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| rowspan=2 [[Charles III]]
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Revision as of 17:21, 10 October 2023


Colour key
Dates Government Key event(s)[a] Head Governing party Monarch
1 May 1707 – 8 Aug 1710 Godolphin–Marlborough ministry The Duke of Marlborough Tory Whig Anne
16 Nov 1710 – Sep 1714 Harley ministry Robert Harley[b] Tory
Accession of George I (1714) George I
Sep 1714 – 1717 Townshend ministry 1715 general election The Viscount Townshend[c] Whig
1717 – 1718 First Stanhope–Sunderland ministry [data missing] The Earl Stanhope
1718 – Feb 1721 Second Stanhope–Sunderland ministry [data missing]
3 Apr 1721 – 16 May 1730 Walpole–Townshend ministry
Robert Walpole[d]
George II
16 May 1730 – 11 Feb 1742 Walpole ministry
12 Feb 1742 – 24 Nov 1744 Carteret ministry 1742 vote of no confidence in the Walpole ministry The Earl of Wilmington
Death of Wilmington (1743) Henry Pelham
24 Nov 1744 – 10 Feb 1746 First Broad Bottom ministry [data missing]
14 Feb 1746 – 6 Mar 1754 Second Broad Bottom ministry[e]
16 Mar 1754 – 11 Nov 1756 First Newcastle ministry
The Duke of Newcastle
Nov 1756 – Apr 1757 Pitt–Devonshire ministry Collapse following the Fall of Minorca (1756) The Duke of Devonshire
Apr 1757 – Jun 1757 1757 caretaker ministry Dismissal of Pitt Whig (caretaker)
27 Jun 1757 – 1761 Pitt–Newcastle ministry Pitt reappointed (1757) The Duke of Newcastle Whig
Accession of George III (1760) George III
1761 – 26 May 1762 Bute–Newcastle coalition
Tory Whig
1762 – 1763 Bute ministry Resignation of Newcastle (1762) The Earl of Bute
16 Apr 1763 – 13 Jul 1765 Grenville ministry Bute's resignation following fierce criticism of the Treaty of Paris (1763) George Grenville
13 Jul 1765 – 30 Jul 1766 First Rockingham ministry King disliked Grenville to the point of dismissal (1765) The Marquess of Rockingham Whig
30 Jul 1766 – 14 Oct 1768 Chatham (Pitt) ministry
The Earl of Chatham Whig Tory
14 Oct 1768 – 28 Jan 1770 Grafton ministry [data missing] The Duke of Grafton
28 Jan 1770 – 27 Mar 1782 North ministry [data missing] Lord North Tory Whig
27 Mar 1782 – 1 Jul 1782 Second Rockingham ministry Fall of the North ministry The Marquess of Rockingham Whig
4 Jul 1782 – 26 Mar 1783 Shelburne ministry Death of Rockingham (1782) The Earl of Shelburne Whig Tory
2 Apr 1783 – 18 Dec 1783 Fox–North coalition [data missing] The Duke of Portland
19 Dec 1783 – 14 Mar 1801 First Pitt ministry [data missing] William Pitt the Younger Tory (minority)
Tory Whig
17 Mar 1801 – 10 May 1804 Addington ministry
Henry Addington Tory
10 May 1804 – 23 Jan 1806 Second Pitt ministry [data missing] William Pitt the Younger
11 Feb 1806 – 31 Mar 1807 Ministry of All the Talents
The Lord Grenville Whig Tory
31 Mar 1807 – 4 Oct 1809 Second Portland ministry [data missing] The Duke of Portland Tory (minority)
1807 general election Tory
4 Oct 1809 – 11 May 1812 Perceval ministry [data missing] Spencer Perceval
8 Jun 1812 – 9 Apr 1827 Liverpool ministry The Earl of Liverpool
George IV
Apr 1827 – Aug 1827 Canning ministry Cerebral haemorrhage of Liverpool George Canning Tory (Canningite) Whig
Sep 1827 – Jan 1828 Goderich ministry Death of Canning (1827) The Viscount Goderich
22 Jan 1828 – 16 Nov 1830 Wellington–Peel ministry Resignation of Goderich (1828) The Duke of Wellington Tory
Accession of William IV (1830) William IV
1830 general election Tory (minority)
15 Nov 1830 – Jul 1834 Grey ministry Defeat of the Wellington–Peel ministry (1830) The Earl Grey Whig (minority)
Jul 1834 – Nov 1834 First Melbourne ministry [data missing] The Viscount Melbourne
14 Nov 1834 – 10 Dec 1834 Wellington caretaker ministry Melbourne was dismissed and Peel, who was to be appointed, was out of the country The Duke of Wellington Tory (caretaker)
10 Dec 1834 – 8 Apr 1835 First Peel ministry Appointed to lead a short-lived Conservative minority Robert Peel Conservative (minority)
Apr 1835 – Sep 1841 Second Melbourne ministry 1835 general election The Viscount Melbourne Whig
30 Aug 1841 – 29 Jun 1846 Second Peel ministry 1841 general election Robert Peel Conservative
Jul 1846 – Feb 1852 First Russell ministry Lord John Russell Whig (minority)
28 Feb 1852 – 17 Dec 1852 Who? Who? ministry Fall of the Whig government The Earl of Derby Conservative (minority)
1852 general election Conservative
19 Dec 1852 – 30 Jan 1855 Aberdeen ministry [data missing] The Earl of Aberdeen Coalition (minority)
6 Feb 1855 – 19 Feb 1858 First Palmerston ministry [data missing] The Viscount Palmerston Whig (minority)
1857 general election Whig
20 Feb 1858 – 11 Jun 1859 Second Derby–Disraeli ministry [data missing] The Earl of Derby Conservative (minority)
12 Jun 1859 – 18 Oct 1865 Second Palmerston ministry The Viscount Palmerston Liberal
18 Oct 1865 – 26 Jun 1866 Second Russell ministry [data missing] The Earl Russell
28 Jun 1866 – 27 Feb 1868 Third Derby–Disraeli ministry [data missing] The Earl of Derby Conservative (minority)
27 Feb 1868 – 1 Dec 1868 Resignation of Derby due to ill health Benjamin Disraeli
3 Dec 1868 – 17 Feb 1874 First Gladstone ministry 1868 general election William Ewart Gladstone Liberal
20 Feb 1874 – 21 Apr 1880 Second Disraeli ministry 1874 general election Benjamin Disraeli[f] Conservative
23 Apr 1880 – 9 Jun 1885 Second Gladstone ministry 1880 general election William Ewart Gladstone Liberal
23 Jun 1885 – 28 Jan 1886 First Salisbury ministry [data missing] The Marquess of Salisbury Conservative (minority)
1885 general election Conservative (caretaker)[g]
1 Feb 1886 – 20 Jul 1886 Third Gladstone ministry First Salisbury defeat William Ewart Gladstone Liberal (minority)
25 Jul 1886 – 11 Aug 1892 Second Salisbury ministry 1886 general election The Marquess of Salisbury Conservative (minority)
1892 general election Conservative (caretaker)[g]
15 Aug 1892 – 2 Mar 1894 Fourth Gladstone ministry 1892 vote of no confidence in the Salisbury ministry William Ewart Gladstone Liberal (minority)
5 Mar 1894 – 22 Jun 1895 Rosebery ministry Resignation of Gladstone over the rejection of his Home Rule Bill (1894) The Earl of Rosebery
25 Jun 1895 – 24 Oct 1900 Third Salisbury ministry [data missing] The Marquess of Salisbury Conservative (minority)
1895 general election Conservative Liberal Unionist
1900 general election
24 Oct 1900 – 11 Jul 1902 Fourth Salisbury ministry
Accession of Edward VII (1901) Edward VII
12 Jul 1902 – 4 Dec 1905 Balfour ministry [data missing] Arthur Balfour
5 Dec 1905 – 5 Apr 1908 Campbell-Bannerman ministry [data missing] Henry Campbell-Bannerman Liberal (minority)
1906 general election Liberal
5 Apr 1908 – 9 Feb 1910 First Asquith ministry [data missing] H. H. Asquith
9 Feb 1910 – 19 Dec 1910 Second Asquith ministry Jan 1910 general election Liberal (minority)
Accession of George V (May 1910) George V
19 Dec 1910 – 25 May 1915 Third Asquith ministry Dec 1910 general election
25 May 1915 – 5 Dec 1916 Asquith coalition ministry [data missing] Coalition
6 Dec 1916 – 14 Dec 1918 Lloyd George war ministry [data missing] David Lloyd George
14 Dec 1918 – 19 Oct 1922 Second Lloyd George ministry 1918 general election
23 Oct 1922 – 20 May 1923 Law ministry Bonar Law Conservative
22 May 1923 – 22 Jan 1924 First Baldwin ministry [data missing] Stanley Baldwin
1923 general election Conservative (caretaker)[g]
22 Jan 1924 – 4 Nov 1924 First MacDonald ministry Defeat of the Baldwin ministry Ramsay MacDonald Labour (minority)
4 Nov 1924 – 4 Jun 1929 Second Baldwin ministry 1924 general election Stanley Baldwin Conservative
1929 general election Conservative (caretaker)[g]
5 Jun 1929 – 24 Aug 1931 Second MacDonald ministry 1929 Lib–Lab pact Ramsay MacDonald Labour (minority)
24 Aug 1931 – 27 Oct 1931 First National Government [data missing] National
27 Oct 1931 – 7 Jun 1935 Second National Government 1931 general election
7 Jun 1935 – 28 May 1937 Third National Government
Stanley Baldwin
Accession of Edward VIII (1936) Edward VIII
Abdication of Edward VIII and accession of George VI (1936) George VI
28 May 1937 – 3 Sep 1939 Fourth National Government Resignation of Baldwin (1937) Neville Chamberlain
3 Sep 1939 – 10 May 1940 Chamberlain war ministry Restructuring for World War II
10 May 1940 – 23 May 1945 Churchill war ministry Fall of Chamberlain after the Norway Debate (1940) Winston Churchill Coalition
23 May 1945 – 26 Jul 1945 Churchill caretaker ministry Coalition broke up over whether it should remain through Japanese defeat in World War II National (caretaker)
26 Jul 1945 – 23 Feb 1950 First Attlee ministry 1945 general election Clement Attlee Labour
23 Feb 1950 – 26 Oct 1951 Second Attlee ministry 1950 general election
26 Oct 1951 – 5 Apr 1955 Third Churchill ministry 1951 general election Winston Churchill Conservative
Accession of Elizabeth II (1952) Elizabeth II
6 Apr 1955 – 9 Jan 1957 Eden ministry
Anthony Eden
9 Jan 1957 – 8 Oct 1959 First Macmillan ministry [data missing] Harold Macmillan
8 Oct 1959 – 18 Oct 1963 Second Macmillan ministry 1959 general election
19 Oct 1963 – 16 Oct 1964 Douglas-Home ministry [data missing] Alec Douglas-Home[h]
16 Oct 1964 – 31 Mar 1966 First Wilson ministry 1964 general election Harold Wilson Labour
31 Mar 1966 – 19 Jun 1970 Second Wilson ministry 1966 general election
19 Jun 1970 – 4 Mar 1974 Heath ministry 1970 general election Edward Heath Conservative
Feb 1974 general election Conservative (caretaker)[g]
4 Mar 1974 – 5 Apr 1976 Third Wilson ministry Fall of the Heath ministry (1974) Harold Wilson Labour (minority)
Fourth Wilson ministry Oct 1974 general election Labour
5 Apr 1976 – 4 May 1979 Callaghan ministry 1976 Labour leadership election James Callaghan
1977 Lib–Lab pact Labour (minority)
4 May 1979 – 10 Jun 1983 First Thatcher ministry 1979 general election Margaret Thatcher Conservative
10 Jun 1983 – 11 Jun 1987 Second Thatcher ministry 1983 general election
11 Jun 1987 – 28 Nov 1990 Third Thatcher ministry 1987 general election
28 Nov 1990 – 10 Apr 1992 First Major ministry 1990 Conservative leadership election John Major
10 Apr 1992 – 13 Dec 1996 Second Major ministry 1992 general election
13 Dec 1996 – 2 May 1997 1996 Barnsley East by-election Conservative (minority)
2 May 1997 – 8 Jun 2001 First Blair ministry 1997 general election Tony Blair Labour
8 Jun 2001 – 6 May 2005 Second Blair ministry 2001 general election
6 May 2005 – 27 Jun 2007 Third Blair ministry 2005 general election
28 Jun 2007 – 11 May 2010 Brown ministry 2007 Labour leadership election Gordon Brown
2010 general election Labour (caretaker)[g]
11 May 2010 – 8 May 2015 Cameron–Clegg coalition 2010 government formation David Cameron Conservative Liberal Democrat
8 May 2015 – 13 Jul 2016 Second Cameron ministry 2015 general election Conservative
13 Jul 2016 – 8 Jun 2017 First May ministry 2016 Conservative leadership election Theresa May
8 Jun 2017 – 11 Jun 2017 2017 general election Conservative (caretaker)[g]
11 Jun 2017 – 24 Jul 2019 Second May ministry Conservative–DUP agreement Conservative (minority)
24 Jul 2019 – 16 Dec 2019 First Johnson ministry 2019 Conservative leadership election Boris Johnson
16 Dec 2019 – 6 Sep 2022 Second Johnson ministry 2019 general election Conservative
6 Sep 2022 – 25 Oct 2022 Truss ministry July–September 2022 Conservative Party leadership election Liz Truss Charles III
25 Oct 2022 – present Sunak ministry October 2022 Conservative Party leadership election Rishi Sunak

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