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Third eye

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 11:59, 1 October 2008 (A true prophet is a man that opens his third eye and returns to the Lord and no its not a men that asks for your money and then teaches the pre rapture this is a false prophet). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

17th century representation of the 'third eye' connection to the 'higher worlds' by alchemist Robert Fludd.

The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply-personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences, and people who have allegedly developed the capacity to use their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.

Jesus Christ's scriptural teachings on the Third Eye

Jesus Christ's scriptural teachings on the lampstand of the body constitute an example of the use of the third eye. 1john 1:5;[God]] is light the light in your eye, also known as The Holy spirit. This is how mankind learns about Heavenly things, the Treasure in Heaven is found when the lampstand of the body becomes alive. The third eye in the bible is called the Seal of the living God rev 7:2 or the lampstand of the body Matt 6:22.

Matthew 6 6:22 Matthew 6:22;

Treasures in Heaven

22"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light. 23But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. And If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! 24"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

11:33 Luke 11:33;

The Simile of Light

33 " No one who lights a lamps hides it away or places it [under a bushel basket], but on a lampstand so that those who enter might see the light. 34 The lamp of the body is your eye. when your eye is sound, then your whole body is filled with light, but when it is bad, then your body is in darkness. 35 Take care, then that the light in you not becomes darkness. 36 If your whole body is full of light, and no part of it is in darkness, then it will be as full of light as a lamp illuminating you with its brightness."

Jesus goes over how your third eye is the lampstand of the body. The goal is to wake up with light in ones body and this is the only way man can put an end to decay. This is also the only way a prophet can return to the Lord or the source of God.

7:2 Revelation 7:2;

The 144,000 sealed

2Then i saw another angel come up from the East, holding the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who were given power to damage the land and the sea, 3"Do not Damage the land or the sea or the trees until we put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."

corinthians 15:52 1Corinthians 15:52; The bible is very clear that the Lord returns during the last trumpet or 7th. The seal of the living GOD located in the forehead is a spiritual gift from God that keeps the faithful safe during the great tribulation.

Revelation 7:2 is talking about the seal of God located in ones forehead. Also known as your third eye. There are seven seals or seven lampstands in the body. The seven seals represents a persons Christ like spiritual body.

corinthians 15:44 1Corinthians 15:44; 44it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being" The last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven. 48As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. 49And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we[f] bear the likeness of the man from heaven.

This topic is about the third eye if your a person that opens there third eye and you dont wake up with light in your body then you have no clue what your talking about and you have no right deleting or vandalizing this topic. aka dont touch this post the new earth and new heaven are coming very soon and this only help mankind. stop deleting this post you vandals that no nothing about the third eye


In Hinduism and Buddhism

Shiva head with third eye

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment (see moksha and nirvana). In the Indian tradition, it is referred to as the jnana-chaksu, the eye of knowledge, which is the seat of the 'teacher inside' or antar-guru. The third eye is the ajna chakra (sixth chakra) also known as brow chakra or brow centre. This is commonly denoted in Indian and East Asian iconography with a dot, eye or mark on the forehead of deities or enlightened beings, such as Shiva, the Buddha, or any number of yogis, sages and bodhisattvas. This symbol is called the "Third Eye" or "Eye of Wisdom", or, in Buddhism, the urna. In Hinduism, it is believed that the opening of Shiva's third eye causes the eventual destruction of the universe.

Many Hindus wear a tilak between the eyebrows to represent the third eye.

In the Upanishads, a human being is likened to a city with ten gates. Nine gates (eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, urethra, anus) lead outside to the sensory world. The third eye is the tenth gate and leads to inner realms housing myriad spaces of consciousness.

Chakra Color Primary Functions Associated Element Location Open or Balance Foods Symbol
Third eye
ājñā, आज्ञा
indigo Direct perception, intuition, imagination, visualization, concentration, Self-mastery , Extra Sensory Perception, numismatics time / light Between the eyebrows. Meditation, guided visualization. Dark bluish colored fruits, Liquids, Spices

In the Western Wisdom Teachings

According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, called Western Wisdom Teachings, there are in the brain two small organs called the pituitary body and the pineal gland. This last gland is also called by medical science as "the atrophied third eye"; however, these teachings describe that none of them are atrophying: the pituitary body and the pineal gland at the present time are neither evolving nor degenerating, but are dormant. It is said that in the far past, when man was in touch with the inner worlds, these organs were his means of ingress thereto, and they will again serve that purpose at a later stage. According to this view, they were connected with the involuntary or sympathetic nervous system and to regain contact with the inner worlds (to reawaken the pituitary body and the pineal gland) it is necessary to establish the connection of the pineal gland and the pituitary body with the cerebrospinal nervous system. It is said that when that is accomplished, man will again possess the faculty of perception in the higher worlds (i.e. clairvoyance), but on a grander scale than it was in the distant past, because it will be in connection with the voluntary nervous system and therefore under the control of his will.


The third eye is used in many circles as the consciousness of the human brain under the influence of a drug, to include: alcohol, caffeine, anti-depressants, Ritalin, etc.

The third eye is used in many meditation schools and arts, such as in yoga, qigong, many Chinese martial arts, Zen, and in Japanese martial arts such as Karate and Aikido.

In terms of Kabbalah, the Ajna chakra is attributed to the sphere of Chokmah [1], or Wisdom, although others regard the third eye as corresponding to the non-emanated sephirah of da'ath (knowledge).


  • Crowley, A. Liber 777, column CXVIII.


In Taoism and many traditional Chinese religious sects such as "chan", "third eye training" involves focusing attention on the point between the eyebrows with the eyes closed in various qigong postures. The goal of this training is to allow students to have the ability in tuning into right vibration of the universe and gain solid foundation into more advanced meditation levels. Students who undertake such training often report experiencing feelings of pressure, pulsing, tingling and other sensations between the eyebrows and around the forehead area. However, opening third eye can not depend on this focusing only. This only allows one to tune in to the right vision. Generally, opening the third eye requires strong energy to explode all clogged channels and supplies constant energy to maintain it.

In theory, the third eye, also called the mind's eye, is situated right between the two eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened. It is one of the main energy centres of the body located at the sixth chakra (the third eye is in fact a part of the main meridian, the line separating left and right hemispheres of the body). In Taoist alchemy the third eye is correlated with the upper dantian. [2] [1]
Some claim that the chakras can be opened via chakra related gemstones, and that to open the third eye requires an amethyst that has been cleaned under flowing water before use.[citation needed]

During the 60's, psychologists experimented with LSD and strobe lights to gain an effect which seemed to correlate with third eye opening experiences. [citation needed]

Physical basis: the pineal gland?

Some, including Rick Strassman, have suggested that the third eye is in fact the partially dormant pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain. This concept is supported by the pinealocytes, one type of cells within the pineal gland, having a strong resemblance to the photoreceptors of the eye. Additionally, the pineal gland is said to excrete dimethyltryptamine (DMT) [citation needed], which induces dreams, near-death experiences, meditation, or hallucinations. Various types of lower vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians, can actually sense light via a third parietal eye—a structure associated with the pineal gland—which serves to regulate their circadian rhythms.

The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which has a role in regulating the body's circadian rhythm to the daily light/dark cycle and also assists with the immune system [citation needed]. Because of all the above, the pineal gland has become for some the subject of speculation about its origin as a physical third eye.

The third eye has been displayed in many varieties of fiction, often to denote a transcendent evolution which may also grant the recipient the ability to see through time or be in communication with a spiritual being.

In November 1956 the book The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa was published in the United Kingdom. The book claims to tell the true story of a Buddhist monk's training in Tibet, and contains a description of a surgical operation in which a third eye is drilled into Rampa's forehead, giving him the ability to read other people's auras. This type of operation is known as trepanation. The Third Eye is a controversial book as it contains New Age and Occult themes that are not part of standard Buddhist teachings. It was also shown that the book was written not by a Tibetan monk, but by a man from Devon called Cyril Hoskin (1910 - 1981) who had never been to Tibet and spoke no Tibetan.

The American progressive rock band Tool also makes reference to "prying open my third eye" in a track from their 1996 release Ænima named "Third Eye". The song focuses on the rebirth of an individual through the opening of the Third eye.

New York and her mother Sister Patterson of VH1's "Flavor of Love" and "I Love New York" fame constantly refer to their third eye and use it quite powerfully in various situations on the shows.

Comedian Bill Hicks often spoke of the use of psilocybin mushrooms to "Squeegee clean your third eye" and also stated "Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye." The band Tool are actually fans of Bill Hicks, and a version of the Ænima album's artwork shows a dedication to him. For more information on this see here.

On the underground hip hop scene, many emcees and rappers (for example, Hieroglyphics, Dilated Peoples, and Blackalicious) use the idea of "transcending" spiritually and having a higher power speak through their rhymes/flows/freestyles. This has led a few artists to start using the term "third eye" in their lyrics as a means to take their verses and their consciousness to a higher level, rather than rap about worldly possessions. The Hieroglyphics crew's first collaborative album was titled 3rd Eye Vision, and the third eye concept is featured prominently in the group's logo.

The third eye is also seen in Japanese animation. One popular example is in the series Dragonball Z through the character of Tien. Tien had trained to unlock his third eye, or the 6th gate to his Chakra, but eventually trained to the point where his third eye became so advanced, it created a physical manifestation so the Third Eye became clearly visible. In another series, 3x3 Eyes the female lead, Pai, is the last Sanjiyan Unkara, a race of triclops that possess the secret to immortality; the third eye possesses its own personality and is the source of the Sanjiyan's power, vanishing completely from view when closed. In Elfen Lied, the female main character, Lucy, is a diclonius: a mutated variant of humans with an overly developed pineal gland that gives them telepathic abilities, as well as the ability to telekineticly manipulate solid matter through the use of, what is known through the anime as, "vectors". In the Hellsing series, often Alucard invokes a third eye in order to show his telepathic abilities.Also, Gaara from the Naruto series manipulates sand into the shape of an eyeball, connecting it to his optic nerve, allowing him to open his third eye. Prince Diamond of the Black Moon Clan in the Sailor Moon franchise also has a third eye, and uses it twice (once in two episodes) to hypnotize Usagi Tsukino into falling in love with him. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, a man that Sokka has deemed "Combustion Man",is shown able to utilize firebending through his third eye. The ability however, is shown to easily backfire by simply getting hit. This is shown when Aang launches a pebble at the "eye".

The mythical Antediluvian Saulot, from the game Vampire: The Masquerade, by White Wolf Game Studios is hinted at possessing a third eye that exhibits a plethora of powers, the more widely known of these being the abilities to relieve others of pain, induce sleep, weave healing magics on one's soul, or inflict pain and torture one's soul through malicious use of the Third Eye's mystical properties. This eye also gets passed down to his kin, the Salubri Clan (later Bloodline).

Third Eye Blind is also the name of an alternative rock band from San Francisco.

Chocho Momoo produced "Third Eye" candies in the 1930s.

In Video Games, a trophy was released in Super Smash Bros. Melee by the name of Daisy. In PAL version of this game, a Third eye could be seen by rotating the camera to the back of the skull and simply going into it. This was then fixed before being shipped to the EU.

In fiction

Three Eyed characters commonly appear in fictions and folklores of Asian cultures. Some of these characters, belong to the so-called "Three Eyed Race", and possess supernatural powers.

See also


  1. ^ Liber 777
  2. ^ The doctrine of the elixir by R. B. Jefferson Coombe Springs Press 1982 chapter 4. The Archaic Anatomy of Individual Organs
  • Sagan, Samuel MD (2007). Awakening the Third Eye (3rd ed). [ISBN 0-9586700-5-6]
  • Hale, Teresa (1999). The Book of Chakra Healing. [ISBN 0-8069-2097-1]
  • Radha, Siviananda (2004). Kundalini Yoga for the West. New York: Shambhala [ISBN 1-932018-04-2]
  • Sharp, Dr. Michael (2005). Dossier of the Ascension: A Practical Guide to Chakra Activation and Kundalini Awakening. [ISBN 0-9735379-3-0]