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|[[kinetic energy]]
|[[kinetic energy]]
|<math>K = E - mc^2 = \gamma mc^2 - mc^2 = mc^2(\gamma -1)</math/.>
|<math>K = E - mc^2 = \gamma mc^2 - mc^2 = mc^2(\gamma -1)</math>

Revision as of 02:12, 24 February 2011

This page seeks to provide a list of elementary physics formulae commonly appearing in high-school and college introductory physics courses.

Where possible this list has avoided using any specific system of units.

SI Prefixes

Prefix Base 10 Decimal Adoption
[nb 1]
Name Symbol
quetta Q 1030 1000000000000000000000000000000 2022[1]
ronna R 1027 1000000000000000000000000000
yotta Y 1024 1000000000000000000000000 1991
zetta Z 1021 1000000000000000000000
exa E 1018 1000000000000000000 1975[2]
peta P 1015 1000000000000000
tera T 1012 1000000000000 1960
giga G 109 1000000000
mega M 106 1000000 1873
kilo k 103 1000 1795
hecto h 102 100
deca da 101 10
100 1
deci d 10−1 0.1 1795
centi c 10−2 0.01
milli m 10−3 0.001
micro μ 10−6 0.000001 1873
nano n 10−9 0.000000001 1960
pico p 10−12 0.000000000001
femto f 10−15 0.000000000000001 1964
atto a 10−18 0.000000000000000001
zepto z 10−21 0.000000000000000000001 1991
yocto y 10−24 0.000000000000000000000001
ronto r 10−27 0.000000000000000000000000001 2022[1]
quecto q 10−30 0.000000000000000000000000000001
  1. ^ Prefixes adopted before 1960 already existed before SI. The introduction of the CGS system was in 1873.

Fundamentals of Mechanics

Foundational equations in translation and rotation.

Quantity Translation Rotation
position in radians
conservation of mass
conservation of energy
conservation of momentum
potential energy change
kinetic energy
Newton's Third Law

Every conservative force has a potential energy. By following two principles one can consistently assign a non-relative value to U:

  • Wherever the force is zero, its potential energy is defined to be zero as well.
  • Whenever the force does work, potential energy is lost.

Equations in translation and rotation, assuming constant acceleration.

Quantity Translation Rotation
initial velocity
final velocity

Uniform circular motion

uniform circular motion angular to linear displacement
uniform circular motion angular to linear speed
uniform circular motion angular to linear acceleration normal component
uniform circular motion
uniform circular motion tangential speed
uniform circular motion tangential component, scalar
uniform circular motion centripetal acceleration
uniform circular motion centripetal acceleration scalar
uniform circular motion centripetal force
uniform circular motion revolution time


elastic force, lies parallel to spring
elastic potential energy
elastic work, positive when relaxes


normal force
static friction maximum, lies tangent to the surface
kinetic friction, lies tangent to the surface
drag force, tangent to the path
terminal velocity
friction creates heat and sound

Stress and strain

modulus of elasticity
yield strength
ultimate strength
Young's modulus
shear modulus
bulk modulus


inertial frames
. . .
. . .
flight distance
tension, lies within the cord
mechanical energy
mechanical energy is conserved when all forces are conservative
ideal rocket equation
parallel axis theorem
list of moments of inertia
indeterminate systems

Center of mass and collisions

center of mass COM
. . .
for constant density:
COM is in all planes of symmetry
elastic collision
inelastic collision maximum
conservation of momentum in a two body collision
system COM remains inert
elastic collision, 1D, M2 stationary
. . .

Smooth rolling

rolling distance
rolling distance ?
rolling velocity
rolling ?
rolling down a ramp along axis x


Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
(where "=" denotes systems in thermal equilibrium
First Law of Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Third Law of Thermodynamics
degrees of freedom
heat , due to (energy)
thermal mass (extensive property)
specific heat capacity (bulk property)
enthalpy of vaporization
enthalpy of fusion
thermal conductivity
thermal resistance
thermal conduction rate
thermal conduction rate through a composite slab
linear coefficient of thermal expansion
volume coefficient of thermal expansion
Boltzmann constant (energy)/(temperature)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (power)/(area)(temp)^4
thermal radiation
thermal absorption
ideal gas law
work, constant temperature
work due to gas expansion
. . . adiabatic
. . . constant volume
. . . free expansion
. . . closed cycle
work, constant volume
work, constant pressure
translational energy
internal energy
mean speed
mode speed
root mean square speed
mean free path ?
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
molecular specific heat at a constant volume
molecular specific heat at a constant pressure
adiabatic expansion
adiabatic expansion
multiplicity of configurations
microstate in one half of the box
Boltzmann's entropy equation
entropy change
entropy change
entropic force
engine efficiency
Carnot engine efficiency
refrigeration performance
Carnot refrigeration performance


torsion constant
angular frequency
phase angle
damping force
phase constant
linear density
harmonic number
harmonic series
bulk modulus
path length difference
phase difference
fully constructive interference
fully destructive interference
sound intensity
sound power source
sound intensity over distance
sound intensity standard reference
sound level
pipe, two open ends
pipe, one open end for n odd
beat frequency
Doppler effect
sonic boom angle
average wave power
pressure amplitude
wave equation
wave superposition
wave speed
speed of sound
wave speed on a stretched string
angular frequency of an angular simple harmonic oscillator
angular frequency of a low amplitude simple pendulum
angular frequency of a low amplitude physical pendulum
angular frequency of a linear simple harmonic oscillator
angular frequency of a linear damped harmonic oscillator
wave displacement
wave displacement when damped
wave velocity
wave acceleration
transverse wave
wave traveling backwards
resultant wave
standing wave
sound displacement function
sound pressure-variation function
potential harmonic energy
kinetic harmonic energy
total harmonic energy
damped mechanical energy


gravitational constant (force)(distance/mass)^2
gravitational force
superposition applies
gravitational acceleration
free fall acceleration
shell theorem for gravitation
potential energy from gravity
escape speed
Kepler's law 1 planets move in an ellipse, with the star at a focus
Kepler's law 2
Kepler's law 3
orbital energy
standard gravity
weight, points toward the center of gravity
path independence
Einstein field equations

Fluid dynamics

pressure difference
pressure at depth
barometer versus manometer
Pascal's principle
Archimedes' Principle
buoyant force
gravitational force when floating
apparent weight
ideal fluid
equation of continuity constant
Bernoulli's equation constant


Lorentz force
Gauss' law
Gauss' law for magnetic fields
Faraday's law of induction
Ampere-maxwell law
elementary charge
electric charge
conservation of charge
linear charge density
surface charge density
volume charge density
electric constant (time)^2(charge)^2/(mass)(volume)
magnetic constant (force)(time)^2/(charge)^2
Coulomb's law
electric field
electric field lines end at a negative charge
Gaussian surface
flux notation implies a normal unit vector
electric flux
magnetic flux
magnetic flux given assumptions
dielectric constant
Gauss' law with dialectric
Biot-Savart law
Lenz's law induced current always opposes its cause
inductance (with respect to time)
inductance from coils
inductance of a solenoid
displacement current
displacement vector
electric dipole moment
electric dipole torque
electric dipole potential energy
magnetic dipole moment of a coil, magnitude only
magnetic dipole moment torque
magnetic dipole moment potential energy
electric field accelerating a charged mass
electric field of a charged point
electric field of a dipole moment
electric field of a charged line
electric field of a charged ring
electric field of a charged conducting surface
electric field of a charged non-conducting surface
electric field of a charged disk
electric field outside spherical shell r>=R
electric field inside spherical shell r<R
electric field of uniform charge r<=R
electric field energy density
electric potential versus electric potential energy (energy)/(charge) versus (energy)
electric potential energy
electric potential
electric potential difference
electric potential from electric field
electric field from electric potential
electric potential of a charged point
electric potential of a set of charged points
electric potential of a dipole
electric potential of continuous charge
electric potential energy of a pair of charged points
capacitance (charge)^2/(energy)
capacitance of parallel plates
capacitance of a cylinder
capacitance of a sphere
capacitance of an isolated sphere
capacitors in parallel
capacitors in series
capacitor potential energy
drift speed
current density
current density magnitude
current density to get current
resistivity temperature coefficient
resistivity across temperature
resistivity and resistance
electrical conductivity
resistor power dissipation
internal resistance
resistors in series
resistors in parallel
Kirchoff's current law
Ohm's law
emf rules loop, resistance, emf
electrical power
emf power
electric potential difference across a real battery
magnetic field force on a moving charge
magnetic field force on a current
Hall effect
circulating charged particle
cyclotron resonance condition
magnetic field of a line
magnetic field of a ray
magnetic field at the center of a circular arc
magnetic field of a solenoid
magnetic field of a toroid
magnetic field of a current carrying coil
self induction of emf
magnetic energy
magnetic energy density
mutual induction
transformation of voltage
transformation of current
transformation of reistance
induced magnetic field inside a circular capacitor
induced magnetic field outside a circular capacitor
RC circuit ODE with respect to time
RC circuit capacitive time constant
RC circuit charging a capacitor
RL circuit ODE with respect to time
RL circuit time constant
RL circuit rise of current
RL circuit decay of current
LC circuit ODE with respect to time
LC circuit
LC circuit charge
LC circuit current
LC circuit electrical potential energy
LC circuit magnetic potential energy
RLC circuit ODE with respect to time
RLC circuit charge
resistive load
capacitive load
inductive load
resistive reactance
capacitive reactance
inductive reactance
phase constant
electromagnetic resonance
AC current
AC voltage
AC emf
AC power


electric light component
magnetic light component
speed of light
Poynting vector
Poynting vector magnitude
rms electric field of light
light intensity
light intensity at the sphere
radiation momentum with total absorption (inelastic)
radiation momentum with total reflection (elastic)
radiation pressure with total absorption (inelastic)
radiation pressure with total reflection (elastic)
intensity from polarizing unpolarized light
intensity from polarizing polarized light
index of refraction of substance f
angle of reflection
angle of refraction
angle of total reflection
angle of total polarisation
image distance in a plane mirror
image distance in a spherical mirror
spherical mirror focal length
spherical mirror
lateral magnification m and h negative when upside down
lens focal length
lens focal length from refraction indexes
path length difference
double slit minima
double slit maxima
double-slit interference intensity
thin film in air minima
thin film in air maxima
single-slit minima
single-slit intensity
double slit intensity
. . .
circular aperture first minimum
Rayleigh's criterion
diffraction grating maxima lines
diffraction grating half-width
diffraction grating dispersion
diffraction grating resolving power
diffraction grating lattice distance
Lorentz factor
Lorentz transformation
. . .
. . .
. . .
time dilation
length contraction
relativistic Doppler effect
Doppler shift
rest energy
total energy
Energy Removed
kinetic energy

Particle Physics

standard model see 4x4 chart of particles
Planck's constant , in energy/frequency
Reduced Planck's constant , in energy/frequency
Planck–Einstein equation
threshold frequency
work function
photoelectric kinetic energy
photon momentum
de Broglie wavelength
Schrodinger's equation
Schrodinger's equation one dimensional motion
Schrodinger's equation free particle
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
infinite potential well
wavefunction of a trapped electron , for positive int n
wavefunction probability density
hydrogen atom orbital energy , for positive int n
hydrogen atom spectrum
hydrogen atom radial probability density
spin projection quantum number
orbital magnetic dipole moment
orbital magnetic dipole moment components
spin magnetic dipole moment
orbital magnetic dipole moment
spin magnetic dipole moment potential
orbital magnetic dipole moment potential
Bohr magneton
angular momentum components
spin angular momentum magnitude
cutoff wavelength
density of states
occupancy probability
Fermi energy
mass number
nuclear radius
mass excess
radioactive decay
Hubble constant
Hubble's law
conservation of lepton number
conservation of baryon number
conservation of strangeness
eightfold way
weak force
strong force
Noether's theorem
Electroweak interaction :
Quantum electrodynamics :

The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

Postulate 1: State of a system A system is completely specified at any one time by a Hilbert space vector.
Postulate 2: Observables of a system A measurable quantity corresponds to an operator with eigenvectors spanning the space.
Postulate 3: Observation of a system Measuring a system applies the observable's operator to the system and the system collapses into the observed eigenvector.
Postulate 4: Probabilistic result of measurement The probability of observing an eigenvector is derived from the square of its wavefunction.
Postulate 5: Time evolution of a system The way the wavefunction evolves over time is determined by Shrodinger's equation.

See also

Variables commonly used in physics


  1. ^ a b "On the extension of the range of SI prefixes". 18 November 2022. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
  2. ^ "Metric (SI) Prefixes". NIST.
  • Halliday, David (2007). Fundamentals of Physics,. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470044742.
  • Zettili, Nouredine (2009). Quantum Mechanics. New York: Wiley. ISBN 0470026782.