I - White Slavery Freedom Document for the Survivors of the Virginia Colony, 1618 AD
[edit]This article serves as contextual evidence extracted from the freedom document ("Instructions to George Yeardley"-wikilink) formally issued in England, 1618 AD, for the 400 survivors of the White Slave Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD. To seek a timeline for the abolition of slavery in other countries, see Abolition of Slavery timeline.-wikilink. |
Observed by | London Company (The Enslaver) and King James I |
Significance | Emancipation of white slave survivors in the Virginia Colony, 1618 AD - British Colonial America |
Observances | White-American history, White-American culture |
Date | November 18th [a] |
Frequency | Bi-Annually |
First time |
Started by | Governor George Yeardley |
Related to | Emancipation Day |
The "Instructions to George Yeardley" is a legal freedom document issued by the London Company (the Enslaver) in England (on November 18, 1618 AD) to the newly appointed Governor George Yeardley for delivery to the 400 white slave survivors of the 12-year slave period of the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD. This document is archived in Thomas Jefferson's collection of legal documents[3] which is also archived in the Library of Congress. After its issuance in November 1618 AD in England, it was delivered by the new commissioned Governor George Yeardley to the 400 white survivors in the Virginia Colony on April 19, 1619 AD. Contained in this legal freedom document were several sets of instructions for the governor to follow to which were:
1. A freedom document, which grants the survivors absolute freedom (write a small article about absolute freedom based on what I inferred in my 3rd ebook/book)
2. An announcement and implementation of reparations in the form of land (headrights[use wikilink]) for the 400 survivors of a recorded 1,976 (show chart [add chart to media]) who arrive d in the Virginia Colony between 1607 and 1619 AD which has proven to be considered 'the 1st Legal Slave Period in British Colonial America'; and
3.Directives to ...
4.The Order upon which (for whom) Absolute Freedom was Granted
5.Insert chart with links (subtopics)
Contained with this emancipation document were instructions to issue the survivors:
Header text | |
1. Their 'Absolute Freedom'.d henceforth | |
2. Reparations.e [(in the form of land) acreage] | |
3. Directives to ... as noted in the following chart.b & .c |
6.Impact of the House of Burgesses - 1st General Assembly, 1619 AD
7.King James 'Instructions to Follow' - 1606 AD
See also
1. *White Slavery in the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD (II. White Slavery...)
2. *Virginia Colony Presidents and/or Governors (III. Virginia Colony...)
3. Juneteenth
4. Novemberteenth / Aprilteenth
5. March 5th ... (Freedom day...)
6. Reparations for slavery in the United States (install legal grants for land headrights)
7. Instructions to George Yeardley
8. Virginia Company
9. House of Burgesses
10. King James issuance of Commission for Testimonies from Survivors
11. Number of People & Vessel Names sent within the 1st 12 Years of the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD
Explanatory notes
a. Trademark (Service Mark) "Goods and Services": "Providing...publications in the nature of e-books and books in the field of education associated with the end of White Slavery in the Virginia Colony, November 18, 1618 AD and/or April 19, 1619 AD."
b. Use the 12 page document that Thomas Jefferson
c. The author created subtopics (chart) to drill down the detail to easily understanda the contained instructions listed
d. Absolute Freedom meaning from the ebook
e. Describe what the reparations were; also link internal article I already read. GRainey (talk) 20:58, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
Historical Document's Content
Context for each separate page's content is summarized. The document's purpose was to give the new commissioned governor a directive to act upon implementing actions...
| ||||
PARAPHRASED CONTEXT (left col.) OF 1618 AD DOCUMENT'S CONTENT (right col.) | |
The initial intents of the VCL were to create a colony (foundation) for others through the blessings of God, but due to the major setback infringed upon this 1st English Colony, they are in hopes of Yeardley turning things around to make the inhabitants happy via practicing just laws like those practiced in the Courts of England that were expressed to Governor Argall for implementation; this includes the ease from taxes, public burdens, oppression and corruption, to provide allotments of lands for individuals, His Majesty, and for Officers; Yeardley is instructed to start with designating several thousand acres of land in Jamestown for the seat and land for the Governor, those to be, which will be considered freed grounds for common labor of designated people sought via the VCL's charges; |
"Our former cares and endeavours have been chiefly bent to the procuring and sending people to plant in Virginia so to prepare a way and to lay a foundation whereon a flourishing state might in process of time by the blessing of Almighty God be raised. Now our trust being that under the government of you Captain Yeardley with the advice and assistance of the said council of state such publick Provisions of corn and cattle will again be raised as may draw on those multitudes who in great abundance from divers parts of the Realm were preparing to remove thither if by the late decay of the said publick store their hopes had not been made frustrate and their minds thereby clean discouraged. We have thought good to bend our present cares and consultations according to the authority granted unto us from his majesty under his great Seal to the settling thereof a laudable form of Government by Magistracy and just laws for the Happy guiding and governing of the people there inhabiting like as we have already done for the well ordering of our own courts here and of our officers and actions for the behoof of that Plantation. And because our intent is to ease all the Inhabitants of Virginia forever of all Taxes and publick burthens as may be and to take away all occasion of oppression and corruption, we have thought fit to begin (according to the laudable example of the most famous commonwealths both past and present) to alot and lay out a convenient portion of publick lands for the maintainance and support as well of Magistracy and officers as of other publick charges both here and there from time to time arising. We therefore the said Treasurer and company upon a solemn treaty and resolution, and with the advice, consent, and assent with his majesty's council here of Virginia being assembled in a great and general court of the -council and company of adventurers for Virginia, require you the said governor and council of state there to put in Execution with all convenient speed a former order of our courts (which had been commended also to Captain Argall at his making Deputy Governor) for the setting and laying out by bounds and metes of three thousand acres of Land in the best and most convenient place of the Territories of James Town in Virginia and near adjoining to the Said Town to be the Land and Seat of the Governor of Virginia for the time being and his successors and to be called by the name of the Governor's Land which Governor's Land shall be of the freed grounds by the common Labour of the people sent thither at the Company's Charges and of the Lands formerly conquered or purchased of the Paspeheies and of other grounds next adjoining. In like sort we require you to set and lay out by Bounds and metes other three thousand acres of good land within the Territory of James Town which shall be convenient. And in such Place or Places as in your Discretions you shall find meet which latter three thousand acres shall be and so called the company's Land." |
Yeardley is further instructed to inherit the guards assigned Gov. Argall for defense, take 50 new persons as tenants for placement upon the Governor’s land, and for all to know, henceforth, anyone who took advantage of transportation costs provided to the VCL since Dale’s departure, April 1616, is considered tenants of the VCL; |
"And we Require you Captain Yeardley that immediately upon your arrival you take unto you the guard assigned to Captain Argal at his going Deputy Governor or since by him assum'd to be of your Guard for the better defence of your Government and that as well the said Guard as also fifty other Persons now sent and transported with you you place as tenants on the said.governor's Land" |
That all tenants on governors and VCL’s lands will share half the profits matured while the other half find itself in the hands of the Governor, Treasurer and VCL and future successors; and, out the half profits issued us, one fifth shall be allotted for wages to Bailiffs and Officers for oversight of tenants and lands, and further, towards securing the maintenance of all cattle considered public stock and store upon the VCL’s land during winter; |
"And that all other persons heretofore transported at the common charge of the company since the coming away of Sir Thomas Dale Knight late Deputy Governor be placed as Tenants on the Governor's and companie's lands shall occupy the same to the half part of the profits of the said Lands so as the one half to be and belong to the said Tenants themselves and the other half respectively to the said Governor and to us the said Treasurer and company and our Successors. And we further will and ordain that of the half profits arising out of the said companies Lands and belonging to the said Treasurer and company the one moiety be employed for the entertainment of the said Councils of State there residing and of other publick officers of the general Colony and Plantation (besides the Governor) according to the proportion as hereafter we shall express and in the mean time as you in your discretions shall think meet. And the other moiety be carefully gathered kept and shipped for England for the publick use of us the said Treasurer and company and our successors. And we will and ordain that out of the half profits of the said companies Lands to us belonging one fifth part be deducted and allotted for the wages of the Bailiffs and other officers which shall have the oversight and government of the said Tenants and Lands and the Dividing gathering keeping or shipping of the particular moiety of the profits belonging Either to the said council and officer there or to us the said Treasurer and company and our successors as aforesaid. Provided always that out of the said companies Lands a sufficient part be exempted and reserved for the securing and wintering of all sorts of Cattle which are or shall be the publick stock and store of the said company." |
That there shall be the establishment of four major Cities or boroughs named as such: 1) Jamestown, 2) Charles City, 3) Henrico, and 4) Kecoughtan; |
"And forasmuch as our intent is to establish oiir equal Plantations whereof we shall speak afterwards be reduced into four cities or Boroughs namely the chief city called James Town, Charles City, Henrico, and the Borough of Kiccotan." |
"And that in all those foresaid cities or Boroughs the ancient adventurers and Planters which were transported thither with Intent to Inhabit at their own costs and charges before the coming away of Sir Thomas Dale, Knight, and have so continued during the space of, three years, shall have upon a first Division to be afterwards by us augmented one hundred acres of Land for their personal adventure and as much for every single share of twelve pounds ten shillings paid for such share allotted and set out to be held by them their Heirs and assigns forever.
And that for all such planters as were brought thither at the Company's charge to Inhabit there before the coming away of the said Sir Thomas Dale after the time of their service to the Company on the common Land agreed shall be expired there be set out one hundred acres of Land for each of their Personal adventure to be held by them their Heirs and assigns for ever paying for every fifty acres the yearly free Rent of one shilling to the said Treasurer and company and their successors at one entire payment on the feast day of Saint Michaels the Archangel forever. And in regard that by the singular Industry and virtue of the said Sir Thomas Dale the former Difficulties and Dangers were in greatest part overcome to the great ease and security of such as have been since that time transported thither, we do therefore hereby ordain that all such persons as since the coming away of the said Sir Thomas Dale have at their own charges been transported thither to Inhabit and so continued as aforesaid there be allotted and set out at first Division fifty acres of Land to them and their Heirs forever for their Personal adventure paying a free Rent of one shilling yearly in manner aforesaid and that all persons which since the going away of the said Sir Thomas Dale have been transported thither at the company's charges or which hereafter shall be so transported be placed as Tenants on the company's lands for the term of seven years occupy the same to the half part of the profits as is above said." |
That within Charles City, 3 thousand acres of land be set out, while in like manner, within Henrico, 3 thousand acres be set out; and that 3 thousand acres be set out in Kecoughtan to be called Company lands where tenants lie along with designating such profits from this land to be shared as mentioned. As for the profits that associate themselves with the Company of Jamestown, they should be used upon ballies and reserved for the grounds whereupon the common store of cattle lay; |
"We therefore will and ordain that other three thousand acres of Land be set out in the fields and Territory of Charles City and other three Thousand Acres of Land in the fields and Territory of Henrico and other three Thousand Acres of Land in the field and Territories of Kiccowtan all which to be and be called the company's Lands and to be occupied by the Company's Tenants for half profits as aforesaid and that the profits belonging to the Company be disposed by their several moieties in the same manner as is before set down touching the company's Lands in the Territory of James Town with like allowance to the Bailiffs and reservation of ground for the common store of cattle in those several places as is there set down" |
That it be guaranteed for those who are the Company’s Tenants within any city/borough not arbitrarily be removed to any other; |
"And our will is that such of the companies Tenants as all ready inhabit in those severall cities or Burroughs be not removed to any other city or Burrough, but placed on the companies Lands belonging to those cities and Burroughs where they now Inhabit. Provided always that if any private person without fraud or Injurious intent to the publick at his own charges have freed any of the said lands formerly appointed to the Governor he may Inhabit and continue there till a valuable recompense be made him for his said charges" |
That the Governor’s house in Jamestown, erected by the Company’s Servants on Gov. Gates watch, its later enhancement will continue to be the Governor’s residence; |
"And we do hereby ordain that the Governors house in James Town first built by Sir Thomas Gates Knight at the charges and by the Servants of the Company, and since Enlarged by others by the very same means, be and continue for ever the Governor's house any pretended undue Grant made by misinformation and not in as general and Quarter Court to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding." |
That Ministers be granted the ability to perform service for Almighty God for all those in need of such comfort; That within every city/borough several quantities of 100 acres of land dedicated to religious practices conducted by Ministers of parishes and their maintenance allowing contributions from profits growing or renewing within several farms making their living subject to 200 pounds sterling per year or more as hereafter there shall be cause; That for the benefit of those who pay taxes and contributions toward the existence of Magistrates and Officers, and further, other charges to noted cities/boroughs within precincts/territories allotted (several quantities) 1500 acres of land considered common land; |
"And to the intent that Godly learned and painful Ministers may be placed there for the Service of Almighty God and for the Spiritual Benefit and Comfort of the people, we further will and ordain that in every of those cities or Boroughs the several Quantity of One Hundred Acres of Land be set out in Quality of Glebe Land toward the maintainance of the Several ministers of the Parishes to be there limitted. And for a further supply of their maintenance there be raised a yearly standing and certain contribution out of the profits growing or renewing within the several farms of the said parish and so as to make the living of every minister two hundred Pounds sterling per annum or more as here after there shall be cause And for a further ease to> the Inhabitants of all taxes and contributions to support and for the Entertainment of the particular magistrates and officers and of all other charges to the said cities and Boroughs respectively belonging. We likewise will and ordain that within the precincts or Territories of the said cities and Boroughs shall be set out and aloted the several Quantities of fifteen hundred Acres of Land to be the common Land of the said city or Borough for the uses aforesaid and to be known and called by the name of the city's or Borough's Land." |
That by special grant/license from King James a general contribution dedicated to this land of building and planning a college for the training of Children of [slur] to true religion, more virtue, civility and other Godly thought; That, based on a former grant/order, confirm and ratified through this document, a chosen place to set out the strategic planting of a university at Henrico and the preparation for building such college for the Children of [Slur] according to instruction to follow; That 10 thousand acres, part of the impaled land and other land within Henrico, be allotted and set out for endowing the noted University/College with no difficult possessions attached; |
"And whereas by a special grant and license from his majesty a general contribution over this Realm hath been made for the building and planting of a college for the training up of the children of those Infidels in true Religion moral virtue and civility and for other Godly uses. We do therefore according to a former grant and order hereby ratify, confirm and ordain that a convenient place be chosen and set out for the planting of a University at the said Henrico in time to come, and that in the mean time preparation be there made for the building the said college for the children of the Infidels according to such Instructions as we shall deliver. And we will and ordain that ten Thousand acres partly of the Lands they impaled and partly of other Land within the territory of the said Henrico be allotted and set out for the Endowing of the said University and college with sufficient possessions." |
That it be confirmed, ratified and granted to Yeardley, his heirs, several grounds, and lands; |
"Whereas also we have by order of court heretofore in consideration of the long good and faithful service done by you Captain George Yeardley in our said colony and plantation of Virginia. And in reward thereof and also in regard of two single shares in money paid into our Treasury granted unto you the said Captain Yeardley all that parcel of Marsh Ground called Weynock and also our other piece and parcel of Land adjoining to the said Marsh called by the natives Konwan one parcel whereof abutteth upon a creek there called Mapsock towards the east and the other parcel thereof towards a creek there called Queen's Creek on the West and extendeth in Breadth to landward from the head of Said Creek called Mapsock up to the head of the Said Creek called Queen's Creek (which Creek called Queen's Creek is opposite to the point there which is now called Tobacco point and abutteth South upon the River and North to the Landward) all which Several Lands are or shall be henceforward accounted to be lying within the Territory of the said Charles City and exceed not the Quantity of two thousand and two hundred acres. We therefore the Treasurer and company do hereby again grant, ratify and confirm unto you the said Captain George Yeardley the said grounds and lands to you the said Captain George Yeardley your Heirs and assigns forever." |
That there be the opportunity for all trades to seek relevance within all four Cities/Boroughs. That the opportunity allow itself for artisans to their art or trade and later follow pursuits to husbandry or any other rural business. To promote this notion, the Governor and local Council is encouraged to provide such opportunities within any precinct subject to one dwelling house with 4 acres of land, subject to fee simple terms for such tradesman, his heirs in perpetuity with only having to pay four pence annually to the Treasurer and Company at the feast of Michaelmas, the end of September; With regard to all other plantations associated with Ancient Adventurers, any Ancient Adventurer or Planter associating himself unto the Society of Smiths and Martins Hundred, the plantation Argall, Capt. Martin, the late Delaware, or by some new Adventurers group forthcoming as the Plantation of Lawne Gentleman and others; |
"And for the better encouragement of all sorts of necessary and laudable trades to be set up and exercised within the said your cities or Boroughs. We do hereby ordain that if any artizan or Tradesman shall be desirous rather to follow his particular Art or Trade than to be employed in Husbandry or other rural business It shall be lawful for you the said governor and council to alot and set out within any of the precincts aforesaid one dwelling House with four acres of Land adjoining, and held in fee simple to every said Tradesman his heirs and Assigns forever upon condition that the said Tradesman his heirs and assigns do continue and exercise his Trade in the said House paying only the free rent of four pence per year at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel for ever, to us the said Treasurer and company and our Successors. And touching all other particular Plantations set out or like to be set out in convenient multitudes either by divers of the ancient adventurers associating themselves together (as the Society of Smiths Hundred and Martin's Hundred) or by some ancient adventurer or Planter associating others unto him (as the plantation of Captain Samuel Argall and captain John Martin and that by the late Lord Lawar advanced) or by some new adventurers joining themselves under one head (as the plantation of Christopher Lawne Gentleman and others now in providing) our intent being according to the rules of Justice and good government to alot unto every one his due yet so as neither to breed disturbance to the right of others, nor to interrupt the good form of government intended for the benefit of the people and strength of the colony." |
That these said plantations not be placed within five miles of the four major Cities/Boroughs; and should any person arbitrarily attempt to violate such rule without permission, he will be forced to move to a remote place by themselves from the force of the Governor and local Council; also, when such persons fulfill this condition upon any four Cities/Boroughs, making them to near to those authorized, it is expected that all expenses incur upon their pocket. And, in like manner, no latter plantation be seated within 10 miles of the former plantation(s); And that no plantation(s) shall be placed in an unfortunate place for failure; if anything, it will be united within any territory to be incorporated through the eyes of the Company into one corporate body and live under equal and fair laws as those who benefit within the colony; |
"We do therefore will and ordain that of the said particular plantations none be placed within five miles of the said former cities and Boroughs and that if any man out of his own presumption or pleasure without special direction from us hath heretofore done otherwise a convenient time be assigned him and them by your directions to remove to some farther place by themselves to be chosen with the allowance and assent of the governor for the time being and the council of State. And that the Inhabitants of the said city or Borough too near unto which he or they were placed make him or them a valuable recompense for their charges and expence of time in freeing of grounds and Building within those precincts. In like sort we ordain that no latter particular plantation shall at any time hereafter be seated within ten miles of the former. We also will and ordain that no particular plantation be or shall be placed straglingly in the divers places to the weakening of them but be united together in one seat and Territory that so also they may be incorporated by us into one body corporate and live under equal and like law and orders with the rest of the colony. " |
Priority has been placed upon preventing any fraud associated with grants of intent issued by the Company for legitimate persons or their associates, and a follow-up is mandatory to list this legitimate person assumed associates’ names for delivery to the Governor and Council within 1 year after the formal issued date of grant; And that the true Adventurer of the Company, one who has legitimately paid money for shares in writing, identifying how many shares, thus assigned a designed Plantation with due proportion of land shall be granted, indicating an act of the presence of no fraud; And should any such person not consider an Adventurer of the Company, having paid their shares, taking the liberty to inhabit such plantation for the continuation of 3 years, possessing an allotment of 50 acres of land, shall pay, annually, 12 pence to the fore mentioned authorities; And should any person take the position of issuing grant(s) with intent to defraud for gain, and even worse, make contact whereupon to influence many Ancient Planters of any mentioned city/borough for the purpose to create grant(s) among them; And upon that take the liberty with intent to hurt or hinder the colony in anyway, or also attempt to, in like manner, place association to masters of ships and mariners never intending to inhabit there; Thus, it shall be remedied through preventing such unlawful acts along with the notion of sedition for such grantees and their respective grants that are not of license of us, the Treasurer and Company in a sealed General and Quarter Court; to this context, these attempts shall equate to all intents and purposes, utterly, void; And for those companies not members of our Company, known to be fraudsters of intent, with intent to inhabit Virginia without any bona-fide grant issued, from us, attempt to create disorder with the colony, shall subject themselves to the sealed General and Quarter Court formally--these companies shall be considered Occupiers (fraudsters); And to this context, shall pay, annually, to the for mentioned authorizes, for occupying such land one full forth part of received profits ASAP based on the grant issued; And if the case arises that the company’s members and Adventurers’ monies are paid into the Treasury to be tenants or servants at a plantation with legal relationship through the VCL’s eyes, and yet without any grant in writing via the sealed General Quarter Courts, the said Adventurers, Planters, or Company will be entitled to up to 2 years after their official arrival to procure a sealed grant from the General Quarter Court (in other words, they will remain, officially, occupiers, but not bona fide persons); |
"We will and ordain also for the preventing of all fraud in abusing of our grants contrary to the Intent and just meaning of them, That all such persons as have procured or hereafter shall procure grants from us in general words unto themselves and their associates or to like effect shall within one year after the date hereof deliver up to us in writing under their hands and seals as also unto you the said governor and council what be or were the names of those their first associates. And if they be of the adventurers of us the Company which have paid into our Treasury money for their shares that then they Express in that their writing for how many shares they join in the said particular Plantation to the End a Due proportion of Land may be set out unto them, and we the said Treasurer and company be not defrauded of our Due. And if they be not of the adventurers of the company which have paid into our Treasury money for their shares yet are gone to inhabit there and so continue for three years, there be allotted and set out fifty acres of Land for every such person paying a free rent of twelve pence the year in manner aforesaid all such persons having been planted there since the coming away of Sir Thomas Dale.
And forasmuch as we understand that certain persons having procured such grants in general words to themselves and their associates or to like effect have corruptly of late endeavoured for gain and worse respects to draw many of the Ancient Planters of the said four Cities or Boroughs to take grants also of them and thereby to become associated unto them with intent also by such means to overstrengthen their party and thereupon have adventured on divers enormous courses tending to the great hurt and hindrance of the Colony, Yea and have also made grants of like association to Masters of Ships and mariners never intended there to Inhabit, thereby to defraud his majesty of the customs due unto him. We to Remedy and prevent such unlawful and greedy courses tending also directly to faction and sedition Do hereby ordain that it shall not be lawful lor the Grantees of such grants to associate any other unto them but such as were their associates from the first time of the said Grants without the express license of U3 the said Treasurer and company in a Great General and Quarter Court under our Seal obtained. And that all such after and under grants of Association made or to be made by the said Grantees shall be to all Intents and purposes utterly void, and for as much as we understand that divers particular persons (not members of our Company) with their companies have provided or are providing to remove into Virginia with intent (as appeareth) by way of Association to shioud themselves under the general grants last aforesaid — which may tend to the great disorder of our colony and hinderance of the good government which we desire to establish. We do therefore hereby ordain that all such persons as of their own will and authority shall remove into Virginia without any grant from us in a great general and Quarter Court in writing under our Seal be deemed (as they are) to be occupiers of our land that is to say of the common Lands of us The Treasurer and company, and shall yearly pay unto us for the said occupying of our land one full fourth part of the profits thereof till such time as the same shall be granted unto them by us in manner aforesaid, and touching all such as shall be members of our Company and adventurers by their moneys into our Treasury, shall either in their own persons or by their agents, Tenants or Servants set up in Virginia any such particular plantation tho' with the privity of us the said Treasurer and Company yet without any grant in writing made in our said General Quarter Courts as is requisite. We will and ordain that the said Adventurers and Planters Shall within two year after the arrival of them or their company in Virginia, procure our grant in writing to be made in our general Quarter Court and under our seal of the Land by them possessed and occupied, or from thence forth shall be deemed only occupiers of the Common Land. As is aforesaid till such times as our said Grant we also not more intending the reformation of the errors of the said than for advancing of them into good courses, and therein to assist them by all good means. We further hereby ordain that to all such of the said particular as shall truly fully observe the orders afore and here- after specified there be alotted and set out over and above our former Grants one Hundred Acres of Glebe Land for the minis- ter of every and fifteen hundred acres of Borough Land for the publick use of the said Plantation, not intending yet hereby either to abridge or enlarge such Grant of Glebe or common Land as shall be made in any of our grants in writing to any of the said particular plantations. We also will and ordain that the like proportion of maintainance out of the and profits of the Earth be made for the several ministers of the said particular plantations as have been before set down for the ministers of the said former cities and Boroughs. We will and ordain that the governor for the time being and the said Council of State do justly perform or cause to be perform all such grants, covenants and Articles as have and shall be in writing in our great and General Quarter Courts to any of the said particular plantations. Declaring all other grants of Lands in Virginia not made in one of our great and General Quarter Courts by force of his Majesty's Letters patents to be void, and to the end aforesaid we will and ordain that all our grants in writing under our Seal made in our great and general Quarter Courts be entered into your Records to be kept there in Virginia." |
At the same time, forbid that the Charter of Land granted to Capt. Argall and his associates, bearing the date the 20th of March 1616, be entered into your records because of his slight and cunning acts through his own voluntary acts as Governor of Virginia; We also declare, and henceforth, that in one of our formal Courts established and enacted it ratify and confirm these orders and laws and that all grants of land privileges and liberties in Virginia hereafter made be passed by Indenture and sealed by the Grantees in places where they can be found for evidence gathering. |
"Yet directly forbidding that a charter of Land granted to Captain Samuel Argall and his associates bearing Date the twentieth of March. 1616, be entered in your Records or otherwise at all respected for as much as the same was obtained by slight and cunning and afterwards upon suffering him to go Governor of Virginia was by his own voluntary act left in our custody to be cancelled upon grant of a new charter which We do also hereby declare that heretofore in one of our said general and Quarter Courts we have ordained and enacted and in this present court have ratified and confirmed these orders and Laws following. That all Grants of Lands priviledges and Liberties in Virginia hereafter to be made be passed by Indenture a counterpart whereof to be sealed by the and to be kept the companies evidences and that the Secretary of the Company have the Engrossing of all such Indentures. That no Patents or Indentures of Grants of Lands in Virginia be made and sealed but in a full general and Quarter Court the same having been first throughly perused and approved under the hands of a select committee for that purpose" |
That all grants issued, henceforth, from receiving monies from new Adventurers to the treasure for their shares equivalent to 12 lbs. 10 shillings are entitled to 100 acres upon the 1st division and placed within the 2nd Division when the land of the 1st Division is sufficiently peopled; And that those transported within 7 years after midsummer day 1618 and he shows the continuance thereof for 3 years or die in the meantime after transported, it shall be 50 acres given to such person within the 1st Division, and upon it sufficiently peopled, 50 more acres upon a 2nd Division of land; |
"That all grants of in Virginia to such adventurers as have heretofore brought in their money here to the Treasury for their several shares being of Twelve Pound ten shillings the share be of one hundred acres the share upon the first Division and of as many more upon a Second Division when the Land of the first Division shall be sufficiently peopled. And for every person which they shall transport thither within seven years after midsummer day one thousand six hundred and eighteen, if he continue there three years or die in the mean time after he is shipped it be fifty acres the person upon the first division and fifty more upon a second Division, the first being sufficiently peopled without paying any rent to the company for the one or the other and that in all such grants the names of the said adventurers and the several numbers ot each of their shares be expressed." |
That all grants that reflect the Adventurer’s names and their respective shares purchased be shown accordingly; That grantees, during the granted 7 years and time to time, must see to it that an official certificate of authenticity is issued to the Treasurer and Company from the Chief Officer; within this certificate shall lie: 1) the number 2) names 3) ages 4) sex 5) trades and 6) conditions of such person(s) so transported to be entered by the Secretary into the Official Register Book; its purpose: to prevent inhabitation to any who is not registered; If they continue there for three years or die after they are shipped there shall be a grant made of fifty acres for every person upon a 1st division and as many more upon a second division (the first being peopled) which grants to be made respectively to such persons and their heirs at whose charges the said persons going to inhabit in Virginia shall be transported with reservation of twelve pence yearly rent for every fifty acres to be answered to the said treasurer and Company and their Successors for ever after the first seven years of every such Grant. That all Register Books will be kept firmly and unviolated for observation for the inhabitants of Virginia in perpetuity; |
"Provided always and it is ordained that if the said adventurers or any of them do not truly and effectually within one year next after the sealing of the said grant pay or discharge all such sums of money wherein by subscription (or otherwise upon notice thereof given from the auditors) they stand indebted to the company, or if the said adventurers or any of them having not lawful Right either by purchase from the company or by assignment from some other former adventurers within one year after the said Grant or by special gift of the company upon merit preceding in a full Quarter Court to so many shares as he or they pretend, Do not within one year after the said grant satisfie and pay to the said Treasurer and company for every Share so wanting after the rate of twelve pounds ten shillings the share that then the said grant for so much as concerneth the Part
and all the shares of the said persons so behind and not satisfying as aforesaid shall be utterly void. Provided also and it is ordained that the Grantees shall from time to time during the said seven years make a true certificate to the said Treasurer council and company from the chief officer or officers of the places respectively of the number names, ages, Sex, Trades and conditions of every such persons so transported or shipped to be entered by the Secretary into a Register Book for that purpose to be made. That for ail persons not comprised in the order next before which during the next seven years after Midsummer day, 1618, shall go into Virginia with intent there to inhabit if they continue there three years or dye after they are shipped, there shall be a Grant made of fifty acres for every person upon a first division and as many more upon a second division (the first being peopled) which grants to be made respectively to such persons and their Heirs at whose charges the said persons going to inhabit in Virginia shall be transported with reservation of Twelve pence yearly Rent for every fifty acres to be answered to the said Treasurer and company, and their Successors for ever after the first Seven Years of every such grant. In which Grants a provisoe to be incerted that the grantees shall from time to time during the said seven years make a true certificate to the said Treasurer Council and Company from the chief officer or officers of Places respectively of the number, ages, names, sex, Trades and conditions of every such person so transported or shipped to be entered by the Secretary into a register Book for that purpose to be made that all grants as well the one sort as the other respectively be made with equal favours and grants of like Liberties and immunities as near as may be to the End that all complaint of partiality diflferencie may be prevented all which said orders and we hereby will and ordain to be firmly and unviolably kept and observed and that the Inhabitants have notice of them for their use and Benefit." |
And lastly, Yeardley and local Council, shall meet to survey all lands and territories in Virginia noted; contained within this comprehensive surveyance, boundaries and meters shall be measured for creating the four Major Cities/ Boroughs and plantations and later divided for understanding to be placed in a proforma manner for differentiation. These proforma documents shall contain your seal and thereafter sent to the Company. |
"Lastly we do hereby require and authorize you the said Captain George Yeardley and the said Council of State, associating
with you such others as you shall there find meet to survey or cause to be surveyed all the Lands and Territories in Virginia above mentioned, and the same to set out by Bounds and Metes especially so as that the Territories of the said several cities and Boroughs and other particular plantations may be conveniently divided and known the one from the other. Each survey to be set* down distinctly in writing and returned to us under your hands and Seals. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our common Seals given in a great and general Court of the Council of the Company of adventurers of Virginia, held the eighteenth day of November, 1618, and in the year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord James, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c. Vizt of England, France and Ireland the Sixteenth and of Scotland the two and fiftieth" |
November 18, 1618 AD | The eighteenth day of November 1618 AD. |
See Also
[edit]1. *White Slavery in the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD (article on proof of 'White Slavery...')
2. *Virginia Colony Presidents and/or Governors (III. Virginia Colony...)
3. Juneteenth
4. March 5th ... (Freedom day...)
5. Reparations for slavery in the United States
9. King James issuance of Commission for Testimonies from Survivors
Explanatory Notes
[edit]a. Trademark (Service Mark) "Goods and Services": "Providing...publications in the nature of e-books and books in the field of education associated with the end of White Slavery in the Virginia Colony, November 18, 1618 AD and/or April 19, 1619 AD."
b. Use the 12 page document that Thomas Jefferson
c. The author created subtopics (chart) to drill down the detail to easily understanda the contained instructions listed
d. Absolute Freedom meaning from the ebook
e. Describe what the reparations were; also link internal article I already read. GRainey (talk) 20:58, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
[edit]I.a Novemberteenth / Aprilteenth -- White Slavery Freedom Document for Survivors of the Virginia Colony, 1618 AD
[edit]Novemberteenth / Aprilteenth is a United States Patent and Trademark Office Tradename[4]
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that commemorates the 1618 AD document: "Instructions to George Yeardley" (aka the "Great Charter").
November 18, 1618 is the published date for this document by the Virginia Company (the Enslaver) in
England, while its arrival and announcement date, for its message, occurred April 19, 1619 in the Virginia Colony.
The purpose of this document served as:
- A freedom document,
- An announcement for reparations (install legal grants for 'headrights') for the 400 survivors of the enslaved European Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD -- the 1st Legal Slave Period in British Colonial America; and
- Directives to ...
This considered freedom document serves as the result of formally granting the enslaved Europeans who survived the 1st Legal Slave Period in British Colonial America - the Virginia Colony, 1607 1619 AD.
This tradename ("November" and "eighteenth" & "April" and "nineteenth") is syntaxed after the portmanteau name "Juneteenth" because it represents another emancipation date for the survivors of the above-mentioned legal slave period. This noted emancipation date, November 18, 1616, was formally issued by the "Virginia Company" (The Enslaver) in England with the description: "Instructions to George Yeardley"[5], the new governor commissioned to govern the Virginia Colony which he delivered by announcing its contents (message) to the 400 colony residents who survived this slavery period.
This noted emancipation date, November 18, 1616, was formally issued by the "The Virginia Company" (The Enslaver) in England with the description: "Instructions to George Yeardley", the new governor commissioned to govern the Virginia Colony which he delivered by announcing its contents (message) to the 400 colony residents who survived this slavery period.
Context for each separate page [published in 1618 AD by the Virginia Company] is summarized. The document's purpose was to give the new commissioned governor a directive to act upon implementing
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Previous Outlay and/or Format: Novemberteenth / Aprilteenth are, respectively, portmanteaus: "November" and "eighteenth" & "April" and "nineteenth." Novemberteenth is attributed to November 18, 1618, the official issuance date of the document called "Instructions to George Yeardley" in London by the Virginia Company of London for delivery to the residents (survivors) of the Colony of Virginia. Aprilteenth is attributed to April 19, 1619, the official delivery date for announcement that changes in the lives of all Virginia Colony Residents, thenceforth, will occur, pursuant to said instructions, such as absolute freedom of ...,
Its name is a portmanteau of "June" and "nineteenth", the date of its celebration. Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in forty-five states.
From: The Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London for the first Colony in Virginia, November 18, 1618
To: Captain George Yeardley Elect Governor of Virginia and to the Council of State there being or to be Greeting
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United States Declaration of Independence | |
1823 facsimile of the engrossed copy | |
Created | June–July 1776 |
Ratified | July 4, 1776 |
Location | Engrossed copy: National Archives and Records
Administration Rough draft: Library of Congress |
Author(s) | Thomas Jefferson et al. |
Signatories | 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress |
Purpose | To announce and explain separation from Great Britain |
The initial intents of the VCL were to create a colony (foundation) for others through the blessings of God, but due to the major setback infringed upon this 1st English Colony, they are in hopes of Yeardley turning things around to make the inhabitants happy via practicing just laws like those practiced in the Courts of England that were expressed to Governor Argall for implementation; this includes the ease from taxes, public burdens, oppression and corruption, to provide allotments of lands for individuals, His Majesty, and for Officers; Yeardley is instructed to start with designating several thousand acres of land in Jamestown for the seat and land for the Governor, those to be, which will be considered freed grounds for common labor of designated people sought via the VCL's charges; |
1. REGARDLESS OF VCL’S INITIAL INTENTS FOR THE VIRGINIA COLONY, ITS ULTIMATE INTENT IS `…TO TAKE AWAY ALL OCCASION OF OPPRESSION AND CORRUPTION’[edit]The initial intents of the VCL were to create a colony (foundation) for others through the blessings of God. But due to the major setback infringed upon this 1st English Colony, they are in hopes of Yeardley turning things around to make the inhabitants happy via practicing just laws like those practiced in the Courts of England that were expressed to Governor Argall for implementation; this includes the ease from taxes, public burdens, and `to take away all occasion of oppression* and corruption’ [view also `infinitive phrase’ below in ‘Original Text’], but to provide allotments of lands for individuals, Majesty, and for Officers; Yeardley is instructed to start with designating several thousand acres of land in Jamestown for the seat and land of the Governor, those to be, and shall be considered freed grounds for common labor of designated people sought via the VCL's charges.[edit] |
[edit]II - White Slavery in the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD
[edit]“Virginia, for twelve years after its settlement, had languished under the government of Sir Thomas Smith, Treasurer of the Virginia Company in England. The Colony was ruled during that period by laws written in blood; and repeatedly suffered an extremity of distress too horrible to be described.”
Historian George Bancroft - New York, October 3, 1856.f and [6] |
"A Briefe Declaration of the Plantation of The Ancient Planters Nowe Remaining Alive in Virginia - 1624" | |
File:Easter.svg | |
Also called | Slavery Period for White Settlers in the Virginia Colony |
Observed by | London Company (the Enslaver) and King James I |
Significance | 1st Legal Slave Period in British Colonial America, 1607 to 1619 AD |
First time | 1607 to 1610 AD - Predominately known as the Starvation Period in Virginia Colony 1610 to 1619 AD - 1st Legal (Institutional) Slavery Period in British Colonial America |
Started by | London Company and King James I |
Related to | Predates 2nd Legal Slavery Period - Transatlantic Slavery Period |
The 1st 12-years of the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD, was the 1st Legal Period of Slavery in British Colonial America based upon documented authenticated documents. During this period, the Virginia Colony received a total of 1,976.[1] white settlers (Ancient Farmers-wikilink), and when 1619 AD arrived only 400 survived.[2]
1-show the chart
2-provide website link to 'Internet Archive'
1. The 1st Legal Slavery Period in British Colonial America
- a. Mandate to Build Forts, New Plantiations/Towns and the Evolution of Farmer Group Corporations - the 3 Charters
- b. Martial Law -
- c. Conditions of Enslavement - insert chart with links (subtopics)
- d. Public Execkutions
2.Virginia Colony Presidents and/or Governors - wikilink or ebook
3.Economic and Social Classes created for 1st Settlers - from ebook
4.False Narratives used to Promote a System of Indentured Servitude during the Starvation Period - from ebook
5.Survivors suggested use for the notion 'Censure' - from ebook
6. King James issuance of Commission for Testimonies from Survivors, from ebook
See Also
1. *Novemberteenth / Aprilteenth article - wikilink
2. Heritage websites reference(s) - wikilink
3. Slavery in the colonial history of the United States article - wikilink
4. Ancient Planter - wikilink
5. King James 'Instructions to Follow' - 1606 AD, from ebook
Explanatory notes
[1] Bancroft, George, “The Project Gutenberg eBook, Colonial Records of Virginia,” Introductory Note, p. vi.a. Bancroft, “The Project Gutenberg eBook, Colonial Records of Virginia,” Introductory Note, p. vi.
[edit]III - Chart for 'Juneteenth'
Juneteenth | |
Also called | 2.a2.b |
Observed by | United States |
Type | Federal |
Significance | Emancipation of slaves in the United States |
Celebrations | Festivals, partying, parades, church services |
Observances | African-American history, culture, and progress |
Date | June 19[c] |
Frequency | Annually |
First time |
Started by | No central organizing group but some early celebrations held by the Freedmen’s Bureau |
Related to | Emancipation Day |
This article is part of a series on the |
History of the United States |
Part of a series on |
African Americans |
- ^ a b "Juneteenth Celebrated in Coachella". Black Voice News. June 22, 2011. Archived from the original on January 22, 2012.
- ^ Gulevich, Tanya (2003). Encyclopedia of Christmas and New Year's Celebrations. Omnigraphics. pp. 188–211. ISBN 9780780806252. Retrieved June 21, 2021.
- ^ Jefferson, Thomas.
{{cite web}}
: Missing or empty|title=
(help) - ^ "Commercial website for the 'United States Patent Trademark Office' declaring authenticity of the legally registered tradename (service mark)".
- ^ Lib. "Instructions to George Yeardley". Library of Congress.
- ^ Bancroft, George. "Bancroft, "The Project Gutenberg eBook, Colonial Records of Virginia," Introductory Note, p. vi".
{{cite web}}
: Check|archive-url=
value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ 3.a"Cel-Liberation Style! Fourth Annual Juneteenth Day Kicks off June 19". Milwaukee Star. June 12, 1975. Retrieved May 7, 2020.3.b
- ^ 4.aSilva, Daniella (June 16, 2020). "What to know about Juneteenth, the emancipation holiday". NBC News. Retrieved June 19, 2020.4.b
- ^ 5.aDavis, Kenneth C. (June 15, 2011). "Juneteenth: Our Other Independence Day". Smithsonian. Retrieved June 27, 2019.5.b
- ^ Cite error: The named reference
was invoked but never defined (see the help page). - ^ Gulevich, Tanya (2003). Encyclopedia of Christmas and New Year's Celebrations. Omnigraphics. pp. 188–211. ISBN 9780780806252. Retrieved June 21, 2021.
IV - Sample
[edit]Socrates (example) | |
Born | 470 BC |
Died | 399 BC |
Occupation | Philosopher |
Spouse | Xanthippe |
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V - Indentured Servitude in the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD
[edit]“Virginia, for twelve years after its settlement, had languished under the government of Sir Thomas Smith, Treasurer of the Virginia Company in England. The Colony was ruled during that period by laws written in blood; and repeatedly suffered an extremity of distress too horrible to be described.”
Historian George Bancroft - New York, October 3, 1856.f and [1] OVERVIEW: A. The name of the term and its roots: The term Indentured Servitude(1.wikilink) is considered an institution and famously known to have been introduced and installed in the 13 British Colonies(2.wikilink).0 It is known to have its roots from England as far back as the "Elizabethan Period" (1500s).0.a that evolved from the famous term and institution called 'Apprenticeship'(3.wikilink)(aka: Internship) that continues to have its characteristics today throughout the world in the workplace. A.1 The intended use of this institution in the Virginia Colony(4.wikilink) was not the first instance for use in British Colonial America(5.wikilink) if we make light of its attempt for use in the lost Roanoke Colony, 1585?(6.wikilink) ... But in the Virginia Colony, the opportunity allowed its use because it was installed on a practical basis with its 1st wave of Settlers/Farmers/Planters(7.wikilink) during the 1st period of the Virgina Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD--over four-hundred years ago. A.2 Before the first landing(8.wikilink) in Virginia in 1607 AD, the VCL(9.wikilink)--the administrator to colonize the Virginia Colony by King James's three Royal Decree charters(10.wikilink)--was granted the status of a legal London trading company to create investment options--the sale of stocks--for two membership groups for Adventurers(11.wikilink): (1) one who would physically ventured to the colony, and (2) one who invested monies in England. --- B.Holding the same weight for creating investment options for its two membersip groups, the VCL defined structural social and economical groups.1.a which was appealing to the first wave of settlers/farmers/planters:.1.c and .8 (1) the Voluntary Servitude group,(12.wikilink) and (2) the Involuntary Servitude group(13.wikilink) that continue to hold the very same character definitions today; but probably more important, for this these group's merit, was their scrutiny with the enactment of the 13th Amendment (1865 AD)(14.wikilink) of the U.S. Constitution that reinforced its legal application for their use in the United States in that Slavery was legally abolished (which holds that if a person is held against their will that is slavery (involuntary servitude), but continue to be legal if a person is incarcerated)(15.wikilink), while voluntary servitude is legal. Officers of the VCL expressed "Penal Colony".1.d --- C. Starvation for the settlers ensued the first 3 years of this period, 1607 to mid-1610 AD, and yet the remainder comprised the directive to install martial laws for the settlers/farmers/planters to build forts/towns. C.1 The other action put in place by the VCL--for those wanting to participate in either being an investor from afar, or an Adventurer upon the colony--was an undercurrent of deception(16.wikilink) that pointed to false documented narratives (propaganda articles/broadsides)(17.wikipedia).1.e propagated by the VCL about 'The Institution', which proved not to be in place during this first period in the colony. --- D. What followed was the impact of The House of Burgesses in August 1619 AD; it was introduced to the colony for its 1st formal General Assembly that convened annually with 2 representatives (Burgesses) for voting within each plantation. It was the understanding that the colony would be governed by free laws (such as those used in England), i.e., the settlers having a hand in governing themselves.76 The year 1619 was a year before the beginning of the 1st legal period commence [1620-1642] of the 5-consecutive time-periods associated with the Legal System of Indentured Servitude. The 5-consecutive time-periods within the ‘New World’ evolved for almost 300 years in America, 1620 until 1917 AD,.77 --- E. The Institution of Indentured Servitude began its formal installment for practice in the colony in 1620 AD.8.a that led to five consecutive periods for the legal institution for indentured servitude.6 This institution was launched from the actions of the "House of Burgesses" in 1619. --- 0. Historians (and most dictionaries of today).2 typically define it to be: a contract (indenture) between a ... (Institution of Indentured Servitude in America (present day dictionary meaning): The practice of transporting a European to the Americas during the British Colonial Period that began in 1607 AD with consideration to a 4 to 7-year term of labor/debt contract with the intent of paying for ones’ cost of transportation, and taking their skill set or receiving an apprenticeship with the possibility of receiving land.) 0.a Elizabethan article: 1.a Ballagh 1.c Ballagh 1.d Doyle 1.e use Item #1 as the reference in book #3 8. show chart I created 8.a Galenson =[edit]DETAIL: THE ORIGIN AND CONTINUED USE OF THE 'INSTITUTION OF INDENTURED SERVITUDE' A. In 1606 AD King James I: I. Granted a 'letters patent' (to create a corporation) to form The Virginia Company of London (VCL), a joint stock company to establish profits for its investors, and II. Also sanctioned the VCL to colonize the Virginia Colony in 1607 AD, which was responsible to define what the term 'Institution of Indentured Servitude' meant and for whom its use. Within its sphere of definition lied, on one hand, the creation of two membership Adventure classes:.2.b The (1) Adventurer as an Investor in England, and the (2) Adventurer who would traveled to the Virginia Colony as a settler/farmer/planter; and further, on the another hand: Defined categories for several economic and social groups for use within the institution for Indentured Servitude will function for the first wave of settlers/farmers/planters in the Virginia Colony.2, respectively as the following: I. Voluntary Servitude: “A free contract with the Virginia Company or with private persons for a specified term of service with consideration for transportation and maintenance during one’s servitude.”.16 This was a person who performed labor for a certain number of years, considered free people from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland who were called Farmers, but later called Ancient Farmers; they initially believed in this idea of voluntary servitude, as it was presented and promised to them, and thought it would best serve them because it was free transportation to what was considered the "New World"-— who were bondsmen borrowing against their future labor to repay their transportation costs; some would borrow from a friend or relative to pay the ships' captains for his transportation.32 and be part of the promised communal system of sharing natural resources and new markets these Planters were also promised land, housing, vegetable gardens and more through VCL pamphlets: Ballagh, p. 15.; and a category called: II. Involuntary Servitude: “A legal authority that condemned a person to a term of servitude judged necessary for his reformation of prevention from an idle course of life, or as a reprieve from other punishment for the misdemeanors already committed” which was a person convicted of a crime--incarcerated within the prisons/correctional facilities in London, e.g. Newgate Prison or Clerkenwell, or an impoverished and unemployed.33 citizens of England, kidnapped men, woman, children (and convicts to serve out their prison terms);.34 Also mention above: 1. The attempt to use the 'Institution' in Roanoke 2. Apprenticeship/Internship 3. Involuntary Servitude still has the same meaning up to the 13th Amendment Beyond these actions outlined, there was factorial statement that should be noted: since the officers of the VCL were involved in the pre-planning of this experiment, i.e., 'the Institution' was intented and understood to be a "likttle better than a 'Penal Colony'".3 --- 1. Brown and/or Ballagh 2. Ballagh 2.a Ballagh 2.b Ballagh 3. Doyle, p... =[edit]C. DETAIL: Starvation ensued amid the promotion of a False Narrative about 'The Institution' The onslaught of starvation occupied the better part of the first 3 years in the colony because(..wikilink)... Colonial Records of the VCL show that during the latter part of the proven starvation period, 1609 AD, advertisements (post propaganda articles/broadsides) promoting the benevolence of the Institution proved to be the ideal place to be as noted...but some how truth of the colony's condition reached the mainland of the of London, and as a deflection by the hands of the VCL, false narratives were promoted to deceive prospective artificers an noted(post meeting place). This documented proof justified the absolute/abject absence of the 'The Institution' in the colony. The state of play was not only propagating deception by the VCL, but also it conducted lotteries to promote.1 what did not exist. These were coupled with the concurrent issuance of King James's 2nd Charter [in 1609] to the VCL for use martial law to discipline unruly settlers/planters/farmers in the colony to build forts/towns for the next generation of settlers. Look up Captain John Smith's memoirs that later talked about what really happened in the colony. and garden(s) =[edit]D. and E. DETAIL For the remainder of this first 12-year period, forts and towns were built with the use of martial laws by the VCL's commisioned governors(..wikilink) in London, who traveled to the colony. In Auguest 1619 AD, the House of Burgesses was introduced in the colony that enacted the 1st General Assembly that convened annually with 2 representatives (Burgesses) for voting within each plantation. From this stretegic meeting, it was the understanding that the colony would be governed by free laws (such as those used in England), i.e., the settlers having a hand in governing themselves.76 Also attributed from this stretegic meeting launched the first legal period for 'The Institution' that commenced in 1620 AD.1 and what followed were the continual of four periods. The five consecutive time-periods for the legal system for 'The Institution' comprise also 300 years (1620 until 1917 AD).77, and are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. --- 1.Galenson, D
- ^ The holiday name is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth.[1][2]
- ^ First observed on Federal calendars on Friday, June 18, 2021, then Monday, June 20, 2022, per Federal law (5 U.S.C. § 6103), establishing that holidays falling on a Saturday or Sunday are observed on the Friday prior (if the holiday falls on Saturday) or the Monday following (if the holiday falls on Sunday). "Federal Holidays". U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
- ^ The holiday name is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth.[1][11]
- ^ First observed on Federal calendars on Friday, June 18, 2021, then Monday, June 20, 2022, per Federal law (5 U.S.C. § 6103), establishing that holidays falling on a Saturday or Sunday are observed on the Friday prior (if the holiday falls on Saturday) or the Monday following (if the holiday falls on Sunday). "Federal Holidays". U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
- ^ Bancroft, George. "Bancroft, "The Project Gutenberg eBook, Colonial Records of Virginia," Introductory Note, p. vi".
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