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Recognition of same-sex unions in Slovakia

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There is no legal recognition of same-sex couples in Slovakia. The Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples. Bills to recognise same-sex partnerships were introduced three times, in 1997, in 2000 and in 2012, but were all rejected.

However, per a June 2018 European Court of Justice ruling, same-sex marriages contracted in EU member states that have legalised same-sex marriage are recognised in Slovakia, and same-sex couples must be granted full residency rights. This applies only if at least one partner is an EU citizen and if the marriage was performed in an EU member state.[1] Slovak authorities quickly announced compliance with the ruling.[2]

Registered partnership

In 2008 and 2009, the LGBT rights group Iniciatíva Inakosť launched a public awareness campaign for the recognition of registered life partnerships (Slovak: Životné partnerstvo) between same-sex couples. In January 2008, LGBT rights activists met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Dušan Čaplovič, to discuss this proposal. Throughout 2008, Iniciatíva Inakosť also held a number of public discussions about registered partnerships.[3] The Green Party supports registered partnerships for same-sex and opposite-sex couples.[4]

In March 2012, the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party announced that it would submit a draft law on registered partnerships.[5] On August 23 the registered partnership bill was submitted to Parliament, which would have given same-sex couples similar rights and obligations as married couples, including alimony, inheritance, access to medical documentation and the right to a widow's/widower's pension, but excluding adoption rights.[6][7] On September 19, the ruling party, Direction - Social Democracy (Smer) announced that it would vote against the bill,[8] which was later rejected by 14-94.[9]

In August 2017, Vice-President Lucia Durish Nicholson of SaS promised to re-submit draft legislation on registered partnerships to Parliament.[10]

On 11 December 2017, following a meeting with Iniciatíva Inakosť representatives, President Andrej Kiska called for a discussion about the rights of same-sex couples.[11] On the same day, SaS reiterated its intention to introduce the registered partnership bill.[12]

Same-sex marriage

Laws regarding same-sex partnerships in Europe¹
  Civil union
  Limited domestic recognition (cohabitation)
  Limited foreign recognition (residency rights)
  Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples
¹ May include recent laws or court decisions that have not yet entered into effect.

In January 2014, the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) announced that it would submit a draft law to ban same-sex marriage constitutionally.[13] In February 2014, Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič said there were enough Smer MPs in favour of the constitutional ban for it to be approved.[14] 40 opposition MPs introduced a draft law to the National Council to ban same-sex marriage in the Slovak Constitution.[15] Slovakia's Social Democratic Prime Minister Robert Fico said that Smer would be willing to support the amendment in exchange for the opposition's support for an amendment introducing changes in the judicial system.[16] The bill passed its first reading in a 103-5 vote in March 2014.[17] The amendment could cause any future laws recognising same-sex couples to be unconstitutional.[18][19] In June 2014, it was passed in a 102-18 vote.[20]

2015 referendum

In December 2013, a conservative civil initiative group "Alliance for Family" announced that it would demand a constitutional definition of marriage as "a union between a woman and a man".[21] The Alliance intended to initiate a referendum on several issue. They demanded a ban on same-sex adoption and the prohibition of sex education in schools. They also suggested that other types of cohabitation should not be held equal to marriage between a man and a woman.[22][23] Activists from the Alliance also criticised Swedish company Ikea for its corporate magazine, which featured two lesbians raising a son.[24]

In August 2014, the Alliance for Family collected more than 400,000 signatures for a petition to hold a referendum on 4 questions:[25]

1. Do you agree that no other cohabitation of persons other than a bond between one man and one woman can be called marriage?

2. Do you agree that same-sex couples or groups shouldn't be allowed to adopt children and subsequently raise them?

3. Do you agree that no other cohabitation of persons other than marriage should be granted particular protection, rights and duties that the legislative norms as of 1 March 2014 only grant to marriage and to spouses (mainly acknowledgement, registration, or recording as a life community in front of a public authority, the possibility to adopt a child by the spouse of a parent)?

4. Do you agree that schools cannot require children to participate in education pertaining to sexual behaviour or euthanasia if their parents or the children themselves do not agree with the content of the education?

President Andrej Kiska asked the Constitutional Court to consider the proposed questions.[26] In October 2014, the Constitutional Court ruled that the third question was unconstitutional.[27]

A referendum on the other three questions was held on 7 February 2015. All three proposals were approved, but the referendum was declared invalid due to insufficient turnout (21.07%). The referendum required a 50% turnout to be valid.[28] Opponents, including LGBT activists, advised voters to boycott the referendum.

2018 European Court of Justice ruling

On 5 June 2018, the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of a Romanian-American same-sex couple who sought to have their marriage recognised in Romania so that the American partner could reside in the country.[1] The Court ruled that EU member states may choose whether or not to allow same-sex marriage, but they cannot obstruct the freedom of residence of an EU citizen and their spouse.[1] Furthermore, the Court ruled that the term "spouse" is gender-neutral, and that it does not necessarily imply a person of the opposite sex.[1] EU member states, including Slovakia, must now recognise each other's same-sex marriages. Same-sex couples who have married in member states that have legalised same-sex marriage, and where at least one partner is an EU citizen, enjoy full residency rights as a result of the ruling.

The Slovak Interior Ministry quickly announced immediate compliance with the ruling.[29]

While the ruling was well received by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) and other human rights groups, it was condemned by the Slovak Catholic Church.[30][31]

Public opinion

Public opinion has shifted in Slovakia in the past few years, becoming more favourable to granting rights to same-sex couples. According to a poll conducted in 2009, 45% of respondents supported same-sex registered partnerships, 41% were opposed, and 14% were unsure.[32] Support for specific rights was higher, with 56% supporting the right of same-sex couples to jointly own property, 72% to access medical information about their partner and 71% supporting the right to bereavement leave.[3]

Support for the rights of same-sex couples 2008[3] 2009[3] 2012[33] 2015[34] 2016[35]
YES [%] NO [%] YES [%] NO [%] YES [%] NO [%] YES [%] NO [%] YES [%] NO [%]
"Same-sex registered partnership" 42 45 45 41 47 38 50 35 40 55
"Mutual maintenance duty among partners" 47.3 32.3 51 29 50 31 - - - -
"Right for tax benefits" 41 43 43 39 45 38 - - - -
"Right for spousal pension for deceased partner" 45 37 45 37 48 36 - - - -
"Access to information about medical condition of partner" 64.2 21 72 16 75 15 - - - -
"Right to day-off if partner requires accompaniment to doctor" 54 - 57 - 58 - - - - -
"Right to bereavement leave" 69.4 - 71 - 73 - - - - -
"Right to mutual inheritance" 58.1 - 56 - 60 - - - - -
"Possibility to establish undivided co-ownership" 55 - 56 - 57 - - - - -
"Right to nursing benefit during care for sick partner" 58 - 61 - 61 - - - - -
"Same-sex marriage" - - - - - - - - 27 69
"Adoption of children" - - - - - - - - 20 75

However, support for same-sex marriage remains low compared to other European Union member states. The 2015 Eurobarometer found that 24% of Slovaks supported same-sex marriage, the fourth lowest among EU member states alongside Lithuania. EU-wide support was 61%.[36]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d "Same-sex spouses have EU residence rights, top court rules". BBC News. 5 June 2018.
  2. ^ JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Grand Chamber) 5 June 2018
  3. ^ a b c d Iniciatíva Inakosť
  4. ^ 7 bodov pre krajšie a zdravšie Slovensko "podpora registrovaných partnerstiev medzi ľuďmi rozdielneho aj rovnakého pohlavia"
  5. ^ SaS predloží partnerstvá gejov Denník SME, 2012
  6. ^ SaS proposes same-sex registered partnership Denník SME, 2012
  7. ^ Návrh zákona o registrovanom partnerstve
  8. ^ Vládny Smer-SD registrované partnerstvá homosexuálov nepodporí
  9. ^ Slovak parliament rejects gay partnership law
  10. ^ Template:Sk icon Na Dúhový pochod prišli tisíce ľudí, potlesk zožala najmä ombudsmanka, ktorá sa nezľakla SNS (+fotogaléria)
  11. ^ President Kiska calls for discussion on the rights of same-sex couples
  12. ^ Template:Sk icon Tímlíderkou SaS pre osobné slobody sa stala Natália Blahová
  13. ^ KDH chce v Ústave definovať manželstvo ako zväzok muža a ženy
  14. ^ Podľa Maďariča je správne, aby spoločnosť podporovala tradičnú rodinu
  15. ^ Návrh skupiny poslancov NR SR na vydanie ústavného zákona, ktorým sa mení a doĺňa zákon č. 460/1992 Zb. Ústava Slovenskej republiky v znení neskorších predpisov
  16. ^ Slovakia mulls constitutional ban on same-sex marriage
  17. ^ Hlasovanie podľa klubov
  18. ^ Hrušovský: Ak Ústava prejde, gayovia nedostanú práva ako manželstvo
  19. ^ Activists protest constitutional amendment on marriage
  20. ^ Poslanci zmenili Ústavu, manželstvo dostalo ochranu
  21. ^ Aliancia za rodinu: Manželstvo má byť ideál
  22. ^ Aktivistom sa veta o manželstve máli Zbierajú podpisy za referendum
  23. ^ Aliancia za rodinu organizuje petíciu na referendum Chce zastaviť devalváciu tradičného manželstva
  24. ^ Traditional family advocates criticise Ikea
  25. ^ Anti-gay referendum petitions has signatures
  26. ^ Constitutional Court to review referendum on family
  27. ^ Cez ustavny sud presli tri otazky referenda o rodine
  28. ^ Slovak conservatives fail to cement gay marriage ban in referendum The Guardian, 8 February 2015
  29. ^ Same-sex married couples have the right to stay in Slovakia, The Slovak Spectator, 5 June 2018
  30. ^ Landmark EU marriage ruling hailed as big win for gay rights, Thomson Reuters Foundation News, 5 June 2018
  31. ^ East European church leaders fret about same-sex marriage ruling, Crux: Covering all things Catholic, 9 June 2018
  32. ^ Template:Sk icon Je spoločnosť na RP pripravená
  33. ^ Public opinion 2012 Iniciatíva Inakosť, 2012
  34. ^ Alternatívu k manželstvu podporuje väčšina spoločnosti Poll by the Focus, 2015
  35. ^ Slováci sú naďalej jasne proti registrovaným partnerstvám Poll by the Focus, 2016