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{{mainarticle|History of Christianity}}
{{mainarticle|History of Christianity}}
Christians in early times destroyed pagan civilizations and forced them to believe in Jesus. The history of Christianity is difficult to extricate from that of the European West (and several other culture-regions) in general. By way of summary, we may note Christianity's early geographic expansion from the [[Levant]] across the [[Mediterranean Basin]]; its legalization under [[Constantine the Great]] and establishment as the official religion of the [[Roman Empire]] under [[Theodosius I]]; the development of ancient Christian minority communities in [[Christians in Iran | Persia]], [[Saint Thomas Christians | India]], and [[Nestorian Stele | China]]; the conversion of various southern European (e.g. [[Armenia]] in 301 and Georgian kingdom of [[Caucasian Iberia]] in 317), and northern European kingdoms (e.g. [[Saint Patrick | Ireland]] in the 5th century, [[Baptism of Kievan Rus'| Russia]] in 988); the [[Great Schism]] which divided Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism (conventionally dated 1054); the loss of north Africa and the Middle East to Islam (numerous military struggles--see [[Battle of Tours]], [[Crusades]], [[Reconquista]], [[Fall of Constantinople]]); the [[Protestant Reformation]] ([[Martin Luther]] published his [[95 theses]] in 1517); Christianity's spread to the Americas, Oceania, the Philippines, sub-Saharan Africa, and South Korea; the division of Protestantism into thousands of [[Christian denominations | denominations]]; and modern debates about science (notably [[heliocentric]]ism, [[evolution]]), biblical criticism, and [[feminism]].
The history of Christianity is difficult to extricate from that of the European West (and several other culture-regions) in general. By way of summary, we may note Christianity's early geographic expansion from the [[Levant]] across the [[Mediterranean Basin]]; its legalization under [[Constantine the Great]] and establishment as the official religion of the [[Roman Empire]] under [[Theodosius I]]; the development of ancient Christian minority communities in [[Christians in Iran | Persia]], [[Saint Thomas Christians | India]], and [[Nestorian Stele | China]]; the conversion of various southern European (e.g. [[Armenia]] in 301 and Georgian kingdom of [[Caucasian Iberia]] in 317), and northern European kingdoms (e.g. [[Saint Patrick | Ireland]] in the 5th century, [[Baptism of Kievan Rus'| Russia]] in 988); the [[Great Schism]] which divided Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism (conventionally dated 1054); the loss of north Africa and the Middle East to Islam (numerous military struggles--see [[Battle of Tours]], [[Crusades]], [[Reconquista]], [[Fall of Constantinople]]); the [[Protestant Reformation]] ([[Martin Luther]] published his [[95 theses]] in 1517); Christianity's spread to the Americas, Oceania, the Philippines, sub-Saharan Africa, and South Korea; the division of Protestantism into thousands of [[Christian denominations | denominations]]; and modern debates about science (notably [[heliocentric]]ism, [[evolution]]), biblical criticism, and [[feminism]].

For the contributions of Christianity to the humanities and world culture, see [[Christian philosophy]], [[Christian art]], [[Christian literature]], [[Christian music]], [[Christian architecture]].
For the contributions of Christianity to the humanities and world culture, see [[Christian philosophy]], [[Christian art]], [[Christian literature]], [[Christian music]], [[Christian architecture]].

Revision as of 22:04, 15 December 2005

Christianity is a monotheistic religion that recognizes Jesus Christ as its central figure and founder. With over 2.1 billion adherents, or about one-third of the total world population, it is the largest religion. Its origins are intertwined with Judaism, with which it shares much sacred text, especially the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament. Christianity is sometimes termed an Abrahamic religion, along with Judaism, Islam (see Judeo-Christo-Islamic), and more recently, the Bahá'í Faith.

The names "Christian" and hence "Christianity" are first attested in Acts 11:26, "For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch Jesus' disciples were first called Christians" (Gr. χριστιανους, from Christ Gr. Χριστός, which means "the anointed").

Christianity encompasses numerous religious traditions that widely vary by culture and place, as well as many diverse beliefs and sects. Since the Reformation, Christianity is usually represented as being divided into three main branches:

  1. Catholicism: With over 1 billion baptized members, this category includes the Catholic Church (or Roman Catholic Church), the largest single body—which includes several Eastern Catholic communities—as well as certain smaller communities (e.g., the Old Catholic Church) not in full communion with the (Roman) Catholic Church, many of whom reject the primacy of the pope, hold that the papacy is vacant, or recognize a different pope.
  2. Eastern Christianity includes the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Assyrian Church of the East, all with a combined membership of over 240 million baptized members;
  3. Protestantism: This group includes numerous denominations and schools of thought such as: Anglicanism, Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist, Anabaptist, Evangelicalism, Charismatics and Pentecostalism, all of which are descended, directly or indirectly, from the Roman Church via the Reformation of the 16th century. Many identify themselves simply as Christian. Worldwide total is just under 500 million.

Other denominations and churches which self-identify as Christian but which distance themselves from the above classifications together claim around 275 million members. These include African Indigenous Churches with up to 110 million members (estimates vary widely), Jehovah's Witnesses with approximately 15 million members, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called Mormons) with over 12 million members, and other groups. (Source:Adherents website) The early leaders of most of these groups were originally Protestant adherents.

These broad divisions are not equally uniform. On the contrary, some branches encompass vast disagreements, and in other cases the division overlooks existing sympathies. But this is the convenient standard overview of distinctions, especially as Christianity has been viewed in the Western world.


The history of Christianity is difficult to extricate from that of the European West (and several other culture-regions) in general. By way of summary, we may note Christianity's early geographic expansion from the Levant across the Mediterranean Basin; its legalization under Constantine the Great and establishment as the official religion of the Roman Empire under Theodosius I; the development of ancient Christian minority communities in Persia, India, and China; the conversion of various southern European (e.g. Armenia in 301 and Georgian kingdom of Caucasian Iberia in 317), and northern European kingdoms (e.g. Ireland in the 5th century, Russia in 988); the Great Schism which divided Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism (conventionally dated 1054); the loss of north Africa and the Middle East to Islam (numerous military struggles--see Battle of Tours, Crusades, Reconquista, Fall of Constantinople); the Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther published his 95 theses in 1517); Christianity's spread to the Americas, Oceania, the Philippines, sub-Saharan Africa, and South Korea; the division of Protestantism into thousands of denominations; and modern debates about science (notably heliocentricism, evolution), biblical criticism, and feminism.

For the contributions of Christianity to the humanities and world culture, see Christian philosophy, Christian art, Christian literature, Christian music, Christian architecture.

A chart showing the development of various churches from their roots in early Christianity.


Though enormous diversity exists in the beliefs of those who self-identify as Christian, it is possible to venture general statements which describe the beliefs of a large majority. One such statement is the Nicene Creed, ratified as the universal creed of Orthodox and Catholic Christendom by the Council of Ephesus in 431, and generally believed to be true by Protestants as well. Therefore, the Nicene Creed is generally acknowledged to be the most universally accepted summary expression of the Christian faith. Translated from the Greek, it reads as follows:

I [or "We"] believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty
Maker of heaven and earth
And of all things visible and invisible.
And in his only Son Jesus Christ, our Lord
begotten [or "born": most literally, "generated"] of the Father before all ages,
God of God, light of light, true God of true God,
Begotten [see above], not made
Of one essence [or "being"] with the Father
By Whom all things were made.
For us humans and for our salvation he came down from heaven
And was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary
And was made human.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate
He suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures
He ascended into heaven
And is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
His kingdom will have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life
Who proceeds from the Father [Western churches add, ..."and the Son"--see filioque]
Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified
Who spoke through the prophets
And in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
I expect the resurrection of the dead,
And the life of the age to come. Amen.

Central Christian beliefs which are affirmed in the Nicene Creed include, but are not limited to:

Obviously, not all Christians have accepted all of these articles of faith, or else such a creed would never have been written. The Creed's lines frequently target certain opposing beliefs of other early Christians, which the council regarded as heretical. Examples would include Ebionite groups which denied Jesus's divinity, a well as Docetist groups which denied that Christ was a human being, or Arians, who disputed that the Father and the Son were "of one being". Other early heresies included Simonianism, Marcionism, Gnosticism and Montanism.

Again, while some churches take exception to some of these articles, to the extent that they do so, this usually represents a conscious departure from the Christian mainstream. Some Christian traditions, such as those of the Baptists and the Churches of Christ, would accept these beliefs, but not the creed itself, since all creeds are regarded as unnecessary and even counter-productive in these circles.

Some groups, however, deviate from tenets which most others hold as absolutely basic to Christianity. On account of these deviations they are considered heretical or even "non-Christian" by many of the mainstream Christian groups. Most such disputes center on the divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, or both.

Scriptures and tradition

Virtually all Christian churches accept the authority of the Bible, including the Old Testament and the New Testament. Differences exist in the canons of the Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant churches — primarily their treatment of the Deuterocanonical books used by Catholic and Orthodox Churches, but rejected by Protestants as Apocrypha. This issue affects doctrines only indirectly. More theologically significant is the Swedenborgian churches' rejection of the New Testament Epistles, a stance which has not won acceptance from any other denomination.

Whereas Jews see the Torah as the most important part of the Bible, most Christians regard the Gospels, which tell of the life and teachings of Jesus, as central. Ornamental books of the four gospels are sometimes used in church liturgies. These may be carried into the church in procession, and laid upon the altar during the first part of the service. The "gospel" means the "good news" of the Christian message, which Christians regularly disseminate to others. This may include missionary work as well as the translation and distribution of Bibles, as practiced by Gideons International.

If Christians largely agree on the content of the Bible, no such consensus is forthcoming on the crucial matter of its interpretation, an issue which divides denominations from within as well as from one another. "Biblical literalism" or "Christian fundamentalism" describe well-known conservative hermeneutic stances with respect to Christian scriptures, and are mainly associated with Protestantism.

Catholics, the Orthodox, and some Anglicans consider the Bible as having been produced by one phase (albeit formative) of the development of church tradition, which has continued through the decisions of the ecumenical councils, the writings of the Church Fathers, the lives and teachings of the saints, liturgical practice, sacred art, papal statements (Roman Catholics), and is in fact alive today. Indeed, one Orthodox theologian has characterized the (Orthodox) tradition as "the voice of the Holy Spirit in the Church."

Protestants, meanwhile, tend to accept Martin Luther's dictum of sola scriptura, which sees the Bible as the ultimate, or only, source of faith and doctrine. It also assumes that any Christian believer is capable of rightly interpreting it. Even Protestants concede that this view raises difficulties, especially given the wide variety of practices and beliefs which have some arguable claim to biblical warrant and, based on these divergencies, because Protestantism has spawned such a large variety of denominations and traditions.

Some Christian groups have also elevated additional writings to the status of inspired scripture. Well-known examples would include the Book of Mormon, considered to be "another Testament of Jesus Christ" by the Latter Day Saints, or Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy. Others, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, have produced translations of the Bible which they hold to be alone wholly reliable. This elevation of other writings to the same level as accepted scriptures is a major cause for disputes between these groups and mainstream Christians. One might expect Lutherans and Calvinists to regard the interpretations of Luther and Calvin, respectively, with similar reverence. Most Catholic and Protestant theologians would agree that their writings are a mixture of good and bad, and are in no way "inspired."

Worship and Practices

Orthodox and Catholic believers describe Christian worship in terms of the seven sacraments or "mysteries." These include baptism, the Eucharist (communion), matrimony, Holy Orders, confirmation or Chrismation, penance and reconciliation, and the Anointing of the Sick.

Many Protestant groups, following Martin Luther, recognize the sacramental nature of baptism and communion, but not usually the other five. Anabaptist and Brethren groups would add feet washing. Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Holiness Churches emphasize "gifts of the Spirit" such as spiritual healing, prophecy, exorcism, speaking in tongues, or (very occasionally) snake handling. These emphasis are used not as "sacraments" but as means of worship and ministry. The Quakers deny the entire concept of sacraments. Nevertheless, their "testimonies" affirming peace, integrity, equality, and simplicity are affirmed as integral parts of the Quaker belief structure.

In general, Protestants tend to view Christian rituals in terms of commemoration apart from mystery. Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and many Anglican Christians hold the commemoration and mystery of rituals together, seeing no contradiction between them.

Virtually all Christians traditions affirm that Christian practice should include acts of personal piety such as prayer, Bible reading, and attempting to live a moral lifestyle, to include not only obedience to the Ten Commandments, as interpreted by Christ (as in the Sermon on the Mount), but also love for one's neighbor, whether friend or enemy, Christian or non-Christian, in both attitude and action. This love is commanded by Christ and, according to him, is next only in importance to love of God. Christianity teaches that it is impossible for people to completely reform themselves, but that moral and spiritual progress can only occur with God's help through the gift of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within all faithful believers. Christians believe that by sharing in Christ's life, death, and resurrection they die with him to sin and can be resurrected with him to new life.

Weekly Worship services

Justin Martyr (First Apology, chapter LXVII) describes a second-century church service thus:

And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. Then we all rise together and pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president in like manner offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability, and the people assent, saying Amen; and there is a distribution to each, and a participation of that over which thanks have been given, and to those who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons. And they who are well to do, and willing, give what each thinks fit; and what is collected is deposited with the president, who succours the orphans and widows and those who, through sickness or any other cause, are in want, and those who are in bonds and the strangers sojourning among us, and in a word takes care of all who are in need.

Justin's description, which would apply equally well to most church services today, alludes to the following components:

  • Scripture readings drawn from the Old Testament, one of the Gospels, or an Epistle. Often these are arranged systematically around an annual cycle, using a book called a lectionary.
  • A sermon. In ancient times this followed the scripture readings; today this may occur later in the service, although in liturgical churches, the sermon still often follows the readings.
  • Congregational prayer and thanksgiving. These will probably occur regularly throughout the service. Justin does not mention this, but some of these are likely to be sung in the form of hymns. The Lord's Prayer is especially likely to be recited.
  • The Eucharist (also called Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper) -- a ritual in which small amounts of bread and wine are eaten and drunk. Most Protestants say these represent the body and blood of Christ; Orthodox, Catholics, and most Anglicans say that they become the body and blood of Christ (the doctrine of the Real Presence). Churches in the "liturgical" family (Orthodox, Catholic, and some Anglican) see this as the main part of the service, while Protestants may celebrate it less frequently. In many cases there are restriction on who may partake, which visitors should apprise themselves of. For example, only Catholics may receive communion at a Catholic church (and not even all of them would be permitted).
  • A "collection" or "offering" in which the people are asked to contribute money. One common method is to pass around a collection plate. Christians traditionally use these monies not only for upkeep for the church, but also for charitable work of various types.

A number of variations or exceptions exist. Sometimes these are due to special events, such as baptisms or weddings which are incorporated into the service. In many churches today, children and youth will be excused from the main service in order to attend Sunday school. Many denominations depart from this general pattern in a more fundamental way. For example, the Seventh-Day Adventists meet on Saturday (the biblical Sabbath), not Sunday, the day of Christ's resurrection. Charismatic or Pentecostal congregations may be spontaneously moved by the Holy Spirit, rather than follow a formal order of service. At a Quaker meeting, participants sit quietly until moved by the Holy Spirit to speak.

In some denominations (mainly liturgical ones), the service is led by a priest. In others (mainly among Protestants), there is a minister, preacher, or pastor. Still others may lack formal leaders, either in principle or by local necessity. In addition, there are "high" church services, characterized by greater solemnity and ritual, and "low" services at which a more casual atmosphere prevails, even if the service in question is liturgical in nature.

In Orthodox churches, the congregation traditionally stands throughout the liturgy (although allowances are made for human weakness). Roman Catholics and many Protestant churches follow a custom in which participants stand to sing, kneel to pray, and sit to listen (e.g., to the sermon). Others are less programmed, and may be quite lively and spontaneous. Music is usually incorporated, and often involves a choir and/or organ. Some churches use only a capella music, either on principle (many Churches of Christ object to the use of musical instruments in worship) or by tradition (as in Orthodoxy). A recent trend is the growth of "convergence worship" which combines liturgy with spontaneity. This sort of worship is often a result of the influence of charismatic renewal within Churches which are traditionally liturgical. Convergence worship has spawned at least one new denomination, the Charismatic Episcopal Church.

Christianity and persecution

Main articles: Persecution of Christians, Historical persecution by Christians

Before the Edict of Milan, ancient Christianity was an illegal movement, which many considered anti-social for worshipping an executed criminal in place of the traditional deities of Rome. Many early Christians met their deaths through martyrdom, sometimes in the arena, after refusing to renounce their faith.

Persecution of Christians is by no means a thing of the past, and today is generally associated with Muslim or Communist countries. For example, the People's Republic of China allows only government-regulated churches, and regularly cracks down on house churches or underground Catholics.

Christians have been perpetrators as well as victims of persecution. In ancient times, Christian mobs frequently molested pagans and destroyed their temples, sometimes with government support. The philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was murdered by such a mob in the year 415. Jewish communities have periodically suffered violence at Christian hands.

Christians have persecuted not only members of other religions, but also other Christians. Byzantium suppressed non-Chalcedonian churches while Crusader armies sacked Byzantium. Protestant and Catholics fought the Thirty Years' War. Witch hunts of early modern Europe constituted another example.

In discussing persecution, we should be careful to distinguish between:

  • official persecution by the state;
  • acts of popular violence (which may be tacitly permitted by the state), and
  • the side-effects of war and other social upheaval.

Present day examples of each include Greek and Russian governmental restrictions on non-Orthodox religious activity, anti-abortion violence in the United States, and the ongoing "troubles" in Northern Ireland. Complaints of discrimination have also been made of and by Christians in various contexts.

Christianity by country

Christianity by country
Region Country Population(2005E)  % Christian Christian total
Central Asia Christianity in Afghanistan 29,928,987 0.1% 30,000
Balkans Christianity in Albania 3,563,112 30% 1,689,934
North Africa Christianity in Algeria 32,531,853 0.4% 13,012
Southern Africa Christianity in Angola 11,190,786 84.6% 9,456,395
South America Christianity in Argentina 39,537,943 94% 37,165,720
Middle East Christianity in Armenia 2,982,904 98.7% 2,944,122
Oceania Christianity in Australia 20,090,437 67.4% 13,543,693
Central Europe Christianity in Austria 8,184,691 85.2% 6,973,374
Middle East Christianity in Azerbaijan 7,911,974 6.6% 519,027
Middle East Christianity in Bahrain 688,345 9% 61,956
South Asia Christianity in Bangladesh 144,319,628 0.7% 1,050,000
Eastern Europe Christianity in Belarus 10,300,483 95% 9,785,475
Western Europe Christianity in Belgium 10,364,388 89.3% 9,255,409
Central America Christianity in Belize 279,457 84.2% 235,254
West Africa Christianity in Benin 7,460,025 30% 2,238,000
South Asia Christianity in Bhutan 2,232,291 0.3% 6,696
South America Christianity in Bolivia 8,857,870 95% 8,415,100
Balkans Christianity Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,025,476 46% 1,851,730
Southern Africa Christianity in Botswana 1,640,115 71.6% 1,174,311
South America Christianity in Brazil 186,112,794 90.3% 167,501,520
Southeast Asia Christianity in Brunei 372,361 10% 37,236
Balkans Christianity in Bulgaria 7,450,349 83.8% 6,243,435
West Africa Christianity in Burkina Faso 13,925,313 10% 1,392,531
Central Africa Christianity in Burundi 6,370,609 67% 4,268,308
Southeast Asia Christianity in Cambodia 13,607,069 0.5% 27,215
West Africa Christianity in Cameroon 16,380,005 40% 6,552,002
North America Christianity in Canada 32,805,041 74% 24,275,700
Central Africa Christianity in Central African Republic 3,799,897 50% 1,899,948
Central Africa Christianity in Chad 9,826,419 35% 3,439,279
South America Christianity in Chile 15,980,912 99% 15,821,190
East Asia Christianity in China 1,306,313,812 6.6% 86,801,000
South America Christianity in Colombia 42,954,279 98% 42,095,214
East Africa Christianity in Comoros 671,247 2% 13,424
Central Africa Christianity in Congo (Brazzaville) 3,039,126 50% 1,519,563
Central Africa Christianity in Congo (Kinshasa) 60,085,004 80% 48,068,000
Central America Christianity in Costa Rica 4,016,173 92% 3,694,904
Balkans Christianity in Croatia 4,495,904 92.6% 4,167,000
North America Christianity in Cuba 11,346,670 45% 5,106,015
Middle East Christianity in Cyprus 780,133 82% 639,764
Central Europe Christianity in Czech Republic 10,241,138 28.9% 2,949,465
West Africa Christianity in Côte d'Ivoire 17,298,040 30% 5,190,000
Western Europe Christianity in Denmark 5,432,335 97% 5,269,428
East Africa Christianity in Djibouti 476,703 6% 28,608
Caribbean Christianity in Dominican Republic 8,950,034 98% 8,771,098
Southeast Asia Christianity in East Timor 1,040,880 93% 968,130
South America Christianity in Ecuador 13,363,593 98% 13,096,330
North Africa Christianity in Egypt 77,505,756 9% 6,975,540
Central America Christianity in El Salvador 6,704,932 99.4% 6,664,770
East Africa Christianity in Eritrea 4,561,599 50% 2,280,799
Eastern Europe Christianity in Estonia 1,332,893 27.8% 370,546
East Africa Christianity in Ethiopia 73,053,286 40% 29,221,320
Oceania Christianity in Fiji 893,354 52% 464,568
Western Europe Christianity in Finland 5,223,442 86.4% 4,513,104
Western Europe Christianity in France 60,656,178 88% 53,377,456
West Africa Christianity in Gabon 1,389,201 75% 1,041,900
West Africa Christianity in The Gambia 1,593,256 9% 143,397
Middle East Christianity in Georgia 4,677,401 88.6% 4,144,176
Western Europe Christianity in Germany 82,431,390 70% 57,701,980
West Africa Christianity in Ghana 21,029,853 63% 13,244,490
Balkans Christianity in Greece 10,668,354 98% 10,028,296
Caribbean Christianity in Grenada 89,502 99% 88,605
Central America Christianity in Guatemala 14,655,189 85% 12,456,920
West Africa Christianity in Guinea 9,467,866 8% 757,432
West Africa Christianity in Guinea-Bissau 1,416,027 5% 70,800
South America Christianity in Guyana 765,283 50% 382,640,
Caribbean Christianity in Haiti 8,121,622 96% 7,796,832
Central America Christianity in Honduras 6,975,204 99% 6,905,448
Central Europe Christianity in Hungary 10,006,835 74.4% 7,435,126
Western Europe Christianity in Iceland 296,737 93.8% 278,398
South Asia Christianity in India 1,028,610,388 2.4% 25,000,000
Southeast Asia Christianity in Indonesia 241,973,879 8% 19,357,920
Middle East Christianity in Iran 68,017,860 0.2% 136,000
Middle East Christianity in Iraq 26,074,906 2.8% 750,000
Western Europe Christianity in Ireland 4,015,676 93% 3,734,601
Middle East Christianity in Israel 6,276,883 2.1% 131,814
Western Europe Christianity in Italy 58,103,033 96% 55,778,880
Caribbean Christianity in Jamaica 2,731,832 80% 2,185,520
East Asia Christianity in Japan 127,417,244 0.7% 1,000,000
Middle East Christianity in Jordan 5,759,732 6% 345,600
Central Asia Christianity in Kazakhstan 15,185,844 53% 8,048,580
East Africa Christianity in Kenya 33,829,590 80% 27,064,000
East Asia Christianity in Korea, North 22,912,177 0.05% 12,000
East Asia Christianity in Korea, South 48,422,644 26% 12,589,902
Middle East Christianity in Kuwait 2,335,648 10.7% 250,000
Central Asia Christianity in Kyrgyzstan 5,146,281 20% 1,029,256
Southeast Asia Chrisitanity in Laos 6,217,141 1.5% 93,256
Eastern Europe Christianity in Latvia 2,290,237 65% 1,488,695
Middle East Christianity in Lebanon 3,826,018 39% 1,492,140
Southern Africa Christianity in Lesotho 1,867,035 80% 1,493,600
West Africa Christianity in Liberia 3,482,211 40% 1,392,884
North Africa Christianity in Libya 5,765,563 3% 172,968
Eastern Europe Christianity in Lithuania 3,596,617 85% 3,057,195
Western Europe Christianity in Luxembourg 468,571 90% 421,714
Balkans Christianity in FYR Macedonia 2,045,262 32.6 666,767
Southern Africa Christianity in Madagascar 18,040,341 41% 7,396,564
Southern Africa Christianity in Malawi 12,158,924 80% 9,727,200
Southeast Asia Christianity in Malaysia 23,953,136 10% 2,395,314
South Asia Christianity in Maldives 349,106 n/a n/a
West Africa Christianity in Mali 12,291,529 90% 11,062,376
North Africa Christianity in Mauritania 3,086,859 0.1 3,087
Southern Africa Christianity in Mauritius 1,230,602 32.2% 396,253
North America Christianity in Mexico 106,202,903 95% 100,892,850
Eastern Europe Christianity in Moldova 4,455,421 98.2% 4,375,301
Central Asia Christianity in Mongolia 2,791,272 0.3% 10,000
North Africa Christianity in Morocco 32,725,847 0.1% 35,000
Southern Africa Christianity in Mozambique 19,406,703 41.3% 8,014,967
Southeast Asia Christianity in Myanmar 42,909,464 4% 1,716,378
Southern Africa Christianity in Namibia 2,030,692 90% 1,827,630
South Asia Christianity in Nepal 27,676,547 1.4% 400,000
Western Europe Christianity in the Netherlands 16,407,491 51% 8,367,825
Oceania Christianity in New Zealand 4,035,461 53.5% 2,158,992
Central America Christianity in Nicaragua 5,465,100 91.5% 5,000,566
West Africa Christianity in Niger 11,665,937 5% 583,300
West Africa Christianity in Nigeria 128,771,988 45% 57,947,400
Western Europe Christianity in Norway 4,593,041 90.1% 4,138,293
Middle East Christianity in Oman 3,001,583 0.01% 450
South Asia Christianity in Pakistan 162,419,946 2.5% 3,500,000
Central America Christianity in Panama 3,039,150 90% 2,735,280
Oceania Christianity in Papua New Guinea 5,545,268 66% 3,659,900
South America Christianity in Paraguay 6,347,884 99% 6,284,421
South America Christianity in Peru 27,925,628 83.1% 23,206,256
Southeast Asia Christianity in The Philippines 87,857,473 92.5% 81,268,187
Central Europe Christianity in Poland 38,635,144 91.4% 35,312,572
Western Europe Christianity in Portugal 10,566,212 97% 10,249,310
Middle East Christianity in Qatar 863,051 8.1% 70,000
Balkans Christianity in Romania 22,329,977 99% 22,106,700
Eastern Europe Christianity in Russia 143,420,309 74.3% 106,561,282
East Africa Christianity in Rwanda 8,440,820 93.6% 7,892,335
East Africa Christianity in San Marino 28,880 100% 28,880
Middle East Christianity in Saudi Arabia 26,417,599 3.7% 1,000,000
West Africa Christianity in Senegal 11,126,832 6% 667,620
Balkans Christianity in Serbia and Montenegro 10,829,175 70% 7,576,100
East Africa Christianity in Seychelles 81,188 93.2% 75,680
West Africa Christianity in Sierra Leone 6,017,643 10% 601,765
Southeast Asia Christianity in Singapore 4,425,720 14.6% 646,166
Central Europe Christianity in Slovakia 5,431,363 83.8% 4,551,513
Central Europe Christianity in Slovenia 2,011,070 61% 1,226,770
East Africa Christianity in Somalia 8,591,629 n/a n/a
East Africa Christianity in Somaliland 7,591,629 n/a n/a
Southern Africa Christianity in South Africa 44,344,136 79.7% 35,342,330
Western Europe Christianity in Spain 40,341,462 95% 38,727,840
South Asia Christianity in Sri Lanka 20,064,776 6.2% 1,244,017
North Africa Christianity in Sudan 40,187,486 5% 2,009,375
South America Christianity in Suriname 438,144 50% 219,072
Southern Africa Christianity in Swaziland 1,173,900 86% 1,009,555
Western Europe Christianity in Sweden 9,001,774 92% 8,281,656
Western Europe Christianity in Switzerland 7,489,370 79.3% 5,939,095
Middle East Christianity in Syria 18,448,752 10% 1,844,876
East Asia Christianity in Taiwan 22,894,384 4.5% 1,030,250
Central Asia Christianity in Tajikistan 7,163,506 5% 358,175
East Africa Christianity in Tanzania 36,766,356 30% 11,029,950
Southeast Asia Christianity in Thailand 65,444,371 0.7% 458,110
West Africa Christianity in Togo 5,681,519 29% 1,647,665
Central America Christianity in Trinidad and Tobago 1,088,644 57.6% 627,090
North Africa Christianity in Tunisia 10,074,951 0.5% 50,000
Middle East Christianity in Turkey 69,660,559 0.2% 139,320
Central Asia Christianity in Turkmenistan 4,952,081 10% 500,000
East Africa Christianity in Uganda 27,269,482 66% 17,997,870
Eastern Europe Christianity in Ukraine 47,425,336 68% 32,249,340
Middle East Christianity in the United Arab Emirates 2,563,212 3% 76,900
Western Europe Christianity in the United Kingdom 60,441,457 71.6% 43,276,114
North America Christianity in the United States 295,734,134 80% 236,557,785
Caribbean Christianity in Puerto Rico (U.S.) 3,916,632 93% 3,642,530
South America Christianity in Uruguay 3,415,920 68% 2,322,880
Central Asia Christianity in Uzbekistan 26,851,195 11% 2,953,632
South America Christianity in Venezuela 25,375,281 98% 24,867,794
Southeast Asia Christianity in Vietnam 83,535,576 7.2% 6,014,563
Middle East Christianity in West Bank and Gaza 3,761,904 5% 188,100
North Africa Christianity in Western Sahara 273,008 0.2% 546
Middle East Christianity in Yemen 20,727,063 0.5% 103,635
Southern Africa Christianity in Zambia 11,261,795 75% 8,446,350
Southern Africa Christianity in Zimbabwe 12,746,990 75% 9,560,250
Total 6,446,131,400 2,135,783,000 [1] 32.84%[2]

See also

History and denominations


^ : While sharing the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament, Christianity nonetheless disagrees with many points of the Jewish understanding of these texts, or their significance for practice, based on the understanding found in the New Testament.
^ : Many Christians identify themselves as such not by the adherance to a set of religious rules or rites but instead by their personal relationship to Jesus Christ

References and select bibliography

  • . ISBN 1565635221. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Title= ignored (|title= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Year= ignored (|year= suggested) (help)
  • . ISBN 0631225285. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Title= ignored (|title= suggested) (help)
  • . ISBN 063120637X. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Title= ignored (|title= suggested) (help)
  • {{cite book}}: Empty citation (help)
  • Oden, Thomas. Systematic Theology (an ecumenical trilogy)
    • Volume 1: The Living God (1992, ISBN 0060663634)
    • Volume 2: The Word of Life (1992, ISBN 0060663642)
    • Volume 3: Life in the Spirit (1994, ISBN 0060663626)
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav (5 Volumes published between 1971-1989).The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine.
  • Tolstoy, Leo (1894). The Kingdom of God is Within You. ISBN 0803294042.
  • Tomkins, Stephen (2005). A Short History of Christianity (Lion).

External links

General sources


Statistical sources

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