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Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

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Tamil Tigers emblem

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), also known as the Tamil Tigers, is a politico-military organization that has been waging a secessionist campaign against the Sri Lankan government since the 1970s in order to secure a separate state for the Tamil majority regions in the north and east of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). The LTTE is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by 32 countries (see list). The LTTE is headed by its founder, Velupillai Prabhakaran.


Rise to dominance

The LTTE was militarily very successful against the Sri Lankan Army. In 1987, the Black Tigers were established; an elite unit of LTTE members responsible for conducting suicide attacks against political, economic and military targets.

Initially, the LTTE's operations were carried on in cooperation with other militant groups. In April 1984, it had formally joined a common militant front, the Eelam National Liberation Front, or ENLF, which had been formed by the TELO, the EROS and the EPRLF.

In 1986, the LTTE launched a military attack on the TELO, the largest of the other Tamil militant groups in Sri Lanka. Over the next few months, the entire TELO leadership and several hundred volunteers were hunted down, and the group ceased to be a potent force. A few months later, they attacked training camps of the EPRLF, forcing it to withdraw entirely from the Jaffna peninsula.

The reasons for the LTTE's internecine attacks on other Tamil groups are much debated. All the Tamil militant groups, including the LTTE, had received varying degrees of support from India. However, while other groups such as the TELO wholeheartedly embraced Indian support, the LTTE remained wary of India particularly after Rajiv Gandhi came to power, fearing that India was seeking primarily to advance its own interests, which were not the same as those of the Sri Lankan Tamils, and would therefore force the Tamils to accept an unfavourable settlement. They were particularly suspicious of the Indian intelligence agency, the RAW, which they said had completely infiltrated the TELO and EPRLF, and was using them to eliminate the LTTE[citation needed]. Some commentators have suggested that the LTTE were also unhappy that most of the funding from expatriates went to the TELO, rather than to them.[1] It has also been suggested that they believed the struggle would only be effective if the other groups, who were much more willing to compromise, were not around[2] The effect of the attacks was that the LTTE consolidated the position their successful attacks had already established, as the main military group fighting for the cause of Tamil Eelam, with no credible rivals.

The IPKF period

In 1987, the Sri Lankan Army launched a new assault to recapture Jaffna. In the Indian press, the attack was depicted as being brutal and leading to disproportionately large civilian casualties. Faced with growing anger amongst its own Tamils, India intervened directly in the conflict by airdropping food parcels on Jaffna in what was interpreted as a show of strength. After negotiations, India and Sri Lanka entered into an agreement whereby Sri Lanka agreed to a federal structure, which would grant autonomy to the Tamils. India was to send a peacekeeping force, the IPKF, to Sri Lanka to enforce the agreement.[3]

Although most Tamil militant groups accepted this agreement, the LTTE only did so very grudgingly and very soon rejected it on the grounds that the reforms were only illusory. The result was that the LTTE now found itself engaged in military conflict against the Indian army. The army fought a bitter month-long campaign to win control of the Jaffna peninsula from the LTTE. This campaign and the army's subsequent anti-LTTE operations were ruthless, and made it extremely unpopular amongst the Tamils.[4][5]

The post-IPKF LTTE

The IPKF's intervention was also unpopular amongst Sinhalese Buddhists, and the last IPKF members left the country in 1990 upon request of the Sri Lankan government. In a series of military operations in 1995 and 1996, the Sri Lankan army re-captured the Jaffna peninsula and the town of Kilinochchi from the LTTE, leaving the LTTE's resources crippled and their manpower depleted. The LTTE proposed peace talks in 1996, which the government rejected. Starting from 1997, the LTTE suffered a number of reverses, and lost control of large portions of the Vanni, the town of Kilinochchi and many smaller towns. However, from 1998 onward the LTTE reversed these losses, culminating in the capture of the strategically vital Elephant Pass base complex in 2000 after hard and long fighting against the Sri Lankan army.[6]

The 2001 ceasefire

A LTTE bicycle infantry platoon north of Killinochi in 2004

In 2001, the LTTE unexpectedly dropped its demand for a separate state, which had never been accepted by the government or the island's Sinhala majority. Instead, they stated a form of regional autonomy would meet their demands[citation needed]. The government invited Norway to mediate in the dispute. Norway brokered a ceasefire agreement, which remains precariously in effect.

Norway and the other Nordic countries jointly monitor the ceasefire through the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission. Since the signing of the Ceasefire Agreement between the Sri Lankan Government and the Tamil Tigers, the Tigers have carried out more than 3,100 reported violations compared to about 140 by the government forces.[7]

Talks on an interim solution have currently stalled through political uncertainty. The President Chandrika Kumaratunga suspended the government of the then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe in 2004, accusing him of being too soft on the LTTE. Kumaratunga herself then took a more conciliatory line towards the LTTE, but the current president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who took office in November 2005, campaigned on a plank of being tougher on the LTTE. His prime minister, Ratnasiri Wickremanayake has also previously advocated a tougher line. The LTTE has recently stated that the gap between its position and the position of the new Sri Lankan government is vast. It has threatened to "intensify" its campaign if the government does not soon propose a reasonable political framework.[8] The LTTE ordered a boycott of the 2005 presidential elections, which was won by Mahinda Rajapakse, amongst Tamil voters in the East and North of Sri Lanka. This action was condemned by the United States, who cited that "a significant portion of Sri Lanka's people were unable to express their views", and by opponents of Rajapakse who claim that the boycott played an important role in his victory.[9] Negotiations resumed briefly in February 2006, but were indefinitely postponed again in April, following this, violent incidents increased, and by summer 2006 there was growing talk of a "Final War" for Tamil Eelam independence.

Organisation and activities


In the LTTE recruits are instructed to be prepared to die for the cause, and are issued with a cyanide capsule to be swallowed in the case of capture.[10] The LTTE also has a special squad of suicide bombers, called the Black Tigers, which it deploys for critical missions.[11]


Even though the LTTE was formed as a military group, it also carries out a number of civilian duties. The LTTE controls sections in the north and east of the island, especially the regions lying outside the major cities. However, it still uses the Sri Lanka rupee and many civil servants are paid by the Sri Lankan government, even in areas controlled by the LTTE. Most of the structures supporting these functions developed during the period immediately after the IPKF's withdrawal, when the LTTE controlled Jaffna without significant opposition. During this period, it transformed itself from a purely military body to a quasi-government, complete with administrative organs. Among these are:

Although it no longer controls Jaffna, these structures continue to form the basis on which it runs the areas it does control. The LTTE's administrative agencies are integrated into the organisation's overall chain of command. The LTTE's quasi-government is run on socialist principles. For example, all litigants before a civil court are required to pay a fine for failing to settle their dispute amicably. In recent years, the LTTE has sought wider recognition for its administrative organs. After the Boxing Day tsunami, it has sought to ensure that aid to the areas under its control is routed through its own administrative agencies. It entered into an agreement, called the P-TOMS, with the government of Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga that recognised this principle to some extent. The agreement was bitterly opposed by hardliners in the Sri Lankan government and never saw implementation.


The LTTE also has a political wing, but despite the ceasefire it has not tried to formally create a political party. Instead, in the 2004 parliamentary elections, it openly supported the Tamil National Alliance[17] (also called Thamizh Arasu Katchi or Federal Party), which won over 90% of votes in the electoral district of Jaffna, in the Northern Province.

The LTTE's commitment to multi-party democracy has also been questioned. In an interview in 1986, Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the LTTE, said that Tamil Eelam would be a one-party state rather than a multi-party democracy, because that would help it develop faster (Hellmann-Rajanayagam 1994, 183). He has not repeated this proposal, and the LTTE's main ideologue, Anton Balasingham, publicly repudiated this position in 1992, stating that it was irrelevant after the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, the LTTE's critics state that it indicates their way of thinking, and point out that it has not organised, and shows no signs of organising, local elections in the areas it controls. The LTTE's supporters say that conditions make elections impossible, but that they will be held once Tamil Eelam is fully independent.


Mahattaya was at one time the deputy leader of the LTTE. He was accused of treason by the LTTE and killed in 1994.

An LTTE commander named Colonel Karuna (nom de guerre of Vinayagamoorthi Muralitharan) broke away from the LTTE in March 2004 and formed the TamilEela Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal amid allegations that the northern commanders were overlooking the needs of the eastern Tamils. The LTTE leadership had accused him of mishandling of funds and questioned him about his recent personal behaviour. He tried to take control of the eastern province from the LTTE, which caused clashes between the LTTE and TEMVP. The LTTE has suggested that TEMVP is backed by the government.[18] The Nordic SLMM monitors have corroborated this[19] The TEMVP like the LTTE, has been accused of using child soldiers.[20]

Status of women

The LTTE advocates equality for women, and has a large number of female recruits. The Women's Wing of the LTTE is known as Suthanthirap Paravaikal (or Freedom Birds). The first woman combatant to die was 2nd Lt. Malathi, on 10 October 1987, in an encounter with the IPKF at Kopai in Jaffna peninsula. Women have also been part of the 'Black Tiger' squads. The assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the attempt on President Chandrika Kumaranatunga and the latest attempt by a female suicide bomber on the Sri Lankan Army commander are notable instances.

Connections to other International Terrorist Organizations

International experts have long suspected connections between the LTTE and other international terrorist organizations including Al Queda and the Taliban.[21] These connections came under more detailed scrutiny following the September 11 attacks on the united states. Some of the incidents cited include

  • The similarities between previous LTTE attacks against Sri Lanka Navy ships and the Al-Queda attack on the USS Cole which killed 17 US Navy sailors.[22]
  • The LTTE provided forged passports to Ramzi Yousef, the man who carried out the first attack against the World Trade Center in New York in 1993[23]
  • The LTTE smuggled weapons from Islamists in Pakistan to their counterparts in the Philippines.[24]
  • Allegations that the LTTE stole Norwegian passports and sold them to the al-Qaeda organization to earn money to fund their arms purchases.[25]
  • Increasing intelligemce reports that the LTTE was smuggling arms to various terrorist organizations using their advanced smuggling networks, and findings by the London based International Institute for Strategic Studies that they were building commercial links with Al-Qaeda and other militants in Afghanistan [26]

Other security experts including Glen Jenvey, a specialist on international terrorism, have also claimed that the Al Queda has copied most of their terror tactics from the LTTE.[27] He also highlighted the LTTE as the mastermind that sets the pattern for organization like Al Qaeda to pursue. Some of the comparisons he used to draw his conclusions are

  • The LTTE invented the modern suicide bomber and deployed it into all their rank's against both political, military and civilian targets. Islamic groups copy the LTTE with suicide attack's.
  • The LTTE attacks shipping off the coast of Sri Lanka by blowing ships up or by acts of piracy. Attacks on the USS Cole off Yemen and piracy off the coast of Somalia, a strong hold for Al-Qaeda followers, followed them.
  • The LTTE attack on the World Trade Centre in Sri Lanka was followed by attack's by Al-Qaeda on the World Trade Centre in New York.
  • The LTTE's use of a women's section deployed into it's rank's has being copied by Al-Qaeda and Chechen terrorist's who took over the Russian theater who use "black widow" women suicide bombers.
  • Attack's on civilians in buses and trains in Sri Lanka were similar to the Al-Qaeda attacks on public civilian transport in the 7/7 attack's in London.[27]

Human rights and terrorism issues

The LTTE is sometimes labelled "terrorist" as part of a broader allegation that it does not have respect for human rights, and does not adhere to the standards of conduct expected of a resistance movement or what might be called "freedom fighters".

The accusation of terrorism is based in part on claims that the LTTE kills innocent civilians, recruits child soldiers, has been responsible for assassination of political figures and non-military officials, and uses suicide bombers.

Attacks on civilians

The LTTE has attacked non-military targets including commuter trains and buses, farming villages, temples and mosques resulting in large numbers of civilian deaths.

Some of the major attacks resulting in dozens of civilian deaths include the Kebithigollewa massacre, the Gonagala massacre (54 dead), the Anuradhapura massacre (146 dead), the Dehiwala train bombing (56 dead) [28], the Palliyagodella massacre (166 dead) and the bombing of Sri Lanka's Central Bank (102 dead). The LTTE claims that its attacks on purely civilian targets are collateral damage.


The LTTE has long been accused of carrying assassinations of political rivals and opponents. These include:

Indian courts have issued an international warrant to arrest both Velupillai Prabhakaran[29] and its intelligence chief Pottu Amman[30] in connection with the Rajiv Gandhi[31] killing. The LTTE at first denied any involvement, but later issued a statement in June of 2006 calling the event a "monumental tragedy."[32]

A presidential commission later concluded that the LTTE was not responsible for the death of Athulathmudali.[33]

The LTTE has also been accused of killing moderate Tamils and other Tamils with whom it disagrees, such as:

The LTTE has vehemently denied involvement in several of these incidents. Others argue these are tit-for-tat killings conducted by elements of both sides of the conflict. The LTTE argues the Sri Lankan government and government-aided paramilitaries have also targeted high profile supporters of the LTTE

The LTTE's supporters justify some of the targeted assassinations by arguing that the people assassinated were combatants or persons closely associated with Sri Lankan military intelligence. Specifically in relation to the TELO, the LTTE has said that it had to perform preemptive self-defence because the TELO was in effect functioning as a proxy for India. They also draw comparisons between the casualties caused by the LTTE's actions and the actions of European resistance forces against Nazi occupation during the Second World War. However, the LTTE's alleged victims have included unarmed Tamil politicians and civilians moderates who sought a peaceful solution to the Sri Lankan crisis.[35] LTTE supporters in turn argue the purge of Tamil moderates has been done as part of a calculated strategy by successive Sinhala governments to eliminate Tamil intellectuals and hamstring efforts to create a viable independent state. However, most Tamil moderates have been killed by the LTTE[36].

Child soldiers

The LTTE's use of children as front-line troops was proved when 25 front-line troops between the ages of 13 and 17 surrendered en-masse to the Sri Lankan Forces.[37][38][39] Amid international pressure, LTTE announced in July 2003 that it would stop conscripting child soldiers, but both UNICEF[40] and HRW[41] have accused it of reneging on its promises, and of conscripting Tamil children orphaned by the tsunami.[42] Civilians have also complained that the LTTE is continuing to abduct children, including some in their early teens, for use as soldiers.[43]. Moreover UNICEF states that the LTTE has recruited 315 child soldiers between April and December 2006. According to UNICEF , the total number of child soldiers recruited by the LTTE since 2001 stands at 5,794[44][1].

The LTTE, however, strongly denies any responsibility for recruitment of child soldiers. It argues that instances of child recruitment occurred mostly in the east, under the purview of former LTTE regional commander Colonel Karuna. After leaving the LTTE and forming the TMVP, it is alleged Karuna continues to forcibly kidnap and induct child soldiers.[45] The LTTE claims that Karuna, with backing from the Sri Lankan government (as confirmed by the SLMM), is intent on tarnishing the LTTE's image internationally. Its official position is that earlier, some of its cadres erroneously recruited volunteers in their late teens. It says that its official policy is now that it will not accept child soldiers. It also says that some underage youth lie about their age and are therefore allowed to join, but are sent back home to their parents as soon as they are discovered to be underaged. In many instances, there is a lack proper records such as birth certificates in the North East due to the breakdown of government services.

Suicide bombing

The LTTE has frequently used suicide bombers as a tactic. They pioneered the use of concealed suicide bomb vests, which are now used by many other organisations worldwide. The tactic of deploying suicide bombers was used to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed in 1991 using a prototype suicide vest, and Ranasinghe Premadasa, assassinated in 1993.[46][47]

LTTE had carried out more suicide bombings than any other organization on the face of the earth.According to the experts at janes securities,between 1980 to 2000,LTTE had carried out a total number of 168 suicide attacks on civilians and military targets.The number of suicide attacks easily exceeded the combine total of Hizbullah and Hamas suicide attacks carried out during the same period.[48]

Ethnic cleansing

The LTTE has been blamed for forcibly removing (or "ethnically cleansing") Sinhalese and Muslim inhabitants from areas under its control, including the use of violence against those who refuse to leave. Most notably, the LTTE forcibly expelled the entire Muslim population of Jaffna on two hours notice in 1990.[49] The LTTE are also accused of organising massacres of Sinhala villagers who settled in the Northeast under the dry lands policy.[50]

The LTTE has apologized for the expulsion of Muslims and has blamed this event on the misconduct of one of its regional commanders. However these expulsions had taken place in Jaffna where the supreme leadership of the LTTE was based . It is therefore unlikely that these expulsions were planned at a local level. Furthermore no punitive action was taken against those who expelled the Muslims from Jaffna. The LTTE has taken the added step of encouraging Muslim civilians to return their homes and livelihoods and providing compensation. However very few Muslims have accepted this offer.

The LTTE feels the expulsion of Sinhalese civilian from the North East of Sri Lanka is a necessary step to safeguard the rights of the Tamil minority. The LTTE alleges that most of the North East lands were originally owned by Tamils, who were forcibly evicted to make way for government aided Sinhala colonization schemes. These schemes, they argue were created with the sole intent on making Tamil civilians a minority in their traditional homelands and hence a means to further deprive their rights under the present district based unitary political system.[51]. However Muslims and Sinhalese formed over half of the population of the East province throughout recent history. Furthermore the existence of archaeological evidence shows that the Sinhalese inhabited the Eastern province for thousands of years. Scholars acknowledge the existence of a Tamil kingdom in the Northern province but there is no evidence of a Tamil kingdom in the Eastern province[52]. Therefore the basis for the LTTE's claim of the Eastern province as a traditional homeland of the Tamils remains contentious[53].

Execution of POWs

The LTTE have executed Prisoners of War in spite of a declaration by the LTTE in 1988 that it would abide by the Geneva Conventions[54]. The LTTE cannot formally accede to the Geneva convention as it is not a state. The LTTE massacred most of the 400 to 600 police officers captured after their surrender to the LTTE in 1990. The LTTE have also executed 200 soldiers captured during an attack on the Pooneryn army camp[55]. The LTTE has massacred hundreds of Sri Lankan soldiers who had surrendered during the attack on the Mullaitivu army camp [56][57].


There are also charges that the LTTE coerces Tamil expatriates to give it money,[58] by threatening the safety of their relatives or property in areas of Sri Lanka under its control. This involves pressuring them to directly give it money, or to indirectly fund its activities by patronising businesses connected with it (La 2004). Although intelligence services have raised concerns about such activities, which are particularly controversial in Canada, few formal complaints have been made. During raids by the RCMP World Tamil Movement, (an LTTE front organisation) was found coordinating a number of illegal activities in order to control the Tamil diaspora in Canada.[59] A report by Human Rights Watch outlines the intimidation and extortion Tamil expatriates experience from the LTTE.[60]

However, several pro LTTE Tamil associations, from various countries mentioned in the report, have called into question the veracity and accuracy of the HRW report.[61][62][63]

Proscription as a terrorist group

At least 32 countries have listed the LTTE as a terrorist organisation.[64][65][66] As of July 2006, these include:

Another 159 countries (which constitute a majority in the UN General Assembly) have not proscribed the LTTE. However, the only terrorist list the UN maintains is devoted solely to individuals and organisations believed by the UN to be connected to al-Qaeda and the Taliban, mandated by Resolution 1267.[71] The UN has no other mandate to list any organisation as being terrorist. The UN has also passed Resolution 1373, asking member countries to identify and limit activities of any organisation that carries out terrorist activities. The UN has not published its own list of terrorist groups, leaving their identification to the discretion of member countries. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has also suggested that the LTTE should face travel curbs and other penalties if they keep using children as soldiers. As well as travel bans, his report to the Security Council also recommended other sanctions such as arms embargoes and financial restrictions against the LTTE, Though Kofi Annan has gone as far as to requesting a visit Tamil Tiger held areas and meeting with key Tamil officials[citation needed], a request that was promptly denied by the Sri Lankan Government.[72] Australia[73] and other countries have listed the LTTE as a terrorist group in accordance with Resolution 1373. Canada does not grant residency to LTTE members on the grounds that they have participated in crimes against humanity.[74] The first country to ban the LTTE was its early ally, India. The Indian change of policy came gradually, starting with the IPKF-LTTE conflict, and culminating with the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. The EU with its 25 member nations is the most recent entity to ban the LTTE. Sri Lanka itself lifted the ban on the LTTE before signing the ceasefire agreement in 2002. This was a prerequisite set by the LTTE for signing of the CFA.[75]

Recent events

The LTTE executed 6 Sinhalese farmers on April 23, 2006. The LTTE executed a further 13 labourers on May 29 2006[76]

Kebothigollewa massacre

A claymore antipersonnel mine attack by the LTTE on 15 June 2006 on a bus carrying 140 civilians killed 68 (icluding 15 children),and injured 60.The Sri Lankan Government, US state department and the SLMM blamed the LTTE for this attack[77]. However the LTTE denied carrying out this attack.

Attack on the Pakistani High Commissioner

On August 14, 2006, a convoy carrying the Pakistani High Commissioner was attacked by a claymore antipersonnel mine concealed within a rickshaw, killing seven and injuring seventeen.[78] The blast was near the office of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Sri Lankan government accused the LTTE of responsibility. Pakistan has accused the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, for the attack.[79]

Chencholai Airstrike

A few days later, the Sri Lankan Air force carried out an air attack on rebel territory, killing a number of Tamil girls. The LTTE stated the victims were schoolgirls at an orphanage attending a course on first aid. However the government denied this and claimed it was a LTTE training facility and that the children were LTTE child soldiers.[80].

Criminal Activities

One factor that has benefited the LTTE greatly has been its sophisticated international support network. While some of the funding obtained by the LTTE is from legitimate fund raising and extortion among the Tamil diaspora,[81] a significant portion is obtained through criminal activities, involving sea piracy, human smuggling, drug trafficking and gunrunning. [82]

Sea Piracy

The LTTE are reported to hijack ships and boats of all sizes, and it is common practice for them to kidnap and kill the crew members on board the hijacked vessels.[83]

The LTTE has been accused of hijacking several vessels in waters outside Sri Lanka including the Irish Mona (in August 1995), Princess Wave (in August 1996), Athena (in May 1997), Misen (in July 1997), Morong Bong (in July 1997), Cordiality (in Sept 1997) and Princess Kash (in August 1998). When the LTTE captured the M V Cordiality near the port of Trincomalee, they killed all five Chinese crew members on board. The M V Sik Yang, a 2,818-ton Malaysian-flag cargo ship which sailed from Tuticorin, India on May 25, 1999 was reported missing in waters near Sri Lanka. The ship with a cargo of bagged salt was due at the Malaysian port of Malacca on May 31. The fate of the ship's crew of 15 is unknown. It is suspected that the vessel was hijacked by the LTTE and is now been used as a phantom vessel. A report published on June 30,1999 confirmed that the vessel had been hijacked by the LTTE.[83]

In a notable incident since the signing of the Ceasefire Agreement in 2001, the crew of a Jordanian ship, MV Farah III that ran aground near rebel-controlled territory off the island's coast, accused the Tamil Tigers of forcing them to abandon the vessel which was carrying 14,000 tonnes of Indian rice and risking their lives.[84] The crew said that LTTE fired four times to force them out of the vessel after failing to explode it in choppy seas three days ago. The skipper of the vessel said "First they tried to set up a bomb and explode the anchor cable and when it failed they ordered us to weigh anchor". He also said that the Tigers dismantled and removed all radio communication equipment and radar from the vessel.[84]

Other acts the LTTE have been implicated in includ drug smuggling[85] and credit card fraud in a number of countries including India and the United Kingdom.[86]

See also


  1. ^ A. Jeyaratnam Wilson, Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism: Its Origins and Development in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, University of British Columbia Press, 1999
  2. ^ M.R. Narayan Swamy, Tigers of Lanka: from Boys to Guerrillas, Konark Publishers, 2002
  3. ^ The Peace Accord and the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Hennayake S.K. Asian Survey, Vol. 29, No. 4. (Apr., 1989), pp. 401-415.
  4. ^ "Statistics on civilians affected by war from 1974 - 2004" (PDF). NESOHR. Retrieved 2007-01-30.
  5. ^ University Teachers for Human Rights History of the Organisation
  6. ^ V. S. Sambandan (April, 2000). "The fall of Elephant Pass". Hindu Net. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. ^ "Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission".
  8. ^ "LTTE to intensify struggle for self-determination if reasonable political solution is not offered soon". Tamil Net. November 27, 2005.
  9. ^ Saroj Pathirana (November 23, 2005). "LTTE supported Rajapakse presidency?". BBC News.
  10. ^ Randeep Ramesh (May 7, 2006). "When Tigers Tear themselves Apart". The Observer.
  11. ^ Frances Harrison (November 26, 2002). "'Black Tigers' Appear in Public". BBC News.
  12. ^ "Voice of Tigers".
  13. ^ "Lyng Sat".
  14. ^ "Tamil Eelam Judicial Department".
  15. ^ "Financial Wing, LTTE".
  16. ^ "Custom Tamileelam".
  17. ^ Frances Harrison (March 31, 2004). "Tamil Tigers seek voters' support". BBC News.
  18. ^ "Karuna removed from the LTTE". TamilNet report. March 06, 2004. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  19. ^ Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission "Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission". {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  20. ^ "Agreements Reached Between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam". Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission. February 23, 2006.
  21. ^ http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/533zmqge.asp
  22. ^ http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/FJ20Ae02.html
  23. ^ Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror
  24. ^ Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror
  25. ^ http://www.dailynews.lk/2007/03/20/sec01.asp
  26. ^ http://counterterrorismblog.org/2007/03/ltte_infiltration_in_south_ind.php
  27. ^ a b http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/4518
  28. ^ "Timeline of the Tamil conflict". BBC News. September 4, 2000.
  29. ^ "Wanted Notice for Velupillai Prabhakaran". Interpol.
  30. ^ "Wanted Notice for Pottu Amman". Interpol.
  31. ^ Justice M C Jain. "The Jain Commission of Inquiry". India Today.
  32. ^ LTTE regrets killing Rajiv Gandhi
  33. ^ Agence France Presse
  34. ^ PK Balachandran (July 18, 2006). "Neutralisation of Tamil moderates in SL". Hindustan Times.
  35. ^ T. S. Subramanian (August 1999). "Chronicle of murders". Hindu Net.
  36. ^ LTTE and Its Disclaimers by Radhavinod Raju
  37. ^ "US State Department Human Rights Report 1998 - Sri Lanka". US State Department. 1998.
  38. ^ "Human Rights Watch World Report 2006 - Sri Lanka". UNHCR. January 2006.
  39. ^ "Sri Lanka". Human Rights Watch. January 2003.
  40. ^ "Children being caught up in recruitment drive in north east". UNICEF.
  41. ^ "Sri Lanka: Child Tsunami Victims Recruited by Tamil Tigers". Human Rights Watch. January 14, 2005.
  42. ^ "Tamil Tigers 'drafting children'". BBC News. January 13, 2005.
  43. ^ Dan McDougall (January 1, 2006). "Desperate Tamil rebels snatch village children to serve as footsoldiers". The Observer.
  44. ^ Outrage over child soldiers in Sri Lanka
  45. ^ "Agreements Reached Between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam". Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission. February 23, 2006.
  46. ^ Jonathan Lyons (August 20, 2006). "Suicide bombers - weapon of choice for Sri Lanka rebels". Reuters.
  47. ^ "Tending to Sri Lanka". The Washington Times. August 20, 2006.
  48. ^ Suicide terrorism: a global threat
  49. ^ DBS Jeyaraj (30 October 2005). "Fifteenth Anniversary of Muslim Expulsion From Jaffna".
  50. ^ "Massacres". SPUR News Centre.
  51. ^ "Sri Lanka's War on Eelam Tamils". Tamil Nation.
  52. ^ Prof. Asoka Bandarage. "Sri Lanka: Broadening the discourse on peace and security".
  53. ^ Gamini Iriyagolla. "Tamils claim to land:fact and fiction".
  54. ^ A plea to the LTTE
  55. ^ Sri Lanka Human Rights Practices, 1995
  56. ^ Quarter, Giving No
  57. ^ Censorship out: then events unfurled
  58. ^ Rohit William Wadhwaney (May 11, 2006). "Lankan expats 'forced to fund LTTE'". Gulf Times.
  59. ^ Stewart Bell (July 22, 2006). "Alleged LTTE front had voter lists". National Post.
  60. ^ "LTTE Intimidation and Extortion in the Tamil Diaspora". Human Rights Watch. March 2006.
  61. ^ Sachi Sri Kantha (March 23, 2006). "Dissecting the Semi-fictionalized HRW Report". Association of Tamils of Sri Lanka in the USA.
  62. ^ "A Canadian Tamil Community response to Allegations by Human Rights Watch on Extortion". Canadian Tamil Congress. March 15, 2006.
  63. ^ "Sri Lanka: Human Rights Watch Replies to the Canadian Tamil Congress". Human Rights Watch.
  64. ^ "Council on Foreign Relations".
  65. ^ "South Asia Terrorism Portal".
  66. ^ "MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base".
  67. ^ "U.S. Government".
  68. ^ "South Asia Terrorism Portal".
  69. ^ "U.K. Government".
  70. ^ "Canadian Government".
  71. ^ "UN Terror List". Sydney Morning Herald. August 31, 2006.
  72. ^ "UN seeks Tamil Tiger travel ban". BBC. February 10, 2005.
  73. ^ "Australian Government".
  74. ^ "Canadian Government".
  75. ^ "Ceasefire Agreement". SLMM.
  76. ^ Government condemns violence against innocent civilians (May 30, 2006).
  77. ^ "United States Condemns Terrorist Attack on Sri Lankan Bus". US State Department.
  78. ^ Rica Roy & Anisa Khan (August 14, 2006). "Lanka blast: Pak envoy safe, 7 killed". NDTV.
  79. ^ "Pak sees RAW hand behind Colombo attack on Pak HC". New Kerala.
  80. ^ "Unicef: Bombed orphans were not Tamil Tigers". Mail and Guardian Online. 15 August 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  81. ^ "Lankan expats 'forced to fund LTTE'". Rohit William Wadhwaney. The Gulf Times. 11 May, 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  82. ^ RAND Project Air Force, Beyond al-Qaeda: The Outer Rings of the Terrorist Universe
  83. ^ a b Dr Vijay Sakhuja, South Asia Analysis group, SEA PIRACY IN SOUTH ASIA
  84. ^ a b "Jordanian crew slam Tigers for piracy". The Hindu. 26 December, 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  85. ^ http://www.svik.org/thai.htm
  86. ^ http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/4236

Further reading

  • Balasingham, Adele. (2003) The Will to Freedom - An Inside View of Tamil Resistance, Fairmax Publishing Ltd, 2nd ed. ISBN 1-903679-03-6
  • Balasingham, Anton. (2004) War and Peace - Armed Struggle and Peace Efforts of Liberation Tigers, Fairmax Publishing Ltd, ISBN 1-903679-05-2
  • de Votta, Neil. (2004) Blowback: Linguistic Nationalism, Institutional Decay, and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-4924-8
  • Gamage, Siri and I.B. Watson (Editors). (1999) Conflict and Community in Contemporary Sri Lanka - 'Pearl of the East' or 'Island of Tears'?, Sage Publications Ltd, ISBN 0-7619-9393-2
  • Hansard Australia (2006), Senate Transcript for 16 June 2006[2]
  • Hellmann-Rajanayagam, D. (1994) "The Groups and the rise of Militant Secessions". in Manogaram, C. and Pfaffenberger, B. (editors). The Sri Lankan Tamils. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-8133-8845-7
  • Human Rights Watch (2003) Child Soldier Use 2003: A Briefing for the 4th UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict[3]
  • La, J.. 2004. "Forced remittances in Canada's Tamil enclaves". Peace Review 16:3. September 2004. pp. 379-385.
  • Narayan Swamy, M. R. (2002) Tigers of Lanka: from Boys to Guerrillas, Konark Publishers; 3rd ed. ISBN 81-220-0631-0
  • Pratap, Anita. (2001) Island of Blood: Frontline Reports From Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Other South Asian Flashpoints. Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-200366-2
  • Sri Kantha, Sachi.(2005) Pirabhakaran Phenomenon, Lively COMET Imprint, ISBN 1-57087-671-1
  • Wilson, Jeyaratnam (1999) Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism: Its Origins and Development in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, University of British Columbia Press, ISBN 0-7748-0760-1

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