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2008 Andean diplomatic crisis

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2008 Andean diplomatic crisis
Ecuador Colombia Venezuela
Map of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela

The 2008 Andean diplomatic crisis began after the incursion of the Colombian military into Ecuadorian territory across the Putumayo River during the early hours of March 1, 2008, which resulted in the death of Raúl Reyes (nom-de-guerre of Luis Devia) and 16 other members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The incursion led to increased tensions between Colombia and Ecuador, as well as the movement of Venezuelan and Ecuadorian troops to their respective borders. At a Rio Group summit on 7 March 2008, the crisis ended with a public reconciliation of the parties involved in the dispute.[1]


The FARC is considered a terrorist group by the Colombian government, the United States,[2] Canada,[3] the Latin American Parliament,[4] and the European Union.[5][6] They fund themselves principally through kidnapping and extortion as well as taxation of different stages of the illegal drug business in the areas where they have de facto authority.[7][8]

In 2007, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba acted as authorized mediators in the ongoing Humanitarian Exchange between the FARC and the government of Colombia. Colombian President Álvaro Uribe gave permission for Chávez to mediate under the conditions that all meetings with the FARC would take place only in Venezuela and that Chávez would not directly contact members of the Colombian military, but instead would go through the proper diplomatic channels.[9][10] President Uribe abruptly terminated Chávez's mediation on November 22, 2007 after Chávez personally contacted General Mario Montoya Uribe (no relation to Álvaro), the Commander of the Colombian National Army.[11] In response Chávez said he would be willing to mediate again but that he had withdrawn Venezuela's ambassador to Colombia and that he had placed Colombian-Venezuelan relations "in a freezer". He also called Uribe a "liar and a cynic".[12] Uribe responded that Colombia needed "mediation against terrorism, not for Chávez to legitimize terrorism", that Chávez was not interested in peace in Colombia, and that Chávez was building an expansionist project on the continent.[13] From January to February 2008, FARC unilaterally released six hostages "as a gesture of goodwill" toward Chávez, who brokered the deal and picked them up by sending Venezuelan helicopters with Red Cross logos into Colombian jungles.[14]

Incursion of the Colombian military into Ecuador

Santa Rosa is located in Ecuador
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
The incursion took place in the vicinity of Santa Rosa de Yanamaru in Ecuador's Sucumbíos province
Santa Rosa raid
00°22′37″N 77°07′48″W / 0.37694°N 77.13000°W / 0.37694; -77.13000
TargetRevolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
DateMarch 1, 2008 (2008-03-01)
00:25 (UTC–5)
Executed byColombian Armed Forces
Casualties24[15] killed

The week before the attack it was revealed that the Colombian government, with assistance of the U.S. federal government's FBI and DEA, had wiretapped several satellite phones purchased in Miami and then delivered to FARC forces in Southern Colombia.[16][17] According to an unnamed Colombian military source, an international call made by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on February 27 to Raul Reyes via satellite phone was intercepted by authorities. The source claimed that Chávez called Reyes to inform him that the release of three FARC hostages held captive for almost 7 years had been successfully completed, and the intercepted call was then used to track Reyes to a location in Colombian soil near the border with Ecuador.[18]

Colombian troop movements from Cali to the border area had begun on February 29.[19] On March 1, 2008 at 00:25 local time (0525 UTC), Colombia launched a military operation 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) inside Ecuador's border that resulted in the death of Raúl Reyes and at least 22 additional members of FARC.[20][21][22]

Colombian intelligence reports indicated that Raúl Reyes was expected to stay near the Colombian location of Granada for the night of February 29, 2008.[23] On and after February 27, several members of the guerrilla's 48th Front were captured by Colombian security forces near the Ecuadorian border, taking away some support from the main group. During the subsequent operation, the Colombian Air Force stormed Granada, followed by a Colombian special forces group and members of the Colombian National Police.[24] According to authorities, the guerrillas reacted to the initial bombardment from a position in the vicinity of Santa Rosa de Yanamaru, on the Ecuadorian side of the border, killing Colombian soldier Carlos Hernández. A second bombardment was carried out as a response, resulting in the deaths of Raúl Reyes, Guillermo Torres (nom-de-guerre "Julián Conrado") and at least 21 more guerrilla members.[23] The two bodies, several documents and three laptops found in the guerrilla camp were returned to Colombia.[25][21][26]

This was the first time the Colombian military had killed a member of FARC's leadership council in combat.[27] After the operation, Colombian authorities increased security measures nationwide fearing FARC retaliation.[28]

According to the Ecuadorian government, the attack happened 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) inside its territory without its permission and was a planned air strike followed by the incursion of Colombian troops transported by helicopters. The attack left a total of 20 guerrilla members dead in Ecuadorian territory, many of them wearing underwear or sleeping clothes. Ecuador's government concluded that the attack was a "massacre" and not the result of combat or "hot pursuit". Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa estimated that the war planes penetrated 10 km into Ecuador's territory and struck the guerrilla camp while flying north, followed by troops in helicopters who completed the killings, adding that some of the bodies were found shot from behind.[29] Ecuadorian authorities found three wounded women in the camp, including a Mexican student identified as Lucía Andrea Morett Álvarez.[30][31] Lucía Morett claimed she was visiting the guerrilla group as part of an academic investigation, refusing to answer other questions about her time among them.[32] Regarding the attack on the camp, she has stated: "I was asleep when we received a first aerial attack. Two or three hours later we were attacked again".[32] Ecuador was investigating together with Mexico whether Mexicans were killed during the raid.[33] According to the director of the Ecuadorian military hospital which treated the three women, they had received some sort of medical attention from both the attacking Colombian forces and the Ecuadorian soldiers who found them later.[34]

Diplomatic developments

On Saturday, March 1, Álvaro Uribe said a few hours after the operation that "today we have taken another step against terrorism, that does not respect borders" and added that he took full responsibility for the operation.[35] Uribe also spoke by telephone with his Ecuadorian counterpart, Rafael Correa, before 8:30 am, to inform him of the incident.[36]

In a press conference that evening, Correa rejected the incident as an "aggression" against Ecuador, considered the result to be a "massacre" after describing that the rebels had been killed in their sleep using "advanced technology", and said he was summoning his ambassador in Colombia for consultations.[36]

Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez called the attack "a cowardly murder" and reacted by closing his country's embassy in Colombia and moving troops near the border with Colombia.[37]

On Sunday, March 2, Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa announced that a diplomatic note would be sent in protest,[38] saying that the action was a violation of Ecuador's airspace.[39] Ecuador also formally recalled its ambassador from Colombia, and expelled the Colombian ambassador in Quito.[36]

The Colombian government announced it would not mobilize any troops in response to Hugo Chávez's order to move 10 battalions towards the frontier and that it will not respond to the accusations made by Chávez on his weekly TV program Aló Presidente, who denounced the President Uribe as a "liar", "a lackey of North-American Imperialism" and claimed Colombia sought to become "the Latin American equivalent of Israel", linking Colombia's actions with his criticism of Israel Defense Forces' strikes on Palestinian militants.[40]

Colombian foreign minister Fernando Araújo Perdomo apologized to Ecuador, "for the action that we were forced to take in the border zone". He added that "the Colombian government never had the intention or disposition to be disrespectful of or to violate the sovereignty or integrity of the sister republic of Ecuador".[41]

The Colombian foreign ministry affirmed that Raúl Reyes "directed for many years criminal operations in the southern part of our country, covertly, from Ecuadorian territory, without the approval of that government". The Colombian government said it was ready "to compensate any Ecuadorian citizens that could have been affected".[42]

The Colombian National Police also held a press conference at which it revealed a series of documents seized from the guerrillas that allegedly implicated both Venezuela and Ecuador in supporting FARC activities. (See seized documents, below.)

FARC spokesmen announced that Raúl Reyes's death "should not affect the search of an humanitarian agreement for interchange of kidnapped people". They added that they "We invite to revolutionary firmness, to not surrender any effort in support of an humanitarian exchange, to continue in our intentions of peace and construction of an effective democracy with social justice". FARC has kidnapped hundreds of people, and it seeks to exchange some 40 hostages for 500 guerrilla members held in Colombian prisons.[43]

A statement issued by Venezuela's foreign ministry on Monday, March 3, announced the decision to order the expulsion of Colombia's ambassador in Venezuela and all diplomatic personnel of the Colombian embassy in Caracas.[44] Authorities in Venezuela partially halted trade at two major border crossings according to Isidoro Teres, president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in the Táchira State border town of Ureña.[45]

That same day, Ecuador's Foreign Ministry issued a statement alluding to its cutting off diplomatic ties with the government of Colombia. The statement reported that president Correa had initially ordered the protection of a Colombian patrol which claimed to be surrounded by 200 FARC elements while Ecuadorian forces were engaging in a mission to verify the events on the border, but that the Colombian forces were "trying to buy time" to return to Colombia after attacking the FARC camp. The Ecuadorian government stated it had intercepted communications showing this and that the Colombian forces knew they had entered Ecuador.[46]

Colombian Minister of Defense Juan Manuel Santos stated that the operation of Colombian troops could have been avoided with a greater cooperation from Quito. "If we had any real collaboration from Ecuador to pursue these groups, this kind of situations wouldn't occur, but we have never had it. They always have taken the position that they do not want to interfere in the Colombian conflict", said Santos.[47]

On Tuesday, March 4, Venezuela's minister for land and agriculture, Elías Jaua, told state broadcaster VTV that Venezuela was closing its border with Colombia.[48]

At a morning press conference, Álvaro Uribe announced that Colombia intended to bring charges against Hugo Chávez with the International Criminal Court for the crimes of funding terrorism and genocide.[49]Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez on March 5 2008 called the Colombian raid that killed two dozen rebels in Ecuador a "war crime," and joined Ecuador's president Rafael Correa in demanding international condemnation of the cross-border attack.[50]

At a ten-hour emergency meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States held in the afternoon of March 4, Ecuador urged the OAS to condemn Colombia's violation of its territorial integrity. Colombia, in response, insisted that the hemispheric body roundly condemn terrorism and its funding. Due to disagreements regarding content, the Council was unable to produce a final declaration on the matter. It did, however, agree to reconvene on March 5 to continue its debates, to convene a meeting of consultation of the member states' foreign ministers on March 17, and to set up an ad hoc fact-finding mission to investigate the incident.[51]

In Brazil as part of a five-nation tour to drum up support for his country's position, President Correa said Ecuador would reestablish diplomatic relations with Colombia "in the very improbable circumstance" of that country offering an unrestricted apology, ensuring that no similar incidents take place in the future, and retracting its allegations of ties between Quito and the FARC. He also emphasized that had any Ecuadorians died in the attack, "we would already be at war".[52][53]

On Wednesday, March 5, Colombian authorities reiterated their commitment to maintaining peace in the region as they announced no troops would be deployed towards its borders.[54]

On 6 March, the OAS criticized, but did not officially condemn, the Colombian excursion into Ecuador. The OAS resolution called on José Miguel Insulza, its secretary general, to form a commission in order to investigate the incident on both sides of the border, as well as to help find a way to resolve the diplomatic crisis between both governments.[55][56] Later that day, Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega announced the breaking of diplomatic relations with Colombia.[57] Nicaragua has a territorial dispute with Colombia over the Colombian territory of San Andrés and Providencia. Hugo Chávez threatened to nationalize Colombian assets in Venezuela saying, "We're not interested in Colombian investments here."[58]

At a Rio Group summit held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on March 7, 2008, Colombia's Álvaro Uribe, Ecuador's Rafael Correa, Venezuela's Hugo Chávez and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega publicly shook hands in a show of good will. The handshakes, broadcast live throughout Latin America, appeared to be a signal that a week of military buildups and diplomatic repercussions was over. After the handshakes, Ortega said he would re-establish diplomatic ties with Colombia.[59][60]

Venezuelan and Ecuadorian troop movements

Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez was moving troops near the border with Colombia,[61] warning that a Colombian incursion into Venezuela would be a "cause for war".[39] Chávez announced that he had put the Venezuelan military on high alert, pledging Venezuela would "back Ecuador in whatever circumstance".[62]

Ecuador also ordered troops to its borders.[63]

The Colombian government announced it would not mobilize any troops in response to Hugo Chávez's order to move 10 battalions towards the frontier.[64][65]

However, the Colombian military and national police was battle-hardened from its years of fighting FARC and the drug traffickers. Moreover ithey had the benefits of the latest military aid, hardware, and training in cooperation with the more than 800 US military advisers there. The US advisers, contrary to Chavez' claim, do not participate in operations except as observers and only fire when fired upon. The Colombian army in general is twice the battle strength of the Venezuelan and Ecuadorean militaries combined.

Seized documents allegedly showing Ecuador-FARC-Venezuela relationship

On the afternoon of March 2, 2008, in a short press release, General Óscar Naranjo, director of the Colombian National Police, as spokesperson of the Colombian government, announced that during the military operation in the Colombia-Ecuador border several documents and three laptops were retrieved along with the bodies of Raúl Reyes and one of his lieutenants.[66][67][68] Copies of 13 documents were provided by Gen. Naranjo to reporters on March 4.[68]

The first set of documents contains a letter from Reyes to the high command of FARC explaining that he had recently held meetings with the Security Minister of Ecuador, Gustavo Larrea, representing President Correa, with the intention of "establishing formal relations with the FARC". In the letter Reyes transmits the following information to the high command: the intention of the Ecuadorian government to replace police forces that do not accept the presence of the guerrilla organization in the area; the request for the release of a hostage, "perhaps the son of professor Moncayo or someone else who may increase political action"; and the decision of Ecuador to annul next year's license for the use of Manta Air Base by the United States.[69][70]

Ecuador's Interior Minister Fernando Bustamante dismissed the allegations as "false". He stated that "We are not going to accept such a thing". He added "It is very easy to say something based on evidence that has not been scrutinized publicly or internationally."[66]

Another set of papers was released in the afternoon on the following day which seem to indicate a relationship between FARC and Venezuela. According to the papers, Chávez gave the FARC guerrillas US$300 million and is assisting the organization to obtain 50 kilograms (110 lb) of uranium. Óscar Naranjo also said there was evidence Hugo Chávez had received 100 million pesos when he was a jailed rebel leader (US$54,000 at the current exchange rate).Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). However, the rest of the documents still have not been released.[71] Vice president of Colombia Francisco Santos stated at a disarmament forum in Geneva that FARC was planning to build a "dirty bomb" although he presented no evidence to back up his affirmations.[72] A message to Reyes seems to indicate that the motive was to sell the uranium for a profit.[68]

A letter from Manuel Marulanda to the Venezuelan President was released on March 4.[73] In this letter Marulanda thanks the Venezuelan Government for its assistance in the war against the Colombian Government and Álvaro Uribe presidency, supported by the United States. FARC also offered their "modest knowledge in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution" in case of "a gringo aggression", understood as assistance against a possible military action from the United States.

Venezuelan Interior Minister Ramón Rodríguez Chacín denied the accusations and stated that "They say that they find in that computer a letter from Marulanda to our commander in chief. Everybody already knows (the letters), the ones showed by our commander in chief. Pay attention, Venezuelan and Colombian people, how they manage the manipulation and deception, that kind of santanderist technique and now with fascism".[74] Rodríguez Chacín also stated that Venezuelan authorities seized months ago another computer from the deceased narcotrafficker Wilson Varela, which in turn implicated Colombian police and General Óscar Naranjo in drug trafficking. "I deduce links of consanguinity and business between that general and that mafia capo to not reveal important information. Juan David Naranjo was one of his links and adjutants, brother of General Óscar Naranjo Trujillo." said Rodríguez Chacín. He added he had not made public the documents before "because of ethics".[75] The affair that involved General Naranjo's brother in drug trafficking was widely know since May 2006, when Naranjo himself announced it to the press. Naranjo "has been credited with spectacular success in the fight against the illegal drug cartels" in Colombia.[76]

The Colombian government stated that it will present the documents to the Organization of American States (OAS) to demonstrate that Venezuela and Ecuador are supporting the FARC, and thereby "violating international law against the harboring of terrorists".[77] President Uribe stated that "our UN ambassador will announce that Colombia intends to denounce Hugo Chávez, President of Venezuela (to the International Criminal Court), for sponsoring and financing people that commit genocide".[78]

On March 3, Ecuadorian interior minister Gustavo Larrea admitted having met with FARC, without specifying where. Later that day, Ecuador's government announced it was in "very advanced talks" with FARC, seeking to free 12 hostages including Ingrid Betancourt. According to President Rafael Correa, the effort was thwarted by Colombia's military operation.[79] The Colombian government rejected this argument, arguing that the captured computer documents revealed Ecuador to be engaging in "hostage trafficking for political means" and political gain, by suggesting it would rotate military personnel in the border and allow FARC to operate more freely.[80][79]

On March 3, Colombian newsweekly Revista Semana published a special edition presenting some of the documents said to be found in the computers seized by the Colombian government.[81][82] The documents include several letters between FARC commanders and the Secretariat, describing:

  • September 22, 2007: a clandestine meeting between "a member or a emissary of the Secretariat" and the President of Venezuela in Caracas in a letter from "JE" to the Secretariat.
  • April 8, 2007: "Daniel" in a letter to members of the Secretariat Joaquín Gómez and Fabián Ramírez about a meeting with an associate of drug lord "Chupeta" with "high acquisitive power" to carry out an exchange of FARC drugs for missiles. According to the document, Chupeta had "contacts" in Lebanon and his organization would handle the transport with two options: via Europe or via Mexico.
  • October 4, 2007: Iván Márquez informs that he has sustained a meeting with Rodríguez Chacín on which the Commanders meeting is going to be held in Venezuela (Fuerte Tiuna in Caracas, Valencia, Barinas or Trujillo), with security enforced by Venezuelan military forces and organized by Rodríguez Chacín, "expert on this kind of issues". If it is celebrated, "President Chávez would be accompanied by Presidents Ortega, Morales and Correa, which are patria o muerte." The meeting between Chávez-Marulanda is still a issue.
  • October 8, 2007 and December 23, 2007: details about two secret meetings between Chacin and FARC. On the first one it deals the request for a survival proof of Ingrid. "He would be thankfull if we send a record with the voice of the Colombian-French lady praising the intervention of him (Chávez) and Piedad. The second one deals about the "300, later called dossier" (the 300 million US dollars Chávez gave FARC) procedure for the release of two hostages in February 2008. It also refers to the request of President Sarkozy that Chávez ask Marulanda to receive his emissary Noe (FARC believes he represents French intelligence). Chávez asked for Ingrid, but "we (FARC) said that if we release her, we are run out of cards".
  • January 18, 2008: the meeting with Ecuador Security Minister, Gustavo Larrea and the request for the release of Moncayo son or something that dynamized the political duty of the mandatory.
  • February 8, 2008: the offer of Chávez to give FARC businesses in Venezuela and gasoline and petroleum to be sold in Colombia. Also his support for "counter-march" to counter-effect that the march of February 4 had in Colombia and the world.
  • February 16, 2008: the deal for 50 kg of uranium, which is going to be sold at 2.5 million USD per kG.

On March 6, 2008 Viktor Bout, a ex-KGB agent turned weapons dealer was arrested in a luxury hotel in Thailand during a raid staged by US DEA agents and executed by Thai police forces. He is accused of supplying weapons to several militias in Asia, the Middle East and the Colombian terrorist group FARC. Sources in Spain[83] claim that his arrest was enabled by information in the captured computers, but this was contradicted by sources in Colombia[84].

The Colombian Administrative Department of Security (DAS) reported it has asked for Interpol's technical support in order to decipher the seized FARC computers. According to DAS, Interpol has accepted the request and is sending several experts to Colombia.[85]

International reaction

Communities and organizations


  •  Argentina's Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana said the country would lodge a protest of the Colombian incursion at an emergency meeting of the OAS and that Argentina was working to coordinate positions with other countries in the region.[88]
  •  Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim condemned Colombia's violation of Ecuador's territory as "very serious" and asked it to offer a "more explicit apology" to "help contain the crisis." Brazil had previously said it would help resolve the conflict, which "is beginning to destabilize regional relations" according to Marco Aurélio Garcia, foreign policy advisor to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Garcia told CBN radio that "we are mobilizing all of Brazil's diplomatic resources and those of other South American capitals to find a lasting solution."[89]
  •  Bolivian President Evo Morales said the two nations' conflict could seriously affect the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) consolidation process. Morales also said he had called a special meeting of the Unasur Council of Foreign Ministers to discuss the Colombia-Ecuador diplomatic crisis on the sidelines of a Rio Group meeting in the Dominican Republic on Thursday.[90]
  •  Chile's President Michelle Bachelet demanded an explanation from Colombia on why its troops entered Ecuador, adding that "The most important thing today is that we can avoid an escalation of this conflict."[91]
  •  Cuba: Former President Fidel Castro, writing in the Communist Party newspaper Granma, blamed the United States for the dispute, saying it was a consequence of "genocidal plans of the Yankee empire."[92]
  •  Mexico's president Felipe Calderón spoke to both Correa and Uribe on Sunday, March 2, and offered his government's support for any efforts they might undertake for the prompt normalization of relations.[93] On March 6, Calderón criticized Colombia's raid saying they reject "any action that constitutes a violation of territorial sovereignty."[94]
  •  Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega condemned the killing of Reyes, saying that president Álvaro Uribe had "killed the possibilities for peace in Colombia."[95] On 6 March 2008, Nicaragua also broke off diplomatic relations with Colombia, following its ally Ecuador.[96] Ortega stated, "We are not breaking relations with the Colombian people. We are breaking relations with the terrorist policy practiced by Álvaro Uribe's government".[97]
  •  Peruvian President Alan García condemned the violation of Ecuador's sovereignty, saying that it was "unacceptable", and called for the Organization of American States to set up guidelines for anti-terror measures.[98]
  •  United States: A spokesman for president George W. Bush expressed surprise at Venezuela's response, saying it was an "odd reaction by Venezuela to Colombia's efforts against the FARC, a terrorist organization that continues to hold Colombians, Americans and others hostage".[27] State Department spokesman Tom Casey said they support Colombia's right to defend itself while urging diplomacy to resolve the issue.[21] On March 4 President Bush himself addressed the issue in a statement in which he offered complete support to Colombia and Álvaro Uribe and accused Hugo Chávez of making "provoking maneuvers" (movement of troops to the border) and urged the Democratic and Republican members of the US Congress to approve the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia as a matter of "a logical economic politic and national security".[99] In a direct phone call with Uribe that same day, Bush assured assistance to "our diplomatic ally".[100] Of those aspiring to contend in this November's presidential election, Hillary Clinton said that Chávez's order of troop movement was "without reason and dangerous"[101] and defended Colombia's right to defend itself from terrorism, while Barack Obama supported the Colombian government's decision but asked for a diplomatic solution.[102] Republican candidate John McCain has always supported Colombia and the importance of a free-trade agreement between the USA and Colombia.[103] Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Thomas Shannon attended the OAS emergency session in Washington on March 4 and during a short live interview for Caracol TV assured that the United States is asking for a diplomatic solution but it will be assisting Colombia "in the case of a military action against (Colombia)". The Pentagon has stated that is "of little concern" the movement of Venezuelan armed forces to the border with Colombia[104] and the Chief of United States Southern Command, admiral James G. Stavridis has stated that it is monitoring the troop movement and that "there are very little chances of a full scale confrontation between Colombia and Venezuela or Colombia and Ecuador.[105]


  •  Israel's ambassador in Argentina, Rafael Eldad, in response to the Venezuelan president's claim that Colombia was becoming "the Latin American equivalent of Israel", said that Hugo Chávez was "introducing the culture of hatred into Latin America" and called for messages of peace and calm for the region.[106]


Key individuals


See also


  1. ^ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/03/07/ST2008030703581.html
  2. ^ U.S. Department of State – Comprehensive List of Terrorists and Groups Identified Under Executive Order 13224
  3. ^ [http://www.presidencia.gov.co/cne/2003/abril/03/03032003.htm Presidence of the Republic of Colombia – FARC, ELN and AUC in the list of terrorist groups of Canada
  4. ^ http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article1357
  5. ^ European Union – FARC, ELN and AUC in the list of terrorist groups of E.U.)
  6. ^ Article 2(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001 [1]. Accessed February 20, 2008.
  7. ^ BBC News. Colombia’s most powerful rebels. September 19, 2003. Accessed April 7, 2007.
  8. ^ International Crisis Group. War and Drugs in Colombia. January 27, 2005. Accessed September 1, 2006.
  10. ^ Template:Es icon "Uribe terminó con mediación de Hugo Chávez". Caracol TV. 2007-11-22. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  11. ^ Template:Es icon "Uribe termina mediación de Chávez". BBC News. 2007-11-22. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ Template:Es icon "Chávez acusa a Uribe de mentiroso y congela las relaciones con Colombia". El Clarín. 2007-11-26. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  13. ^ Template:Es icon "Uribe acusa a Chávez de ser expansionista y de apoyar a la guerrilla en Colombia". Telesur. 2007-11-25. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  14. ^ "Colombian rebels free hostages in jungle to Hugo Chávez". Reuters via Yahoo News. February 27 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-04. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  15. ^ http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080307/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/colombia_venezuela
  16. ^ "FBI tuvo 'chuzados' teléfonos de varios cabecillas de las Farc". El Tiempo. 2008-02-20. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  17. ^ "Propinan golpe demoledor a red logística de las FARC". El Nuevo Herald. 2008-03-02. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  18. ^ "RCN confirma que una llamada de Chávez permitió ubicar a Raúl Reyes". Noticias 24. Retrieved 2008-03-06. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help); Text "2008-03-05" ignored (help); Text "date" ignored (help)
  19. ^ "Desde el viernes empezó a desembarcar tropa para operativo en la frontera". El Tiempo. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help); Text "2008-03-02" ignored (help); Text "date" ignored (help)
  20. ^ "Colombian military says senior rebel commander killed in combat".
  21. ^ a b c d "Farc aura of invincibility shattered". BBC News. 2008-03-01. Retrieved 2008-03-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help) Cite error: The named reference "BBC" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  22. ^ "Colombian Rebel Leader Raul Reyes Killed by Army, Minister Says". Bloomberg. 2008-03-01. Retrieved 2008-03-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  23. ^ a b "Carlos Edilson Hernández León fue el soldado que murió durante el operativo contra Raúl Reyes". El Tiempo. March 3, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-03. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  24. ^ "Desde el viernes empezó a desembarcar tropa para operativo en la frontera". El Tiempo. 2008-03-02. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  25. ^ "Colombian military says senior rebel commander killed in combat".
  26. ^ "Colombian Rebel Leader Raul Reyes Killed by Army, Minister Says". Bloomberg. March 1, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  27. ^ a b "Regional tensions rise after Colombia raid into Ecuador". Agence France-Presse. 2008-03-02. Retrieved 2008-03-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  28. ^ "Colombia boosts security against possible rebel retaliation". Xinhua. 2008-03-03. Retrieved 2008-03-03. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  29. ^ Template:Es icon "Correa: 'No permitiremos que este hecho quede en la impunidad'". El Mundo. 2008-03-03. Retrieved 2008-03-05. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  30. ^ Template:Es icon "Identifican a ciudadana mexicana que resultó herida en campamento de Raúl Reyes". El Tiempo. 2008-03-03. Retrieved 2008-03-03. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
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