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Jan Grabowski

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Jan Grabowski
Jan Grabowski in 2018
Born1962 (age 61–62)
AwardsYad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research
Academic background
EducationPh.D. (1994), Université de Montréal[1]
Thesis'The Common Ground. Settled Natives and French in Montréal 1667–1760' (1993)
Academic work
InstitutionsUniversity of Ottawa
Notable worksHunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland (2013)
WebsiteHomepage, University of Ottawa

Jan Grabowski (born 1962) is a Polish-Canadian professor of history at the University of Ottawa, specializing in Jewish–Polish relations in German-occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust in Poland.[1]

Co-founder in 2003 of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in Warsaw, part of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Grabowski is best known for his book Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland (2013), which won the Yad Vashem International Book Prize.[2] He was an Ina Levine Invitational Scholar at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2016–2017.[3]

Early life and education

Grabowski was born in Warsaw, Poland, to a Roman Catholic mother[4] and Jewish father, both Polish. His father, Zbigniew Ryszard Grabowski, a Holocaust survivor from Kraków and participant in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising,[5] became a professor of chemistry.[6]

While at the University of Warsaw, Grabowski was active in the Independent Students' Union between 1981 and 1985, where he helped to run an underground printing press for the Solidarity movement. He received his M.A. in 1986,[7] and in 1988 he emigrated to Canada.[5] Travel restrictions had been eased by Poland's communist government. If he had known the regime would fall a year later, he would have stayed, he told an interviewer: "When I left in 1988 I thought there was no future for any young person in Poland. It felt like you were looking at the world through a thick wall of glass. It was sort of an un-reality ... the rules were oblique, strange, inhuman even. Then after one year the system seemed to collapse like a house of cards."[7] He received his Ph.D. from the Université de Montréal in 1994 for a thesis entitled The Common Ground. Settled Natives and French in Montréal 1667–1760.[8]

Academic career


Grabowski became a faculty member at the University of Ottawa in 1993. He co-founded Warsaw's Polish Center for Holocaust Research, where he specializes in the Holocaust in Poland and Jewish–Polish relations in German-occupied Poland during World War II.[5] In 2016–2017 he was an Ina Levine Invitational Scholar at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, where he conducted research into the Polish Blue Police for a project entitled "Polish 'Blue' Police, Bystanders, and the Holocaust in Occupied Poland, 1939–1945".[3][9] Grabowski received a grant for the project (2016–2020) from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.[10]

Hunt for the Jews

Publication and summary

File:Jan Grabowski at USHMM.jpg
Grabowski at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2016

Grabowski is best known for his book Hunt for the Jews, first published in Poland in 2011 as Judenjagd: Polowanie na Zydow 1942–1945.[11] In 2013 a revised and updated English-language edition was published by Indiana University Press as Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland,[12] and in 2016 a revised and expanded edition was published in Hebrew by Yad Vashem.[13][5]

Awarded the Yad Vashem International Book Prize in 2014,[2] the book describes the Judenjagd (German: "Jew hunt") from 1942 onwards, focusing on Dąbrowa Tarnowska County,[14] a rural area in southeastern Poland.[15] The Judenjagd was the German search for Jews who had escaped from the liquidated ghettos in Poland and were trying to hide among the non-Jewish population.[16] Grabowski relied on court records from the 1940s in Poland, testimony collected after the war by the Central Committee of Polish Jews, and records gathered by the German justice system during investigations in the 1960s.[17] In a 2015 interview, he described the mechanics of the "hunt":

The German policy was based on terror. Poles faced the death penalty for any help they gave to Jews. Also, the Germans created a so-called "hostage" system among the Poles. In every community they designated people who would be rotated every couple of weeks. They were responsible for informing the Polish police, or the Germans, about Jews hiding in their towns. If a Jew was discovered that had not been reported, the so-called hostages would be harshly punished. So everyone was highly motivated to get rid of the Jews.[4]

"The great majority of Jews in hiding", according to Grabowski, "perished as a consequence of betrayal. They were denounced or simply seized, tied up and delivered by locals to the nearest station of the Polish police, or to the German gendarmerie."[5] He argues that Poles were responsible for the deaths, directly or indirectly, of over 200,000 Jews during the Holocaust, and that this is a conservative estimate, because it excludes victims of the Polish Blue Police.[5]


The book sparked a heated public debate, particularly when first published in Poland in 2011.[17] Grabowski received death threats.[15] When a German newspaper reviewed the book favourably in 2015,[18] a far-right Polish website, Fronda.pl, ran a piece with the headline, "Sieg Heil, Mr. Grabowski", accompanied by a photograph of Joseph Goebbels; Grabowski successfully sued the website's owner for libel.[5]

According to Bogdan Musial, a German-Polish historian writing in 2011, Hunt for the Jews failed to examine material that contradicted Grabowski's thesis, including Polish witness statements, German statements, and archives from the Polish resistance that. Musial argued that the book underestimates the number of Jewish survivors while inflating the number of complicit Poles, and that statements made by Poles are criticized while those from Jewish witnesses are not.[19] Reviewing the book in April 2016, Michael Fleming, a British historian specializing in Polish history, wrote in support of Grabowski, describing the criticism as attempts to "reinstitute the old, discredited heroic narrative of unimpeachable Polish conduct". Arguing that these tales of heroism are common in Europe, he wrote that Grabowski's book is part of a "growing body of corrective scholarship" that discusses the indifference or complicity of European populations. He continued that Grabowski highlights the courage of the rescuers in Dąbrowa County, while demonstrating that "those who were complicit in genocide were more successful than those who sought to shelter their Jewish co-citizens." But this observation also applies to populations beyond Poland's borders. Fleming warned readers and reviewers not to "reinforce orientalist narratives about 'Eastern' Europe" or the idea that only populations close to the genocide could stop it, which he calls "fetishiz[ing] spatial proximity".[17]

Grzegorz Berendt criticized Grabowski in Haaretz.

Following the book's publication in Israel in 2016, Grzegorz Berendt, professor of history at the University of Gdańsk and historian for the Polish government's Institute of National Remembrance, wrote in Haaretz, in February 2017, that, in contrast to several other European countries, Poland's elite groups, in the underground or in exile, opposed Germany's policies toward the Jews, and expressed and acted on this opposition repeatedly. Anyone holding an official position inside occupied Poland, including the police, was obliged to follow German orders or face harsh punishment, which might be a beating or public execution. Conversely, prizes, including property plundered from Jews, were awarded for compliance. German-induced poverty in Poland—rationing of 400–700 calories per person, leading to black-market food at exhorbitant prices—meant that "thousands of people discarded moral constraints and decided to assist the Germans in rounding up Jews for economic reasons".[20] Berendt referred to Grabowski's statement in Hunt for the Jews that "the number of victims [in Poland] of the Judenjagd could reach 200,000"[14] as "hot air", in that it significantly exceeds, he wrote, the c. 50,000 Jews thought to have escaped from the ghettos in occupied Poland.[20]

The following month, Grabowski responded in Hararetz that, until recently, Poles who were made Righteous Among the Nations often asked Yad Vashem to allow them to remain anonymous, so fearful were they of their fellow Poles' reaction. He argued that, although the Polish government-in-exile (which was based in London from 1940 until 1990) had indeed spoken out on behalf of the Jews during the Holocaust, they were not supported in this by the Polish resistance or the general population in Poland. Key members of the Polish resistance had referred to the "Jewish problem" or "Jewish question": Grabowski quoted one prominent member of the underground: "The mass murder of Jews in Poland carried out by the Germans will diminish the Jewish problem but it will not remove it altogether." As for the estimate that up to 200,000 Jews were killed by Poles, Grabowski defended the figure, writing that it derives from careful research conducted by the Polish historian Szymon Datner.[21]


In 2016 Grabowski published a paper criticizing what he called "the history policy of the Polish state", and arguing that "the state-sponsored version of history seeks to undo the findings of the last few decades and to forcibly introduce a sanitized, feel-good narrative".[22] He has deplored plans for a monument to rescuers of Jews, to be located at Grzybowski Square, which was part of the wartime Warsaw Ghetto; he sees it as an attempt to inflate the role of the rescuers, whom he describes as a "desperate, hunted, tiny minority", the exception to the rule. The ghetto site should be dedicated, he argues, to Jewish suffering, not to Polish courage.[23][24]

The Markowa Ulma-Family Museum of Poles Who Saved Jews in World War II, Markowa, Poland

In July 2017 Grabowski criticized the Ulma-Family Museum of Poles Who Saved Jews in World War II in Markowa, which opened in 2016. The garden will have plaques identifying the 1,500 towns in which the nearly 6,700 Poles lived who helped Jews and were recognized by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.[25] In Grabowski's view, the museum should provide more information about the Polish neighbours of the Ulma family and others who aided Jews.[26] Arguing that the number of Poles recognized by Yad Vashem is not representative of the Polish population, and that those who did help Jews feared their neighbours, Grabowski believes that Polish authorities are using the museum to suggest that the "rescue of Jews was widespread in occupied Poland".[5]

Poland's embassy in Ottawa criticized Grabowski in 2016 for "groundless opinions and accusations" after he wrote an article for Macleans about Poland's controversial amendment to its Act on the Institute of National Remembrance.[27] The amendment would penalize, with imprisonment of up to three years, anyone defaming Poland by accusing it of being complicit during the Holocaust,[28] with exceptions for "freedom of research, discussions on history or artistic activity".[29] In 2018 Grabowski compared the amendment to a pre-1939 Polish law that also stipulated punishment for defaming the country.[28][30] He told Haaretz that the Holocaust in Poland was "not only a German-Jewish affair": "The assumption that the extermination occurred in outer space, that the Holocaust happened without Polish society becoming aware of this unfortunate event, is simply absolutely false. ... There are no Polish bystanders in the Holocaust."[31]

Statements in opposition and support

On 7 June 2017 the Polish League Against Defamation released a statement signed by 134 Polish scientists protesting Grabowski's "false and wrongful image of Poland and Polish people".[32] The statement was sent to the University of Ottawa and to the publishers of his books and articles.[33] Noting that 6,706 Poles were made Righteous Among the Nations after the war by the State of Israel, it alleged that Grabowski used "vivid and exaggerated statements to create propagandistic constructions, rather than to provide an honest picture". It referred to German efforts to exterminate the Polish population, which made its occupation of Poland different from western Europe's occupation; to numerous examples of Poles' assistance to Jews; and to Poland's international protests at the plight of the Jewish population. It alleged that assistance by Poles was often hindered by Jews' low proficiency in Polish, by mistrust created by Jews' affiliation with Soviet authorities, and by Orthodox Jews' mistrust of non-Jews.[32]

Deborah Lipstadt, one of around 180 historians who defended Grabowski

In response, the Polish Center for Holocaust Research issued a statement of its own a few days later, entitled "In defence of Jan Grabowski's good name". Signed by seven of its members, including Barbara Engelking, Jacek Leociak and Dariusz Libionka, it called the criticism from the Polish League Against Defamation as "brutal as it is absurd", and stated that none of the 134 signatories was a Holocaust historian.[34] The Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa also expressed its full support for Grabowski, referring to his "highly respected scholarship".[35]

On 19 June 2017, some 180 Holocaust historians and other historians of modern European history signed an open letter in Grabowski's defence, addressed to Calin Rovinescu, Chancellor of the University of Ottawa. Describing the campaign against Grabowski as "an attack on academic freedom and integrity", the letter said that "[h]is scholarship holds to the highest standards of academic research and publication", and that the Polish League Against Defamation puts forth a "distorted and whitewashed version of the history of Poland during the Holocaust era". Signatories included Yitzhak Arad, Omer Bartov, Yehuda Bauer, Michael Berenbaum, Randolph L. Braham, Richard Breitman, Christopher Browning, Deborah Dwork, Michael Fleming, Christian Gerlach, Peter Hayes, Anthony Julius, Deborah Lipstadt, Antony Polonsky, Dina Porat, Alvin H. Rosenfeld and Robert Jan van Pelt.[36]

Selected works

  • (2001). Historia Kanady. Warsaw: Prószyński i S-ka. ISBN 978-8372550446 OCLC 169635941
  • (2004). "Ja tego Żyda znam!": Szantażowanie Żydów w Warszawie 1939–1943. Warsaw: Wydaw. ISBN 978-8373880580 OCLC 937072035
  • (2008). Rescue for Money: Paid Helpers in Poland, 1939-1945. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem. ISBN 978-9653083257 OCLC 974380257
  • (2010, with Barbara Engelking). Żydów łamiących prawo należy karać śmiercią! "Przestępczość" Żydów w Warszawie, 1939-1942. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów. ISBN 839268317X OCLC 750651880
  • (2011, with Barbara Engelking). Zarys krajobrazu: wieś polska wobec zagłady Żydów 1942–1945. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów. ISBN 978-8393220243 OCLC 761074409
  • (2011). Judenjagd: Polowanie na Zydow 1942–1945. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów. ISBN 978-8393220236 OCLC 715338569
  • (2014, with Dariusz Libionka, eds.). Klucze i kasa: o mieniu żydowskim w Polsce pod okupacją niemiecką i we wczesnych latach powojennych, 1939–1950. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów. ISBN 978-8363444358 OCLC 892600909
  • (2017). "The Polish police: Collaboration in the Holocaust". Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Ina Levine annual lecture, 17 November 2016).
  • (2018, with Barbara Engelking, eds.). Dalej jest noc: losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą. 1,640 pp. (in 2 volumes). ISBN 978-8363444648 OCLC 1041616741

See also


  1. ^ a b "Jan Grabowski", University of Ottawa.
  2. ^ a b "Professor Jan Grabowski wins the 2014 Yad Vashem International Book Prize", Yad Vashem, 4 December 2014.
  3. ^ a b "Fellow Dr. Jan Grabowski". United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
  4. ^ a b Snyder, Donald (12 January 2015). "The Summer Polish Jews Were Hunted" (interview with Jan Grabowski). The Forward.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Aderet, Ofer (11 February 2017). "'Orgy of Murder': The Poles Who 'Hunted' Jews and Turned Them Over to the Nazis". Haaretz. Archived from the original on 1 May 2018. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  6. ^ "Zbigniew Ryszard Grabowski" (in Polish). nekrologi.wyborcza.pl. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
  7. ^ a b Lough, Shannon (26 February 2014). "Twenty-five years since the fall of communism in Poland". davidmckie.com.
  8. ^ "The Common Ground. Settled Natives and French in Montréal 1667-1760". Université du Québec à Montréal.
  9. ^ Grabowski, Jan (April 2017). "The Polish Police Collaboration in the Holocaust" (PDF). United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 February 2018. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  10. ^ "Funded Research Projects", Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa.
  11. ^ Grabowski, Jan (2011). Judenjagd: polowanie na Żydów 1942-1945: studium dziejów pewnego powiatu. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów. ISBN 978-8393220236. OCLC 715338569.
  12. ^ Grabowski, Jan (2013). Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0253010742. OCLC 868951735. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  13. ^ Grabowski, Jan (2016). ציד היהודים; בגידה ורצח בפולין בימי הכיבוש הגרמני. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem. ISBN 978-9653085312 OCLC 993142125
  14. ^ a b Grabowski 2013, p. 3.
  15. ^ a b Tzur, Nissan (18 October 2013). "Holocaust writer Grabowski faces Polish fury", Jewish Chronicle.
  16. ^ Grabowski 2013, p. 1.
  17. ^ a b c Fleming, Michael (April 2016). "Jan Grabowski, Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland". European History Quarterly. 46 (2): 357–359.
  18. ^ Caus, Jessica (9 June 2015). "So halfen polnische Bauern beim Judenmord". Die Welt.
  19. ^ Musial, Bogdan (2011). "Judenjagd—'umiejętne działanie' czy zbrodnicza perfidia?". Dzieje Najnowsze (in Polish). 43 (2).
  20. ^ a b Berendt, Grzegorz (24 February 2017). "Opinion: The Polish People Weren't Tacit Collaborators with Nazi Extermination of Jews". Haaretz. Archived from the original on 28 January 2018. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  21. ^ Grabowski, Jan (19 March 2017). "Opinion: No, Poland's Elites Didn't Try to Save the Jews During the Holocaust". Haaretz. Archived from the original on 28 January 2018. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  22. ^ Grabowski, Jan (6 January 2017). "The Holocaust and Poland's 'History Policy'". Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. 10(3), pp. 481–486.
  23. ^ Snyder, Don (17 April 2013). "Poland Plans Monument to Righteous Gentiles on Site of Warsaw Ghetto", Forward.
  24. ^ Snyder, Donald (27 April 2014). "Poland's Dueling Holocaust Monuments to 'Righteous Gentiles' Spark Painful Debate", Forward.
  25. ^ Gieroń, Aneta (21 July 2017). "Przy Muzeum Ulmów w Markowej powstaje Sad Pamięci". Biznesistyl.
  26. ^ Aderet, Ofer (22 March 2016). "Polish Museum Honoring Poles Who Saved Jews Arouses Controversy", Haaretz.
  27. ^ Graowski, Jan (20 September 2016). "The danger in Poland’s frontal attack on its Holocaust history". Macleans.

    "The Polish Embassy in Ottawa responds to Jan Grabowski". Macleans, 30 September 2016.

  28. ^ a b Zieve, Tamara (20 February 2018). "Polish historian: Penalties for new Polish law resemble pre-war punishment". Jerusalem Post.
  29. ^ "Communique of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on amendment of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland.
  30. ^ Thorne, Stephen J. (14 February 2018). "The truth about Poland". Legion Magazine.
  31. ^ Aderet, Ofer (19 February 2018). "Polish Historian: Entering Dialogue With Poland on Holocaust Bill Is 'The Last Thing' Israel Should Do". Haaretz. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)

    Stoffel, Derek (20 February 2018). "Canadian historian joins uproar in Israel over Polish Holocaust law", CBC News.

  32. ^ a b "The standpoint of Polish scholars affiliated with the Polish League Against Defamation on the activities of Jan Grabowski" (PDF). Polish League Against Defamation. 7 June 2017.
  33. ^ "PLAD publishes a statement concerning the activities of Jan Grabowski" (PDF). Polish League Against Defamation. 7 June 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 August 2018.
  34. ^ "In defence of Jan Grabowski's good name" (PDF). Polish Center for Holocaust Research. 10 June 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 August 2018. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  35. ^ "Statement on Attacks against Professor Jan Grabowski". University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and Education Centre. Archived from the original on 23 August 2018. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  36. ^ "Solidarity with Jan Grabowski". michael-wildt.de. 19 June 2017. Archived from the original on 23 August 2018. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
    Gera, Vanessa (20 June 2017). "International historians defend Ottawa scholar who studies Poland and Holocaust", The Associated Press.

    Perkel, Colin (20 June 2017). "University of Ottawa scholar says he's a target of Polish 'hate' campaign". The Canadian Press.