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A pair of lions copulating in the Maasai Mara, Kenya
Herring Gulls mating

For most animals, sexual intercourse is used only for reproduction. However, humans, bonobos[1], dolphins[2] and chimpanzees are known to engage in sexual intercourse even when the female is not in estrus (the most fertile period of time in her reproductive cycle). In most cases people have sex for pleasure, and so this behavior in animals is also presumably for pleasure, which in turn strengthens social bonds. See functions beyond reproduction

Many animals which live in the water use external fertilization, whereas internal fertilization may have developed from a need to maintain gametes in a liquid medium in the Late Ordovician epoch. Internal fertilization with many vertebrates (such as reptiles, some fish, and most birds) occur via cloacal copulation (see also hemipenis), while mammals copulate vaginally, and many basal vertebrates reproduce sexually with external fertilization.

However, some terrestrial arthropods do use external fertilization. For primitive insects, the male deposits spermatozoa on the substrate, sometimes stored within a special structure, and courtship involves inducing the female to take up the sperm package into her genital opening; there is no actual copulation. In groups such as dragonflies and many spiders, males extrude sperm into secondary copulatory structures removed from their genital opening, which are then used to inseminate the female (in dragonflies, it is a set of modified sternites on the second abdominal segment; in spiders, it is the male pedipalps). In advanced groups of insects, the male uses its aedeagus, a structure formed from the terminal segments of the abdomen, to deposit sperm directly (though sometimes in a capsule called a "spermatophore") into the female's reproductive tract.

Aesth ub


raja yoga


Raja Yoga
Title : Yoga Sutras
Author : Pathanjali

The Eight limbs:

1. Yama
Code of conduct
2. Niyama
Observances of practices
3. Asana
Yoga postures
4. Pranayama
Breathing exercises
5. Pratyahara
abstraction of the senses
6. Dharana
7. Dhyana
8. Samadhi
Superconscious state

See also:
Surya Namaskara
Yoga exercise

  • This template is limited to Raja Yoga, more descriptive and intuitive.
  • This is focused on a common man, who is new and outsider to yoga concepts.
  • This template is used in eight limbs, for navigation between them.

Headline text




The Kama Sutra has 36 chapters, organized into seven parts. As translated by Burton[3] the contents are structured like following:

Part 1 - Introductory
  1. contents of the book,
  2. three aims and priorities of life,
  3. the acquisition of knowledge,
  4. conduct of the well-bred townsman,
  5. reflections on intermediaries who assist the lover in his enterprises. Total of 5 chapters.
Part 1 - Introductory
  1. contents of the book,
  2. three aims and priorities of life,
  3. the acquisition of knowledge,
  4. conduct of the well-bred townsman,
Part 2 - On Sexual Union
10 chapters on stimulation of desire, embraces types[4], caressing and kisses[5], marking with nails[6], biting and marking with teeth[7], on copulation (positions)[8], slapping by hand and corresponding moaning[9], virile behavior in women, superior coition and oral sex[10], preludes and conclusions to the game of love. It describes 64 types of sexual acts. Total of 10 chapters.
Part 3 - About the Acquisition of a Wife
Chapters on forms of marriage, relaxing the girl, obtaining the girl, managing alone, union by marriage. Total of 5 chapters.
Part 4 - About a Wife
Chapters on conduct of the only wife and conduct of the chief wife and other wives. Total of 2 chapters.
Part 5 - About the Wives of Other People
Chapters on behavior of woman and man, encounters to get acquainted, examination of sentiments, the task of go-between, the king's pleasures, behavior in the gynoecium. Total of 6 chapters.
Part 6 - About Courtesans
Chapters on advice of the assistants on the choice of lovers, looking for a steady lover, ways of making money, renewing friendship with a former lover, occasional profits, profits and losses. Total of 6 chapters.
Part 7 - On The Means of Attracting Others to One's Self
Chapters on improving physical attractions, arousing a weakened sexual power. Total of 2 chapters.
  1. ^ Frans de Waal, "Bonobo Sex and Society", Scientific American (March 1995): 82-86.
  2. ^ Dinitia Smith, "Central Park Zoo's gay penguins ignite debate", San Francisco Chronicle (February 7, 2004). Available online at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/02/07/MNG3N4RAV41.DTL.
  3. ^ http://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/kama/index.htm Date checked: 29 March 2007
  4. ^ Embracing in Kama Sutra
  5. ^ Kissing in Kama Sutra
  6. ^ Using nails in sex in Kama Sutra
  7. ^ Using teeth in sex in Kama Sutra
  8. ^ Sex positions in Kama Sutra
  9. ^ Using hands in sex, and moaning types in Kama Sutra
  10. ^ oral sex in Kama Sutra