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A synagogue (Hebrew: בית כנסת ; beit knesset, "house of assembly"; Yiddish: שול, shul; Ladino אסנוגה esnoga) is a Jewish place of religious worship. The word "synagogue" is derived from the Greek συναγωγή, transliterated synagogé. The related verb, συναγω, means "to gather together". It is where Judaism's Jewish services are held and conducted .

The Hebrew term for synagogue, Beit Knesset - בית כנסת ("House of Assembly", should not be confused with the Knesset which is the modern name for the parliament of Israel, a political institution). Some congregations call their synagogues by other names, such as Beit Tefila - בית תפילה ("House of Prayer").

A synagogue usually includes a large hall for prayer (the main sanctuary), smaller rooms for study, and often a social hall and offices. Some larger synagogues may have a room set aside for Torah study which is referred to as a Beth midrash - בית מדרש ("House of Study").

Many Orthodox Jews and most Conservative Jews in English-speaking countries refer to their houses of worship as synagogues. Spanish and Portuguese Jews call the synagogue an esnoga, which derives from "synagogue". Persian Jews refer to the Jewish house of worship as Kenesa. Modern-day Karaites tend to use the term Kenesa, which is derived from Aramaic. Most Reform and some Conservative congregations in the United States call their house of worship a "temple," although Reform Jews in the United Kingdom do not.

Built in 1270, the Old New Synagogue in Prague is the oldest active synagogue in Europe.


Before the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, communal prayers centered around the korbanot ("sacrificial offerings") brought by the kohanim ("Jewish priests") in the Holy Temple. The all-day Yom Kippur service , in fact, was an event in which the congregation both observed the movements of the kohen gadol ("Jewish high priest") as he offered the day's sacrifices and prayed for his success.

The destructions of Solomon's Temple, and later the Second Temple, and the dispersion of the Jews into the Jewish diaspora, threatened the nation's focus and unity. At the time of the Babylonian captivity the Men of the Great Assembly began the process of formalizing and standardizing Jewish services and prayers that would not depend on the functioning of the Temple in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, one of the leaders at the end of the Second Temple era, promulgated the idea of creating individual houses of worship in whatever locale Jews found themselves. This contributed to the concept of "portable Judaism," which was part of what contributed to the saving of the Jewish people by maintaining a unique identity and way of worship, according to many historians. Thus, even now, whenever any group of ten men comes together, they form a minyan, and are eligible to conduct public prayer services, usually in a synagogue.

In Eastern Europe, synagogues were established by like-minded groups of people. Such a synagogue was known as a kloiz, and was often delineated by the professions of its worshippers: e.g. "the tailor's kloiz," the "water-carrier's kloiz," etc. One kloiz which still bears that name today is the Breslov kloiz built by Nathan of Breslov in the city of Uman, Ukraine in 1834. Today, this kloiz accommodates worshippers in the annual Breslover Rosh Hashana kibbutz (prayer gathering).


The Amsterdam Esnoga, the synagogue of the Sephardic community

According to halakha Jews should — and men must — pray three times a day; ideally with a minyan. Although prayers can be recited anywhere (except in nonhygienic or immodest environments), the synagogue's primary purpose is to facilitate this communal prayer.

Especially on Shabbat and holidays, Jews are expected to join together in synagogues to pray as a group. This accomplishes two goals: to honor God by making a large showing in a dignified prayer hall, and to provide a setting which is conducive to the contemplation of prayer and spiritual inspiration.

Most Orthodox and many Conservative synagogues host prayer services every day. Some schedule a morning service and a combined afternoon-evening service to accommodate working people. A lesson in Mishna or other text may take place between the afternoon and evening services. Larger (particularly Orthodox) synagogues schedule multiple morning, afternoon, and evening services at different times to accommodate the varying schedules of their many congregants. Special services are held on Shabbat and Jewish holidays, with larger (particularly Orthodox) synagogues having several simultaneous or overlapping services in different rooms of the synagogue, geared to different groups (e.g. early risers, families, children, young adults). Reform houses of worship generally hold prayer services once or twice a week, except during festivals and other special services.

In addition to being a place of prayer, the synagogue also fulfills the necessary role of housing Torah scrolls, which are also needed for certain of the prayers. These holy religious articles need to be kept in a place of respect – this being the Holy Ark in a synagogue. Special rules apply to the removal of Torah scrolls from a synagogue.

The Agoudas Hakehilos synagogue, an Art Nouveau style synagogue on Rue Pavée in Paris.

Synagogues also cater to communal activities. Shabbat kiddushim, banquets in honor of bar or bat mitzvahs, luncheon meetings, fund-raisers sponsored by the synagogue's men's club or sisterhood society, Purim carnivals, and Passover Seders often take place in the synagogue's social hall. Adult-education classes, after-school "Hebrew schools," and conversion classes also meet at the synagogue; hence the common Yiddish term shul for synagogue, which comes from the Middle High German word for school.

Typically a synagogue (especially in North America and in Europe) will have a dual leadership: a lay leadership comprising a committee and a president (or chairperson) who may be elected by all members, and a rabbi—a spiritual guide who is usually appointed by the lay leadership. A rabbi is not essential, however, and many synagogues do not have one. The main job of leading the prayers goes to the Hazzan or cantor, (called in Hebrew the Ba'al Tefila - בעל תפילה [Leader of the Prayers] or Shaliach Tzibbur - שליח ציבור [Representative of the Congregation]). The position of Hazzan could be assumed by any member of the minyan, or it may be appointed specially by the synagogue. In Conservative and Reform synagogues, the Hazzan is often hired exclusively for the High Holidays services on account of his beautiful singing voice.

Some synagogues also have a dedicated shammos (Hebrew: caretaker or janitor).


The architectural shapes and interior designs of synagogues vary greatly. Other local religious buildings and national culture usually influence synagogue architecture.

Traditional and Orthodox synagogues

Orthodox Judaism has considered synagogue construction over the last two thousand years as following the outlines of the original Tabernacle, which was also the outline for the temples in Jerusalem. The Orthodox synagogue usually contains the following features:

Aron Ha-kodesh with dark blue, embroidered parokhet covering in at this site in a Jerusalem neighborhood synagogue.
  • An ark – called the Aron Ha-Kodesh – ארון קודש, the Holy Ark by Ashkenazim and heikhal – היכל [temple] by Sephardim – where the Torah scrolls are kept. The Ark in a synagogue is positioned in such a way that those who face it, face towards Jerusalem. Thus, sanctuary seating plans in the Western world generally face east, while those east of Israel face west. Sanctuaries in Israel face towards Jerusalem. Occasionally synagogues face other directions for structural reasons; in such cases, some individuals might turn to face Jerusalem when standing for prayers, but the congregation as a whole does not. The ark is reminiscent of the Ark of the Covenant which contained the tablets with Ten Commandments. This is the holiest spot in a synagogue, equivalent to the Holy of Holies. The ark is often closed with an ornate curtain, the parokhet - פרוכת, outside or inside the Ark doors.
  • A large, raised, reader's platform called the bimah - בימה - by Ashkenazim and tebah by Sephardim, where the Torah is read and from where the services are conducted in Sephardi synagogues.
  • A continually-lit lamp or lantern, usually electric, called the ner tamid (נר תמיד), the "Eternal Lamp," used as a reminder of the western lamp of the menorah of the Temple in Jerusalem, which remained miraculously lit.
  • A candelabrum specifically lit during services commemorating the full Menorah.
  • A pulpit facing the congregation for the use of the rabbi, from and a pulpit or amud - עמוד (Hebrew for "post" or "column") facing the Ark where the Hazzan stands while leading the prayer service.

A synagogue may be decorated with artwork, but in the Orthodox tradition, three-dimensional sculptures and depictions of the human body are not allowed, as these are considered akin to idolatry. Synagogue windows are often curved at the top and squared at the bottom, recalling the popular depiction of the shape of the Lukhot (Tablets of the Law) which Moses received from God at Mount Sinai. There is also a tradition to install twelve windows around the main sanctuary to recall the Twelve Tribes of Israel, underscoring the importance of unity and brotherhood as a result of the communal prayers.

Orthodox synagogue in Košice, Slovakia

Until the 19th century, the synagogue interior was laid out with both a spiritual and a communal focus. In an Ashkenazi synagogue, all seats faced the aron kodesh (Ark) in which the Torah scrolls were housed. In a Sephardi synagogue, seats were arranged around the perimeter of the sanctuary, but when the worshippers stood up to pray, everyone faced the Ark. The Torah was read on a reader's table located in the exact center of each sanctuary, echoing the manner in which the Children of Israel stood around Mount Sinai when they received the Torah. The leader of the prayer service, the Hazzan, stood at his own lectern or table, facing the Ark.

Another related place of worship which is often a small synagogue is the shtiebel (שטיבל, pl. shtiebelekh or shtiebels, Yiddish for "little house") that is frequently used by and preferred by Hasidic and Haredi Jews. A shtiebel may sometimes be a room in the private home of a Hasidic Rebbe, or a place of business which is set aside for the express purpose of prayer. It may or may not offer the communal services of a synagogue.

In the US, there are well over 1200 Orthodox congregations, including over 1000 of which are affiliated with the Orthodox Union (OU), and 150 with the National Council of Young Israel, as well as a great number associated with Agudath Yisrael, a widespread movement often identified with "black-hatter" Orthodox, especially Chassidim.

Reform synagogues and temples

The Gerard Doustraat Synagogue in Amsterdam, Netherlands

The German Reform movement which arose in the early 1800s made many changes to the traditional look of the synagogue, keeping with its desire to simultaneously stay Jewish yet be accepted by the host culture. The first Reform synagogue, which opened in Hamburg in 1811, featured changes that made the synagogue look more like a church. These included: the installation of an organ to accompany the prayers (even on Shabbat—when musical instruments are proscribed by halakha), a choir to accompany the Hazzan, and vestments for the synagogue rabbi to wear [1].

The Berlin New Synagogue

In following decades, the central reader's table, the bimah, was moved to the front of the Reform sanctuary—previously unheard-of in Orthodox synagogues. The rabbi now delivered his sermon from the front, much as the Christian priests delivered their sermons in a church. Bar mitzvah ceremonies, held at age 13, were followed up with "confirmation" ceremonies at age 16/17. Following the teaching of Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan, Bat Mitzvah ceremonies were introduced for girls. The synagogue was renamed a "temple," to emphasize that the movement no longer looked forward to the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.

With the emigration of German Reform Jews to America in the mid-nineteenth century, the synagogue exterior also changed. The wealthy German Jewish immigrants built grandiose temples modeled after churches. Temple Emanu-El, the oldest Reform congregation (founded in New York City in 1845), constructed an imposing Moorish-style building, with towering limestone walls, on Fifth Avenue in 1929. The architecture rivaled the design of the great cathedrals of Europe. Inside, arched walls and Tiffany and stained-glass windows accentuated the 2,500-seat main sanctuary and a smaller, 350-seat chapel.

Reform temples built in other American cities displayed Romanesque, Byzantine, and other grand, church-like designs. As of 2005, the Reform movement in the US encompassed approximately 900 congregations.

Conservative synagogues

The Conservative movement, which also developed in Europe and America in the 1800s, rejected Reform as being too liberal and Orthodoxy as being too outdated. However, its synagogue design is not consistent. Sometimes, Conservative synagogues resemble Reform temples—complete with organ. Other times they more closely resemble Orthodox synagogues, including the mechitza, the dividing barrier between men and women. There are approximately 750 Conservative synagogues in the US today.

Reconstructionist synagogues

The Reconstructionist movement, which arose in America in the latter half of the 20th century, counts less than 100 synagogues worldwide. In keeping with a Reconstructionist Jewish spirit of liberalism, Reconstructionist synagogues are not as traditionalist as Conservative Judaism in the design of the synagogue and do not use the mechitza. The congregation decides communally how much traditional Judaic imagery and symbols are appropriate. Reconstructionist Jews generally do not call their houses of worship "temples", as Reform Jews often do.

Famous synagogues

  • In Israel and regions of the Jewish diaspora archaeologists have uncovered many ruins of synagogues from thousands of years ago. The small ruined synagogue at Masada is one of the most well-documented; it dates from the time of the Second Temple. Synagogues have also been discovered in Egypt and on the island of Delos which predate the synagogue at Masada.
  • The oldest active synagogue in Europe is the Alteneushul (Old-New Synagogue) in Prague, Czech Republic, which dates from the 13th century. During Kristallnacht on November 9-10, 1938, the Nazis in Germany and Austria destroyed or significantly damaged 1,574 synagogues, which included many of the greatest synagogues of Europe. Many were also destroyed or fell into disrepair during the Nazis' conquest of Europe, during which many Jewish communities were wiped out.
  • The Hurva Synagogue, located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, was the main synagogue in the holiest Jewish city from the 16th century to 1948 when it was destroyed by the Arab Legion. The Hurva is currently undergoing reconstruction that, according to architect Nahum Meltzer's plans, should see the building restored to its previous glory. The Ramban Synagogue, founded by Nahmanides in 1267, is the oldest active synagogue in the Old City.
  • The Barbados Nidhe Israel Synagogue ("Bridgetown Synagogue") located in the capital city Bridgetown. First built 1654. Destroyed in the hurricane of 1831, reconstructed in 1833.[2]
  • The Esnoga in the city of Amsterdam is the oldest continually functioning Sephardic synagogue in the world. It was founded by ex Maranos (Portuguese) Jews in 1675.
  • The Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island modeled after the Esnoga in Amsterdam, is the oldest Jewish house of worship in North America. It was built in 1759 for the Jeshuat Israel congregation, which was established in 1658. In 1787 this sanctuary was the location where the British commanders surrendered at the end on the revolutionary war to General George Washington.
  • The Bialystoker Synagogue on New York's Lower East Side, is a historic landmark built in 1826 as a Methodist Episcopal Church. It is made of quarry stone, mined locally on Pitt Street, Manhattan, and was made in the Federalist Architectural design method. The cathedral ceilings and walls are hand painted with zodiac frescos and the 40' stained glass windows are artworks unto themselves. The Bima and floor to ceiling Ark are handcarved and unique.

Images of selected famous synagogues

Synagogue offshoots

Another type of communal prayer group, favored by some non-Orthodox Jews, is the chabura (חבורה, pl. chaburot, חבורות), or prayer fellowship. These meet at a regular place and time, usually in a private home.

See also

Lesko synagogue, Poland.


  • Levine, Lee (2005) [[[2000]]]. The Ancient Synagogue - The First Thousand Years (2nd. ed. ed.). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-10628-9. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help); Check date values in: |year= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |origmonth= ignored (help)CS1 maint: year (link)