TF6 is a French television channel broadcasting entertainment intended for young adults.
TF6 was founded in December 2000 by M6 and TF1 when they decided to bring closer their two competitor family projects chain on the cable and satellite service TPS, of which they are the two co-shareholders. This fusion lead the two groups to create a common company gathering TF6 and SerieClub and whose two groups are shareholders with 50%. That makes it possible for the new chain to profit series cinema catalogues of its two head offices and to propose a richer offer.
^ abjoint venture with Amperwelle Studio München Programmanbietergesellschaft, Axel Springer AG, Burda, Studio Gong, m.b.t. Mediengesellschaft der bayerischen Tageszeitungen für Kabelkommunikation, Medienpool and Radio Bavaria Rundfunkprogrammgesellschaft.
^joint venture with Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack, Studio Gong Niedersachsen and Brune-Rieck-Beteiligungs.
^joint venture with Axel Springer, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, Lühmanndruck Harburger Zeitungsgesellschaft and Morgenpost Verlag.