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[[Category:Egypt–United States relations]]
[[Category:Egypt–United States relations]]
[[Category:Libya–United States relations]]
[[Category:Libya–United States relations]]

[[ar:هجوما السفارتين الأمريكيتين 2012]]
[[fa:حملات به وابسته‌های دیپلماتیک ایالات متحده ۲۰۱۲]]
[[ko:2012년 미국 대사관 습격 사건]]
[[it:Attentato al consolato statunitense di Bengasi del 2012]]
[[ru:Нападения на дипломатические миссии США (2012)]]
{{pp-vandalism|expiry=14 September 2012|small=yes}}
{{Infobox civilian attack
| title = 2012 U.S. diplomatic missions attacks
| image =
| caption =
| coordinates =
| map =
| map_caption =
| location = {{flagicon|EGY}} [[Cairo]], Egypt<br>{{flagicon|Libya}} [[Benghazi]], Libya
| target =
| date = September 11, 2012
| time =
| timezone =
| type = Raid<!--better word?-->
| fatalities = 4 (Libya)
| injuries = 2 (Libya)
| perps = [[Salafi]]sts and [[football fans]] (Egypt)<br>Gunmen, possibly linked to [[Al-Qaeda]]<ref>{{cite news|title=U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack|url=http://ca.reuters.com/article/topNews/idCABRE88B0EI20120912|date=2012-09-12}}</ref> (Libya)
| susperps =
| weapons = Unknown<!--flames to burn the flag and perhaps rocks or bare hands to scale the wall--> (Egypt)<br>Rocket-propelled grenades, firearms (Libya)

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in [[Cairo]], [[Egypt]] and U.S. consulate in [[Benghazi]], [[Libya]] were attacked during protests over the film ''[[Innocence of Muslims]]'', which the protestors considered blasphemy against the [[Islamic prophet]], [[Muhammad]]. In Egypt, a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the [[flag of the United States of America|American flag]], replacing it with a [[Black Standard|black Islamist flag]]. In Libya, [[rocket-propelled grenade]]s fired at the consulate from a nearby farm killed the visiting [[U.S. Ambassador to Libya]] [[Christopher Stevens (ambassador)|Christopher Stevens]], two [[United States Marine Corps|U.S. Marines]],<ref name=cbs>{{cite news|url=http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57511043/libya-assault-on-u.s-consulate-in-benghazi-leaves-4-dead-including-u.s-ambassador-j-christopher-stevens/|title=Assault on U.S. consulate in Benghazi leaves 4 dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens|last=|coauthors=|date=12 September 2012|publisher=CBS News|accessdate=12 September 2012}}</ref> a [[United States Foreign Service |Foreign Service]] Information Management Officer<ref name=state>{{cite news|url=http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/09/197630.htm|title=Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya|last=|coauthors=|date=12 September 2012|publisher=Department of State|accessdate=12 September 2012}}</ref>; and injured two others. U.S. officials said that the Cairo protests appeared to be the work of a spontaneous mob, while the violence in Benghazi was likely planned.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/13/world/middleeast/us-envoy-to-libya-is-reported-killed.html U.S. Suspects Libya Attack Was Planned] ''[[The New York Times]], 12 September 2012</ref>

The protests in both Egypt and Libya were triggered by the screening of a trailer of the film ''[[Innocence of Muslims]]'' by American filmmaker [[Sam Bacile]].<ref name=Reuters2>{{cite news|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/12/us-usa-libya-film-hiding-idUSBRE88B0XK20120912|title=Maker of anti-Islam film goes into hiding: report|publisher=Reuters|date=12 September 2012}}</ref> According to [[Reuters]], the film depicts [[Muhammad]] "as a fool, a philanderer and a religious fake" and showed him having sex with a woman.<ref name=Reuters1>[http://ca.reuters.com/article/topNews/idCABRE88B0EI20120912], Reuters Canada, Hadeel Al Shalchi, ''U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack'', (accessed 13-09-2012)</ref> According to the New York Times, the film that triggered the attack was an "amateurish, American-made video that opens with scenes of Egyptian security forces standing idle as Muslims pillage and burn the homes of Egyptian Christians."<ref name=NYT20120912>{{cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/13/world/middleeast/us-envoy-to-libya-is-reported-killed.html?pagewanted=2|title=U.S. Envoy to Libya Is Killed in Attack|date=Sep 12, 2012|author=David D. Kirkpatrick|newspaper=New York Times}}</ref>

Bacile identifies himself as an "[[Israelis|Israeli]] [[Jews|Jew]]" though Israeli authorities found no evidence that he is a citizen.<ref name="what we know">http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/09/12/161003427/what-we-know-about-sam-bacile-the-man-behind-the-muhammad-movie</ref> The film's consultant, Steve Klein, said Bacile's name is a [[pseudonym]] and that he may not be Israeli or Jewish, as has been reported.<ref name=atlantic/> Klein said there were a number of people involved in the making of the film, who were from countries including Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, and Egypt, and that some were [[Copts]] but most were [[Evangelicalism |Evangelical Christians]].<ref name=atlantic>http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/09/muhammad-film-consultant-sam-bacile-is-not-israeli-and-not-a-real-name/262290/</ref> Klein reportedly told Bacile: "You're going to be the next [[Theo van Gogh (film director)|Theo van Gogh]]", in reference to the Dutch filmmaker.<ref name="hiding">{{cite news|url=http://www.npr.org/2012/09/12/160987602/anti-islam-filmmaker-in-hiding-after-protests?utm_source=NPR&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=20120903|title=Anti-Islam Filmmaker In Hiding After Attacks|publisher=[[NPR]]|date=12 September 2012|agency=Associated Press}}</ref>

The film was promoted by the U.S. pastor [[Terry Jones (pastor)|Terry Jones]], who had previously caused anger among many Muslims by announcing plans to publicly burn the [[Qu'ran]].<ref name=Reuters1/> According to Jones the movie is "not designed to attack Muslims but to show the destructive ideology of Islam."<ref name=Dailymail/>

The film was also promoted by [[Morris Sadek]], a [[Copt]] whose Egyptian citizenship had previously been revoked for promoting calls for an attack on Egypt. Sadek promoted the film on his website and television stations.<ref>{{Cite web |first= Morris |last= Sadik |date= September 5, 2012 |title= Global film on the Life of Muhammad Nbyalasalam and the Trial of Mohammed |publisher= ''Coptic American National Assembly'' (blog) |language= Arabic |url= http://nacopticas1.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-post_5.html |accessdate= September 12, 2012}}</ref><ref name="aljaz">{{cite news|url=http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2012/09/20129112108737726.html|title=US envoy dies in Benghazi consulate attack|date=12 September 2012|publisher=Al Jazeera English|accessdate=12 September 2012}}</ref>

In response to the promotion of the film, the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement hours before the attacks that condemned "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims, as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions".<ref>{{cite web|url=http://egypt.usembassy.gov/pr091112.html |title=U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement |publisher=U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt |date=2012-09-11 |accessdate=2012-09-12}}</ref>

Almost 3,000 [[Salafi]]st demonstrators and [[ultras | football fans]] protested at the embassy. A dozen men were then reported to have scaled the embassy walls, after which one of them tore down the [[flag of the United States of America]] and replaced it with a [[Black Standard|black Islamist flag]] with the inscription of the ''[[shahada]]'': "There is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God." Some of the protesters also wrote "There is no God but God" on the compound walls. According to [[Sherine Tadros]] of ''[[Al Jazeera]]'' Arabic news service, the protestors demanded that the film be taken "out of circulation" and that some of the the protestors, many of whom were Salafists, would stay at the site until that happens. Thousands of Egyptian riot police were at the embassy following the breach of the walls; they eventually persuaded the trespassers to leave the compound without the use of force. After that, only a few hundred protesters remained outside the compound.<ref name="aljaz"/>

[[File:Ambassador christopher stevens.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Christopher Stevens (ambassador)|Ambassador Christopher Stevens]], who was killed in the Benghazi attack]]
A few hours after the Cairo incident, an armed mob converged on the consulate in Benghazi in the evening. Rocket-propelled grenades were reportedly fired from a nearby farm, which caused the consulate building to be engulfed in flames. The U.S. ambassador to Libya [[Christopher Stevens (ambassador)|Christopher Stevens]], who was on a visit to the city at the time, died either as a result of [[smoke inhalation]] or when a mortar hit a car in which he tried to escape.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://abcnews.go.com/International/US-ambassador-libya-christopher-stevens-killed-consulate-attack-benghazi/story?id=17215154#.UFB7Pa4qXeU |title=U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens Killed in Consulate Attack in Benghazi - ABC News |publisher=Abcnews.go.com |date=2011-04-11 |accessdate=2012-09-12}}</ref> Stevens was brought to the Benghazi Medical Center alone, and no one initially realized he was the ambassador. Ziad Abu Zeid, the doctor at the hospital, tried to revive Stevens for 90 minutes. According to Abu Zeid, Stevens died of severe asphyxia that had caused stomach bleeding.<ref>{{cite news|author=Esam Mohamed and Maggie Michael|title=Chris Stevens Dead: Libya Ambassador Died Of Asphyxia, Doctor Says|url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/12/chris-stevens-dead-libya-attack_n_1877202.html|publisher=[[Huffington Post]]|date=2012-09-12}}</ref> At the same time, two [[U.S. Marine Corps]] personnel who were accompanying him also died along with Foreign Service Information Management Officer [[Sean Smith (diplomat)|Sean Smith]],<ref name="state" /> while two consulate staff were wounded.

The bodies were then taken to [[Benina International Airport]] and flown to the capital, [[Tripoli]], and scheduled to fly to a U.S. airbase in Germany. Abdel-Monem Al-Hurr, the spokesman for the [[Supreme Security Committee]], said: "One American staff member has died and a number have been injured in the clashes. There are fierce clashes between the Libyan army and an armed militia outside the US consulate," while adding that roads leading to the compound were sealed off and Libyan state security forces had surrounded the building.<ref name="aljaz"/>

== Reactions ==
[[President of the United States|U.S. President]] [[Barack Obama]] said that he "strongly condemned this outrageous attack" on U.S. diplomatic facilities. He further ordered that security be increased at all such facilities.<ref>http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/12/13824089-us-ambassador-3-others-killed-in-attacks-on-libya-mission?lite</ref> A [[Marine Corps Security Force Regiment#Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team|Marine FAST]] team was sent to Libya to help with security.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gcIr1Sc4OgaJdoyNtVSeGOGmgoeQ?docId=CNG.497e614aeca24eef8dd48ac8abcecab0.ea1 |publisher=AFP |title=US Marine anti-terrorism team heads to Libya: official |date=12 September 2012 |accessdate=12 September 2012}}</ref>

In light of the statement made by the US Embassy in Egypt, [[United States presidential election, 2012|presidential candidate]] [[Mitt Romney]] criticized the Obama administration for being sympathetic towards the attackers.<ref name="sky">{{cite web|url=http://www.skynews.com.au/politics/article.aspx?id=794301 |title=Romney slams reaction to protest |publisher=Sky News |date= |accessdate=2012-09-12}}</ref><ref name="wpost">{{cite web|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/wp/2012/09/12/romney-calls-obama-response-to-libya-attacks-disgraceful/?print=11 |title=Romney calls Obama administration response to Libya attacks 'disgraceful' |publisher=Washington Post |date= |accessdate=2012-09-12}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mittromney.com/blogs/mitts-view/2012/09/statement-developments-libya-and-egypt-1 |title=Statement On Developments In Libya and Egypt |publisher=Mitt Romney's Blog |date= 2012-09-11|accessdate=2012-09-12}}</ref> An unnamed [[Obama administration]] official later said that the previously posted embassy statement "was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government."<ref name="wpost"/>

[[United States Secretary of State|U.S. Secretary of State]] [[Hillary Clinton]] said: "Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.<ref name="aljaz"/> But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."<ref name="sky"/>

Several Congressmen have asked that aid be halted to Egypt and Libya.<ref name=FOX2012a>{{cite web|url=http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/12/lawmakers-call-for-libya-egypt-aid-to-be-stripped-over-attacks-on-us-posts/|title=Lawmakers call for Libya, Egypt aid to be stripped over attacks on US posts}}</ref>

The [[List of heads of government of Libya|Libyan Prime Minister]]'s office condemned the attack and extended condolences, saying "While strongly condemning any attempt to abuse the person of [[Muhammad]], or an insult to our holy places and prejudice against the faith, we reject and strongly condemn the use of force to terrorize innocent people and the killing of innocent people." It also reaffirmed "the depth of relationship between the peoples of Libya and the U.S., which grew closer with the positions taken by the U.S. government in support of the [[revolution of February 17]]."<ref name=libyapm>{{cite web|title=Statement regarding the events at US Consulate in Benghazi|url=http://pm.gov.ly/news/%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B5-%D8%A3%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AB-%D9%82%D9%86%D8%B5%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%BA%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8A.html|publisher=Libyan Prime Minister's Office |date=2012-09-12 |accessdate=2012-09-12}}</ref>

[[Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf]], the President of the [[General National Congress of Libya]] said: "We apologise to the United States, the people and to the whole world for what happened. We confirm that no-one will escape from punishment and questioning."

Sam Bacile spoke to the ''[[Associated Press]]'' from an undisclosed location, and said that he had not changed his stance that Islam is "a cancer" and that the film was intended to be a provocative political statement. However, he added that he had not anticipated such a reaction and said: "I feel sorry for the embassy. I am mad."<ref name="aljaz"/>

Steve Klein, who was a consultant for the movie, stated that the murder of John Stevens was not a matter of guilt for the film-makers but was the result of the mob "following Mohammed’s violent teachings". Klein stated "We told the truth and these people reacted the way that Mohammed wanted to them to react - by killing people."<ref name=Dailymail>Mail Online, [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2202080/Innocence-Muslims-creator-Islam-cancer--period.html?openGraphAuthor=%2Fhome%2Fsearch.html%3Fs%3D%26authornamef%3DJill%2BReilly], ''It's not our fault''. (accessed 13-09-2012)</ref>

Egyptian activist [[Wael Ghoneim]] wrote on his Facebook page that "attacking the US embassy on September 11 and raising flags linked to al-Qaeda will not be understood by the American public as a protest over the film about the prophet. Instead, it will be received as a celebration of the crime that took place on [[September 11 attacks|September 11]]."<ref name="aljaz"/>

The British think tank [[Quilliam (think tank)|Quilliam]] has argued that the attackers in Libya were too heavily armed and organized to merely be angry protesters, suggesting that the American fatalities in Benghazi were the result of a pre-planned revenge attack by [[al-Qaeda]] for the killing of [[Abu Yahya al-Libi]] three months prior and the protest outside the consulate was just a diversion.<ref>[http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/12/world/africa/libya-us-ambassador-killed/index.html American who risked life to stop Gadhafi killed in Libya]] ''[[CNN]]'' 12 September 2012</ref>

According to [[New York Times]] and [[CNN]], officials within the Obama administration have said the deadly attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi was planned in advance, and that a pro-al Qaeda group is the chief suspect.<ref>[http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/12/world/africa/libya-attack-jihadists/index.htm CNN]</ref><ref>http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/13/world/middleeast/us-envoy-to-libya-is-reported-killed.html?pagewanted=all</ref>

==See also==
*[[Arnold Lewis Raphel]], the last U.S. ambassador who died in the line of duty before Stevens.
*[[2011 attack on the Israeli Embassy in Egypt]]
*[[2008 Serbia protests]], during which the U.S. embassy in [[Serbia]] was torched by a mob.

== References ==

== External links ==
* [http://libya.usembassy.gov/ "Official Webpage - United States embassy Libya"]
* [http://egypt.usembassy.gov/ "Official Webpage - United States embassy in Egypt"]

{{Libyan civil war}}
{{2011 Egyptian revolution}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=September 2012}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:September 11 2012 U.S. diplomatic missions attacks}}
[[Category:Aftermath of the Libyan civil war]]
[[Category:Islamic terrorism]]
[[Category:2012 in Libya]]
[[Category:2012 in Egypt]]
[[Category:Egypt–United States relations]]
[[Category:Libya–United States relations]]

[[ar:هجوما السفارتين الأمريكيتين 2012]]
[[fa:حملات به وابسته‌های دیپلماتیک ایالات متحده ۲۰۱۲]]
[[ko:2012년 미국 대사관 습격 사건]]
[[it:Attentato al consolato statunitense di Bengasi del 2012]]
[[ru:Нападения на дипломатические миссии США (2012)]]

Revision as of 20:05, 12 September 2012

2012 U.S. diplomatic missions attacks
LocationEgypt Cairo, Egypt
Libya Benghazi, Libya
DateSeptember 11, 2012
Attack type
WeaponsUnknown (Egypt)
Rocket-propelled grenades, firearms (Libya)
Deaths4 (Libya)
Injured2 (Libya)
PerpetratorsSalafists and football fans (Egypt)
Gunmen, possibly linked to Al-Qaeda[1] (Libya)

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt and U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya were attacked during protests over the film Innocence of Muslims, which the protestors considered blasphemy against the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. In Egypt, a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag, replacing it with a black Islamist flag. In Libya, rocket-propelled grenades fired at the consulate from a nearby farm killed the visiting U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, two U.S. Marines,[2] a Foreign Service Information Management Officer[3]; and injured two others. U.S. officials said that the Cairo protests appeared to be the work of a spontaneous mob, while the violence in Benghazi was likely planned.[4]


The protests in both Egypt and Libya were triggered by the screening of a trailer of the film Innocence of Muslims by American filmmaker Sam Bacile.[5] According to Reuters, the film depicts Muhammad "as a fool, a philanderer and a religious fake" and showed him having sex with a woman.[6] According to the New York Times, the film that triggered the attack was an "amateurish, American-made video that opens with scenes of Egyptian security forces standing idle as Muslims pillage and burn the homes of Egyptian Christians."[7] The trailer had been dubbed into Arabic, although according to Bacile, the film was produced in English and he did not know who had dubbed it. He said that the film "was intended to help Israel by exposing Islam's flaws" and that his "plan is to make a series of 200 hours" on the same subject. Though the film had not been shown in its entirety, Bacile also said he had declined distribution offers for the time being.

Bacile identifies himself as an "Israeli Jew" though Israeli authorities found no evidence that he is a citizen.[8] The film's consultant, Steve Klein, said Bacile's name is a pseudonym and that he may not be Israeli or Jewish, as has been reported.[9] Klein said there were a number of people involved in the making of the film, who were from countries including Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, and Egypt, and that some were Copts but most were Evangelical Christians.[9] Klein reportedly told Bacile: "You're going to be the next Theo van Gogh", in reference to the Dutch filmmaker.[10]

The film was promoted by the U.S. pastor Terry Jones, who had previously caused anger among many Muslims by announcing plans to publicly burn the Qu'ran.[6] According to Jones the movie is "not designed to attack Muslims but to show the destructive ideology of Islam."[11]

The film was also promoted by Morris Sadek, a Copt whose Egyptian citizenship had previously been revoked for promoting calls for an attack on Egypt. Sadek promoted the film on his website and television stations.[12][13]

In response to the promotion of the film, the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement hours before the attacks that condemned "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims, as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions".[14]



Almost 3,000 Salafist demonstrators and football fans protested at the embassy. A dozen men were then reported to have scaled the embassy walls, after which one of them tore down the flag of the United States of America and replaced it with a black Islamist flag with the inscription of the shahada: "There is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God." Some of the protesters also wrote "There is no God but God" on the compound walls. According to Sherine Tadros of Al Jazeera Arabic news service, the protestors demanded that the film be taken "out of circulation" and that some of the the protestors, many of whom were Salafists, would stay at the site until that happens. Thousands of Egyptian riot police were at the embassy following the breach of the walls; they eventually persuaded the trespassers to leave the compound without the use of force. After that, only a few hundred protesters remained outside the compound.[13]


Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the Benghazi attack

A few hours after the Cairo incident, an armed mob converged on the consulate in Benghazi in the evening. Rocket-propelled grenades were reportedly fired from a nearby farm, which caused the consulate building to be engulfed in flames. The U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was on a visit to the city at the time, died either as a result of smoke inhalation or when a mortar hit a car in which he tried to escape.[15] Stevens was brought to the Benghazi Medical Center alone, and no one initially realized he was the ambassador. Ziad Abu Zeid, the doctor at the hospital, tried to revive Stevens for 90 minutes. According to Abu Zeid, Stevens died of severe asphyxia that had caused stomach bleeding.[16] At the same time, two U.S. Marine Corps personnel who were accompanying him also died along with Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith,[3] while two consulate staff were wounded.

The bodies were then taken to Benina International Airport and flown to the capital, Tripoli, and scheduled to fly to a U.S. airbase in Germany. Abdel-Monem Al-Hurr, the spokesman for the Supreme Security Committee, said: "One American staff member has died and a number have been injured in the clashes. There are fierce clashes between the Libyan army and an armed militia outside the US consulate," while adding that roads leading to the compound were sealed off and Libyan state security forces had surrounded the building.[13]


U.S. President Barack Obama said that he "strongly condemned this outrageous attack" on U.S. diplomatic facilities. He further ordered that security be increased at all such facilities.[17] A Marine FAST team was sent to Libya to help with security.[18]

In light of the statement made by the US Embassy in Egypt, presidential candidate Mitt Romney criticized the Obama administration for being sympathetic towards the attackers.[19][20][21] An unnamed Obama administration official later said that the previously posted embassy statement "was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government."[20]

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.[13] But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."[19]

Several Congressmen have asked that aid be halted to Egypt and Libya.[22]

The Libyan Prime Minister's office condemned the attack and extended condolences, saying "While strongly condemning any attempt to abuse the person of Muhammad, or an insult to our holy places and prejudice against the faith, we reject and strongly condemn the use of force to terrorize innocent people and the killing of innocent people." It also reaffirmed "the depth of relationship between the peoples of Libya and the U.S., which grew closer with the positions taken by the U.S. government in support of the revolution of February 17."[23]

Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf, the President of the General National Congress of Libya said: "We apologise to the United States, the people and to the whole world for what happened. We confirm that no-one will escape from punishment and questioning."[citation needed]

Sam Bacile spoke to the Associated Press from an undisclosed location, and said that he had not changed his stance that Islam is "a cancer" and that the film was intended to be a provocative political statement. However, he added that he had not anticipated such a reaction and said: "I feel sorry for the embassy. I am mad."[13]

Steve Klein, who was a consultant for the movie, stated that the murder of John Stevens was not a matter of guilt for the film-makers but was the result of the mob "following Mohammed’s violent teachings". Klein stated "We told the truth and these people reacted the way that Mohammed wanted to them to react - by killing people."[11]

Egyptian activist Wael Ghoneim wrote on his Facebook page that "attacking the US embassy on September 11 and raising flags linked to al-Qaeda will not be understood by the American public as a protest over the film about the prophet. Instead, it will be received as a celebration of the crime that took place on September 11."[13]


The British think tank Quilliam has argued that the attackers in Libya were too heavily armed and organized to merely be angry protesters, suggesting that the American fatalities in Benghazi were the result of a pre-planned revenge attack by al-Qaeda for the killing of Abu Yahya al-Libi three months prior and the protest outside the consulate was just a diversion.[24]

According to New York Times and CNN, officials within the Obama administration have said the deadly attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi was planned in advance, and that a pro-al Qaeda group is the chief suspect.[25][26]

See also



  1. ^ "U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack". 12 September 2012.
  2. ^ "Assault on U.S. consulate in Benghazi leaves 4 dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens". CBS News. 12 September 2012. Retrieved 12 September 2012.
  3. ^ a b "Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya". Department of State. 12 September 2012. Retrieved 12 September 2012.
  4. ^ U.S. Suspects Libya Attack Was Planned The New York Times, 12 September 2012
  5. ^ "Maker of anti-Islam film goes into hiding: report". Reuters. 12 September 2012.
  6. ^ a b [1], Reuters Canada, Hadeel Al Shalchi, U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack, (accessed 13-09-2012)
  7. ^ David D. Kirkpatrick (12 September 2012). "U.S. Envoy to Libya Is Killed in Attack". New York Times.
  8. ^ http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/09/12/161003427/what-we-know-about-sam-bacile-the-man-behind-the-muhammad-movie
  9. ^ a b http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/09/muhammad-film-consultant-sam-bacile-is-not-israeli-and-not-a-real-name/262290/
  10. ^ "Anti-Islam Filmmaker In Hiding After Attacks". NPR. Associated Press. 12 September 2012.
  11. ^ a b Mail Online, [2], It's not our fault. (accessed 13-09-2012)
  12. ^ Sadik, Morris (5 September 2012). "Global film on the Life of Muhammad Nbyalasalam and the Trial of Mohammed" (in Arabic). Coptic American National Assembly (blog). Retrieved 12 September 2012. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  13. ^ a b c d e f "US envoy dies in Benghazi consulate attack". Al Jazeera English. 12 September 2012. Retrieved 12 September 2012.
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  17. ^ http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/12/13824089-us-ambassador-3-others-killed-in-attacks-on-libya-mission?lite
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