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DiedJuly 27, 1649 (aged 70–71)
SpouseSanada Yukimura (m.1594-1615)
ParentŌtani Yoshitsugu Toyotomi Hideyoshi (adoptive father)
RelativesSanada Masayuki (father-in-law) Sanada Nobuyuki (brother-in-law) Komatsuhime (sister-in-law)

Chikurin-in (竹林院)(1579/1580 - July 27, 1649) was a japanese woman of the late Azuchi-Momoyama through early Edo period. She was Ōtani Yoshitsugu's daughter, then she was adopted by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, before marrying Sanada Yukimura (Nobushige). She is described as having been very beautiful. They had three sons, Sanada Daisuke, Sanada Daihachi and Gonzaemon Yukishin, and some daughters.


Chikurin-in was known in her childhood as Riyohime, Akihime (安岐姫) and also Keihime. In 1594, she married Sanada Yukimura, the second son of Sanada Masayuki, lord of Ueda. It was a political marriage suggested by Hideyoshi to ensure an alliance between the Toyotomi (and the Ōtani) and the Sanada.

After Hideyoshi's death (1598), Japan was divided in two. Yukimura, Yoshitsugu and Masayuki (Chikurin-in's father-in-law) joined the western coalition of Ishida Mitsunari, while Yukimura's older brother, Sanada Nobuyuki, joined the eastern coalition of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

After the Battle of Sekigahara, with Ieyasu's victory, Yukimura and Masayuki were exiled to Mt. Koya in the Kii Peninsula. Chikurin-in followed her husband. In exile she bore him two sons and some daughters. It is said that life in Kudoyama was difficult so, according to the tradition, she is supposed to had devise the Sanadahimo, that applied Tsumugi technology. She has supported the livelihood of her family by selling it.

In 1615, during the Osaka Campaign, Yukimura and his family escaped from the exile to join in the Toyotomi's forces. But, in the Summer Siege, Yukimura and his first son, Daisuke, were killed. Few months after her husband's death, Chikurin-in bore the third son of Yukimura, Gonzaemon Yukishin.

Chikurin-in went, in the first place, at the service of the Asano clan, in the second place, to Kyoto with one of her daughters. She died there the 27 july 1649.



  • Sanada Daisuke (大助) (Yukimasa) (幸昌) (1600–1615). Yukimura's and Chikurin-in's eldest son. Born in exile on Mount Kudo. He was born around 1600-1602. He fought with his father in the Osaka Winter Battle to defend the Sanada Maru fortress. When Osaka castle fell, Daisuke committed seppuku with Toyotomi Hideyori.
  • Umehime (阿梅) (1604-1681). Yukimura and Chikurin-in's daughter, born on Mount Kudo. After the fall of Osaka castle, she married Katakura Shigenaga, son of Katakura Kagetsuna. Thanks to Ume, the surviving members of the Sanada clan and all of their retainers were able to find refuge in the Katakura clan. The Katakura crest was even changed to show the 6 coin symbol of the Sanada.
  • Akurihime (あくり) (dates unknown). Yukimura and Chikurin-in's daughter. Akuri was adopted by Takigawa Sankurou Kazumi, a Tokugawa vassal, after the fall of Osaka castle. Yukimura's sister was married to Takigawa. Akuri married Gamou Genzaemon.
  • Oshiyofu (阿菖蒲) (160? – 1635). Oshiyofu was Yukimura and Chikurin-in's daughter. Born on Mount Kudo. She was adopted by Katakura Shigenaga and married to Tamura Sadahiro, a retainer of Date Masamune.
  • Okane (おかね) (dates unknown) Yukimura and Chikurin-in's daughter. Born on Mount Kudo. She married Ishikawa Morisada. It's said that Ishikawa changed his name to Soukyuu, moved to Kyoto and became a master of the tea ceremony. Chikurin-in came to live with Okane after losing her husband. Soukyuu and Okane had a memorial built for Yukimura and Chikurin-in in Kyoto.
  • Sanada Daihachi (大八) (Morinobu) (守信) (1612–1671). Yukimura and Chikurin-in's second son. He was born on Mount Kudo. He was adopted by Katakura Shigenaga, and became Katakura Heinosuke Morinobu. However, the Sanada name was restored to his line generations later.
  • Gonzaemon Yukishin (権左衛門之親)(1615–1670). Yukimura and Chikurin-in's third son. He was born two months after the death of his father. He was adopted by Hosokawa Kunimoto and married the daughter of one of his officials.

See also


  • 花ヶ前盛明編 『大谷刑部のすべて』(新人物往来社、2000年) (In Japanese)
  • 宮本義己「五つの謎から解き明かす智将の素顔」(『歴史街道』227号、2007年、のちに歴史街道編集部編『歴史街道セレクト 大谷吉継 友情に殉じた関ヶ原の仁将』(PHP研究所、2009年)に収録) (In Japanese)