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'''George Washington Team''': Paul Suda (18th Century Weapons Expert), Wayne Lee, Ph.D. (Professor of Military History)<br />
'''George Washington Team''': Paul Suda (18th Century Weapons Expert), Wayne Lee, Ph.D. (Professor of Military History)<br />
'''George Washington Weapons''': [[Colichemarde|Colichemarde Sword]], [[Brown Bess]], 6-Pound Cannon boobies:)
'''George Washington Weapons''': [[Colichemarde|Colichemarde Sword]], [[Brown Bess]], 6-Pound Cannon

'''Napolean Bonaparte Team''': Mathew Cape (19th Century Weapons Expert), Phillipe Simon (Napoleonic Historian)<br />
'''Napolean Bonaparte Team''': Mathew Cape (19th Century Weapons Expert), Phillipe Simon (Napoleonic Historian)<br />

Revision as of 19:21, 13 July 2011

This is a list of episodes from the American TV show, Deadliest Warrior.

Season 1

Deadliest Warrior premiered on April 7, 2009.[1] Nine one-hour episodes of the show were produced for Season 1.[2] Season 1 was released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 11, 2010.[citation needed]

Episode 1: Apache vs. Gladiator

Apache team: Alan Tafoya (World Champion Knife Fighter), Snake Blocker (United States Army Combat Instructor)
Apache weapons: Tomahawk, Knife, Bow and Arrow, War Club
Apache Armor: Rawhide Shield

Gladiator team: Chris Torres (Ancient Weapons Specialist), Steven Dietrich (Gladiator Combat Instructor), Chuck Liddell (Former UFC Light-Heavyweight Champion)
Gladiator weapons: Cestus, Scissor, Trident And Net, Sling, Sica
Gladiator Armor: Bronze (Chest Unprotected)

Apache Kills Gladiator Kills
Short Range Tomahawk 153 Cestus




Mid Range Knife 266 Trident And Net 166
Long Range Bow And Arrow 188 Sling 1
Special Weapons War Club 60 Sica 116
Totals 667 333
  • For short-range weapons, the Tomahawk was tested against the Cestus and the Scissor. Snake Blocker tested two types of Tomahawk on a gel head: one made of stone and one made of the jaw bone of a horse, both of which tore off the back of the head. However, the Tomahawk made from a horse's jawbone visually appeared to cause considerably greater damage. The velocity of the stone Tomahawk was measured, but the results were not relayed on the airing of the show. Alan Tafoya then threw iron Tomahawks at wood targets and penetrated deep into them, two striking at 29 mph, and one at 32 mph. The Cestus and Scissor, wielded by Chuck Liddell, were tested on a 400-lb piece of beef. The Cestus broke its ribs while the Scissor almost cut it in half. Before the Cestus test, Chuck Liddell's natural punching speed and power were measured: Liddell's punching speed was clocked at 14 meters per second—almost 50 percent faster than the average Olympic boxer—while his punching power was judged to deliver 1000 pounds of force—enough to break most facial bones on contact. The Cestus effectively tripled this. A divided panel gave the edge to the versatility of the Tomahawk.
  • For mid-range weapons, the Knife was tested against the Trident and Net. The Knife versatility was demonstrated when Snake Blocker threw three Knives at three targets in under three seconds. Snake Blocker also demonstrated Apache knife fighting techniques, such as the "piercing buffalo", on a dummy garbed as a gladiator and wearing a gladiator's helmet. The Trident, wielded by Chris Torres, was then tested on a gel torso and managed to puncture its heart with the main prong, a side prong puncturing the spleen. The Trident and Net was given the edge due to its flexibility as an offensive-defensive combo.
  • For long-range weapons, the Sling was tested against the Bow and Arrow. Steven Dietrich launched a lead Sling shot at 91 mph. The shot was then simulated by an air cannon which drove a lead Sling shot into a gel head and shattered the upper jaw, penetrating just past the nose. Alan Tafoya, wielding the Bow and Arrow, first fired an arrow at a wooden target as the velocity of the arrow was clocked; the arrow's velocity was measured at roughly 65 miles per hour. Tafoya then fired fired multiple Arrows at a gel torso in quick succession, landing multiple death strikes, including a shot between two ribs, a shot to the neck that would have severed the spinal cord, and a shot along the jawline that would have jutted into the base of the brain. The edge was given to the Bow and Arrow due to its superior range, accuracy, and lethality.
  • For special weapons, the Sica was tested against the War Club. Steven Dietrich was able to almost cut off a gel arm with the Sica, cutting cleanly through skin and muscle tissue to the bone. The War Club, wielded by Snake Blocker, was then tested on two targets: a bare skull and a Gladiator's helmet. It completely shattered the skull but was broken against the helmet. The Sica was given the edge for its cutting ability and the Club's failure.

Reenactment 1

As the battle starts, the Apache is seen walking in a grassy field. A Gladiator appears over a hill in the distance, and the warriors spot one another. The Gladiator makes a battle cry and raises his Trident as he advances toward the Apache. The Apache pulls out his Bow and fire an arrow at the Gladiator, but the arrow hits his shield. The Gladiator readies up his Sling and hurls a stone at the Apache, who easily dodges it. The Apache fires another arrow at the oncoming Gladiator and successfully hits him in the side of his stomach. After some difficulty, the Gladiator pulls the arrow out and yells in anger, surprising the Apache. The Apache tries to flee as the Gladiator launches another stone at him with his Sling. The stone misses completely, and the Apache fires another arrow before further retreating into the trees. The Gladiator quickly catches up, and takes out his Trident and Net. The Apache tries to block with his shield, but it is thrown aside by the Gladiator's Trident. The Apache pulls out his Tomahawk and swings it at the Gladiator. The two get into a struggle, with the Gladiator gaining the upper hand and kicking the Apache to the ground. The Gladiator advances with his Trident while the Apache tries to avoid the weapon. The Trident gets stuck in a tree branch, but the Gladiator quickly frees it and continues to attack the Apache. With few options left, the Apache tries to make a run for it. The Gladiator, however, responds quickly and throws his Net, tripping and ensnaring the Apache. The Gladiator throws the Trident at the Apache, but the Apache barely rolls out of the way on time. He then frees himself from the Net and throws his Tomahawk, which sails past the Gladiator's helmet. The Gladiator pulls out his Sica, and the Apache pulls out his War Club. The Gladiator tries to stab the Apache with his sword, but the Apache knocks it out of his hand with the War Club. He then swings it again and completely knocks off the Gladiator's helmet. The Gladiator pulls out his shield and breaks the Arrow from earlier off. The Apache then charges at the Gladiator and tries to jump and strike him in the head with the Club. However, the Gladiator hits him with his shield, sending him to the ground. The Gladiator now kneels down and begins punching him repeatedly in the face and chest with the Cestus. He now steps back, thinking the Apache is dead, but the Apache draws his Knife and quickly scrambles to his feet. The Gladiator tries to punch him with the Cestus, but misses. In a last desperation, the Gladiator swings his shield at the Apache, but the Apache ducks and slices at the Gladiator's hamstrings. He slices across the Gladiator's chest, then gets up and stabs him in the back. The Gladiator falls to his knees before the Apache slits the Gladiator's throat. The dead Gladiator falls to the ground, but the Apache still stabs him several times in the head to make sure he is dead. The Apache then gets up, licks the blood off his knife, lets out a battle cry, and runs away.

Winner: Apache

Episode 2: Viking vs. Samurai

Viking team: Casey Hendershot (Viking Weapons Instructor), Matt Nelson (Viking Combat Expert, Descendant Ff Danish Vikings)
Viking weapons: Great Axe, Longsword, Spear, Shield
Viking Armor: Chainmail

Samurai team: Tetsuro Shigematsu (Samurai Descendant), Brett Chan (Samurai Weapons Expert)
Samurai weapons: Katana, Naginata, Yumi, Kanabo
Samurai Armor: Steel & Leather

Viking Kills Samurai Kills
Short Range Great Axe 134 Katana 137
Mid Range Longsword 175 Naginata 171
Long Range Spear 92 Yumi 114
Special Weapons Shield 77 Kanabo 100
Totals 478 522
  • The katana was tested first against three tatami bamboo mats (with the same density as human bone), and managed to cut them all in one clean swipe in under a third of a second. It was tested next on pig carcasses, and managed to cut through two pigs cleanly (severing two consecutive sets of vertebrae). Finally, it was tested against the Viking's chainmail, but failed to do any real damage. The great axe was first tested on a thick, short block of wood, while the weapon's force was measured. The block of wood was easily chopped in two, with the force being measured at 11,000 newtons(roughly 2000 pounds of force). Dr. Armand Dorian theorized that a blow from such a weapon would sever a limb. The great axe was next used on a ballistics gel torso, nearly cleaving the gel dummy in half in a downward chop, visually appearing to reach beyond the heart and lungs with the axe blade. Dr. Dorian compared the injury to a trauma victim who had been run over by a train. However, the great axe bounced off a solid Samurai helmet in the same overhead chop. After viewing the high-speed footage of the test, it was theorized that a person wearing the helmet at the time of the strike would possibly suffer minor head trauma, but little more. The narrow advantage was given to the axe due to its greater killing power.
  • The naginata proved itself as a quick ranged weapon by slicing a dummy with several quick cuts, taking off part of the skull and exposing brain matter in one, slashing through the face and jaw and slicing off part of the jawbone in the second, and breaking through a rib and stabbing the heart on the last. The long sword was also very effective, making a very deep slash across the side of the head and into the brain cavity in its first strike, impaling the neck on the second, and making a final slash across the neck. It was theorized by Geoff Desmoulin that the only thing which kept the gel skull from being directly decapitated by the long sword's strike was the metal supporting rod (which was itself chipped). The edge was given to the long sword due to its killing power.
  • The spear was thrown at targets 25 feet away, and penetrated wood targets that were several inches thick. Two spears were also thrown at once, and were capable of the same severity of penetration. The yumi bow was shot at two dummies from 45 feet accurately hitting them. The yumi's accuracy was also shown by shooting out dummy eyes at 25 feet. The yumi was given the advantage due to its accuracy and range.
  • The Viking's round shield proved itself effective as a defensive shield and a bludgeoning weapon. A large, 35-pound version of the kanabo was tested and shattered a cow's femur as well as breaking off a part of the shield, although many of the studs in the club were knocked out in the process. The kanabo was measured at 470 psi, and it was theorized that an arm behind the shield would suffer at least one broken bone. In a comparison of killing ability, the kanabo was given the edge.
  • With a deathtoll margin of only 44(22+22) kills, the Viking-Samurai matchup is the closest single combat matchup (as opposed to squad on squad) and consequently the closest matchup of warriors prior to the invention of gunpowder. It beats out the Spartan-Samurai matchup (on the Back for Blood Special) with a margin of 54 kills, and the Comanche-Mongol matchup with a margin of 56 kills.
  • The Samurai is one of five warriors with no battle cry at the end of the battle.
  • The Samurai is also the only victorious warrior shown to be suffering from his injuries at the end of the simulation showcase (i.e. limping).

Reenactment 2

The battle starts with the Viking walking out into a field. He throws his Great Axe to the ground as the Samurai appears, holding a Naginata and a Yumi Bow. The Samurai lets out a battle cry, and then fires an arrow at the Viking, which hits the Viking's chainmail-covered shoulder. The Viking pulls out the arrow and looks up, only to find a second arrow coming at him. It hits him in his helmet, dazing him. The Viking pulls out two spears and charges at the Samurai, hurling them both when he gets close enough. The Samurai attempts to dodge them, but he is struck by one and thrown to the ground. The Viking pulls out his Great Axe and rushes at the Samurai. The Samurai gets up and grabs his Naginata. The Viking swings his axe, but is blocked by the Naginata. The Samurai twists his Naginata and throws the Viking's axe out of his hands. He hits the Viking with the Naginata, but the damage is reduced by the Viking's chainmail. The Viking recovers his Great Axe and begins swinging wildly at the Samurai. With a heavy blow, he knocks the Naginata out of the Samurai's hands and kicks the Samurai. The Viking swings the axe at the Samurai's back, but like the chainmail against the Naginata, the Samurai's armor manages to prevent the axe from tearing into the Samurai and killing him. The Samurai pulls out his Kanabo club and hits the Great Axe, once again knocking it out of the Viking's hands. He tries to swing at the Viking, but the Viking blocks with his Shield as he crouches to the ground. The Samurai begins to savagely hit the Shield with his Kanabo, and manages to chip off a small portion. The Viking then gets up and charges at the Samurai with his Shield. He pushes the Samurai all the way to a bridge, and then off of it. The Samurai falls into a ditch below, losing his club in the process. The Viking draws his Long Sword and jumps down. The Samurai manages to get up and pulls out his Katana. The two begin to clash swords, with the Samurai getting in blows at the Viking. The Viking swings at the Samurai, but the sword just slides off of his armor. He tries to once again push the Samurai. The Samurai moves out of the way, and the Viking crashes into a tree. The Samurai slashes at the Viking's legs, forcing the Viking to his knees. He stabs his Katana straight down into the Viking's neck, causing blood to spurt from the Viking's neck. He then pulls out his sword before the Viking falls to the ground, dead. The Samurai flips the Viking over and readies another stab to his heart, but sees that his opponent is dead. The Samurai sheathes his katana and limps off into the distance.

Winner: Samurai

Episode 3: Spartan vs. Ninja

Spartan team: Jeremy Dunn (Fight Coordinator and Demonstrator), Barry Jacobsen (Spartan Historian and Weapons Expert)
Spartan weapons: Spear, Short Sword, Javelin, Shield
Spartan Armor: Bronze Plate

Ninja team: Lou Klein (coordinator and Stunt man), Michael Lehr (Martial Arts Expert)
Ninja weapons: Black Egg, Ninjato, Blowgun, Shuriken, Kusarigama
Ninja Armor: None

Spartan Kills Ninja Kills
Short Range Short Sword 52 Ninjato 123
Mid Range Spear 210 Black Egg 0
Long Range Javelin 9 Shuriken




Special Weapons Shield 382 Kusarigama 220
Totals 653 347
  • The ninjato and short sword were tested against a ballistics gel torso. The ninjato was able to cut six inches into the shoulder, lacerating the arm's blood vessels and the lung, and causing death by bleedout within a matter of seconds. The velocity of the ninjato was measured and while the results were not specifically stated on the show, it was stated that the ninjato's velocity surpassed that of the Spartan's dory spear. The Spartan short sword was thrust six or seven inches into the torso just below the ribcage, but hit the metal rod supporting the torso with enough force to bend the sword, preventing an accurate reading, but according to Spartan expert Barry Jacobsen, it would have severed a real spinal cord. It was also explained in the Ninja/Spartan episode of the Aftermath that the blow had already severed the main aorta, cause rapid death. Both weapons were also tested on pig carcasses. The ninjato was able to cut clean through the pig in two slices(cutting through the pelvis and the spine) while the short sword, being shorter could not cut as deeply. The edge was given to the ninjato due to its power, lightness, superior range, and quickness.
  • The dory spear was first tested on a dummy while its thrusting force was measured; Geoff Desmoulin claimed that the measured force of the thrust was equivalent to a two-story fall onto the same spear if it were to be held up vertically. The dory spear was next thrust at a gel torso where it proved to be a devastating blow, breaking ribs, piercing the heart and a lung, and exiting the back. Dr. Armand Dorian claimed that a person struck with such a blow would die within 30 seconds. Black eggs containing both crushed glass and pepper juice were thrown at a Spartan helmet where it was proved to be blindingly effective. The spear got the edge since it could kill the opponent, whereas the egg was only a distraction tactic.
  • Neither the shuriken nor the javelin proved itself effective as the shuriken failed to produce more than minor wounds and the javelin proved slow and inaccurate. The javelin penetrated 2.5-3 inches into a ballistics gel torso, striking the pancreas. The shurikens' velocity were clocked at 48-49 mph,with Dr. Armand Dorian claiming that one of the shuriken blows to a stand-in could have broken a rib and pierced a lung. Another Ninja weapon, the blowgun, was also tested, with Dr. Dorian explaining that the weapon's lethality came from a toxin derived from the puffer fish, which can kill within 30 seconds upon entering the bloodstream. While it also failed to show great killing power on its own, its speed and poison darts gave it the edge.
  • Being a vital part of Spartan combat, the shield proved itself to be a strong defensive advantage as well as a killing blow. When it was tested on a dummy an edge-strike inflicted 45Gs, enough to cause a depressed skull fracture, brain laceration, leading to almost immediate death and was likened to low-speed collisions or IED explosions. While the blade of the kusarigama was unable to penetrate the bronze cuirass of the Spartan, the ball & chain proved to be able to distract, disarm, and incapacitate the Spartan. Nevertheless, the shield got the edge due to its defense ability and versatility.

Reenactment 3

The battle starts with the Spartan standing in a forest with his Shield and Spear in hand. Above him, the Ninja watches him while hidden in the treetops. He quietly jumps down and sneaks up behind the Spartan. As he gets close, he draws his Ninjato. When he gets close enough, he yells and swings the sword. The Spartan quickly throws his shield arm back and blocks the sword with the Shield. He turns around and thrusts his Spear, but the Ninja rolls away and tries to hide within the thick grass. The Spartan pulls out his Javelin and thrusts it into the ground. He hears the Ninja and turns to see him spinning the ball and chain from his Kusarigama. He throws the iron ball at the Spartan, who blocks it with his shield. The Ninja starts to swing his Kusarigama again, but the Spartan charges at him and kicks him. The Ninja swings the iron ball at the Spartan again, but like before, the Spartan blocks with the Shield. He swings it around a third time, but instead swings at the Spartan's leg. The chain wraps around and trips the Spartan, sending him to the floor. The Spartan sits up and grabs the chain. The Ninja tries to pull the Kusarigama away from the Spartan, but the Spartan keeps a firm grip. In a desperate move, the Ninja breaks the chain with the sickle and rushes at the Spartan with it. The Spartan knocks him away with his Shield and then gets back up with his Spear and Shield. The Spartan tries to stab him with the Spear, but the Ninja kicks the Shield and runs away. The Spartan chases and eventually catches up to him, trying to thrust his Spear again. The Ninja dodges and breaks the Spear in half with his Kusarigama. He tries to stab the Spartan with the broken spear, but the Spartan once again blocks with the Shield. This time, the Spartan swings the Shield and sends the Ninja flying back. The Spartan pulls out his Short Sword and advances towards the Ninja. The Ninja pulls out a Black Egg and waits for the Spartan to get close. He then jumps in front of the Spartan, kicks the shield, jumps back and throws the egg at the Spartan's face. The Spartan blindly swings at the air while the Ninja tries to retreat. When the Spartan regains his senses, he sees the Ninja running away and runs after him. The Spartan runs to a part of the forest where the trees' branches and roots become thick. He slowly climbs through the trees and makes his way to a darker part of the forest. With his Javelin at hand, he looks for the Ninja while keeping his Shield up. The Ninja pops out from the trees and tries to shoot him with the blowgun. The Spartan blocks the darts with his Shield and throws his Javelin. The javelin goes off target and misses the Ninja, giving him more time to run away. He runs back and pulls out Shuriken. He turns around to throw them, only to find that the Spartan has already caught up. He quickly throws one at the Spartan, but the Shield protects the Spartan as he knocks over the Ninja. The Spartan pulls out his Short Sword again and swings at the Ninja, but the Ninja runs out of the way. The Ninja jumps onto a tree and prepares to lunge at the Spartan with his Ninjato. However, he waits too long, and the Spartan holds out his Sword and impales the Ninja when he jumps. The Spartan smashes him away with his Shield and then stabs him one last time with the Short Sword. The Spartan yells out "SPARTA!" in victory, then looks around for someone else to fight.

Winner: Spartan

Episode 4: Pirate vs. Knight

Pirate team: Michael Triplett (Pirate Weapons Master), David Hernandez (Sword Fighting Instructor)
Pirate weapons: Grenado, Flintlock Pistol, Blunderbuss, Cutlass, Boarding Axe
Pirate armor: None

Knight team: David Coretti (Army Veteran/Sword Expert), Josh Paugh (Medieval Weapons Expert)
Knight weapons: Morningstar, Crossbow, Halberd, Broadsword, Plate Armor
Knight armor: Steel

Pirate Kills Knight Kills
Short Range Cutlass

Boarding Axe




Plate Armor



Mid Range Blunderbuss 352 Halberd 108
Long Range Flintlock Pistol 41 Crossbow 106
Special Weapons Grenado 198 Morningstar 54
Totals 629 371
  • Both swords were tested against pig carcasses which were mounted on ziplines to simulate motion; the broadsword cleaved its pig in half, while the cutlass almost managed to do the same. The contest was declared a draw with both showing high killing power even though the Knight's steel armor was not shown to be tested.
  • The blunderbuss, despite a misfire, was able to put a hole through a layer of double plate armor with one of its pellets. The halberd was a shown to be a deadly and versatile weapon, as it tore of the back of a ballistic gel torso's skull with one strike to the temple with the axe blade(exposing a large amount of brain matter), pierced the abdomen and the throat with the pike end, and tore the skull in half with two more swings of the axe blade. However, because of the blunderbuss' power of penetration, range, and concussion, it was given the edge.
  • Both ranged weapons were tested on dummies, with the crossbow bolt penetrating deeply into an unprotected dummy, striking 2.5 inches into the torso and striking the upper part of the liver and the pancreas at a speed of 115.8 feet per second, or roughly 78 mph. The flintlock, meanwhile, was able to dent but not penetrate the breastplate on its dummy. Furthermore, Michael Triplett called his shot but missed, indicating inaccuracy in the flintlock. The crossbow took the edge thanks to its killing power, range, and accuracy, and the deficiencies of the flintlock.
  • The morningstar proved to be a fast and deadly short-range weapon when it shattered a dummy skull. An initial swing struck the top of a ballistic gel's torso's skull with the morningstar's chain, shattering the left cheekbone and the jaw. A second strike broke the spinal cord and a third completely shattered the skull, removing all brain matter from the brainpan. The morningstar was registered at 1300 psi—over 17 times the amount of force needed to fracture a human skull. The grenado was detonated near several pig carcasses, one having an armor plate. The grenado produced a great blast, with the shrapnel tearing holes in the unprotected flesh of all three pigs. However, it failed to penetrate the armor at close range. With both weapons effective, the win was given to the grenado for its concussion, shock value, and shrapnel.
  • The plate armor was tested throughout the show, being effective against most of the Pirate weapons. The boarding axe put a very small hole in a Knight helmet, but didn't penetrate it. The boarding axe's strike was measured at 33 psi, but Geoff Desmoulin claimed that the computer measured the section of the helmet just below the section where the axe's pike struck—implying that the actual psi for the strike was likely greater than 33 psi. The edge was given to the armor for its defense power.
  • This is the only battle where both warriors have weapons they did not use in the fight scene. (The pirate did not use the boarding axe and the knight did not use the halberd.)

Reenactment 4

The battle begins with a Pirate discovering a dusty treasure chest in the middle of the forest. In the distance, the Knight comes riding in on his horse. The Pirate opens the chest and begins counting the gold doubloons inside, but hears the horse coming towards him. He looks up and sees the Knight with his Morning Star in hand. Thinking that he is trying to steal his treasure, the Pirate pulls out one of his Flintlock pistols. The Knight begins swinging his Morning Star and signals his horse to charge at the Pirate. The Pirate aims his pistol and fires, but misses the Knight. He pulls out another pistol and fires a second time, but the bullet bounces off of the Knight's armor. The Knight's horse dashes at the Pirate, and the Knight unsuccessfully hits him with the Morning Star, instead knocking off the Pirate's hat. The Pirate gets up, hides behind a tree, and desperately scrambles for the Grenado in his pocket. The horse turns around and begins to charge at the Pirate again. The Pirate lights the fuse on the grenado and throws it at the Knight, and the explosion knocks the Knight off his horse. The Pirate slowly approaches the Knight, thinking that he is dead, but the Knight sits up and fires a bolt from his Crossbow at the Pirate, hitting his leg. As the Pirate painfully pulls the bolt out, the Knight gets up and swings at him with the Morning Star, grazing the Pirate and throwing him to the ground. However, the Pirate pulls out his Blunderbuss and shoots the Knight, sending him flying backward. The Pirate then grabs his treasure chest and tries to run away, once again unaware that he still hasn't killed the Knight. He reaches the shore and sees his ship in the distance. He turns around and is annoyed to see that the injured Knight is still following him. Mumbling to himself, he runs ahead to put down his treasure, then turns around and fires his third flintlock pistol. The bullet hits the Knight, but the armored soldier shakes it off and runs towards the pirate with his Broadsword in hand. The Pirate pulls out his Cutlass sword and engages in a sword fight with the Knight. The two get their swords stuck in the sand, and the Knight uses this opportunity to kick the Pirate to the ground. He pulls out his Broadsword and tries to strike the Pirate, but the Pirate rolls out of the way. He backs himself up towards the bottom of a cliff, while the Knight slowly trudges towards him. The Knight swings his sword, but the Pirate parries with his sword and then kicks the Knight to the ground. The Knight gets back up and clumsily swings at the Pirate, who effortlessly dodges the sword. The Pirate then throws some sand in the Knight's face, distracting him long enough to charge at him and throw him to the ground. As the Knight tries to regain consciousness, the Pirate quickly crawls to his fourth flintlock pistol, which fell from his pocket earlier on, and grabs it. He returns to the knight, who is still on the floor, and opens the medieval helmet's visor. He shoves the pistol at the Knight's face, smiles, and fires at point blank range, killing him instantly. The Pirate gets up and roars in victory.

Winner: Pirate

Episode 5: Yakuza vs. Mafia

Yakuza team: Zero Kazama (Yakuza Weapons Expert), David Kono (Yakuza Descendant/Historian)
Yakuza weapons: Sten submachine gun, Ceramic Grenade, Nunchakus, Walther P38, Sai
Yakuza armor: None

Mafia team: Joe Ferrante (Mafia Weapons Expert), Thomas Bonanno (Mafia Relative/Historian)
Mafia weapons: Tommy Gun, Molotov Cocktail, Baseball Bat, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Icepick
Mafia armor: None

Yakuza Kills Mafia Kills
Short Range Nunchakus 9 Baseball Bat 23
Mid Range Walther P38 10 Sawed-off Shotgun 38
Long Range Sten 359 Tommy Gun 499
Special Weapons Sai 10 Ice Pick 24
Explosive Weapons Ceramic Grenade 26 Molotov Cocktail 2
Totals 414 586
  • The nunchakus were tested against the baseball bat. The bat broke a pig's spine at over 100 mph, breaking five segments of the spinal cord. Zero Kazama is then seen delivering a roundhouse kick against another pig apperently breaking the spine though the results aren't explained Zero states Nunchaku are distraction weapons. The nunchakus were tested on a gel head and managed to crack its skull in three hits. Joe Ferrante performed an impromptu demonstration of the bat on the same torso and caused more damage in one swing (though this would have been inaccurate because the skull was already broken). In the end, the bat was given the edge for its sheer power.
  • The Walther P38 was tested against the sawed-off shotgun. The P38 proved to have deadly accuracy, managing to hit a synthetic skull (filled with brains) through the left eye socket. The Sawed-off Shotgun was tested on a dummy, hitting its target in the torso and cheek. The shotgun was given the edge due to its superior killing power.
  • The Tommy gun and Sten were both tested against single and multiple targets. The Tommy gun was given the edge due to its stronger caliber, faster rate of fire, and larger magazine.
  • The ice pick was tested against the sai. The ice pick was able to stab a gel torso in the neck and through its head. The sai was tested on a blood-filled foam torso, and was able to put multiple stab wounds in it. The sai was given the edge due to its versatility. The ice pick was included as a weapon only because it was commonplace; the sai, however, was actually designed for use as a weapon.
  • The ceramic grenade was tested against the Molotov cocktail. The ceramic grenade was able to take out three targets: one was confused, one was disoriented, and the other was dead. The Molotov cocktail was tested on two dummies in a car. When thrown, it put the car in a "mini-firestorm" and slowly burned the dummies. The ceramic grenade was given the edge due to its ability to put its victims in a completely defenseless state, whereas the Molotov's victims weren't immediately incapacitated.
  • This was the first ever squad-on-squad battle in the show.
  • The Mafia is one of five warriors with no battle cry at the end of the battle.

Reenactment 5

The battle begins with a group of five Yakuza members entering a hotel. A nearby man and his wife checking into the hotel look on with nervousness as they see five Mafia members turn the corner and run into the Yakuza. Both gangs stare each other down until one Mafia gangster pulls out a Molotov Cocktail. Another one takes out a lighter and lights the rag on the bottle. One of the Yakuza gangsters realizes that they're preparing a bomb, and alerts his fellow teammates. A Yakuza member fires his Sten machine gun, killing the man's wife as well as the Mafia gangster with the Molotov. He falls to the floor and drops the Molotov, rendering it useless. The Mafia boss pulls out his Sawed-Off Shotgun and aims at the Yakuza boss, who draws his Walther P38 and uses it to take the man hostage and use him as a shield. The Mafia boss changes his mind and instead shoots the Yakuza member with the British Sten, throwing him behind a couch and killing him. The Mafia and Yakuza members scatter out in different directions, with one of the Mafia members jumping behind the check-in counter. Another Mafia thug fires his Tommy Gun and kills a Yakuza member and the man the Yakuza boss was using as cover. Another Yakuza member lights a Ceramic Grenade and throws it. It lands behind the check-in counter and explodes, killing the Mafia gangster behind it. At this point, the Mafia has already retreated to different parts of the hotel, so the remaining Yakuza members go further into the hotel to hunt them down. The Yakuza boss finds a Mafia member trying to escape in an elevator. He runs and gets caught in the elevator's doors. The Mafia man inside desperately tries to load his pistol, but the Yakuza boss manages to get inside the elevator first. He grabs the Mafia man and shoves him into a wall, forcing them both to drop their guns. The Mafia member pulls out a switchblade knife and the Yakuza boss draws his two Sai. The Mafia member tries to stab the Yakuza boss, but is countered with a swift punch to the side. The Yakuza boss swings his Sai and slashes the Mafia member's face. The Mafia member tries to get a blow with his knife, but the Yakuza boss grabs him and stabs him in the stomach. The Mafia thug falls to the floor, allowing the Yakuza boss to grab his Walther. He fires two bullets into the Mafia man just as the elevator doors open. He steps out, looking for any more Mafia members. Meanwhile, the Mafia boss and his last henchman make their way down a flight of stairs. The henchman tells his boss to continue on, and then kills one of the oncoming Yakuza members with his Tommy Gun. However, another Yakuza gangster follows up and kills the Mafia thug with his Walther P38 and then continues down the stairs. In the basement, the Mafia boss hides behind a locker door and attempts to reload his shotgun. However, he is so nervous that he accidentally drops the bullet. Just as he is about to go to pick it up, he hears the Yakuza thug enter the room. As the Yakuza man is examining the lockers, the Mafia boss finds a Bat in the locker he is hiding in. Just as the Mafia boss is about to be caught, he jumps out and hits the gun out of the Yakuza member's hands and then hits him in the stomach with the Bat. The Yakuza man pulls out his Nunchucks and begins to show off in an attempt to scare the Mafia boss. However, this only angers him as he tries to furiously swing with the bat. The Yakuza man swings with his Nunchucks, but the Mafia boss ducks and strikes him in his leg. The Yakuza man flinches and is then hit in the head. He falls to the ground, allowing the Mafia boss to continuously beat him to death with the Bat. After retrieving and reloading his shotgun, the Mafia boss makes his way to the boiler room. As he enters, the Yakuza boss jumps out and tries to shoot him with his Walther P38. The Mafia boss fires back with his shotgun, but neither one manages to hit the other. Eventually, the Mafia boss runs out of ammo again and tries to reload. However, the Yakuza boss catches this and puts the gun to his head. He pulls the trigger, only to find that his gun is out of ammo as well. The Mafia boss swings his shotgun and hits the Yakuza boss in the stomach. The Mafia boss discards his gun in favor of his switchblade, while the Yakuza boss pulls out his Sai again. The two begin to vigorously swing at each other, keeping their distance to avoid getting hit by the other's weapon. The Yakuza boss kicks the Mafia boss into a boiler and charges at him, but the Mafia boss kicks back and pushes him away. The two recover and briefly glare each other down before they begin to fight again. Eventually, the Mafia boss shoves the Yakuza boss into the boiler and tries to stab him. The Yakuza boss jumps out of the way, and the Mafia boss winds up puncturing a pipe that spews steam. He accidentally drops his knife, which allows the Yakuza boss to grab the Mafia boss without fear of getting stabbed. However, just as the Yakuza boss is about to stab him with the Sai, the Mafia boss pulls out his Ice pick as a last resort and stabs the Yakuza boss in his arm, causing him to drop one of his Sai. The Mafia boss then grabs the Yakuza boss by his hair and slams his head into the punctured pipe, burning his face. He then brings the Yakuza boss close and pulls his head to the side, exposing his neck. The Mafia boss slowly drives the Ice pick into the Yakuza boss's neck. He pulls out the Ice pick and watches the Yakuza boss slump to the ground. The Mafia boss throws away his Ice pick and pulls out a cigar. He lights it and begins to smoke it in celebration before walking away.

Winner: Mafia

Episode 6: Green Beret vs. Spetsnaz

Green Beret team: Matt Anderson (Former Green Beret), Sgt. George Gomez (Green Beret Instructor)
Green Beret weapons: Mossberg Shotgun, M67 Grenade, E-Tool, M4A1 Carbine, M24 Rifle, Beretta Pistol
Green Beret armor: None

Spetsnaz team: Sonny Puzikas (Former Spetsnaz Operative), Maxim Franz (Former naval Spetsnaz Operative)
Spetsnaz weapons: Saiga Shotgun, RGD-5 Grenade, Ballistic Knife, AK74 Carbine, Dragunov Rifle, Makarov Pistol
Spetsnaz armor: None

Modern Results
Green Beret Kills Spetsnaz Kills
Short Range Beretta Pistol 4 Makarov Pistol 12
Mid Range Mossberg 590 Shotgun 42 Saiga Shotgun 104
Long Range Automatic M4A1 Carbine 311 AK74 Carbine 288
Long Range Sniper M24 Rifle 85 Dragunov Rifle 84
Special Weapons E-Tool 3 Ballistic Knife 7
Explosive Weapons M67 Grenade 36 RGD-5 Grenade 24
Totals 481 519
  • Both pistols were shot at targets while navigating a specially designed target course using a night vision device. The Spetsnaz was able to eliminate all three targets without causing friendly casualties. While the Green Beret was able to navigate the same course in less time (completing the course five seconds sooner than the Spetsnaz) and also without friendly casualties, the Green Beret was only able to kill one target, leaving one target able to fight back in wounded condition and the final target nearly unscathed. The Makarov won due to its shooter's skill despite having a smaller magazine.
  • The Mossberg was shot at a pig and put four rounds in under four seconds. The Saiga was shot at four targets in under three seconds. The edge was given to the Saiga due to its semi-auto capability.
  • The AK74 and M4 were determined to be equal as the users shot all the targets, ending this test as a tie.
  • The Dragunov and M24 were tested on multiple targets. The Dragunov missed its targets by at least an inch to either side, while the M24 hit all its targets right in the centre. The M24 took the advantage due to its greater accuracy.
  • The Ballistic Knife went up against the E-Tool. The E-Tool was tested on a gel torso and managed to remove the brain, as well as slicing into the intestines, causing them to spill out of the body cavity. The ballistic knife was tested on three glass orbs and penetrated all three, at a velocity of 15 feet per second, or 39 mph. In a very close comparison, the ballistic knife was chosen due to its ranged capability and portability.
  • The RGD5 was detonated inside of a washing machine surrounded by standees and managed to take out one standee and put a piece of the machine in another standee at 40 feet. The M67 was detonated in a clear box with two dummies and a pig, and managed to take them all out. The M67 won due to its larger blast radius.
  • Neither team was equipped with armor during this episode, because armor increases the amount of testing required and the producers felt that the armor used by both sides was so similar that they cancelled each other out.[3]

Reenactment 6

The battle begins in the remains of a completely abandoned city. The Spetsnaz squad makes their way to a building blocked by a locked gate. One of the Spetsnaz busts the lock with the butt of his AK74 Carbine and opens the gate to let his fellow soldiers in. Meanwhile, the Green Beret approaches from another part of the city and enters from a different gate. The Green Beret leader carefully walks up to a door and throws his M67 grenade through the broken window. It explodes, causing panic and confusion for the Spetsnaz soldiers inside. He quickly makes his way in and kills the first Spetsnaz man he sees with his M4A1 Carbine. One of his soldiers walks with him into a room, only to be shot by a Spetsnaz and his Saiga Shotgun. The leader quickly reacts and kills him with his Carbine. Two other Green Berets enter a hallway, unaware that the Spetsnaz commander and two of his soldiers are nearby. One enters the hallway and gets in a gunfight with one of the Green Berets. The other one sneaks up to the entrance of the room the Spetsnaz soldier is in and throws another grenade inside. The explosion throws the Spetsnaz man out and kills him. The two Green Berets make their way to another room, where they hear another Spetsnaz soldier trying to scare them away with gunfire. One jumps in and kills him with his Mossberg Shotgun. Meanwhile, the Spetsnaz leader, now on his own, waits crouched beneath a window while an unaware Green Beret looks for him. When he passes by, the Spetsnaz commander quickly gets up and shoots him with his AK74 Carbine. He turns around and kills another Green Beret that was attempting to sneak up on him. He gently kicks the dead soldier to ensure that he was killed, then exits the room. He sees another Green Beret entering the hallway and kills him before he gets a chance to respond. The Green Beret leader enters the hallway just in time to see his last comrade get killed. He tries to shoot the Spetsnaz commander, but the commander manages to run into another room before getting hit. The Green Beret leader enters the room and spots the Spetsnaz leader trying to hide. The Green Beret leader gets an idea and shoots out all the lights in the room with his M4A1 Carbine, leaving the Spetsnaz leader in the dark. The Green Beret leader puts on his night vision goggles and pulls out his Beretta Pistol. The Spetsnaz leader readies his Carbine, but the Green Beret leader fires wildly at him and shoots the gun out of his hands. Without a firearm, the Spetsnaz leader tries to escape into the next room. The Green Beret leader takes several more shots, but is unable to hit the Spetsnaz. The Spetsnaz finds himself in a boiler room and a dead end. He turns around to see the Green Beret enter the room with his E-Tool. The Spetsnaz leader draws his Ballista Knife and waits for the Green Beret to make his move. The Green Beret begins to frantically swing and manages to knock the knife out of the Spetsnaz's hands. He charges at the Spetsnaz and slams him into a wall. The Spetsnaz leader tries to push him away, but is constantly pushed into walls. He forces the E-Tool up to the Green Beret leader's neck, and the two get into a final struggle. The Green Beret gets the upper hand and knocks the Spetsnaz leader to the floor. The Spetsnaz kicks the Green Beret away, giving himself enough time to pull out a spare Ballista Knife tucked away in his boot. The Green Beret prepares to swing his E-Tool, but the Spetsnaz presses a button on the knife. The blade shoots out from the handle and flies into the Green Beret's neck. The Green Beret leader slowly falls to the ground. The Spetsnaz leader gets up and watches the Green Beret leader weakly fidget before laying motionless. He yells "Ya Spetsnaz!" ("I am Spetsnaz" in Russian) and quips "No one will ever defeat us" in Russian to the dead Green Beret before leaving the room.

Winner: Spetsnaz

Episode 7: Shaolin Monk vs. Māori Warrior

Shaolin Monk team: Eric Chen (Kung Fu Master/Historian), Wang Wei (Wushu National Champion), Alfred Hsing (Chinese Weapons Expert)
Shaolin Monks weapons: Twin Hooks, Emei Piercers, Staff, Whip Chain
Shaolin Monk armor: None

Māori Warrior team: Seamus Fitzgerald (Māori Weapons Historian), Jared Wihongi (Special Forces Combat Instructor), Sala Baker (Māori Weapons Specialist)
Māori Warrior weapons: Stingray Spear, Mere Club, Taiaha, Shark Tooth Club
Māori Warrior armor: None

Shaolin Monk Kills Māori Warrior Kills
Short Range Emei Piercers 31 Mere 78
Mid Range Staff

Twin Hooks




Stingray Spear



Special Weapons Whip Chain 38 Shark Tooth Club 73
Totals 692 308
  • For the short range match up, the emei piercers were tested against the mere club. The emei piercers showed amazing speed, accuracy, and killing potential as Alfred turned a gel torso's head inside out with repeated stabs (four kill shots in roughly as many seconds). The mere club annihilated a bull skull (which is two times thicker then a human skull) with ease. Dr. Dorian claimed that the strike (which took off the frontal portion of the bull skull) was analogous to a mid-face fracture. The experts of the Māori wanted to prove that the mere was stronger than steel, so they set up a test. Sala tried to smash through a row of bricks with a steel knife and managed to smash through one, but the Mere smashed through three, giving it the edge.
  • For the first mid range weapon match up, the twin hooks were put up against the stingray spear. The twin hooks went up first, managing to cut up a pig carcass and cutting cleanly through the ribs. Putting both swords together doubled the weapon's range, a feature it demonstrated while cutting through a gel torso's abdomen to the liver, leaving a deep, geometrically aligned wound which effectively destroyed the abdomen's vital organs. The stingray spear stabbed its opponent, lodging the ends of the spear into the gel torso's abdomen. As this was judged to not be a kill shot, Sala Baker re-aimed with a new stingray spear for the region just below the ribcage. This time, he managed to inflict a kill shot, striking vital organs and possibly striking the spinal cord. The stingray spear caused severe damage, but not as much as the twin hooks, and the twin hooks were given the edge for this and re-usability, as the stingray spear was deemed a "one shot" weapon.
  • Next the taiaha was tested against the staff. Although the staff managed to take out clay pots with amazing speed and precision (four pots in 2.643 seconds), the taiaha showed more strength by taking out two cow spines (which are three times thicker than a human spine). Earlier, the taiaha was also tested against a pressure sensor, generating over 200 psi of force. The fact that the staff was used more as a defensive weapon was a determining factor in the tests, and the taiaha was given the edge for being designed to kill its target.
  • In special weapons, the whip chain was tested against the shark tooth club. Although the whip chain showed a lot of killing potential and sharp precision (destroying five glass orbs in two strikes), the shark tooth club was able to not only cut its leg of beef, but kept cutting when the teeth broke off inside the target. The Shark Tooth Club was given the edge.
  • The Māori Warrior was the first of only three (so far) warriors to receive the edge in 3 out of 4 tests (the others being the SWAT team and Vlad the Impaler). The Māori Warrior is also the only warrior so far to lose the match despite having the edge in 3 out of 4 tests.
  • This is the most lopsided one-on-one fight on the show so far.
  • This is the only episode which does not feature long range weapons.
  • The Shaolin Monk is one of five warriors with no battle cry at the end of the battle.

Reenactment 7

The battle begins with the Shaolin Monk training in a field when he hears someone making loud noises. He investigates and finds the Māori Warrior performing his "Ka Mate" haka. The Shaolin Monk watches as the Māori Warrior dances in front of him. The Māori Warrior then sticks his tongue out at him, which means that he is going to eat him. The Shaolin Monk slowly walks up to the Māori, which prompts him to raise his Stingray Spear in defense. The Monk calmly bows to him, but the Māori only responds by charging at him and wildly swinging his spear. The monk swiftly moves and does back flips to dodge the Māori's spear. The Māori Warrior sticks his tongue out at the Shaolin Monk again, but the Monk remains calm as he pulls out a meteor hammer and begins to swing it around. He tries to bend it around his leg and strike the Māori, but the Stingray Spear intercepts the blow. The Māori Warrior prepares to swing the Stingray Spear again, but the Shaolin Monk swings the meteor hammer and wraps it around the spear. The two pull on the rope to gain control of the Stingray Spear. The Māori then angrily throws the Spear, causing the Monk to fall back. The Monk quickly back flips to keep his balance and remain standing. He makes a run for the trees, forcing the Māori to give chase. The Shaolin Monk finds his Twin Hooks and Staff behind a tree and picks them up before resuming his escape. He eventually stops and turns to fight the Māori Warrior, who is now armed with his Taiaha. He quickly pulls out his Whip Chain and begins to swing it at the Māori Warrior. The Māori blocks the blows before the Shaolin Monk charges at him and swings fiercely. The Māori Warrior jumps out of the way and watches the Monk drop to the floor. He tries to close in with his Taiaha, but the Monk swings the Whip Chain above him and keeps the Māori at bay. Eventually, he bounces his body into the air briefly and swings the chain under him. He wraps it around the Māori Warrior's Taiaha and pulls at it. The Māori manages to hold on to his weapon, but the distraction allows the Monk to get back up. The Māori thrusts his Taiaha, but the Monk easily slides under it and runs to his Staff and Twin Hooks. The Māori Warrior runs after the Monk, chasing him to a more open field. Eventually, the Shaolin Monk throws his Twin Hooks to the ground and springs into a fighting stance with his Staff. The Māori watches as the Shaolin Monk begins to twirl his staff around. The two begin to swing their weapon at the other, continuously blocking each other's blows. Eventually, the Taiaha breaks the Shaolin Monk's staff, leaving the Monk without a weapon. The Monk slowly backs up, and the Māori begins to fiercely attack him. The Monk tries to dodge the Taiaha, but eventually gets hit. The Māori Warrior tries to sweep the Shaolin Monk off his feet, but the Monk flips into the air and avoids the blow. The Monk picks up his Twin Hooks, and readies himself as the Māori tries to attack again. He effortlessly blocks the Taiaha before hooking it and pulling it from the Māori Warrior's hands. The Māori tries to come at him, but the Monk links the Twin Hooks together and swings it, cutting into the Māori's stomach. The Māori becomes infuriated and charges at the Shaolin Monk, sending him to the floor. The Shaolin Monk kicks him away and quickly jumps back up. The Monk pulls out his Emei Piercers, and the Māori grabs his Shark Tooth and Mere Clubs. The Māori tries to frantically swings at the Monk, who grabs his arm and pulls the Mere Club from his hand. The Māori Warrior swings his Shark Tooth Club and hits the Monk. The Monk quickly spins one of his Emei Piercers, distracting the Māori for a second and allowing the Monk to punch him in the gut. The Monk tries to stab the Māori, but is blocked by the Shark Tooth Club. He spins around and elbows the Māori, causing him to flinch. The Monk then grabs both of his Emei Piercers and stabs him in both the neck and temple. He pulls out his Piercers and watches the Māori fall to the ground. The Monk bows his head in respect for the dead Māori warrior.

Winner: Shaolin Monk

Episode 8: William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu

William Wallace team: Kieron Elliott (Highlander Weapons Expert), Anthony De Longis (Blade Master)
William Wallace weapons: Claymore, Ball And Chain, War Hammer, Targe/Dirk
William Wallace armor: Chainmail

Shaka Zulu team: Earl White (Zulu Stick Fighting Master), Jason Bartley (Zulu Combat Expert)
Shaka Zulu weapons: Iklwa, Iwisa, Zulu Axe, Spit Of Poison
Shaka Zulu armor: Ox Hide Shield

William Wallace Kills Shaka Zulu Kills
Short Range War Hammer 65 Zulu Axe 70
Mid Range Claymore 319 Iklwa 307
Long Range Ball and Chain 1 Iwisa 2
Special Weapons Targe/Dirk 236 Spit of Poison 0
Totals 621 379
  • The war hammer smashed one skull and impaled another in under two seconds. The hammer's pick penetrated four inches into the gel skull, driving through the upper palate of the mouth and still generating enough blunt force to split the skull in half. The zulu axe was used to chop up a leg of beef, being measured at a velocity of 23 mph. The zulu axe was given the edge because of its longer reach and higher speed.
  • The claymore decapitated three meat heads in one swing (going straight through the joints of the meat necks with precise cuts and lopping the lower jaws off of two of the three skulls), and cleanly cut into a Zulu ishlangu shield and only stopped when it hit the load cell the shield was affixed to. The claymore's strike was measured at 310 psi, with Geoff Desmoulin theorizing that a Zulu warrior behind the ishlangu would suffer at least one broken bone in his arm. The Zulu responded with quick slashes of the iklwa, managing to slice up a pig which was mounted on a zipline to simulate motion. Against the pig carcass, the ilkwa pierced a lung and severed the spinal cord. The ilkwa also managed to penetrate a sample of unriveted chainmail, stabbing into the ballistic gel torso beneath, where it pierced the aorta and stopped an inch before the spinal cord. The range of the claymore and its performance proved to be the deciding factor, giving it the edge.
  • For long range, the iwisa throwing club was paired against the ball and chain. After missing the target on the first two tries, the ball and chain successfully shattered an ice dummy with enough force to kill a human. The ball and chain struck the ice sculpture in a manner that would have crushed the windpipe and broken the sternum on a person, possibly contusing the heart. A pressure map situated beneath the ice sculpture measured the ball and chain's force at roughly 3200 joules of energy; roughly equivalent to being struck by a motorcycle going at 16 mph. The iwisa, meanwhile, shattered a glass plate and two glass orbs at a velocity of 16 feet per second, or 32 mph. The accuracy, speed, and range of the iwisa earned it the win.
  • The special weapons test paired the Scottish targe and dirk against the spit poison of the Zulu. The targe and dirk, as a combination, proved deadly. The long spike of the targe was able to puncture a gel torso's heart, and the dirk was capable of stabbing through the torso's brain stem causing paralysis and death. For the spit of poison test, Jason Bartley spat in the face of a test dummy to depict its value as a distraction tactic, but the results were too questionable to give it the win. The targe and dirk were given the edge due to their raw killing power.
  • This is the first battle between two historical individuals to be featured on the show.

Reenactment 8

The battle begins in a valley with William Wallace armed with his Targe and Ball & Chain. He sees Shaka Zulu running at him and readies his Ball & Chain. He swings it around and throws it at Shaka Zulu, but Shaka rolls right under it. Shaka Zulu throws his Iwisa at Wallace- who blocks it with his Targe- and then pulls out another. William Wallace pulls out his War Hammer and begins to swings at Shaka Zulu. Shaka tries to counter with his Iwisa, and the two lock weapons. William Wallace thrusts the Targe and pierces into Shaka's leg. He pulls out the Targe and tries to finish him with the War Hammer, but Shaka rolls out of the way. Shaka tries to strike William Wallace with his Iwisa, but Wallace blocks again with the Targe and knocks the Iwisa out of Shaka's hands. Shaka Zulu readies his Zulu Axe and starts jumping around. William Wallace runs at Shaka, who tries to hit him with his Axe. Wallace ducks under the Axe and blocks with his Targe. He swings his War Hammer, but Shaka Zulu blocks with his shield and kicks Wallace away. He pulls out his Iklwa and thrusts at William Wallace, but Wallace dodges and swings the War Hammer at Shaka's legs. Shaka falls over and rolls out of the way of Wallace's Targe. Shaka swings at the Targe, preventing William Wallace from picking it up. Wallace swings the War Hammer, but it gets stuck in Shaka Zulu's shield. Wallace pulls the shield from Shaka's hands and throws it and the Hammer away. Shaka Zulu rolls away and waits with his Iklwa and Zulu Axe in hand for Wallace, who draws his Claymore. Wallace swings at Shaka's legs, but Shaka jumps over it. He fails to land properly, however, and instead falls to the floor. William Wallace tries to swing at Shaka, but is blocked by the Axe. Shaka slashes Wallace's leg with his Iklwa, forcing Wallace back. He tries to hit Shaka with the Claymore, but Shaka rolls away and dodges. Shaka Zulu turns around and tries to run away. William Wallace throws his Dirk at Shaka, but Shaka deflects it with his Iklwa. He starts to climb a hill, but stops to chew on some poisonous herbs. He sees Wallace running after him and continues to run up the hill. Shaka Zulu tries to spit the poison at Wallace as he approaches, but Wallace turns his head away to prevent the poison from getting into his eyes. Wallace swings his Claymore at Shaka's Zulu Axe and knocks it out of his hands. Shaka then swings his Iklwa and slashes across Wallace's stomach. Wallace swings back in retaliation and slashes Shaka's back. Shaka manages to stab Wallace in his waist, forcing him to stumble back. Shaka Zulu charges at William Wallace, but Wallace regains his balance at the last second and points his Claymore upward. Shaka Zulu jumps at Wallace, effectively impaling himself on the sword. William Wallace pulls the sword and throws Shaka's dead body aside before giving a loud victory cry.

Winner: William Wallace

Episode 9: IRA vs. Taliban

IRA team: Skoti Collins (IRA Descendant/Historian), Peter Crowe (IRA Weapons Expert)
IRA weapons: LPO-50 Flamethrower, Nail Bomb, AR-15 ArmaLite, Slingshot
IRA armor: None

Taliban team: Fahim Fazli[4] (former Mujahideen Freedom Fighter), Alex Sami (Counter-Terrorism Specialist)
Taliban weapons: RPG-7 Rocket Launcher, PMN Mine, AK-47 Assault Rifle, Bayonet
Taliban armor: None

IRA Kills Taliban Kills
Short Range Slingshot 2 Bayonet 35
Mid Range LPO-50 Flamethrower 70 RPG-7 Rocket Launcher 162
Long Range AR-15 ArmaLite 315 AK-47 Assault Rifle 245
Special Weapons Nail Bomb 130 PMN Mine 41
Totals 517 483
  • For short-range weapons, the Taliban's bayonet proved more deadly than the IRA's slingshot. The slingshot was a very accurate weapon (capable of hitting the eye socket of a skull), and its velocity was clocked at roughly 155 mph, but it did not provide sufficient killing power. The bayonet was declared the winner because it turned the already powerful AK-47 into a short range spear, ripping a reinforced cloth punching bag in half with repeated strikes, and puncturing a gel torso's heart and lung.
  • For mid-range weapons, the LPO-50 flamethrower was paired against the RPG-7 rocket launcher. The LPO-50 (or rather, since the LPO-50 is banned in the US, a substitute flamethrower) burnt its targets at temperatures of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the effective range (920 meters), explosion radius, and killing power of the RPG-7 were unquestionable, giving it the edge in mid-range weapons.
  • For long-range weapons, the IRA's AR-15 was tested against the Taliban's AK-47. The AR-15 was capable of hitting a smaller target, meaning it was more accurate; actually hitting each of its targets in one shot, which the AK-47 failed to do. The AK-47 was the victor of a reliability test involving mud. Geoff decided to take the assault rifles into his own hands to decide. In his test, Geoff liked the AR-15 better, earning it the win.
  • For special weapons, the IRA's nail bomb was compared to the PMN mine. The nail bomb managed to take out all of its targets by lodging its nails into them. The PMN mine proved to be powerful enough to dismember limbs, but could only kill two of its five targets. The nail bomb was more effective at lethally damaging multiple targets, giving the edge over the PMN mine.
  • With a deathtoll margin of only 34 kills, the IRA victory is the closest matchup featured in Deadliest Warrior thus far. It closely beats out the Navy SEAL-Israeli Commando matchup, which had a margin of 36 kills, and the Green Beret-Spetsnaz matchup, which had a margin of 38 kills.
  • This is the first squad-on-squad battle on the show where a counter to tell how many men are remaining on each side was used.
  • This is the first (and so far only) match-up to feature a person of one team accidentally killing another.
  • This is also the first (and so far only) match-up to feature a person of one team killing a person of the other team with the other team's weapon (IRA member using the Taliban's bayonet).

Reenactment 9

The battle starts with five Taliban militia climbing over a small hill leading to an abandoned car lot. They survey the area for potential targets. Meanwhile, an IRA squad is sneaking through the lot, using the cars as cover. The Irish Republican Army leader leads his four men through the lot, but wind up running into the Taliban. Both sides manage to get off one kill with each of their assault rifles, the AK-47 and the AR-15 ArmaLite. Both teams scramble and run off in different directions. A Taliban member runs from an IRA man in between two cars. As the IRA man begins to catch up, he steps on a PMN mine and is killed by the explosion. The Taliban soldier escapes, but runs into an IRA member wielding an LPO-50 Flamethrower. He is set on fire and desperately tries to shoot in random directions, but dies before he can make a hit. Another Taliban member runs up and shoots the flamethrower's gas tank, causing it to explode and kill the IRA soldier. Another IRA man runs in between the cars, but is spotted by a Taliban member. He pulls out his RPG-7 Rocket Launcher and fires a rocket at the IRA man, killing him. The IRA leader slowly enters a run-down trailer, keeping an eye out for the Taliban. He opens a closet door and sees a hand holding an AK-47. He quickly moves to avoid the gunfire, and then pulls out the Taliban boss from the closet. The two get into a fight, with the Taliban boss throwing the IRA leader against the cupboards. Outside, the Taliban member with the rocket launcher sees the two men and prepares another rocket. The IRA leader pushes the Taliban boss against the wall and knocks him to the floor, then looks out the window just in time to see the Taliban member with the RPG-7 pointed right at the trailer. He quickly runs out of the trailer, leaving the Taliban boss inside. The Taliban member outside fires the rocket, unaware that the IRA leader left without the Taliban boss. The Taliban boss gets up and sees the rocket flying towards the trailer, leaving only enough time to scream in terror before the trailer explodes. The other Taliban member pulls a bayonet off his AK-47 and runs after the IRA leader. The IRA leader turns and fires his slingshot, but misses. The Taliban man catches up and tries to stab him, but the IRA leader swings a car door in his face. The two struggle to gain control of the bayonet and the IRA leader gains the upper hand, stabbing the Taliban man in the throat. A final Taliban member rushes in with his own AK-47 and tries to shoot the IRA leader. He picks up an ArmaLite from a fallen IRA man and runs from the Taliban member, trying to shoot him as well. The chase leads to a broken-down bus. The IRA member runs into the bus and pulls out a nail bomb. He sticks it next to the exit in the back and gets out. As the Taliban member enters the bus, the IRA member blocks the exit with the Armalite. The Taliban member tries to open the door, but is unable to do so. The IRA member begins taunting him with the remote and then runs away. The Taliban member sees the bomb and tries harder to open the door. The IRA leader runs to a safe spot, then presses a button on the remote. The bomb begins beeping, then explodes and kills the last Taliban member. The IRA leader raises his fist and yells "Ireland!" in victory.

Winner: IRA

Back for Blood special

As a transition from season one to season two, a special episode (titled Back for Blood) was aired to pit the winning warriors from season one against one another. It was decided to make a distinction between ancient and modern warriors due to the advent of gunpowder changing the face of warfare.

Ancient match

For the ancient elimination block, the warriors assembled included the Apache, Samurai, Spartan, Shaolin Monk, and William Wallace. The Shaolin Monk was automatically removed from the running due to being passive and for his lack of armor. William Wallace was eliminated due to a lack of a formidable long range weaponry, as well as his easily penetrable chainmail. The Apache was taken out for his lack of armor and armor-penetrating weapons. They decided on the Spartan and Samurai, the team captains of the remaining teams made a return to retest their weapons against different adversaries. The end result was one of the closest matches to date, of ancient warriors it is the second closest match, with only the Viking vs Samurai match being closer.

Spartan representative: Barry Jacobsen (Spartan Historian and Weapons Expert)
Spartan weapons: Spear, Shortsword, Javelin, Shield

Samurai representative: Tetsuro Shigematsu (Samurai Descendant)
Samurai weapons: Katana, Naginata, Yumi, Kanabo

Ancient match results
Spartan Kills Samurai Kills
Short Range Short Sword 10 Katana 15
Mid Range Spear 339 Naginata 141
Long Range Javelin 16 Yumi 175
Special Weapons Shield 162 Kanabo 142
Totals 527 473
  • For short-range weapons, the Samurai katana was tested against the Spartan's short sword, the Xiphos. Footage of the tests for both from previous episodes was reviewed. The edge was given to the katana for slicing through two pigs, while the xiphos didn't even go through one. The katana also had a length advantage over the xiphos.
  • For mid-range weapons, the Samurai's naginata was pitted against a gel torso wearing a Spartan cuirass. The gel torso was mounted on an "attack bot" to simulate an attacking Spartan. The naginata failed to penetrate its target, inflicting a dent on the Spartan cuirass but not even inflicting enough blunt force trauma to break a rib. The same attack bot was then outfitted with a Samurai cuirass and tested against the Spartan's dory spear, which not only failed to penetrate its target, but was also severely bent in the process. The dory spear managed to chip the outermost layer of lacquer on the samurai do, but like the naginata, it failed to generate enough blunt force trauma to break a bone behind the do. Despite this, the weapons were declared even because neither could penetrate their enemy's armor.
  • For long-range weapons, both teams reviewed the footage of the Spartan's javelin and the Samurai's yumi. The javelin was deemed a weapon used against mass formations instead of a single enemy, while the Yumi had speed, killing power, and accuracy. The Yumi was unanimously (including the Spartan expert) given the edge because of its high speed and lethal accuracy.
  • For special weapons, the kanabo and the Spartan shield were pitted against each other. While the kanabo used in the testing did fair structural damage to the Viking shield earlier on in season one, the Spartan shield was too solid for the kanabo to damage and was unharmed except for a few dents. The impact of the kanabo onto the Spartan shield was measured at roughly 425 psi (roughly 50 psi less than it generated against the Viking shield). The Spartan shield was shown to be just as powerful a weapon as ever and therefore given the edge.

Ancient Match Reenactment

The battle begins with the Samurai walking through a forest with his Naginata and Yumi Bow in his hands. As he is walking, the Spartan emerges from behind a giant rock and eyes the Samurai. The Samurai, sensing danger, thrusts his Naginata into the ground and watches the Spartan. The Spartan grunts and holds out his Javelin, ready for battle. The Samurai takes an arrow and fires at the Spartan. The Spartan jumps down from the rock and towards the Samurai, knocking the arrow away with his Spartan Shield. He throws the Javelin at the Samurai, but aims too high and misses completely. The Samurai readies another arrow while the Spartan pulls out his Spear and charges at the Samurai. At the last second, the Samurai aims for the Spartan's legs and shoots, but it goes in between them and hits the floor. The Spartan tries to hit the Samurai with his Spear, but the Samurai dodges and picks up his Naginata. The two begin swinging at each other until the Samurai hits his shield. The Spartan uses the Shield as a wall and shoves the Samurai all the way up to a tree. The Samurai tries to stab the Spartan with the Naginata, but the Spartan parries with his Spear and breaks the Naginata in two with his Shield. The Samurai, undeterred, grabs the Spartan's Spear and flips over the Spartan, causing him to release the Spear. The Samurai throws it away and pulls out his Kanabo club. He starts to viciously swing at the Spartan, but the Spartan uses his shield to cover his body and block the blows. The Samurai stops briefly to regain his strength, but the Spartan draws his Short Sword and stabs the Samurai's ear. The Samurai shrieks in pain, backs away and checks his ear for blood. Meanwhile the Spartan, now furious, gets back up and starts advancing towards the Samurai. The two stop in the middle of a field while the Samurai grabs a hold of the handle of his Katana. The Spartan makes his move first and thrusts the Short Sword at the Samurai, but the Samurai dodges and swings his Katana. The Spartan, however, blocks it with his Shield and shoves the Samurai away. The two stand off again, and the Spartan once again tries to stab the Samurai. The Samurai avoids it and again tries to hit the Spartan, but the Spartan blocks and hits the Samurai with his Shield. The Samurai gets up and readies himself and his Katana. The Samurai makes a quick thrust at the Spartan in an attempt to finish him off. The Spartan, however, effortlessly blocks again with the Shield and thrusts his Short Sword. It cuts into the Samurai's stomach and leaves him frozen in place. The Spartan swings the Shield into the Samurai's face and knocks him to the ground. The Spartan walks up to him and thrusts the Short Sword into the Samurai's neck, killing him. He pulls out the sword and watches as blood spurts from the Samurai's neck. He raises his Short Sword in the air and roars in victory.

Ancient Winner: Spartan

Modern match

The modern elimination block included the Pirate, Mafia, Spetznaz, and IRA. The Pirate was automatically eliminated due to his weapons being deemed too "primitive" in comparison to his modern counterparts. The Mafia was eliminated from contention due to the group not being "professionals", as well as much of their weaponry being improvised. The Spetsnaz were chosen hands down as the most disciplined warrior of the modern era, while the IRA was deemed the most "unpredictable" of the group. The IRA versus the Spetsnaz was the most one sided match-up to date, with the Spetsnaz being the first warrior to ever receive a kill score in the 700s.

Spetsnaz representative: Sonny Puzikas (Former Spetsnaz Operative)
Spetsnaz weapons: Saiga Shotgun, RGD-5 grenade, Ballistic knife, AK74 carbine, Dragunov rifle, Makarov pistol

IRA representative: Skoti Collins (IRA Descendant/Historian)
IRA weapons: LPO-50 Flamethrower, Nail Bomb, AR-15 Armalite, Slingshot, Webley Revolver, H&K G3 Sniper Rifle

Modern match results
Spetsnaz Kills IRA Kills
Short Range Makarov Pistol 20 Webley Revolver 8
Mid Range Saiga Shotgun 92 LPO-50 Flamethrower 11
Long Range automatic AK74 Carbine 472 AR-15 Armalite 175
Long Range sniper Dragunov Rifle 120 H&K G3 Sniper Rifle 47
Special Weapons Ballistic Knife 6 Slingshot 3
Explosive Weapons RGD-5 Grenade 7 Nail Bomb 20
Totals 717 264
  • For short range weapons, the Makarov was pitted against the IRA's side arm, the Webley Revolver. Despite the Webley being a more powerful pistol, the Makarov was given the advantage due to the pistol carrying more ammo than the six bullets in the Webley and can be reloaded faster.
  • For mid range weaponry, footage for season one reviewed the IRA's LPO-50 Flamethrower against the Spetsnaz's Saiga Shotgun. While the Saiga was quick and deadly, the LPO-50 Flamethrower brought a psychological advantage. Additionally, burn injuries were deemed to be far worse than gun shot wounds, giving the IRA the edge.
  • For long range automatic rifles, the footage of season one was reviewed for the AR-15 Armalite and AK-74 Carbine. It was agreed that the Armalite was the more accurate weapon, but the AK-74 was the more durable weapon; hence, the result was a draw.
  • For long range sniper rifles, the IRA's the HK G3 was paired against the Dragunov. While both weapons had high kill ratios, the Dragonov was deemed faster and more accurate in terms of execution and given the edge.
  • For special weapons, season one footage reviewed the IRA's sling shot and Spetsnaz's ballistic knife. The ballistic knife was determined as having the advantage due to the weapon's killing power.
  • For explosives, the nail bomb and RGD-5 Grenade were reviewed from the season one footage. While the RGD-5 was powerful at a wide range, the Nail Bomb (despite being an improvised weapon) was given the advantage due to the high killing power of its shrapnel.
  • This is the most lopsided fight on the show to date, beating out all other fights of ancient, modern, one-on-one, and squad-based varieties.
  • Oddly, the Spetsnaz's weapons' kills add up to 717.[5] But, when added to the IRA's total of 264, it only adds up to 981,[6] possibly resulting in the show stating that the Spetsnaz's total was 736.

Modern Match Reenactment

The battle begins with 5 Spetsnaz soldiers infiltrating a warehouse serving as the IRA's headquarters. On top of the building, an IRA member spots them and takes aim with his HK G3 Sniper Rifle. A single shot downs one of the Spetsnaz. Inside the warehouse, an IRA member constructing a Nail Bomb hears the gun shot and realizes that there are intruders. The IRA sniper aims at another Spetsnaz soldier and fires, but he runs behind a tree and avoids the shot. The 4 IRA terrorists inside start to load up on weaponry for their battle and look for cover for when the Spetsnaz team arrives. The IRA sniper tries to shoot the Spetsnaz man behind the tree, but misses again. Another Spetsnaz man lies on the ground and sets up his Dragunov sniper rifle. He carefully takes aim and shoots, killing the gunman above and knocking him off the rooftop. He gets up and signals for the rest of his team to continue into the building. One Spetsnaz opens the door and is met with gunfire from two AR-15 ArmaLites. He fires back with his AK74 carbine and ducks for cover behind drum barrels. Another Spetsnaz soldier tries to assist him from the entrance with his rifle, resulting in a massive gunfight. The Spetsnaz man behind the barrels shoots up, breaking off some rubble which almost hits an IRA man. He tries to shoot back, but his ArmaLite winds up malfunctioning and is rendered useless. Now without a gun, he calls for the other IRA man with him and tells him to make a run for it. The Spetsnaz soldier behind the barrel calls for his team to run after the IRA. The two IRA men try to run away from the Spetsnaz, but one of the Spetsnaz men throws an RGD-5 grenade at them. It blows up and kills one of them, but the other manages to escape the explosion. Two Spetsnaz soldiers run after the other IRA person, not realizing that they are passing by an armed Nail Bomb. They stop to shoot at him, with the bomb right behind them. The IRA man pulls out his remote and presses the button, detonating the bomb and killing one of the Spetsnaz soldiers. The other one gets up and continues chasing the IRA man. He enters another building and keeps his AK74 up and ready. As he turns a corner, the IRA man jumps out and knocks the gun out of the Spetsnaz's hands. The IRA man tries to punch him in the face, but the Spetsnaz soldier elbows him in the side, flips sides with him, and starts to choke him. He then throws the IRA man to the floor and pulls out his Ballistic Knife. The Spetsnaz man tries to stab him with it, but the IRA man grabs his arm and tries to push it away. He is overpowered by the Spetsnaz, however, and is stabbed in the face. The Spetsnaz man gets up, only to see a giant stream of fire shoot from the corner. He starts to back away as another IRA member comes in with his LPO-50 Flamethrower at full power. The Spetsnaz soldier tries to run away and enters a room, only to find that it is a dead end. The IRA man shows up at the entrance and sets fire to the entire room, burning the Spetsnaz soldier to a crisp as he screams in agony and pain. He nods in satisfaction and turns around, only to be staring down the barrel of another Spetsnaz's Saiga Shotgun. Terrified, the IRA man tries to bring his flamethrower around to fire, but the Spetsnaz soldier fires and completely blows off the IRA man's head. The Spetsnaz soldier makes his way to the bathroom and cautiously opens the door. Believing that the room is empty, he slowly starts to enter with the Spetsnaz leader following behind. Suddenly, the last IRA member jumps out and kills the Spetsnaz leader's last soldier with the Webley Revolver. The Spetsnaz leader tries to shoot him with his Makarov Pistol, but misses. The IRA man takes cover and fires at the Spetsnaz commander, but misses as well. He runs over to the toilets, dodging the Spetsnaz leader's gunfire. He takes aim and tries to fire again. However, the gun clicks, indicating that his revolver is out of ammo. The Spetsnaz leader sees this and starts to charge at him. The IRA man desperately tries to get another shot out of his gun, but the Spetsnaz leader quickly runs up to him. He grabs the IRA man and shoves the Makarov up to his throat. He fires the gun, and blood sprays onto the wall as the IRA man slumps onto the toilet seat. The Spetsnaz leader yells out "Ya Spetsnaz!" ("I am Spetsnaz" in Russian) in victory and stands triumphantly.

Modern winner: Spetsnaz

Season 2

Season 2 was announced by the Team and by Spike, along with a video game. A teaser image posted on Twitter shows a Ballistic Gel torso behind a podium. A teaser video was posted for Deadliest Warrior for the people who signed up for Warrior Den with some of the weapons for season 2. The weapons trailer only showed modern weapons. Season 2 premiered April 20, 2010, at 10 pm ET.[7]

Episode 10: SWAT vs. GSG9

SWAT Team: Jon Darrah (9 year SWAT veteran), Steve Gordon (Metro SWAT operator), Rick (last name unknown, taser operator)
SWAT Weapons: Benelli M4 Super 90, LWRC-PSD, Remington 700, Taser Shockwave
SWAT armor: Kevlar Vest & Helmet

GSG9 Team: Michael Nagel (former German infantry), Damien Puckler (GSG9 unarmed combat instructor/World Martial Arts Champion)
GSG9 Weapons: Remington 870, H&K G36, H&K PSG1, Stingball Grenade
GSG9 armor: Kevlar Vest & Titanium Helmet

SWAT Kills GSG9 Kills
Short Range Benelli M4 80 Remington 870 81
Mid Range LWRC-PSD 227 H&K G36 136
Long Range Remington 700 271 H&K PSG1 205
Special Weapons Taser Shockwave 0 Stingball Grenade 0
Totals 578 422
  • For Short Range weapons, the GSG9 team used the Remington 870, a pump shotgun with a slower cycle than the SWAT's semiautomatic Benelli M4 Super 90. In the first test, the SWAT team destroyed its six targets in less time. In the second test, the GSG9 was far more devastating and accurate, destroying the target's head in 17.35 seconds. The Benelli was also accurate, delivering a kill in every shot, and making it in 11.25 seconds. Finishing their target during both tests in less time gave the advantage to the SWAT team's Benelli.
  • For Mid Range weapons, each team ran a simulation: rescue a hostage from three enemies, while securing three bystanders. The GSG9 experts, armed with the HK G36 Assault rifle, completed their simulation in 1 minute and 27 seconds. The SWAT team completed the course in 1 minute and 20 seconds. The SWAT's LWRC-PSD utilized higher caliber bullets, and therefore killed with much more damage in less time; earning it the advantage in middle-ranged weapons.
  • For Long Range weapons, the SWAT team's Remington 700 destroyed the skull of its target by shooting it through the left eye. The GSG9's H&K PSG1, however, was able to kill its target by shooting it through the right eye; saving the hostage from kidnapping and being spattered in blood. In addition, the PSG1 was more accurate in hitting its target by about an 1/8 of a centimeter, so it earned the advantage in long-ranged weapons.
  • For special weapons, the GSG9 stingball grenade was tested in a room with test figures, but hit only one of its targets. The SWAT team's taser shockwave is a weapon composed of 36 tasers mounted together. At 25 feet, it managed hit all five of its targets while only deploying half of its arsenal. During a test of a single taser, it was able to bring down its live target non-violently. Therefore, the taser won the special weapons advantage. It should be noted that the Taser was the first and, to date, only weapon on Deadliest Warrior to be tested on a living subject.
  • This is the first squad on squad battle that featured four on four instead of the traditional five on five.
  • SWAT is one of only three warriors to receive the edge in 3 out of 4 weapons match-ups (the Māori Warrior and Vlad the Impaler being the others).
  • This is the first match which does not have melee weapons.
  • SWAT is one of five warriors with no battle cry at the end.

Reenactment 10

The battle begins with the SWAT team’s armored van parking near a series of abandoned buildings and parked cars. The squad's captain looks into his binoculars and sees 4 GSG9 members approaching from the other side of the area. The SWAT team splits up, with 3 of the members going off in different directions and the leader setting himself down to set up his Remington 700 sniper rifle. The GSG9 also split up, with each team going into different buildings. In one building, a member of the SWAT team sets up his taser shockwave and hides in another room. A GSG9 member enters the same warehouse, gun in hand. The SWAT team member watches as the GSG9 member slowly crosses the room, then pushes a button on his remote. The taser shockwave shoots out hooks that latch on to the GSG9 member and electrocutes him. A nearby GSG9 hears the commotion and runs in to find his teammate dazed and on the floor. He sees the cord connecting the taser to the remote control and follows it to the next room. The SWAT member tries to shoot the GSG9 man with his LWRC-PSD, but misses and is shot himself with the HKG36. The GSG9 member then proceeds to remove the taser hooks from his teammate. The two exit the building, deciding on which building to enter next. The SWAT team captain sees them and shoots one with the sniper rifle, causing the other to flee. He runs up to the roof of a building, sets up his H&K PSG1 sniper rifle, and beings to search for a SWAT team member to shoot at. Down below, a SWAT team member is chased into a building by two GSG9 members. The two GSG9 members approach the building, where the SWAT team member tries to shoot them from inside with his Benelli M4 shotgun. One of them tries to fire back with his Remington 870 shotgun, but misses. He pulls out a Stingball Grenade and throws it into the room. It explodes right next to the SWAT member, throwing him to the floor. The GSG9 member then quickly runs in and dispatches him. He enters the next room and finds an exit, only to be shot by a SWAT member and his LWRC-PSD. The GSG9 member on the roof sees this and shoots him with his sniper rifle. However, he is spotted by the SWAT team captain and is picked off by the SWAT's sniper rifle. The SWAT team captain then gets up and runs for cover, with the last GSG9 member not too far behind. He hides on the hill behind the SWAT van, slowly approaching it with his Remington 870 shotgun. He opens it from the back, only to find it empty. The SWAT captain, hiding in a parked 4X4 steps out with his Benelli M4. The GSG9 member turns around and tries to fire his gun, but the SWAT team captain shoots first and kills him. The SWAT captain slowly approaches the GSG9 member to make sure he is dead, then turns and removes his goggles.

Winner: SWAT

Episode 11: Attila the Hun vs. Alexander the Great

Attila the Hun team: Sean Pennington (Ancient Combat Specialist),[8] Robert Borsos (Mounted Weapon Specialist)[9]
Attila the Hun weapons: Sword of Mars, Lasso, Hunnic Composite Bow, Scythian Axe
Attila the Hun armor: Leather Lamellar

Alexander the Great team: Kendall Wells (Bladed Weapon specialist),[8] Peter van Rossum (Sword and Shield champion),[8] Rashad Evans (Former UFC Champion)
Alexander the Great weapons: Kopis, Xyston, Gastraphetes, Ballista
Alexander the Great armor: Bronze Cuirass

Attila the Hun Kills Alexander the Great Kills
Short Range Sword of Mars 117 Kopis 120
Mid Range Lasso 27 Xyston 228
Long Range Hunnic Composite Bow 354 Gastraphetes 52
Special Weapons Scythian Axe 95 Ballista 7
Totals 596 404
  • This episode marked the first time combat on horseback was factored into a warrior's combat skills and effectiveness.
  • For Short-Range weapons, Attila's Sword of Mars went up against Alexander's kopis. When both were tested on horseback (on both stationary and moving targets), the Sword of Mars dealt four killing blows in 34.5 seconds. With the head targets, the Sword of Mars caused a decapitation on one meat "neck" and cut through the cervical muscles to the spinal cord on the other. On the slabs of cattle meat, the Sword of Mars managed to slice four inches through the ribs(which are two to three times thicker than human ribs), causing two death blows. The kopis completed the test in 25.75 seconds; the kopis decapitated one meat "neck" and cut through the spinal cord on the other. However, the kopis failed to penetrate the cattle ribs, inflicting a collapsed lung at most. The Sword of Mars received the edge due to killing power.
  • For Mid-Range weapons, Attila's lasso took on Alexander's xyston lance. The xyston was tested against a pig carcass on a zip-line to simulate the weapon's use on horseback. The xyston impaled the pig at 10 feet/second with almost no resistance. The xyston was also tested from horseback on an armoured carcass and was able to puncture through the front plate, impale the carcass through the sternum, and still puncture the back plate. The lasso could cause a hangman's fracture of the neck and crush the trachea, but was still determined to not be a certain kill. The edge was given to the Xyston due to its raw killing power.
  • For Long-Range weapons, Attila's hunnic composite bow was put up against Alexander's gastraphetes belly-bow. Both were tested on two moving targets. The composite bow was used from horseback, and demonstrated both speed and accuracy. The gastraphetes was tested on foot and could not match the speed or the accuracy of the composite bow. After this test, the hosts gave the edge to the composite bow.
  • For Special Weapons, Alexander's ballista was tested against Attila's scythian axe. The ballista was fired at a silhouette target of a mounted Hun at 200 yards, and hit its target at 198 mph. The ballista was also tested against a formation of enemies, and caused instant kills by impaling them. The scythian axe was tested against an unprotected ballistic gel head, tearing the back of the skull completely open, decapitating the skull, and severing the spinal cord with multiple strikes. The velocity of the Scythian Axe was measured at 69 mph. However, the axe failed to penetrate Alexander's iron helmet, and could only strike the helmet with roughly 20 pounds of force per square inch; 89 pounds per square inch being the minimum amount of force required to inflict a lethal skull fracture. The edge went to the ballista because of its range, killing power, and the Scythian Axe's failure.
  • The Greek sport of Pankration was also tested by the Alexander team. Rashad Evans was able to easily crush the trachea and fracture the skull of a ballistic gel torso with only his elbow and knee, respectively.

Reenactment 11

This battle opens with two of Alexander the Great's soldiers pushing a ballista toward a city pillaged by Attila and his men. They slowly turn the crank on the ballista to pull back the band. Inside the city, Attila the Hun is sitting down and having lunch while his men are examining their weapons. They see a flock of birds suddenly take off and realize that something is up ahead. The Macedonian soldier loads the bolt onto the band and, upon Alexander's command, fires it toward Attila's men. One of Attila's men stands up to see what was going on, and is consequently hit with the bolt. Attila gets up and sees Alexander and his men rushing at them, with Alexander on a horse. Attila jumps onto his horse and takes the bow and arrow handed to him by his fellow warrior. The Hun then takes his own bow and arrow and charges at the oncoming soldiers. One of Alexander's men tries to set up his Gastraphetes bow, but is shot by the Hun's arrow. Attila draws his bow and tries to shoot Alexander, but the arrow bounces off his armor. The Hun also tries to shoot Alexander, but Alexander rides in with the Xyston and thrusts it through the Hun, killing him. Attila and his horse run toward Alexander, and Attila attempts to get his lasso around Alexander's neck. This backfires when Alexander grabs the rope and pulls Attila from his horse. Attila yanks on the rope in retaliation and pulls Alexander off his horse as well. Alexander grabs a shield from one of his fallen comrades and draws his Kopis while Attila grabs another shield and pulls out his Scythian Axe. The two begin fighting, and Alexander knocks the shield out of Attila's hands. He attempts to slice Attila, but misses. Attila swings the axe and lodges it into Alexander's shield, pulling on it and removing it from Alexander's hands. Attila then draws his Sword of Mars and the two warriors begin to clash swords. Attila manages to hit Alexander's arm, but as he goes in for the kill, Alexander drops his sword, flips him over, and knocks him into the wall, causing him to lose the Sword of Mars. The two start fighting with their bare hands, until Attila breaks Alexander's arm and Alexander throws Attila onto the floor. Attila spots his sword on the floor and scrambles to retrieve his sword. Alexander grabs Attila's leg and tries to pull him away from the sword, but Attila kicks Alexander in the face. He tries once again to grab his sword and succeeds. Alexander approaches Attila and is promptly stabbed through the neck. Attila thrusts his sword in the air and yells in victory.

Winner: Attila the Hun

Episode 12: Jesse James vs. Al Capone

Jesse James team: Joey Dillon (Champion Gunslinger), J. W. Wiseman (Sharpshooting Expert)
Jesse James weapons: Bowie Knife, Colt Revolvers x2, Winchester Rifle, Pistol Whip
Jesse James armor: None

Al Capone team: Meyer Lansky II (Mafioso descendant), Johnny Lew Fratto (Mafioso descendant, Capone authority)
Al Capone weapons: Stiletto, Tommy Gun, Pineapple Bomb, Brass Knuckles
Al Capone armor: None

Jesse James Kills Al Capone Kills
Short Range Bowie Knife 13 Stiletto 1
Mid Range Colt Revolvers 203 Tommy Gun 338
Long Range Winchester Rifle 326 Pineapple Bomb 116
Special Weapons Pistol Whip 2 Brass Knuckles 1
Totals 544 456
  • This was the first modern fight with individual warriors and their men.
  • For short-range weapons, Al Capone's stiletto knife was tested against Jesse James' bowie knife. The Stiletto was used to give a ballistics gel torso a "rat's smile", cut through the carotid artery and the windpipe, stab through the stomach and pierce the lower intestine, and stab between the ribs and into the heart. The stiletto's impact speed was measured at 16.5 feet per second. The bowie knife was capable of disemboweling a pig carcass; cutting through ribs and exposing the kidneys as well as being able to be thrown. While the impact speed of the bowie knife was also measured, the results were not revealed on the show. Even though the bowie knife caused more damage, the stiletto knife was given the edge because of its concealability and speed.
  • For mid-range weapons, Jesse James' Colt pistols were tested in a recreation of a 19th century bank, where they expended 12 rounds and made three multiple-hit kills in under seven seconds, with a drawing time of one quarter second. Al Capone's Thompson sub-machine gun was tested on three targets as well. It expended 50 rounds and shot all three targets in six seconds with two kill shots and a mortal liver wound. The Colt pistols were also tested on horseback and the Thompson in a 1929 Hudson Super 6 simulating the vehicles of the each warrior's time. The Colt pistols shot three of the five targets, two kill shots and a disarming arm wound. The Thompson was tested in the Hudson with identical results. The edge was given to the Thompson due to its ability to put more rounds into its targets.
  • For long-range weapons, Al Capone's Mk 2 "Pineapple" Grenade was tested against Jesse James' Winchester rifle. Both the pressure wave and fragmentation of the grenade were devastating, but the grenade only killed three of its four targets, and had the added disadvantage of a five second fuse. The Winchester rifle was able to kill all four of its targets in less time than the grenade. The edge was given to the Winchester because of its greater speed, range, and accuracy.
  • For special weapons, Al Capone's brass knuckles were tested against Jesse James' pistol whip. The brass knuckles were shown to double the force of a punch from 41 psi to 75 psi. The brass knuckles also managed to fracture a naked skull with one hit and cause a depressed skull fracture in three hits. The pistol whip took only one strike to break through a naked skull with a force of 182 psi (more than double that of the brass knuckles). For this reason, the edge was given to the pistol whip.
  • This is the second squad on squad battle that featured four on four instead of the traditional five on five.
  • This is the only episode of the show so far with two survivors on the winning team in the fight scene instead of only one.

Reenactment 12

The battle begins in an American history museum in Chicago hosting an exhibit about Old West outlaws. Inside, Jesse James, his brother Frank James, and two other gang members are in the Civil War exhibit, breaking the glass exhibits and arming themselves with Colt revolvers and looting some of the Civil War coins. Meanwhile, Al Capone and three of his men drive up to the museum, alerting the James Gang who have finished loading up their newly acquired revolvers. Suspecting intruders, Jesse, Frank, and the gangmen take up positions, ready to fight. The Capone Gang enter and, while marveling the exhibit, are suddenly ambushed by the James Gang. Jesse's team score the first kill in the quick draw showdown. A hailstorm of bullets ensues as both factions open fire on each other, with a Capone flunky taking out one of Jesse's men out with a Tommy gun. Amidst the gunfire, Jesse James's other henchman steals a Winchester rifle from one of the cabinets and lays down some suppressing fire while Jesse and Frank retreat further into the museum. Al Capone's men come out of cover and begin chasing them, with Capone dusting off his hat and following close behind. Jesse's rifleman stops in a hallway and cocks the Winchester, shooting one of Capone's two remaining men as he rounds the corner. Frustrated, Capone's other henchman tries to shoot down the outlaw, fruitlessly firing in all directions. Al Capone catches up and the two men begin to run after Jesse James's crew. The third man struggles to catch up, but is stabbed from behind by Frank, who emerges from a dark closet with the Bowie knife. In an office, Jesse and his gunman hear Capone coming, and the gang member tells Jesse to run while he holds them off. Capone and his last co-hort enter the office, where Jesse and his henchman are waiting for them. Jesse shoots Capone's man with the revolver, catching him off guard. Capone quickly ducks for cover behind a desk right before the rifleman finishes the last man on Capone's team with a shot from the Winchester. The rifleman waits for Capone to make his move, unaware that Capone is pulling the pin from his MK2 "Pineapple" Grenade. He hurls the grenade over the desk and quickly hides again. The rifleman attempts to shoot Capone, but is killed by the explosion of the Pineapple Grenade before he gets a chance. Capone gets up and tries to steal one of the revolvers, but Jesse James shoots it out of Capone's hand. Realizing he has been beat, Capone slowly stands up with his hands in the air. Jesse James sneers as he pulls the triggers on his revolvers, only to find that both of his guns are out of bullets. Jesse quickly flees while the infuriated Capone pulls off his trench coat and gloves and puts on a pair brass knuckles, intent on killing Jesse. Jesse runs for his life, but is cornered when he winds up at an exhibit for a western jail cell. He turns around to see that Capone has caught up. He tries to pistol whip Capone, but Capone blocks the swing and counters with a punch in the gut with the brass knuckles. Removing his hat, Capone forces Jesse into the mock jail cell and begins to brutally beat Jesse. After kicking James to the floor, Capone draws his Stiletto while Jesse gets up with his Bowie knife at hand. Al goes in for a thrust, but Jesse hooks his hand with the stock of the revolver and stabs Capone at his arm. Enraged, Capone then kicks James as he drops his stiletto, forcing Jesse to also drop his knife. Capone grabs James and continues to attack him with the knuckles. He pins him against the wall and right as he's about to deliver the killing blow, they both hear a gun cock. Capone looks up to see Frank James with a Winchester. Frank fires the gun, hitting Capone dead center between the eyes. Jesse James dusts off his hat and yells in victory as Frank smiles. The two brothers hug each other and then run off to steal whatever they can of the museum.

Winner: Jesse James Gang

Episode 13: Aztec Jaguar vs. Zande Warrior

Aztec Jaguar team: David Lavera (Aztec Descendent/Parkour Practitioner), Eder Saul Lopez (Aztec Culture Historian/Boxer)
Aztec Jaguar weapons: Tecpatl Sacrificial Knife, Maquahuitl, Atlatl and Tlacochtli, Tematlatl
Aztec Jaguar armor: Quilted Cotton soaked in Brine, Jaguar Skin, Shield

Zande Warrior team: Coley Mustafa Speaks (Zande Combat Specialist/Descendent), Gordon Jock (Zande Historical Specialist)
Zande Warrior weapons: Makraka, Makrigga, Kpinga, Botto and Pima
Zande Warrior armor: Wicker Shield

Aztec Jaguar Kills Zande Warrior Kills
Short Range Tecpatl Sacrificial Knife 32 Makraka 91
Mid Range Maquahuitl 319 Makrigga 289
Long Range Atlatl & Tlacochtli 86 Kpinga 127
Special Weapons Tematlatl 11 Botto & Pima 45
Totals 448 552
  • For short-range weapons, the Zande Warrior's makraka took the edge over the Aztec Jaguar's tecpatl sacrificial knife. In the test, both weapons were demonstrated as execution weapons. First, the tecpatl demonstrated human sacrifice rituals when the victims heart was removed; meanwhile, the makraka was used for beheading a bound prisoner. The makraka's precision while beheading the ballistics dummy gave it the edge.
  • For mid-range weapons, the Aztec Jaguar's maquahuitl took the edge over the Zande Warrior's makrigga. The maquahuitl was tested on a ballistic gel horse head, in which the head was sawed-off using three strikes. It is pointed out that the maquahuitl inflicted tearing wounds as opposed to cutting wounds; with the former causing greater bleedout. Shards of obsidian were embedded in the gel, indicating the weapon would cause more damage if it hit. For the makrigga, the weapon was tested on a 300 pound piece of beef filled with animal blood and entrails. The weapon went through the beef, and with the weapon's spiked barbs pulled out entrails when it was pulled out. The maquahuitl, nicknamed "the obsidian chainsaw" by Geiger, was given the edge due to its greater destructive power.
  • For long-range weapons, the Zande Warrior's kpinga took the edge over the Aztec Jaguar's atlatl and tlacochtli. The test demonstrated the kpinga's ability to use angular velocity by doing vertical throws at a crowd of warriors, one armed with a shield. The Kpinga maneuvered and deflected off the enemy shield and struck another target. Later, the weapon was tested using a horizontal toss to cut through pork leg stand-ins. For the Aztecs, the atlatl and tlacochtli was tested. The weapon was capable of hitting targets at great distances, and capable of piercing the Zande shield to kill its target. However, the Kpinga proved to have more killing potential with multiple blades on the weapon; giving it the edge.
  • For special weapons, the Aztec Jaguar's tematlatl took the edge over the Zande Warrior's botto and pima. The tematlatl was tested on skulls, and only three of the five skulls were hit. Further analysis showed some of the hits were not fatal. The botto and pima did not fare well during its test either. Despite the arrows being poison tipped, they could not penetrate the Jaguar's cotton armor, preventing the poison from taking effect. The edge was ultimately given to the tematlatl, due to the weapon having better odds of killing its target.

Reenactment 13

The battle starts with an Aztec Jaguar and Zande Warrior each making their way to the top of rocky hills. The Aztec Jaguar sets his Maquahuitl by a rock, and then climbs to the top of the hill. The two warriors eye each other, waiting for the other to strike. The Zande Warrior yells out a battle cry which echoes throughout the area. This prompts the Aztec Jaguar to raise his Atlatl and Tlacochtli Arrow. He hurls the Tlacochtli, which sails across the air and barely misses the Zande Warrior. He tries again, and succeeds in hitting the Zande's shield. The Zande Warrior removes the arrow from the shield and puts his Makrigga Spear on the floor. He pulls out his Botto and Pima and climbs down the hill to run towards the Aztec Jaguar. The Jaguar sets up another Tlacochtli and throws it, missing the Zande Warrior again. He fires an arrow in retaliation and hits the Aztec Jaguar. The Aztec Jaguar sees the Zande Warrior rush towards him and pulls out the arrow from his cotton armor. He gets down from his hill and prepares his Tematlatl. He swings it around and hurls a rock at the Zande Warrior, but misses him yet again. The Zande Warrior pulls out a Kpinga and throws it at the Aztec Jaguar. It strikes his leg and forces him to the ground. He gets up and begins to flee from the Zande. He runs behind a rock and picks up his Maquahuitl. As the Zande Warrior catches up to him, the Aztec Jaguar swings the Maquahuitl, cutting through the Zande's shield like butter, whichs surprises the Zande. He swings again and knocks off the Zande Warrior's headdress. He swings a third time, and slashes the chest. The Zande Warrior pulls out his Makraka and knocks the Maquahuitl out of the Aztec's hands. He swings the Makraka at him, but it gets lodged in the Aztec's helmet. He struggles to free his weapon, but the Aztec Jaguar quickly reacts by slashing across the Zande's hip with his Tecpatl knife. The Zande Warrior falls to the ground in pain and begins rolling down the hill. The Aztec Jaguar removes his helmet, picks up his Maquahuitl and begins chasing the Zande Warrior, who is now back on his feet. The Zande Warrior rushes back to the top of his hill and runs back to the Makrigga Spear he put down earlier. The Aztec Warrior catches up and prepares to swing his Maquahuitl, but the Zande Warrior quickly turns around and thrusts the makrigga into the Jaguar's stomach. The Aztec stops in his tracks and begins spitting blood from his mouth. The Zande the pulls out makrigga, yanking out a chunk of the Aztec's innards. The Aztec falls back and off the hill, dropping into the field below. The Zande Warrior pumps his fists into the air, yelling in victory.

Winner: Zande Warrior

Episode 14: Nazi Waffen-SS vs. Viet Cong

Nazi Waffen-SS team: Silvio Wolf Busch (Former German Military), Robert Wilhelm-McCain (German Military Historian)
Nazi Waffen-SS weapons: Mauser C96 Pistol, MP28, Bouncing Betty (Schrapnellmine), Flammenwerfer 41
Nazi Waffen-SS armor: None

Viet Cong team: Tuan Nguyen (Vietnam War veteran), Danny Boyer (Viet Cong Weapons Expert)
Viet Cong weapons: Tokarev-TT33 Pistol, MAT-49, F-1 Grenade-POMZ-2 Combo, Punji Stakes
Viet Cong armor: None

Nazi Waffen-SS Kills Viet Cong Kills
Short Range Mauser C96 Pistol 50 Tokarev-TT33 Pistol 42
Long Range MP28 310 MAT-49 177
Explosive Weapons Bouncing Betty (Schrapnellmine) 76 F-1 Grenade


Special Weapons Flammenwerfer 41 178 Punji Stakes 86
Totals 614 386
  • For short-range weapons, the Mauser C96 was tested against the Tokarev-TT33 in eliminating five targets. The TT33 managed to eliminate the targets in 24 seconds with eight shots, while the C96 eliminated the targets with 10 shots in only 12 seconds. The Mauser C96's automatic fire capability was then demonstrated, emptying a full magazine in less than a second. The edge was given to the Mauser C96 for its 20-round capacity and secondary autofire option.
  • For long-range weapons, the MP28 was tested against the MAT-49N. It was determined that both SMGs performed almost equally in eliminating three targets in 30 seconds, resulting in a draw.
  • For explosive weapons, the Bouncing Betty (Schrapnellmine) was tested against the F-1 Grenade-POMZ-2 Combination. The Bouncing Betty destroyed 4 targets and had an effective fragmentation radius of 15 yards while the F-1 Grenade decimated a pig carcass after its POMZ-2 host mine had been disarmed and removed. The edge was given to the F-1 Grenade and POMZ-2 Combination due to its Anti-handling nature.
  • For special weapons, the punji stakes were tested against the Flammenwerfer 41. The punji pit trap could still kill by infection if the victim didn't fall in face first, while the punji spike ball trap could penetrate deep enough to hit vital organs. The Flammenwerfer 41 eliminated a group of targets and burned down a hut in the brief span of a few seconds. The edge was given to the Flammenwerfer 41, since it didn't require its victims to fall in or activate a trip wire to be effective, was capable of clearing out areas, and neutralizing booby traps to prevent any form of surprise attacks.
  • This is the only match up not to feature mid-range weapons, and the second to not have melee weapons.

Reenactment 14

The battle begins with members of a Viet Cong cell bringing in the beaten leader of the Nazi Waffen SS team as a prisoner. He is tossed to the ground and kicked around. Up ahead, the rest of the Nazi team is sneaking up on the Viet Cong's campsite to try and rescue their leader, setting up a Bouncing Betty along the way. The Viet Cong leader points his Tokarev TT-33 at the Nazi while interrogating him in Vietnamese. The Nazi leader only responds by spitting at his face. The angered Viet Cong leader cocks his Tokarev and prepares to execute the Waffen SS leader, but the rest of the Waffen SS squad jumps in and fires at the camp with MP28 submachine guns and bolt-action rifles, likely Karabiner 98k. The VC leader takes cover as one VC operative is killed and the Viet Cong team scrambles for their weapons as a skirmish ensues. In the confusion, the Nazi leader manages to escape from the clutches of the Viet Cong and rush into the jungle. One VC concentrates its fire and kills a Nazi soldier with his MAT-49 sub-machine gun. Seeing the VC soldiers become more assembled, the other Nazis fall back into the jungle as the rest of the Viet Cong gives chase. In the jungle, the Nazi leader runs into one of his fellow soldiers who gives him a Mauser C96 pistol. The soldier leads on through the jungle, but quickly falls into a Punji stake pit, which kills him. The Waffen SS leader grimaces as he watches his comrade fall. He turns around and sees two Viet Cong soldiers closing in, so he quickly runs further into the jungle. In another area, two more Viet Cong are catching up to two other Waffen SS soldiers. The two Waffen SS and a Viet Cong safely pass by a planted Bouncing Betty, but the second Viet Cong steps on the mine and dies. The two Waffen SS make their way to a small river. As one of them tries to cross, he trips a wire and activates the POMZ-2 mine which kills him. The other Nazi jumps across the river and kills a oncoming Viet Cong soldier with his MP28 as he approaches the river. Meanwhile, the Waffen SS leader kills one of the two remaining Viet Cong members with his Mauser pistol and then makes his way across a small bridge over the river. The Viet Cong leader tries to follow, but is spotted by the other Waffen SS soldier. He attempts to shoot the last Viet Cong with his MP28, but runs out of ammo. The Viet Cong leader shoots and kills the Waffen SS with his Tokarev. The two remaining leaders then exchange fire with each other with their pistols until both guns are depleted. The Waffen SS leader then finds his team's Kubelwagen and runs to it, finding a Flammenwerfer 41 flamethrower in the back. While the Viet Cong leader is loading a fresh magazine into his gun, his Nazi counterpart ducks for cover behind the car and straps on the flamethrower. The Viet Cong leader reloads and fires at the Kubelwagen while screaming in Vietnamese, but the Nazi leader jumps out from behind the car and shoots a burst of fire at him. The Viet Cong leader is set ablaze and slumps to the ground, screaming before dying. The Nazi leader examines the still-burning corpse, and then yells "Deutschland!" (Germany) in victory.

Winner: Nazi Waffen-SS

Episode 15: Roman Centurion vs. Rajput Warrior

Roman Centurion team: Terence Rotolo (Ancient Combat Specialist), Matt Lasky (Roman Weapons Historian)
Roman Centurion weapons: Scorpion, Gladius, Pilum, Dolabra
Roman Centurian armor: Chainmail

Rajput Warrior team: Gugun Deep Singh (Rajput Descendant/Weapons Expert), Bhajneet Singh (Rajput Expert/Gatka Martial Artist), Sukhwinder Singh (Aara Expert)
Rajput weapons: Chakram, Aara, Khanda, Katar
Rajput Warrior armor: Chainmail & Leather

Roman Centurion Kills Rajput Warrior Kills
Short Range Gladius 223 Khanda 328
Mid Range Pilum 44 Aara 0
Long Range Scorpion 4 Chakram 53
Special Weapons Dolabra 114 Katar 234
Totals 385 615
  • For short-range weapons, the gladius was tested against the khanda. The gladius was capable of chopping off arms(cutting cleanly through the bone), stabbing through the liver and through a rib and into the lung, and through a clavicle, while the khanda cut through five ribs on one cattle carcass, through the spine and through both sides of the ribcage on the second, and through the femur on the third. During the gladius test a scutum was also used in the fighting techniques but it was revealed on the aftermath episode that this was a strictly sword vs. sword comparison. The edge was given to the khanda for its tremendous cutting power and longer blade.
  • For mid-range weapons, the aara was tested against the pilum. The aara, when wielded against three targets, was only able to kill one and inflict minor injuries on the other two. The pilum, however, penetrated three blood bags and one Rajput shield. The edge was given to the pilum for its flexible killing potential as a spear and a throwing projectile.
  • For long-range weapons, the chakrams were tested against the scorpion. The chakram severed a simulated neck while the scorpion demonstrated its superior range by delivering four kills at 25 yards and one kill at 50 yards. The edge was given to the chakram for its portability and faster rate of fire.
  • For special weapons, the katars were tested against the dolabra. The katar was tested on a suspended pig carcass, impaling the carcass with multiple punches which were measured at over 200 pounds of force. The katar managed to both fracture and cut through the carcass's ribs, and a final blow(delivered with a version of the katar that spread out spring-loaded side blades) completely disembowled the carcass. On a second pig carcass which was clad in lorica hamata, the katars punctured the carcass with four punches, the lorica hamata offering only slightly more resistance than the naked flesh of the first pig carcass. Dr. Armand Dorian examined the first puncture wound, claiming that it stabbed through the heart and punctured the back, claiming that the lorica hamata was "like a T-shirt to this weapon". The dolabra was tested against a ballistics gel torso clad in a Rajput's chainmail cuirass(with a silken covering and a leather backing). The dolabra's axe-end chopped down vertically onto the torso's left arm, shattering the bone, ripping through the bicep and the tricep, and severing the brachial artery. The axe-end also severed the top half of the skull in one blow, and almost severed the right arm(it fell off a few seconds later). The pick end was used to puncture the Rajput cuirass twice, breaking a rib and puncturing the heart. Although both weapons were capable of penetrating butted chainmail and delivering killing blows, the edge was given to the dolabra for its longer reach.

Reenactment 15

The battle starts with a Rajput Warrior walking through a forest, investigating a clicking noise being made in the distance. As it turns out, the clicking noise is coming from the Roman Centurion cranking the lever on his Scorpion Crossbow. As the Rajput Warrior gets closer and closer, the Roman Centurion loads a bolt into the Scorpion. The Rajput pokes his head from behind a tree and spots the Centurion. The Centurion fires his Scorpion, but the bolt misses the Rajput completely and hits a tree. He then pulls out his Pilum and charges at the Rajput, causing him to flee. The Centurion makes his way to a more open area, only to be met with one of the Rajput's Chakram discs. The Centurion blocks the Chakram with his shield, and then throws his Pilum. The Rajput, however, pulls out his Khanda sword and slices the Javelin in two. The two warriors glare at each other, waiting for the other to make his move. The Rajput pulls out his Aara sword and whips it around. The Roman Centurion then takes his Dolabra and charges at the Rajput. The Rajput jumps back and tries to strike with his Aara, but the Centurion blocks with his shield. The Centurion lunges at the Rajput and swings his Dolabra, but the Rajput jumps out of the way. He then swings his Aara and coils it around the Centurion's leg. The Centurion completely falls over, but is able to save himself from the Rajput by kicking a log at the Rajput and tripping him. The Centurion gets up with his Dolabra at hand and sees that the Rajput has also gotten up and pulled out his Khanda sword again. The Centurion swings at the Rajput, who moves back to avoid it. However, in doing so, he backs up and falls onto a giant log. The Centurion tries to take advantage and swing at the Rajput, but the Rajput rolls out of the way and causes the Dolabra to get stuck in the log. The Rajput then swings his sword and cuts the head of the Dolabra off from the handle. He prepares to swing at the Centurion, but the loss of the Dolabra's head allows the Centurion to swing the broken handle fast enough to hit the Rajput and knock him over. The Centurion pulls out his Gladius and begins swinging wildly at the Rajput, eventually knocking the Khanda out of his hands. He slashes the Rajput's face and forces him to the ground. He raises his sword and prepares to finish him off, but the Rajput puts on his Katar and stabs the Centurion in the stomach. The Centurion falls in pain, then looks up. The image of the Rajput wielding his Khanda is the last thing the Centurion sees before the Khanda slams into his face and kills him. The Rajput then pumps his fists in the air and yells in victory.

Winner: Rajput Warrior

Episode 16: Somali Pirates vs. Medellín Cartel

Somali Pirate team: Abdi Ali (Somali Native/Army Veteran), Haji Ukajh (Somali Civil War veteran/Weapons Expert)
Somali Pirate weapons: PKM Machine Gun, AK-47, Grappling Hook, RPG-7
Somali Pirate armor: None

Medellín Cartel team: Michael Corleone Blanco (Son of Medellín Cartel Boss), Kenny "Kenji" Gallo (Former Cocaine Smuggler)
Medellín Cartel weapons: M60 Machine Gun, Mini Uzi, Machete, Car Bomb
Medellin Cartel armor: None

Somali Pirate Kills Medellín Cartel Kills
Short Range Grappling Hook 8 Machete 54
Mid Range AK-47 204 Mini Uzi 188
Long Range PKM Machine Gun 140 M60 Machine Gun 96
Explosive Weapons RPG-7 170 Car Bomb 140
Totals 522 478
  • For short-range weapons, the machete was tested against the grappling hook. The machete cleaved off the arms and severed the throat of a gel torso as well as demonstrated the Columbian necktie, while the grappling hook ripped into a pig carcass. The edge was given to the machete since the grappling hook wasn't designed to be a weapon and can cause damage to the user.
  • For mid-range weapons, the Mini Uzi was tested against the AK-47. The Mini Uzi emptied an entire magazine into two targets inside a car with most of the hits being in the head and neck areas while the AK-47 killed two targets at 50yds and two targets at 100yds while fired from a small skiff. The edge was given to the AK-47 for its longer range and firepower.
  • For long-range weapons, the M60 was tested against the PKM against four moving targets. The PKM completed its test in 1m and 43s but jammed once while the M60 completed its test in 1m and 54s but jammed twice. The edge was given to the PKM for its higher rate of fire and better mechanical reliability.
  • For explosive weapons, the car bomb was tested against the RPG-7. Although the RPG-7 was portable and could be fired repeatedly at a distance, the edge was given to the car bomb for its better chance at killing multiple targets with its larger explosive payload.
  • This is the third squad on squad battle that featured four on four instead of the traditional five on five.
  • This is the first battle where someone (Pablo Escobar) killed himself.

Reenactment 16

The battle starts with a group of Somali Pirates approaching a warehouse near pier via motor boat. Inside the warehouse, Pablo Escobar and one of the Medellín Drug Cartel thugs are preparing packages of cocaine while a third member practices swinging his machete and a fourth dances to salsa music while holding an M60 machine gun. Outside, the Somali Pirates dock their boat and advance towards the warehouse. The head Pirate, armed with an AK-47, and two of his men, armed with a PKM Machine Gun and grappling hook, enter the warehouse while a fourth stays behind, shouldering his RPG-7 rocket launcher. Inside, they see the Cartel men relaxing and Escobar giving one of them a package of cocaine. As the thug goes to put it away, the PKM pirate jumps out and kills him with the machine gun. Escobar, alerted to the gunfire, grabs an Uzi while the dancing thug holds out his M60 machine gun and fires back. In the shadows, the other Cartel thug with the machete tries to sneak up on one of the Somali Pirates while they're distracted by the gunfire. The hook Pirate spots him as he charges and tries to fight back with his Grappling Hook. He parries the oncoming swing and hits the Cartel thug in his stomach. The thug counters in response by amputating the Pirate's hand and then slashing his neck. The lead Somali Pirate hears the commotion and turns and kills the Cartel man with his AK-47 with a single shot to the face. The other Cartel henchman continues to fire his M60, but it gets jammed. He drops it and picks up an Uzi. Both he and Pablo Escobar try to make a run for it. The PKM Pirate tries to shoot Escobar, but misses. The head Pirate signals for him to run after the remaining Cartel members. Escobar runs down stairs, and turns around when he hears the Pirate leader chasing him. The Pirate takes cover behind a corner, and the two begin to exchange gunfire. The Somali Pirate eventually manages to shoot Escobar in the left shoulder, who falls to the floor and lies motionless. The Pirate steps on him as he comes down the stairs and takes his cigar and smokes it in satisfaction. Meanwhile, the other Cartel member climbs up stairs and enters a room. When the other Somali Pirate opens the door, the Cartel thug opens fire with his Uzi and kills him. He sneers at the dead body and spits on it. Meanwhile, the head Pirate sees a car with cocaine and a bag of money. He gets in the driver's seat and begins honking the horn to get the rocket Pirate who chose to stay outside. He hears the horn and makes his way toward the garage. However, the head Pirate is unaware that Pablo Escobar, who is behind the car, is still alive. Escobar struggles to get up, but his wounds are so bad that he cannot. He sees the Pirate in the car and pulls out a remote . He sets himself up with his remaining strength and looks under the car, where a bomb is situated. Realizing that he has no other options, he presses the button on the remote as the other Pirate approaches the garage. The bomb goes off, destroying the car and killing both Escobar and the head Pirate while sending the last Pirate to the asphalt. The last Cartel member hears the explosion and runs for an exit. The Somali Pirate sits up and starts to clean off the debris when he sees the last Cartel member exiting from a door. He stands up and prepares his RPG-7 Rocket Launcher. The Cartel member sees him and desperately tries to go back inside, only to find that the door is locked from the inside and cannot be opened. The Pirate fires the rocket, which flies at the Cartel thug and blows up, obliterating him. The remaining Pirate roars in victory and walks away.

Winner: Somali Pirates

Episode 17: Persian Immortal vs. Celt

Persian Immortal team: Ardeshir Radpour (Persian Historian/Equestrian), Cyrus Zahiri (Persian Sword Master)
Persian Immortal weapons: Bow and Arrow, Spear, Sagaris, Chariot Scythe
Persian Immortal armor: Bronze Scale & Wicker Shield

Celt team: Francis Brebner (Highland Games Champion), William Spencer Dinnean (Celtic Warrior Descendant), Dave Baker (Sword Master)
Celt weapons: Sling, Lancea, Longsword, Burda
Celt armor: Leather Belt & Wood Shield

Persian Immortal Kills Celt Kills
Short Range Sagaris 127 Longsword 170
Mid Range Spear 247 Lancea 126
Long Range Bow and Arrow 180 Sling 1
Special Weapons Chariot Scythe 135 Burda 14
Totals 689 311
  • This was the first episode where the warrior's performance was affected from chariots.
  • For short-range weapons, the Celtic longsword was tested against the sagaris. The longsword decapitated a gel torso in three hits at 74 mph, breaking through the spinal cord on the first swing and through the cheekbone on the second swing. Tested against the Persian Immortal's armor, the longsword struck off metal scales with a force of 280 psi, enough to break a rib behind the armor. It cut a gel head through the nose and to the brain from the back of a chariot. With the pick end of the sagaris, Cyrus Zahiri penetrated a ballistics gel torso multiple times, visually breaking through several ribs and puncturing the bottom portion of the heart, causing a very rapid death by bleedout. The sagaris also punctured a curve in the upper intenstine, causing waste matter to openly spill into the interior of the abdomen, causing a septic death. Later, the sagaris was tested against a dummy wearing Celtic armor; an iron coolus helmet(with a pressure sensor attached to the head beneath), a large iron belt, and an iron-rimmed wooden shield. The Persian Immortal expert used the sagaris as a fulcrum to pull away the shield, punctured the coolus helmet with the pick end(penetrating the frontal lobe of the brain and generating a force of over 323 psi), punctured the naked torso, and punctured the iron belt. However, the sagaris only managed to inflict a flesh wound beneath the iron belt, and took several seconds to be removed. The edge was given to the longsword for its faster recovery time.
  • For mid-range weapons, the lancea was tested against the Persian spear. The lancea went through a pig carcass when it was thrown as a javelin while the Persian spear killed two human-shaped targets from the back of a chariot. The first target was stabbed in the nape of the neck, piercing the carotid artery and the jugular vein and causing death by rapid bleedout. The second target was stabbed directly in the heart and drug behind the chariot for several feet. The edge was given to the Persian spear since it was not a disposable missile weapon, like the lancea, and had a thinner tip to facilitate deeper penetration.
  • For long-range weapons, the bow and arrow was tested against the sling. The bow and arrow's effective range was 50 yards while the sling delivered two kills and three wounds with five shots. The edge was given to the bow and arrow for it superior range, accuracy, rate of fire, and lethality.
  • For special weapons, the burda club was tested against the chariot scythe. The burda club exploded seven heads at roughly 273 psi while the chariot scythe failed to kill either of its two pig targets. The edge was given to the burda for its simplicity, portability, and the failure of the chariot scythe.

Reenactment 17

The battle begins in a open field with the Persian Immortal and Celt in their own chariots, each with its own charioteer. The Celt raises his Long Sword and points at the other chariot, signaling his charioteer to advance. The Immortal signals for his chariot to charge as well. As the two chariots race across the field, the Immortal fires an arrow from his bow and hits the Celt's charioteer in his chest. The Persian chariot closes in and breaks one of the Chariot's wheels with a Chariot Scythe. The collision throws the Celt off of his chariot and flips the chariot over. The Celt runs up to the fallen vehicle and grabs his Lancea, choosing to abandon his shield. With a loud battle cry, he charges at the Persian Immortal and his chariot. The Persian fires another arrow, but misses. As he readies another arrow, the Celt throws his Lancea. It misses, but it distracts the Immortal and prevents him from getting a clear shot. The Celt runs past the Persian chariot, vaulting over the incoming Scythe. He grabs his Lancea and tries to distance himself from the chariot. He realizes that it won't do him any good, however, and chooses to discard it in favor of his Sling. The Persian Immortal jumps off his chariot with his spear and shield just before the Celt swings his Sling around and throws a rock. The rock hits the Persian charioteer and knocks him unconscious. The Immortal runs towards the Celt, but the Celt picks up his Lancea just as the Immortal approaches him. He thrusts at the Immortal, knocking his spear out of his hand. The Immortal tries to back off, but the Celt jumps up and kicks him. The Immortal draws his Sagaris axe and glares at the Celt. The two begin to swing at each other, but cannot pull off a successful blow. After a few misses, the Celt aims at the Immortal's thigh and stabs it. The Persian Immortal yells in pain and swings, forcing the Celt to pull out his Lancea. The Immortal tries an overhand swing, but the Celt blocks with his Lancea. The Persian seizes the opportunity to kick him in the stomach and knock him down. The Celt gets back up and draws his Long Sword and Burda club. He distracts the Immortal with the Long Sword, and then hits the Immortal with the club. The Persian Immortal blocks the Long Sword with his Sagaris, but the Celt kicks him again. The Celt tries to finish the fight with a stab, but the Immortal rolls out of the way. He gets back up and swings the Sagaris, but the Celt parries and hits him twice with the Burda Club. The Immortal falls to the floor, but manages to roll over and block the Long Sword with the Sagaris. He gets up and spins around the Sagaris, piercing the Celt's arm. The Celt hits the Sagaris out of the Persian Immortal's hands and leaves him without a weapon. The Immortal runs away, forcing the Celt to chase him down, dropping the Burda from his wounded arm. The Immortal finds his spear laying on the floor and grabs it. He thrusts it at the Celt twice, but misses. The Celt tries to swing the sword downward, but the Immortal flips the Spear over and hits him in the head with the iron counterweight on the bottom of the spear. The Celt throws his head back in pain, giving the Immortal enough time to flip the Spear again and stab the Celt in the chest. He drives the Spear harder through the leather armor and forces the Celt to the floor. The Immortal pushes the spear deeper until blood spews out of the Celt's mouth as the Immortal pulls out his spear. The Persian Immortal, standing over the dead body, raises his spear and yell out "Parsa!" (Persia) in victory.

Winner: Persian Immortal

Episode 18: KGB vs. CIA

KGB team: Pavel Ksendz (KGB Operator Descendant), Stass Klassen (Former Russian Military)
KGB weapons: Skorpion SMG 61, Camera Gun, Shoe Knife, Dead Drop Spike (booby trapped with explosives)
KGB armor: None
CIA team: Mike Baker (Former CIA Agent), Frank Dowse (Former Defense Intelligence)
CIA weapons: MAC-10, Briefcase Gun, Exploding Cigar, Garrote
CIA armor: None

KGB Kills CIA Kills
Short Range Shoe Knife 5 Garrote 1
Mid Range Camera Gun 10 Briefcase Gun 95
Long Range Skorpion SMG 61 361 MAC-10 413
Explosive Weapons Dead Drop Spike 74 Exploding Cigar 41
Totals 450 550
  • For short-range weapons, the shoe knife was tested against the garrote. The shoe knife ripped through a pig carcass and could cause profuse bleeding if it hits an artery or vital organ. The force of a kick with the shoe knife was measured at 605 psi. It was implied that against a real person, the bloodletting would not have been as spectacular as it was on the pig carcass, as most of the bleeding would have been internal. The garrote decapitated a gel torso but was determined to be heavily dependent on a surprise attack from behind. The edge was given to the shoe knife since it was more flexible and less disadvantaged than the garrote.
  • For mid-range weapons, the briefcase gun was tested against the camera gun. The briefcase gun killed a target with a lethal shot to the liver while the camera gun achieved an instant kill by driving a .22 bullet up the left nostril of a gel head. The edge was given to the briefcase gun since it contained a 9mm PPK which was a heavier caliber and longer range weapon that could be fired multiple times.
  • For long-range weapons, the MAC-10 was tested against the skorpion SMG-61 in eliminating five targets. The skorpion delivered three kills but left one wounded and one alive in 12 seconds while the MAC-10 delivered five kills in 20 seconds. The edge was given to the MAC-10 for its heavier caliber, 30-round magazine, faster rate of fire, and better accuracy.
  • For explosive weapons, the exploding cigar was tested against the booby-trapped dead drop spike. The cigar completely destroyed the upper and lower jaw of a gel head but was determined to be very unreliable due to its timed fuse and small explosive payload while the explosive trap concealed in the dead drop spike decimated a mannequin. The edge was given to the dead drop spike for its higher success rate at killing a target with its SEMTEX payload and combination lock trigger.
  • This is the longest running battle in the show.
  • This episode marks the first time in the series where women played a role in the fight scene.
  • The CIA is one of five warriors without a battle cry at the end.

Reenactment 18

A CIA Agent (001) is walking up to an embassy of the USSR carrying a briefcase, while a nearby CIA Agent (002) keeps a lookout with binoculars in a nearby van. Behind CIA 001, a Russian KGB Agent (001) shadows him as they walk into the Embassy. Inside, CIA 001 is making a business transaction with KGB 002, a double agent who sells off a roll of camera film for the briefcase full of US currency. With their business done, CIA 001 offers KGB 002 a cigar to which he happily obliges. CIA 001 smirks as KGB 002 takes his last puff and the cigar explodes, blowing off KGB 002's face. CIA 001 slips the film into his vest pocket, grabs the briefcase and leaves the office. In the lobby of the embassy, two KGB Agents (003 and 004) are shooting a film with a camera, while a nearby CIA Agent (003) sits around listlessly with his briefcase. KGB 003 turns to face CIA 001 with the camera and shoots him at point-blank range. Seeing this, CIA 003 immediately stands up and shoots KGB 003 with his suitcase. As KGB 003 falls down dead, KGB 004 pulls out her silenced Skorpion sub-machine gun and fires at CIA 003, shooting him in the back and killing him as he dives behind cover. KGB 004 kneels down to the deceased CIA 001 and steals the camera film as CIA Agents 004 and 005 storm the lobby with silenced MAC 10 submachine guns. KGB 004 gets to an elevator and fires out from cover, impeding the CIA agents' pursuit as the elevator doors close. Inside the elevator, KGB 004 inspects the film and puts it into a Dead Drop Spike. The elevator doors open and KGB 004 comes face-to-face with KGB 001 with both their guns raised at each other. Recognizing each other, the agents lower their weapons and go leave as KGB 004 gives 001 the Dead Drop Spike. Outside the embassy, KGB Agent 005 awaits his fellow agents, unaware that he is being watched by CIA 002 from across the street. Back inside the embassy, KGB 001 and 004 are making their way through a kitchen when CIA 004 and 005 catch up to them. The CIA agents open fire, wounding KGB 001 as KGB 004 fires back, shoving the wounded 001 agent out of the crossfire. CIA 004 and 005 dive for cover down behind the counter and move their way up with 005 pushing a serving dolly in front of her. As 005 nears the end of the counter, KGB 004 runs up and gets behind the other side of the dolly, pushing objects down on CIA 005. Both agents stand up and struggle to shoot each other, but KGB 004 gets the upper hand and kills the female CIA agent. While he is still standing, CIA 004 pops out and quickly dispatches the femme fatale with a short burst of machine gun fire. Meanwhile, the wounded KGB 001 agent makes his way upstairs, while CIA 004 pursues closely, following his bloody trail to a nearby restroom. As CIA 004 prepares to inspect a stall, KGB 001 jumps out and engages the agent, clicking his heels together and unsheathing a shoe knife. The KGB agent kicks and manhandles the CIA agent, but CIA 004 manages to retaliate by plunging the MAC into his stomach and firing, killing KGB 001. As KGB 001 slumps against the wall, CIA 004 reaches into his pockets and takes the dead drop spike. He attempts to open it, but fails to open it the correct way and is blown up. Outside, KGB 005 hears the explosion and gets out of his car, stuffing his Skorpion into his coat as he enters the embassy. Across the street, CIA 002 sees the careless agent exiting his car and leaves the safety of his van. Inside the embassy, KGB 005 sees the carnage caused by the now deceased CIA and KGB agents. With the film roll destroyed and the CIA killed in action, the KGB agent returns to his car, unaware that CIA 002 is lying in wait. As KGB 005 attempts to start his car, CIA 002 pops out from the back seat with a garrote wire and strangles the KGB agent. The agent struggles helplessly as the wire cuts into his neck, then relaxes into death and slumps against the seat. His job finished, the CIA agent exits the car, wiping his bloodied hands with a towel and adjusting his scarf as he walks away.

Winner: CIA

Episode 19: Vlad the Impaler vs. Sun Tzu

Vlad the Impaler team: Vaclav Havlik (Medieval Sword Master), Brahm Gallagher (Vlad Historian)
Vlad the Impaler weapons: Kilij, Hand Cannon, Steel Crossbow, Halberd
Vlad the Impaler armor: Chainmail, Steel plates, Steel Helmet, & Shield
Sun Tzu team: Johnny Yang (Chinese Martial Arts Champ), Tommy Leng (Ancient Chinese Weapons Expert)
Sun Tzu weapons: Jian, Flaming Arrows, Repeating Crossbow, Zhua
Sun Tzu armor: Leather Lamellar, Bronze Helmet, Shield

Vlad the Impaler Kills Sun Tzu Kills
Short Range Kilij 337 Jian 234
Mid Range Halberd 214 Zhua 37
Long Range Steel Crossbow 30 Repeating Crossbow 46
Special Weapons Hand Cannon 71 Flaming Arrows 31
Totals 652 348
  • For short-range weapons, the kilij was tested against the jian. The kilij cleanly sliced through a pig carcass with all of its four swings, leading the hosts to call it the only weapon they could compare to the katana. Meanwhile, the rapier-like jian could cleanly pierce through and cut up another pig carcass, piercing the aorta. The edge was given to the kilij for its devastating cutting power.
  • For mid-range weapons, the zhua (claw on a pole) was tested against the halberd. The zhua tore apart a gel head in three strikes (causing a depressed fracture in every bone in the face), while the halberd pierced and ripped through the bones on a side of beef with the axe, hook, and pike portions of the blade, including severing 6 inches into the thickest part of the femur and piercing to the spinal cord. The edge was given to the halberd for its killing power and the flexibility of its hook, spike, and axe head.
  • For long-range weapons, the repeating crossbow was tested against the steel crossbow. The repeating crossbow fired 20 shots in the span of 30 seconds, but was unable to penetrate Vlad's plate armour, delivering seven hits and achieving two kills and one wound. However the steel crossbow could only get off two shots and delivered only one kill with the second bolt bouncing off Sun Tzu's leather armor. The edge was given to the repeating crossbow for its superior rate of fire.
  • For special weapons, the hand cannon was tested against the flaming arrow. The hand cannon delivered three kill shots and could be used as a spiked club if Vlad missed or ran out of ammunition. The flaming arrow could kill a group of enemies standing in an large oil-soaked area of dry brush through severe fire burns or smoke inhalation but when it was tested directly against Vlad's chainmail armor, the first two shots bounced off and the third shot only inflicted a shallow wound. The edge was given to the hand cannon for its firepower and secondary function as a melee weapon, as demonstrated by Gallagher.
  • Vlad's method of impalement was also demonstrated in this episode on a gel dummy. The stake was inserting through the posterior and, as gravity carried the body downward it pierced the lung and all major blood vessels in the torso before breaking the clavicle and exiting through the shoulder.
  • This is the first battle in which the ending simulation showcase did not end with a listed weapon.
  • Vlad the Impaler was only the third warrior to receive the edge in 3 out of the 4 tests (the Māori Warrior and SWAT team being the others).
  • This battle was arguably the most brutal ending in the show.

Reenactment 19

The battle starts out with Vlad sneaking up to Sun Tzu's campsite, where Sun Tzu has sat down to a cup of tea. Close by, Vlad sets his shield into the ground and readies his hand cannon, firing a shot which destroys the general's teapot. Vlad laughs as he has taken the general off guard, but Sun Tzu raises his repeating crossbow and gets off a few shots and runs away. Vlad ducks behind his shield but is struck in the shoulder. Relatively unharmed, Vlad pulls out the bolt and readies his hand cannon again, but Sun Tzu is nowhere to be seen. Collecting his effects (a steel helmet, his shield, and his halberd), Vlad runs off searching for Sun Tzu. But the general is not far away as he gets the drop on Vlad by shooting him from a tree with a flaming arrow. Vlad is thrown to the ground by the force of the shot, but still remains relatively unharmed as he scrambles to his feet while putting out the small fire. Sun Tzu jumps down from the tree, but is promptly stabbed in the thigh by Vlad's halberd. Sun Tzu yells in pain and strikes the halberd with the edge of his hand, breaking it at the head, astonishing Vlad. Sun Tzu kicks Vlad in the face while he is still distracted and pulls out the halberd, hobbling away as Vlad gets back up and collects his helmet and shield again. Not far away, Sun Tzu pulls out a spare set of his armor and a Zhua hidden underneath fallen foliage. Above him, the Impaler watches him, preparing his steel crossbow. Vlad walks a little ways and sees the general's armor nearby and takes his shot. The armor falls over and Vlad goes to investigate, only to find that he shot a decoy. The real general then jumps down, disarming Vlad from his shield using the Zhua. Vlad dodges another swing from the Zhua and draws his kilij, slashing Sun across the midsection as he recovers. The general falls back again, as Vlad pulls off his gauntlet, revealing that the Zhua managed to cut his forearm. The enraged Vlad picks up his kilij and charges Sun Tzu, who pulls out his Jian and clashes with the warrior king. Both warriors cross swords until Vlad severs both of Tzu's hands at the wrist. The general drops to his knees as Vlad raises his sword over his head, but stops in mid-swing from decapitating his victim. Grinning wildly with an evil laugh, Vlad has other ideas for the fallen general. A shot of the Wallachian countryside is shown as terrible sounds and screaming are heard off-screen. When the camera cuts back to the warriors, it is revealed that Vlad has impaled the defeated Sun Tzu on a large stake. Vlad places his sword in front of his face as an act of respect towards his fallen enemy and gives a loud victory roar as he raises his kilij in the air.

Winner: Vlad the Impaler

Episode 20: Ming Warrior vs. French Musketeer

Ming Warrior team: Jonathan Weizhang Wang (Kung Fu World Champion), Phillip Dang (Combative Wushu Champion)
Ming Warrior weapons: Dao, 3-Barrel Pole Gun, Nest of Bees, Mechanical Land Mine
Ming Warrior armor: Leather Lamellar
Musketeer team: Xavier Declie (French Combat Historian), Luke Lafontaine (Sword Master)
Musketeer weapons: Rapier/Main Gauche, Wheel Lock Pistol, Flintlock Musket, Grenade
Musketeer armor: Iron Cuirass

Ming Warrior Kills Musketeer Kills
Short Range Dao 71 Rapier/Main Gauche 195
Mid Range 3-Barrel Pole Gun 41 Wheel Lock Pistol 178
Long Range Nest of Bees 15 Flintlock Musket 275
Special Weapons Mechanical Land Mine 199 Grenade 26
Totals 326 674
  • For short-range weapons, the rapier and main gauche combination was tested against the dao. The rapier/main gauche combo delivered five kill strikes against a gel torso in 16 seconds while the dao delivered five kill strikes against two pig carcasses in only seven seconds. The rapier struck through a synthetic eyeball(cutting it in half)and stabbed into the brain, stabbed the throat and severed the jugulars and the carotid artery, and stabbed between two ribs and pierced the heart. The main gauche stabbed into the abdomen and through the remaining synthetic eyeball and into the brain. The rapier's thrusting speed was measured at 5.9 feet per second, or roughly 4 mph. The dao preforated a pig carcass and was judged to hit the aorta and/or several vital organs if the same thrust was to be performed on a person, while the dao also cut two pig carcasses in half with two strikes each. The dao's thrusting speed was measured at roughly 4.9 mph. The edge was given to the dao since it could be used both for thrusting and slashing.
  • For mid-range weapons, the wheel lock pistol was tested against the 3-barrel pole gun against the other team's armor. The wheel lock pistol penetrated the Ming Warrior's studded leather armor and deliver three kill shots but misfired two times during its test while the 3-barrel pole gun was unable to penetrate the Musketeer's steel curaiss and could only inflict one kill and one wound. The edge was given to the wheel lock pistol due to the pole gun's failure.
  • For long-range weapons, the nest of bees was tested against the flintlock musket. Of the 32 rockets that were fired against a small battalion of dummy targets by the nest of bees, only six of them hit with three of them being kill shots while the flintlock musket fired off three shots and inflicted one kill and two wounds on a gel torso. The edge was given to the musket for its accuracy, heavy caliber, and option to mount a plug bayonet.
  • For special weapons, the mechanical landmine was tested against the grenade against four targets. The mechanical land mine killed all four of its targets upon detonation while the grenade only killed two of its targets and left the other two alive. The edge was given to the land mine for its larger explosive payload.

Reenactment 20

The battle starts with a band of five Musketeers making their way through a forest. Up ahead, four Ming Warriors emerge from a cave on a cliff, waiting for the Musketeers. A fifth is down below, setting up a Mechanically Triggered Land Mine and sticking a sword on top of it as bait. One of the Ming Soldiers opens up the Nest of Bees and launches a barrage of arrows at the Musketeers. The head Musketeer alerts his teammates, forcing them all to run back to avoid the arrows. One, however, is slow and is struck in the leg. He yanks the arrow from his leg and angrily throws it at the ground. Another Musketeer aims his Flintlock Musket at the head Ming Warrior. Just as the Ming Warrior makes his battle cry, the Musketeer shoots and kills him. The Musketeers then advance towards their enemy, with the one struck in the leg struggling to keep up. One of the Ming Warriors readies his 3-Barrel Pole Gun and fires at the Musketeers. One gets hit and knocked to the ground, but survives due to his armor stopping the projectile. The Ming Warrior prepares to fire another shot, but a Musketeer shoots him with the musket before he gets a chance. He falls over and rolls down the hill. The Musketeer shot by the Pole Gun is assisted in getting back onto his feet, only to be shot in the head by another Ming Warrior's Pole Gun. The Ming Warrior then retreats further back. A Musketeer sticks a bayonet onto his Flintlock Musket and walks up to the injured Ming Soldier. The Musketeer steps on him and jams the bayonet into him, killing him. The Musketeers regroup and continue to run after the three remaining Ming Warriors. The Ming Warrior that killed the first Musketeer desperately tries to escape, passing by the sword stuck in the ground. As the Musketeers chase him down, the injured one takes notice of the sword. Thinking that it would be of use later, he hobbles up to the sword and pulls it out. The land mine goes off and kills the Musketeer. The others see his bloody body and briefly mourn him before advancing toward the Ming Warriors. The Ming Warrior running from the Musketeers fires his Pole Gun again and kills a Musketeer. Another tries to shoot him with his Musket, but misses. The Ming Warrior hides behind a rock and desperately tries to reload his weapon. The two remaining Musketeers hear him as they approach the rock. One pulls out his Grenade while the other lights it with his match. The Musketeer hurls the Grenade over the rock, which blows up and kills the Ming Warrior. As the Musketeers look at his dead body while passing by, another Ming Warrior jumps out with his Dao sword and kills one of them with a strike to the neck. The head Musketeer tries to fire his Wheel Lock Pistol, but it winds up jamming. He throws it aside and pulls out his Rapier. The Ming Warrior tries to attack the Musketeer, but is shoved aside. The Ming Warrior tries again, but the Musketeer parries and stabs him in the stomach. The Ming Warrior falls to the ground and dies. The Musketeer hears a yell and turns around, only to find the head Ming Warrior standing on a cliff above him and also armed with a Dao. The Musketeer climbs up and engages the Ming Warrior in a sword fight. Eventually, the two fighters lock swords. The Musketeer uses this moment of opportunity to pull out his Main Gauche. He closes in and stabs the Ming Warrior in the stomach with the Main Gauche. He pulls it out and allows the Ming Warrior to fall to his death. The Musketeer raises his sword and yells out "Vive le Roi!" (Long live the King).

Winner: French Musketeer

Episode 21: Comanche vs. Mongol

Comanche team: Joaquin Gonzalez (Comanche Horseman), Jay Redhawk (Master Horse Archer, Native American historian, weapon hand crafter)
Comanche weapons: War Hawk, War Lance, Comanche Bow and Arrow, Scalping Knife
Comanche armor: Buffalo Hide Shield and Bone Armor
Mongol team: Munkthur Luvsanjambaa (Native Mongolian Historian), Jason Nguyen (Horse racer, martial artist and broadsword specialist)
Mongol weapons: Flanged Mace, Glaive, Mongol Bow and Arrow, Ild
Mongol armor: Leather Lamellar

Comanche Kills Mongol Kills
Short Range War Hawk 152 Flanged Mace 111
Mid Range War Lance 168 Glaive 116
Long Range Comanche Bow & Arrow 205 Mongol Bow & Arrow 142
Special Weapons Scalping Knife 3 Ild 103
Totals 528 472
  • For short-range weapons, the war hawk was tested against the mace, the tests being performed on a ballistics gel skull flanked by two synthetic bone skulls, one of which had a pressure sensor attached to the crown. The war hawk delivered death blows to all three skulls in 32 seconds, piercing into the brainpans with a force of roughly 300 psi, while also stabbing upwards through the gel skull's cheekbone and into the lower portion of the brain, tearing off the top half of the skull. However, the war hawk was stuck for several seconds in the third skull. The iron flanged mace completely shattered all three skulls in 16 seconds, with a force of over 300 psi; Max Geiger claimed that the mace left a skull more unidentifiable than a shot from a 1 ounce slug, while Dr. Armand Dorian claimed that the torque of the strike meant that even a helmetted opponent would be killed due to a broken neck. The edge was given to the iron flanged mace for its tremendous killing power.
  • For mid-range weapons, the war lance was tested against the glaive. The war lance was tested from horseback against two stand-ins on foot and a ballistics gel torso mounted on a horse stand-in; striking at 40 mph at the point of impact, the war lance stabbed all three targets at the bottom of the heart, the tip reaching the spinal cord on the gel torso. Against a second gel torso that was clad in a Mongol's hardened leather cuirass, the war lance actually penetrated deeper than against naked ballistics gel, striking 10-12 inches beneath the ribcage. The glaive was tested on a horse-shaped slab of beef which was mounted on a zipline to simulate motion, stabbing between the ribs at 32 mph and delivering a blow which would have struck the heart and/or the lungs on an actual horse. Although the glaive had a longer tip, the edge was given to the war lance since the glaive could not be used on horseback.
  • For long-range weapons, the Comanche bow was tested against the Mongol bow against seven targets. The Comanche bow delivered six hits and achieved four kills and one wound in 28s while the Mongol bow delivered five hits and achieved four kills in 33s. The edge was given to the Comanche bow for its speed and accuracy.
  • For special weapons, the ild sword was tested against the scalping knife. The ild cut apart a pig carcass in 10 strikes, visually severing the ribcage and spinal cord. The ild's striking speed was clocked at 67 miles per hour. The scalping knife disemboweled another pig carcass with several strikes, inflicting wounds on the torso which would have inflicted a collapsed lung on a human target(but would not have been instant kills in and of themselves), stabbing into the neck and striking the jugular vein and/or carotid artery, and disembowelling the pig with a dragging vertical slice down the abdomen. The scalping knife's stabbing speed was clocked at roughly 30 miles per hour, with Geoff Desmoulins claiming that the hand speed of the Comanche expert was faster; however, the precise data was never divulged. Before the test, the Comanche expert also demonstrated a scalping on a synthetic skull that was dressed in synthetic skin and hair; however, only the visual was displayed, with no information on the potential deadliness of the scalping. The edge was given to the ild sword for its bigger size and cutting power.

Reenactment 21

In a valley, the Mongol is sharpening his Ild sword. Nearby, the Comanche cautiously makes his way to the top of the ridge overlooking the valley. The Mongol, feeling as if he's being watched, looks to the top of the ridge. Seeing nothing, he goes back to sharpening his Ild. Back up on the ridge, the Comanche readies his bow and arrow and fires downward to the unsuspecting Mongol. The arrow lands a foot away from the Mongol, startling him. He stands up and looks to the source of the arrow, but is unable to make it out due to the Comanche standing against the sun. Using this opportunity, the Comanche fires two more arrows at the blinded Mongolian, one which flies past him and another which lands right in front of him. The Comanche raises his bow and gives off a loud war cry and falls back. Gathering his senses, the Mongol sheaths his Ild and mounts his horse, while the Comanche thrusts his War Lance into the ground and slings his War Hawk on his back. The Mongol reaches the top of the hill, but is confused when he only finds the Comanche's horse. Hanging off the side of the horse, the Comanche pulls himself up to reveal himself, takes aim with his bow and arrow, and shoots the Mongol in the chest. The Mongol is saved by his lamellar breastplate however, as he angrily thrusts his glaive into the ground and pulls out the arrow. The Comanche rides ahead to set up another attack while the Mongol pulls out his bow and arrow. The Comanche rides past as the Mongol fires another shot, which barely misses him. The Comanche rides up to his War Lance, which he pulls out of the ground and hides into the bushes. The Mongol rides up to his glaive and pulls it out, seeing the Comanche's horse up on the rocky outcropping. The Mongol starts to ride to the abandoned horse when the Comanche ambushes him by tackling him from a rock, throwing him from his horse.The Comanche assumes a battle stance while the Mongol gathers himself and his Glaive. The Mongol swings his glaive but is parried by the Comanche's War Lance. The Mongol counters by slashing at the Comanche's back. The Comanche rolls, dropping his lance as he also avoids a circular slash. The Mongol goes in for a thrust, but the Comanche grabs the glaive and avoids the attack and counters with an elbow strike to the Mongol's head. The Comanche stomps on the glaive, breaking it as the Mongol gets back up and unsheathes his Ild. The Comanche pulls out his War Hawk and the two warriors clash. The Mongol deflects a swing and counters, slashing the Comanche's forearm. The Mongol goes in for a follow-up swing while the Comanche is still stunned, but the Comanche counters by grabbing the arms of the Mongol and hitting the Ild out of his hands, then spinning around and digging the War Hawk into the back of the Mongol. The Mongol pushes the War Hawk away as the Comanche gets it out and front kicks the Comanche, knocking him to the ground. The Comanche recovers and runs off into a cave while the Mongol runs back to his horse to retrieve his Flanged Mace and follows the Comanche into the cave. Inside the cave, the Mongol slowly searches out the Comanche, who has his back to a wall and is holding his War Hawk as well as a Scalping Knife. The Mongol spots the Comanche and swings his mace, which impacts on the cave wall as the Comanche dodges. The Mongol takes aim and swings the heavy mace again, hitting the floor as the Comanche dodges and gets set up for a counter-attack. The Comanche goes in for a swing with the War Hawk, but the Mongol counters with a swing that hits the Indian in the chest, sending him reeling. The Mongol swings again, but the Comanche ducks under and quickly stabs the Mongol in the back with the knife. The Mongol goes in for another swing, but misses as the Comanche ducks and goes in for two more stabs. While the Mongol is stunned, the Comanche grabs his War Hawk and buries into the neck of the Mongol. The Mongol slumps to the cave floor, dead as the Comanche removes his hat and cuts off the Mongol's scalp with his Scalping Knife. Victorious, the Comanche stumbles out of the cave mouth, shouting as he holds the bloody scalp on high.

Winner: Comanche

Episode 22: Navy SEAL vs. Israeli Commando

Navy SEAL team: Rob Roy (22 Year SEAL Veteran), Colin Palmer (Former SEAL Explosives Expert)
Navy SEAL weapons: Recon 1 Knife, SIG Sauer P226, M4 Colt Commando, C-4
Navy SEAL armor: Helmet
Israeli Commando team: Moti Horenstein (Israeli Special Forces Krav Maga Instructor), Mike Kanarek (Former member of IDF Orev Golani)
Israeli Commando weapons: KA-BAR Knife, Glock 19, Micro Galil, Semtex
Israeli Commando armor: Helmet

Navy SEAL Kills Israeli Commando Kills
Short Range Recon 1 Knife 15 KA-BAR Knife 42
Mid Range SIG Sauer P226 101 Glock 19 98
Long Range M4 Colt Commando 355 Micro Galil 288
Explosive Weapons C-4 47 Semtex 54
Totals 518 482
  • For short-range weapons, the KA-BAR was tested against the Recon 1 in cutting up a gel torso. Mike, wielding the KA-BAR, ripped apart the gel torso with a stabbing speed of 29fps(severing the windpipe, the spinal cord, and every major blood vessel in the neck, starting with an initial kill shot to an artery) while Rob, wielding the Recon 1, decapitated, amputated, and disemboweled the gel torso with a stabbing speed of 32fps. Both men's stabbing speed was determined to be slightly less than the punching speed of the average Olympic boxer. The panel was indecisive as to which knife was better and considered both weapons to be equally effective, resulting in a draw.
  • For mid-range weapons, the Glock 19 was tested against the SIG Sauer P226 in breaking five lights and eliminating two targets inside a mock-up bistro. The SEALS completed the challenge in 13.84s while the Commandos completed the challenge in 20.03s due to missing with a few shots against the lights. The edge was given to the SIG P226 for the better shooting of the SEALS.
  • For long-range weapons, the Micro Galil was tested against the M4 Colt Commando in hitting a moving pig target surrounded by four bystanders. The M4 hit the pig target with all 30 rounds in 34s while the Micro Galil fired only 23 rounds in 48s, achieving 21 hits and two grazes. The edge was given to the M4 for its accuracy, faster rate of fire, and tighter grouping.
  • For explosive weapons, the C4 was tested against the Semtex. In the first round of testing, the C4 destroyed a boat along with the two targets that were on it while a Semtex-laced cellphone killed its target without harming four nearby bystanders. In the second round of testing, 1 lb of each explosive was detonated in two separate wooden outhouses with the C4 generating ~270 psi and the Semtex generating ~324psi. The edge was given to the Semtex for its greater explosive force.
  • There was one final test comparing the hand-to-hand techniques of the two, though the results were not shown and were not factored into the simulation.
  • This episode also marks the first time in squad battle that one combatant was able to take out two enemies at once for the win in the fight scene at the end of the episode.

Reenactment 22

The battle begins with the Navy SEALs coming up to a power plant occupied by the Israeli Commandos. One of the Navy SEALs spots an Israeli Commando patrolling on a walkway above him and shoots him with his M4 Colt Commando. The single SEAL regroups with his squad and infiltrates the facility through the a tower into the basement while the rest of the Commandos fire at them from the balcony. Inside the basement, the SEALs break off into a 2-man unit and a 3-man unit, while a 3-man unit of Commandos heads into the basement. As the two Navy SEALs make their way through the underbelly of the building, two Israeli Commandos set up an explosive trap with a glob of Semtex stuck to it and attach it to a string, which is attached to a doorknob. The two Navy SEALs come up to the door from the other side. One jiggles the door knob to ensure that it's unlocked, and the two open the door to charge in. The door pulls on the string and sets off the Semtex, instantly killing one of the Navy SEALs and throwing the other to the floor. He struggles to get up, but the other Israeli Commando seizes the opportunity and finishes him with his Micro Galil before he can get back up. Up above, the 3-man SEAL group emerges from a doorway. An Israeli Commando makes his way down a flight of stairs trying to aim his Micro Galil from the sights, but a SEAL who already has a bead on him shoots and kills him with his M4 Colt Commando. The Commando tumbles down the stairs as he is shot. The three other Commandos burst from a doorway and engage the Navy SEALs, burst-firing their Micro Galils and hitting the SEAL who falls over. The other two grab him and pull him away to safety while trying to ward off the Israeli Commandos off with gunfire. Under cover, the other two SEALs check their friend for signs of life, but the SEAL is already gone. The two remaining Navy SEALs enter another building, while the Israeli Commandos regroup and follow them through the door. Both squads emerge in different locations as the SEALs come up a flight of stairs near a turbine, while the Commandos weave their way through various machines. The Israeli Commando leader stops and signals both of his men to move forward, while on the other side, the Navy SEALs come to an open area. The SEAL leader signals for his friend to stop. He kneels down behind the turbine as the leader runs into the open area. The Commando leader comes up on the SEAL leader and tries to shoot him, but his Micro Galils jams and is rendered useless. The Navy SEAL leader runs across the open area, drawing and exchanging fire with the other two Commandos. The SEAL behind the turbine pops out and shoots a Commando in the head with his Colt Commando. The Israeli Commando next to him sees him die, but shrugs it off. The leader runs down a flight of stairs, drawing the attention of the Commando. The Navy SEAL races towards him, but is surprise-attacked by the lead Israeli Commando. The Commando throws him against the turbine, and blocks the SEAL's attempt to fight back and then pulls out his Ka-Bar Knife. He slashes the SEAL's throat and stabs it into his chest. The SEAL hangs on to the Commando leader as he slumps to the floor, and the Commando pats him on the head. The two Israeli Commandos regroup then proceed to run after the last Navy SEAL, who has retreated back into the basement. Downstairs, the Navy SEAL pulls out a C4 charge and slaps it behind a set of pipes. He quickly sets up the detonator and then hides in the back and waits for the Israeli Commandos. They soon arrive and slowly move about, searching for the Navy SEAL. The Navy SEAL then gets an idea and pulls out his Sig Sauer P226. The two Israeli Commandos hear a gunshot and try to find its source, unaware that the Navy SEAL is trying to lure them towards the C4. The Israeli Commandos pass through the pipes, and the Navy SEAL activates the C4, blowing it up and sending both the Israeli Commandos and the SEAL to the floor. The Navy SEAL quickly gets up and points his Sig Sauer P226 at the two Israeli Commandos, waiting for one of them to make their move. However, it is soon apparent that both soldiers were killed by the C4 blast. He raises his gun up and yells in victory.

Winner: Navy SEAL

Season 3

A third season of Deadliest Warrior has been confirmed, and is scheduled to air on July 20, 2011.[10] Richard "Mack" Machowicz, a Navy SEAL and martial arts expert for over 30 years, has been confirmed as a new host for the season. On October 13 the show announced the start of production for season 3 on their site.[11] Over the course of several weeks, Spike revealed the Season 3 match ups.

Episode 23: George Washington vs. Napoleon Bonaparte

George Washington Team: Paul Suda (18th Century Weapons Expert), Wayne Lee, Ph.D. (Professor of Military History)
George Washington Weapons: Colichemarde Sword, Brown Bess, 6-Pound Cannon

Napolean Bonaparte Team: Mathew Cape (19th Century Weapons Expert), Phillipe Simon (Napoleonic Historian)
Napoleon Bonaparte Weapons: Saber, Charleville musket, 8-Pound Cannon

Episode 24: Joan of Arc vs. William the Conqueror

Joan of Arc Weapons and Armour: Arming Sword, Arbalest, Siege Cannon, Plate armour
William the Conqueror Weapons and Armour: Longsword, Crossbow, Catapult, Chainmail

Episode 25: U.S. Army Rangers vs. North Korean Special Operation Force

United States Army Rangers Weapons: SR-25, M4 carbine
North Korean Special Operation Force: Type 56 assault rifle

Episode 26: Genghis Khan vs. Hannibal

Genghis Khan Weapons: Mongol bow
Hannibal Weapons: Falcata, War Elephant

Episode 27: Saddam Hussein vs. Pol Pot

Saddam Hussein Weapons: RPK
Pol Pot Weapons: RPD

Episode 28: Lawrence of Arabia vs. Theodore Roosevelt

Lawrence of Arabia Weapons: Vickers machine gun
Theodore Roosevelt Weapons: Gatling gun, M1892/98 Springfield (Krag)

Episode 29: Ivan the Terrible vs. Hernán Cortés

Hernán Cortés Weapons: Espada ropera

Episode 30: Crazy Horse vs. Pancho Villa

Crazy Horse Weapons: Bow and Arrow
Pancho Villa Weapons: Machete

Episode 31: French Foreign Legion vs. Gurkha

Gurkha Weapons: Kukri, Lee-Enfield, Bren light machine gun
French Foreign Legion Weapons: MAS-36 rifle, M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

Episode 32: Vampire vs. Zombie

Vampire team:Steve Niles
Zombie team: Max Brooks

Vampire Weapons: Fangs
Zombie Weapons: Numbers


  1. ^ Sale, Andrew. "BOOB TUBE SCOOP: 'Deadliest Warrior' attacks". Retrieved 2009-04-24. [dead link]
  2. ^ "Spike TV Green Lights Original Series 'Surviving Disaster' and 'Deadliest Warrior'". Reuters. 2008-10-16. Retrieved 2009-04-24.
  3. ^ http://www.spike.com/video/aftermath-green/3171579
  4. ^ "Fahim Fazli". IMDb. Retrieved 2010-04-21.
  5. ^ "Google Calculator: 20+92+472+120+6+7". Retrieved 2010-11-22.
  6. ^ "Google Calculator: 717+264". Retrieved 2010-11-22.
  7. ^ Lang, Derrik J. (2010-03-30). "'Deadliest Warrior' preps for bloodier second season". readingeagle.com. Retrieved 2010-04-21.
  8. ^ a b c Spike (2010-04-22). "Sneak Peek – Attila's Battle Axe Weapons Test". Retrieved 2010-04-22.
  9. ^ "Attila the Hun vs. Alexander the Great". Retrieved 2010-09-06.
  10. ^ [1]
  11. ^ [2]

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