco Allegro controversially proposed that the Roman Theology was derived from a sex and psychedelic mushroom cult in his 1970 book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross,[101] although his theory has found little support by scholars outside the field of ethnomycology. The book was roundly discredited by academics and theologians, including Sir Godfrey Driver, Emeritus Professor of Semitic Philology at Oxford University, and Henry Chadwick, the Dean of Christ Church College, Oxford.[102] Christian author John C. King wrote a detailed rebuttal of Allegro's theory in the 1970 book A Christian View of the Mushroom Myth; he notes neither fly agarics nor their host trees are found in the middle east, and highlights the tenuous nature of the links between biblical and Sumerian names coined by Allegro. He concludes the use of the mushroom must have been "the best kept secret in the world" as it was so well concealed for all this time.[103][104]

In Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy (formerly called Strange Fruit) Clark Heinrich interprets A. muscaria usage by Adam and Eve, Moses, Elijah and Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Jesus and his disciples, and John of Patmos.[105] In the book Apples of Apollo the mushroom is identified in a wide range of mythological tales such as those involving Perseus, Prometheus, Heracles, Jason and the Argonauts, Jesus and the Holy Grail.[106]

Cultural depictions

The classic shape, well known in popular culture.

The red-and-white spotted toadstool is a common image in many aspects of popular culture,[107] especially in children's books, film and more recently computer games; a partly grown A. muscaria, as shown right, is clearly the fungus upon which this icon is based.


Images dating back to 3500 BC painted in caves at Tassili, Algeria, depict mushrooms, more than likely including A. muscaria mushrooms according to scholars,[108] although a Psilocybe species has also been suggested.

Fly agarics have been featured in paintings since the Renaissance,[109] albeit in a subtle manner. In the Victorian era they became more visible, even becoming the main topic of some fairy paintings,[110] usually inspired by Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The waning of Romanticism and the advent of World War I reduced interest in fairies along with fly agarics, reducing them to the realm of childish fantasies.

Literature and entertainment

The journeys of Philip von Strahlenberg to Siberia and his descriptions of the use of the mukhomor there was published in English in 1736. The drinking of urine of those who had imbibed the mushroom was commented on by Anglo-Irish writer Oliver Goldsmith in his widely-read 1762 novel Citizen of the World.[111] The mushroom had been identified as the fly agaric by this time.[112] Other authors recorded the distortions of the size of perceived objects while intoxicated by the fungus, including naturalist Mordecai Cubitt Cooke in his books The Seven Sisters of Sleep and A Plain and Easy Account of British Fungi.[113] This observation is thought to have formed the basis of the effects of eating the mushroom in the 1865 popular story Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.[114]

Garden ornaments, and children's picture books depicting gnomes and fairies, such as the Smurfs, very often show fly agarics used as seats, or homes.[115][107] Two of the most famous uses of the mushroom are in the video game series Super Mario Bros.,[116] and the dancing mushroom sequence in the 1940 Disney film Fantasia.[117]

Christmas decorations and Santa Claus

File:Amanita postcard.gif
Christmas card from 1903-1904

Fly agarics appear on Christmas cards and New Year cards from around the world as a symbol of good luck.[118] They also function as Christmas tree decorations, derived from their ectomycorrhizal relationship with coniferous trees. The ethnobotanist Jonathan Ott has suggested that the idea of Santa Claus and tradition of hanging stockings over the fireplace is based centrally upon the fly agaric mushroom itself.[75] With its generally red and white color scheme, he argues that Santa Claus's suit is related to the mushroom. He also draws parallels with flying reindeer: reindeer had been reported to consume the mushroom and prance around in an intoxicated manner afterwards.[119] Until the 20th century the red-and-white Santa suit familiar today was not firmly established, although Saint Nicholas, on which Santa Claus is partly based, was always depicted in red (see also: Origins of Santa Claus). One scholar researching possible links between religious myths and the red mushroom notes, "If Santa Claus had but one eye [like Odin], or if magic urine had been a part of his legend, his connection to the Amanita muscaria would be much easier to believe."[97]


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  52. ^ Benjamin, Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas, p. 309
  53. ^ a b c d Benjamin D. (1992). Mushroom poisoning in infants and children: the Amanita pantherina/muscaria group. Journal of toxicology: Clinical toxicology 30: 13-22.
  54. ^ Arora, David (1986). Mushrooms demystified: a comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi (2nd ed. ed.). Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. p. 894. ISBN 0-89815-169-4. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help)
  55. ^ Benjamin, Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas, p. 200
  56. ^ Benjamin, Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas, p. 310
  57. ^ Rubel W. (2006). Amanita muscaria (webpage).
  58. ^ Allan G. Phipps; Bennett, Bradley C.; Downum, Kelsey R. (2000). "Japanese use of Beni-tengu-dake (Amanita muscaria) and the efficacy of traditional detoxification methods". Florida International University, Miami, Florida. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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  73. ^ Buck RW (1963). "Toxicity of Amanita muscaria". JAMA. 185: 663–4. PMID 14016551. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  74. ^ a b c Piqueras, J (10 January 1990). "Amanita muscaria, Amanita pantherina and others". IPCS INTOX Databank. Retrieved 2008-12-08. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  75. ^ a b Ott J. (1976) Hallucinogenic Plants of North America. Wingbow Press, Berkeley, CA. ISBN 0-914728-16-4 Cite error: The named reference "Ott76" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  76. ^ Vale JA, Kulig K; American Academy of Clinical Toxicology; European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists. (2004). "Position paper: gastric lavage". J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 42 (7): 933–43. doi:10.1081/CLT-200045006. PMID 15641639.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  77. ^ "Position paper: Ipecac syrup". J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 42 (2): 133–43. 2004. PMID 15214617.
  78. ^ Dart, RC (2004). Medical toxicology. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 1719–35. ISBN 0781728452. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  79. ^ Brent, J (2005). Critical care toxicology: diagnosis and management of the critically poisoned patient. Philadelphia (PA): Elsevier Mosby. pp. 1263–75. ISBN 0815143877. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  80. ^ Benjamin, Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas, p. 313
  81. ^ Bosman CK, Berman L, Isaacson M, Wolfowitz B, Parkes J (1965). "Mushroom poisoning caused by Amanita pantherina. Report of 4 cases". S. Afr. Med. J. 39 (39): 983–6. PMID 5892794. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  82. ^ Tupalska-Wilczyńska K, Ignatowicz R, Poziemski A, Wójcik H, Wilczyński G (1996). "[Poisoning with spotted and red mushrooms--pathogenesis, symptoms, treatment]". Wiad. Lek. (in Polish). 49 (1–6): 66–71. PMID 9173659.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  83. ^ Samorini G. (1992). The oldest representations of hallucinogenic mushrooms in the world (Sahara desert, 9000–7000 B.P.). Integration: Journal of Mind-Moving Plants Culture 2/3: 69–78.
  84. ^ European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, Hallucinogenic mushrooms: an emerging trend case study, June 2006, p17
  85. ^ Wasson, Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality p. 161
  86. ^ Diaz, Jaime. How Drugs Influence Behavior. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1996.
  87. ^ Wasson, Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality pp. 234-35
  88. ^ a b Nyberg, H (1992). "Religious use of hallucinogenic fungi: A comparison between Siberian and Mesoamerican Cultures". Karstenia. 32 (71–80).
  89. ^ Ramsbottom, p. 45
  90. ^ Wasson. Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality. p. 279
  91. ^ Mochtar, S.G. & H. Geerken. (1979). The Hallucinogens Muscarine and Ibotenic Acid in the Middle Hindu Kush: A contribution on traditional medicinal mycology in Afghanistan. Afghanistan Journal 6:62-65. (Translated with additional notes by Peter G. Werner, 1997.)
  92. ^ Keewaydinoquay. (1978). Puhpohwee for the people: a narrative account of some uses of fungi among the Ahnishinaubeg. Cambridge, MA: Botanical Museum of Harvard University. ISBN 1879528185
  93. ^ Template:Fr iconNavet E (1988). "Les Ojibway et l'Amanite tue-mouche (Amanita muscaria). Pour une éthnomycologie des Indiens d'Amérique du Nord". Journal de la Société des Américanistes. 74: 163–80.
  94. ^ Larsen S. (1976). The Shaman's Doorway. New York: Station Hill Press. ISBN 0892816724
  95. ^ Steven Scott (2005-12-29). "The High Shamans of Soma". Cannabis Culture. Retrieved 2007-05-18.
  96. ^ Wasson, Soma:Divine Mushroom of Immortality p. 10
  97. ^ a b Hajicek-Dobberstein S (1995). "Soma siddhas and alchemical enlightenment: psychedelic mushrooms in Buddhist tradition". J Ethnopharmacol. 48 (2): 99–118. doi:10.1016/0378-8741(95)01292-L. PMID 8583800. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  98. ^ Template:Sv icon Ödman S. (1784) Försök at utur Naturens Historia förklara de nordiska gamla Kämpars Berserka-gang (An attept to Explain the Berserk-raging of Ancient Nordic Warriors through Natural History). Kongliga Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar 5: 240-247 (In: Wasson, 1968)
  99. ^ Hoffer, A; Osmond, h. "Excerpt on Amanita muscaria". Academic, 1967, pp. 443-454
  100. ^ A Site detailing various authors view on the cultural history, significance and effects of the Fly Agaric Mushroom
  101. ^ Allegro, John. (1970). The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A Study of the Nature and Origins of Roman Theology within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East. London: Hodder and Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-12875-5.
  102. ^ Goodwin, p. 160
  103. ^ Goodwin, p. 161
  104. ^ King, John Charles (1970). A Christian View of the Mushroom Myth. London: Hodder and Stoughton. ISBN 0-350-12597-7. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: checksum (help)
  105. ^ Heinrich, Clark. Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy. Park Street Press. pp. 64–134. ISBN 089281997-9.
  106. ^ Ruck, Carl (2001). The Apples of Apollo. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 0-89089-924-X. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  107. ^ a b Arora, David (1986). Mushrooms demystified: a comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi (2nd ed. ed.). Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. pp. 282–83. ISBN 0-89815-169-4. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help)
  108. ^ "BBC - h2g2 - The Influence of Fly Agaric on the Iconography of Father Christmas".
  109. ^ "MykoWeb -- Art Registry".
  110. ^ "Mushrooms in Victorian Fairy Paintings, by Elio Schachter".
  111. ^ Letcher, p 122
  112. ^ Letcher, p 123
  113. ^ Letcher, p 125
  114. ^ Letcher, p 126
  115. ^ Benjamin, Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas, p. 295
  116. ^ Li C, Oberlies NH (2005). "The most widely recognized mushroom: chemistry of the genus Amanita". Life Sciences. 78 (5): 532–38. PMID 16203016. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  117. ^ Ramsbottom, p. 43
  118. ^ Wasson, Soma:Divine Mushroom of Immortality p. 204
  119. ^ Wasson, Soma:Divine Mushroom of Immortality p. 238

Cited texts

  • Arora, David (1986). Mushrooms demystified: a comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi (2nd ed. ed.). Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. ISBN 0-89815-169-4. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help)
  • Benjamin, Denis R. (1995). Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas — a handbook for naturalists, mycologists and physicians. New York: WH Freeman and Company. ISBN 0-7167-2600-9.
  • Letcher, Andy (2006). Shroom: A Cultural history of the magic mushroom. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-22770-8.
  • Ramsbottom J (1953). Mushrooms & Toadstools. Collins. ISBN 1870630092.
  • Wasson, R. Gordon (1968). Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality. Harcourt Brace Jovanovick. ISBN 0-15-683800-1.

Further reading

  • Högberg O. Flugsvampen och människan. (In Swedish) ISBN 91-7203-555-2
  • Schultes RE, Hofmann A, Rätsch C. (2001). Plants of the gods: their sacred, healing, and hallucinogenic powers (2nd ed). ISBN 0892819790
  • Peter Lamborn Wilson. "Ploughing the Clouds: The Search for Irish Soma"[1]
  • Hawk and Venus. Sacred Soma Shamans[2]
  • Donald E. Teeter. Amanita Muscaria; Herb of Immortality[3]

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