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United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

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UNIFIL Deployment August 2010

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, or UNIFIL, was created by the United Nations, with the adoption of Security Council Resolution 425 and 426 on 19 March 1978, to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon which Israel had invaded five days prior, restore international peace and security, and help the Government of Lebanon restore its effective authority in the area.[1]

The first UNIFIL troops were deployed in the area on 23 March 1978; these troops were reassigned from other UN peacekeeping operations in the area (namely the United Nations Emergency Force and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Zone).[1]

During the occupation, UNIFIL's function was mainly to provide humanitarian aid.[2]

UNIFIL's mandate is renewed by United Nations Security Council annually. Current mandate expires on 31 August 2011.[3][4]


UNIFIL base, 1981

UNIFIL is tasked with achieving the following objectives:

  • Confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon
  • Restore international peace and security
  • Assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area

Mandating resolutions by the United Nations:

Lebanese civil war (until 1990)

File:Saad haddad.jpg
Saad Haddad (right) in a conversation with Norwegian Norbatt IV field priest major Ole Askvig Øgaard and other Norwegian UNIFIL personnel in a hotel in the Israeli town of Metula.
Fijian soldiers visiting UNIFIL OP during a patrol

Prior to the 1982 Lebanon War, on 2 January 1982 two Ghanaian soldiers guarding a UNIFIL position were attacked by unidentified persons and one of the soldiers was shot and subsequently died.[8] During the 1982 Lebanon War, UN positions were overrun, primarily by the SLA forces under Saad Haddad. This was the Lebanese paramilitary force supported by the IDF in Southern Lebanon.[2] Beginning in 1985, Israel scaled back its permanent positions in Lebanon, although this process was punctuated by brief invasions and bombings, as in Operation Accountability in 1993 and Operation Grapes of Wrath in 1996. In 1999, Israel undertook a withdrawal, which concluded in 2000 and enabled UNIFIL to resume its military tasks.[clarification needed]

Post-2006 war operations


UNIFIL is currently deployed in Southern Lebanon (south of the Litani River) and primarily along the United Nations-drawn Blue Line, which is the border between Israel and Lebanon. The force's activities have centered around monitoring military activity between Hezbollah and the Israeli Defense Forces with the aim of reducing tensions and allaying tension along the border. UNIFIL has also played an important role in clearing landmines, assisting displaced persons and providing humanitarian assistance to civilians in the underdeveloped region of Southern Lebanon. Under UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which passed as a result of the 2006 Lebanon War, its mandate and rules of engagement changed. The mandate changed to allow up to 15,000 personnel in order to assist the Lebanese Armed Forces in deploying in Southern Lebanon to implement the Lebanese government's sovereignty. The rules of engagement changed to allow the troops to open fire in certain cases: mostly in cases of self-defense but also in order to protect civilians, UN personnel and facilities.[9] The new resolution states that UNIFIL can “take all the necessary action in areas of deployment of its forces, and as it deems with its capabilities, to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind.”[10] On 27 August 2006, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that UNIFIL would not intercept arms shipments from Syria, unless requested to do so by Lebanon.[11]

Maritime Task Force

After the 2006 Lebanon War, the UNIFIL Maritime Task Force (MTF) was established to assist the Lebanese Naval Forces in preventing the smuggling of illegal shipments in general and armament shipments in particular. With its establishment in October 2006, the force was led by the German Navy which was also the major contributor to the force.[12] The Germans lead the MTF up until 29 February 2008 when they passed control over to EUROMARFOR - a force made up of ships from Portugal, Spain, Italy and France (of which the latter three countries sent vessels to the force in Lebanon).[13][14] As of May 2008, the German Navy is still the biggest contributor to the UNIFIL MTF sending four vessels. These four vessels are complemented by two Italian, two Greek, one French, one Spanish, one Bulgarian and one Turkish vessel to comprise the 12-vessel UNIFIL Maritime Task Force.[14]


C.I.S.S. humanitarian staff with Italian UNIFIL soldiers in Lebanon

As of 30 April 2008, UNIFIL employs 12,341 military personnel, supported by some 307 international civilian and 606 local civilian staff[15] and it is headed by Spanish Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta.[16]

To date UNIFIL has suffered 272 fatalities: 261 troops, two military observers, five international civilian staff, and four local staff.[16]

Concerns over UNIFIL presence and neutrality

Israeli concerns

UNIFIL Sisu Pasi in the snow, close to the Israeli border in South-Lebanon, 1998

Israel has criticized the force for, amongst other things, maintaining a dialogue with Hezbollah, which it views as a terrorist organization, for treating Israeli and Hezbollah violations of security council resolution 1701 equally, while Israel views its violations of Lebanese airspace as less severe than Hezbollah violations including crossings of the blue line and rocket launchings, namely because Hezbollah is an internationally recognised terrorist organisation whose violent actions constitute terror attacks that threaten the lives of Israeli civilians. UNIFIL was accused of complicity in the fatal abduction of IDF soldiers in October 2000, and Israel further blamed it for obstructing its investigation by denying the existence of and then once the existence was leaked, refusing to supply videos of the attack for several months.[17][18]

Prior to the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict of July 2006, Israel had been lobbying for UNIFIL to either take a more active role vis-a-vis Hezbollah (for example, preventing Hezbollah from stationing near UNIFIL posts to fire at the IDF and into northern Israel) or to step out of the region (thereby voiding the Lebanese government’s excuse for not deploying Lebanese Armed Forces along the border).[19]

UNIFIL also came under criticism during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict for broadcasting detailed reports of Israeli troop movements, numbers, and positions on their website which "could have exposed Israeli soldiers to grave danger", while making no such reports about Hezbollah.[20]

Israel was concerned when it was reported that Indonesia was being considered to replace Italy as commander of UNIFIL's naval force. As Indonesia does not recognize Israel, and the two countries have no diplomatic or military relations, Israel expressed concerned that cooperation with the IDF, especially the Israeli Navy, could deteriorate.[21]

A 2010 book published by Norwegian journalist Odd Karsten Tveit revealed that the Norwegian Army was complicit in the escape of two Lebanese men who were arrested by the Israeli Army and being held in Khiam prison. According to the book, in 1992, two detained Lebanese men escaped from Khiam prison. Fearing that they would face torture or execution if caught by the Israel Defense Forces or South Lebanon Army, the soldiers dressed the detainees in UN uniforms, and placed them in a UNIFIL convoy which left Southern Lebanon through Israeli roadblocks. Shortly afterward, Israeli Army commander Moshe Tamir visited the Norwegian battalion's camp, and accused Norwegian commander Hagrup Hakland of "sheltering terrorists". Immediately after the confrontation, the Lebanese men were smuggled onto a bus used by Norwegian peacekeepers on leave, which took them to Beirut.[22]

Hezbollah concerns

Hezbollah supporters have accused UNIFIL of siding with Israel, especially since the passage of Resolution 1701 which they view as one-sided. On 16 October 2006 Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah declared that the UN force had “come to protect Israel, not Lebanon”.[citation needed]

Conflict in 2006

According to UNIFIL press releases, there have been dozens of such incidents of UN posts coming under fire during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.[23] In his 21 July 2006 report about the UNIFIL activities 21 January-18 July 2006, the UN Secretary-General stated that "Some Hezbollah positions remained in close proximity to United Nations positions, especially in the Hula area, posing a significant security risk to United Nations personnel and equipment."[24]

File:Turkish Soldier UN.jpg
A Turkish soldier of UNIFIL
Italian UN soldiers arriving in Lebanon, 2006
  • On 17 July, a UNIFIL international staff member and his wife were killed when Israeli aircraft bombed the Hosh District of Tyre, Lebanon.
  • On 23 July, Hezbollah fire wounded an Italian observer.
  • On 25 July, Hezbollah opened small arms fire at a UNIFIL convoy, forcing it to retreat.
  • On 25 July, four soldiers from the Ghanaian battalion were lightly injured after an Israeli tank shell hit a UNIFIL position during fighting in Southern Lebanon on 24 July 2006.[25]
  • Shrapnel from tank shells fired by the IDF seriously wounded an Indian soldier on 16 July 2006[26]
  • On 25 July 2006 four UNTSO observers from Austria, Canada, China and Finland were killed by Israeli strikes on an OGL patrol base near Khiam in southern Lebanon. According to the UN, the Israelis claimed to be responding to "Hezbollah fire from that vicinity" and the four had taken shelter in a bunker under the post. The area around the site was hit by a precision guided bomb from an Israeli jet and shelled a total of 14 times by Israeli artillery[27] throughout the day despite warning calls made by UN personnel to the IDF.[28] However, General Alain Pellegrini, then commander of UNIFIL, claims that he attempted to call Israeli officials "five or six times", but never got past their secretaries. Later, Israeli artillery shelling resumed as a rescue team tried to clear the rubble.[29]
  • On 29 July, two Indian soldiers were wounded when their post was damaged during an Israeli airstrike in Southern Lebanon.
  • On 6 August, a Hezbollah rocket hit the headquarters of the Chinese UNIFIL contingent, wounding three Chinese soldiers.
  • On 12 August, a Ghanaian soldier was wounded when Israeli artillery shelled the area near the village of Haris.
  • On 14 August, Israeli aircraft fired two missiles onto a Palestinian faction in Saida, killing UN staff member Abdel Sagir.


Italian soldier on guard duty

Following the cease-fire, the UNIFIL will receive vast reinforcement, up to 15,000 men, and heavy equipment. France is committed to increase her complement from 400 to 2,000 men and send Leclerc heavy tanks and AMX 30 AuF1 self-propelled artillery,[30] in addition to the forces deployed in Opération Baliste. Italy will send 3,000 troops.[31] Qatar will send between 200 and 300 troops.[32]

A naval component of UNIFIL is being set up to assist the Lebanese Navy preventing arms proliferation to Hezbollah. This force is under the command of a German admiral with the majority of vessels being provided by the German Navy.

Indonesian contingent has received 12 VAB(Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé) on 17 February 2007, as the part of the second wave of shipment from the agreement between the French and Indonesian governments. Amongst the equipments sent with the second wave of VABs are 10 tool boxes (pioneering equipment), 10 armored vehicle radio communications unit, HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) shooter shield, and 40 water jerrycans.[33]

On 16 March 2009 KRI Diponegoro, a Sigma class corvette join UNIFIL Naval Task Force.

On 13 April 2010 Indonesian Contingent has reveived 13 Pindad APS-3 known as the Anoa APC, designated as Mechanized Unit at UNIFIL Headquarter in Naqoura.

Incidents involving Israeli forces

On September 22, 2006, French Air Force jets were seen over the skies of Beirut during Hassan Nasrallah's victory speech, possibly trying to protect him from an Israeli assassination attempt. Nasrallah told the crowd that he had no fear in addressing the masses directly, rather than through armored glass. In September 2006, Hezbollah fighters raided an Israeli Army arms depot in Shomera, and made off with a large quantity of sidearms, grenades, anti-tank weapons, and LAU rockets. Five Israeli Merkava tanks, an armored bulldozer, and a number of military vehicles entered Lebanon and attempted to search the Hezbollah-controlled village of Marwahin for the arms. They were confronted by four French Army Leclerc tanks, which blocked their advance. The confrontation lasted for half an hour. According to American and German correspondents, the French retreated, while the French commander announced that the Israelis had turned back.[34] French commander of UNIFIL Alain Pellegrini stated that France would not intervene to disarm Hezbollah.

On 3 October 2006, an Israeli fighter penetrated the 2-nautical-mile (3.7 km) defence perimeter of the French frigate Courbet without answering radio calls, triggering a diplomatic incident. Israel apologized after official protests from the French government.[35][36]

On 24 October, six Israeli Air Force F-16 jets flew over the German intelligence ship Alster, patrolling off Israel's coast just south of the Lebanese border. The German Defence Ministry said that the planes had given off infrared decoys and one of the aircraft had fired two shots into the air, which had not been specifically aimed. The Israeli military said that a German helicopter took off from the vessel without having coordinated this with Israel, and denied vehemently having fired any shots at the vessel and said "as of now" it also had no knowledge of the jets launching flares over it. Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz telephoned his German counterpart Franz Josef Jung to clarify that 'Israel has no intention to carry out any aggressive actions' against the German peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, who are there as part of UNIFIL to enforce an arms embargo against Hezbollah. Germany confirmed the consultations, and that both sides were interested in maintaining good cooperation.[37][38][39] The Alster's crew had recorded several overflights by Israeli jets in the previous weeks, but claimed that the Israeli aircraft had always stayed at high altitude. The week before the incident, Israeli jets had a similar confrontation with a German naval helicopter, but had turned back after the Germans had identified themselves.[40]

On 31 October 2006, eight Israeli F-15s flew over many areas of Lebanon, including Beirut.[41][42] The IAF jets also flew over a French peacekeeper position in Lebanon. According to the French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie, the planes came in at what was interpreted as an attack formation, and the peacekeepers were "seconds away" from firing at the jets with an anti aircraft missile.[43]

In a report to the Security Council, Annan reported that there were no serious incidents or confrontations, but that peacekeepers reported Israeli flyovers "almost on a daily basis". Israel claimed that the flyovers were to prevent Hezbollah from receiving arms shipments from Syria or Iran.[44]

UNIFIL commander Alain Pellegrini and the United Nations claimed that Israeli flyovers violated the cease-fire and Lebanese sovereignty. General Pellegrini and French officials warned that if the diplomatic efforts to stop the overflights failed, Israeli jets may suffer attacks by French peacekeepers.[45] On November 17, French peacekeepers took "preparatory steps" by readying their anti-aircraft batteries, and warned that Israeli warplanes conducting mock attacks could be fired on.[46]

In 2007, the Lebanese Army fired on an Israeli UAV with small arms south of Tyre.[47]

Post-conflict situation

On 24 June 2007, six UNIFIL soldiers (three Colombians and three Spanish) were killed after their vehicle was hit by an explosive device; two others (both Spanish) were injured in the incident.[48] No group has yet admitted responsibility. The Israeli military believed the attack to be the work of al-Qaeda/Global Jihad members.[49]

The Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Ambassador Dan Carmon, met with UNIFIL commander, Maj.-Gen. Claudio Graziano, on 15 August 2008, after Israel was accused of unilaterally violating United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 by the almost daily overflights of Lebanese airspace, the continued occupation of the village of Ghajar and Israel's refusal to submit maps of areas on which it dropped cluster munitions during the 2006 Lebanese war.[50]

Following the war, British military historian John Keegan predicted that Israel would in the future invade Lebanon and continue attacking until Hezbollah's system of tunnels and bunkers was completely destroyed, as Israel would not tolerate a "zone of invulnerability" occupied by a sworn enemy, or a double threat posed by Hezbollah and Hamas rockets, and that Israel might first attack the Gaza Strip. Keegan noted that any IDF entry into Southern Lebanon would risk provoking a clash with UNIFIL, but that it is unlikely to deter Israel, as it tends to behave with "extreme ruthlessness" when national survival is at stake.[51]

In 2010, a series of standoffs and clashes erupted between UNIFIL troops and Lebanese villagers in the border region. Villagers accused French peacekeepers of provocative and intrusive patrols, and of taking pictures of people inside their homes. People of Aitaroun town, Marjayoun, accused the French regiments of driving their heavy vehicles through their two-month old tobacco fields, which support many families. UNIFIL was also accused of having stepped up its patrols and of failing to coordinate with the Lebanese Army. In July 2010, the most serious incident occurred when the French regiments decided to carry out exercises unilaterally, without Lebanese units or other regiments. When they went into narrow alleys of Lebanese villages some residents first tried to redirect them out of their private areas. The French fired against the civilians, also arrested a youth driving a motorcycle and destroyed the vehicle. When other civilians saw that, they surrounded and attacked the UNIFIL French troops and without any weapons. The vehicles windows were also smashed by stones from dozens of civilians of all ages, and the French commander was wounded. The French troops were forcibly disarmed by the villagers, and weapons were then handed over to the Lebanese Army. The French unit could not explain why they behaved unilaterally. Their ambassador to the UN said the civilian attack 'was not spontaneous'. Many troops, including the Finnish, Irish, Qataris and Indonesians pulled out of the UNIFIL back in 2007-2008. One reason quoted as some were there for over 30 years (the Irish and Finnish) because of fear of change of the rules of engagement by the NATO forces joining after August 2006 and because of German and French high level statements expressing unlimited support to the Israeli side.[citation needed] At the request of the United Nations, 7,000 additional Lebanese soldiers were deployed to South Lebanon as approved by the Lebanese Cabinet.

UNIFIL force in 2010 Israel–Lebanon border clash

See also : 2010 Israel–Lebanon border clash

The 2010 Israel–Lebanon border clash occurred on August 3, 2010, this clashes marked the deadliest incident along the border since the devastating 2006 Lebanon War. The U.N. force stationed in southern Lebanon urged "maximum restraint" following the clashes along the so-called blue line, a U.N.-drawn border separating Lebanon from Israel. UNIFIL peacekeepers were in the area where the clashes took place.[52] United Nations peacekeepers tried to hold off the routine Israeli tree-pruning that led to a deadly border clash with Lebanese soldiers. An Indonesian U.N. battalion was on the scene, and they did their best to try to prevent it, but they were unable to.[53]

Indonesian UNIFIL soldiers tried to no avail to calm the situation before the clashes erupted. However, the fighting were increasingly intensified, so this small contingent of UNIFIL forces were ordered to retreat or find cover then report back to the base. The Indonesian contingent, under intense gunfire and shelling between the two opposing forces, retreated to a safer places and return to their base, but two soldiers accidentally separated from the main group and get trapped in the situation. Fortunately, these stunned and exhausted soldiers was helped by some of local people, but caught on video tape that causing controversies and critics against UNIFIL forces by some Lebanese news media.[54]

UN peacekeepers did not escape the confrontation unscathed. Local TV reported that in some cases, villagers attempted to block UNIFIL vehicles from fleeing the combat zone, demanding that they return and fight. But current and former UNIFIL officials said that at that point in the conflict, it was out of peacekeepers’ hands. One of former UNIFIL official also explained that he has been in these situations before, and when the opposing sides is determined to shoot each other, there’s nothing UNIFIL force can do. There is also another statement from a former UNIFIL commander concerning about UNIFIL action to preserve neutrality for both sides, he stated that if UNIFIL force intervene to protect IDF, for instance, UNIFIL will be accused by Hizbollah or the people of protecting the Israelis, and collaborating with the enemy. On the other side, if UNIFIL force do the same with the Lebanese, Israel will accuse UNIFIL of collaborating with Hizbollah.[55]

Countries involved

The following countries have either committed troops, are currently active in UNIFIL, or have offered support to UNIFIL in some way. Countries in bold were part of the original UNIFIL force.

Country Committed Forces (estimated*) Support Roles
 Belgium 394[56][57] de-miners, medical and reconstruction teams[57] 1 Karel Doorman class frigate[58]
 Brunei 100[59][60]
 Bulgaria 160[61] 1 Wielingen Class Frigate
ChinaPeople’s Republic of China 1,000[62][63] 200 engineers currently in Lebanon clearing mines and unexploded ordnance, medical team, peacekeeping troops.[63]
 Denmark 50[56][64] 2 patrol boats as force protection for German contingent and 144 logistic soldiers, and 10 firefighters from the Danish Emergency Management Agency
 Finland 250[56][65] reconstructing roads, bridges and other infrastructure destroyed[66]
France France 2,000[67][68] ground troops including 13 French Leclerc tanks;[69] in charge of UNIFIL ground forces until February 2007.[70]
In addition, French Navy ships with 1,700 men are deployed off Lebanon in Opération Baliste, and assisting in UNIFIL operations.
 Germany 2,400[71][72] naval ships to secure the Lebanese coast and prevent arms smuggling[71][72]
Ghana Ghana 650[73]
 Greece 176–196 Elli-class frigate, the HS Kanaris, to patrol against arms smugglers[74]
India India 850[73][75] 01 x Standard Infantry Battalion of the Indian Army (Regulars), along with support components from the Corps of Engineers (Sappers), Corps of Signals and other logistic Arms and Services.
 Indonesia 1,136[76][77] 850 men in mechanized infantry battalion, 75 men in military police unit, 200 men in force protection company, 11 men UNIFIL staff,[78] 111 men aboard KRI Diponegoro (Sigma class corvette of the Indonesian Navy)[79]
Republic of Ireland Ireland 150[66][80] perimeter protection for Finnish troops[66]
Italy Italy 2,500[81] ground troops; assumed charge of UNIFIL ground forces in February 2007[82]
 South Korea 350[83][84] Infantry units and medical team. Security task in Tyre area and associated supply mission.[85] Medical aid for local people.
 Malaysia 360[86][87] Administrative(200) and patrol/quick reaction team (160; including commandos and special forces)[88]
   Nepal 850[89][90] infantry battalion[89][90]
 Netherlands 150[58] 1 Karel Doorman class frigate[58]
Norway Norway 100[91][92] naval ships to secure the Lebanese coast and prevent arms smuggling[58]
Denmark Denmark 140[56][93]
 Portugal 140[94] engineering unit
 Russia 400[72][95] engineers[72]
 Slovakia 6 medical team
 Slovenia 14 3 Staff Officers, 8 men strong Recon element, 3 men strong Logistical element (as of November 2007)
 Spain 1,500[67][96] de-mining and beach cleaning,mechanized infantry battalion(1 infantry platoon from El Salvador), cavalry squadron, combat engineers , helicopter unit[97][98]
 Sweden 40[56][99] 1 Göteborg class corvette
 Turkey 495[100] engineering unit to help rebuild damaged bridges and roads; Turkish naval frigate patrolling off the Lebanese coast[100][101]
 Qatar 205 Qatar, the only Arab nation to contribute to UNIFIL, deployed 205 soldiers to Lebanon in 2007. They mostly provided humanitarian assistance, and three logistics officers worked at UNIFIL headquarters.[102]
 Bangladesh Following the war, Bangladesh offered to send Infantry Battalions to Lebanon. Despite opposition from Israel, Bangladeshi and Nepali troops were the first peacekeepers to arrive in South Lebanon. Immediately after other peacekeepers arrived, Bangladeshi forces had to leave immediately, as they were not considered to be neutral due to Bagladesh's refusal to recognize Israel, and a comment made by Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Morshed Khan who described Israel's attacks as State terrorism.[103]
Total 13,817

* Because the troop figures come from second hand sources, the exact numbers can not be accurately verified. In most cases the sources round and/or estimate the figures to the closet proximity.

UNIFIL leadership

Commanders of the force

Start Date End Date Name Country
March 1978 February 1981 Emmanuel A. Erskine  Ghana
February 1981 May 1986 William O'Callaghan  Ireland
June 1986 June 1988 Gustav Hägglund  Finland
July 1988 February 1993 Lars-Eric Wahlgren  Sweden
February 1993 February 1995 Trond Furuhovde  Norway
April 1995 1 October 1997 Stanislaw Franciszek Wozniak  Poland
February 1997 September 1999 Jioje Konousi Koronte  Fiji
30 September 1999 1 December 1999 James Sreenan  Ireland
16 November 1999 15 May 2001 Seth Kofi Obeng  Ghana
15 May 17 August 2001 Ganesan Athmanathan  India
17 August 2001 17 February 2004 Lalit Mohan Tewari  India
17 February 2004 2 February 2007 Alain Pellegrini  France
2 February 2007 28 January 2010 Claudio Graziano[104]  Italy
28 January 2010 Present Alberto Asarta Cuevas  Spain

Commanders of the Maritime Task Force

Start Date End Date Name Country
September 2006 16 October 2006 Giuseppe De Giorgi  Italy
16 October 2006 March 2007 Andreas Krause  Germany
March 2007 September 2007 Karl-Wilhelm Bollow  Germany
September 2007 February 2008 Christian Luther  Germany
February 2008 August 2008[105] Ruggiero di Biase  Italy
September 2008 February 2009 Jean-Louis Kerignard[106]  France
March 2009 May 2009 Jean-Thierry Pynoo[107]  Belgium
August 2009 August 2009 Ruggiero Di Biase[108]  Italy
September 2009 November 2009 Jürgen Mannhardt[109]  Germany
December 2009 February 2011 Paolo Sandalli[109]  Italy
February 2011 Present Luiz Henrique Caroli  Brazil

Personal representatives of the Secretary-General for Southern Lebanon

Start Date End Date Name Country
March 1978 ? Jean Cuq  France
2000 15 January 2001 Rolf Goran Knutsson  Sweden
15 January 2001 April 2005 Staffan de Mistura  Sweden
April 2005 Present Geir Pedersen  Norway


The entrance to the UN base where four UN peacekeepers were killed during the conflict

UNFIL's fatalities, which number over 250, include the following nationalities: Belgium: 4, Fiji: 35, Finland: 11, France: 30, Ghana: 29, India: 2, Iran: 1, Ireland: 47, Italy: 6, Lebanon: 6, Malaysia: 1, Nepal: 25, Netherlands: 9, Nigeria: 10, Norway: 21, Philippines: 1, Poland: 7, Senegal: 16, Spain: 7, Sweden: 7, United Kingdom: 3.

Date Incident
31 May 1999: An Irish soldier, Pte. William Kedian was killed when IDF/DFF mortar fire hit a UNIFIL position.
July–August 2006: A total of five UN peacekeepers and staff members are killed by Israeli air and artillery strikes targeting Hezbollah fighters.[110]
25 September 2006: A French engineer officer was killed in a road accident near the town of Sofar.
24 June 2007: Three Colombian and three Spanish soldiers were killed in a bomb blast between Marjayoun and Khiam.
25 July 2007: A French soldier was killed near the village of Shama while clearing unexploded munitions.
11 October 2007: A British man, Craig Appleby (36) was killed while clearing munitions near Bint Jbeil.
12 November 2007: Two French soldiers were wounded as a result of the accidental discharge of a weapon. One of the wounded men subsequently died while being evacuated to Hospital.
15 June 2008: A Spanish soldier was killed and two injured in a road accident.
3 September 2008: A Belgian soldier was killed near the village of Aitaroun while clearing munitions left over from the 2006 conflict.


A 2004 Easter mass in South Lebanon by the French UNIFIL contingent
  • " UNIFIL came here in 1978. We were, because at that time there was no Hezbollah here, accused of being sympathetic to Palestinians. A peacekeeping force does not come here with pre-set enemies. There is no enemy [inaudible] in a peacekeeping force. UNIFIL is a peacekeeping force. It's not an Israeli combat force or an anti-terror force, as they would like it to be. As long as we don't serve their direct interests, they are going to denigrate it as much as they can." Timur Goksel, former spokesman of the UNIFIL, 26 July 2006[111]


Alain Pellegrini alleged that UN reports on Lebanon were reaching Israeli intelligence.[112]


UNIFIL has been critisised for being unable to stop the Israeli destruction of civilian buildings and intimidation of civilians during the 2006 invasion, as evidenced by the many destroyed buildings in South Lebanon, still not rebuild by 2011. A former Israeli diplomat, Itamar Rabinovich, cricised the efficacy of the force saying "UNIFIL, I'm afraid, is a joke. They’ve been there for 26 years and since then, there have been so many skirmishes [along the border]."[113] Prime Minister Ehud Olmert also said "We didn’t like very much UNIFIL which was very useless and very helpless. Look what happened. Did you hear of any particular efforts of the United Nations UNIFIL force in the south of Lebanon to prevent the attacks against Israel in the first place. So they were not useful and that is why we were unhappy with them."[114]

Both Israel and Hezbollah have accused UNIFIL of bias. Israel again accused them of failing to prevent, and even collaborating with, Hezbollah in its replenishment of military power. Hezbollah, in turn, said "certain contingents" of UNIFIL are spying for, if not assisting, Israel.[115]

South Lebanese reception

In the summer of 2010, the French contingent of UNIFIL encountered resistance by residents in several villages that led to injuries on both sides. Their exercise included searching homes, taking photographs and questioning residents in order to identify "Hezbollah members." Residents have also accused the forces of violating private property and of not coordinating with the Lebanese army.[115] On the contrary, India's UNIFIL contingent seems to have rather attracted the goodwill of the South Lebanese population by introducing popular measures such as yoga exercises.[115] Indonesian UNIFIL contingent (INDOBATT) also gained good reputation within South Lebanese people, this is achieved through Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) program implemented by the contingent. This program includes many society based activities, such as conducting computer course for local residents, medical assistance and also give technical assistance in rebuilding social facilities.[116] [117]


  1. ^ a b "Extracts relating to Article 98 of the Charter of the United Nations: Supplement No 5 (1970 - 1978)" (PDF). Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs. United Nations. pp. §275–279. Retrieved 6 August 2006.
  2. ^ a b "Extracts relating to Article 98 of the Charter of the United Nations: Supplement No 6 (1979 - 1984)" (PDF). Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs. United Nations. pp. §185–§199. Retrieved 6 August 2006.
  3. ^ United Nations Security Council Resolution 1884. S/RES/1884(2009) page 2. 27 August 2009. Retrieved 21 October 2009.
  4. ^ UNIFIL mandate extended for another year
  5. ^ United Nations Security Council extends UN force in Lebanon until 31 July, unanimously adopting Resolution 1655 (2006) Retrieved on 12 August 2006
  6. ^ United Nations Security Council extends United Nations force in Lebanon, unanimously adopting Resolution 1697 (2006) Retrieved on 12 August 2006
  7. ^ United Nations Security Council calls for end to hostilities between Hizbollah, Israel, unanimously adopting Resolution 1701 (2006) Retrieved on 12 August 2006
  8. ^ UN Doc S/15194 of 10 June 1982 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [dead link]
  9. ^ "United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)" (PDF). United Nations. 6 August 2009. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  10. ^ James Bone and Richard Beeston (21 August 2006). "After 31 days of fighting, UN votes for plan to bring peace to Lebanon". The Times. UK. Retrieved 23 May 2008.
  11. ^ Harry De Quetteville and Michael Hirst (27 August 2006). "UN will not stop Syria sending weapons to Lebanon". The Daily Telegraph. UK. Retrieved 23 May 2008.
  12. ^ "UNIFIL Maritime Task Force is operational" (PDF). UNIFIL. 16 October 2006. Retrieved 24 May 2008.
  13. ^ "Germany passes command of UNIFIL maritime components to European Maritime Force". German Foreign Office. 28 February 2008. Retrieved 24 May 2008.
  14. ^ a b "UNIFIL Maritime Task Force Changes Command" (PDF). UNIFIL. 29 February 2008. Retrieved 24 May 2008.
  15. ^ The civilian staff statistics are only updated as of 29 February 2008
  16. ^ a b "Lebanon - UNIFIL - Facts and Figures". United Nations.
  17. ^ CNN, 3 August 2001 U.N. report: Kidnapped Israeli soldiers may be dead
  18. ^ Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (for the period from 21 July 2004 to 20 January 2005) Document S/2005/36
  19. ^ Haaretz Israel accuses UN of collaborating with Hezbollah. Retrieved 28 October 2006.
  20. ^ Lori Lowenthal Marcus (09/04/2006). "What did you do in the war, UNIFIL?". Weekly Standard. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  21. ^ By YAAKOV KATZ  (28 April 2010). "Israel concerned about UNIFIL takeover". Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 5 August 2010.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  22. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3964037,00.html
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See also
