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Anders Behring Breivik

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Anders Behring Breivik
File:AB Breivik bilde 1468 lrg.jpg
Anders Behring Breivik
Born (1979-02-13) 13 February 1979 (age 45)[1]
Oslo, Norway[2]
Alma materOslo Commerce School
Known for2011 Norway attacks

Anders Behring Breivik (East Norwegian pronunciation: [²ɑnːəʃ ²beːɾiŋ ²bɾæɪʋiːk]; born 13 February 1979)[1] is a Norwegian terrorist,[5][6] and the confessed perpetrator[7][8] of the 22 July 2011 attacks in Norway. This was the bombing of government buildings in Oslo that resulted in eight deaths, and the mass shooting at a camp of the Workers' Youth League (AUF) of the Labour Party on the island of Utøya where he killed 69 people, mostly teenagers.[9][10][11]

Breivik was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia by the court-appointed psychiatrists. According to their report, Breivik acted compulsively based on a delusional thought universe. Among other things, he alluded to himself as a future regent of Norway pending a takeover by a Templar-like organization. Imagining himself as regent, his ideas included to organize Norwegians in reservations and using them in breeding projects.[12]

Breivik's far-right[13] militant ideology is described in a compendium of texts, titled 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence and distributed electronically by Breivik on the day of the attacks.[13][14][15][16] In it he lays out his worldview, which includes support for cultural conservatism, ultranationalism, right-wing populism, Islamophobia,[17] Zionism, anti-feminism,[18][19] and white nationalism.[20] It also expresses support for paramilitaries such as the Scorpions.[21] It regards Islam and cultural Marxism as the enemy, and argues for the violent annihilation of "Eurabia" and multiculturalism, and the deportation of all Muslims from Europe (culminating in the year 2083)[22] to preserve European Christendom.[13][23][24][25] Breivik wrote that his main motive for committing the atrocities on 22 July was to market this manifesto.[26]


Early life

Anders Behring Breivik grew up on the west side of Oslo. He lived partly with his mother in Skøyen.

Breivik was born in Oslo on 13 February 1979,[2] the son of Wenche Behring, a nurse, and Jens David Breivik, a Civil Economist (at the time a 2-year degree in business studies, i.e. the equivalent of a UK Higher National Diploma), who worked as a diplomat for the Royal Norwegian Embassy in London and later Paris.[27] He spent the first year of his life in London until his parents divorced when he was one year old. His father, who later married a diplomat, fought for his custody but failed. When Breivik was four, two reports were filed expressing concern about his mental health, concluding that Anders ought to be removed from parental care. Breivik lived with his mother and his half sister in the west-end of Oslo and regularly visited his father and stepmother in France, until they divorced when he was 12. His mother also remarried, to a Norwegian Army officer.[28] His family name is Breivik, while Behring, his mother's maiden name, is his middle name and not part of the family name. He may correctly be referred to as either Anders Behring Breivik, as Anders Breivik, or just as Breivik, never as "Behring Breivik" alone (as it is not a double family name).

Anders Breivik has criticised both of his parents for supporting the policies of the Norwegian Labour Party, and his mother for being, in his opinion, a moderate feminist. He wrote about his upbringing: "I do not approve of the super-liberal, matriarchal upbringing as it completely lacked discipline and has contributed to feminising me to a certain degree."

Breivik attended Smestad Grammar School, Ris Junior High, Hartvig Nissen High School and Oslo Commerce School.[29] A former classmate has recalled that he was an intelligent student who often took care of people who were bullied.[30] Breivik chose to be confirmed into the Lutheran Church of Norway at the age of 15.[4][31]

When he reached adolescence, Breivik's behaviour was described as having become rebellious. He and his group of friends would reportedly spend their evenings roaming Oslo spraying tags and other graffiti on buildings.

After he was caught spraying graffiti on walls, his father stopped contact with him at age 16, in 1995.[32] They have not been in contact since then.[33] At this age he also lost contact with his closest friends, when he was expelled from the gang.[34]


Breivik attended Smestad Primary School and Ris middle school in the west of Oslo, and Hartvig Nissens school and Oslo Commerce School (1995-1998). A classmate said that Breivik was perceived as an intelligent person, physically stronger than others of the same age, and that he took care of people who were bullied.[35]

Since adolescence, Breivik had spent much time on weight training, and started using anabolic steroids. He cared a lot about his own looks and about appearing big and strong. In his early twenties he underwent cosmetic surgery, according to friends, in the chin, nose and forehead, and was very satisfied with the result.[36]


Breivik was exempt from conscription to military service in the Norwegian Army and has no military training.[37] The Norwegian Defence Security Department, which conducts the vetting process, say he was deemed "unfit for service" at the mandatory conscript assessment.[38] In 1997, at age 19, he lost 2 million kr. ($369,556[39]) in the stock market.[40] At age 21, he had cosmetic surgery performed to reshape his forehead, nose and chin.[40]

After the age of 21, Breivik was in the customer service department of an unnamed company, working with "people from all countries" and being "kind to everyone".[41] A former co-worker has described him as an "exceptional colleague",[42] while a close friend of his stated that he usually had a big ego and would be easily irritated by those of Middle Eastern or South Asian origin.[43]

Planning attacks

Breivik claims that he started a nine-year-plan to finance the attacks in 2002 (at age 23), founding his own computer programming business while working at the customer service company. He claims that his company grew to six employees and "several offshore bank accounts", and that he made his first million kroner at the age of 24.[44] The company was later declared bankrupt and Breivik was reported for several breaches of the law.[45] He then moved back to his mother's home, according to himself to save money. The psychiatrists who evaluated him said his mental health deteriorated at this stage and he went into a state of withdrawal and isolation.[46] His declared assets in 2007 were about 630,000 kr. ($116,410[39]), according to Norwegian tax authority figures.[41] He claims that by 2008 he had about two million kroner ($369,556[39]) and nine credit cards giving him access to €26,000 in credit.[44]

In May 2009 he founded a farming company under the name "Breivik Geofarm",[47] described as a farming sole proprietorship set up to cultivate vegetables, melons, roots and tubers.[48]

Also in 2009 he visited Prague in an attempt to buy illegal weapons. He was unable to obtain a weapon there, and Breivik decided to obtain weapons through legal channels in Norway instead.[49] He obtained one semi-automatic 9mm Glock 34 pistol legally by demonstrating his membership in a pistol club in the police application for a gun license, and the semi-automatic Ruger Mini-14 hunting rifle by possessing a hunting license.[50]

Breivik had no declared income in 2009 and his assets amounted to 390,000 kroner ($72,063[39]), according to Norwegian tax authority figures.[41] He states that in January 2010 his funds were "depleting gradually". On 23 June 2011, a month before the attacks, he paid the outstanding amount on his nine credit cards in order to have access to funds while he continued his preparations.[44]

In late June or early July 2011, he moved to a rural area south of Åsta in Åmot, Hedmark county, about 140 km (87 mi) northeast of Oslo,[51] the site of his farm. As he admits in his manifesto he used the company as a cover to legally obtain large amounts of artificial fertiliser and other chemicals for the manufacturing of explosives.[51] A farming supplier sold Breivik's company six tonnes of fertiliser in May.[52] The newspaper Verdens Gang reported that after Breivik bought a small quantity of an explosive primer from an online shop in Poland, his name was among 60 passed to the Police Security Service (PST) by Norwegian Customs as having used the store to buy products. Speaking to the newspaper, Jon Fitje of PST said the information they found gave no indication of anything suspicious. In his manifesto Breivik described his first experiments with explosives, and details a successful test detonation at a remote location on 13 June 2011.[53] He sets the cost of the preparations for the attacks at € 317,000 – "130,000 out of pocket and 187,500 euros in lost revenue over three years." [sic][41]

Breivik's farmer neighbour described him as looking like a "city dweller, who wore expensive shirts and who knew nothing about rural ways". Breivik had also covered up the windows of his house. The owner of a local bar, who once worked as a profiler of passengers' body language at Oslo airport, said there was nothing unusual about Breivik, who was an occasional customer at the bar.[54]

2011 attacks

Downtown Oslo, shortly after Brevik's ANFO car bomb detonated.
Flowers laid in front of Oslo Cathedral the day after the attacks.

On 22 July 2011, Breivik bombed government buildings in Oslo, which resulted in eight deaths.

Within hours after the explosion he arrived at Utøya island, the site of a Labour Party youth camp, posing as a police officer and then opened fire on the unarmed adolescents present, reportedly killing 69.[11][55][56] The youngest victim was Sharidyn Svebakk-Bøhn,[57] who was 14 years old.[58] Another victim was Trond Berntsen, the step-brother of Crown Princess Mette-Marit (the son of Princess Mette-Marit’s late stepfather)[59].

Breivik confessed and stated that the purpose of the attack was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover, and that the Labour Party had to "pay the price" for "letting down Norway and the Norwegian people".[60]

When armed police arrived on the island and confronted him, he surrendered without resistance.[61] After arrest and outside court, Breivik was met with an angry crowd, some of whom shouted "burn in hell" or "traitor of country", while some used stronger words.[56][60][62]

Arrest and preparations for trial

On 25 July 2011 Breivik was charged with violating paragraph 147a of the Norwegian criminal code,[63][64] "destabilising or destroying basic functions of society" and "creating serious fear in the population",[65] acts of terrorism under the criminal law, and ordered held for eight weeks – the first four in solitary confinement – pending further court proceedings.[10][66] The custody has been extended in subsequent hearings.[67]

Psychiatric evaluation

Breivik underwent examination by court-appointed forensic psychiatrists in the autumn of 2011. The psychiatrists diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia, concluding that he had developed the disorder over time and was psychotic both when he carried out the attacks and during the observation. He was also diagnosed with abuse of non-dependence-producing substances antecedent of 22 July. The psychiatrists consequently found Breivik to be criminally insane.[68][69]

According to the report, Breivik displayed inappropriate and blunted affect and a severe lack of empathy. He spoke incoherently in neologisms and had acted compulsively based on a universe of bizarre, grandiose and delusional thoughts. Breivik alluded himself as the future regent of Norway, master of life and death, while calling himself "inordinately loving" and "Europe's most perfect knight since WWII". He was convinced that he was a warrior in a "low intensity civil war" and had been chosen to save his people. To the psychiatrists, Breivik described plans to carry out further "executions of categories A, B and C traitors" by the thousands, themselves included, and to organise Norwegians in reservations for the purpose of selective breeding. Breivik believed himself to be the "knight Justiciar grand master" of a Templar organisation. He was deemed to be suicidal and homicidal by the psychiatrists.

According to his defense attorney, Breivik initially expressed surprise and felt insulted by the conclusions in the report. He later stated that "this provides new opportunities".[70]

In Norway, the outcome of Breivik's competency evaluation provoked a debate over the psychiatrists' opinion and the country's definition of criminal insanity.[71] An extended panel of experts from the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine reviewed the submitted report and approved it "with no significant remarks",[72] whereas the psychologists in charge of treating prisoners at Ila landsfengsel reportedly did not agree he was mentally ill or suicidal.[73]

If upheld by the court, the diagnosis means that Anders Behring Breivik cannot be sentenced to prison. The prosecution may instead request that he be detained in a psychiatric hospital.[74] Medical advice will then determine whether or not the courts decide to release him at some later point. If considered a perpetual danger to society, Breivik can be kept in confinement for life.[75]

Writings and video


Janne Kristiansen, Chief of the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST), has stated that Breivik "deliberately desisted from violent exhortations on the net [and] has more or less been a moderate, and has neither been part of any extremist network."[76] He is reported to have written many posts on the Islam-critical[77] website document.no.[78] He also attended meetings of "Documents venner" (Friends of Document), affiliated with the website.[79] Due to the media attention on his Internet activity following the 2011 attacks, document.no compiled a complete list of comments made by Breivik on its website between September 2009 and June 2010.[80][81][82]

In his writings Breivik displays admiration for the English Defence League (EDL), expressing an interest in starting a similar organisation in Norway, and writing that he had advised them to pursue a strategy of provoking overreaction from "Jihad Youth/Extreme-Marxists" which in turn might draw more people to join the organisation.[23][83] On 25 July 2011 British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a review of Britain's own security following the attacks.[84] EDL issued a statement on 24 July 2011 condemning the attacks, saying that "No form of terrorism can ever be justified and the taking of innocent lives can never be justified".[85] Some editorialists criticised the EDL and other anti-Muslim groups in this context.[86][87][88] The Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv writes that Breivik sought to start a Norwegian version of the Tea Party movement in cooperation with the owners of document.no, but that they, after expressing initial interest, ultimately turned down his proposal because he did not have the contacts he promised.[89] He also expressed his admiration of the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (Putinism), finding him "a fair and resolute leader worthy of respect", though he was "unsure at this point whether he has the potential to be our best friend or our worst enemy." Putin's spokesperson Dmitri Peskov has denounced Breivik's actions as the "delirium of a madman".[90]

YouTube video

Six hours before the attacks, Breivik posted a YouTube video urging conservatives to "embrace martyrdom" and showing himself wearing a wet suit and pointing a Ruger Mini-14.[91] He also posted a picture of himself as a Knight Templar officer in a uniform festooned with gold braid and multiple medals.[92] In the video he put an animation depicting Islam as a trojan horse in Europe.[93] Analysts describe it as promoting physical violence towards Muslims and Marxists who reside in Europe.[94]


Breivik has been linked to a document entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence bearing the name "Andrew Berwick". The file was e-mailed to 1,003 addresses about 90 minutes before the bomb blast in Oslo.[95][96] The document describes two years of preparation of unspecified attacks, supposedly planned for autumn 2011, involving a rented Volkswagen Crafter van (just small enough not to require a truck driving license) loaded with 1160 kg of ammonium nitrate/fuel oil explosive(ANFO), a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle ("the most 'army like' rifle allowed in Norway"), a Glock 34 pistol, personal armor including a shield, caltrops, and police insignias. It also reports that Breivik spent thousands of hours on gathering email addresses from Facebook for distribution of the document, and that he rented a farm as a cover for a fake farming company buying fertilizer (3 tons for producing explosives and 3 tons of a harmless kind to avoid suspicion) and as a lab. It describes burying a crate with the armor etc. in July 2010 in the woods, and collecting it on July 4, 2011, and abandoning his plan to replace it with survival gear because he did not have a second pistol.

The introductory chapter of the manifesto defining "Cultural Marxism" is a copy of Political Correctness: A Short History of an Ideology by the Free Congress Foundation.[97][98][99] Major parts of the compendium are attributed to the pseudonymous Norwegian blogger Fjordman.[100] The text also copies sections of the Unabomber manifesto, without giving credit, while exchanging the words "leftists" for "cultural Marxists" and "black people" for "muslims".[101] The New York Times described American influences in the writings, noting that the compendium mentions the anti-Islamist American Robert Spencer 64 times and cites Spencer's works at great length.[102] The work of Bat Ye'or[103] is cited dozens of times.[104] Neoconservative blogger Pamela Geller,[105] Neo-pagan writer Koenraad Elst[106] and Daniel Pipes are also mentioned as sources of inspiration.[107] The manifesto further contains quotes from Thomas Jefferson and George Orwell,[108] as well as from Jeremy Clarkson's Sunday Times column and Melanie Phillips' Daily Mail column.[109] The publication speaks in admiration of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Bruce Bawer, Srđa Trifković,[110] and Henryk M. Broder.[111] The compendium advocates a restoration of patriarchy which it claims would save European culture.[112][113]

In his writings Breivik states that he wants to see European policies on multiculturalism and immigration more similar to those of Japan and South Korea,[114] which he said are "not far from cultural conservatism and nationalism at its best".[115] He expressed his admiration for the "monoculturalism" of Japan and for the two nations' refusal to accept refugees.[116][117]

Norwegian computer security analysts are in the process of researching what appear to be hidden codes in Breivik's manifesto, including references to the GPS coordinates of several major sites throughout Europe.[118]

Benjamin R. Teitelbaum, PhD student at Brown University, said that parts of the manifesto suggest that Breivik was concerned about race, not only about Western culture or Christianity.[20]

Thomas Hegghammer of the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment has described the ideologies of Breivik as "not fitting the established categories of right-wing ideology, like white supremacism, ultranationalism or Christian fundamentalism", but more akin to macro-nationalism and a "new doctrine of civilisational war".[119] Norwegian social scientist Lars Gule characterized Breivik as a "national conservative, not a Nazi".[120]

Religious and political views


Breivik believes in the conspiracy theory of Eurabia, a future Europe dominated by Muslims.

Following his apprehension, Breivik was characterized by analysts as being a right-wing extremist with anti-Muslim views and a hatred of Islam,[121][122] who considered himself as a knight dedicated to stemming the tide of Muslim immigration into Europe.[123][124]

He was at first described by many in the media as a Christian fundamentalist, Christian terrorist, nationalist and right-wing extremist.[6][25][56][125][126][127] He claims that the European Union is a project to create "Eurabia"[128][129][130] and describes the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as being authorised by "criminal western European and American leaders".[131] The Jerusalem Post describes him as pro-Israel and strongly opposed to Islam, and asserts that his manifesto includes "extreme screed of Islamophobia" and "far-right Zionism".[13]

Breivik blames feminism for allowing the erosion of the fabric of European society.[132] The manifesto urges the Hindu nationalists to drive Muslims out of India.[133] He demands the gradual deportation of all Muslims from Europe through repatriation.[134]

English Defense League

Breivik claimed he had contact with the English Defence League (EDL)[86] and claimed to have attempted to expand a Norwegian division to the EDL.[135] The NDL had held a failed rally in Norway in April 2011.[136] Breivik allegedly had extensive links with senior members of the EDL[137] On 26 July, 2011 EDL leader Tommy Robinson denounced Breivik and his attacks and has denied any official links with him.[85]

Breivik wrote online about how he attended an EDL Bradford demonstration.[138]

On 31 July 2011, Interpol requested Maltese police to investigate Paul Ray, a former member of the English Defence League who blogs under the name "Lionheart". Ray conceded that he may have been the inspiration for the Norwegian mass murderer, but deplored his actions.[139][140]

Breivik claimed to have hundreds of EDL members as Facebook friends, and some media reports claimed he had extensive links with senior members of the EDL.[141]


In 2009, he wrote "Today's Protestant church is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like minimalist shopping centres. I am a supporter of an indirect collective conversion of the Protestant church back to the Catholic."[142] On his Facebook profile, Breivik described himself as a Christian,[23] though he is critical of the Catholic and Protestant churches, objecting to their "current suicidal path". Before the attacks, he stated an intention to attend Frogner Church in a final "Martyr's mass".[143]

The manifesto states its author is "100 percent Christian",[4] but he is not "excessively religious"[4] and considers himself a "cultural Christian" and a "modern-day crusader".[3][4] His manifesto states "I'm not going to pretend I'm a very religious person, as that would be a lie", calls religion a crutch and a source for drawing mental strength, and says "I've always been very pragmatic and influenced by my secular surroundings and environment"; regarding the term "cultural Christian" which he says means preserving European culture, he notes "It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian-atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy...)"[127][3] Furthermore, Breivik stated that "myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God."[3][144] Nevertheless, he stated that he planned to pray to God seeking for his help during his attacks.[145]

Breivik condemns Pope Benedict XVI for his dialogue with Islam: "Pope Benedict has abandoned Christianity and all Christian Europeans and is to be considered a cowardly, incompetent, corrupt and illegitimate Pope." It will thus be necessary, writes Breivik, to overthrow the Protestant and Catholic hierarchies, after which a "Great Christian Congress" would set up a new European Church.[146] He has also condemned Christian missionary activity in India as it would lead to the "total destruction of the Hindu faith and culture", and he expresses support for the Hindutva movement against Indian Communist movements.[147]

American Christian press has also highlighted that Breivik appears to have addressed followers of the Neopagan religion of Odinism in his writ. In regards to them, he says, "even Odinists can fight with us or by our side as brothers" in the Knights Templar organization of which Breivik claims to be a founding member. He later says to reject Odinism, saying that the Thor's Hammer cannot unify the people of Europe, but that the Christian cross will.[148]

Deputy police chief Roger Andresen initially told reporters that information on Breivik's websites was "so to speak, Christian fundamentalist".[56][149][150][151] Subsequently, others have disputed Andresen's characterisation of Breivik as a Christian fundamentalist.[146][152] Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, head of the World Council of Churches and himself Norwegian, accused Breivik of blasphemy for citing Christianity as a justification in his murderous attack.[3][153]

Oslo Shooting Club

Breivik was an active member of an Oslo shooting club between 2005 and 2007, and since 2010. According to the club, which has banned him for life, Breivik had taken part in 13 organised training sessions and one competition since June 2010.[154] The club states that it does not evaluate the members' suitability regarding possession of weapons.[155]


Breivik was a member of the Norwegian Freemason organisation. He had displayed photographs of himself in Masonic regalia on his Facebook profile,[156][157] and was a member of St. Olaus t.d. Tre Søiler No. 8 in Oslo.[158] In interviews after the attacks, his lodge stated they had only minimal contact with him, and that when made aware of Breivik's membership, Grand Master of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons, Ivar A. Skaar issued an edict immediately excluding him from the fraternity based upon the acts he carried out and the values that appear to have motivated them.[159][160] According to the Lodge records, Breivik took part in a total of four meetings between his initiation in February 2007 and his exclusion from the order – one each to receive the first, second and third degree, and one other meeting.[161] The Grand Master of the Norwegian Order of Freemasonry points out that while he was a member of the Order his actions shows that Brevik is in no way a Mason.[161] His manifesto said that he took three degrees of Freemasonry and commended them as "keepers of cultural heritage" while also criticising it for being “not in any way political.”[162] The Norwegian Order of Freemasons said that during the four and a half years he was a member he only took part in four meetings and held no offices or functions within the Lodge.[163]

Progress Party

Breivik became a member of the conservative-liberal Progress Party (FrP) in 1999. He paid his membership dues for the last time in 2004, and was removed from the membership lists in 2006. He then actively withdrew from the party in 2007.

During his time in the Progress Party, he held to positions in the Progress Party's youth organisation FpU: he was the chair of the local Vest Oslo branch from January to October 2002, and a member of the board of the same branch from October 2002 till November 2004. [164] [165] [166] The chaiman of the Progress Party Youth Organisation (main organisation) believed that Brevik left the party after his view became more extreme. The Progress Party has reduction of immigration to Norway as a part of its political platform.

After the attack, the Progress Party immediately distanced itself from both Breivik's actions and his ideas. [167]

Knights Templar

In his manifesto and during interrogation, Breivik claimed membership in an "international Christian military order", which he calls the new Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici (PCCTS, Knights Templar).[168] According to Breivik, the order was established as an "anti-Jihad crusader-organisation" that "fights" against "Islamic suppression" in London in April 2002 by nine men: two Englishmen, a Frenchman, a German, a Dutchman, a Greek, a Russian, a Norwegian (apparently Breivik), and a Serb (supposedly the initiator, not present, but represented by Breivik). The compendium gives a "2008 estimate" that there are between 15 and 80 "Justiciar Knights" in Western Europe, and an unknown number of civilian members, and Breivik expects the order to take political and military control of Western Europe.[169]

Breivik gives his own code name in the organization as Sigurd and that of his assigned "mentor" as Richard, after the twelfth-century crusaders and kings Sigurd Jorsalfare of Norway and Richard the Lionheart of England.[170] He calls himself a one-man cell of this organization, and claims that the group has several other cells in Western countries, including two more in Norway.[65] On 2 August 2011 Breivik offered to provide information about these cells, but only under unrealistic conditions.[171] The police believe the order is a figment of Breivik's imagination and that he has no accessories,[172] although the possibility of co-conspirators has not yet been completely ruled out by them.[173]

Writing influences

Breivik has identified himself in a multitude of social media services as an admirer of, among others, the Freedom Party of Austria,[174][175] Hindu nationalism (Hindutva),[176] the right-wing Swiss People's Party,[177] Winston Churchill,[178] Max Manus,[149][178] Robert Spencer,[179] former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso,[117] Patrick Buchanan,[112] Ayaan Hirsi Ali,[180] and Dutch politician Geert Wilders, whose political party he described on the website of the periodical Minerva as one among the few that could "truly claim to be conservative parties in their whole culture." Wilders, however, quickly distanced himself from Breivik and denounced him as "violent and sick".[181] On Twitter, he paraphrased philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests".[51][182]

According to Belarusian opposition figure Mikhail Reshetnikov [citation needed], Anders Breivik underwent paramilitary training in a camp organized by retired KGB colonel Valery Lunev. According to Reshetnikov, Breivik visited Belarus three times and had lasting connections with the country. According to official data, however, Breivik visited Belarus only once, as a tourist in 2005.[183]

Breivik has frequently praised the writings of blogger Fjordman.[184] He used Fjordman's thinking to justify his actions, citing him 111 times in the manifesto.[185] He also endorsed the writings of Australian historian Keith Windschuttle in the manifesto 2083, as well as former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and Treasurer Peter Costello.[186] He expressed admiration for historical military leaders such as Charles Martel, Richard Lionheart, El Cid, Vlad III the Impaler, Jacques de Molay, Nicholas I of Russia, and John III Sobieski.[187] In his manifest he copies 25 pages verbatim from an ideological text by Evans Kohlmann and published by an institute led by Magnus Ranstorp.[188]

See also



  1. ^ a b Rayment, Sean (25 July 2011). "Modest boy who became a mass murderer". Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 25 July 2011.
  2. ^ a b "Dagens navn [Today's names]". Aftenposten, morgen. 15 February 1979. p. 10. Aker hospital, Oslo, 13. February 1979. A boy. Name of parents. In Norwegian: (Aker sykehus, 13. ds.: En gutt. Wenche og Jens Breivik)
  3. ^ a b c d e "Anders Breivik Manifesto: Shooter/Bomber Downplayed Religion, Secular Influence Key". International Business Times. (25 July 2011). Accessed 26 July 2011.
  4. ^ a b c d e Gibson, David (28 July 2011). "Is Anders Breivik a 'Christian' terrorist?". Times Union. Retrieved 29 July 2011.
  5. ^ [1][2] [3][http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/37954/1/blogs_lse_ac_uk-Book_Review_New_British_Fascism_Rise_of_the_British_National_Party.pdf, Goodwin, M. (2011), Europe's Radical Right: Support and Potential. Political Insight, 2: 4–7, Jerrold M. Post The Generation of Vipers: The Generational Provenance of Terrorists SAIS Review – Volume 31, Number 2, Summer-Fall 2011, pp. 111-122
  6. ^ a b "Man held after Norway attacks right-wing extremist: report". Reuters. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
  7. ^ "Norway suspect admits responsibility". Sky News. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  8. ^ "Slik var dramaet på Utøya". Verdens Gang. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  9. ^ Gavin Hewitt (25 July 2011). "Norway gunman 'has accomplices'". BBC. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  10. ^ a b Steven Erlanger and Alan Cowell (25 July 2011). "Norway suspect hints that he did not act alone". The New York Times.
  11. ^ a b "Death Toll in Norway Attacks Rises to 77". ABC News. 29 July 2011. Retrieved 29 July 2011.
  12. ^ Olsen, Ole N.; Andresen, David (29 November 2011). "Rettspsykiaterne beskriver bisarre vrangforestillinger hos Breivik". Verdens Gang (in Norwegian). Retrieved 29 November 2011.
  13. ^ a b c d 'Norway attack suspect had anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views'. Ben Hartman, The Jerusalem Post, 24 July 2011
  14. ^ Kumano-Ensby, Anne Linn (23 July 2011). "Sendte ut ideologisk bokmanus en time før bomben". NRK News (in Norwegian). Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  15. ^ AVKRISTINA OVERN  . "Var aktiv i norsk antiislamsk organisasjon – Nyheter – Innenriks". Aftenposten.no. Retrieved 27 July 2011.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  16. ^ Bjoern Amland and Sarah Dilorenzo (24 July 2011). "Lawyer: Norway suspect wanted a revolution". Forbes. Associated Press. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  17. ^ Englund, Will (24 July 2011). "In diary, Norwegian 'crusader' details months of preparation for attacks". The Washington Post. Retrieved 10 August 2011.
  18. ^ Jones, Jane Clare. Anders Breivik's chilling anti-feminism, The Guardian, July 27, 2011.
  19. ^ Goldberg, Michelle. Norway Killer’s Hatred of Women, The Daily Beast, July 24, 2011.
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