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Chemical symbol

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This is a list of chemical elements by symbol, including the current symbols used to identify the chemical elements as recognized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, as well as proposed and historical symbols. Also given is each element's atomic number, atomic weight or most stable isotope, group and period numbers on the periodic table, and origin of the symbol if not obvious from the current name of the element.

Chemical Series of the Periodic Table
Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Lanthanide Actinides Transition metals
Poor metals Metalloids Nonmetals Halogens Noble gases

Current symbols

Chemical Symbol Element Name Atomic Number Atomic Weight Group Period Origin of Symbol
Ac Actinium 89 [227]Template:Fn   7  
Ag Silver 47 107.8682(2)Template:Fn 11 5 Latin Argentum
Al Aluminium (Aluminum) 13 26.981538(2) 13 3  
Am Americium 95 [243]Template:Fn   7  
Ar Argon 18 39.948(1)Template:Fn Template:Fn 18 3  
As Arsenic 33 74.92160(2) 15 4  
At Astatine 85 [210]Template:Fn 17 6  
Au Gold 79 196.966 55(2) 11 6 Latin Aurum
B Boron 5 10.811(7)Template:Fn Template:Fn Template:Fn 13 2  
Ba Barium 56 137.327(7) 2 6  
Be Beryllium 4 9.012182(3) 2 2  
Bh Bohrium 107 [264]Template:Fn 7 7  
Bi Bismuth 83 208.980 38(2) 15 6  
Bk Berkelium 97 [247]Template:Fn   7  
Br Bromine 35 79.904(1) 17 4  
C Carbon 6 12.0107(8)Template:Fn Template:Fn 14 2  
Ca Calcium 20 40.078(4)Template:Fn 2 4  
Cd Cadmium 48 112.411(8)Template:Fn 12 5  
Ce Cerium 58 140.116(1)Template:Fn   6  
Cf Californium 98 [251]Template:Fn   7  
Cl Chlorine 17 35.453(2)Template:Fn Template:Fn Template:Fn 17 3  
Cm Curium 96 [247]Template:Fn   7  
Co Cobalt 27 58.933 200(9) 9 4  
Cr Chromium 24 51.9961(6) 6 4  
Cs Caesium (Cesium) 55 132.905 45(2) 1 6  
Cu Copper 29 63.546(3)Template:Fn 11 4 Latin Cuprum
Db Dubnium 105 [262]Template:Fn 5 7  
Ds Darmstadtium 110 [271]Template:Fn 10 7  
Dy Dysprosium 66 162.500(1)Template:Fn   6  
Er Erbium 68 167.259(3)Template:Fn   6  
Es Einsteinium 99 [252]Template:Fn   7  
Eu Europium 63 151.964(1)Template:Fn   6  
F Fluorine 9 18.9984032(5) 17 2  
Fe Iron 26 55.845(2) 8 4 Latin Ferrum
Fm Fermium 100 [257]Template:Fn   7  
Fr Francium 87 [223]Template:Fn 1 7  
Ga Gallium 31 69.723(1) 13 4  
Gd Gadolinium 64 157.25(3)Template:Fn   6  
Ge Germanium 32 72.64(1) 14 4  
H Hydrogen 1 1.00794(7)Template:Fn Template:Fn Template:Fn 1 1  
He Helium 2 4.002602(2)Template:Fn Template:Fn 18 1  
Hf Hafnium 72 178.49(2) 4 6  
Hg Mercury 80 200.59(2) 12 6 Latin Hydrargyrum
Ho Holmium 67 164.930 32(2)   6  
Hs Hassium 108 [277]Template:Fn 8 7  
I Iodine 53 126.904 47(3) 17 5  
In Indium 49 114.818(3) 13 5  
Ir Iridium 77 192.217(3) 9 6  
K Potassium (Kalium) 19 39.0983(1) 1 4 German Kalium
Kr Krypton 36 83.798(2)Template:Fn Template:Fn 18 4  
La Lanthanum 57 138.9055(2)Template:Fn   6  
Li Lithium 3 6.941(2)Template:Fn Template:Fn Template:Fn Template:Fn 1 2  
Lr Lawrencium 103 [262]Template:Fn 3 7  
Lu Lutetium 71 174.967(1)Template:Fn 3 6  
Md Mendelevium 101 [258]Template:Fn   7  
Mg Magnesium 12 24.3050(6) 2 3  
Mn Manganese 25 54.938049(9) 7 4  
Mo Molybdenum 42 95.94(2)Template:Fn 6 5  
Mt Meitnerium 109 [268]Template:Fn 9 7  
N Nitrogen 7 14.0067(2)Template:Fn Template:Fn 15 2  
Na Sodium 11 22.989770(2) 1 3 Latin Natrium
Nb Niobium 41 92.906 38(2) 5 5  
Nd Neodymium 60 144.24(3)Template:Fn   6  
Ne Neon 10 20.1797(6)Template:Fn Template:Fn 18 2  
Ni Nickel 28 58.6934(2) 10 4  
No Nobelium 102 [259]Template:Fn   7  
Np Neptunium 93 [237]Template:Fn   7  
O Oxygen 8 15.9994(3)Template:Fn Template:Fn 16 2  
Os Osmium 76 190.23(3)Template:Fn 8 6  
P Phosphorus 15 30.973761(2) 15 3  
Pa Protactinium 91 231.03588(2)Template:Fn   7  
Pb Lead 82 207.2(1)Template:Fn Template:Fn 14 6 Latin Plumbum
Pd Palladium 46 106.42(1)Template:Fn 10 5  
Pm Promethium 61 [145]Template:Fn   6  
Po Polonium 84 [210]Template:Fn 16 6  
Pr Praseodymium 59 140.90765(2)   6  
Pt Platinum 78 195.078(2) 10 6  
Pu Plutonium 94 [244]Template:Fn   7  
Ra Radium 88 [226]Template:Fn 2 7  
Rb Rubidium 37 85.4678(3)Template:Fn 1 5  
Re Rhenium 75 186.207(1) 7 6  
Rf Rutherfordium 104 261Template:Fn 4 7  
Rg Roentgenium 111 [272]Template:Fn 11 7  
Rh Rhodium 45 102.905 50(2) 9 5  
Rn Radon 86 [220]Template:Fn 18 6  
Ru Ruthenium 44 101.07(2)Template:Fn 8 5  
S Sulfur 16 32.065(5)Template:Fn Template:Fn 16 3  
Sb Antimony 51 121.760(1)Template:Fn 15 5 Latin Stibium
Sc Scandium 21 44.955910(8) 3 4  
Se Selenium 34 78.96(3)Template:Fn 16 4  
Sg Seaborgium 106 [266]Template:Fn 6 7  
Si Silicon 14 28.0855(3)Template:Fn 14 3  
Sm Samarium 62 150.36(3)Template:Fn   6  
Sn Tin 50 118.710(7)Template:Fn 14 5 Latin Stannum
Sr Strontium 38 87.62(1)Template:Fn Template:Fn 2 5  
Ta Tantalum 73 180.9479(1) 5 6  
Tb Terbium 65 158.92534(2)   6  
Tc Technetium 43 [98]Template:Fn 7 5  
Te Tellurium 52 127.60(3)Template:Fn 16 5  
Th Thorium 90 232.0381(1)Template:Fn Template:Fn   7  
Ti Titanium 22 47.867(1) 4 4  
Tl Thallium 81 204.3833(2) 13 6  
Tm Thulium 69 168.93421(2)   6  
U Uranium 92 238.02891(3)Template:Fn Template:Fn Template:Fn   7  
Uub Ununbium 112 [285]Template:Fn 12 7  
Uuh Ununhexium 116 [292]Template:Fn 16 7  
Uup Ununpentium 115 [288]Template:Fn 15 7  
Uuq Ununquadium 114 [289]Template:Fn 14 7  
Uut Ununtrium 113 [284]Template:Fn 13 7  
V Vanadium 23 50.9415(1) 5 4  
W Tungsten 74 183.84(1) 6 6 German Wolfram
Xe Xenon 54 131.293(6)Template:Fn Template:Fn 18 5  
Y Yttrium 39 88.90585(2) 3 5  
Yb Ytterbium 70 173.04(3)Template:Fn   6  
Zn Zinc 30 65.409(4) 12 4  
Zr Zirconium 40 91.224(2)Template:Fn 4 5  

Symbols not currently used

Chemical Symbol Name Atomic Number Source
A Argon 18 Current symbol is Ar.
Ab Alabamine 85 Discredited claim to discovery of astatine.
Am Alabamium 85 Discredited claim to discovery of astatine.
An Actinon 86 Name given at one time to an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of actinium.
An Athenium 99 Proposed name for einsteinium.
Ao Ausonium 93 Discredited claim to discovery of neptunium.
Az Azote 7 Proposed name for nitrogen.
Bv Brevium 91 Proposed name for protactinium.
Bz Berzelium 59 Proposed name for praseodymium.
Cb Columbium 41 Former name of niobium.
Cb Columbium 41 Proposed name for americium.
Cp Cassiopeium 71 Proposed name for lutetium.
Ct Centurium 100 Proposed name for fermium.
Ct Celtium 72 Former name of hafnium.
Da Danubium 43 Proposed name for technetium
Db Dubnium 104 Proposed name for rutherfordium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 105.
Di Didymium - Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements praseodymium and neodymium.
Dp Decipium 62 Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture primarily of samarium.
Eb Ekaboron 21 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, scandium closely matched the prediction.
El Ekaaluminium 31 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, gallium closely matched the prediction.
Es Ekasilicon 32 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, germanium closely matched the prediction.
Es Esperium 94 Discredited claim to discovery of plutonium.
Fa Francium 87 Current symbol is Fr.
Fr Florentium 61 Discredited claim to discovery of promethium.
Gl Glucinium 4 Former name of beryllium.
Ha Hahnium 105 Proposed name for dubnium.
Ha Hahnium 108 Proposed name for hassium.
Il Illinium 61 Discredited claim to discovery of promethium.
Io Ionium 90 Name given at one time to an isotope of thorium identified in the decay chain of uranium.
J Iodine 53 In some languages, the name for iodine begins with J instead of I.
Jg Jargonium 72 Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium.
Jo Joliotium 105 Proposed name for dubnium.
Ku Kurchatovium 104 Proposed name for rutherfordium.
Lw Lawrencium 103 Current symbol is Lr.
M Muriaticum 9 Former name of chlorine.
Ma Masurium 43 Disputed claim to discovery of technetium.
Md Mendelevium 97 Proposed name for berkelium. The symbol and name were later used for element 101.
Me Mendelevium 97 Proposed name for erbium. The name was later used for element 101.
Ms Masrium - Discredited claim of discovery of a new element.
Mt Meitnium 91 Proposed name for protactinium.
Mv Mendelevium 101 Current symbol is Md.
Ng Norwegium 72 Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium.
Ni Niton 86 Proposed name for radium.
No Norium 72 Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium.
Ns Nielsbohrium 105 Proposed name for dubnium.
Ns Nielsbohrium 107 Proposed name for bohrium.
Nt Niton 86 Proposed name for radium.
Nw Newtonian 67 Proposed name for holmium.
Ny Neoytterbium 70 Former name of ytterbium.
Od Odinium 62 Proposed name for samarium
Pe Pelopium 41 Proposed name for niobium
Po Potassium 19 Current symbol is K.
Pp Philippium - Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of other elements.
Rf Rutherfordium 106 Proposed name for seaborgium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 104.
Sa Samarium 62 Current symbol is Sm.
So Sodium 11 Current symbol is Na.
Sp Spectrium 70 Proposed name for ytterbium.
St Antimony 51 Current symbol is Sb.
Tn Thoron 86 Name given at one time to an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of thorium.
Tn Tungsten 74 Current symbol is W.
Tu Thulium 69 Current symbol is Tm.
Tu Tungsten 74 Current symbol is W.
Ty Tyrium 60 Proposed name for neodymium.
Unb Unnilbium 102 Temporary name given to nobelium until the permanent name was chosen.
Une Unnilennium 109 Temporary name given to meitnerium until the permanent name was chosen.
Unh Unnilhexium 106 Temporary name given to seaborgium until the permanent name was chosen.
Uno Unniloctium 108 Temporary name given to hassium until the permanent name was chosen.
Unp Unnilpentium 105 Temporary name given to dubnium until the permanent name was chosen.
Unq Unnilquadium 104 Temporary name given to rutherfordium until the permanent name was chosen.
Uns Unnilseptium 107 Temporary name given to bohrium until the permanent name was chosen.
Unt Unniltrium 103 Temporary name given to lawrencium until the permanent name was chosen.
Unu Unnilunium 101 Temporary name given to mendelevium until the permanent name was chosen.
Uun Ununnilium 110 Temporary name given to darmstadtium until the permanent name was chosen.
Uuu Unununium 111 Temporary name given to roentgenium until the permanent name was chosen.
Vi Virginium 87 Discredited claim to discovery of francium.
Vm Virginium 87 Discredited claim to discovery of francium.
Yt Yttrium 39 Current symbol is Y.


  • Template:Fnb The element does not have any stable nuclides, and a value in brackets, e.g. [209], indicates the mass number of the longest-lived isotope of the element. However, three elements, Thorium, Protactinium, and Uranium, have a characteristic terrestrial isotopic composition, and thus their atomic mass given.
  • Template:Fnb The isotopic composition of this element varies in some geological specimens, and the variation may exceed the uncertainty stated in the table.
  • Template:Fnb The isotopic composition of the element can vary in commercial materials, which can cause the atomic weight to deviate significantly from the given value.
  • Template:Fnb The isotopic composition varies in terrestrial material such that a more precise atomic weight can not be given.
  • Template:Fnb The atomic weight of commercial Lithium can vary between 6.939 and 6.996—analysis of the specific material is necessary to find a more accurate value.


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