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The cast of Everwood, as of Season 3
The entire cast of Everwood
Created byGreg Berlanti
StarringTreat Williams
Gregory Smith
Emily VanCamp
Debra Mooney
John Beasley
Vivien Cardone
Chris Pratt
Stephanie Niznik
Merrilyn Gann
Tom Amandes
Scott Wolf
Sarah Drew
Sarah Lancaster
Country of originUnited States
No. of episodes89
Running time1 hour
(including commercials)
Original release
NetworkThe WB
ReleaseSeptember 16, 2002 –
June 5, 2006

Everwood is a prime time American television drama which aired in the United States on the WB network. While set in the fictional small town of Everwood, Colorado, downtown Everwood was in reality filmed in Ogden and South Salt Lake, Utah, and the series pilot was filmed in Calgary, Canada. It is primarily a serious drama with some comedic moments.

Everwood was not renewed for future production and did not return when the WB and UPN merged to form The CW Television Network.[1] Since October 2, 2006, reruns of Everwood air weeknights on ABC Family.



Season 1

The series begins with the arrival of Dr. Andrew Brown, a widower who leaves his successful job as a top Manhattan neurosurgeon to live in a small Colorado town, bringing his 9-year-old daughter Delia and 15-year-old son Ephram with him. He chooses the town of Everwood because his late wife had told him of her emotional attachment to it. Many of the story lines deal with the conflicts of adjusting to a new setting, as well as getting along with new people. Dr. Brown, simply called Andy most of the time, at first finds some animosity towards Dr. Harold Abbott, with whom his professional opinions differ. However, Dr. Abbott's cranky demeanor and Andy's passive, cheerful attitude prove to mesh well, and the two begin a friendly rivalry. Ephram continually struggles with his emerging adolescence, his studies as a classical musician, and his new-found love interest in Amy Abbott, Dr. Abbott's daughter.

The first season revolves around the main storyline involving Colin Hart, Amy's boyfriend, and her older brother Bright's best friend. Amy sees the arrival of Dr. Brown as an opportunity. Colin has been in a coma since Independence Day, that summer, after he and Bright were in a car accident. Amy befriends Ephram in an effort to convince Dr. Brown to revive his brain surgery skills to save Colin. Dr. Brown reluctantly agrees. Amy is elated, but Bright is sullen and distant about the situation. Later, he tearfully confesses to his father that, contrary to what he had claimed all summer, Bright does in fact remember the accident: he was the one driving, and he was a little drunk at the time. However, his anguish is relieved when Dr. Brown is successful, and soon, Colin is awake.

"downtown Everwood" in Ogden, Utah

In the meantime, Ephram's maternal grandparents come to visit their new home in the fall, and Ephram decides he wants to move back to New York City to live with them. Ephram's grandfather, also a surgeon, berates Andy into letting Ephram go. Delia and her grandmother befriend Edna Abbott, a semi-retired Army nurse and Harold's estranged mother. They decide to throw her a surprise birthday party at the Brown's home. During the party, in front of all the guests, Ephram and Andy have a loud fight about his moving to New York City. The two stalk to different parts of the house, with no decision resolved. His grandfather and Andy also begin to fight about the situation, but are interrupted because Bright Abbott has collapsed. Bright needs his appendix removed, but the snow has prevented travel, so they do emergency surgery on him in Andy's office. Andy sees how scared and loving Harold is towards his son, and resolves to try and patch things up with Ephram. He confesses that he will be "half a man" if Ephram leaves, and Ephram decides to stay.

All is not well, however, for Colin Hart. He returns home and re-enrolls in school, but he has lost most of his memory, including his memory of Amy. Under pressure to step right back into his old life, Colin befriends Ephram since Ephram is the only person who does not have a preconceived notion of him. Amy, meanwhile, struggles with emerging feelings for Ephram and Ephram has a brief fling with Colin's sister, Laynie.

Soon, Colin begins lashing out violently and acting out emotionally, and loses his friendship with Ephram. Ephram tries to let their friends know that Colin is not acting normally, but Amy believes he is just jealous of her relationship with Colin, and that Colin is "under a lot of stress". Bright, frustrated at Colin's friendship with Ephram in the first place, refuses to listen as well, until Colin uncharacteristically punches Bright in the face. Andy believes Ephram, and brings the subject up with Colin's parents. They are unwilling to believe that Colin is anything but fully-recovered, and fire Dr. Brown from Colin's care. However, physical symptoms begin to manifest as well, and eventually Colin collapses. It is learned there are complications from the first surgery. Colin's parents ask Dr. Brown to operate again, but he is not able to save Colin's life.

Season 2

Season 2 finds Amy continually struggling with the death of Colin, her teen angst, bouts of depressed mood, and a new drug-dealing boyfriend, Tommy. She considers sleeping with Tommy, but backs out of it every time he brings it up. Continued squabbling with her parents, mostly over failing grades and their disapproval of Tommy, forces her to move in with her grandmother, Edna. Amy's downward spiral continues until Tommy takes her to a wild party. He gives her a bottle of water laced with GHB. Drunk on vodka, Amy drinks it, then has a hallucination of Colin, telling her to let him go and get on with her life. The vision shocks her back to reality, and she realizes that Tommy has drunk most of the water himself, and subsequently overdosed. Amy does the only thing she can think of, and calls her father for help. Tommy recovers, but Amy is officially scared straight. She dumps him, moves back in with her parents, and begins to improve her behavior and mood.

Ephram, meanwhile, found love with Madison Kellner, a 20-year-old college student Andy has hired to babysit Delia. After a few false starts, he loses his virginity to Madison.

The second season has several plot developments. Andy finds a new love interest in Dr. Linda Abbott, Harold's sister. A scandal at Dr. Abbott's office occurs when it is discovered that Linda Abbott is HIV positive. As a result, Harold loses his liability insurance coverage, and Linda quits her holistic health practice and leaves town, also ending her romance with Andy. Harold tries to open a new bagel shop, but meets with failure. Andy then invites him as a partner, since Andy's insurance would cover Harold's practice. Harold reluctantly agrees.

Nina goes through a divorce and has to go to court over custody of her son, a case which she eventually wins with Andy's support.

Ephram continues his on-again, off-again relationship with older Madison. In an effort to prove how mature he is, he sneaks into bars to see her band, and produces many awkward moments by showing up when she is out with her college friends. Finally she decides that Ephram is too intensely into their relationship, and breaks up with him for the last time. She quits her job as a babysitter for the Browns. She later confesses to Andy that she is pregnant with Ephram's child. Andy tells her he will pay all her expenses if she agrees to keep the pregnancy a secret from Ephram. Ephram begins to seriously date Amy. When he leaves for the summer to study music at Juilliard, Amy accompanies him for his first week in Manhattan. They continue their relationship long-distance, and after he returns to Everwood.

Season 3

The third season opens with Dr. Brown receiving a letter from Madison cutting off all ties with him. It is revealed that she has moved to Denver but has not revealed whether she decided to keep the baby or have an abortion. Dr. Brown contemplates telling Ephram about the pregnancy but Dr. Abbott convinces him not to, for the sake of both Ephram and Amy.

Ephram returns from his summer classes at Juilliard with the disappointing news that he did not make high marks. However, he and Amy are enjoying the new aspect of their relationship. The two, now in their high school senior year, befriend a new girl named Hannah, who was having difficulty overcoming her shyness. She moves in with Andy's neighbor, Nina. Hannah reveals that her father suffers from late-stage Huntington's Disease and this is the reason she left home. With the support of Amy, Ephram, Bright, and Dr. Abbott, Hannah is tested for Huntington's Disease herself and finds that she doesn't have the incurable disease. After much discussion with both Hannah and Ephram, Amy decides to sleep with Ephram. They make plans to sneak away to the Abbott's lake cabin, but the night of the event, Amy gets scared and changes her mind. Ephram is patient, and says he doesn't mind. However, she has a change of heart, and loses her virginity to Ephram the next morning afterall.

Bright Abbott gets a job at the County Clerk's office with his mother. Never known for his monogamy, his promiscuity catches up to him when one young intern accuses him of sexual harassment. During the investigation, Bright maintains that she misperceived his actions, and does not admit guilt. Even though he is officially absolved of the accusation, Rose is embarrassed and hurt by the situation, and realizes that her son has no respect for women, and uses them like things. She fires him, but her profound disappointment is the worst punishment of all. Bright learns from the ordeal, and attempts to be more honorable.

The third season also sees the arrival of a new, younger doctor named Jake Hartman, whom neither Harold nor Andy like very much. He takes up residence in Dr. Abbott's former office. Meanwhile, Nina comes to terms with the fact she has feelings for Andy as she begins a romantic relationship with Jake.

Dr. Brown also decides to help a patient, John Hayes, to recover from serious mental incapacitation caused by a stroke. Meanwhile, Dr. Brown finds himself drawn to John's wife, Amanda, and realizes he may be developing feelings for her. He and Amanda become romantically involved until Amanda's husband John inexplicably recovers from his stroke.

Ephram is granted an interview with The Juilliard School in New York City, where he serendipitously meets Madison. Dr. Brown accompanies Ephram on the trip to New York City and attempts to reconcile with Madison and to urge her to tell Ephram the truth about her pregnancy. She eventually meets Ephram in a coffee shop and tells him the whole story, including Andy's knowledge of it. The baby has been put up for adoption with parents living in Marin, California. Ephram is angry with his father for keeping the secret, and forfeits his Juilliard audition. Back in Everwood, Amy reluctantly agrees to help Ephram locate the baby and the adoptive parents, but the matter soon drives a wedge into their relationship and they break up.

Harold's wife, Rose, is diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on her spine and must undergo chemotherapy, which proves to be initially unsuccessful. With some reluctance, Dr. Brown agrees to do the surgery to remove the tumor. Harold is incensed until the operation appears to be a success and Rose slowly recovers.

Ephram, still disillusioned from his recent experiences with his father and Madison, decides to quit his studies alltogether and move to Europe. He technically receives his diploma, but leaves before the ceremony. He sells his piano and all related equipment to pay for an airline ticket to London. Meanwhile, Amy graduates from high school, and gets into Princeton University.

Jake and Nina agree to move in together and start a new restaurant business, purchasing the coffee shop where Nina worked as a waitress until the owner sold the building. Jake vows to cut all ties to his former Los Angeles residence and lifestyle, because, he claims, his income in Everwood is dramatically less.

Season 3 ends with Hannah getting a boyfriend for the first time, but she decides to break up with him because there is no chemistry, and because she has a crush on Bright. Andy considers taking a job as a surgeon in Chicago, but Rose and the others persuade him to stay in Everwood. Bright decides he really wants to date Hannah, who is thrilled to begin a relationship with him. Amy decides to defer, to a later time, her first semester at Princeton, so that she can help take care of her mother while she convalesces. Andy, alone with Nina, confesses his true feelings for her and proposes a serious relationship, despite Jake being in the way.

Season 4

Season 4 opens with Irv and Edna planning a vow-renewal ceremony. Rose is recovering well, and Jake has moved in with Nina. Bright starts his second year at Everwood Community College, and has moved into an apartment. A medical student, Reid, has caught Amy's eye, and Amy convinces Bright to let Reid be his roommate. At the request of Delia, who desperately misses him, Ephram returns from Europe in time to attend the end of the ceremony.

When Ephram returns, Andy tells him that he is welcome at home, but Andy will not pay Ephram's living expenses anywhere else. Ephram tells Andy to apologize for the Madison situation, and that Andy "owes" him whatever he wants, and their relationship continues to be strained. However, Andy doesn't want to damage Ephram and Delia's relationship, so he tells Ephram that he will pay him $50 for every dinner they eat together as a family. The plan seems to work, and sometimes, Ephram doesn't collect the money at all. Ephram starts his first semester at ECC with Bright, and Bright asks him to be a third roommate. Reid and Amy date casually, and they share a kiss. Ephram begins giving piano lessons to a high-school freshman, Kyle (played by Steve McQueen's grandson). Although talented, Kyle is sullen and difficult. By helping out Kyle, Ephram gains a new appreciation for what he put his own father through. Also, Andy has a patient who is estranged from his daughter because he kept a secret from her for her whole life. Andy asks Ephram to talk to the daughter about forgiveness, and in the process, Ephram begins to let go of some of the resentment he felt towards Andy, and their relationship continues to improve.

On a father/son camping trip with the Abbotts, Ephram reveals that he came back to Everwood because he is still in love with Amy, and Bright reveals that he might break up with Hannah because she doesn't believe in premarital sex. Back in town, Ephram asks Reid not to date Amy at all, and he backs off. Amy and Ephram repair their friendship. Studying together late one night, they wind up sleeping together. Afterwards, Ephram, wanting to repair their romantic relationship as well, gives Amy a Christmas present, and reveals that he wrote her postcards while in Europe, but never sent them to her. She asks to take them home and read them, but explains that she does not want to become romantically involved with Ephram again, because she is trying to figure out her own identity.

Harold and Rose struggle to get past her illness. She loses her rebid for mayor of Everwood and feels lost and useless. After a vacation on an African safari, Rose tells Harold that she wants to adopt a child.

Nina and Jake's business is doing well. However, Jake begins acting erratic and distant. When one of his visiting LA buddies has a serious biking accident, Jake is lost and stressed out. It is revealed that he is a recovering narcotics addict, and he has fallen off the wagon. When he finally tells Nina the truth, she kicks him out of the house, and cries in Andy's arms.

Although they seem quite mismatched, Bright and Hannah continue to date. Her father finally passes away, and Hannah's mother lets her choose to move home or stay in Everwood. Hannah decides to stay. Bright is elated, but he is also frustrated at Hannah's low self-esteem, and forces her to see that she is beautiful by locking her in the bathroom. Hannah takes it one step further, and invites Bright into the shower with her.

Ephram learns that his old piano teacher, Will Cleaveland, has died, and attends his wake. However, instead of a sad and somber event, it is a celebration of his life, and Ephram is introduced to Will's family as his star pupil. They coax him to play a piece, and Ephram remembers how much he really does love playing. He re-buys a piano, and he and Kyle prepare for a Julliard audition. Kyle is still moody, and Ephram often returns to the Brown home to talk to Andy about his struggles, and practice his own playing. When he convinces Kyle to meet his absentee father, and Kyle is stood up, Ephram confesses to Andy that he thinks about his own child all the time, and was using his experience with Kyle to work through his feelings of guilt and irresponsibility. Ephram also tries to help Kyle's social skills, since he is always alone and awkward around his classmates. When Reid suggests Kyle might be gay, Ephram says he's too young to be gay, attempting to shield him from adversity. Kyle initially denies it as well, but eventually decides to come out. With their difficulties behind them, Ephram coaches Kyle successfully into Julliard. After meeting a concert pianist, Ephram decides to transfer to Amy's college, Colorado A&M, and major in music education. In addition, Ephram leaves Madison a voicemail, apologizing for his reaction to their situation.

Bright breaks his hand trying to karate chop a piece of wood, and wears a sling for several weeks. Hannah babies him incessantly, and they have a minor spat. Hannah obsesses over their relationship, and Bright runs into an old acquaintance, Ada, an attractive blonde who once sold Bright and Ephram fake IDs. He has a moment of weakness in judgement and lust, and winds up sleeping with Ada. Ephram finds out, but Bright, although regretful, decides he isn't going to tell Hannah. Ephram disagrees, and they stop speaking. Amy wheedles the truth out of Ephram, and declares that if Bright doesn't tell Hannah, she will. Under pressure, Bright admits the truth, and Hannah breaks up with him. She tells him she doesn't want him in her life at all, even as just a friend.

Reid begins to fail out of medical school, and as a last-ditch effort, cheats on a test. He is caught and expelled, but pretends that everything is fine. Ephram finds Reid one morning on the bathroom floor unconscious, after having taken an entire bottle of sleeping pills. Ephram feels immense guilt for not realizing that Reid was depressed. Upon recovery, Reid again tries to pretend that everything is just fine, and asks Amy out on a date. It is predictibly a disaster, and Amy tells Reid that he has to deal with the things that made him try to commit suicide in the first place. Reid decides to move back home with his mother until he is fully recovered.

Harold and Rose's adoption is in the final stages, when it is revealed that Harold lied about Rose's cancer on the admission forms. They lose their opportunity, and are heartbroken. Rose develops a bruise on her back and convinces herself that her cancer has returned. At the same time, Bright drinks excessively at his 21st birthday party, and stands on a chair at a bar. With his arm in a sling, he loses his balance and falls through a plate glass window. He is rushed to the hospital with a head injury. At the hospital, Rose shares her fears, and Harold tells her that she is fine- the doctor called right before Bright's accident. Subsequently, both Bright and Rose make successful recoveries. A schizophrenic patient of Harold's is overwhelmed with her new baby and the sudden death of her husband. She panics and leaves the baby girl on the Abbotts' doorstep. After a half-hearted search for her, Harold and Rose apply for custody of the baby.

After returning from his book tour, Irv and Edna decide to buy an RV and travel the country. However, just after purchasing it, Irv collapses and dies. Edna maintains her usual tough persona until Harold confronts her on her erratic behavior. She confesses that she is overwhelmed with grief. Harold and Rose fix up a guest bedroom in their house, and invite Edna to live with them, thus ending a years-long battle between mother and son.

Nina agrees to forgive Jake and take him back, and he begins a variety of recovery programs, but is unsurprised when none of them work, since they didn't in the past. He decides to start a recovery group in Everwood, then begins to design a program on his own. His old friends in LA are receptive to the idea, but they want him to move back. Jake asks Nina to come with him, and she sells her house and agrees. Andy, faced with the loss of Nina, impulsively buys Nina an engagement ring and shows it to Ephram, saying he simply needed to act on his feelings, even if he had no intention of asking her. At Irv's funeral, Ephram tells Nina about the ring, who tells Hannah, who convinces Nina to sneak in and look at it. Hannah ends up with the ring in her room, and Jake finds it while packing. He confronts Andy and Nina, and Nina insists that it means nothing. They make it to the airport when Jake realizes that he doesn't want to be with someone who is so unsure, and gets on the plane without Nina (and Sam). Nina shows up back at the Browns, as her house has already been sold. Andy takes a cathartic trip to New York to say goodbye to his late wife before flying back to Everwood to propose to Nina, on the very spot they met. She happily agrees.

After his accident, Hannah and Bright decide to be friends again, but do not rekindle their relationship. However, she passes up a full scholarship to Notre Dame to attend Colorado A&M and stay in Everwood.

Ephram meets Stephanie while hanging ads for a new roommate. She is feisty and fun, with "no drama," and Ephram likes how refreshingly easy she is to be around. Delia invites her to her bat mitzvah, and while there, Amy realizes she is still in love with Ephram. She struggles with her feelings until she thinks of the exact best way to tell Ephram how she feels. She confesses that all their problems are her fault, and asks him to give her another chance at a relationship, without the drama. Ephram, having loved Amy since the day he met her, easily agrees to be with her again, and the season and the series ends with Ephram and Amy embarking on a mature, adult relationship.

Everwood's series finale, which aired on Monday, June 5, 2006, was seen by 5 million viewers. Template:Endspoiler




Awards nominations

Everwood received two Emmy nominations: Main Title Theme (2003) written by Blake Neely, and Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy (2004) for James Earl Jones's turn as Will Cleveland. Treat Williams has also received two Screen Actors Guild award nominations (2003 and 2004) for his role as Dr. Andy Brown.

DVD Releases

DVD Name Release Date Episodes
The Complete First Season September 7, 2004 23

To date, only the first season of Everwood has been released on DVD. During an online with Warner Home Video representatives on June 6th, 2006, the official response to several questions about the remaining seasons of Everwood was that the studio was not planning on releasing any additional seasons at this time.


Track listing

  1. "Lonely People" - Jars of Clay (popularized by America)
  2. "Trouble" - Kristin Hersh (popularized by Cat Stevens)
  3. "These Days" - Griffin House (popularized by Jackson Browne)
  4. "Only Living Boy in New York" - David Mead (popularized by Simon and Garfunkel)
  5. "Summer Breeze" - Jason Mraz (popularized by Seals and Crofts)
  6. "Father and Son" - Leigh Nash (popularized by Cat Stevens)
  7. "The Harder They Come" - Guster (popularized by Jimmy Cliff)
  8. "Don't Be Shy" - Travis (popularized by Cat Stevens)
  9. "Operator (That's Not The Way It Feels)" - Toby Lightman (popularized by Jim Croce)
  10. "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" - Stereophonics (popularized by Roberta Flack)
  11. "Cathedrals" - Jump Little Children
  12. "Main Title Theme for Everwood" - Blake Neely
  13. "Love Song" - Treat Williams (Bonus Track; popularized by Anne Murray)
  • In the Will & Grace episode May Divorce Be With You, Jack says [he and his boyfriend] "watched Everwood... then turned on the TV".
  • In the Scrubs episode My Unicorn, JD has a flashback where he became too involved with a patient who chains him to a heater and forces him to watch Everwood.


In the United Kingdom, airings on terrestrial channel ITV1 have changed the programme name to Our New Life In Everwood, with the third season being currently screened at 2pm weekdays beginning in July and finishing on the 1 September 2006. ITV explained that their title is a more accurate description of the show. Three commercial breaks are inserted into each episode. This is the maximum allowed under European Union law. Transmissions on satellite and cable channel LIVINGtv retained the original name.

The series was first televised on the Nine Network Australia in late 2005, in a 4pm timeslot on Saturday afternoons. The show was taken off the air soon after Season 2 began, and returned briefly in a weekly timeslot of 10am in 2006. The show was again pulled from the schedule soon after Season 3 began.

Everwood has been played in New Zealand on TV2 since 2004 usually at the 5.30 P.M Sunday time slot season by season. Season one was also repeated weekdays in 2006. However the latest season had been premiered at a 2.00 P.M sunday instead of returing to its usuall time slot.

In Indonesia it was broadcast on TV7.

In Finland it is broadcast on MTV3 and the series finale will air in November 2006. Everwood has been played in Finland since 2003 on Thursdays at 8.00pm.

It also begins airing in Canada on September 9 at 8pm ET on VisionTV, with repeats on Mondays at 8pm and 12am ET.

In Latin America and Brazil, the premiere episodes were shown on Warner Channel, and from the third season, the show was syndicated on the same network, and shown Saturdays and Sundays. Now, the first seasons can be seen also on Warner Channel, Monday to Friday, in the mornings and afternoons.