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Survivalism is a commonly used term for the preparedness strategy and subculture of individuals or groups anticipating and making preparations for future possible disruptions in local, regional or worldwide social or political order. Survivalists often prepare for this anticipated disruption by learning skills (e.g., emergency medical training), stockpiling food and water, preparing for self-defense and self-sufficiency, and/or building structures that will help them to survive or "disappear" (e.g., a survival retreat or underground shelter).

The specific preparations made by survivalists depend on the nature of the anticipated disruption(s), some of the most common scenarios being:

  1. Natural disaster clusters, and patterns of apocalyptic planetary crises or Earth changes, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and severe thunderstorms, etc.
  2. A disaster brought about by the activities of mankind: chemical spills, release of radioactive materials, nuclear or conventional war, or an oppressive government.
  3. General collapse of society, resulting from the unavailability of electricity, fuel, food, and water.
  4. Monetary disruption or economic collapse, stemming from monetary manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, and/or worldwide economic depression.
  5. Widespread chaos, or some other unexplained apocalyptic event.


The roots of the modern Survivalist movement in the United States and Britain can be traced to several sources, including government policies, threats of nuclear warfare, religious beliefs, writers warning of social or economic collapse, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction and climate change.

A Duck & Cover movie poster
A copy of Survival Under Atomic Attack, a Civil Defense publication

The Cold War era government Civil Defense programs promoted public atomic bomb shelters, personal fallout shelter, and training for children, such as the Duck and Cover films. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has long directed its members to store a year's worth of food for themselves and their families in preparation for such possibilities.[1] Also, the Scout movement lives by the motto: Be Prepared!

The Great Depression that is associated with the stock market crash on October 29, 1929 is often cited by survivalists as an example of the need to be prepared.


With the increasing inflation of the 1960s and the impending US monetary devaluation (predicted by Harry Browne in his 1970 book How You Can Profit from the Coming Devaluation), as well as the continuing concern with a possible nuclear exchange between the US and the Soviet Union, and the increasing vulnerability of urban centers to supply shortages and other systems failures, a number of primarily conservative and libertarian thinkers began suggesting that individual preparations would be wise. Browne began offering seminars on how to survive a monetary collapse in 1967, with Don Stephens, an architect, providing input on how to build and equip a remote Survival retreat. He provided a copy of his original Retreater's Bibliography for each seminar participant.

Articles on the subject appeared in such small-distribution libertarian publications as The Innovator and Atlantis Quarterly. It was also from this period that Robert D. Kephart began publishing Inflation Survival Letter [2](later renamed Personal Finance). The newsletter included a continuing section on personal preparedness by Stephens for several years. It promoted expensive seminars around the US on the same cautionary topics. Stephens participated, along with James McKeever and other defensive investing, "hard money" advocates.


In the next decade Howard Ruff also warned about socio-economic collapse in his 1974 book Famine and Survival in America. Ruff's book was published during a period of rampant inflation in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis. Most of the elements of survivalism can be found there, including advice on storage of food. The book also championed the claim that precious metals, such as gold (such as South African Krugerrands) and silver, have an intrinsic worth that makes them more usable in the event of a socioeconomic collapse than fiat currency. Ruff later published milder variations on the same themes, such as How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years, a best-seller in 1979.

Newsletters and books on the topic of survival followed the publication of Ruff's first book. In 1975, Kurt Saxon began publishing a tabloid-size newsletter called The Survivor, which combined Saxon's editorials with reprints of 19th century and early 20th century writings on various pioneer skills and old technologies. Kurt Saxon used the term "survivalist" to describe the movement, and he claims to have coined the term.[3]

In the previous decade, preparedness consultant, survival bookseller and author Don Stephens from California, had popularized the term "retreater" to describe those in the movement, referring to preparations to leave the cities for a remote place of haven or survival retreat when/if society breaks down. In 1976, before moving to the Inland Northwest, he and his wife authored and published The Survivor's Primer & Up-dated Retreater's Bibliography.

For a time in the 1970s, the terms "survivalist" and "retreater" were used interchangeably. While the term "retreater" eventually "fell below the public radar", many who subscribed to it saw "retreating" as the more rational, conflict-avoidance, remote "invisibility" approach. "Survivalism", on the other hand, tended to take on a more media-sensationalized, combative, "shoot-it-out-with-the-looters" image.[4]

Another important newsletter in the 1970s was the Personal Survival Letter published by Mel Tappan, who also authored the books Survival Guns and Tappan on Survival. Newsletters functioned as important networking tools for the survivalist movement before the information age.

In 1980, John Pugsley published the book The Alpha Strategy. It was on the New York Times bestseller list for nine weeks in 1981.[5][6] Even after 28 years in circulation, The Alpha Strategy is considered a standard reference on stocking up on food and household supplies as a hedge against inflation and future shortages. This has made the book popular with survivalists.[7][8]

In addition to hard copy newsletters, in the 1970s survivalists got their first online presence with BBS[9] and Usenet forums dedicated to survivalism and survival retreats.


Interest in the first wave of the survivalist movement peaked in the early 1980s, on the momentum of Ruff's How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years and the publication in 1980 of the book Life After Doomsday by Bruce D. Clayton. Clayton's book, coinciding with a renewed arms race between the United States and Soviet Union, marked a shift in emphasis in preparations made by survivalists away from economic collapse, famine, and energy shortages which were concerns in the 1970s to nuclear war. Also in the early 1980s, science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle was an editor and columnist for Survive, a survivalist magazine, and he was considered influential in the survivalist movement.[10] Ragnar Benson's 1982 book Live Off The Land In The City And Country suggested rural survival retreats as both a preparedness measure and as a conscious change of lifestyle.


Interest in the movement peaked again in 1999 in its second wave, triggered by fears of the Y2K computer bug. Before extensive efforts were made to rewrite computer programming code to mitigate the effects, some writers such as Gary North, Ed Yourdon, and Ed Yardeni anticipated widespread power outages, food and gasoline shortages, and other emergencies to occur. North and others raised the alarm because they perceived that Y2K code fixes were not being made quickly enough. While a range of authors responded to this wave of concern, two of the most survival-focused offerings were Boston on Y2K (1998) by Boston T. Party, and The Hippy Survival Guide to Y2K by Mike Oehler. The latter is an underground living advocate, who also authored The $50 and Up Underground House Book which has long been popular in survivalist circles.


The third and most recent wave of the Survivalist movement began after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York in 2001 and similar attacks in Bali, Spain, and London. This resurgence of interest in survivalism appears to be as strong as the first wave in the 1970s. The fear of war, combined with an increase in awareness of environmental disasters and global climate change, energy shortages, economic uncertainty, coupled with the vulnerability of humanity after the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean and Hurricane Katrina on the U.S. Gulf Coast and avian influenza has once again made survivalism popular.[11] Preparedness is once more paramount in the concerns of many people, who now seek to stockpile or cache supplies, gain useful skills, develop contacts with others of similar outlooks and gather as much advice and information as possible.

Many books have been published in the past few years offering survival advice for various potential disasters, ranging from an energy shortage and crash to nuclear or biological terrorism. In addition to reading the 1970s-era books on survivalism, blogs (such as SurvivalBlog) and Internet forums are popular ways of disseminating survivalism information. Online survival websites and blogs discuss survival vehicles, survival retreats and emerging threats, and list survivalist groups.[12]

Economic troubles emerging from the credit collapse triggered by the 2007 US subprime mortgage lending fiasco and global grain shortages[13][14][15][16] have prompted a wider cross-section of the populace to get prepared.[17][18]James Wesley Rawles, the editor of SurvivalBlog was quoted by the New York Times in April 2008 that "interest in the survivalist movement 'is experiencing its largest growth since the late 1970s'”.

Survivalist scenarios and outlooks

Survivalism is approached by its adherents in different ways, depending on their circumstances, their mindsets, and their particular concerns for the future.[19] The following are some examples, although many survivalists fit into more than one category or orientation:

Safety Preparedness Oriented - Learns principles and techniques needed for surviving life-threatening situations that can occur anyplace, anywhere. Makes preparations for such common calamities as structure fires, dog attacks, physical confrontations, snake bites, lightning strikes, car breakdowns, Third World travel problems, bear encounters, flash floods, home invasions and even train wrecks.[20] Reads: Survive Safely Anywhere series, Worst-Case Scenario handbooks.[21]

Wilderness Survival Emphasis - Stresses being able to stay alive for indefinite periods in life threatening wilderness scenarios. These can include: plane crashes, shipwrecks, being lost in the woods. Concerns are: thirst, hunger, climate, terrain, health, stress, fear.[22] Prepares with: knowledge, training and practice. Survival kit often includes: water purifiers, shelter, fire starters, clothing, food, medical supplies, navigation and signaling gear. Reads: Nessmuk (George Washington Sears), Horace Kephart, Bradford Angier, and Ray Mears.

Self-Defense Driven - Individuals concerned with surviving brief encounters of violent activity. Focus is on personal protection and its legal ramifications, danger awareness, Boyd's cycle (also known as the OODA cycle - observe, orient, decide & act), martial arts, self defense tactics and tools (both lethal & less-than-lethal). They often read: Rex Applegate, Massad Ayoob, Jeff Cooper, Bill Jordan, Evan Marshall, Edwin. J. Sanow, James Wesley Rawles, Mel Tappan, Chuck Taylor, and Sun Tzu.[23]

Natural Disaster, Brief - People that live in tornado, hurricane, flood, wildfire, earthquake or heavy snowfall areas and want to be prepared for the inevitable.[24] Investment in material for fortifying structures and tools for rebuilding & constructing temporary shelter, perhaps have a custom built shelter, food, water, medicine, and supplies, enough to get by until contact with the rest of the world resumes.[25]

Natural Disaster, Years Long - Concerned about long term weather cycles of 2-10 years, unusually cold or warm periods, that have happened on and off for thousands of years, and that cause crop failures.[26] Might stock several tons of food per family member and have a heavy duty greenhouse with canned non-hybrid seeds..[27]

Natural Disaster, Lifelong or Multi-Generational - Possible scenarios include: severe global warming and the coming ice age, the greenhouse-effect-gone-wild, environmental degradation[28],warming/cooling of gulf steam waters, large meteor strike[29], shift in earth's axis or reversal of geo-magnetic fields... Owns maps of previous ice age glacier patterns and hopes that where they live will be south of the permafrost line. May have purchased snowshoes. Reads reports by the National Academy of Sciences and Wood's Hole Physical Oceanography Department.

General Social/Political Decline, Liberal Outlook - Concerned about growing cultural problems and the slow destruction of both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights..[30] Into anti-crime strategies, both passive (alarms) and active (Neighborhood watches). Most often anti-gun, pro-choice, pro-environment, anti-war, against prayer in school, against the death penalty.[31] Supporters of the ACLU, Amnesty International, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and Greenpeace.

General Social/Political Decline, Conservative Outlook - Concerned about growing cultural problems and the slow destruction of both the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Into anti-crime strategies, both passive (alarms) and active (Rottweilers and guns). Most often pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-business, pro-national defense, for prayer in school, pro-death penalty... Supporters of talk radio’s Rush Limbaugh, the National Rifle Association, and the Alaska Support Industry Alliance.[32]

Cold War Carry-Overs - Fear homeland invasion by nation's enemies, whether foreign or domestic.[33] This was a group of substantial size before the fall of the Soviet Union.[34] True-believers currently suspect the U.N. of one-world domination plans and fear Black helicopters, government intervention and taxation. The majority of these people have relocated to safe Survival retreat areas.[35] Favorite movies: Red Dawn and the Mad Max trilogy.[36]

Nuclear War Preppers - These folks know all the primary, secondary and tertiary targets, and downwind fallout patterns. They often chose to live in locales they deem to be safest in the event of all out nuclear war. They've built fallout shelters and have the necessary food, water, tools, radiological monitoring equipment, and skills to see them though.[37] Other groups also prepare for nuclear war as an exercise, in that if you are prepared for nuclear war, you are prepared for all other scenarios. Reads: Cresson Kearny, Bruce Clayton and Dr. Arthur Robinson.[38]

Bio-Chem Scenario - Concerned with the spread of fatal diseases and terrorist use of biological agents and nerve gases. Examples: E.Coli 0157, Solanum, Botulism, Dengue Fever, Cruetzfeldt-Jacob, SARS, Rabies, Hantavirus, Anthrax, Plague, Cholera, HIV, Ebola, Marburg virus, Lhasa virus, Sarin, and VX.[39] Might own NBC (nuclear, biological & chemical) full-face respirators, polyethylene coveralls, PVC boots, Nitrile gloves, plastic sheeting and duct tape. Reads: CDC reports, HazMat manuals, Richard Preston's The Hot Zone and Jane’s Chem-Bio Handbook.[40]

Technological Mass Destruction Concerns - Concerned with unintended consequences of genetic manipulation, nano-technology, transgenic crops, psychological engineering, genome hybridized cloning, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, engineered organisms, self-replicating molecular robotic assemblers (“gray goo problem”)... Techno-Luddites fear human extinction. At the other end are the bioethicists who believe policies and self regulation will avert disaster. Reads: Ray Kurzweil, Ted Kaczynski, Hans Moravec, and Freeman Dyson.

Malthusian - Soaring increase in world's uncontrolled human population growth impacts available fresh water, food, health-care, environment, economics, consumerism, spread of diseases and just about every other facet of life. Projections indicate that world population of 6.6 billion may again double in fifty years. Some warn that this will result in a Malthusian population crash.[41] Survivalists in this camp range from those who've foregone children and have had voluntary sterilization to those who've had large families and later sounded the alarm, like Al Gore, David Packard (Hewlett-Packard founder) and Sripati Chandrasekhar (India's best-known birth control advocate). Supports: Family planning, birth control and voluntary sterilization.

Monetary Disaster Investors - Believe the Federal Reserve system is evil. Newsletters suggest hard assets of gold and silver bullion or coins and in some cases other precious-metal oriented investments such as mining shares. They are preparing for paper money to become worthless through hyperinflation. This is presently a very popular scenario.[42] Most survivalist in this camp have a good burglar alarm system and enough food and supplies to last a couple of months, or perhaps even a year, until a new monetary system (formal or informal) is re-established. Reads lots of Barton Biggs, Peter Schiff, Ayn Rand, Howard J. Ruff, and Ludwig von Mises.[43]

Biblical Eschatologist - These individuals study End Times prophecy and believe the Savior is going to return soon, and that the final battle with Satan on the Plains of Meggido might occur in their lifetime.[44] Most believe that the rapture will follow a period of Tribulation, though a smaller number believe that the rapture is imminent and will precede the Tribulation. ("Pre-Trib rapture".) There is a very wide range of beliefs and attitudes in this group. They run the gamut from pacifist to armed camp, and from no food stockpiles (leaving their sustenance up to God's providence) to decades of food storage. A small subset are Messianic Jews, and an even smaller fringe subset follow a charismatic leader's interpretations of the Bible. The Branch Davidians are one such sect.

Peak Oil Doomer - The Doomers are convinced that Peak Oil is a genuine threat[45], and take appropriate measures[46], usually involving relocation to a Survival retreat region that is agriculturally self-sufficient.[47]

Rawlesian - Readers of SurvivalBlog editor James Wesley Rawles[48] often prepare for multiple scenarios with fortified and well-equipped remote rural survival retreats. Most are politically conservative. Nearly all place an emphasis on both being well-armed as well as being ready to dispense charity in the event of a disaster. Most take a "deep larder" approach and store multiple years of food. They also emphasize practical self-sufficiency and homesteading skills.[49]

Medical Crisis Oriented - Has very complete medical pack in house and in car.[50] Donates blood and is active in the Red Cross. Has taken CERT, paramedic EMT, and CPR courses, knows vital signs, stockpiles medicines, etc. Concerned with vehicle accidents and emergencies involving injuries. Focus is on helping family, friends and community survive medical emergencies.

Common preparations

Common preparations sometimes include preparing a clandestine or defensible 'retreat' or 'safe place' (Bug Out Location or BOL) and stockpiling non-perishable food, water, water-purification equipment, clothing, seed, firewood, defensive/hunting weapons, ammunition, and agricultural equipment. Some survivalists do not make such extensive preparations but instead incorporate a "Be Prepared" outlook into their everyday life.

Many survivalists also have a bag of gear that is often referred to as a Bug Out Bag (BOB) or Get Out Of Dodge (G.O.O.D.) kit,[51] holding basic necessities and useful items weighing anywhere up to as much as the owner can carry.

Survivalists aim to remain self-sufficient for the duration of the breakdown of social order, or perhaps indefinitely if the breakdown is predicted to be permanent (a "Third Dark Age"), a possibility popularized in the 1960s by Roberto Vacca of the Club of Rome. Some survivalists allow for the contingency that they cannot prevent this breakdown, and prepare to survive in small communal groups ("group retreats") or "covenant communities."

Changing concerns and preparations

Survivalists' concerns and preparations have changed over the years. During the 1970s, survivalists feared economic collapse, hyperinflation, and famine, and prepared by storing food and constructing survival retreats in the country which could be farmed. Some survivalists stockpiled precious metals and barterable goods (such as common caliber ammunition) because they assumed that paper currency would become worthless. During the early 1980s, nuclear war became a common fear, and some survivalists constructed fallout shelters.

In 1999, many people purchased electric generators, water purifiers, and several months or years worth of food in anticipation of widespread power outages because of the Y2K computer-bug.

Instead of moving or making such preparations at home, many people also make plans to remain in their current locations until an actual breakdown occurs, when they will--in survivalist parlance--"bug out" or "get out of Dodge" to a safer location.

Religious beliefs

Other survivalists have more specialized concerns, often related to an adherence to apocalyptic religious beliefs. Some New Agers anticipate a forthcoming arrival of catastrophic earth changes and prepare to survive them. Some evangelical Christians hold to an interpretation of Bible prophecy known as a post-tribulation rapture, in which Christians will have to go through a seven-year period of war and global dictatorship known as the "Great Tribulation." Jim McKeever helped popularize survival preparations among this branch of evangelical Christians with his 1978 book Christians Will Go Through the Tribulation, and How To Prepare For It (ISBN 0-931608-02-3).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has an official policy of food storage for its members.[52] Some very small religious sects have also been known for their belief in a coming apocalypse and the adoption of some survivalist practices. Among the best known of these groups are the Branch Davidians, an offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

And the Maya Doomsday prediction for December 21, 2012 has mystical/religious underpinnings. Promotion by The History Channel has given rise to a mystical belief that the Mayans were able to predict cataclysmic events or even the end of the world at this date. December 21, 2012 is the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar.

Mainstream emergency preparations

People who are not part of survivalist groups or apocalyptic-oriented religious groups also make preparations for emergencies. This can include, depending on the location, preparing for earthquakes, floods, power outages, blizzards, avalanches, wildfires, nuclear power plant accidents, hazardous material spills, tornadoes, and hurricanes. These preparations can be as simple as following Red Cross and FEMA recommendations by keeping a first aid kit, shovel, and extra clothes in the car, or maintaining a small kit of emergency supplies in the home and car, containing emergency food, water, a space blanket and other essentials.

Mainstream economist and financial adviser Barton Biggs is a proponent of preparedness. In his 2008 book Wealth, War and Wisdom, Biggs has a gloomy outlook for the economic future, and suggests that investors take survivalist measures. In the book, Biggs recommends that his readers should “assume the possibility of a breakdown of the civilized infrastructure.” He goes so far as to recommend setting up survival retreats[53]: “Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of growing some kind of food,” Mr. Biggs writes. “It should be well-stocked with seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. Think Swiss Family Robinson. Even in America and Europe there could be moments of riot and rebellion when law and order temporarily completely breaks down.”[17]

Perceived extremism

In the popular culture, survivalism has often been associated with paramilitary activities, though real world survivalism rarely includes such activities. Some survivalists do take active defensive preparations that have military roots and that involve firearms, and this is often emphasized by the mass media, often for the sake of sensationalism.

Some survivalists take a militaristic approach and a smaller number have a strong concern about government involvement in their affairs. A world view occasionally develops that growing interference from the Federal Government and the United Nations (perceived to be, or to be aiming for, a World Government), is best countered through distancing oneself from society, adopting a survivalist stance, and the acquisition of suitable firearms for defense.

Kurt Saxon, who besides publishing a survival newsletter is also the author of a book on improvised weapons, The Poor Man's James Bond, is one proponent of this approach to survivalism. Saxon's writings on survival tend toward Social Darwinism and Eugenics, with survivalism defined by Saxon as "Looking out for #1" and a need to be sufficiently armed to defend one's refuge and belongings from hungry people who might demand that others share them if society breaks down.

The potential for Societal collapse is often cited as motivation for being well-armed. Thus, some non-militaristic survivalists often have developed an unintended militaristic image.

Societal collapse has recurred throughout history. The modern day interest in survivalism is concerned in part with preparing for the possible collapse of the contemporary technologically complex society with its long chains of supply and "Just in Time" kanban inventory control systems that emphasize lean inventories.

In the event of such a collapse some militaristic groups theorize that roaming hordes of looters and/or organized gangs will unleash terror in competition for limited resources, and that government resources to control such events will be immediately overwhelmed. Thus, being armed is a crucial aspect of their survival plan. The need for firearms in common military chamberings is often cited by survival web sites and blogs.[54] This contributes to the perception by some outside the movement that survivalism is militaristic.

Such a militaristic approach is not shared by all survivalists. Nevertheless, its prominence in popular depictions results in the term "survivalism" being sometimes used interchangeably with right-wing reactionary paramilitary activities. In particular, the mainstream media tends to loosely label many militants and miscellaneous extremists as "survivalists", whether or not they are actively preparing to survive.

Government preparedness efforts and training

Some governments have encouraged citizens to prepare for emergency situations, including a situation which would result in breakdown of the infrastructure. The government of Switzerland with its long-standing militia system, mandatory construction of fallout shelters in all newly-constructed multi-unit housing, and its network of reduit fortresses is one of the best prepared. An earlier civil defense effort in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s fell into disrepair by the 1970s. These included the designation of structures as official fallout shelters, and duck and cover drills in schools. A booklet released by the office of the Executive Office of the President of the United States shortly after the start of the cold war called Survival Under Atomic Attack depicts the nature of the early civil defense initiatives.

The U.S. government civil defense program was minimal during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, despite efforts by a few including Christian writer Gary North to lobby the government to resume civil defense efforts and build fallout shelters. Gary North co-wrote a book, Fighting Chance to advocate for the return of the civil defense program. A renewal of U.S. government interest in preparedness and training did not happen until after the September 11th attacks and Hurricane Katrina. This renewed interest is typified by Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) organizations.

Official government preparedness training has often been ridiculed or discounted by those in the survivalist movement. This goes in particular for the 1950s/1960s era duck and cover drills. One main tenet of the survivalist movement has been that people should prepare on their own or with like-minded people, not rely on the government to take care of them in emergencies. On the other hand, there is a growing body of thought in favor of community based efforts, widespread involvement in CERTs, and working together with first responders.[citation needed] Many of those in favor of this approach reject the term "survivalist" because they see preparing in conjunction with government agencies, and preparing completely apart from the government, as two separate things; also because they emphasize that they do not anticipate any permanent or long-term breakdown of society which they say survivalists do.[citation needed]

Survivalism worldwide

Individual survivalist preparedness and survivalist groups and forums—both formal and informal—are popular worldwide, most visibly in Australia,[55] Belgium, Canada,[56] France, Germany[57] (often organized under the guise of "adventuresport" clubs)[58], New Zealand[59], Norway[60], Sweden[61], the United Kingdom[62] and the United States.[63]

Adherents of the back-to-the-land movement, which has been sporadically popular in the United States, especially in the 1930s inspired by Helen and Scott Nearing, and more recently in the 1970s, as exemplified by The Mother Earth News magazine, share many of the same interests in self-sufficiency and preparedness with survivalists. They differ from most survivalists in that they have a greater interest in ecology, and sometimes the counterculture, than most survivalists do. The Mother Earth News was, as a result, widely read by survivalists as well as back-to-the-landers during that magazine's early years, and there was some overlap between the two movements.

In fiction


Earth Abides by George R. Stewart (1949), deals with one man who finds most of civilization has been destroyed by a plague. Slowly a small community forms around him as he struggles to start a new civilization and preserve knowledge and learning.

John Wyndham's 1951 novel The Day of the Triffids is the story of the survival of a small group of people in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by carnivorous plants.

Philip Wylie's novel Tomorrow (1954) is the story of two American cities weathering a nuclear attack. One was prepared with an extensive civil defense plan while the other was not.

Robert A. Heinlein used survivalism as a theme in much of his science fiction. Tunnel in the Sky (1955) explores issues of survivalism and social interactions in an unfamiliar environment. Farnham's Freehold (1964) begins as a story of survivalism in a nuclear war. Heinlein also wrote essays such as How to be a Survivor [64] which provide advice on preparing for and surviving a nuclear war.

Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank (1959) is a story dealing with life in Florida after a nuclear war with the USSR. Pat Frank also authored the non-fiction book How To Survive the H Bomb And Why. (J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1962.)

Malevil by French writer Robert Merle (1972) describes refurbishing a medieval castle, and its use as a survivalist stronghold in the aftermath of a full-scale nuclear war. The novel was adapted into a 1981 film directed by Christian de Chalonge and starring Michel Serrault, Jacques Dutronc, Jacques Villeret and Jean-Louis Trintignant. Malevil at IMDb.

Ernest Callenbach's 1975 novel Ecotopia, about the secession of the Pacific Northwest from the United States to form a new country based on environmentalism, named the political party governing the new country the Survivalist Party. However, in his 1981 sequel to the book, Ecotopia Emerging, he qualified that choice of name by having the party leader state that the name Survivalist referred to the survival of the planet's ecosystems, rather than to people who prepare for an economic or political collapse.

Lucifer's Hammer by Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven (1977) is about a cataclysmic comet hitting the Earth, and various groups of people struggling to survive the aftermath in southern California. Their similarly themed "Footfall" (1985) is about aliens bombarding Earth using controlled meteorite strikes to exterminate life.

Edward Abbey's 1980 novel Good News is about small bands of people in the Phoenix, Arizona area trying to fend off the rise of a military dictatorship after the collapse of the economy and government.

The Survivalist is the title of a series of 29 paperback novels by Jerry Ahern first published between 1981 and 1993.

The Postman by David Brin (1985) is set in a time after a massive plague and political fracture result in a complete collapse of society. It gives a very unflattering portrayal of survivalists as one of the causes behind the collapse. The quasi-survivalist "Holnist" characters are despised by the remaining population. The Holnists follow a totalitarian social theory idolizing the powerful who enforce their perceived right to oppress the weak. However, later Brin stated that when he was writing the book survivalist was the best term to describe the militia movement.

Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse by James Wesley Rawles (1998) is a novel about a full-scale socio-economic collapse and subsequent invasion of the US. The novel describes in detail how the lead characters establish a self-sufficient survival retreat in north-central Idaho.

Dies the Fire, the first book in The Emberverse series of post-apocalyptic fiction by alternate history author S.M. Stirling. The story takes shape in a universe where electricity, guns, explosives, internal combustion engines, and steam power no longer work. More books follow in the series and flesh out the story-line in a survivalist post-Change world of agriculture, clan-based life and conflict.

"World Made By Hand" by James Howard Kunstler (2008) is a "cosy catastrophe" set in upstate New York. The time is the near future, and the novel depicts an America that has economically collapsed as a result of the combined impact of peak oil, global warming, influenza pandemic, and nuclear terrorism. The characters struggle to reclaim lost skills, maintain order, and redevelop a pre-industrial revolution lifestyle in an agrarian village. In part, the novel explores the question of what happens when modern technology, based on electricity, is no longer available.

"Wolf And Iron" by Gordon R. Dickson (1993) details the journey of a single man attempting to cross 2000 miles of hostile territory. He faces roving gangs and fortified towns after a worldwide financial collapse. This book is extremely detailed in its discussion of certain techniques and preparations needed in a post-apocalyptic world.

Television programs

Two made-for-TV movies made during the 1980s, The Day After in the US and Threads in the UK, portray a nuclear war and its aftermath of social chaos and economic collapse. Both movies were, at the time, among the most controversial ever made for television.

"24" is a TV series about a federal agent named Jack Bauer and his attempts foil terrorist plots in Los Angeles. During Season 2 Jack's daughter, Kim Bauer, is on the run from the law and finds shelter with a survivalist.

Jericho (2006) is a TV series that portrays a small town in Kansas after a series of nuclear explosions across the United States. In the series, the character Robert Hawkins uses his prior planning and survival skills in preparation of the attacks. Most of the episodes center around the sudden collapse of American society resulting in a six way split of the country. The town usually must fight an outside enemy in order to preserve their food and supplies. Jericho, as well as other media fiction (as Oddworld) also focuses on scavenging.

Lost, a group of crash survivors are stranded on an island with little food and only the remains of the aircraft and baggage to survive with. Over the course of the series, the survivors adapt to life on the jungle isle while some even welcome it. One of the main characters of the series, John Locke, appears to be a survivalist even before the events of the crash, both carrying knives with him as baggage, hunting and tracking skills, and was part of a pseudo-survivalist commune earlier in life.

The BBC TV series Survivors from 1975-1977 suggested a UK view of survivalism with a small band of survivors emerging from a pandemic that wipes out more than 95% of the population. The BBC as of November 2008 started airing a new updated Survivors series. This new series is more hard-edged than the original, but still shows the protagonist "Abby Grant" and her ad hoc survival group as reluctant to arm themselves, even after being confronted by armed adversaries on numerous occasions. As of episode 6 (which aired on Dec. 29, 2008) Abby's group is forced to abandoned their quasi-retreat--a country estate--following a confrontation and kidnapping by a provisional government.

Survivor (2000-present) is a reality television game show which places a group of contestants in remote location and awards a prize to the one which lasts the longest. Generally, the game is structured such that a player's social skills are more important to winning than survival skills.

In the HBO TV series Six Feet Under, George Sibley's delusions manifests itself as a form of survivalism, and he becomes terrified that a number of apocalyptic or damaging events, ranging from nuclear war and the disappearance of water to earthquakes, are imminent and takes precautions against it, much to the horror of his wife - who realizes that it is beyond cautious and is becoming obsessive.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008) is a science fiction show involving time travel with lead characters that take survivalist steps to prepare for, or possibly prevent, a future nuclear war.


The 1962 movie Panic in Year Zero! starring Ray Milland, Jean Hagen, Frankie Avalon and Mary Mitchel portrays the Baldwin family's attempt to flee the Los Angeles area for a rural location after a nuclear war between the US and the USSR.[65]

The 1970 movie No Blade of Grass starring Nigel Davenport, based on the book by John Christopher, features an apocalyptic scenario in England.[66]

Deliverance, both the 1970 novel and the 1972 film adaptation, feature elements of survivalism, and one of the main characters, Lewis Medlock (played in the film by Burt Reynolds), is a self-proclaimed survivalist, who at one point briefly explains his apocalyptic worldview: "Machines are going to fail, and the system is going to fail. And then...survival. Who has the ability to survive. That's the game, survival."

In the 1983 made for TV movie Packin' it In, the main character Gary Webber (Richard Benjamin) moves his family from suburban L.A. to the wilderness of Oregon. The family moves in to a small rural community where most of the residents are survivalists.

In the 1983 film The Survivors, Robin Williams plays a man who becomes obsessed with the survivalist culture after being robbed. Walter Matthau costars as Williams' more level-headed companion.

The 1984 movie Red Dawn portrays Colorado high school students who take to the hills after a fictional invasion of the US by the Soviet Union. The students survive with supplies gathered at the beginning of the invasion, by hunting, and by ambushing Soviet patrols and supply convoys.

In the Tremors film and television franchise the character Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) is a self-admitted survivalist. In the first film he and his wife are preparing for social upheaval. Later in the series Burt shifts his focus towards the "graboids" that infest the soil of his home valley.

The Postman, a movie based upon the above mentioned novel, depicts a post-apocalyptical future in America in which a survivalist militia preys on weaker communities.

In Mad Max, a global oil shortage causes a total socioeconomic collapse and depopulation. The few scattered survivors in the Australian Outback are depicted fighting for survival, with precious "guzzoline" as their main object.

In Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) John Connor's mother, Sarah Connor stores weapons in an underground cache in the desert, as instructed by Kyle Reese, John's father, in preparation for an apocalypse precipitated by computerized machines.

Games and other formats

Fallout is a role-playing video game set in a post-nuclear apocalypse world, 70 years after a global nuclear war. The gameplay is centered around the character's own survival instinct and skills, and communities of survivalists.

The Half-Life Series, particularly Half-Life 2 is a Sci-Fi based series, based on a world that has been conquered, and is being controlled by, an Alien species known as the Combine. The player takes control of one of the last remaining humans from being enslaved.

In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a mission involves stealing a harvester from a survivalist farm. The survivalists are portrayed as extremely violent and aggressive individuals.

In Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri the Spartan Federation faction is run by a survivalist.

The concept album Year Zero by industrial rock group Nine Inch Nails, is based around the theme of a hypothetical oppressive US government in the year 2022, and contains a single entitled "Survivalism" and a group named "Art is Resistance".

See also

Classic survival books

The text of some classic survival books and other writings from the 1950s through the 1980s can be found online:


  1. ^ Food Storage info from LDS Gospel Library
  2. ^ Robert D. Kephart (1934-2004)
  3. ^ http://www.textfiles.com/survival/whatsurv
  4. ^ AusSurvivalist - What is Survivalism?
  5. ^ Best Sellers - TIME
  6. ^ a b book2 preface
  7. ^ http://www.survivalblog.com/2008/04/time_for_retreat_logistics_sta.html
  8. ^ http://www.survivalblog.com/2007/12/coping_with_inflationsome_stra.html
  9. ^ Survival Bill
  10. ^ Notes from a Survival Sage
  11. ^ http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090130/lf_afp/lifestyleussocietyeconomycrisis_20090130170357
  12. ^ Yahoo! Groups: Search Results
  13. ^ Survivalists get ready for meltdown - CNN.com
  14. ^ Global food crisis sparks US survivalist resurgence - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  15. ^ Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism - New York Times
  16. ^ Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World - April 21, 2008 - The New York Sun
  17. ^ a b Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism - New York Times
  18. ^ Hard times have some flirting with survivalism: Economic angst has Americans stockpiling 'beans, bullets and Band-Aids’
  19. ^ http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/532445in.html
  20. ^ http://peakoil.blogspot.com/2006/11/enlightened-survivalism.html
  21. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27244465/
  22. ^ http://peakoil.blogspot.com/2006/11/enlightened-survivalism.html
  23. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27244465/
  24. ^ http://www.slate.com/id/2148772/entry/2148775/
  25. ^ http://peakoil.blogspot.com/2006/11/enlightened-survivalism.html
  26. ^ Global food crisis sparks US survivalist resurgence - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  27. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27244465/
  28. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/06/fashion/06survival.html?ei=5124&en=a6b25249a30293e3&ex=1365134400&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink&pagewanted=all
  29. ^ http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/61/broderick61art.htm
  30. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27244465/
  31. ^ Survivalists get ready for meltdown - CNN.com article
  32. ^ http://alaskaalliance.com/
  33. ^ http://www.privateaidassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40%22
  34. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3071550/
  35. ^ http://www.survivalblog.com/retreatareas.html
  36. ^ http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/532445in.html
  37. ^ http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/61/broderick61art.htm
  38. ^ http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p909.htm
  39. ^ http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/61/broderick61art.htm
  40. ^ http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/532445in.html
  41. ^ http://nira.or.jp/past/publ/review/98autumn/reed.html
  42. ^ http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=20927
  43. ^ http://io9.com/378581/12-ways-to-prepare-for-the-next-great-depression
  44. ^ http://www.privateaidassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40%22
  45. ^ http://www2.journalnow.com/content/2008/may/25/environmental-survivalists-prepare-for-peak-oil-de/
  46. ^ http://www.energybulletin.net/node/47360
  47. ^ http://transitionculture.org/2006/10/03/communities-refuges-and-refuge-communities-a-survivalist-response-by-zachary-nowak/
  48. ^ http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090130/lf_afp/lifestyleussocietyeconomycrisis_20090130170357
  49. ^ http://www.survivalblog.com/precepts.html
  50. ^ http://peakoil.blogspot.com/2006/11/enlightened-survivalism.html
  51. ^ http://www.survivalblog.com/glossary.html#G.O.O.D.
  52. ^ Provident Living - Family Home Storage
  53. ^ Gold Mine Survival Retreat; Real life retreat
  54. ^ http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/31/rawles-blogger-survival-tech-personal-cx_bc_1031rawles_slide_2.html?thisspeed=25000
  55. ^ http://www.energybulletin.net/node/22852
  56. ^ http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/arts/story.html?id=774e5bbd-54d0-4277-ae92-4129d8420da0
  57. ^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1554796/Bunkers-in-vogue-as-cold-war-fears-rise.html
  58. ^ Open Directory - World: Deutsch: Freizeit: Outdoor: Survival
  59. ^ http://nzpreppers.proboards60.com/
  60. ^ http://www.dn.no/d2/article1550375.ece
  61. ^ http://swedishsurvivalist.egetforum.se/forum/
  62. ^ http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/04/20/survival.feat/#cnnSTCText
  63. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/06/fashion/06survival.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
  64. ^ TechnoHippie.Com: How To Be a Survivor by Robert Heinlein
  65. ^ Panic in Year Zero! (1962)
  66. ^ The Unknown Movies - unknownmovies.com
  67. ^ Hyperlink TOC for H-6
  68. ^ Free online book - Nuclear War Survival Skills
  69. ^ http://www.f4.ca/text/possumliving.htm
  70. ^ Survival Under Atomic Attack (1950)
  71. ^ http://www.geocities.com/mark_l_anderson/faqs/tapp.txt
  72. ^ T E X T F I L E S