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List of political parties in Lebanon

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Political parties in Lebanon lists political parties in Lebanon.

Lebanon has numerous political parties, but they play a much less significant role in Lebanese politics than they do in most parliamentary democracies. Many of the "parties" are simply lists of candidates endorsed by a prominent national or local figure. Loose coalitions, usually organized locally, are formed for electoral purposes by negotiation among clan leaders and candidates representing various religious communities; such coalitions usually exist only for the election, and rarely form a cohesive bloc in the National Assembly after the election. Until 2005, no single party had ever won more than 12.5 percent of the seats in the National Assembly, and no coalition of parties had won more than 35 percent.

Especially outside of the major cities, elections tend to focus more on local than national issues, and it is not unusual for a party to join an electoral ticket in one constituency while aligned with a rival party - even an ideologically opposite party - in another constituency.

The parties

Although almost every party is strongly dominated by a particular faith community, it should be noted that most nonetheless maintain that they are secular.

Party Emblem Name in English Name in Arabic Acronym Leader or Chairman Remarks Political Position Sect
File:14march-logo.jpgMarch 14 Alliance or Loyalists
File:Tayyar-mostakbal.jpg Future Movement Tayyar Al Mustaqbal تيار المستقبل FM Saad Hariri Currently has 33 MPs Capitalism Officially secular; Mainly Sunni Muslim.
File:Psp-leb.jpg Progressive Socialist Party Hizb al-Taqadummi al-Ishtiraki الحزب التقدمي الإشنراكي PSP Walid Jumblatt Currently has 17 MPs Socialism Officially secular; Mainly Druze
Lebanese Forces al-Quwat al-Lubnāniyya القوات اللبنانية LF Samir Geagea Currenty has 5 MPs Right wing, Lebanese nationalism Officially secular; Mainly Maronite Christian
File:Kataeb-flag.gif Phalangist or Kataeb Party march 14 faction al-Kataeb al-Lubnāniyya حزب الكتائب اللبنانية Kataeb Amin Gemayel Two MPs elected, both assassinated Right wing, Lebanese nationalism Maronite Christians
File:N686450064 283808 3983.jpg National Liberal Party Hizb al-Wataniyyin al-Ahrar حزب الوطنيين الأحرار NLP Dory Chamoun Currently has no MPs Liberalism Officially Secular, mainly maronite christian
File:Alistiklal.jpg Independence Movement Harakit al-istiklal حركة الإسنقلال Al istiklal Nayla Moawad Currently has 2 MPs Feudalism Mainly Maronite christians
N/A Independents within March 14 bloc - - - Currently has 3 MPs - -
N/A Tripoli Bloc Al-takatol al-trabolsi التكتل الطرابلصي - Mohamed Safadi Currently has 4 MPs, one christian and 3 muslim - -
File:Drm-tajaddod.jpg Democratic Renewal Harakat al-tajaddod al-democraty حركة التجدد الدمقراطي DRM Nassib Lahoud Currently has 1 MP Reformism Secular
File:Lebanese democratic left movement.jpg Democratic Left Harakat Al-Yassar Al-Democraty حركة اليصار الدمقراطي DL Elias Attallah Currently has 1 MP Left-wing Secular
File:Adl.gif Armenian Democratic Liberal Party - Ramgavar Hizb al-ramgavar حزب الرمغفار ADL - Currently has 1 lebanese MP Liberalism armenian gregorian
File:Sedahoka.gif Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Hizb al-hunshak حزب الهنشق Henshak - Currently has 1 MP Socialist Armenian Orthodox
File:Lrparty flag.jpg Lebanese Liberal Republican Party Al-Hizb Al-Jumhury Al- Horr Al-Lubnany الحزب الجمهوري الحر اللبناني LRparty.org Khaled Sleiman Alhassanieh Currently has 0 MP Social Liberalism ; Centrist Officially Secular Mainly Druz
File:National-bloc-party.jpg Lebanese National Bloc Hizb al-kitla al-wataniya حزب الكتلة الوطنية NB Carlos Eddé Currently has no MPs Lebanese nationalism Maronite Christian
File:FSM-leb.GIF Free Shiite movement Al-Tayyar Al-Shii Al-Horr النيار الشيعي الحرّ FSM Mohammed Hajj Hassan Currently has no MPs Islamism Shi'a Islam
File:Jamaa.gif Islamic Group Al-jamaa Al-Islamiya الجماعة الإسلامية JI Assaad Harmouch Currently has no MP Islamist Sunni Muslim
File:FLAM.jpg Free Lebanese Armenian Movement Harakit Al-Lubnaniyin Al-Arman Al-Ahrar حركة اللبنانيين الأرمن الأحرار FLAM - Currently has no MP Liberalism Armenian Orthodox
File:Loubnanouna.jpg Loubnanouna Alliance Helf Loubnanouna حلف لبناننا Loubnanouna Sammy Gemayel This party is an extention of the kataeb in colleges conservarism, Lebanese nationalism Christian
File:Salam-flag.jpg Lebanese Peace Party Hizb Assalam Al-Lubnany حزب السلام اللبناني LPP Roger Edde Currently has 0 MP - Secular
N/A Movement of Change Harakit Al-Taghyir حركة التغيير MoCh - Currently has no MP - -
File:Leb-opposition.gifMarch 8 Alliance or Opposition
File:Tayyarlogoarabic.gif Free Patriotic Movement Tayyar Al-Watani Al- Horr التيار الوطني الحرّ FPM Michel Aoun Currently has 14 MPs Centrist Officially secular; Traditionally Christian, Shi'a support growing
N/A Skaff Bloc or Popular Bloc التكتل الشعبي - Elias Skaff Currently has 4 MPs Feudalist sect
N/A Murr Bloc or North Metn Bloc تكتل المتن الشمالي - Michel Murr Currently has 1 MP Feudalist Greek Orthodox christian
File:Arf logo.jpg Armenian Revolutionary Federation Tashnag حزب الطشنق ARF Hovig Mkhitarian Currently has 2 MP Hagop Pakradounian,George Kasardji Socialism Armenian orthodox
N/A Christian Democratic Party Hizb al-Massihi al-Democraty حزب المسيحي الدمقراطي CDP Neemtallah Abi Nasr Currently has 1 MP - Christian
El Marada Tayyar Al-Marada تيار المردة MM Suleiman Frangieh, Jr. Currently has no MP Feudalism Mainly Maronite Christians, but has considerable muslim support
File:Ldp flag.gif Lebanese Democratic Party Hizb al-lubnany al-democraty حزب اللبنلني الدمقراطي LDP Talal Arslan Currently has no MP Feudalism Officialy Secular, mainly druz
Amal Movement Harakat Amal حركة أمل AMAL Nabih Berri Currently has 15 MPs Special thoughts of Musa Sadr Shi'a Muslim but enjoys some support of different sects.
File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg Hezbollah Hizbullah حزب الله HA Hassan Nasrallah Currently has 14 MPs Islamism Shi'a Muslim but enjoys some support of different sects.
File:Ssnpflag.gif Syrian Social Nationalist Party al-Hizb al-Quami al-Ijtima'i al-Suri الحزب القومي السوري الإجتماعي SSNP Ali Qanso Currently has 2 MPs Syrian Nationalism Secular
Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party Hizb al-baas al-arabi al-'ishtiraki حزب البعث العربي الإشتراكي BAATH Assem Qanso Currently has 1 MP Socialism;Arab Nationalism secular
File:Kataeb-flag.gif Kataeb party opposition faction - Kataeb Karim Pakradoni Currently has 1 MP fashist christian
File:Tanzeem Flag.jpg Popular Nasserite Organization Al-Tanzim Al-shaabi al-nassiri التنظيم الشعبي الناصري NPO Ossama Saad Currently has 1 MP Political position sect
N/A Independents within the opposition - - Hussein el-Husseini Currently has 1 MP Political position sect
File:Lebanese Communist Party Flag.png Lebanese Communist Party Al-Hizb al-shooyoo'i al-lubnany الحزب الشيوعي الليناني LCP Khaled Hadadi Currently has no MP Communism Secular
File:Hizb el Taharor Flag.jpg Arab Liberation Party Hizb Al-Taharor Al-Arabi حزب التحرر العربي ALP Omar Karami Currently has no MP Feudalism Sunni Muslim
File:Muratibun.PNG Movement of Independent Nasserists - al-Murabitun Harakat Al-nassiriyin Al-Mustakilin - Al mourabitoon حركة الناصريين المستقلين - المرابطون INM Ibrahim Koleilat Currently has no MP Nasserism;Arab Nationalism Mainly Sunni muslim, but some shi'a and druz support
Worker's League Rabitat Al-Shaghila رابطة الشغياة WL Zaher Khatib Currently has no MP Communist; Arab Nationalism Secular
File:Harakit-el-shaab.jpg People's Movement Harakat Al-Shaab حركة الشعب SHAAB Najah Wakim Currently has no MP Nasserism; Socialism; Arab Nationalism Secular
N/A Nasserite Unification movement Al-Haraka Al-Tawhidiya Al-Nassiriya الحركة التوحيدية الناصرية NUM - Currently has no MP Nasserism Secular
N/A Solidarity Party Hizb Al-Tadamon حزب التضامن TADAMON Emile Rahme Currently has no MP - Chtistian
N/A Islamic Labor Front Jebhat Al-Aamal Al-islamy - Fathi Yakan - Islamism Sunni Muslim
File:Tayyar-tawhid.jpg Lebanese Unification Movement Tayyar Al-Tawhid Al-Lubnany تيار النوحيد اللبناني UC Wiam Wahhab Currently has no MP Arab Nationalism Officially Secilar Mainly Druz
File:Popular-congress-leb.gif Lebanese Popular Congress Mo'tamar Al-Shaabi Al-Lubnany المؤتمر الشعبي اللبناني LPC Kamal Chatilla Currently has no MP Nasserism Sunni Muslim
File:ADP-leb.gif Arab Democratic Party Al-Hizb Al-Aarabi Al-Democraty الحزب العربي الدمقراطي ADP Ali Eid Currently has no MP Feudalism Alawite Muslim
File:Waad-party.jpg Promise Party or National Secular Democratic Party Hizb Al-Waad حزب الوعد NSDP Gina Hobeika Currently has no MP Secularism Officially secular; Mainly Maronite Christian
File:AICP-logo.gif Islamic Charitable Projects Association Jam'iyat Al-mashari' Al-Khayriya Al-Islamiya Al-Ahbash الأحباش ICPA Abdallah al-Harari Currently has no MP Islamist sunni muslim
N/A Democratic Socialist Party Hizb Al-Ishtiraki Al-Democraty الحزب الإشتراكي الدمقراطي DSPL Kamal Assaad Currently has no MP Socialism Officially Secular, but mainly [shi'a] muslim
File:Tajamo3 Flag.jpg Federation of Popular Leagues and Committees Tajamo' Al-Lujan wal-rawabit Al-Shaabiya تجمع اللجان و الروابط الشعبية FPLC Maan Bashour Currently has no MP Nasserism; Arabic Nationalism Officially Secular, mainly sunni muslim
N/A Socialist Arab Union Al-Ittihad al-ishtiraki al-arabi الإتحاد الإشتراكي العربي SAU - Currently has no MP Socialist Secular
File:Itti7ad-flag.JPG Union Party Hizb al-Ittihad حزب الإتحاد UP Abelrahim Mrad Currently has no MP Nasserism Officially Secular, Mainly sunni muslim
File:Muslim-Ulama.jpg Union of Muslim Ulama Tajamo' Al-ulama Al-Muslimun تجمع العلماء المسلمون UMU - This is more like a gathering than a party Islamist All Muslim Sects
N/A Democratic Nasserite Movement Harakat Al-Nassiriyin Al-Democratiyoon حركة الناصريين الدمقراطيون DNM - Currently has no MP Nasserism sect
N/A Lebanese-Arab Struggle Movement Harakat Al-Nidal Al-Arabi Al-Lubnani حركة النضال العربي اللبناني LASM Faysal Dawood Currently has no MP Arabism Officially Secular, Mainly Druz
File:Alawiteyouth.jpg Alawite Youth Movement Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Alawi حركة الشباب العلوي AYM Rifaat Eid Currently has no MP Feudalism Alawite Muslim
File:UJDL.jpg Lebanese Democratic Youth Union Ittihad Al-Shabab Al-Democraty Al-Lubnany إتحاد الشباب الدمقراطي اللبنلني UJDL - Affiliated to the Lebanese Communist Party Communist Secular
File:TAWHID-ISLAMI-Logo.gif Islamic Unification Movement Harakat Al-Tawhid Al-Islamy حركة التوحيد الإسلامي IUM Said Shaaban Currently has no MP Islamism Sunni Muslim
File:Hiwar-flag.jpg National Dialogue Party Hizb Al-Hiwar Al-Watani حزب الحوار الوطني NDP Fouad Makhzoumi Currently has no MP Capitalism Mainly sunni Muslim
N/A Akar Popular Assembly Tajamo' Al-Shaabi Al-Aakari - Wajih Baarini - Feudalism Sunni Muslim]]
Other Lebanese parties
Comming soon Congress Party Hizb Al-Mu'tamar - Hassan Hachem - - Mainly Shi'a Muslim
N/A Glory Movement Harakat Majd - Najib Mikati - Capitalism Mainly sunni muslim
N/A Islamic Gathering Movement Harakt al-tajamo' al-islamy - - - Islamic sunni muslim
File:Ldm-logo.gif Lebanese Democratic Movement Tayyar Lubnan Al-Democraty - Jack Tamer - Futurist Secular
N/A Lebanese Movement Harakit Lubnan - Nabil Mshantaf - - -
N/A Lebanese Option Gathering - - - - - Secular
N/A Lebanese People's Front Jebhat al-shaab al-lubnany - Joseph Haddad - - -
N/A Lebanese Republican Party Hizb Al-Jumhury Al-Lubnany - Imad Jaara - Liberalism -
File:Najjadeh.JPG Najjadeh Party Hizb Al-Nejjadeh - Mustapha Hakim Party used to enjoy big popularity among sunnis Arab Nationalism Sunni muslim
- National Progressive Movement Harakat Al-Takadom Al-Watani - - Founder was Jamil Lahoud, Pr.Emile lahoud's father - Secular
File:United-Phoenician.gif The United Phoenician Party Hizb Al-qawmi Al-Finiki - - - Phoenician Nationalism -
File:Finiki.gif Phoenician Party Hizb Al-Finiki - - - Phoenician Nationalism Christian
N/A National Labor Movement Hizb Al-Aamal Al-Watani - - - Communism Secular
N/A The reformist movement in the Progressive Socialist Party Al-Haraka Al-Islahiya fil Hizb Al-takadomi Al-ishtiraki - Ra'ed Sayegh - Socialism Secular
N/A Islamic Jihad Movement (Lebanon) Harakat Al-Jihad Al-Islamy - - - Islamism sunni muslimt
File:New-lebanese.jpg New Lebanese Movement Harakat Al-Lubnaniyin Al-Joddod - - - Secularism Secular
File:Almustakilloon.jpg The Independents Al-Mustakiloon - - - - Secular
File:Repubreform.GIF Republican Reform Party Hizb Al-Islahi Al-Jumhuri - Charles Chidiac - Liberalism Secular
N/A Arab Socialist Party Hizb Al-Aarabi Al-Ishtiraki - - - Socialism Secular
N/A Lebanese Labor Party Hizb Al-Aamal el Lubnany - - - communism Secular
N/A Democratic Labor Party Hizb Al-'ommali Al-Democraty - Elias Bou Rizk socialism Secular
N/A Democratic Secular Party Hizb Al-'elmani Al-Democraty - - - secularism Secular
File:Lebanese-ecology-party.gif Lebanese Ecology Party Hizb Al-Bi'a Al-lubnany - - - ecology Secular
N/A National Youth Party Hizb Al-Chabab Al-Watani - Ahmad Karami - - Secular
N/A Popular Democratic Party Hizb Al-shaabi Al-Democraty - - - - Secular
File:Orthodoxpartyleb.jpg The Orthodox Party Hizb Al-Orthodox - - - - Greek Orthodox
File:Shurayalogo.jpg Shuraya Party Hizb Al-Shuraya - - - Assyrianism Assyrian
100px Liberation Party Hizb ut-Tahrir - - - Islamism sunni muslim
N/A Party of Socialist Revolution Hizb Al-Thawra Al-Ishtirakiya - - - Maoist communism Secular
File:Badil.gif Free Alternative Al Badil Al Taharouri - - - Anarchism Secular
N/A National Party Hizb Al-Watani - - - - Secular
N/A Universal party Hizb Al Umami - - - Communism Secular
N/A Lebanese arab movement Harakat Lebnan Al-Aarabi - - - Nasserism sunni muslim
File:Jebha.gif Libery Front Jebhat Al-horriya - Fouad Abou Nader Also knows as Koudama el Qoowat Fashism Christian
File:LebNationalLeague.JPG Lebanese National League Al-Rabita Al-Wataniya Al-Lubnaniya - Wajeb Kanso - Left-wing Secular
File:Saraya-logo.jpg Lebanese Resistance Brigades Saraya el moqawama - - Extention of Hizbollah - Secular
File:Aramic-dem-org.gif Armaic Democratic Organisation Tanzim Al-Arami Al-Democraty - - - - Armaic
N/A Nasserite Nationalist Organisation Tanzim Al-Qawmi Al-Nassiri - - - Nasserism; Arab Nationalism Secular
N/A Justice and Development movement Tayyar el 'adel wal Tanmiya - - - - Secular
N/A Cedars Movement Tayyar al-Arz - - - - Secular
File:Civil-society-movement.jpg Civil society Movement Tayyar Al-mojtama' Al-madani - Gregoire Haddad - Secularism Secular
N/A Southern Christian Assembly Tajamo' Al-Massihi Al-janoubi - - - Christian conservatism Christian
Kurdish parties
File:KDP-leb.jpg Kurdish Democratic Party Hizb Al-Kurdi Al-Democraty - - - - Kurdish
N/A Razkari Party Hizb Al-Razkari - - - - Kurdish
Forbidden Parties
File:Goclogo.gif Guardians of the Cedars Hizb Horras Al-Arz - Etienne Sakr - Fashism Christian
N/A Regressive Isolationist Party Hizb Al-Raj'i Al-I'tizali - - - - -
N/A Islamic Amal Movement Harakat Amal Al-Islamiya - Sobi Toufaily - Islamism Shi'a Muslim
Defunct parties
N/A Lebanese Resistance Movement (Tanzim) 'Harakat Al-Moqawama Al-Lubnaniya (Tanzim)' - - The Party dissapeared after it's Militia's disbanding Christian Conservatism Maronite Christian
File:Tanzim-logo.JPG Lebanese Youth Movement (MKG) Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Lubnaniya - Bachir Maroun - Christian Conservatism Maronite Christian
N/A Constitutional Bloc Party Hizb Al-Kitla Al-Doostooriya - Khalil El-Khoury This party was mainly created by Pr.Bchara El-Khoury to oppose [[Emile Edde's National Bloc During the post-independence period Feudalism Secular
N/A The Great Lebanese Labor Party Al-Hizb Al-'omali Al-lubnany Al-Kabir - - This party existed during the French Mandate of Lebanon Communism Secular
N/A Deprived Movement Harakat Al-Mahroomin - Musa as-sadr Ancestor of Amal - Secular
Arab Nationalists Movement 'Harakat Al-qawmiyin Al-'arab' - - - Arab Nationalism Secular
File:24octobermov.JPG 24 October Movement Harakat 24 Techrin - - Had Big military actions in the north during the two year war, but mysteriously dissapeared after that. Islamism Sunni Muslim
File:Moonazamit.JPG Organization of Communist Action Moonazamat Al-'Amal Al-shooyoo'i - - Dissolved into the LCP Communism; Arab Nationalism Secular
N/A Revolutionary Communist Group Tajamo' Al-Thawri Al-Shooyo'i - - - Communism Secular

See also