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World Federation of Independent Scouts

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World Federation of Independent Scouts
FounderLawrie Dring
PresidentKlaus Tegeder
 Scouting portal

The World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS) is a non-governmental international Scouting organization with 82 affiliated Scout organizations in 41 countries. The affiliate Scout organizations collectivley had an estimated 200,000 members in 3562 Scout Groups in 2010.[1] WFIS was formed in Laubach, Germany, in 1996 by Lawrie Dring, a British Scouter with the independent Baden-Powell Scouts' Association (BPSA).

The World Federation of Independent Scouts is open to any Scouting association that is not affiliated with another international organization. WFIS requires that member associations "follow, and use, Baden-Powell's original program, traditions, uniforms, morals, ethics, and structure as laid out in Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys," amended only for "health, environmental, first-aid, and safety reasons."

The current President of the WFIS World Council is Klaus Tegeder, elected for a five-year term commencing in August 2007. He is the former President of WFIS-Europe and still leads a German Scout troop.

WFIS Worldwide Committee

The WFIS Worldwide Committee is the chief executive body of the World Federation of Independent Scouts and is composed of elected volunteers. WFIS-Worldwide acts as an umbrella association for each of the regional Scout organisations.

Current members of the WFIS Worldwide Committee[2]

Name Position
Klaus Tegeder President
N.N. Vice-President
Silvana Silva Mauriello Secretary
Søren Jørgensen Treasurer
Marc Bruyneel Wood Beads (Wood Badge)Coordinator

Regional divisions

The WFIS is divided into eight regions:[3]

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • South East Asia
  • Europe
  • Middle East Region
  • America

The Asian Region and Middle East Region are currently inactive, although there are WFIS Associations operating there.

List of members

Including prospected members

WFIS Africa

5860 members in 2010[1]

Country Group Membership status
Congo Brazzaville Eclaireurs Eclaireuses Laïque du Congo prospect member
Ghana Baden Powell Scouts of Africa prospect member
Ivory Coast Association des Eclaireurs et Eclaaireuses Evangéliques de Côte d'Ivoire prospect member
Baden Powell Scouts of Africa prospect member
Scouts d'Afrique de Côte d'Ivoire prospect member
Scouts Unitaires de Côte d'Ivoire prospect member
Kenya Baden Powell Scouts Association prospect member


15,5303 members in 2010[1]

Country Group Membership status
India The Scouts/Guides Organisation[4] full member
Hindustan Scouts and Guides Association[5] full member
Scout Bharti full member
Shriram Bajpai Scouts & Guides Organisations full member
Japan Independent Scouts of Japan prospect member
Nepal Metro Scouts Nepal [6] prospect member
Nepal Independent Scouts Association[7] prospect member

WFIS Europe

10,834 members in 2010[1]

Country Group Membership Status
Austria Scouts of Europa full member
Belgium Onafhankelijke Scouts en Gidsen - Scouts et Guides Indépendants full member
Czech Republic Skaut - Český skauting ABS full member
Svaz skautu a skautek Ceske Republiky full member
Denmark De Gule Spejdere i Danmark – Baden-Powell spejderne[8] full member
France Scouts de Chavagnes[9] prospect member
Germany Bund Europäischer St. Georgs-Pfadfinderinnen und -Pfadfinder [10] full member
Bund Unabhängiger Pfadfinder, Stamm Cassiopeia [11] full member
Christliche freie Pfadfinderschaft Goldenstedt full member
Christliche Pfadfinderschaft Dreieich full member
Deutscher Pfadfinderbund e. V. gegr. 1911 (DPB 1911) [12] full member
Europäischer Pfadfinderbund - Georgsritter e. V.[13] full member
Europäischer Pfadfinderbund St. Georg full member
Freie Deutsche Waldläufer Olpe [14] full member
Freier Pfadfinderbund Asgard [15] full member
Freier Pfadfinderbund St. Georg full member
Freie Pfadfinderschaft Kreuzritter full member
Independent Scout Association [16] full member
Pfadfinder im Mühlenbecker Land full member
Pfadfinderbund Weltenbummler e.V. [17] full member
Pfadfindertrupp Frederick Selous[18] full member
Solmser Pfadfinderschaft [19] full member
Italy Associazone Amici Delle Iniziative Scout full member
Associazione Esploratori e Guide Italiani[20] full member
Associazione Indipendente Scout full member
Associazione Sezione Scout di Gela full member
Assoraider full member
Federazione del Movimento Scout Italiano - FederScout full member
Fedarazione Italiana di Scautismo Raider – FIS Raider full member
Ireland Baden-Powell Scouts Slyguff[9] prospect member
Kosovo National Scout Center of Kosovo[21] full member
Latvia Latvijas Kristigie Skauti (Christian Scouts of Latvia) full member
Malta Baden-Powell Scouts Malta[22] full member
Romania Asociatia Cercetasilor Traditionali din Romania[9] prospect member
Russia Russian Union of Scouts full member
Spain Associació Catalana de Scouts - Catalonian Association of Scouts[23] full member
Asociación de Scouts Independientes de Madrid - Independent Scouts of Madrid[24] full member
Asociación de Scouts Independientes de Castilla Mancha[9] prospect member
Asosiación Juvenil Group Scout Independiente Gilwell[9] prospect member
Federación Scout de la Comunidad Valenciana[9] prospect member
Scout Group Alpha[9] prospect member
Scouts Independientes del Principado de Asturias[9] prospect member
Switzerland Feuerkreis Niklaus von Flüe[25] full member
Turkey Kapif full member
United Kingdom Baden-Powell Scouts' Association[26] full member
Ukraine Rodzvinsky full member

WFIS America

3643 members in 2010[1] [27]

Country Group Membership Status
Argentina Asociación Argentina de Scouts de Baden Powell full member
Scouts Navales de Argentina prospect member
Bolivia Asociación Boliviana de Scouts Independientes de Baden-Powell prospect member
Brazil Associação Escoteira Baden-Powell (AEBP) full member
Grande Fraternidade Escoteira IMPISA full member
Canada BP Service Association of BC full member
BPSA New Brunswick full member
BPSA Ontario full member
ZHR Polish Scouts of Canada[28] full member
BPSA Alberta prospect member
Chile Agrupación Nacional de Boy Scouts de Chile full member
Hermandad Scout del Desierto Chile full member
Hermandad Scout Zona Centro Chile full member
Colombia Asociación Colombiana de Escultismo (ACE) full member
Curaçao Independent Scouts of Curaçao full member
Ecuador Asociación de Boy Scouts del Ecuador full member
El Salvador Asociacion de Scouts Independientes de El Salvador ASI-ES full member
Guatemala Asociación de Escultismo Ecológico Baden-Powell Guatemala prospect member
Honduras Asociación Hondureña de Escultismo Tradicional full member
Mexico Agrupación Scout Mexicana, A.C. full member
Asociación Independientes Scouts Mexico (ANSI) full member
Federación Mexicana de Scouts Independientes, A.C. full member
Asociación de Scouts del Sureste A.C. prospect member
Asociación Tradicionalista de Scouts Tiro y Pesca, A.C. prospect member
Panama Cuerpo de Exploradores Panameños full member
Paraguay Hermandad Scout de Paraguay prospect member
United States Baden-Powell Service Association[29] full member

WFIS South-East Asia

Country Group
Bangladesh Independent Scouts of Bangladesh
China Shanghai Scout Association
South Korea Third Eye Scouting Association
Pakistan Independent Scouts of Pakistan
Nankana Sab Scout Organization
ADABKADA Scout Association
Sri Lanka Independent Scouts of Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Independent Scout Association
Dubai Scout Organization

Jamborees and international camps

The first WFIS World Jamboree was held in Denmark in 2002,[30] with 850 Scouts attending. The event's motto was Together we are strongest. The Second WFIS World Jamboree was held from 7 to 14 July 2007 with over 3000 Scouts attending. It was held near Medellín, Colombia. The Third WFIS World Jamboree was held at Parque Bicentenario, near Puebla, México, in July 2011.[31]

In addition to World Jamborees, the WFIS also regularly host regional international camps. Eurocamp is one example of this with the following camps having taken place:

  • Eurocamp 2014 in Italy
  • Eurocamp 2010 in Germany
  • Eurocamp 2006 in Switzerland

WFIS also hosts a Jamboree On The Internet:

  • WFIS-JOTI 2010, hosted by WFIS Africa[32]

Member Associations also regularly invite each other to their own camps, examples including:

International Scout Fellowship

International Scout Fellowship
 Scouting portal

The International Scout Fellowship is an affiliate of WFIS, but not a member. It is open to former and current adult members of WFIS, to other adult friends of Independent Scouting who wish to contribute to independent Scouting, regardless of their Scouting backgrounds.

The ISF is governed by its World Council which is composed of representatives of each member Chapter. It meets once a year, usually electronically. Its day-to-day affairs are directed by the Executive Committee, which is elected by the World Council.

All positions in the ISF are staffed by volunteers. There are no paid employees.


The badge is that of the WFIS in reverse colours. There is no set uniform of the ISF. Member chapters determine their own uniforms with the badge of the ISF. Other chapters may use casual dress such as T-shirts, etc.

The emphasis of the ISF is on tangible results in supporting Independent Scouting associations, not on formalities.


  1. ^ a b c d e WFIS World Council Report 2010
  2. ^ WFIS Worldwide Committee
  3. ^ Regional Councils
  4. ^ The Scouts/Guide Organisation of India
  5. ^ Hindustan Scouts and Guides Association
  6. ^ Metro Scouts Nepal
  7. ^ Nepal Independent Scouts Association
  8. ^ Baden-Powell Scouts of Denmark
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h WFIS-EUROPE Prospective Members
  10. ^ Bund Europäischer St. Georgs-Pfadfinderinnen und -Pfadfinder
  11. ^ Bund Unabhängiger Pfadfinder
  12. ^ Deutscher Pfadfinder Bund 1911
  13. ^ Europäischer Pfadfinderbund
  14. ^ Freie Deutsche Waldläufer Olpe
  15. ^ Freier Pfadfinderbund Asgard
  16. ^ Independent Scout Association
  17. ^ Pfadfinderbund Weltenbummler
  18. ^ Pfadfindertrupp Frederick Selous
  19. ^ Solmser Pfadfinderschaft
  20. ^ Associazione Esploratori e Guide Italiani ASCI
  21. ^ National Scout Center of Kosovo
  22. ^ Baden-Powell Scouts Malta
  23. ^ Catalonian Association of Scouts
  24. ^ Independent Scouts of Madrid
  25. ^ Feuerkreis Niklaus von Flüe
  26. ^ Baden-Powell Scouts' Association
  27. ^ http://www.wfis-americas.org/downloads/pathfinder/pathfinderApril13.pdf
  28. ^ ZHR Polish Scouts of Canada
  29. ^ "Baden-Powell Scouting". Retrieved 28 August 2010.
  30. ^ Cardona, John Alberto (November 2005). "Welcome to the WFIS Jamboree 2007" (PDF). WFIS Euroletter.
  31. ^ http://www.3erwfisjamboree2011.org/ 3rd WFIS World Jamboree
  32. ^ http://joti.wfis-africa.org/ WFIS-JOTI 2010

External links