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Defining organization GA FL SC AL NC VA
Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor
Southeast Division (NHL)
Atlantic Coast Conference
Southeast Division (NBA)
I-85 Corridor
Southeast Conservative Baptist
Southeast Conference, UCC part part part
A Look At Atlanta p. 6
Southeastern Conference
BellSouth Telecommunications
Veterans Administration [1]
Atlanta Journal Constitution [2]
Southeast Tourism Society [3]
Comcast/Charter Sports Southeast
Bureau of Economic Analysis [4]
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region [5] bgcolor=#ff9999|

Senate Votes Template

Alaska Lisa Murkowski Mark Begich
Connecticut Joe Lieberman
Alaska Lisa Murkowski Mark Begich
Connecticut Joe Lieberman
Alaska Lisa Murkowski Mark Begich
Connecticut Joe Lieberman
State Senior Senator Junior Senator
Alabama Richard Shelby Jeff Sessions
Alaska Lisa Murkowski Mark Begich
Arizona John McCain Jon Kyl
Arkansas Blanche Lincoln Mark Pryor
California Dianne Feinstein Barbara Boxer
Colorado Mark Udall Michael Bennet
Connecticut Chris Dodd Joe Lieberman
Delaware Tom Carper Ted Kaufman
Florida Bill Nelson Mel Martinez
Georgia Saxby Chambliss Johnny Isakson
Hawaii Daniel Inouye Daniel Akaka
Idaho Mike Crapo Jim Risch
Illinois Dick Durbin Roland Burris
Indiana Richard Lugar Evan Bayh
Iowa Chuck Grassley Tom Harkin
Kansas Sam Brownback Pat Roberts
Kentucky Mitch McConnell Jim Bunning
Louisiana Mary Landrieu David Vitter
Maine Olympia Snowe Susan Collins
Maryland Barbara Mikulski Ben Cardin
Massachusetts Ted Kennedy John Kerry
Michigan Carl Levin Debbie Stabenow
Minnesota Amy Klobuchar
Mississippi Thad Cochran Roger Wicker
Missouri Kit Bond Claire McCaskill
Montana Max Baucus Jon Tester
Nebraska Ben Nelson Mike Johanns
Nevada Harry Reid John Ensign
New Hampshire Judd Gregg Jeanne Shaheen
New Jersey Frank Lautenberg Bob Menendez
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman Tom Udall
New York Chuck Schumer Kirsten Gillibrand
North Carolina Richard Burr Kay Hagan
North Dakota Kent Conrad Byron Dorgan
Ohio George Voinovich Sherrod Brown
Oklahoma Jim Inhofe Tom Coburn
Oregon Ron Wyden Jeff Merkley
Pennsylvania Arlen Specter Bob Casey
Rhode Island Jack Reed Sheldon Whitehouse
South Carolina Lindsey Graham Jim DeMint
South Dakota Tim Johnson John Thune
Tennessee Lamar Alexander Bob Corker
Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison John Cornyn
Utah Orrin Hatch Robert Bennett
Vermont Patrick Leahy Bernie Sanders
Virginia Jim Webb Mark Warner
Washington Patty Murray Maria Cantwell
West Virginia Robert Byrd Jay Rockefeller
Wisconsin Herb Kohl Russ Feingold
Wyoming Mike Enzi John Barrasso


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05/08 4266 7828 7282 1105 224 161 916 506 231 435 340 604 1979 846 275 598 747 313 - 194 117 156 340 -
04/08 4127 6190 6487 1139 241 205 1165 478 301 563 723 509 1397 990 217 542 712 377 - 223 139 161 335 -
03/08 3879 5594 5685 992 209 122 1337 437 321 541 1438 466 1194 798 150 - 629 386 - - 39 149 324 -
02/08 3582 4555 5601 732 182 102 730 251 279 311 906 493 623 481 147 - 731 335 - - 47 107 221 -
01/08 3806 4131 5918 888 201 126 964 349 271 351 1217 536 1174 497 182 - 508 350 - - 25 114 246 -
12/07 2483 3382 3612 473 125 133 587 232 232 198 709 223 1375 455 84 - 220 286 - - - 77 170 -

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