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{{other uses}}
'''Refugee crisis''' can refer to movements of large grous of [[displaced person]]s, who could be either [[internally displaced person]]s, [[refugee]]s or other migrants. It can also refer to incidents in the country of origin or departure, to large problems whilst on the move or even after arrival in a safe country that involve large groups of displaced persons.
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{{Infobox ethnic group
==Reasons for refugee crises==
|group = Refugees in 2015<ref>{{cite web |url=http://reporting.unhcr.org/population |title= UNHCR worldwide population overview|author= UNHCR|date= 19 May 2016|publisher=UNHCR|access-date=9 July 2016}}</ref>
|population = 15.483 million
|region1 = Africa
|pop1 = 4.397 million
|region2 = Europe
|pop2 = 4.362 million
|region3 = Asia and the Pacific
|pop3 = 3.551 million
|region4 = Middle East and North Africa
|pop4 = 2.675 million
|region5 = Asia and the Pacific
|pop5 = 496,384}}

A '''[[wikt:refugee|refugee]]''', according to the [[United Nations]] [[Convention relating to the Status of Refugees]],<ref name="UNHCR">{{Citation|title=Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees|url=http://www.unhcr.org/protect/PROTECTION/3b66c2aa10.pdf|volume=|publisher=Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Communications and Public Information Service|location=Geneva, Switzerland|year=1967|language=|page=|isbn=}}</ref><ref name="RCUK">{{Citation|title=The truth about asylum - Who's who: Refugee, Asylum Seeker, Refused asylum seeker, Economic migrant|url=http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/policy_research/the_truth_about_asylum/the_facts_about_asylum|volume=|publisher=Refugee Council|location=London, England|year=|language=|page=|isbn=|access-date= 7 September 2015}}</ref> is a person who is outside their [[country]] of [[citizenship]] because they have well-founded grounds for fear of [[persecution]] because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, and is unable to obtain [[Sanctuary#Human sanctuary|sanctuary]] from their home country or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country;<ref name="UNHCR" /><ref name="RCUK" /> or in the case of not having a [[nationality]] and being outside their country of former habitual residence as a result of such event, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to their country of former habitual residence.<ref name="UNHCR" /><ref name="RCUK" /> Such a person may be called an "'''[[asylum seeker]]'''" until granted "[[#Refugee status|refugee status]]" by the contracting state or the UNHCR<ref name="UNHCR" /> if they formally make a claim for sanctuary or [[right of asylum|asylum]].<ref name="RCUK" /> The term "refugee" is also commonly used as a synonym for "'''[[displaced person]]'''", causing confusion between the general descriptive class of anyone who was [[forced migration|forced to leave]] their home and the subgroup of legally defined refugees who enjoy specified international legal protection.
===Environment and climate===
{{Main article|Environmental migrant}}
[[File:Natural disasters caused by climate change.png|thumb|right|200px|Map showing where natural disasters caused/aggravated by climate change can occur, and where possibly environmental refugees would be created]]
Although they do not fit the definition of refugees set out in the UN Convention, people displaced by the effects of [[climate change]] have often been termed "climate refugees"<ref name="Kirby">{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/613075.stm|title=West warned on climate refugees |last=Kirby|first=Alex|date=2000-01-24|publisher=BBC News|accessdate=2009-07-17}}</ref> or "climate change refugees".<ref name="Strange">{{cite news|url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article4159923.ece|title=UN warns of growth in climate change refugees|last=Strange|first=Hannah|date=2008-06-17|work=The Times|accessdate=2009-07-17 | location=London}}</ref> The term 'environmental refugee' is also commonly used and an estimated 25 million people can currently be classified as such.<ref name="BBC News">{{cite news|title=Climate mass migration fears 'unfounded'|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12360864|publisher=BBC News | date=2011-02-04}}</ref> The alarming predictions by the UN, charities and some environmentalists, that between 200 million and 1 billion people could flood across international borders to escape the impacts of climate change in the next 40 years are realistic.<ref>{{cite news|title=Security and the environment Climate wars Does a warming world really mean that more conflict is inevitable?|url=http://www.economist.com/node/16539538|publisher=Economist | date=2010-07-08}}</ref> Case studies from Bolivia, Senegal and Tanzania, three countries extremely prone to climate change, show that people affected by environmental degradation rarely move across borders. Instead, they adapt to new circumstances by moving short distances for short periods, often to cities.<ref>{{cite book|last=Tacoli|first=Cecila|title=Not only climate change: mobility, vulnerability and socio-economic transformations in environmentally fragile areas in Bolivia, Senegal and Tanzania|year=2011|publisher=International Institute for Environment and Development|location=London|isbn=978-1-84369-808-1|pages=40|url=http://pubs.iied.org/10590IIED.html}}</ref> Millions of people live in places that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change. They face extreme weather conditions such as droughts or floods. Their lives and livelihoods might be threatened in new ways and create new vulnerabilities.<ref>Bogumil Terminski, ''Environmentally-Induced Displacement. Theoretical Frameworks and Current Challenges'', Universite de Liège, 2012</ref>

The lead international agency coordinating refugee protection is the United Nations Office of the [[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees]] (UNHCR). In 2006, there were 8.4 million UNHCR registered refugees worldwide, which was the lowest number since 1980.<ref name="numbers">[http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home/opendoc.htm?tbl=BASICS&id=3b028097c&page=basics#Refugees Refugees by Numbers 2006 edition], UNHCR</ref> The UNHCR reports that at the end of 2015, there were 21.3 million refugees worldwide (16.1 million under UNHCR's mandate, plus 5.2 million [[Palestinian refugees]] under [[UNRWA]]'s mandate). 1.8 million were newly displaced refugees. Among them, [[Syrian refugees]] were the largest refugee group in 2015 at 4.9 million.<ref name=UNHCR2015>{{cite web|url=http://www.unhcr.org/576408cd7|title=Global Trends: Forced Displacement 2015|publisher=UNHCR|date=20 June 2016|accessdate=20 June 2016}}</ref> In 2014, Syrians had overtaken [[Afghan refugees]], who had been the largest refugee group for three decades.<ref name="UNHCRtrends">{{cite web |url=http://unhcr.org/556725e69.html |title=UNHCR – Global Trends –Forced Displacement in 2014 |publisher=UNHCR |date=18 June 2015}}</ref> The countries hosting the largest number of refugees according to UNHCR are [[Turkey]] (2.5 million), [[Pakistan]] (1.6 million) and [[Lebanon]] (1.1 million).<ref name=UNHCR2015/> In 2015, the total number of displaced people worldwide, including refugees, asylum seekers and [[internally displaced persons]], was at its highest level on record.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-36573082|title=Refugees at highest ever level, reaching 65m, says UN|publisher=BBC News|date=20 June 2016|accessdate=20 June 2016}}</ref>
===Economic hardship===
{{Main article|Economic migrant}}
{{Refimprove section|date=December 2009}}
[[File:Boat People at Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea.jpg|thumb|North African immigrants in [[Sicily]].]]

Research has found that refugees have historically tended to flee to nearby countries with ethnic kin populations and a history of accepting other co-ethnic refugees.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Rüegger|first=Seraina|last2=Bohnet|first2=Heidrun|date=2015-11-16|title=The Ethnicity of Refugees (ER): A new dataset for understanding flight patterns|url=http://cmp.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/03/11/0738894215611865|journal=Conflict Management and Peace Science|language=en|pages=0738894215611865|doi=10.1177/0738894215611865|issn=0738-8942}}</ref> The [[religion|religious]], [[sect]]arian and [[religious denomination|denominational]] affiliation has been an important feature of debate in refugee-hosting nations.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Bassel|first1=Leah|title=Refugee Women: Beyond Gender Versus Culture|date=2012|page=84}}</ref>
A distinction between a forced and an economic migrant is sometimes used. It was suggested that a better term for migrants who fled for the purpose of their and their dependents' basic survival would be "forced humanitarian migrants". This would take into account that economic migrants are also somehow forced to flee. Some migrants fall outside the mandates of the support structures offered by governments and non-governmental organisations, because of this blurred distinction between "refugee" and "economic migrant".

==Etymology and usage==
An example to illustrate this is the 2008-2009 mass movement of [[Zimbabwe]]ans to neighbouring countries. Most of these migrants didn't fit in either category and have more general needs, rights and responsibilities, that fall outside the specific mandate of the UNHCR and thus between the cracks.<ref>[http://www.polity.org.za/article/zimbabwean-migration-into-southern-africa-new-trends-and-responses-november-2009-2009-12-03 "Zimbabwean Migration into Southern Africa: New Trends and Responses"]</ref> To emphasize the importance of a common humanitarian position on the outflow of Zimbabweans into the region the [[Regional Office for Southern Africa]] of the [[UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs]] coined the term "migrants of humanitarian concern" in 2008. Most of those crossing the border did not apply for refugee status, but they could also hardly be considered as "voluntary" economic migrants. Many of them were not legally protected, nor do they receive humanitarian support. In Botswana, Zambia and Malawi, asylum is available to Zimbabweans; in Mozambique, the few applicants for asylum had been rejected due to the state's decision to consider Zimbabweans as 'economic' and not as forced humanitarian migrants. Except for South Africa, protection and access to services in most countries in the region is contingent on receiving the refugee status, and require asylum seekers to stay in isolated camps, unable to work or travel, and thus send money to relatives that stayed behind in Zimbabwe. South Africa was considering the introduction of a special permit for Zimbabweans, but the policy was still under review.
Although similar terms in other languages have described an event marking large scale [[human migration|migration]] of a specific population from a place of origin, such as the [[Bible|biblical]] account of [[Israelites]] fleeing from [[Assyrian people|Assyrian]] conquest (''circa'' 740 BCE), in English, the term ''refugee'' derives from the root word ''refuge'', from [[Old French]] ''refuge'', meaning "hiding place". It refers to "shelter or protection from danger or distress", from [[Latin]] ''fugere'', "to flee", and ''refugium'', "a taking [of] refuge, place to flee back to". In Western history, the term was first applied to French [[Huguenots]], after the [[Edict of Fontainebleau (1540)]], who again migrated from France after the [[Edict of Nantes]] revocation (1685). The word meant "one seeking asylum," until around 1914, when it evolved to mean "one fleeing home", applied in this instance to civilians in Flanders heading west to escape fighting in [[World War I]].<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=refugee | title=Refugee | work=Online Etymological Dictionary | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>

Even economic migration requires a certain level of 'wealth' as migration is always a selective process - and the poorest and most vulnerable people are often excluded as they will find it almost impossible to move due to a lack of necessary funds or social support.<ref name="BBC News"/>
[[File:Darfur refugee camp in Chad.jpg|right|thumb|[[Darfur]] refugee camp in [[Chad]], 2005]]
Following [[World War II]] and in response to the large numbers of people fleeing Eastern Europe, the 1951 [[United Nations]] [[Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees]] adopted the following definition of "refugee" to apply to any person who (in Article 1.A.2):<ref name="UNHCR" /> <blockquote>owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.<ref name="UNHCR" /></blockquote>

The concept of a refugee was expanded by the Convention's 1967 Protocol and by regional conventions in Africa and Latin America to include displaced persons who had fled war or other [[violence]] in their home country. European Union's minimum standards definition of refugee, underlined by Art. 2 (c) of Directive No. 2004/83/EC, essentially reproduces the narrow definition of refugee offered by the UN 1951 Convention; nevertheless, by virtue of articles 2 (e) and 15 of the same Directive, persons who have fled a war-caused generalized violence are, at certain conditions, eligible for a complementary form of protection, called [[subsidiary protection]]. The same form of protection is foreseen for displaced people who, without being refugees, are nevertheless exposed, if returned to their countries of origin, to death penalty, torture or other inhuman or degrading treatments.
==Migratory routes and methods of fleeing==

In [[United Nations|UN]] parlance, the concept of 'refugee' also includes descendants of refugees but only in the case of two specific groups, viz. [[Palestinian refugees]] and [[Sahrawi refugees]]. As a result, the vast majority of registered refugees within these two groups are not themselves refugees, but have inherited the 'refugee status' and hence their eligibility for aid and services, provided they meet certain criteria established by the UN and/or aid agencies. The UN does not consider refugee status to be [[Inheritance|hereditary]] for any other group, but may still assist relatives of refugees in some cases.
===Boat people===
{{Main article|Boat people}}
[[File:Refugees on a boat.jpg|thumb|right|[[Ecuador]]ian refugees near [[Guatemala]].]]
The term "boat people" came into common use in the 1970s with the mass exodus of Vietnamese refugees following the [[Vietnam War]]. It is a widely used form of migration for people migrating from [[Cuba]], [[Haiti]], [[Morocco]], [[Vietnam]] or [[Albania]]. They often risk their lives on dangerously crude and overcrowded boats to escape oppression or [[poverty]] in their home nations. Events resulting from the [[Vietnam War]] led many people in [[Cambodia]], [[Laos]], and especially [[Vietnam]] to become refugees in the late 1970s and 1980s. In 2001, 353 asylum seekers sailing from [[Indonesia]] to Australia drowned when their [[SIEV X|vessel sank]].

The term refugee is often used to include [[displaced persons]] who may fall outside the legal definition in the 1951 Refugee Convention,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.amnesty.ca/Refugee/who.php |title=Refugees in Canada |publisher=[[Amnesty International]] Canada |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110311225426/https://www.amnesty.ca/Refugee/who.php |archivedate=11 March 2011 |accessdate=23 February 2011 }}</ref> either because they have left their home countries because of war and not because of a fear of persecution, or because they have been [[forced migration|forced to migrate]] within their home countries.<ref name="hrea"/> The [[Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa]], adopted by the [[Organization of African Unity]] in 1969, accepted the definition of the 1951 Refugee Convention and expanded it to include people who left their countries of origin not only because of persecution but also due to acts of external aggression, occupation, domination by foreign powers or serious disturbances of public order.<ref name="hrea">{{cite web |url=http://www.hrea.org/index.php?doc_id=418 |title=Refugees and Displaced Persons |publisher=Human Rights Education Associates |accessdate=23 February 2011 }}</ref>
The main danger to a boat person is that the boat he or she is sailing in may actually be anything that floats and is large enough for passengers. Although such makeshift craft can result in tragedy, in 2003 a small group of 5 [[Cubans|Cuban]] refugees attempted (unsuccessfully, but un-harmed) to reach [[Florida]] in a 1950s pickup truck made buoyant by oil barrels strapped to its sides.

Boat people are frequently a source of controversy in the nation they seek to immigrate to, such as the United States, New Zealand, Germany, France, Russia, Canada, Italy, Japan, [[South Korea]], Spain and Australia. Boat people are often forcibly prevented from landing at their destination, such as under Australia's [[Pacific Solution]] (which operated from 2001 until 2008), or they are subjected to [[mandatory detention]] after their arrival.<ref>McKenzie, J. and Hasmath, R. (2013) "[http://ssrn.com/abstract=2247142 Deterring the ‘Boat People’: Explaining the Australian Government's People Swap Response to Asylum Seekers]", ''Australian Journal of Political Science'' 48(4): 417-430.</ref>
The original definition with all its legacies has been criticized as based on three political framings:<ref>{{Cite journal |year=2014 |last1= James|first1=Paul |authorlink1=Paul James (academic) |title=Faces of Globalization and the Borders of States: From Asylum Seekers to Citizens |url=http://www.academia.edu/7773440/Faces_of_Globalization_and_the_Borders_of_States_From_Asylum_Seekers_to_Citizens |journal=Citizenship Studies |volume=18 |issue=2 |page=219 |doi=10.1080/13621025.2014.886440 }}</ref>
# "refugees have been defined in terms of those moving across nation-state borders, as if national identity excludes all other displacements of equal consequence ...";
# "the neat definition of Article 1 glides over the fine print a little further down the page that allows state signatories to choose to restrict the definition of refugees to only those who have come from Europe, and during a very particular time-period ...";
# "it gives credence to the notion that personal individualized ‘fear of being persecuted’ is the core reason for needing support. War, upheaval, famine and pestilence do not in the conventional definition make for refugee status. It does not matter that [[civilian casualty ratio|civilian deaths as a proportion of deaths in war]] escalated to 10% in World War I, and to more than 90% of the 40 million killed since 1945. It only matters that persons fear the persecution of their state."

Furthermore, not all migrants or displaced persons who are seeking asylum in another country fall under the definition of "refugee" according to article 1A of the Geneva Convention. In 1951, when the text of the Convention was discussed, the parties of the treaty had the idea that [[slavery]] was a thing from the past: therefore escaped and fleeing slaves are a group not mentioned in the definition, as well as a category of climate refugees or [[environmental migrants]]. [[Urban refugee]]s are not included in the definition.
===Balkan routes===
Since 2015 more than 700.000 refugees and other migrants used these routes (i.e. the Eastern Balkan route and the Western Balkan route) from Greece through the [[Balkan]] to enter central European countries. Since March 2016 the Eastern route is almost closed, but the Western route is still busy.

===Mediterranean routes===
{{See also|Right of asylum|Sanctuary}}
There are three Mediterranean routes: Eastern, Central and Western route.
[[File:Gysis Nikolaos After the destruction of Psara.jpg|right|thumb|Greeks fleeing the [[Destruction of Psara]] in 1824 (painting by [[Nikolaos Gyzis]]).]]
The idea that a person who sought sanctuary in a holy place could not be harmed without inviting divine retribution was familiar to the [[ancient Greece|ancient Greeks]] and [[ancient Egypt]]ians. However, the [[right of asylum|right to seek asylum]] in a church or other holy place was first codified in law by King [[Æthelberht of Kent]] in about AD 600. Similar laws were implemented throughout Europe in the [[Middle Ages]]. The related concept of political [[exile]] also has a long history: [[Ovid]] was sent to [[Constanța|Tomis]]; [[Voltaire]] was sent to England. By the 1648 [[Peace of Westphalia]], nations recognized each other's [[sovereignty]]. However, it was not until the advent of [[romantic nationalism]] in late 18th-century Europe that [[nationalism]] gained sufficient prevalence for the phrase "country of nationality" to become practically meaningful, and for people crossing borders to be required to provide identification.
[[File:ArmeniansOnDeportationMarch.jpg|thumb|150px|One million [[Armenians]] fled Turkey between 1915 and 1923 to escape persecution and genocide.]]
[[File:Turkish refugees from Edirne.jpg|thumb|left|Turkish refugees from [[Edirne]], 1913]]
The term "refugee" is sometimes applied to people who might fit the definition outlined by the 1951 Convention, were it to be applied retroactively. There are many candidates. For example, after the [[Edict of Fontainebleau]] in 1685 outlawed [[Protestantism]] in France, hundreds of thousands of [[Huguenot]]s fled to England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, [[South Africa]], Germany and [[Prussia]]. The repeated waves of [[pogrom]]s that swept Eastern Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries prompted mass Jewish emigration (more than 2 million [[History of the Jews in Russia and the Soviet Union|Russian Jews]] emigrated in the period 1881–1920). Beginning in the 19th century, Muslim people emigrated to Turkey from Europe.<ref>Justin McCarthy, ''Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922'', (Princeton, N.J: Darwin Press, c1995</ref> The [[Balkan Wars]] of 1912–1913 caused 800,000 people to leave their homes.<ref>[http://tulp.leidenuniv.nl/content_docs/wap/ejz18.pdf Greek and Turkish refugees and deportees 1912-1924]. Universiteit Leiden.</ref> Various groups of people were officially designated refugees beginning in World War I.

===League of Nations===
==Modern and contemporary refugee crises==
[[File:Spanish War Children001.jpg|thumb|Children preparing for evacuation from Spain during the [[Spanish Civil War]] between 1936 and 1939.]]
The first international co-ordination of refugee affairs came with the creation by the [[League of Nations]] in 1921 of the High Commission for Refugees and the appointment of [[Fridtjof Nansen]] as its head. Nansen and the Commission were charged with assisting the approximately 1,500,000 people who fled the [[Russian Revolution of 1917]] and the subsequent [[Russian Civil War|civil war]] (1917–1921),<ref>"''[https://books.google.com/books?id=uUsLAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&dq&hl=en#v=onepage&q=&f=false Transactions of the American Philosophical Society]''". American Philosophical Society, James E. Hassell (1991). p.1. ISBN 0-87169-817-X</ref> most of them aristocrats fleeing the Communist government. It is estimated that about 800,000 Russian refugees became stateless when [[Lenin]] revoked citizenship for all Russian expatriates in 1921.<ref>[http://www.arkivverket.no/arkivverket/Bruk-av-arkiv/Nettutstillinger/Nansen-passet/Humanisten-Nansen Arkivverket.no] (in Norwegian). Retrieved 11 December 2012</ref>

In 1923, the mandate of the Commission was expanded to include the more than one million [[Armenian people|Armenian]]s who left [[Turkey (country)|Turkish]] [[Asia Minor]] in 1915 and 1923 due to a series of events now known as the [[Armenian Genocide]]. Over the next several years, the mandate was expanded further to cover [[Assyrian people|Assyrian]]s and Turkish refugees.<ref name=nobel>{{cite web |url=http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1938/nansen-history.html
{{See also|List of countries by refugee population}}
|title=Nansen International Office for Refugee: The Nobel Peace Prize 1938 |publisher=The Nobel Foundation}}</ref> In all of these cases, a refugee was defined as a person in a group for which the League of Nations had approved a mandate, as opposed to a person to whom a general definition applied.{{citation needed|date=August 2010}}

The 1923 [[population exchange between Greece and Turkey]] involved about two million people (around 1.5 million [[Greeks in Turkey|Anatolian Greeks]] and 500,000 Muslims in Greece) most of whom were forcibly repatriated and denaturalized{{clarify|date=September 2015}} from homelands of centuries or millennia (and guaranteed the nationality of the destination country) by a treaty promoted and overseen by the international community as part of the [[Treaty of Lausanne]].<ref>The "[[Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations]]" was signed at [[Lausanne]], Switzerland, on 30 January 1923, by the governments of [[Kingdom of Greece|Greece]] and Turkey.</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center"
|+ style="text-align: left;" | Refugees and people in refugee-like situations by region between 2014 and 2008

The U.S. Congress passed the [[Emergency Quota Act]] in 1921, followed by the [[Immigration Act of 1924]]. The Immigration Act of 1924 was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans, especially [[Jews]], Italians and [[Slavs]], who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s.<ref>[http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003265600_impghistory20.html Old fears over new faces], The Seattle Times, 21 September 2006</ref> Most of the European refugees (principally Jews and Slavs) fleeing Stalin, the Nazis and World War II were barred from going to the United States.<ref>[http://www.usconstitution.com/immigrationactof1924.htm U S Constitution – The Immigration Act of 1924]</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| Region (UN major area)

In 1930, the [[Nansen International Office for Refugees]] (Nansen Office) was established as a successor agency to the Commission. Its most notable achievement was the [[Nansen passport]], a [[refugee travel document]], for which it was awarded the 1938 [[Nobel Peace Prize]]. The Nansen Office was plagued by problems of financing, an increase in refugee numbers, and a lack of co-operation from some member states, which led to mixed success overall.
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2014
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2014 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2013
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2013 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2012
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2012 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2011
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2011 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2010
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2010 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2009
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2009 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2008
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2008 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>

However, the Nansen Office managed to lead fourteen nations to ratify the 1933 Refugee Convention, an early, and relatively modest, attempt at a [[human rights]] charter, and in general assisted around one million refugees worldwide.<ref>[http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1938/nansen-history.html The Nobel Peace Prize 1938: Nansen International Office for Refugees], Nobelprize.org</ref>
|Africa ||4,126,800||3,377,700||3,068,300||2,924,100||2,408,700||2,300,100||2,332,900||

===1933 (rise of Nazism) to 1944===
The rise of [[Nazism]] led to such a very large increase in the number of refugees from Germany that in 1933 the League created a High Commission for Refugees Coming from Germany. Besides other measures by the Nazis which created fear and flight, Jews were stripped of German citizenship<ref name="ReferenceA">Bankier, David "Nuremberg Laws" pages 1076–1077 from ''The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust'' Volume 3 edited by Israel Gutman, New York: Macmillan, 1990 page 1076</ref> by the ''[[Reich Citizenship Law]]'' of 1935.<ref>[http://ess.uwe.ac.uk/documents/citizen.htm Reich Citizenship Law], English translation at the University of the West of England</ref> On 4 July 1936 an agreement was signed under League auspices that defined a refugee coming from Germany as "any person who was settled in that country, who does not possess any nationality other than German nationality, and in respect of whom it is established that in law or in fact he or she does not enjoy the protection of the Government of the Reich" (article 1).<ref>Text in ''League of Nations Treaty Series'', vol. 171, pp. 76-87.</ref>
[[File:Czech refugees from the Sudetenland 1.gif|thumb|left|upright|Czech refugees from the [[Sudetenland]], October 1938]]

The mandate of the High Commission was subsequently expanded to include persons from Austria and [[Sudetenland]], which Germany annexed after 1 October 1938 in accordance with the [[Munich Agreement]]. According to the Institute for Refugee Assistance, the actual count of refugees from [[Czechoslovakia]] on 1 March 1939 stood at almost 150,000.<ref>[http://www.radio.cz/en/article/46238 Forced displacement of Czech population under Nazis in 1938 and 1943], Radio Prague</ref> Between 1933 and 1939, about 200,000 Jews fleeing Nazism were able to find refuge in France,<ref name=USHMM>{{cite web|title=France|url=http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005429|work=Holocaust Encyclopedia|publisher=[[United States Holocaust Memorial Museum]]}}</ref> while at least 55,000 Jews were able to find refuge in Palestine<ref>Yoav Gelber, "The Historical Role of Central European Immigration to Israel", ''Leo Baeck Institute Year Book'' 38 (1993), p. 326 n. 6.</ref> before the British authorities closed that destination in 1939.
|Asia ||7,942,100||6,317,500||5,060,100||5,104,100||5,715,800||5,620,500||5,706,400||

On 31 December 1938, both the Nansen Office and High Commission were dissolved and replaced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees under the Protection of the League.<ref name=nobel/> This coincided with the flight of several hundred thousand Spanish Republicans to France after their defeat by the Nationalists in 1939 in the [[Spanish Civil War]].<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/2809025.stm Spanish Civil War fighters look back]</ref>

The conflict and political instability during World War II led to massive numbers of refugees (see [[World War II evacuation and expulsion]]). In 1943, the [[Allies of World War II|Allies]] created the [[United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration]] (UNRRA) to provide aid to areas liberated from [[Axis powers of World War II|Axis powers]], including parts of Europe and China. By the end of the War, Europe had more than 40 million refugees.<ref>{{cite journal |url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,920455-2,00.html |title= Refugees: Save Us! Save Us! |work=Time |date=9 July 1979}}</ref> UNRRA was involved in returning over seven million refugees, then commonly referred to as [[displaced person]]s or DPs, to their country of origin and setting up [[displaced persons camp]]s for one million refugees who refused to be repatriated. Even two years after the end of War, some 850,000 people still lived in DP camps across Western Europe.<ref name=dpcamps>[http://www.dpcamps.org/dpcampseurope.html DP Camps in Europe Intro], from: ''DPs Europe's Displaced Persons, 1945-1951'' by Mark Wyman</ref> After the establishment of Israel in 1948, Israel accepted more than 650,000 refugees by 1950. By 1953, over 250,000 refugees were still in Europe, most of them old, infirm, crippled, or otherwise disabled.
|Europe ||1,500,500||1,152,800||1,522,100||1,534,400||1,587,400||1,628,100||1,613,400||

===Post-World War II population transfers===
[[File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-J19568, Bei Stalingrad, russische Flüchtlinge.jpg|thumb|Russian refugees near [[Battle of Stalingrad|Stalingrad]], 1942]]
After the Soviet armed forces captured eastern Poland from the Germans in 1944, the Soviets unilaterally declared a new frontier between the Soviet Union and Poland approximately at the [[Curzon Line]], despite the protestations from the Polish government-in-exile in London and the western Allies at the [[Teheran Conference]] and the [[Yalta Conference]] of February 1945. After the [[German Instrument of Surrender|German surrender]] on 7 May 1945, the Allies occupied the remainder of Germany, and the [[Berlin Declaration (1945)|Berlin declaration of 5 June 1945]] confirmed the division of [[Allied-occupied Germany]] according to the Yalta Conference, which stipulated the continued existence of the German Reich as a whole, which would include its [[Former eastern territories of Germany|eastern territories]] as of 31 December 1937. This did not impact on Poland's eastern border, and Stalin refused to be removed from these [[Territories of Poland annexed by the Soviet Union|eastern Polish territories]].

In the last months of World War II, about five million German civilians from the German provinces of [[East Prussia]], [[Pomerania]] and [[Silesia]] fled the advance of the Red Army from the east and became refugees in [[Mecklenburg]], [[Brandenburg]] and [[Saxony]]. Since the spring of 1945 the Poles had been forcefully expelling the remaining German population in these provinces. When the Allies met in Potsdam on 17 July 1945 at the [[Potsdam Conference]], a chaotic refugee situation faced the occupying powers. The [[Potsdam Agreement]], signed on 2 August 1945, defined the Polish western border as that of 1937, (Article VIII)<ref name=Potsdam>[http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/truman/psources/ps_potsdam.html Agreements of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference]</ref> placing one fourth of Germany's territory under the [[Provisional Government of National Unity|Provisional Polish administration]]. Article XII ordered that the remaining German populations in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary be transferred west in an "orderly and humane" manner.<ref name=Potsdam /> (See [[Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50)]].)
|Latin America & Caribbean ||352,700||382,000||380,700||377,800||373,900||367,400||350,300||

Although not approved by Allies at Potsdam, hundreds of thousands of [[ethnic German]]s living in Yugoslavia and Romania were deported to slave labour in the Soviet Union, to [[Allied Control Council|Allied-occupied Germany]], and subsequently to the [[German Democratic Republic]] ([[East Germany]]), Austria and the [[Federal Republic of Germany]] ([[West Germany]]). This entailed the largest [[population transfer]] in history. In all 15 million Germans were affected, and more than two million perished during the [[Expulsion of Germans after World War II|expulsions of the German population]].<ref>{{cite book| title=Statistisches Bundesamt, Die Deutschen Vertreibungsverluste |location=Wiesbaden |year= 1958}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=Forced Resettlement", "Population, Expulsion and Transfer", "Repatriation" |work= Encyclopaedia of Public International Law |publisher=North Holland Publishers |edition=Volumes 1–5 |location=Amsterdam |date= 1993–2003}}</ref><ref>{{cite book| author=Norman Naimark |title= The Russians in Germany |publisher= Harvard University Press |year= 1995}}</ref><ref>{{cite book| author=Alfred de Zayas |title=Nemesis at Potsdam |publisher=Routledge |location= London and Boston |year= 1977}}</ref><ref>{{cite book| author=Alfred de Zayas |title=A Terrible Revenge |publisher=Palgrave/Macmillan |year= 2006}}</ref> (See [[Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–1950)]].) Between the end of War and the erection of the [[Berlin Wall]] in 1961, more than 563,700 refugees from East Germany traveled to West Germany for asylum from the [[Soviet occupation zone|Soviet occupation]].

During the same period, millions of former Russian citizens were [[Operation Keelhaul|forcefully repatriated]] against their will into the USSR.<ref>{{cite journal| title=The United States and Forced Repatriation of Soviet Citizens, 1944-47 |author=Mark Elliott |work=Political Science Quarterly | volume= 88 | issue= 2 |date = June 1973|pages=253–275}}</ref> On 11 February 1945, at the conclusion of the [[Yalta Conference]], the United States and United Kingdom signed a Repatriation Agreement with the USSR.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.fff.org/freedom/0895a.asp |title=Repatriation -- The Dark Side of World War II}}</ref> The interpretation of this Agreement resulted in the forcible repatriation of all Soviets regardless of their wishes. When the war ended in May 1945, British and United States civilian authorities ordered their military forces in Europe to deport to the Soviet Union millions of former residents of the USSR, including many persons who had left Russia and established different citizenship decades before. The forced repatriation operations took place from 1945 to 1947.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.hillsdale.edu/news/imprimis/archive/issue.asp?year=1988&month=12 |title=Forced Repatriation to the Soviet Union: The Secret Betrayal}}</ref>
|Northern America ||416,400||424,000||425,800||429,600||430,100||444,900||453,200||
[[File:Bundesarchiv Bild 175-S00-00326, Flüchtlinge aus Ostpreußen auf Pferdewagen.jpg|thumb|German refugees from [[East Prussia]], 1945]]
At the end of World War II, there were more than 5 million "displaced persons" from the Soviet Union in [[Western Europe]]. About 3 million had been [[Forced labor in Germany during World War II|forced laborers]] ([[Ostarbeiter]]s)<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,1757323,00.html |title=Final Compensation Pending for Former Nazi Forced Laborers}}</ref> in Germany and occupied territories.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://summeroftruth.org/enemy/barracks.html |title=Forced Labor at Ford Werke AG during the Second World War}}</ref><ref>[http://www.collectinghistory.net/ostarbeiter/index.html Collectinghistory.net], "The Nazi Ostarbeiter (Eastern Worker) Program".</ref> The Soviet [[POWs]] and the [[Andrey Vlasov|Vlasov]] men were put under the jurisdiction of [[SMERSH]] (Death to Spies). Of the 5.7 million [[Nazi crimes against Soviet POWs|Soviet prisoners of war]] captured by the Germans, 3.5 million had died while in German captivity by the end of the war.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.historynet.com/wars_conflicts/world_war_2/3037296.html |title=Soviet Prisoners of War: Forgotten Nazi Victims of World War II}}</ref><ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.gendercide.org/case_soviet.html |title=Soviet Prisoners-of-War}}</ref> The survivors on their return to the USSR were treated as traitors (see [[Order No. 270]]).<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/t-z/warlords1stalin.html |title=The warlords: Joseph Stalin}}</ref><ref>{{cite web| url=https://en.stsg.de/cms/node/936 |title=Remembrance (Zeithain Memorial Grove)}}</ref> Over 1.5 million surviving [[Red Army]] soldiers imprisoned by the Nazis were sent to the [[Gulag]].<ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/patriots-ignore-greatest-brutality/2007/08/12/1186857342382.html?page=2 |title=Patriots ignore greatest brutality | date=2007-08-13 | work=The Sydney Morning Herald}}</ref><ref>{{cite book| url=http://www.moreorless.au.com/killers/stalin.html |title=Joseph Stalin killer file}}</ref>

Poland and [[Soviet Ukraine]] conducted population exchanges following the imposition of a new Poland-Soviet border at the [[Curzon Line]] in 1944. About 2,100,000 [[Poles]] were expelled west of the new border (see [[Repatriation of Poles (1944–1946)|Repatriation of Poles]]), while about 450,000 [[Ukrainians]] were expelled to the east of the new border. The [[Population transfer in the Soviet Union|population transfer to Soviet Ukraine]] occurred from September 1944 to May 1946 (see [[repatriation of Ukrainians from Poland to the Soviet Union|Repatriation of Ukrainians]]). A further 200,000 Ukrainians left southeast Poland more or less voluntarily between 1944 and 1945.<ref>
{{cite web |url=http://www.migrationeducation.org/13.0.html |title=Forced migration in the 20th century}}</ref>

The [[International Refugee Organization]] (IRO) was founded on 20 April 1946, and took over the functions of the [[United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration]], which was shut down in 1947. While the handover was originally planned to take place at the beginning of 1947, it did not occur until July 1947.<ref name="infoplease1">{{cite web| url=http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0850078.html |title=United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration |work= Infoplease 2000–2006 Pearson Education, |publisher=The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia |year=1994|accessdate=13 October 2006}}</ref> The International Refugee Organization was a temporary organization of the [[United Nations]] (UN), which itself had been founded in 1945, with a mandate to largely finish the UNRRA's work of repatriating or resettling European refugees. It was dissolved in 1952 after resettling about one million refugees.<ref name="infoplease2">{{cite web| url=http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0825355.html |title= International Refugee Organization |work=Infoplease 2000–2006 Pearson Education |publisher=The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia |date=1994|accessdate=13 October 2006}}</ref> The definition of a refugee at this time was an individual with either a [[Nansen passport]] or a "[[Certificate of identity]]" issued by the International Refugee Organization.
|Oceania ||46,800||45,300||41,000||34,800||33,800||35,600||33,600||

The Constitution of the International Refugee Organization, adopted by the [[United Nations General Assembly]] on 15 December 1946, specified the agency's field of operations. Controversially, this defined "persons of German ethnic origin" who had been expelled, or were to be expelled from their countries of birth into the postwar Germany, as individuals who would "not be the concern of the Organization." This excluded from its purview a group that exceeded in number all the other European displaced persons put together. Also, because of disagreements between the Western allies and the Soviet Union, the IRO only worked in areas controlled by Western armies of occupation.

==UN Refugee Agency==
|Total ||14,385,300||11,699,300||10,498,000||10,404,800||10,549,700||10,396,600||10,489,800||
{{Main article|United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees}}
{{Refimprove section|date=February 2010}}
[[File:South Africa-Xenophobia-001.jpg|thumb|UNHCR tents at a refugee camp following episodes of [[Xenophobia in South Africa|xenophobic violence]] and rioting in [[South Africa]], 2008]]
[[File:Refugee camp.jpg|thumb|Refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo]]

Headquartered in [[Geneva]], Switzerland, the Office of the [[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees]] (UNHCR) was established on 14th December 1950. It protects and supports refugees at the request of a government or the [[United Nations]] and assists in providing durable solutions, such as [[voluntary return|return]] or [[third country resettlement|resettlement]]. All refugees in the world are under the UNHCR mandate except [[Palestinian refugees]] who fled the current state of [[Israel]] between 1947 and 1949, as a result of the [[1948 Palestine War]], and their descendants, who are assisted by the [[United Nations Relief and Works Agency]] (UNRWA). However, Palestinian Arabs who fled the West Bank and Gaza after 1949 (for example, during the 1967 [[Six Day war]]) are under the jurisdiction of the UNHCR. Moreover, the UNHCR also provides protection and assistance to other categories of displaced persons. These include asylum seekers, refugees who have [[voluntary return|voluntarily returned]] home but still need help in rebuilding their lives, local civilian communities directly affected by the movements of refugees, [[statelessness|stateless]] people and so-called [[internally displaced people]] (IDPs).

The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees as well as people in refugee-like situations and to resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to [[asylum seeker|seek asylum]] and find safe refuge in another State or territory, with the three options (also called "durable solutions") to either return home voluntarily, or integrate locally or to [[third country resettlement|resettle in a third country]].
===Refugee crises in Africa===
[[File:Humanitarian Aid in Congo november 2008.jpeg|thumb|Distribution of humanitarian aid at a refugee camp in [[Democratic Republic of the Congo|Congo]].]]
Since the 1950s, many nations in Africa have suffered [[civil war]]s and ethnic strife, thus generating a massive number of refugees of many different [[Nationality|nationalities]] and [[ethnic group]]s. The number of refugees in Africa increased from 860,000 in 1968 to 6,775,000 by 1992.<ref>[http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9063038 Refugee, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2004]</ref> By the end of 2004, that number had dropped to 2,748,400 refugees, according to the [[United Nations High Commission for Refugees]].<ref>[http://www.unhcr.ch/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/statistics/opendoc.pdf?tbl=STATISTICS&id=42b283744 UNHCR.ch] {{wayback|url=http://www.unhcr.ch/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/statistics/opendoc.pdf?tbl=STATISTICS&id=42b283744 |date=20110613013433 |df=y }}</ref> (That figure does not include [[internally displaced person]]s, who do not cross international borders and so do not fit the official definition of refugee.)

===Acute and temporary protection===
Many refugees in Africa cross into neighboring countries to find haven; often, African countries are simultaneously countries of origin for refugees and countries of asylum for other refugees. The [[Democratic Republic of Congo]], for instance, was the country of origin for 462,203 refugees at the end of 2004, but a country of asylum for 199,323 other refugees. The largest number of refugees in 2004 are from Sudan and have fled either the longstanding and recently concluded [[Second Sudanese Civil War|Sudanese Civil War]] or the [[War in Darfur]] and are located mainly in [[Chad]], [[Uganda]], [[Ethiopia]], and [[Kenya]].

==== Angola ====
====Refugee camp====
[[File:The Sahrawi refugees – a forgotten crisis in the Algerian desert (7).jpg|thumb|For over 30 years, several tens of thousands of [[Sahrawi people|Sahrawi]] refugees have been living in the region of [[Tindouf, Algeria]], in the heart of the desert.]]
Decolonisation during the 1960s and 1970s often resulted in the mass exodus of [[White African|European-descended]] settlers out of Africa – especially from North Africa (1.6 million European ''[[pieds noirs]]''),<ref>[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DEFDE1539F935A35757C0A96E948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all For Pieds-Noirs, the Anger Endures], The New York Times, 6 April 1988</ref> Congo, Mozambique and Angola.<ref>[http://www.economist.com/world/mideast-africa/displayStory.cfm?story_id=12079340 Flight from Angola], ''The Economist '', 16 August 1975</ref> By the mid-1970s, the Portugal's African territories were lost, and nearly one million Portuguese or persons of Portuguese descent left those territories (mostly Portuguese [[Overseas Province of Angola|Angola]] and [[Overseas Province of Mozambique|Mozambique]]) as destitute refugees – the ''retornados''.<ref>[http://countrystudies.us/portugal/48.htm Portugal – Emigration], Eric Solsten, ed. Portugal: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1993.</ref>
[[File:Refugee camp in Guinea.jpg|thumb|A camp in [[Guinea]] for refugees from [[Sierra Leone]] ]]
[[File:Erstaufnahmelager Jenfelder Moorpark 4.jpg|thumb|Erstaufnahmelager [[Hamburg|Jenfeld]]er Moorpark]]
{{Main article|Refugee camp}}
A refugee camp is a place built by [[government]]s or [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]]s (such as the [[International Committee of the Red Cross|Red Cross]]) to receive refugees. People may stay in these camps, receiving emergency food, education and medical aid. If it becomes safer they can make use of [[voluntary return]] programmes.<ref>{{cite web|author=Hilary Heuler |url=http://www.voanews.com/content/un-refugee-chief-voluntary-return-of-somali-refugees-a-global-priority/2752801.html |title=UN Refugee Chief: Voluntary Return of Somali Refugees a Global Priority |publisher=Voanews.com |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> In some cases, often after several years, other countries decide it will never be safe for the these people to return, or to remain in the current host country, and they may be resettled in "[[third country resettlement|third countries]]"<ref>{{cite web|author=United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/4a16b1676.html |title=Resettlement |publisher=UNHCR |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> However, more often than not, refugees are neither resettled nor integrated and naturalised. In the meantime, they are at risk of disease, child soldier and terrorist recruitment, and physical and sexual violence. There are estimated to be 700 refugee camp locations worldwide.<ref>{{cite web|author=United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |url=http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home |title=The UN Refugee Agency |publisher=UNHCR |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref>

====Urban refugee====
The [[Angolan Civil War]] (1975–2002), one of the largest and deadliest Cold War conflicts, erupted shortly after and spread out across the newly independent country. At least one million people were killed, four million were displaced internally and another half million fled as refugees.<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/publ/PUBL/4136de7f6.html Refugees Magazine Issue 131: (Africa) – Africa At A Glance], UNHCR</ref>
{{Main article|Urban refugee}}
Not all refugees who are supported by the UNHCR live in refugee camps. A significant number, more than half, live in urban settings,<ref>{{cite web|author=Learn |url=http://urban-refugees.org/ |title=Raising the voice of the invisibleUrban Refugees &#124; Raising the voice of the invisible |publisher=Urban Refugees |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> such as the ~60,000 Iraqi refugees in Damascus (Syria),<ref>{{cite web|last=Dehghanpisheh |first=Babak |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/iraqi-refugees-in-syria-feel-new-strains-of-war/2013/04/09/4f5cd784-9ee8-11e2-a941-a19bce7af755_story.html |title=Iraqi refugees in Syria feel new strains of war |publisher=The Washington Post |date=2013-04-10 |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref><!-- as of 2015, Kenyan government requires refugees to reside in camps --> and the ~30,000 Sudanese refugees in Cairo (Egypt).<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.fmreview.org/sites/fmr/files/FMRdownloads/en/FMRpdfs/FMR27/50.pdf | title=Shattered dreams of Sudanese refugees in Cairo | work=Forced Migration Review (FMR) | accessdate=9 July 2016 | author=Hala W Mahmoud}}</ref>

==== Uganda ====
===Durable solutions===
Rather than only safeguarding the rights and minimal well-being of refugees in the camps or in urban settings on a temporary basis the UNHCR's ultimate goal is to find one of the three durable solutions for refugees: integration, repatriation, resettlement.
[[File:Ugandan children.jpg|thumb|right|[[Uganda]]n refugee children at a camp near Kitgum.]]
In the 1970s [[Uganda]] and other East African nations implemented racist policies that targeted the Asian population of the region. Uganda under [[Idi Amin]]'s leadership was particularly most virulent in its anti-Asian policies, eventually resulting in the [[Expulsion of Asians in Uganda in 1972|expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Uganda's Asian minority]].<ref>[http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2003-08-19/ahmedabad/27205829_1_idi-amin-kampala-ugandan Ugandan refugees recount black deeds of 'butcher of Kampala']</ref> Uganda's 80,000 Asians were mostly Indians born in the country. India had refused to accept them.<ref>[http://www.theage.com.au/news/business/uk-indians-taking-care-of-business/2006/03/07/1141701511987.html UK Indians taking care of business]</ref> Most of the expelled Indians eventually settled in the United Kingdom, Canada and in the United States.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/legacies/immig_emig/england/suffolk/article_1.shtml Uganda's loss, Britain's gain]</ref>

====Naturalisation and integration====
The [[Lord's Resistance Army insurgency]] forced many civilians to live in internally displaced person camps.
{{Main article|Naturalization}}
In 2014 Tanzania granted citizenship to 162,000 refugees from Burundi and in 1982 to 32,000 Rwandan refugees.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/5441246f6.html | title=Tanzania grants citizenship to 162,000 Burundian refugees in historic decision | publisher=UNHCR | date=17 October 2014 | accessdate=9 July 2016 | author=Markus, Francis}}</ref> Mexico naturalised 6,200 Guatemalan refugees in 2001.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/3c064aab4.html | title=From refugee to citizen: a Guatemalan in Mexico | publisher=UNHCR | date=29 November 2001 | accessdate=9 July 2016 | author=Goldberg, Diana}}</ref>
In the context of the [[Arab-Israeli conflict]], the [[State of Israel]] has guaranteed asylum and citizenship to [[Jewish refugees]]. Many countries, such as Syria and Kenya, rule out the integration of refugees in their country.

====Great Lakes====
====Voluntary return====
{{Main article|Great Lakes refugee crisis}}
{{Main article|Voluntary return}}
In the last couple of years parts of or even whole refugee populations were able to return to their home countries: e.g. 120,000 Congolese refugees returned from the Republic of Congo to the DRC,<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/53e0ac5f9.html | title=UNHCR completes challenging repatriation of almost 120,000 Congolese refugees | publisher=UNHCR | date=5 August 2014 | accessdate=9 July 2016 | authors=Celine Schmitt, ed. Wendy Rappeport/Leo R. Dobbs}}</ref> 30,000 Angolans returned home from the DRC<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/53ff4c3c6.html | title=Angola Repatriation: Antonio returns home after 40 years in DR Congo | publisher=UNHCR | date=28 August 2014 | accessdate=9 July 2016 | author=Celine Schmitt, ed. Leo R. Dobbs}}</ref> and Botswana, Ivorian refugees returned from Liberia, Afghans from Pakistan, and Iraqis from Syria. In 2013, the governments of Kenya and Somalia also signed a tripartite agreement facilitating the repatriation of refugees from Somalia.<ref name="Ntomim">{{cite news|title = Nairobi to open mission in Mogadishu|url = http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/mobile/?articleID=2000105058&story_title=nairobi-to-open-mission-in-mogadishu|accessdate = 18 June 2016|newspaper = Standard Digital|date = 19 February 2014}}</ref> The UNHCR and the IOM offer assistance to refugees who want to return voluntarily to their home countries. Many developed countries also have Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programmes for asylum seekers who want to go back or were refused asylum.
In the aftermath of the 1994 [[Rwandan Genocide]], over two million people fled into neighboring countries, in particular [[Zaire]]. The refugee camps were soon controlled by the former government and [[Hutu]] militants who used the camps as bases to launch attacks against the new government in [[Rwanda]]. Little action was taken to resolve the situation and the crisis did not end until Rwanda-supported rebels forced the refugees back across the border at the beginning of the [[First Congo War]].

====Third country resettlement====
{{Main article|Third country resettlement}}
An estimated 2.5 million people, roughly one-third the population of the [[Darfur]] area, have been forced to flee their homes after attacks by [[Janjaweed]] [[Arab]] militia backed by Sudanese troops during the ongoing war in Darfur in western [[Sudan]] since roughly 2003.<ref>[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/15/AR2006101500655.html African Union Force Ineffective, Complain Refugees in Darfur]</ref><ref>[http://news.independent.co.uk/world/africa/article2768232.ece Arabs pile into Darfur to take land 'cleansed' by janjaweed]</ref>
Resettlement involves the assisted movement of refugees who are unable to return home to safe third countries.<ref name="What is resettlement">{{cite web|url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/4a1d0a9e6.html|title=What is resettlement? A new challenge|publisher=UNHCR|accessdate=2009-07-19}}</ref><ref name=Resettlement>{{cite web|url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/4a16b1676.html|title=Resettlement: A new beginning in a third country|publisher=UNHCR|accessdate=2009-07-19}}</ref> The UNHCR has traditionally seen resettlement as the least preferable of the "durable solutions" to refugee situations.<ref name="RIAF Guide">{{cite web|url=http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/OneStopCMS/Core/CrawlerResourceServer.aspx?resource=3140698F-6646-468B-AD6E-217439B9ACB5&mode=link&guid=eca93211dd1d4c9585770f026739c401|title=Understanding Resettlement to the UK: A Guide to the Gateway Protection Programme|date=June 2004|publisher=Refugee Council on behalf of the Resettlement Inter-Agency Partnership|accessdate=2009-07-19}}</ref> However, in April 2000 the then UN High Commissioner for Refugees, [[Sadako Ogata]], stated "Resettlement can no longer be seen as the least-preferred durable solution; in many cases it is the ''only'' solution for refugees."<ref name="RIAF Guide"/> Politicians in some western countries have shown a preference for [[Christian]] refugees over those of other [[religion]]s.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Kamali|first1=Masoud|title=Racial Discrimination: Institutional Patterns and Politics|date=2010|page=184}}</ref>

Resettlement involves a number of difficulties, most of them involving the often extreme cultural transition needed to adapt to life in the country of resettlement. For the many refugees going from rural [[undeveloped countries]] to life in urban centers, public transport, education, health care systems, job applications, and even grocery shopping can be difficult to navigate. Language barriers also frequently pose a problem. Even aside from material problems, resettled refugees can struggle with issues of identity and belonging, as societal integration can be very difficult in a completely different culture, and discrimination frequently further inhibits the process.<ref name="UNHCR Resettlement Handbook">{{cite web|author=UNHCR|title=Refugee Resettlement. An International Handbook to Guide Reception and Integration|url=http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/405189284.pdf|pages=22–23}}</ref>
{{Main article|Refugees of Nigeria}}
Following Boko Haram's violence thousands of Nigerian's fled to Niger and Cameroon.

The UNHCR does recognize benefits to resettlement as well, however. On their website, they bring attention to the fact that refugees have much to bring to the countries in which they are resettled in terms of culture and labor, going as far as to say that "both refugee resettlement and general migration are now recognized as critical factors in the economic success of a number of industrialized countries."<ref name="UNHCR Resettlement Handbook" /> According to the UNHCR, resettlement serves three primary functions: securing fundamental [[human rights]] such as "life, liberty, safety, health," etc.for refugees who are at risk in camps, providing a long-term solution to the issue of [[Forced migration|displacement]] for large numbers of refugees, and alleviating the burden on countries offering asylum to such displaced peoples.<ref>{{cite web|author=UNHCR|title=Introducing Resettlement|url=http://www.unhcr.org/3d4653c84.pdf|p=3}}</ref> Frequently, these countries of asylum are some of the world's poorest nations and cannot handle the large influx of persons that occur when war, persecution, or other events drive refugees across their borders into their country.<ref name="UNHCR Resettlement Handbook" />
====Central African Republic====
{{Main article|Central African Republic Civil War (2012–present)|Central African Republic Bush War}}

===Internally displaced person===
{{main|Internally displaced person}}
{{see also|Refugees of Sudan|Sudanese refugees in Egypt|Sudanese refugees in Chad|Sudanese in Israel}}
UNHCR's mandate has gradually been expanded to include protecting and providing humanitarian assistance to what it describes as other persons "of concern". This category includes [[internally displaced persons]] (IDPs) and people in IDP-like situations, who are civilians who have been forced to flee their homes, but who have not reached a neighboring country and therefore, unlike refugees, are not protected by international law and may find it hard to receive any form of assistance. They do not fit the legal definition of a refugee under the 1951 Refugee Convention, 1967 Protocol and the 1969 Organization for African Unity Convention, because they have not left their country. UNHCR thus has missions in [[Colombia]], [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]], [[Serbia and Montenegro]] and [[Ivory Coast]] to assist and provide services to IDPs. As the nature of war has changed in the last few decades, with more and more internal conflicts replacing interstate wars, the number of IDPs has increased significantly.
There are tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, most of them seeking refuge from ongoing military conflicts in their home country of Sudan. Their official status as refugees is highly disputed, and they have been subject to racial discrimination and police violence. They live among a much larger population of Sudanese migrants in Egypt, more than two million people of Sudanese nationality (by most estimates; a full range is 750,000 to 4 million (FMRS 2006:5) who live in Egypt. The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants believes many more of these migrants are in fact refugees, but see little benefit in seeking recognition.
Asia – 8,603,600
Africa – 5,169,300
Europe – 3,666,700
Latin America and Caribbean – 2,513,000
North America – 716,800
Oceania – 82,500.

Compared to the 19.5 million refugees at the end of 2014, there were 38.2 million (about twice as many) IDPs in the same year.<ref name="CIA:xx">{{CIA World Factbook link|xx}}</ref>
====South Sudan====
{{main article|Refugees of South Sudan}}

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center"
|+ style="text-align: left;" | Comparison between the number of refugees and IDPs who are supported by the UNHCR between 2014 and 1998.<ref>http://www.unhcr.org/statisticalyearbook/2014-annex-tables.zip</ref>
[[File:Somyem2.jpg|thumb|Returning Somali expatriates in [[Bosaso]], Somalia (2015).]]
Following the outbreak of civil war in Somalia, many of the country's residents left in search of asylum. According to the UNHCR, there were around 976,500 registered refugees from the nation in adjacent states as of 2016.<ref name="Unhcrreg">{{cite web|title=Registered Somali Refugee Population|url=http://data.unhcr.org/horn-of-africa/regional.php|publisher=UNHCR|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> The majority of these individuals were registered in [[Kenya]] (413,170; 326,611 in [[Dadaab]], 54,550 in [[Kakuma]], 32,009 in [[Nairobi]]),<ref>{{cite web|title=Registered Somali Refugee Population|url=http://data.unhcr.org/horn-of-africa/country.php?id=110|publisher=UNHCR|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> [[Yemen]] (253,876 in UNHCR centers and urban areas),<ref name="Unhcrreg"/> and [[Ethiopia]] (213,775 in five camps in [[Dolo Odo|Dollo Ado]]).<ref>{{cite web|title=Registered Somali Refugee Population|url=http://data.unhcr.org/horn-of-africa/region.php?id=7&country=65|publisher=UNHCR|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> Additionally, 1.1 million people were internally displaced persons (IDPs).<ref>{{cite web|title=Refugees in the Horn of Africa: Somali Displacement Crisis|url=http://data.unhcr.org/horn-of-africa/country.php?id=197|publisher=UNHCR|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> Most of the IDPs were [[Bantus (Somalia)|Bantus]] and other ethnic minorities originating from the southern regions, including those displaced in the north.<ref>{{cite web|title=Somalia Humanitarian Situation Update|url=https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06NAIROBI4868_a.html|website=Wikileaks|publisher=USAID|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> An estimated 60% of the IDPs were children.<ref name="Idmc">{{cite web|title=Somalia IDP Figures Analysis|url=http://www.internal-displacement.org/sub-saharan-africa/somalia/figures-analysis|publisher=IDMC|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> Causes of the displacement included armed violence, diverted aid flows and natural disasters, which hindered the IDPs' access to safe shelter and resources.<ref name="Idmc2">{{cite web|title=Over a million IDPs need support for local solutions|url=http://www.internal-displacement.org/assets/Uploads/201503-af-somalia-overview-en.pdf|publisher=IDMC|accessdate=3 July 2016}}</ref> IDP settlements were concentrated in south-central Somalia (893,000), followed by the northern Puntland (129,000) and Somaliland (84,000) regions.<ref name="Idmc"/> Additionally, there were around 9,356 registered refugees and 11,157 registered asylum seekers in Somalia.<ref name="Unhcrreg"/> Most of these foreign nationals emigrated from Yemen to northern Somalia after the Houthi insurgency in 2015.<ref name="Grfylibt">{{cite news|title=Refugees from Yemen Landed In Berabera Town|url=http://goobjoog.com/english/?p=12416|accessdate=24 April 2015|agency=Goobjoog|date=3 July 2016}}</ref>

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| End-year
====Western Sahara====
{{main article|Sahrawi refugee camps}}
[[File:Saharawi refugee women with flour in Dakhla, Algeria.jpg|thumb|210px|[[Saharawi people|Saharawi]] refugee women with flour in Dakhla, southwestern [[Algeria]] (2004).]]
It is estimated that between 165,000 – 200,000 [[Sahrawis]] – people from the disputed territory of [[Western Sahara]] – have lived in five large refugee camps near [[Tindouf Province|Tindouf]] in the Algerian part of the [[Sahara]] Desert since 1975.<ref>[http://www.afrol.com/articles/21380 EU donates €10 million to Western Sahara refugees]</ref><ref>[http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/wofact2005/fields/2194.html Refugees and internally displaced persons]</ref> The [[UNHCR]] and [[WFP]] are presently engaged in supporting what they describe as the "90,000 most vulnerable" refugees, giving no estimate for total refugee numbers.<ref>[http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=74134 Western Sahara: Lack of donor funds threatens humanitarian projects]</ref>

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 1998
{{main article|Refugees of the 2011 Libyan civil war}}
Refugees of the 2011 Libyan civil war are the people, predominantly of [[Libyans|Libyan nationality]], who fled or were expelled from their homes during the [[2011 Libyan civil war]], from within the borders of [[Libya]] to the neighbouring states of Tunisia, Egypt and Chad, as well as to European countries, across the Mediterranean, as [[Boat people]]. The majority of Libyan refugees are Arabs and Berbers, though many of other ethnicities, temporarily living in Libya, originated from sub-Saharan Africa, were also among the first refugee waves to exit the country. The total Libyan refugee numbers are estimated at near one million as of June 2011. About half of them had returned to Libyan territory during summer 2011, though large refugee camps on Tunisian and Chad border kept being overpopulated.

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2000
===Refugee crises in the Americas===

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2002
====El Salvador====
[[File:Desplazadoscol02.jpg|thumb|[[Colombia]]n refugees receiving humanitarian assistance.]]
More than one million [[Salvadoran]]s were displaced during the [[Salvadoran Civil War]] from 1975 to 1982. About half went to the United States, most settling in the Los Angeles area.

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2004
There was also a large exodus of [[Guatemala]]ns during the 1980s, trying to escape from the civil war there as well. These people went to Southern Mexico and the U.S.

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2006
! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2008
From 1991 through 1994, following the military [[coup d'état]] against President [[Jean-Bertrand Aristide]], thousands of [[Haiti]]ans fled violence and repression by boat. Although most were repatriated to Haiti by the U.S. government, others entered the United States as refugees. Haitians were primarily regarded as [[economic migrant]]s from the grinding poverty of Haiti, the poorest nation in the [[Western Hemisphere]].
! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2010

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2012
{{See also|Mariel boatlift}}
The victory of the forces led by [[Fidel Castro]] in the [[Cuban Revolution]] led to a large exodus of [[Cubans]] between 1959 and 1980. Thousands of Cubans yearly continue to risk the waters of the [[Straits of Florida]] seeking better economic and political conditions in the U.S. In 1999 the highly publicized case of six-year-old [[Elián González]] brought the covert migration to international attention. Measures by both governments have attempted to address the issue. The U.S. government instituted a [[wet feet, dry feet policy]] allowing refuge to those travelers who manage to complete their journey, and the Cuban government has periodically allowed for mass migration by organizing leaving posts. The most famous of these agreed migrations was the [[Mariel boatlift]] of 1980.

! scope="col" style="width: 90px;"| 2014
[[Colombia]] has one of the world's largest populations of [[internally displaced person]]s (IDPs), with estimates ranging from 2.6 to 4.3 million people, due to the ongoing [[Colombian armed conflict]]. The larger figure is cumulative since 1985.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/lib.nsf/db900sid/ASHU-7RR7QG/$file/IDMC_Apr2009.pdf?openelement|format=PDF|title=Internal Displacement. Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2008 |publisher=IDMC |accessdate=2009-06-28}}</ref><ref>[http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900SID/EGUA-7RQN5C?OpenDocument Number of internally displaced people remains stable at 26 million]. Source: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). 4 May 2009.</ref> It is now estimated by the [[U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants]] that there are about 150,000 [[Colombian people|Colombian]]s in "refugee-like situations" in the United States, not recognized as refugees or subject to any formal protection.

====United States====
{{main article|Asylum in the United States}}
[[File:Mariel Refugees.jpg|thumb|right|A boat crowded with [[Cuba]]n refugees arrives in [[Key West, Florida]], during the 1980 [[Mariel Boatlift]].]]
During the [[Vietnam War]], many U.S. citizens who were [[conscientious objectors]] and wished to [[draft dodger#Draft dodging and the Vietnam War|avoid the draft]] sought political asylum in Canada. President [[Jimmy Carter]] issued an [[amnesty]]. Since 1975, the U.S. has resettled approximately 2.6 million refugees, with nearly 77% being either Indochinese or citizens of the former Soviet Union. Since the enactment of the Refugee Act of 1980, annual admissions figures have ranged from a high of 207,116 in 1980 to a low of 27,100 in 2002.

|Refugees|| 11,480,900 || 12,129,600 || 10,594,100 || 9,574,800 || 9,877,700 || 10,489,800 || 10,549,700 || 10,498,000 || 14,385,300 ||
Currently, nine national [[VOLAG|voluntary agencies]] resettle refugees nationwide on behalf of the U.S. government: [[Church World Service]], Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, [[Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society]], [[International Rescue Committee]], [[U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants]], Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, [[United States Conference of Catholic Bishops]], and [[World Relief]].

[[Jesuit Refugee Service|Jesuit Refugee Service/USA]] (JRS/USA) has worked to help resettle Bhutanese refugees in the United States. The mission of JRS/USA is to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. JRS/USA is one of 10 geographic regions of Jesuit Refugee Service, an international Catholic organization sponsored by the Society of Jesus. In coordination with JRS's International Office in Rome, JRS/USA provides advocacy, financial and human resources for JRS regions throughout the world.

|[[internally displaced person|IDPs]]|| 5,063,900 || 5,998,500 || 4,646,600 || 5,426,500 || 12,794,300 || 14,442,200 || 14,697,900 || 17,670,400 || 32,274,600 ||
The U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) funds a number of organizations that provide technical assistance to voluntary agencies and local refugee resettlement organizations.<ref>[http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr/resources/tech_asst_providers.htm Technical Assistance Providers]</ref> RefugeeWorks, headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, is ORR's training and technical assistance arm for employment and self-sufficiency activities, for example. This nonprofit organization assists refugee service providers in their efforts to help refugees achieve self-sufficiency. RefugeeWorks publishes white papers, newsletters and reports on refugee employment topics.<ref>RefugeeWorks [http://www.refugeeworks.org/about/mission_statement.html Mission Statement]</ref>

==Asylum seeker==
The US government position on refugees states that there is repression of religious [[minorities]] in the Middle East and in Pakistan such as Christians, Hindus, as well as [[Ahmadi]], and [[Zikri]] denominations of Islam. In Sudan, where Islam is the state religion, Muslims dominate the government and restrict activities of Christians, practitioners of traditional African [[Indigenous (ecology)|indigenous]] religions and other non-Muslims.<ref>[http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2005/51662.htm State.gov]</ref> The question of Jewish, Christian and other refugees from [[Arab]] and Muslim countries was introduced in March 2007 in the [[United States Congress|US Congress]].<ref name="CJnews.com">[http://www.cjnews.com/viewarticle.asp?id=11342 CJnews.com]</ref>
{{main article|Asylum seeker}}
An asylum seeker is a displaced person or migrant who seeks protection or at least the right to remain in another country. An asylum seeker is not necessarily a refugee and may never be granted asylum and thus not given refugee status; likewise a displaced person who would legally be entitled to refugee status may never apply for asylum, or not allowed to apply in the country they fled to and thus not be an asylum seeker. The term refugee is often used in two different contexts: 1) in everyday usage it refers to a displaced person who flees their home or country of origin, 2) in a more specific context it refers to a displaced person who was given refugee status in the country of asylum. In between these two stages the person may have been an asylum seeker. Until a request for refuge has been accepted, the person is referred to as an ''asylum seeker''. An asylum seeker will be granted asylum, i.e. given refugee status, when the country of asylum is a signatory to the 1951 [[Refugee convention]] and agrees that the persons circumstances fall into the definition of a refugee, such as risk of persecution "on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group".<ref>U.S. example: [[Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965|INA]] §208; 8 [[U.S.C.]] §1158</ref> Only after the recognition of the asylum seeker's protection needs is he or she is ''officially'' referred to as a refugee in the more specific context and enjoys refugee status. This carries certain rights and obligations according to the legislation of the receiving country. [[Quota refugee]]s do not need to apply for asylum on arrival as they were selected for resettlement by third countries and already went through the refugee status determination process in the first country of asylum.

===Refugee crises in Asia===
==Refugee status==
There is a large difference between being a forcibly displaced person, i.e. having fled ones country of origin, and being granted "''refugee status''" in the country of asylum. Refugee status is given to [[quota refugee]]s and can be given to [[asylum seeker]]s if their application for asylum is successful. In order to be given refugee status either way a refugee has to go through a '''Refugee Status Determination''' ('''RSD''') process, which is conducted by the government of the country of asylum or the UNHCR, and based on international, regional or national law.<ref name="unhcr.org">{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/4a16b1d06.html | title=Refugee Status Determination | accessdate=9 July 2016 | work=unhcr.org | publisher=UNHCR }}</ref>

There is no specific method mandated for RSD (apart from the commitment to the [[1951 Refugee Convention]]) and it is subject to the overall efficacy of the country’s internal administrative and judicial system as well as the characteristics of the refugee flow to which the country responds. This lack of a procedural direction could create a situation where political and strategic interests override humanitarian considerations in the RSD process.<ref>Claire Higgins, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2016: New Evidence on Refugee Status Determination in Australia, 1978-1983</ref> There are also no fixed interpretations of the elements in the Refugee Convention and countries may interpret them differently (see also [[refugee roulette]]).
{{main article|Afghan refugees}}

Ideally the government of each individual country should conduct RSDs in order to enable the UNHCR to remain independent and impartial. However, in 2013, the UNHCR conducted them in more than 50 countries and co-conducted them parallel to or jointly with governments in another 20 countries, which made it the second largest RSD body in the world<ref name="unhcr.org"/>
[[File:Afghan refugees, living on the Canal Saint Martin, underneath a bridge.jpg|thumb|[[Afghan people|Afghan]] refugees in France, 2010]]
From the [[Soviet war in Afghanistan|Soviet invasion of Afghanistan]] in 1979 until the late [[Operation Enduring Freedom|2001 US-led invasion]], about six million [[Afghan refugees]] have fled to neighboring Pakistan and Iran, making [[Afghanistan]] the largest refugee-producing country. Since early 2002, more than 5 million Afghan refugees have [[Repatriation|repatriated]] through the UNHCR from both Pakistan and Iran back to their native country, Afghanistan.<ref>[[Pajhwok Afghan News]] (PAN), [http://www.pajhwok.com/viewstory.asp?lng=eng&id=44975 ''UNHCR hails Pakistan as an important partner (Nov. 3, 2007)'']</ref> Approximately 3.5 million from Pakistan<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/page?page=49e487016 2010 UNHCR country operations profile – Pakistan]</ref> while the remaining 1.5 million from Iran. Since 2007 the Iranian government has forcibly deported mostly unregistered (and some registered) Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan, with 362,000 being deported in 2008.<ref name="Fars">{{cite news|url=http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8807141624|title=Afghanistan denies laxity in visa rules |date=2009-10-06|agency=[[Fars News Agency]]|accessdate=2009-10-10}}</ref>

There is one exception to the RSD process: younger [[Palestinian refugees|Palestinian]] and [[Sahrawi refugees]] have refugee status without having fled their home country themselves. They inherited the refugee status from their ancestors who were the ones forced to migrate.
As of March 2009, some 1.7 million registered Afghan refugees still remain in Pakistan. This include the many who were born in Pakistan during the last 30 years but still counted as [[Demography of Afghanistan|citizens of Afghanistan]]. They are allowed to work and study until the end of 2012.<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/news/NEWS/49ba5db92.html UNHCR and Pakistan sign new agreement on stay of Afghan refugees], 13 March 2009.</ref> 935,600 registered [[Afghans in Iran|Afghans are living in Iran]], which also include the ones born inside Iran.<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/page?page=49e486f96 2010 UNHCR country operations profile – Islamic Republic of Iran]</ref>

==Refugee rights==
The 2011 industrialized country asylum data notes a 30% increase in applications from Afghans from 2010 to 2011, primarily towards Germany and Turkey.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://fic.tufts.edu/publication-item/afghanistan-humanitarianism-in-uncertain-times/ | title=Afghanistan: Humanitarianism in Uncertain Times | publisher=Feinstein International Center, Tufts University | date=November 2012 | accessdate=20 June 2014 | author=Benelli, Prisca, Antonio Donini, and Norah Niland | page=12}}</ref> As of November 2012, there were still 1.8 million Afghans living in Pakistan given both security and economic instability in their home country. However, the country that for decades has hosted Afghan refugees has become the site of extensive military activity that has displaced Pakistanis internally as well as back and forth into Afghanistan. In recent years political momentum has also been building in Pakistan to compel Afghan refugees to repatriate. In July 2012, the Pakistani government announced it would not renew the ID cards of registered Afghan refugees, and as of January 2013, will treat them as illegal immigrants.
{{Main article|Refugee law}}

Refugee rights encompass both customary law, [[peremptory norm]]s, and international legal instruments and include:
* The 1951 [[United Nations]] [[Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees]];
{{main article|2009 refugee crisis in Pakistan}}
* The 1967 UNHCR Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees;
Since the beginning US military intervention against the Taliban in Pakistan over 1.2 million people have been displaced in across the country, joined by a further 555,000 Pakistanis uprooted by fighting since August 2008.
* The 1969 UNHCR Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa<ref>[http://www.unhcr-centraleurope.org/pdf/resources/legal-documents/international-refugee-law/1969-organization-of-african-unity-convention-governing-the-specific-aspects-of-refugee-problems-in-africa.html The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa]</ref>
* The 1974 [[United Nations]] ''[[Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict]]''

These documents and declarations include the following rights and obligations for refugees:

=====The Partition of 1947=====
===Right of return===
{{Main article|Partition of India}}
{{Main article|Right of return}}
Even in a supposedly "post-conflict" environment, it is not a simple process for refugees to return home.<ref name=ODI>Sara Pantuliano (2009) [http://www.odi.org.uk/resources/details.asp?id=4409&title=uncharted-territory-land-conflict-humanitarian-action Uncharted Territory: Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action] [[Overseas Development Institute]]</ref> The UN Pinheiro Principles are guided by the idea that people not only have the right to return home, but also the right to the same property.<ref name=ODI/> It seeks to return to the pre-conflict status quo and ensure that no one profits from violence. Yet this is a very complex issue and every situation is different; conflict is a highly transformative force and the pre-war status-quo can never be reestablished completely, even if that were desirable (it may have caused the conflict in the first place).<ref name=ODI/> Therefore, the following are of particular importance to the right to return:<ref name=ODI/>
[[File:Partition of Punjab, India 1947.jpg|thumb|Overcrowded train transferring refugees during the [[partition of India]], 1947. This was considered to be the largest migration in human history.]]
* may never have had property (e.g. in Afghanistan);
* cannot access what property they have (Colombia, Guatemala, South Africa and Sudan);
* ownership is unclear as families have expanded or split and division of the land becomes an issue;
* death of owner may leave dependents without clear claim to the land;
* people settled on the land know it is not theirs but have nowhere else to go (as in Colombia, Rwanda and Timor-Leste); and
* have competing claims with others, including the state and its foreign or local business partners (as in Aceh, Angola, Colombia, Liberia and Sudan).
Refugees who were [[third country resettlement|resettled to a third country]] will likely lose the indefinite leave to remain in this country if they return to their country of origin or the country of first asylum.

=== Right to non-refoulement ===
The partition of the [[British Raj]] provinces of [[Punjab region|Panjab]] and [[Bengal]] and the subsequent independence of Pakistan and one day later of India in 1947 resulted in the largest human movement in history. In this population exchange, approximately 7 million [[Hindus]] and [[Sikhs]] from [[Bangladesh]] and Pakistan moved to India while approximately 7 million Muslims from India moved to Pakistan. Approximately one million Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs died during this event.{{citation needed|date=June 2012}}
{{Main article|Non-refoulement}}
Non-refoulement is the right not to be returned to a place of persecution and is the foundation for international refugee law, as outlined in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.<ref>{{Cite web|title = Convention relating to the Status of Refugees|url = http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/StatusOfRefugees.aspx|website = www.ohchr.org|accessdate = 2015-09-28}}</ref> The right to non-refoulement is distinct from the right to asylum. In order to respect the right to asylum states must not deport genuine refugees. In contrast, the right to non-refoulement allows states to transfer genuine refugees to third party countries with respectable human rights records. The portable procedural model, proposed by political philosopher Andy Lamey, emphasizes the right to non-refoulement by guaranteeing refugees three procedural rights (to a verbal hearing, to legal counsel, and to judicial review of detention decisions) and ensuring those rights in the constitution.<ref>{{Cite book|title = Frontier Justice|last = Lamey|first = Andy|publisher = Anchor Canada|year = 2011|isbn = 978-0-385-66255-0|location = Canada|pages = 232–266}}</ref> This proposal attempts to strike a balance between the interest of national governments and the interests of refugees.

===Right to family reunification===
{{Main article|Family reunification}}
As a result of the [[Bangladesh Liberation War]], on 27 March 1971, Prime Minister of India, [[Indira Gandhi]], expressed full support of her Government to the Bangladeshi struggle for freedom. The Bangladesh-India border was opened to allow panic-stricken Bangladeshis' safe shelter in India. The governments of [[West Bengal]], [[Bihar]], [[Assam]], [[Meghalaya]] and [[Tripura]] established refugee camps along the border. Exiled Bangladeshi army officers and the Indian military immediately started using these camps for recruitment and training members of [[Mukti Bahini]]. During the Bangladesh War of Independence around 10 million Bangladeshis fled the country to escape the killings and [[1971 Bangladesh atrocities|atrocities]] committed by the Pakistan Army.
Bangladeshi refugees are known as '"Chakmas"' in India. Other than chakmas there are Bengali Hindu refugee are also there who remain in India after war.

Family reunification (which can also be a form of resettlement) is a recognized reason for immigration in many countries. [[Divided family|Divided families]] have the right to be reunited if a family member with permanent right of residency applies for the reunification and can prove the people on the application were a family unit before arrival and wish to live as a family unit since separation. If application is successful this enables the rest of the family to immigrate to that country as well.
=====Sri Lankans=====
{{Main article|Sri Lankan diaspora|Sri Lankan IDP camps}}
<!-- Deleted image removed: [[File:Black July 13 – from Commons.jpg|thumb|Tamil refugees disembarking in Jaffna. [[Black July]], 1983.]] -->

===Right to travel===
The [[Sri Lankan Civil War|civil war]] in [[Sri Lanka]], from 1983 to 2009 had generated thousands of internally displaced people as well as refugees most of them being the [[Tamil people|Tamils]]. Many Sri Lankans have fled to neighbourly India and western countries such as Canada, France, Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
{{Main article|Refugee travel document}}
Those states that signed the [[Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees]] are obliged to issue travel documents (i.e. "Convention Travel Document") to refugees lawfully residing in their territory.<ref>Under Article 28 of the Convention.</ref> It is a valid travel document in place of a passport, however, it cannot be used to travel to the country of origin, i.e. from where the refugee fled.

=== Restriction of onward movement ===
While successive policies of discrimination and intimidation of the [[Tamils]] drove thousands to flee seeking asylum, the brutal end to the Civil War and the ongoing repression have forced a wave of thousands of refugees migrate,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.solidarity.net.au/48/sri-lanka%E2%80%99s-repression-brings-boats-of-tamil-refugees-to-australia/ |title=Solidarity Online &#124; Sri Lanka’s repression brings boats of Tamil refugees to Australia |publisher=Solidarity.net.au |date=2012-08-09 |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> to countries like Canada, the UK and especially Australia. Australia in particular, receives hundreds of refugees every month.
Once refugees or asylum seekers have found a safe place and protection of a state or territory outside their territory of origin they are discouraged from leaving again and seeking protection in another country. If they do move onward into a second country of asylum this movement is also called ''"irregular movement"'' by the UNHCR (see also [[asylum shopping]]). UNHCR support in the second country may be less than in the first country and they can even be returned to the first country.<ref>http://www.unhcr.org/excom/exconc/3ae68c4380/problem-refugees-asylum-seekers-move-irregular-manner-country-already-found.html</ref>

==International attitude to refugees==
About 69,000 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees live in 112 camps in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.<ref>69,000 Sri Lankan refugees live in 112 camps in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.</ref>

=====Jammu and Kashmir=====
===World Refugee Day===
{{main article|World Refugee Day}}
According to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), about 300,000 Hindu [[Kashmiri Pandits]] have been forced to leave the state of [[Jammu and Kashmir]] due to Islamic militancy and religious discrimination from the Muslim majority, making them refugees in their own country.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mid-day.com/opinion/2012/jan/190112-opinion-Kashmiri-Pandits-The-Forgotten-Victims.htm |title=Columnists |publisher=Mid-day.com |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> Some have found refuge in [[Jammu]] and its adjoining areas, while others in camps in [[Delhi]] and others in other states of India and other countries too. Kashmiri groups peg the number of migrants closer to 500,000.<ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html India], ''The World Factbook''. Retrieved 20 May 2006.</ref>
World Refugee Day occurs on 20 June. The day was created in 2000 by a special United Nations General Assembly Resolution. 20 June had previously been commemorated as African Refugee Day in a number of African countries.

In the United Kingdom World Refugee Day is celebrated as part of [[Refugee week]]. Refugee Week is a nationwide festival designed to promote understanding and to celebrate the cultural contributions of refugees, and features many events such as music, dance and theatre.
During the period of united Pakistan (1947–1971), the [[Urdu]]-speaking [[Biharis]] did not assimilated themselves into the society of Bangladesh and remained a distinct cultural-linguistic group ever since. Due to being a different linguistic group they were assaulted by Bengalis after the Bangladesh Liberation War the 1971 war because of their active participation along with the Pakistani armed forces in committing genocide over the local populace. Some atrocities took place against Biharis but even after 1971 they are still living in Bangladesh while opting to be a repatriated to Pakistan. At the end of the war many Biharis took shelter in refugee camps in different cities, the biggest being the Geneva Camp in Dhaka. It is estimated that about 250,000 Biharis are living in those camps and in Rangpur and Dinajpur districts today.

In the [[Roman Catholic Church]], the World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated in January each year. It was instituted in 1914 by Pope [[Pius X]].
{{See also|2015 Rohingya refugee crisis}}
[[File:Gathering of IDPs.jpg|thumb|right|[[Tamil people|Tamil]] refugees in [[Sri Lanka]].]]
[[Bangladesh]] hosts more than 250,000 Muslim [[Rohingya]] refugees forced from western [[Burma]] (Myanmar) who fled in 1991-92 to escape persecution by the Burmese military junta.<ref>"[http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2012/0612/Why-deadly-race-riots-could-rattle-Myanmar-s-fledgling-reforms Why deadly race riots could rattle Myanmar's fledgling reforms]". ''The Christian Science Monitor''. 12 June 2012.</ref> Many have lived there for close to twenty years. The Bangladeshi government divides the Rohingya into two categories – recognized refugees living in official camps and unrecognized refugees living in unofficial sites or among Bangladeshi communities. Around 30,000 Rohingyas are residing in two camps in Nayapara and Kutupalong area of [[Cox's Bazar]] district in Bangladesh. These camp residents have access to basic services, those outside do not. With no changes inside Burma in sight, Bangladesh must come to terms with the long-term needs of all the Rohingya refugees in the country, and allow international organizations to expand services that benefit the Rohingya as well as local communities.

===Word of the year 2015 in German===
The agency has been supporting Rohingya refugees staying in the camps. On the other hand, it is not receiving applications for refugee status from the newly arrived Rohingyas. This amounts to compromising of its mandate.
The German word for refugee, which is ''Flüchtling'', was chosen by the Society for the German Language (i.e. [[Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache]]) as [[Word of the year (Germany)|word of the year]] in 2015.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://in.reuters.com/article/europe-migrants-germany-word-idINKBN0TU1I820151211 | title='Refugees' chosen as Word of the Year 2015 in Germany | work=Reuters | date=12 December 2015 | accessdate=9 July 2016}}</ref>
The brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Arakan State by the Burmese military in 1991-92 thousands of people have been detained in crowded refugee camps in Bangladesh and tens of thousands have been repatriated to Burma to face further repression. There are widespread allegations of religious persecution, use of forced labor and denial of citizenship of many Rohingya forced to return to Burma since 1996.
Many have fled again to Bangladesh to seek work or shelter, or flee from Burmese military oppression, and some are forced across the border by Burmese security forces. In the past few months, abuses against Rohingya in [[Arakan State]] has continued, including strict registration laws that continue to deny Rohingya citizenship, restrictions on movement, land confiscation and forced evictions to make way for Buddhist Burmese settlements, widespread forced labor in infrastructure projects and closure of some mosques, including nine in North Buthidaung Township of Western Arakan State in the last half of 2006.<ref>[http://www.refintl.org/blog/photo-report/luck-draw-rohingya-refugees-bangladesh Luck of the Draw: Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh]</ref><ref>[http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2007/03/26/rohingya-refugees-burma-mistreated-bangladesh Human Rights Watch : Rohingya Refugees from Burma Mistreated in Bangladesh]</ref><ref>[http://www.rohingya.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=191&Itemid=28 Web site of Arakan Rohingya National Organisation]</ref>

===Prominent refugees===
An estimated 90,000 people have been displaced in the 2012 [[2012 Rakhine State riots|sectarian violence]] between Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists in Burma's western [[Rakhine State]].<ref>{{cite news | url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-18517412 | title=Burma unrest: UN body says 90,000 displaced by violence |publisher=BBC | date=20 June 2012 }}</ref>
{{main article|List of refugees|List of people granted asylum}}
{{see also|Refugee Olympic Athletes at the 2016 Summer Olympics}}

==Refugee issues==
There are also large number of Muslim [[Burmese people in Pakistan|Rohingya refugees]] in Pakistan. Most of them have made perilous journey across [[Bangladesh]] and India and have settled in [[Karachi]].

===Protracted displacement===
Displacement is a long lasting reality for most refugees. Two-thirds of all refugees around the world have been displaced for over three years, which is known as being in 'protracted displacement'. 50% of refugees - around 10 million people - have been displaced for over ten years.<ref name=HPG>Crawford N. et al (2015) [http://www.odi.org/publications/9906-refugee-idp-displacement-livelihoods-humanitarian-development Protracted displacement: uncertain paths to self-reliance in exile] Overseas Development Institute</ref> Research from the [[Overseas Development Institute]] has found that aid programmes for refugees need to move from short-term models of assistance (such as food or cash handouts) to more sustainable long-term programmes that help refugees become more self-reliant. This can involve tackling difficult legal and economic environments, by improving social services, job opportunities and laws.<ref name="HPG"/>
{{Main article|Bhutanese refugees|Refugees in Nepal}}
[[File:Lotshampa refugees in Beldangi Camp.jpg|thumb|[[Bhutan]]ese of [[Nepal]]i origin who fled to Nepal in the early 1990s.]]
After the [[1959 Tibetan exodus]], there are more than 150,000 [[Tibetan people|Tibetans]] who live in India, many in settlements in [[Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh|Dharamsala]] and [[Mysore]], and Nepal. These include people who have escaped over the [[Himalayas]] from [[Tibet]], as well as their children and grandchildren. In India the overwhelming majority of Tibetans born in India are still stateless and carry a document called an Identity Card issued by the Indian government in lieu of a passport. This document states the nationality of the holder as Tibetan. It is a document that is frequently rejected as a valid travel document by many customs and immigrations departments. The Tibetan refugees also own a [[Green Book (Tibetan document)|Green Book]] issued by the [[Tibetan Government in Exile]] for rights and duties towards this administration.

===Medical problems===
In 1991–92, Bhutan expelled roughly 100,000 ethnic [[People of Nepal|Nepalis]] known as [[Lhotshampa]]s from the southern part of the country. Most of them have been living in seven refugee camps run by UNHCR in eastern Nepal ever since; some of them resettled in India. In March 2008, this population began a multiyear resettlement to third countries including the United States, New Zealand, Denmark, Canada, Norway and Australia. At present, the United States is working towards resettling more than 60,000 of these refugees in the US as a third country settlement programme.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7082586.stm | title = Bhutan refugees are 'intimidated' | author = Bhaumik, Subir | date = 7 November 2007 | publisher = BBC News | accessdate = 2008-04-25}}</ref>
[[File:Refugee children from Syria at a clinic in Ramtha, northern Jordan (9613477263).jpg|thumb|225px|Refugee children from [[Syria]] at a clinic in [[Ar Ramtha|Ramtha]], Jordan, August 2013]]
Apart from physical wounds or starvation, a large percentage of refugees develop symptoms of [[post-traumatic stress disorder]] (PTSD) or [[Clinical depression|depression]]. These long-term mental problems can severely impede the functionality of the person in everyday situations; it makes matters even worse for displaced persons who are confronted with a new environment and challenging situations. They are also at high risk for [[suicide]].<ref>{{cite news| url=http://archives.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/auspac/01/27/aust.detainee.suicide/index.html | publisher=CNN | title=Detainee children 'in suicide pact' | date=2002-01-28 | accessdate=2010-05-22}}</ref>

Among other symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder involves [[anxiety]], over-alertness, sleeplessness, [[chronic fatigue syndrome]], motor difficulties, failing [[short term memory]], [[amnesia]], nightmares and sleep-paralysis. Flashbacks are characteristic to the disorder: the patient experiences the [[traumatic event (psychological)|traumatic event]], or pieces of it, again and again. Depression is also characteristic for PTSD-patients and may also occur without accompanying PTSD.
Meanwhile, as many as 200,000 Nepalese were displaced during the [[Maoist]] insurgency and [[Nepalese Civil War]] which ended in 2006.

PTSD was diagnosed in 34.1% of [[Palestinian people|Palestinian]] children, most of whom were refugees, [[male]]s, and working. The participants were 1,000 children aged 12 to 16 years from governmental, private, and United Nations Relief Work Agency [[UNRWA]] schools in East Jerusalem and various governorates in the West Bank.<ref>Khamis, V. ''Post-traumatic stress disorder among school age Palestinian children.'' Child Abuse Negl. 2005 Jan;29(1):81–95.<br></ref>
By 2009, more than 3 million civilians had been displaced by the [[War in North-West Pakistan]] (2004–present).<ref>[http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2009/05/30/34-million-displaced-by-Pakistan-fighting/UPI-68801243704876/ 3.4 million displaced by Pakistan fighting]. United Press International. 30 May 2009.</ref>

Another study showed that 28.3% of [[Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia]]n refugee women had symptoms of PTSD three or four years after their arrival in Sweden. These women also had significantly higher [[risk]]s of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress than Swedish-born women. For depression the odds ratio was 9.50 among Bosnian women.<ref>Sundquist K, Johansson LM, DeMarinis V, Johansson SE, Sundquist J. ''Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric co-morbidity: symptoms in a random sample of female Bosnian refugees.'' Eur Psychiatry. 2005 Mar;20(2):158–64.<br></ref>
Since 1991, much of the country's non-Muslim population, including non-ethnic Tajikistan's Russians and [[Bukharian Jew]]s, have fled [[Tajikistan]] due to severe poverty, instability and [[Tajikistan Civil War]] (1992–1997). In 1992, most of the country's Jewish population was evacuated to Israel.<ref>[http://www.jewishsf.com/bk960906/iend.htm For Jews in Tajikistan, the end of history is looming]</ref> Most of the ethnic Russian population fled to Russia. By the end of the civil war Tajikistan was in a state of complete devastation. Around 1.2 million people were refugees inside and outside of the country.<ref name=TOLL>[http://www.un.org/events/tenstories_2006/story.asp?storyID=600 Tajikistan: rising from the ashes of civil war] United Nations</ref> Due to severe poverty a lot of Tajiks had to migrate to Russia.47% of Tajikistan's GDP comes from immigrant remittances (from Tajiks working in Russia).<ref>[[Tajikistan#cite note-58]]</ref><ref>[[Tajikistan#cite note-youtube.com2-59]]</ref>

A study by the Department of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine at the [[Boston University]] School of Medicine demonstrated that twenty percent of Sudanese refugee minors living in the United States had a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. They were also more likely to have worse scores on all the Child Health Questionnaire subscales.<ref>Geltman PL, Grant-Knight W, Mehta SD, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Lustig S, Landgraf JM, Wise PH. ''The "lost boys of Sudan": functional and behavioral health of unaccompanied refugee minors re-settled in the United States.'' Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005 Jun;159(6):585–91.<br></ref>
In 1989, after bloody pogroms against the [[Meskhetian Turks]] in Central Asia's [[Ferghana Valley]], nearly 90,000 Meskhetian Turks left [[Uzbekistan]].<ref>[http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=28663 Focus on Mesketian Turks]</ref><ref>[http://www.cal.org/co/pdffiles/mturks.pdf Meskhetian Turk Communities around the World]</ref>

Many more studies illustrate the problem. One [[meta-study]] was conducted by the psychiatry department of [[Oxford University]] at Warneford Hospital in the United Kingdom. Twenty [[Statistical survey|survey]]s were analyzed, providing results for 6,743 adult refugees from seven countries. In the larger studies, 9% were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and 5% with major depression, with evidence of much psychiatric co-morbidity. Five surveys of 260 refugee children from three countries yielded a [[prevalence]] of 11% for post-traumatic stress disorder. According to this study, refugees resettled in Western countries could be about ten times more likely to have PTSD than age-matched general populations in those countries. Worldwide, tens of thousands of refugees and former refugees resettled in Western countries probably have post-traumatic stress disorder.<ref>Fazel M, Wheeler J, Danesh J. ''Prevalence of serious mental disorder in 7000 refugees resettled in western countries: a [[systematic review]].'' Lancet. 2005 Apr 9–15;365(9467):1309–14.<br></ref>
The [[Ethnic Violence in Southern Kyrgyzstan (2010)|2010 ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan]] left some 300,000 people internally displaced, and around 100,000 sought refuge in Uzbekistan.<ref>"[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/17/AR2010061705954_2.html U.N. doubles estimate of Uzbek refugees as crisis grows in Kyrgyzstan]". ''The Washington Post''. 18 June 2010.</ref>

====Southeast Asia (Vietnam War)====
{{See also|Human trafficking}}
{{main article|Indochina refugee crisis}}
Refugee populations consist of people who are terrified and are away from familiar surroundings. There can be instances of exploitation at the hands of enforcement officials, citizens of the host country, and even United Nations peacekeepers. Instances of
human rights violations, child labor, mental and physical trauma/torture, violence-related trauma, and [[Sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian response|sexual exploitation]], especially of children, are not entirely unknown. In many refugee camps in three war-torn West African countries, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, young girls were found to be exchanging sex for money, a handful of fruit, or even a bar of soap. Most of these girls were between 13 and 18 years of age. In most cases, if the girls had been forced to stay, they would have been forced into marriage. They became pregnant around the age of 15 on average. This happened as recently as in 2001. Parents tended to turn a blind eye because sexual exploitation had become a "mechanism of survival" in these camps.<ref>Aggrawal A. (2005) "Refugee Medicine" in : Payne-James JJ, Byard RW, Corey TS, Henderson C (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Elsevier Academic Press: London, Vol. 3, Pp. 514–525.</ref>

===Security threats===
[[File:35 Vietnamese boat people 2.JPEG|thumb|170px|right|[[Vietnam]]ese boat people, 1984.]]
{{Expand section|date=February 2010}}
Following the communist takeovers in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in 1975, about three million people attempted to escape in the subsequent decades. With massive influx of refugees daily, the resources of the receiving countries were severely strained. The plight of the [[boat people]] became an international humanitarian crisis. The [[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees]] (UNHCR) set up refugee camps in neighboring countries to process the boat people. The budget of the UNHCR increased from $80 million in 1975 to $500 million in 1980. Partly for its work in Indochina, the UNHCR was awarded the 1981 Nobel Peace Prize.
Very rarely, refugees have been used and recruited as refugee warriors,<ref>United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
1999 "The Security and Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Refugee Camps and Settlements." UNHCR EXCOM Report</ref> and the humanitarian aid directed at refugee relief has very rarely been utilized to fund the acquisition of arms.<ref>Crisp, J.
1999 "A State of Insecurity: The Political Economy of Violence in Refugee-Populated Areas of Kenya." Working Paper No. 16, "New Issues in Refugee Research."</ref> Support from a refugee-receiving state has rarely been used to enable refugees to mobilize militarily, enabling conflict to spread across borders.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Weiss|first=Thomas G.|year=1999|title=Principles, politics, and humanitarian action|journal=Ethics & International Affairs|volume=13|issue=1|pages=1–22|doi=10.1111/j.1747-7093.1999.tb00322.x}}</ref>

==Refugee crisis==
* Large numbers of Vietnamese refugees came into existence after 1975 when [[South Vietnam]] fell to the [[Vietnam People's Army|communist forces]]. Many tried to escape, some by boat, thus giving rise to the phrase "[[boat people]]". The Vietnamese refugees emigrated to Hong Kong, France, the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries, creating sizeable expatriate communities, notably in the United States. Since 1975, an estimated 1.4 million refugees from Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries have been resettled to the United States.<ref>"[http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?ID=585 Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America]". Migration Information Source.</ref> Most Asian countries were unwilling to accept refugees.<ref>"[http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?id=733&feed=rss Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region]". Stephen Castles, University of Oxford. Mark J. Miller, University of Delaware. July 2009.</ref>
{{main|Refugee crisis}}
* Survivors of the [[Khmer Rouge]] regime in [[Cambodia]] fled across the border into [[Thailand]] after the Vietnamese invasion of 1978–79. Approximately 300,000 of these people were eventually resettled in the United States, France, Canada, and Australia between 1979 and 1992, when the camps were closed and the remaining people repatriated.
{{see also|List of countries by refugee population}}
* Nearly 400,000 Laotians fled to Thailand after the [[Vietnam War]] and communist takeover in 1975. Some left because of persecution by the government for religious or ethnic purposes. Most left between 1976 and 1985 and lived in refugee camps along the border between [[Thailand]] and [[Laos]]. They mostly settled in the United States, Canada, France, and Australia. In the United States they mostly settled in [[Washington (state)|Washington]] State, [[California]], Washington, D.C., [[Texas]], [[Virginia]], and [[Minnesota]].
* The Mien or [[Yao people|Yao]] recently lived in northern [[Vietnam]], northern [[Laos]] and northern [[Thailand]]. In 1975, the [[Pathet Lao]] forces began seeking reprisal for the involvement of many Mien as soldiers in the [[CIA]]-sponsored militias in the [[Laotian Civil War]]. As a token of appreciation to the Mien and [[Hmong people]] who served in the [[CIA]] secret army, the United States accepted many of the refugees as [[Naturalization|naturalized]] [[Citizenship|citizen]]s ([[Mien American]]). Many more [[Hmong people|Hmong]] continue to seek asylum in neighboring Thailand.<ref>[http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/06/07/national/national_30005937.php Nationmultimedia.com]</ref>
* Due to the persecution of the ethnic [[Karen people|Karen]], [[Karenni]] and other minority populations in Burma ([[Myanmar]]) significant numbers of refugees live along the Thai border in camps of up to 100,000 people. Since 2006,<ref>"[http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-57420502/from-tropical-burma-to-syracuse-refugees-adjust/ From tropical Burma to Syracuse, refugees adjust]". CBS News. 24 April 2012.</ref> over 55,000 Burmese refugees have been resettled in the United States.<ref>"[http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr/data/ Office Of Refugee Resettlement: Data]". U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.</ref>
* Muslim ethnic groups supposed to be from Burma, the [[Rohingya]] and other [[Arakanese people|Arakanese]] have been living in camps in [[Bangladesh]] since the 1990s. Both Bangladesh and Burma claimed that the Rohingya are not their citizens.<ref>[http://hrw.org/reports/2000/burma/burm005-01.htm HRW.org]</ref><ref>[http://www.burmalibrary.org/show.php?cat=463 Burmalibrary.org]</ref>

Refugee crisis can refer to movements of large grous of [[displaced person]]s, who could be either [[internally displaced person]]s, refugees or other migrants. It can also refer to incidents in the country of origin or departure, to large problems whilst on the move or even after arrival in a safe country that involve large groups of displaced persons.
===Refugee crises in Europe===
{{See also|European migrant crisis}}

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center"
====Jewish refugees====
|+ style="text-align: left;" | Refugees and people in refugee-like situations by region between 2014 and 2008
{{Further|Jewish refugees}}
[[File:Bermuda conference - april 1943.jpg|thumb|right|The [[Bermuda Conference]]]]
Between the first and second world wars, hundreds of thousands of European Jews, mainly from Germany and Austria attempted to flee
the German government's [[anti-semitic]] policies which culminated in the [[Holocaust]] and the mass murder of millions of European Jews. These Jews were often found it difficult or impossible to immigrate to other European countries. The 1938 [[Evian Conference]], the 1943 [[Bermuda Conference]] and other attempts failed to resolve the problem of Jewish refugees, a fact widely used in [[Nazi propaganda]] (see also [[MS St. Louis|MS ''St. Louis'']]).

! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| Region (UN major area)
Since its founding at the beginning of the 1900s Jewish immigration to the [[British Mandate for Palestine]] was encouraged by the nascent [[zionism|Zionist movement]], but immigration was restricted by the [[United Kingdom|British]] government, under the pressure from [[Palestinian Arabs]]. Following its formation in 1948, according to [[1947 UN Partition Plan]], Israel adopted the [[Law of Return]], granting Israeli citizenship to any Jewish immigrant. Mass rioting and attacks on Jews throughout the Muslim World following the creation of the state of Israel led to the [[Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries]], in which 850,000 Jews from [[Arab countries|Arab]] and [[Muslim countries]] fled to Israel between 1948 and the early 1970s.<ref>[http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/VideoLibrary/Pages/Jewish-refugees-from-Arab-lands.aspx VI- 30 November: Commemorating the expulsion of Jews from Arab lands]</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Group seeks justice for 'forgotten' Jews |first=Warren |last=Hoge |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/04/world/americas/04iht-nations.4.8182206.html |newspaper=The New York Times |date=5 November 2007 |accessdate=3 December 2012}}</ref>

! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2014
====European Union====
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2014 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
According to the [[European Council on Refugees and Exiles]], a network of European refugee-assisting [[non-governmental organization]]s (NGOs), huge differences exist between national asylum systems in Europe, making the asylum system a 'lottery' for refugees. For example, Iraqis who flee their home country and end up in Germany have an 85% chance of being recognised as a refugee and those who apply for asylum in Slovenia do not get a protection status at all.<ref>[http://www.ecre.org/topics/asylum_in_EU European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) – Asylum in the EU]</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2013
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2013 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2012
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2012 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2011
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2011 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2010
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2010 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2009
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2009 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>
! scope="col" style="width: 100px;"| 2008
<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c4d6.html | title=Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook | publisher=United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | date=2008 | accessdate=15 May 2016}}</ref>

|Africa ||4,126,800||3,377,700||3,068,300||2,924,100||2,408,700||2,300,100||2,332,900||
====United Kingdom====
In the United Kingdom the [[Asylum Support Partnership]] was created to enable all the agencies working to support and assist Asluym Seekers in making Asylum claims was established in 2012 and is part funded by the home office.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/what_we_do/working_with_partners/asp |title=Working with partners - Asylum Support Partnership |publisher=Refugeecouncil.org.uk |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref>

In 2010, President [[Nicolas Sarkozy]] began the systematic dismantling of illegal [[Romani people|Romani]] camps and squats in France, deporting thousands of Roma residing in France illegally to [[Romania]], [[Bulgaria]] or elsewhere.<ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11027288 | publisher=BBC News | title=Q&A: France Roma expulsions | date=2010-10-19}}</ref>

|Asia ||7,942,100||6,317,500||5,060,100||5,104,100||5,715,800||5,620,500||5,706,400||
In 1956–57 following the [[Hungarian Revolution of 1956]] nearly 200,000 persons, about two percent of the population of Hungary, fled as refugees to Austria and [[West Germany]].<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/photos?set=hungarian_refugees The Lives of the Hungarian Refugees], UNHCR</ref>

The [[Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia]] in 1968 was followed by a wave of emigration, unseen before. It stopped shortly after (estimate: 70,000 immediately, 300,000 in total).<ref>[http://www.britskelisty.cz/9808/19980821h.html "Day when tanks destroyed Czech dreams of Prague Spring" (''Den, kdy tanky zlikvidovaly české sny Pražského jara'') at Britské Listy (British Letters)]</ref>

|Europe ||1,500,500||1,152,800||1,522,100||1,534,400||1,587,400||1,628,100||1,613,400||
====Southeastern Europe====
Following the [[Greek Civil War]] (1946–1949) hundreds of thousands of Greeks and Ethnic Macedonians were expelled or fled the country. The number of refugees ranged from 35,000 to over 213,000. Over 28,000 children were evacuated by the Partisans to the [[Eastern Bloc]] and the [[Socialist Republic of Macedonia]]. This left thousands of [[Greeks]] and [[Aegean Macedonians]] spread across the world.

The [[forced assimilation]] campaign of the late 1980s directed against ethnic [[Turkish people|Turks]] resulted in the emigration of some 300,000 [[Turks in Bulgaria|Bulgarian Turks]] to Turkey.
[[File:Evstafiev-travnik-refugees.jpg|thumb|Refugees arrive in [[Travnik]], central [[Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia]], during the [[Yugoslav wars]], 1993.]]
Beginning in 1991, political upheavals in [[Southeastern Europe]] such as the breakup of [[Yugoslavia]], displaced about 2,700,000 people by mid-1992, of which over 700,000 of them sought asylum in [[European Union member states]].<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/specials/bosnia/context/dayton.html Bosnia: Dayton Accords]</ref><ref>[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C07E3D61339F937A15752C1A963958260&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/Subjects/I/Immigration%20and%20Refugees Resettling Refugees: U.N. Facing New Burden]</ref> In 1999, about one million [[Albanians]] escaped from Serbian persecution.

|Latin America & Caribbean ||352,700||382,000||380,700||377,800||373,900||367,400||350,300||
Today there are still thousands of refugees and internally [[displaced person]]s in Southeastern Europe who cannot return to their homes. Most of them are [[Serbs]] who cannot return to [[Kosovo]], and who still live in refugee camps in Serbia today. Over 200,000 Serbs and other non-Albanian minorities fled or were expelled from Kosovo after the [[Kosovo War]] in 1999.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/serbia/article/0,,1713498,00.html Serbia threatens to resist Kosovo independence plan]</ref><ref>[http://hrw.org/english/docs/2004/03/18/serbia8129.htm Kosovo/Serbia: Protect Minorities from Ethnic Violence (Human Rights Watch)]</ref>

In 2009, between 7% and 7.5% of [[Serbia]]'s population were refugees and IDPs. Around 500,000 refugees, mainly from Croatia and [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]], arrived following the [[Yugoslav wars]]. The IDPs were primarily from [[Kosovo]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rb.html |title=Serbia |work=The World Factbook |authorlink=The World Factbook |publisher=Central Intelligence Agency |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090402193036/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rb.html |archivedate=2 April 2009 }}</ref> {{As of|2007}}, Serbia had the largest refugee population in Europe.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.b92.net/eng/news/society-article.php?yyyy=2007&mm=10&dd=22&nav_id=44785 |title=Serbia's refugee population largest in Europe |author=Tanjug |authorlink=Tanjug |date=22 October 2007 |publisher=B92 }}</ref>

|Northern America ||416,400||424,000||425,800||429,600||430,100||444,900||453,200||
{{main article|Chechen refugees}}
Since 1992, ongoing conflict has taken place in the [[North Caucasus]] region of Russia. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, [[Chechnya]] broke away and [[Chechen Republic of Ichkeria|became a ''de facto'' independent state]]. This move was not recognized by the [[Russia|Russian Federation]], which invaded, leading to the [[First Chechen War|first Chechen war]]. As a consequence, about 2 million people have been displaced and still cannot return to their homes. Due to widespread lawlessness and ethnic cleansing under the government of [[Dzhokhar Dudayev]] most non-Chechens (and many [[Chechen people|Chechens]] as well) fled the country during the 1990s or were killed.<ref>[http://www.chechnyaadvocacy.org/refugees.html Chechnya Advocacy Network. Refugees and Diaspora]</ref><ref>[http://www.jamestown.org/edm/article.php?article_id=2369902 Ethnic Russians in the North of Caucasus – Eurasia Daily Monitor]</ref>

====Nagorno Karabakh====
[[File:Refugeesaz.jpg|thumb|Internally displaced [[Azerbaijan]]is from Nagorno-Karabakh, 1993.]]
The [[Nagorno Karabakh]] conflict has resulted [[Refugees and internally displaced persons in Azerbaijan|in the displacement of 528,000 Azerbaijanis]] (this figure does not include new born children of these [[Internally displaced person|IDP]]s) from Armenian occupied territories including Nagorno Karabakh, and 220,000 Azeris and 18,000 Kurds fled from [[Armenia]] to Azerbaijan from 1988 to 1989.<ref>de Waal, Thomas. [https://books.google.com/books?id=pletup86PMQC Black garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through peace and war], 2003, p. [https://books.google.com/books?id=pletup86PMQC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA344#v=snippet&q=Karabakh%20kurds&f=false 285 ]</ref> 280,000 persons&mdash;virtually all ethnic [[Armenians]]&mdash;fled [[Azerbaijan]] during the 1988–1993 war over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.<ref>[http://www.gencturkler.8m.com/Azerbaijan/KARABAG/zeynalov.html Refugees and Displace Persons in Azerbaijan], The Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan.</ref> By the time both Azerbaijan and Armenia had finally agreed to a ceasefire in 1994, an estimated 17,000 people had been killed, 50,000 had been injured, and over a million had been displaced.<ref>[http://www.toplum.co.uk/template.asp?articleid=2075&zoneid=34 Europe's Forgotten Refugees], Londra Toplum Postası</ref>

|Oceania ||46,800||45,300||41,000||34,800||33,800||35,600||33,600||
More than 250,000 people, mostly [[Georgians]] but some others too, were the victims of forcible displacement and [[Ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia|ethnic-cleansing]] from [[Abkhazia]] during the [[War in Abkhazia (1992–1993)|War in Abkhazia]] between 1992 and 1993, and afterwards in 1993 and 1998.<ref>Bookman, Milica Zarkovic, "The Demographic Struggle for Power", (p. 131), Frank Cass and Co. Ltd. (UK), (1997) ISBN 0-7146-4732-2</ref>

As a result of [[1991–1992 South Ossetia War]], about 100,000 ethnic [[Ossetians]] fled South Ossetia and Georgia proper, most across the border into Russian North Ossetia. A further 23,000 ethnic [[Georgians]] fled South Ossetia and settled in other parts of [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]].<ref>Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, [http://hrw.org/reports/1996/Russia.htm Russia. The Ingush-Ossetian conflict in the Prigorodnyi region], May 1996.</ref>

|Total ||14,385,300||11,699,300||10,498,000||10,404,800||10,549,700||10,396,600||10,489,800||
The United Nations estimated 100,000 Georgians have been uprooted as a result of the [[2008 South Ossetia war]]; some 30,000 residents of [[South Ossetia]] fled into the neighboring Russian province of [[North Ossetia]].<ref>[http://www.theage.com.au/world/100000-refugees-flee-conflict-20080812-3u5k.html 100,000 refugees flee Georgia conflict]</ref>

{{see also|Ukrainians in Russia}}
[[File:Destroyed house in Donbass.jpg|thumb|Destroyed house in [[Donbass]], Ukraine, 22 July 2014]]
According to the United Nations (UNHCR's European director Vincent Cochetel), 814,000 Ukrainians have fled to Russia since the beginning of 2014, including those who did not register as asylum seekers, and 260,000 left to other parts of [[Ukraine]].<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/03/world/europe/more-than-a-million-ukrainians-have-been-displaced-un-says.html |title=More Than a Million Ukrainians Have Been Displaced, U.N. Says |work=The New York Times |date=2 September 2014}}</ref>
However, also quoting UNHCR, Deutsche Welle says 197,000 Ukrainians fled to Russia by 20 August 2014 and not less than 190,000 have fled to other parts of Ukraine, 14,000 to [[Belarus]] and 14,000 to Poland.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.dw.de/%D0%BE%D0%BE%D0%BD-%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%96%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B8-%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%96-%D0%B4%D1%96%D1%97-%D0%B2-%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%96-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B4-415-%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8F%D1%87-%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B9/a-17868525 |title=ООН: Домівки через бойові дії в Україні полишили понад 415 тисяч людей |publisher=[[Deutsche Welle]] |date=20 August 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.dw.de/unhcr-730000-flee-ukraine-for-russia/a-17833179 |title=UNHCR: 730,000 flee Ukraine for Russia |publisher=[[Deutsche Welle]] |date=20 August 2014}}</ref> In Russia many were resettled in specially built refugee villages in [[Siberia]]. Russia also registered 2 million new citizens of Ukraine in October 2015, who had arrived since 1 January 2014.{{citation needed|date=January 2016}}

==See also==
===Refugee crises in the Near and Middle East===
* [[Asylum shopping]]
* [[Conservation refugee]]
* [[Diaspora]], a mass movement of population, usually forced by war or natural disaster
* [[Emergency evacuation]]
* [[Homo sacer]]
* [[Human migration]]
* [[Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin]]
* [[List of refugees]]
* [[Mehran Karimi Nasseri]], an Iranian refugee who lived in [[Charles de Gaulle Airport]]
* [[Migrant literature]]
* [[No person is illegal]]
* [[Open borders|Open Border]]
* [[Political Asylum]]
* [[Queer Migration]]
* [[RAPAR]]
* [[Refugee Studies Centre]]
* [[Refugees United]]
* [[Right of asylum]]
* [[The I Live Here Projects]]
* [[Mental health of refugee children]]
* [[Refugee Nation]]

====Population exchange between Greece and Turkey====
The 1923 [[population exchange between Greece and Turkey]] was stemmed from the "[[Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations]]" signed at [[Lausanne]], [[Switzerland]], on 30 January 1923, by the governments of [[Kingdom of Greece|Greece]] and the Republic of [[Turkey]]. It involved approximately 2 million people (around 1.5 million [[Greeks in Turkey|Anatolian Greeks]] and 500,000 Muslims in Greece), most of whom were forcibly made refugees and ''[[de jure]]'' denaturalized from their homelands.

==Further reading==
By the end of 1922, the vast majority of native [[Ottoman Greeks|Asia Minor Greeks]] had already fled the [[Greek genocide]] (1914–1922) and Greece's later defeat in the [[Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922)]].<ref>Gibney, Matthew J. (2004), ''"The Ethics and Politics of Asylum: Liberal Democracy and the Response to Refugees"'', [[Cambridge University Press]]</ref> According to some calculations, during the autumn of 1922, around 900,000 Greeks arrived in Greece.<ref>Nikolaos Andriotis (2008). Chapter ''The refugees question in Greece (1821–1930)'', in "''Θέματα Νεοελληνικής Ιστορίας''", ΟΕΔΒ (''"Topics from Modern Greek History"''). 8th edition</ref> The population exchange was envisioned by Turkey as a way to formalize, and make permanent, the exodus of Greeks from Turkey, while initiating a new exodus of a smaller number of Muslims from Greece to supply settlers for occupying the newly depopulated regions of Turkey, while Greece saw it as a way to supply its masses of new propertyless Greek refugees from Turkey with lands to settle from the exchanged Muslims of Greece.<ref>Howland, Charles P. [http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68710/charles-p-howland/greece-and-her-refugees "Greece and Her Refugees"], ''Foreign Affairs,'' [[The Council on Foreign Relations]]. July, 1926.</ref>
* Fell, Peter and Debra Hayes (2007), "What are they doing here? A critical guide to asylum and immigration." Venture Press.
* Gibney, Matthew J. (2004), ''"The Ethics and Politics of Asylum: Liberal Democracy and the Response to Refugees"''', [[Cambridge University Press]].
* {{Cite journal | year= 2014 | last1= James| first1= Paul | authorlink1= Paul James (academic) | title= Faces of Globalization and the Borders of States: From Asylum Seekers to Citizens | url= http://www.academia.edu/7773440/Faces_of_Globalization_and_the_Borders_of_States_From_Asylum_Seekers_to_Citizens | journal= Citizenship Studies | volume= 18 | issue= 2 | pages= 208–23. | doi=10.1080/13621025.2014.886440}}
* Refugee number statistics taken from 'Refugee', [[Encyclopædia Britannica]] CD Edition (2004).
* Waters, Tony (2001), ''Bureaucatizing the Good Samaritan'', Westview Press.
[[File:Bookbits - 2011-04-30 Andy Lamey-Frontier Justice- The Global Refugee Crisis and What to Do About It.vorb.oga|thumb|right|Andy Lamey talks about the refugee crisis on Bookbits radio.]]
* {{cite book | last = Betts | first = Alexander | title = Protection by persuasion: international cooperation in the refugee regime | publisher = Cornell University Press | location = Ithaca | year = 2009 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Boswell | first = Christina | title = The ethics of refugee policy | publisher = Ashgate | location = Aldershot | year = 2005 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Gibney | first = Matthew J. | title = The ethics and politics of asylum: liberal democracy and the response to refugees | publisher = Cambridge University Press | location = Cambridge | year = 2004 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Goodwin-Gill | first1 = Guy S. | last2 = McAdam | first2 = Jane | title = The refugee in international law | publisher = Oxford University Press | location = Oxford | year = 2007 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Hathaway | first = James C. | title = Reconceiving international refugee law | publisher = Nijhoff | location = The Hague | year = 1997 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Hathaway | first = James C. | title = The rights of refugees under international law | publisher = Cambridge University Press | location = Cambridge | year = 2005 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Helton | first = Arthur C. | title = The price of indifference – refugees and humanitarian action in the new century | publisher = Oxford University Press | location = Oxford | year = 2002 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Kenyon Lischer | first = Sarah | title = Dangerous sanctuaries | publisher = Cornell University Press | location = Ithaca | year = 2008 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Loescher | first = Gil | title = Beyond charity – international cooperation and the global refugee crisis | publisher = Oxford University Press | location = New York | year = 1993 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Loescher | first1 = Gil | last2 = Betts | first2 = Alexander | last3 = Milnamandaer | first3 = James | title = NHCR: the politics and practice of refugee protection into the twenty-first century | publisher = Routledge | location = London | year = 2008 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Martin | first = Susan F. | title = The uprooted – improving humanitarian responses to forced migration | publisher = Lexington Books | location = Lanham, Maryland | year = 2005 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = McAdam | first = Jane | title = Complementary protection | publisher = Oxford University Press | location = Oxford | year = 2007 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last = Milner | first = James | title = The politics of asylum in Africa | publisher = Palgrave MacMillan | location = London | year = 2009 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Nicholson | first1 = Frances | last2 = Twomey | first2 = Patrick | title = Refugee rights and realities – evolving international concepts and regimes | publisher = Cambridge University Press | location = Cambridge | year = 1999 | isbn = }}
* {{cite book | title=Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Contemporary Issues and Challenges Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in International Law. Contemporary Issues and Challenges | publisher=Oxford University Press |author1=Riedel, Gilles Giacca |author2=Christophe Golay |lastauthoramp=yes | year=2014 | pages=560 | isbn=9780199685974}} [https://global.oup.com/academic/product/economic-social-and-cultural-rights-in-international-law-9780199685974?cc=ca&lang=en& Site]
* {{cite book | last = Rutherford | first = Jonathan | author-link = Jonathan Rutherford | title = The asylum issue | publisher = Barefoot | location = London | year = 2005 | isbn = 9781905007141 }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Stedman | first1 = Stephen John | last2 = Tanner | first2 = Fred | title = Refugee manipulation – war, politics, and the abuse of human suffering | publisher = Brookings Institution Press | location = Washington, D.C. | year = 2003 | isbn = }}
* UNHCR (2001). [http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/refugee_en.pdf Refugee protection: A Guide to International Refugee Law] UNHCR, [[Inter-Parliamentary Union]]
* {{cite book | last1 = Zolberg | first1 = Aristide R. | last2 = Suhrke | first2 = Astri | last3 = Aguayo | first3 = Sergio | title = Escape from violence – conflict and the refugee crisis in the developing world | publisher = Oxford University Press | location = New York | year = 1989 | isbn = }}

==External links==
This major compulsory [[Population transfer|population exchange]], or agreed mutual expulsion, was based not on language or ethnicity, but upon religious identity, and involved nearly all the [[Greek Orthodox Church|Orthodox Christian]] citizens of Turkey, including its [[Karamanlides|native Turkish-speaking Orthodox]] citizens, and most of the [[Muslim]] citizens of Greece, including its native [[Greek Muslim|Greek-speaking Muslim]] citizens.
{{Library resources box|by=no|onlinebooks=no|about=yes|wikititle=refugee}}
{{Commons category|Refugees}}

* [http://www.unhcr.org/refworld UNHCR RefWorld]
{{Further|Palestinian refugees}}
[[File:Palestinian refugees.jpg|thumb|Palestinian refugees leaving the Galilee in October–November 1948]]
A heavy exodus of the non-Jewish population of Palestine took place in 1948. Though usually described as byproduct of the [[1948 Palestine war]], the first and largest wave of Palestinian refugees took place in early 1948, shortly after the [[Deir Yassin massacre]]—preceding, therefore, said war,<ref name=AviS>{{cite book |last1=Shlaim|first1=Avi|title= The Iron Wall|trans_title=Israel and the Arab World|year=2001|publisher=W. W. Norton & Company|isbn=0393321126|page=31}}</ref> with expulsions of Palestinians continuing to happen for some years thereafter. According to files belonging to the [[Israel Defense Forces|Israeli army]] that came under the attention of Israeli historians such as [[Benny Morris]], the overwhelming majority (about 73%) of Palestinian refugees left as a result of actions undertaken by Zionist militias and Jewish authorities, with a smaller percentage, about 5%, leaving voluntarily.<ref>Morris, Benny (1986): "The Causes and Character of the Arab Exodus from Palestine: The Israel Defense Forces Intelligence Branch Analysis of June 1948." Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jan., 1986), pp. 5–19.</ref><ref>Kapeliouk, Amnon (1987): New Light on the Israeli–Arab Conflict and the Refugee Problem and Its Origins, p. 21. "Journal of Palestine Studies", Vol. 16, No. 3. (Spring, 1987), pp. 16–24.</ref><ref>Review by Dominique Vidal in [http://mondediplo.com/1997/12/palestine Le Monde Diplomatique]</ref> By the end of 1948, there were about 700,000 Palestinian refugees.<ref name=AviS />

Following the departure of refugees, properties, lands, money, and bank accounts belonging to Palestinians were frozen and confiscated.<ref>{{cite book|title=Transition to Palestinian Self-Government|year=1992|publisher=Indiana University Press|isbn=0253333261|page=143}}</ref> Jewish ownership of the land, which by late 1947 accounted for less than 6% of historic Palestine and less than 10% of the territory the UN allotted to the Jewish state, swelled.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Pappe|first1=Ilan|title=The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine|year=2007|publisher=Thomson-Shore, Inc.|isbn=9781851685554|page=30}}</ref>

Dispossession and displacement of Palestinians continued in the decades after Israel's independence, and renewal of conflicts between Israel and its neighbors. During the 1967 war, about 400,000 Palestinians, half of whom were 1948 refugees, fled their lands in the West Bank following advances by the Israeli army and settled in Jordan.<ref>{{cite book|title=Children of Palestine - Experiencing Forced Migration in the Middle East|year=2005|publisher=British Library|isbn=1845450108|page=23|author1=Dawn Chatty|author2=Gillian Lewando Hundt}}</ref> In the 2000s, Israel blacklisted the refugees from that war to impede them from returning and reclaiming their properties and lands, which have been allocated to Jewish-only settlements and Israeli military bases.<ref>{{citation|title=Ministry admits 'blacklist' of Palestinians who left West Bank during Six-Day War|url=http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/ministry-admits-blacklist-of-palestinians-who-left-west-bank-during-six-day-war-1.192233|date=5 Jul 2006|accessdate=2013-10-13|author=Akiva Eldar|publisher=Haaretz}}</ref> Israel has also admitted to revoking the residency rights of 250,000 Palestinians in the occupied territories in the period between 1967 and 1994, the year of the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, after they left temporarily to study and work abroad.<ref>{{citation|title=Israel admits it revoked residency rights of a quarter million Palestinians|url=http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-admits-it-revoked-residency-rights-of-a-quarter-million-palestinians-1.435778|date=12 June 2012|accessdate=2013-10-13|author=Akiva Eldar|publisher=Haaretz}}</ref>

Palestinian refugees and their descendents spread throughout the Arab world; the largest populations are found in neighboring Levantine countries—Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. The populations of the West Bank and Gaza are also composed to a large extent of refugees and their descendents.<ref>{{cite report|url=https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/UN/unrwa6.html|title=United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA): Palestinian Refugees in Gaza Strip|publisher=Jewish Virtual Library}}</ref>
Until 1967, the West Bank and Gaza were officially ruled, respectively, by Jordan and Egypt. Jordan's Hashemite Kingdom was the only Arab government to have granted citizenship to Palestinian refugees.
[[File:Flickr - boellstiftung - Flüchtlingslager Kalandia.jpg|thumb|[[Kalandia]] refugee camp, [[West Bank]]]]
Palestinian refugees from 1948 and their descendants do not come under the 1951 UN [[Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees]], but under the [[United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East|UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East]], which created its own criteria for refugee classification. The great majority of Palestinian refugees have kept the refugee status for generations, under a special decree of the UN,<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/3b66c2aa10.html] "according to the official commentary of the ad hoc Committee on Statelessness and Related Problems (E/1618, p. 40), the rights granted to a refugee are extended to members of his family"</ref><ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/3ae6b3314.pdf] "Thus, a holder of a so-called Nansen Passport or a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the International Refugee Organization must be considered a refugee under the 1951 Convention unless one of the cessation clauses has become applicable to his case or he is excluded from the application of the Convention by one of the exclusion clauses. This also applies to a surviving child of a statutory refugee."</ref> and legally defined to include descendants of refugees, as well as others who might otherwise be considered [[internally displaced person]]s.{{citation needed|date=June 2012}}

As of December 2005, the World Refugee Survey of the [[U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants]] estimates the total number of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to be 2,966,100. [[Palestinian refugees]] number almost half of Jordan's population, however they have assimilated into Jordanian society, having a full citizenship. In Syria, though not officially becoming citizens, most of the Palestinian refugees were granted resident rights and issued travel documents. Following the Oslo Agreements, attempts were made to integrate the displaced Palestinians and their descendants into the Palestinian community. In addition, Israel granted permissions for family reunions and return of only about 10,000 Fatah members to the West Bank. The refugee situation and the presence of [[List of Palestinian refugee camps|numerous refugee camps]] continues to be a point of contention in the [[Israeli-Palestinian conflict]].

====Jews of Arab and Muslim countries====
{{main article|Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries}}
[[File:Op Magic Carpet (Yemenites).jpg|thumb|240px|[[Yemenite Jews]] en route from [[Aden]] to Israel, during the [[Operation Magic Carpet (Yemen)|Magic Carpet operation]] (1949–1950)]]
Following the [[Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries]], the combined population of Jewish communities of the Middle East (excluding Israel) and North Africa was reduced from about 900,000 in 1948 to less than 8,000 today. The history of the exodus is politicized, given its proposed relevance to a final settlement [[Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict|Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations]].<ref name=TOI>[http://www.timesofisrael.com/foreign-ministry-promotes-the-jewish-refugee-problem/ Changing tack, Foreign Ministry to bring 'Jewish refugees' to fore] ""To define them as refugees is exaggerated," said Alon Liel, a former director-general of the Foreign Ministry"</ref><ref name=JPOST>[http://www.jpost.com/Jerusalem-Report/Israel/Changing-the-refugee-paradigm Changing the refugee paradigm]</ref><ref name=CSM>[http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2012/1001/Israel-scrambles-Palestinian-right-of-return-with-Jewish-refugee-talk Israel scrambles Palestinian 'right of return' with Jewish refugee talk] "Palestinian and Israeli critics have two main arguments: that these Jews were not refugees but eager participants in a new Zionist state, and that Israel cannot and should not attempt to settle its account with the Palestinians by deducting the lost assets of its own citizens, thereby preventing individuals on both sides from seeking compensation."</ref><ref name=Mendes>Philip Mendes [http://mefacts.org/cached.asp?x_id=10985 The causes of the post-1948 Jewish Exodus from Arab Countries]</ref><ref name=Shenhav>[[Yehouda Shenhav]] [https://books.google.com/books?id=k7FoMi-qY4kC&source=gbs_navlinks_s The Arab Jews: A Postcolonial Reading of Nationalism, Religion, and Ethnicity]</ref><ref name=Shlaim>[[Avi Shlaim]] [http://www.haaretz.com/no-peaceful-solution-1.166621 No peaceful solution]</ref><ref name=ALJ>[http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/09/201291361646483984.html A new hasbara campaign: Countering the 'Arab Narrative']</ref> When presenting the history, those who view the Jewish exodus as equivalent to the [[1948 Palestinian exodus]], such as the [[Israeli government]] and NGOs such as JJAC and JIMENA, emphasize "push factors", such as cases of anti-Jewish violence and forced expulsions,<ref name=TOI/> and refer to those affected as "refugees".<ref name=TOI/> Those who argue that the exodus does not equate to the 1948 Palestinian exodus emphasize "pull factors", such as the actions of local [[Jewish Agency for Israel|Zionist agents]] aiming to fulfil the [[One Million Plan]],<ref name=CSM/> highlight good relations between the Jewish communities and their country's governments,<ref name=Shenhav/> emphasize the impact of other push factors such as the [[decolonization]] in the [[Maghreb]] and the [[Suez War]] and [[Lavon Affair]] in [[Egypt]],<ref name=Shenhav/> and argue that many or all of those who left were not refugees.<ref name=TOI/><ref name=CSM/>

Israel absorbed approximately 600,000 Jews from Arab and Muslim countries, many of whom were temporarily settled in tent cities called ''[[Ma'abarot]]''. They were eventually absorbed into Israeli society, and the last ''Ma'abarah'' was dismantled in 1958. By contrast European Jews were quickly settled in Israel. Their descendants, and those of Iranian and Turkish Jews, now number 3.06 million of Israel's 5.4 to 5.8 million Jewish citizens.<ref name=aiwwj>Schwartz, Adi. [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/941518.html "All I wanted was justice"] ''[[Haaretz]]''. 10 January 2008.</ref>

In 2007, both the US [[United States Senate|Senate]] and [[United States House of Representatives|House of Representatives]] passed [[simple resolution]]s {{USBill|110|hres|185}} and {{USBill|110|sres|85}} to <blockquote>Make clear that the [[United States Government]] supports the position that, as an integral part of any comprehensive peace, the issue of refugees and the mass violations of human rights of minorities in Arab and Muslim countries throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and the [[Persian Gulf]] must be resolved in a manner that includes (A) consideration of the legitimate rights of all refugees displaced from Arab and Muslim countries throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf; and (B) recognition of the losses incurred by Jews, [[Christian]]s, and other minority groups as a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict.<ref>[http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110_cong_bills&docid=f:sr85is.txt.pdf S. Res. 85]</ref><!--What does this have to do with Palestinian at all?--></blockquote>
[[File:Nahariya Maabara.jpg|thumb|left|240px|[[Ma'abarot|Ma'abara]] near [[Nahariya]] (northern Israel), 1952.]]
The resolutions had been written together with lobbyist group [[Justice for Jews from Arab Countries|JJAC]],<ref>Fischbach, Michael R. (2008). ''Jewish Property Claims against Arab Countries''. Columbia University Press.</ref> whose founder Stanley Urman described the resolution in 2009 as "perhaps our most significant accomplishment".<ref>Stanley Urman, [http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/uploads/materials/bff9ff349ebb4792d7948cd641952cca058c1d34.pdf 'Seeking Justice for Displaced Jews'], Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, American Sephardi Federation, [[World Jewish Congress]], transcript from Strategic Review Phase II, October 2009. Quote: "Perhaps our most significant accomplishment was the adoption in April 2008 by the United States Congress of Resolution 185, which granted the first-ever recognition of Jewish refugees from the Arab countries. This now requires US diplomats in all Middle East negotiations to refer to a quote of what the resolution calls "multiple population of refugees" with a specific injunction that hands forth any specific reference and "any specific reference to the Palestinian refugees must be matched by an explicit reference to Jewish refugees"... our mandate is to follow that lead. Any explicit reference to Palestinians should be followed by explicit reference to Jewish refugees."</ref> The House of Representatives resolution was sponsored by [[AIPAC]]-member Jerrold L. Nadler.<ref name="vote-ny.org">{{cite web|url=http://vote-ny.org/intro.aspx?state=ny&id=nynadlerjerroldl |title=Jerrold L. Nadler &#124; Currently Elected Rep. In Congress District 10, New York |publisher=Vote-NY |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> Fischbach (2008) explains the resolutions as "a tactic to help the Israeli government deflect Palestinian refugee claims in any final Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, claims that include Palestinian refugees’ demand for the "right of return" to their pre-1948 homes in Israel."{{sfn|Fischbach|2008|ps=:"On 1 April 2008, the New York–based coalition Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) announced that the U.S. House of Representatives had passed Resolution 185 (H.Res. 185), a nonbinding "sense of the House" resolution concerning the fate of 800,000 Jews who left Arab countries in the wake of the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948, some without their property. Describing these Jews as "refugees," the resolution called on the U.S. president to ensure that American representatives participating in international fora refer to the plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries whenever mention is made of the 1948 Palestinian refugees. H.Res. 185—which JJAC helped to write—was not an effort to demand compensation for Jewish property losses in the Arab world, but rather a tactic to help the Israeli government deflect Palestinian refugee claims in any final Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, claims that include Palestinian refugees’ demand for the "right of return" to their pre-1948 homes in Israel."}}

Other Israeli academics and leaders<ref>{{cite book|title=We look like the enemy: The hidden history of Israel's Jews from Arab countries|year=2008|publisher=Walker Publishing Company, Inc.|isbn=9780802715722|page=215|author=Rachel Shabi}}</ref> state that Oriental Jews did not come to Israel as refugees, pointing out that many decided to migrate despite leading comfortable lives<ref>{{cite book|title=1949 – The First Israelis|year=1986|publisher=Holt PaperBacks|isbn=9780805058963|page=161|author=Tom Segev}}</ref> in the Arab world and arrived to Israel under the directive of underground Zionist activists acting on behalf of the Israeli state.<ref>{{citation|title=Hitching a ride on the magic carpet|url=http://www.haaretz.com/hitching-a-ride-on-the-magic-carpet-1.97357|date=15 Aug 2003|accessdate=2013-10-13|author=Yehouda Shenhav|work=Haaretz}}</ref>

Some Arab countries, like Iraq, did take a number of measures against Jews who left the country, including the confiscation of assets left behind,<ref name="haaretz1">[http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/941518.html Haaretz.com], ''All I wanted was justice''.</ref> though the initial act of Jewish departure was, according to Israeli-Iraqi historian [[Avi Shlaim]], undertaken voluntarily.<ref>{{cite news|title=No Peaceful Solution|url=http://www.haaretz.com/no-peaceful-solution-1.166621|publisher=Haaretz|date=11 August 2005}}</ref>

====Internally displaced Syrians from the Golan Heights====
After the 1967 war, when Israel launched pre-emptive attacks on Egypt and Syrian and annexed the [[Golan Heights]]. Israel destroyed 139 Syrian villages in the occupied territory of the [[Golan Heights]] and 130,000 of its residents fled or were expelled from their lands, which now serve the purpose of settlements and military bases. About 9,000 Syrians, all of whom of the [[Druze]] ethno-religious group, were allowed to remain in their lands.<ref>{{cite book|title=Israel: Current Issues and Historical Background|publisher=Nova Science Publishers, Inc.|author=Edgar S. Marshall|isbn=159033325X|page=33}}</ref>

====Cyprus crisis of 1974====
It is estimated that 40% of the [[Greek Cypriots|Greek]] population of [[Cyprus]], as well as over half of the [[Turkish Cypriots|Turkish Cypriot]] population, were displaced during the [[Turkish invasion of Cyprus]] in 1974. The figures for [[Cypriot refugees|internally displaced Cypriots]] varies, the United Peacekeeping force in Cyprus ([[UNFICYP]]) estimates 165,000 Greek Cypriots and 45,000 Turkish Cypriots. The [[UNHCR]] registers slightly higher figures of 200,000 and 65,000 respectively, being partly based on official Cypriot statistics which register children of displaced families as refugees.<ref>[http://www.internal-displacement.org/8025708F004CE90B/(httpCountrySummaries)/404B5F063033BD4B802570C00056B6EA?OpenDocument&count=10000 internal-displacement.org]</ref> The separation of the two communities via the UN patrolled Green Line prohibited the return of all internally displaced people.

====Lebanon Civil War crisis====
[[File:South Lebanon refugee.jpg|thumb|[[Lebanon|Lebanese]] refugees in south Lebanon, 2006]]
It is estimated that some 900,000 people, representing one-fifth of the pre-war population, were displaced from their homes during the [[Lebanese Civil War]] (1975–90).<ref>[http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=72218 Lebanon: Haven for foreign militants]</ref>

====Kurdish population displacement due to Turkish conflict====
{{main article|Kurdish refugees}}
[[File:Turkey 04.jpg|thumb|Refugees in Turkey]]
Between 1984 and 1999, the [[Turkish Armed Forces]] and various groups claiming to represent the [[Kurdish people]] have [[Kurdish-Turkish conflict|engaged in open war]], and much of the countryside in the southeast was depopulated, with Kurdish civilians moving to local defensible centers such as [[Diyarbakır]], [[Van, Turkey|Van]], and [[Şırnak]], as well as to the cities of western Turkey and even to western Europe. The causes of the depopulation included [[Kurdistan Workers' Party]] atrocities against Kurdish clans they could not control, the poverty of the southeast, and the Turkish state's military operations.<ref>Radu, Michael. (2001). "The Rise and Fall of the PKK", ''Orbis''. 45(1):47–64.</ref> [[Human Rights Watch]] has documented many instances where the Turkish military forcibly evacuated villages, destroying houses and equipment to prevent the return of the inhabitants. An estimated 3,000 Kurdish villages in Turkey were virtually wiped from the map, representing the displacement of more than 378,000 people.<ref>[http://www.hrw.org/reports/2005/turkey0305/3.htm#_Toc97005223 Turkey: "Still Critical" – Introduction]</ref><ref>[http://hrw.org/reports/2002/turkey/ Displaced and disregarded: Turkey's Failing Village Return Program]</ref><ref>[http://www.hrw.org/reports/2005/turkey0305/ Prospects in 2005 for Internally Displaced Kurds in Turkey]</ref><ref>[http://store.yahoo.com/hrwpubs/tur.html HRW Turkey Reports]<br>''See also:'' Report D612, October 1994, "Forced Displacement of Ethnic Kurds" (A Human Rights Watch Publication).</ref>

====Iran-Iraq war====
{{Main article|Refugees of Iraq|Kurdish refugees}}
The [[Iran–Iraq War]] from 1980 to 1988, the 1990 [[Iraqi invasion of Kuwait]], the first [[Gulf War]] and subsequent conflicts all generated hundreds of thousands if not millions of refugees. Iran also provided asylum for 1,400,000 Iraqi refugees who had been uprooted as a result of the [[1991 uprisings in Iraq]] (1990–91). At least one million Iraqi [[Kurds]] were displaced during the [[Al-Anfal Campaign]] (1986–1989).

====Refugees of the Gulf War====
{{main article|Palestinian exodus from Kuwait (Gulf War)}}
The Palestinian exodus from Kuwait took place during and after the [[Gulf War]]. There were 400,000 Palestinians in Kuwait before the Gulf War. During the Gulf War, more than 200,000 Palestinians fled Kuwait during the [[Invasion of Kuwait|Iraqi occupation of Kuwait]] due to harassment and intimidation by [[Iraqi security forces]],<ref name="ir"/> in addition to getting fired from work by Iraqi authority figures in Kuwait.<ref name=ir>{{cite web|author=Shafeeq Ghabra|title=The PLO in Kuwait|url=http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/1457|date=8 May 1991}}</ref> After the Gulf War in 1991, Kuwaiti authorities pressured nearly 200,000 Palestinians to leave Kuwait.<ref name=ppp>{{cite web|author=Steven J. Rosen|work=Middle East Quarterly|title=Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians|url=http://www.meforum.org/3391/kuwait-expels-palestinians|year=2012|quote=From March to September 1991, about 200,000 Palestinians were expelled from the emirate in a systematic campaign of terror, violence, and economic pressure while another 200,000 who fled during the Iraqi occupation were denied return.}}</ref> The policy which partly led to this exodus was a response to the alignment of [[PLO]] leader [[Yasser Arafat]] with [[Saddam Hussein]].

====Iraq War (2003–today)====
{{see also|Refugees of Iraq|Iraqis in Syria|Iraqis in Greece}}
The [[Iraq war]] has generated millions of refugees and [[internally displaced person]]s. As of 2007 more [[Demography of Iraq|Iraqis]] have lost their homes and become refugees than the population of any other country. Over 4,700,000 people, more than 16% of the Iraqi population, have become uprooted.<ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/iraq.html UNHCR.org], Iraq</ref> Of these, about 2 million have fled Iraq and flooded other countries, and 2.7 million are estimated to be refugees inside Iraq, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.<ref>[http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/06/20/damon.iraqrefugees/index.html Iraq refugees chased from home, struggle to cope]</ref><ref>[http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2006/11/03/un_nearly_100000_flee_iraq_monthly/ U.N.: 100,000 Iraq refugees flee monthly]. Alexander G. Higgins, ''[[Boston Globe]]'', 3 November 2006</ref><ref>Anthony Arnove: [http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/IC20Ak01.html Billboarding the Iraq disaster], ''[[Asia Times Online]]'' 20 March 2007</ref> Only 1% of the total Iraqi displaced population was estimated to be in the [[First World|Western countries]].<ref>[http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/report/iraqi-refugees-facing-desperate-situation-20080615 Iraqi refugees facing desperate situation], Amnesty International</ref>

Roughly 40% of Iraq's [[middle class]] is believed to have fled, the U.N. said. Most are fleeing systematic persecution and have no desire to return. All kinds of people, from university professors to bakers, have been targeted by [[militias]], [[Insurgency|insurgents]] and criminals. An estimated 331 school teachers were slain in the first four months of 2006, according to [[Human Rights Watch]], and at least 2,000 Iraqi doctors have been killed and 250 kidnapped since the [[2003 invasion|2003 U.S. invasion]].<ref>[http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/01/16/MNG2MNJBIS1.DTL 40% of middle class believed to have fled crumbling nation]</ref> Iraqi refugees in [[Syria]] and [[Jordan]] live in impoverished communities with little international attention
to their plight and little legal protection.<ref>[http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/08/09/asia/refugees.php Iraq's middle class escapes, only to find poverty in Jordan]</ref> In Syria alone an estimated 50,000 Iraqi girls and women, many of them widows, are forced into [[prostitution]] just to survive.<ref>[http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article2701324.ece '50,000 Iraqi refugees' forced into prostitution]</ref><ref>[http://www.radionetherlands.nl/currentaffairs/iraq070824 Iraqi refugees forced into prostitution]</ref>

According to [[Washington, D.C.|Washington]]-based [[Refugees International]], out of the 4.2 million refugees fewer than 800 have been allowed into the US since the 2003 invasion. Sweden had accepted 18,000 and Australia had resettled almost 6,000.<ref>[http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21835052-2703,00.html US in Iraq for 'another 50 years'], [[The Australian]], 2 June 2007</ref> By 2006 Sweden had granted protection to more Iraqis than all the other EU Member States combined. However, and following repeated unanswered calls to its European partners for greater solidarity, July 2007 saw Sweden introduce a more restrictive policy towards Iraqi asylum seekers, which is expected to reduce the recognition rate in 2008.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ecre.org/files/ECRE_Survey_Iraq_2008.pdf |format=PDF|title=Five years on Europe is still ignoring its responsibilities towards Iraqi refugees |publisher=ECRE |accessdate=2008-09-03}}</ref>

As of September 2007 [[Syria]] had decided to implement a strict visa regime to limit the number of [[Demography of Iraq|Iraqis]] entering the country at up to 5,000 per day, cutting the only accessible escape route for thousands of refugees fleeing the [[Civil war in Iraq (2006–07)|civil war in Iraq]]. A government decree that took effect on 10 September 2007 bars Iraqi passport holders from entering Syria except for businessmen and academics. Until then, the Syria was the only country that had resisted strict entry regulations for Iraqis.<ref>[http://article.wn.com/view/2007/09/03/Syria_moves_to_restrain_Iraqi_refugee_influx/ Syria moves to restrain Iraqi refugee influx]</ref><ref>[http://www.smh.com.au/news/World/Syria-to-restricts-Iraqi-refugee-influx/2007/09/03/1188783155869.html Syria to restricts Iraqi refugee influx]</ref>

In June 2014, More than 500,000 people fled [[Mosul]] to escape from the advancing [[Islamic State of Iraq and Syria]] (ISIS).<ref>"[http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-27789229 Iraq crisis: Islamists force 500,000 to flee Mosul]".[[BBC News]]. 11 June 2014.</ref>

=====Mandaeans and Yazidis=====
Furthermore, the small [[Mandaeans|Mandaean]] and [[Yazidi]] communities are at the risk of elimination due to [[ethnic cleansing]] by [[Islam]]ic militants.<ref>{{cite news|last=Crawford|first=Angus|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6412453.stm|publisher=BBC News|date=2007-03-04|title=Iraq's Mandaeans 'face extinction' }}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last=Damon|first=Arwa |author2=Mohammed Tawfeeq |author3=Raja Razek|url=http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/08/15/iraq.main/index.html?iref=topnews |title= Iraqi officials: Truck bombings killed at least 500|publisher=CNN|date=2007-08-15 }}</ref> Entire neighborhoods in [[Baghdad]] were ethnically cleansed by [[Shia]] and [[Sunni]] Militias.<ref>[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/iraq-is-disintegrating-as-ethnic-cleansing-takes-hold-478937.html Iraq is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold]</ref><ref>[http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/784/sc4.htm "There is ethnic cleansing"]</ref> Satellite shows ethnic cleansing in Iraq was key factor in "surge" success.<ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSN1953066020080919 Satellite images show ethnic cleanout in Iraq], Reuters, 19 September 2008</ref>

=====Refugees in Jordan=====
[[File:An Aerial View of the Za'atri Refugee Camp.jpg|thumb|Za'atri camp for Syrian refugees in Jordan]]
[[Jordan]] has one of the world's largest immigrant populations with some sources putting the immigrant percentage to being 60%. [[Iraqi refugees]] number between 750,000 and 1 million in Jordan with most living in Amman.{{citation needed|date=March 2013}} Jordan also has Armenian, Chechen, Circassian minorities, and about half of its population is said to be of Palestinian refugees and their descendants.

====Syrian refugees====
{{main article|Refugees of the Syrian civil war}}
To escape the violence, nearly 4,088,078 Syrian refugees have fled the country to neighboring Jordan, [[Lebanon]], [[Turkey]] and [[Iraq]].<ref>[http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/regional.php Syria Regional Refugee Response – Demographic Data of Registered Population]. [[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees|UNHCR]].</ref>

====African refugees in Israel====
[[File:There Are No Illegal Children!.jpg|thumb|Demonstration against the expulsion of refugees and their families from Israel in Tel Aviv, 2009]]
Since 2003, an estimated 70,000 [[Illegal immigration from Africa to Israel|immigrants arrived illegally]] from various African countries into Israel.<ref name="ARDC">African Refugee Development Center. Retrieved 11 November 2011, [http://www.ardc-israel.org/en/about/refugees/ African Refugee Development Center]</ref> Some 600 [[Sudanese refugees in Israel|refugees]] from the Darfur region of Sudan have been granted temporary resident status that is to be renewed every year, although not official refugee status.<ref>[http://www.acri.org.il/pdf/refugees0209en.pdf ACRI.org.il]</ref> Another 2,000 refugees from the conflict between [[Eritrea]] and [[Ethiopia]] have been granted temporary resident status on humanitarian grounds. Israel prefers not to recognize them as refugees so as not to offend Eritrea and Ethiopia. The Sudanese, who are from an enemy state, are also not recognized as refugees. In effect, Israeli politicians, including the current prime minister [[Benjamin Netanyahu]], have referred to the refugees as a threat to Israel's "Jewish character".<ref>{{citation|title=Netanyahu: Illegal African immigrants – a threat to Israel's Jewish character|url=http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/netanyahu-illegal-african-immigrants-a-threat-to-israel-s-jewish-character-1.302653
|date=18 July 2010 |accessdate=2013-10-13|author=Barak Ravid|work=Haaretz}}</ref> African refugees are sometimes subject to racism and racial riots, as well as physical assaults. These assaults have been occurring in Israel, especially in southern [[Tel Aviv]] since mid-2012.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/may/24/tel-aviv-protest-violence-immigration|title=African asylum seekers injured in Tel Aviv race riots|date=24 May 2012|accessdate=2012-10-13|work=The Guardian}}</ref>

Over the past years, conflicts have occurred between Israelis and African immigrants in southern Tel-Aviv, mostly due to poverty issues on both sides. Locals accuse African immigrants of rape,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/1.1710228 |title=חשד: אריתראים אנסו קטינה בת 15 בדרום תל אביב - משפט ופלילים - הארץ |publisher=Haaretz.co.il |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> Stealing<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4239481,00.html |title=The dark side of Tel Aviv - Israel News, Ynetnews |publisher=Ynetnews.com |date= |accessdate=2015-12-18}}</ref> and assault, making racial issues emerge in the southern part of Tel-Aviv, which became an immigrant-populated area.

In 2012, Reuters reported that Israel may jail "illegal immigrants" for up to three years under a law put into effect to stem the flow of Africans across the desert border with Egypt.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFBRE8520DX20120603 |title=Israel to jail illegal migrants for up to 3 years |agency=[[Reuters]] |date=3 June 2012}}</ref> Netanyahu said in effect that, "If we don't stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a uniquely Jewish and democratic state."<ref>"[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/may/20/israel-netanyahu-african-immigrants-jewish Israel PM: illegal African immigrants threaten identity of Jewish state]". ''The Guardian''. 20 May 2012.</ref>


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Revision as of 20:10, 4 August 2016

Refugees in 2015[1]
Total population
15.483 million
Regions with significant populations
Africa4.397 million
Europe4.362 million
Asia and the Pacific3.551 million
Middle East and North Africa2.675 million
Asia and the Pacific496,384

A refugee, according to the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees,[2][3] is a person who is outside their country of citizenship because they have well-founded grounds for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, and is unable to obtain sanctuary from their home country or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country;[2][3] or in the case of not having a nationality and being outside their country of former habitual residence as a result of such event, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to their country of former habitual residence.[2][3] Such a person may be called an "asylum seeker" until granted "refugee status" by the contracting state or the UNHCR[2] if they formally make a claim for sanctuary or asylum.[3] The term "refugee" is also commonly used as a synonym for "displaced person", causing confusion between the general descriptive class of anyone who was forced to leave their home and the subgroup of legally defined refugees who enjoy specified international legal protection.

The lead international agency coordinating refugee protection is the United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In 2006, there were 8.4 million UNHCR registered refugees worldwide, which was the lowest number since 1980.[4] The UNHCR reports that at the end of 2015, there were 21.3 million refugees worldwide (16.1 million under UNHCR's mandate, plus 5.2 million Palestinian refugees under UNRWA's mandate). 1.8 million were newly displaced refugees. Among them, Syrian refugees were the largest refugee group in 2015 at 4.9 million.[5] In 2014, Syrians had overtaken Afghan refugees, who had been the largest refugee group for three decades.[6] The countries hosting the largest number of refugees according to UNHCR are Turkey (2.5 million), Pakistan (1.6 million) and Lebanon (1.1 million).[5] In 2015, the total number of displaced people worldwide, including refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons, was at its highest level on record.[7]

Research has found that refugees have historically tended to flee to nearby countries with ethnic kin populations and a history of accepting other co-ethnic refugees.[8] The religious, sectarian and denominational affiliation has been an important feature of debate in refugee-hosting nations.[9]

Etymology and usage

Although similar terms in other languages have described an event marking large scale migration of a specific population from a place of origin, such as the biblical account of Israelites fleeing from Assyrian conquest (circa 740 BCE), in English, the term refugee derives from the root word refuge, from Old French refuge, meaning "hiding place". It refers to "shelter or protection from danger or distress", from Latin fugere, "to flee", and refugium, "a taking [of] refuge, place to flee back to". In Western history, the term was first applied to French Huguenots, after the Edict of Fontainebleau (1540), who again migrated from France after the Edict of Nantes revocation (1685). The word meant "one seeking asylum," until around 1914, when it evolved to mean "one fleeing home", applied in this instance to civilians in Flanders heading west to escape fighting in World War I.[10]


Darfur refugee camp in Chad, 2005

Following World War II and in response to the large numbers of people fleeing Eastern Europe, the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees adopted the following definition of "refugee" to apply to any person who (in Article 1.A.2):[2]

owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.[2]

The concept of a refugee was expanded by the Convention's 1967 Protocol and by regional conventions in Africa and Latin America to include displaced persons who had fled war or other violence in their home country. European Union's minimum standards definition of refugee, underlined by Art. 2 (c) of Directive No. 2004/83/EC, essentially reproduces the narrow definition of refugee offered by the UN 1951 Convention; nevertheless, by virtue of articles 2 (e) and 15 of the same Directive, persons who have fled a war-caused generalized violence are, at certain conditions, eligible for a complementary form of protection, called subsidiary protection. The same form of protection is foreseen for displaced people who, without being refugees, are nevertheless exposed, if returned to their countries of origin, to death penalty, torture or other inhuman or degrading treatments.

In UN parlance, the concept of 'refugee' also includes descendants of refugees but only in the case of two specific groups, viz. Palestinian refugees and Sahrawi refugees. As a result, the vast majority of registered refugees within these two groups are not themselves refugees, but have inherited the 'refugee status' and hence their eligibility for aid and services, provided they meet certain criteria established by the UN and/or aid agencies. The UN does not consider refugee status to be hereditary for any other group, but may still assist relatives of refugees in some cases.

The term refugee is often used to include displaced persons who may fall outside the legal definition in the 1951 Refugee Convention,[11] either because they have left their home countries because of war and not because of a fear of persecution, or because they have been forced to migrate within their home countries.[12] The Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, adopted by the Organization of African Unity in 1969, accepted the definition of the 1951 Refugee Convention and expanded it to include people who left their countries of origin not only because of persecution but also due to acts of external aggression, occupation, domination by foreign powers or serious disturbances of public order.[12]


The original definition with all its legacies has been criticized as based on three political framings:[13]

  1. "refugees have been defined in terms of those moving across nation-state borders, as if national identity excludes all other displacements of equal consequence ...";
  2. "the neat definition of Article 1 glides over the fine print a little further down the page that allows state signatories to choose to restrict the definition of refugees to only those who have come from Europe, and during a very particular time-period ...";
  3. "it gives credence to the notion that personal individualized ‘fear of being persecuted’ is the core reason for needing support. War, upheaval, famine and pestilence do not in the conventional definition make for refugee status. It does not matter that civilian deaths as a proportion of deaths in war escalated to 10% in World War I, and to more than 90% of the 40 million killed since 1945. It only matters that persons fear the persecution of their state."

Furthermore, not all migrants or displaced persons who are seeking asylum in another country fall under the definition of "refugee" according to article 1A of the Geneva Convention. In 1951, when the text of the Convention was discussed, the parties of the treaty had the idea that slavery was a thing from the past: therefore escaped and fleeing slaves are a group not mentioned in the definition, as well as a category of climate refugees or environmental migrants. Urban refugees are not included in the definition.


Greeks fleeing the Destruction of Psara in 1824 (painting by Nikolaos Gyzis).

The idea that a person who sought sanctuary in a holy place could not be harmed without inviting divine retribution was familiar to the ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians. However, the right to seek asylum in a church or other holy place was first codified in law by King Æthelberht of Kent in about AD 600. Similar laws were implemented throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. The related concept of political exile also has a long history: Ovid was sent to Tomis; Voltaire was sent to England. By the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, nations recognized each other's sovereignty. However, it was not until the advent of romantic nationalism in late 18th-century Europe that nationalism gained sufficient prevalence for the phrase "country of nationality" to become practically meaningful, and for people crossing borders to be required to provide identification.

One million Armenians fled Turkey between 1915 and 1923 to escape persecution and genocide.
Turkish refugees from Edirne, 1913

The term "refugee" is sometimes applied to people who might fit the definition outlined by the 1951 Convention, were it to be applied retroactively. There are many candidates. For example, after the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685 outlawed Protestantism in France, hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled to England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Germany and Prussia. The repeated waves of pogroms that swept Eastern Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries prompted mass Jewish emigration (more than 2 million Russian Jews emigrated in the period 1881–1920). Beginning in the 19th century, Muslim people emigrated to Turkey from Europe.[14] The Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 caused 800,000 people to leave their homes.[15] Various groups of people were officially designated refugees beginning in World War I.

League of Nations

Children preparing for evacuation from Spain during the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939.

The first international co-ordination of refugee affairs came with the creation by the League of Nations in 1921 of the High Commission for Refugees and the appointment of Fridtjof Nansen as its head. Nansen and the Commission were charged with assisting the approximately 1,500,000 people who fled the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent civil war (1917–1921),[16] most of them aristocrats fleeing the Communist government. It is estimated that about 800,000 Russian refugees became stateless when Lenin revoked citizenship for all Russian expatriates in 1921.[17]

In 1923, the mandate of the Commission was expanded to include the more than one million Armenians who left Turkish Asia Minor in 1915 and 1923 due to a series of events now known as the Armenian Genocide. Over the next several years, the mandate was expanded further to cover Assyrians and Turkish refugees.[18] In all of these cases, a refugee was defined as a person in a group for which the League of Nations had approved a mandate, as opposed to a person to whom a general definition applied.[citation needed]

The 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey involved about two million people (around 1.5 million Anatolian Greeks and 500,000 Muslims in Greece) most of whom were forcibly repatriated and denaturalized[clarification needed] from homelands of centuries or millennia (and guaranteed the nationality of the destination country) by a treaty promoted and overseen by the international community as part of the Treaty of Lausanne.[19]

The U.S. Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act in 1921, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924. The Immigration Act of 1924 was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans, especially Jews, Italians and Slavs, who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s.[20] Most of the European refugees (principally Jews and Slavs) fleeing Stalin, the Nazis and World War II were barred from going to the United States.[21]

In 1930, the Nansen International Office for Refugees (Nansen Office) was established as a successor agency to the Commission. Its most notable achievement was the Nansen passport, a refugee travel document, for which it was awarded the 1938 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nansen Office was plagued by problems of financing, an increase in refugee numbers, and a lack of co-operation from some member states, which led to mixed success overall.

However, the Nansen Office managed to lead fourteen nations to ratify the 1933 Refugee Convention, an early, and relatively modest, attempt at a human rights charter, and in general assisted around one million refugees worldwide.[22]

1933 (rise of Nazism) to 1944

The rise of Nazism led to such a very large increase in the number of refugees from Germany that in 1933 the League created a High Commission for Refugees Coming from Germany. Besides other measures by the Nazis which created fear and flight, Jews were stripped of German citizenship[23] by the Reich Citizenship Law of 1935.[24] On 4 July 1936 an agreement was signed under League auspices that defined a refugee coming from Germany as "any person who was settled in that country, who does not possess any nationality other than German nationality, and in respect of whom it is established that in law or in fact he or she does not enjoy the protection of the Government of the Reich" (article 1).[25]

Czech refugees from the Sudetenland, October 1938

The mandate of the High Commission was subsequently expanded to include persons from Austria and Sudetenland, which Germany annexed after 1 October 1938 in accordance with the Munich Agreement. According to the Institute for Refugee Assistance, the actual count of refugees from Czechoslovakia on 1 March 1939 stood at almost 150,000.[26] Between 1933 and 1939, about 200,000 Jews fleeing Nazism were able to find refuge in France,[27] while at least 55,000 Jews were able to find refuge in Palestine[28] before the British authorities closed that destination in 1939.

On 31 December 1938, both the Nansen Office and High Commission were dissolved and replaced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees under the Protection of the League.[18] This coincided with the flight of several hundred thousand Spanish Republicans to France after their defeat by the Nationalists in 1939 in the Spanish Civil War.[29]

The conflict and political instability during World War II led to massive numbers of refugees (see World War II evacuation and expulsion). In 1943, the Allies created the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) to provide aid to areas liberated from Axis powers, including parts of Europe and China. By the end of the War, Europe had more than 40 million refugees.[30] UNRRA was involved in returning over seven million refugees, then commonly referred to as displaced persons or DPs, to their country of origin and setting up displaced persons camps for one million refugees who refused to be repatriated. Even two years after the end of War, some 850,000 people still lived in DP camps across Western Europe.[31] After the establishment of Israel in 1948, Israel accepted more than 650,000 refugees by 1950. By 1953, over 250,000 refugees were still in Europe, most of them old, infirm, crippled, or otherwise disabled.

Post-World War II population transfers

Russian refugees near Stalingrad, 1942

After the Soviet armed forces captured eastern Poland from the Germans in 1944, the Soviets unilaterally declared a new frontier between the Soviet Union and Poland approximately at the Curzon Line, despite the protestations from the Polish government-in-exile in London and the western Allies at the Teheran Conference and the Yalta Conference of February 1945. After the German surrender on 7 May 1945, the Allies occupied the remainder of Germany, and the Berlin declaration of 5 June 1945 confirmed the division of Allied-occupied Germany according to the Yalta Conference, which stipulated the continued existence of the German Reich as a whole, which would include its eastern territories as of 31 December 1937. This did not impact on Poland's eastern border, and Stalin refused to be removed from these eastern Polish territories.

In the last months of World War II, about five million German civilians from the German provinces of East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia fled the advance of the Red Army from the east and became refugees in Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and Saxony. Since the spring of 1945 the Poles had been forcefully expelling the remaining German population in these provinces. When the Allies met in Potsdam on 17 July 1945 at the Potsdam Conference, a chaotic refugee situation faced the occupying powers. The Potsdam Agreement, signed on 2 August 1945, defined the Polish western border as that of 1937, (Article VIII)[32] placing one fourth of Germany's territory under the Provisional Polish administration. Article XII ordered that the remaining German populations in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary be transferred west in an "orderly and humane" manner.[32] (See Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50).)

Although not approved by Allies at Potsdam, hundreds of thousands of ethnic Germans living in Yugoslavia and Romania were deported to slave labour in the Soviet Union, to Allied-occupied Germany, and subsequently to the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). This entailed the largest population transfer in history. In all 15 million Germans were affected, and more than two million perished during the expulsions of the German population.[33][34][35][36][37] (See Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–1950).) Between the end of War and the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961, more than 563,700 refugees from East Germany traveled to West Germany for asylum from the Soviet occupation.

During the same period, millions of former Russian citizens were forcefully repatriated against their will into the USSR.[38] On 11 February 1945, at the conclusion of the Yalta Conference, the United States and United Kingdom signed a Repatriation Agreement with the USSR.[39] The interpretation of this Agreement resulted in the forcible repatriation of all Soviets regardless of their wishes. When the war ended in May 1945, British and United States civilian authorities ordered their military forces in Europe to deport to the Soviet Union millions of former residents of the USSR, including many persons who had left Russia and established different citizenship decades before. The forced repatriation operations took place from 1945 to 1947.[40]

German refugees from East Prussia, 1945

At the end of World War II, there were more than 5 million "displaced persons" from the Soviet Union in Western Europe. About 3 million had been forced laborers (Ostarbeiters)[41] in Germany and occupied territories.[42][43] The Soviet POWs and the Vlasov men were put under the jurisdiction of SMERSH (Death to Spies). Of the 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war captured by the Germans, 3.5 million had died while in German captivity by the end of the war.[44][45] The survivors on their return to the USSR were treated as traitors (see Order No. 270).[46][47] Over 1.5 million surviving Red Army soldiers imprisoned by the Nazis were sent to the Gulag.[48][49]

Poland and Soviet Ukraine conducted population exchanges following the imposition of a new Poland-Soviet border at the Curzon Line in 1944. About 2,100,000 Poles were expelled west of the new border (see Repatriation of Poles), while about 450,000 Ukrainians were expelled to the east of the new border. The population transfer to Soviet Ukraine occurred from September 1944 to May 1946 (see Repatriation of Ukrainians). A further 200,000 Ukrainians left southeast Poland more or less voluntarily between 1944 and 1945.[50]

The International Refugee Organization (IRO) was founded on 20 April 1946, and took over the functions of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, which was shut down in 1947. While the handover was originally planned to take place at the beginning of 1947, it did not occur until July 1947.[51] The International Refugee Organization was a temporary organization of the United Nations (UN), which itself had been founded in 1945, with a mandate to largely finish the UNRRA's work of repatriating or resettling European refugees. It was dissolved in 1952 after resettling about one million refugees.[52] The definition of a refugee at this time was an individual with either a Nansen passport or a "Certificate of identity" issued by the International Refugee Organization.

The Constitution of the International Refugee Organization, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 December 1946, specified the agency's field of operations. Controversially, this defined "persons of German ethnic origin" who had been expelled, or were to be expelled from their countries of birth into the postwar Germany, as individuals who would "not be the concern of the Organization." This excluded from its purview a group that exceeded in number all the other European displaced persons put together. Also, because of disagreements between the Western allies and the Soviet Union, the IRO only worked in areas controlled by Western armies of occupation.

UN Refugee Agency

UNHCR tents at a refugee camp following episodes of xenophobic violence and rioting in South Africa, 2008
Refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established on 14th December 1950. It protects and supports refugees at the request of a government or the United Nations and assists in providing durable solutions, such as return or resettlement. All refugees in the world are under the UNHCR mandate except Palestinian refugees who fled the current state of Israel between 1947 and 1949, as a result of the 1948 Palestine War, and their descendants, who are assisted by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). However, Palestinian Arabs who fled the West Bank and Gaza after 1949 (for example, during the 1967 Six Day war) are under the jurisdiction of the UNHCR. Moreover, the UNHCR also provides protection and assistance to other categories of displaced persons. These include asylum seekers, refugees who have voluntarily returned home but still need help in rebuilding their lives, local civilian communities directly affected by the movements of refugees, stateless people and so-called internally displaced people (IDPs).

The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees as well as people in refugee-like situations and to resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State or territory, with the three options (also called "durable solutions") to either return home voluntarily, or integrate locally or to resettle in a third country.

Acute and temporary protection

Refugee camp

For over 30 years, several tens of thousands of Sahrawi refugees have been living in the region of Tindouf, Algeria, in the heart of the desert.
A camp in Guinea for refugees from Sierra Leone
Erstaufnahmelager Jenfelder Moorpark

A refugee camp is a place built by governments or NGOs (such as the Red Cross) to receive refugees. People may stay in these camps, receiving emergency food, education and medical aid. If it becomes safer they can make use of voluntary return programmes.[53] In some cases, often after several years, other countries decide it will never be safe for the these people to return, or to remain in the current host country, and they may be resettled in "third countries"[54] However, more often than not, refugees are neither resettled nor integrated and naturalised. In the meantime, they are at risk of disease, child soldier and terrorist recruitment, and physical and sexual violence. There are estimated to be 700 refugee camp locations worldwide.[55]

Urban refugee

Not all refugees who are supported by the UNHCR live in refugee camps. A significant number, more than half, live in urban settings,[56] such as the ~60,000 Iraqi refugees in Damascus (Syria),[57] and the ~30,000 Sudanese refugees in Cairo (Egypt).[58]

Durable solutions

Rather than only safeguarding the rights and minimal well-being of refugees in the camps or in urban settings on a temporary basis the UNHCR's ultimate goal is to find one of the three durable solutions for refugees: integration, repatriation, resettlement.

Naturalisation and integration

In 2014 Tanzania granted citizenship to 162,000 refugees from Burundi and in 1982 to 32,000 Rwandan refugees.[59] Mexico naturalised 6,200 Guatemalan refugees in 2001.[60] In the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the State of Israel has guaranteed asylum and citizenship to Jewish refugees. Many countries, such as Syria and Kenya, rule out the integration of refugees in their country.

Voluntary return

In the last couple of years parts of or even whole refugee populations were able to return to their home countries: e.g. 120,000 Congolese refugees returned from the Republic of Congo to the DRC,[61] 30,000 Angolans returned home from the DRC[62] and Botswana, Ivorian refugees returned from Liberia, Afghans from Pakistan, and Iraqis from Syria. In 2013, the governments of Kenya and Somalia also signed a tripartite agreement facilitating the repatriation of refugees from Somalia.[63] The UNHCR and the IOM offer assistance to refugees who want to return voluntarily to their home countries. Many developed countries also have Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programmes for asylum seekers who want to go back or were refused asylum.

Third country resettlement

Resettlement involves the assisted movement of refugees who are unable to return home to safe third countries.[64][65] The UNHCR has traditionally seen resettlement as the least preferable of the "durable solutions" to refugee situations.[66] However, in April 2000 the then UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, stated "Resettlement can no longer be seen as the least-preferred durable solution; in many cases it is the only solution for refugees."[66] Politicians in some western countries have shown a preference for Christian refugees over those of other religions.[67]

Resettlement involves a number of difficulties, most of them involving the often extreme cultural transition needed to adapt to life in the country of resettlement. For the many refugees going from rural undeveloped countries to life in urban centers, public transport, education, health care systems, job applications, and even grocery shopping can be difficult to navigate. Language barriers also frequently pose a problem. Even aside from material problems, resettled refugees can struggle with issues of identity and belonging, as societal integration can be very difficult in a completely different culture, and discrimination frequently further inhibits the process.[68]

The UNHCR does recognize benefits to resettlement as well, however. On their website, they bring attention to the fact that refugees have much to bring to the countries in which they are resettled in terms of culture and labor, going as far as to say that "both refugee resettlement and general migration are now recognized as critical factors in the economic success of a number of industrialized countries."[68] According to the UNHCR, resettlement serves three primary functions: securing fundamental human rights such as "life, liberty, safety, health," etc.for refugees who are at risk in camps, providing a long-term solution to the issue of displacement for large numbers of refugees, and alleviating the burden on countries offering asylum to such displaced peoples.[69] Frequently, these countries of asylum are some of the world's poorest nations and cannot handle the large influx of persons that occur when war, persecution, or other events drive refugees across their borders into their country.[68]

Internally displaced person

UNHCR's mandate has gradually been expanded to include protecting and providing humanitarian assistance to what it describes as other persons "of concern". This category includes internally displaced persons (IDPs) and people in IDP-like situations, who are civilians who have been forced to flee their homes, but who have not reached a neighboring country and therefore, unlike refugees, are not protected by international law and may find it hard to receive any form of assistance. They do not fit the legal definition of a refugee under the 1951 Refugee Convention, 1967 Protocol and the 1969 Organization for African Unity Convention, because they have not left their country. UNHCR thus has missions in Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Serbia and Montenegro and Ivory Coast to assist and provide services to IDPs. As the nature of war has changed in the last few decades, with more and more internal conflicts replacing interstate wars, the number of IDPs has increased significantly. Asia – 8,603,600 Africa – 5,169,300 Europe – 3,666,700 Latin America and Caribbean – 2,513,000 North America – 716,800 Oceania – 82,500.

Compared to the 19.5 million refugees at the end of 2014, there were 38.2 million (about twice as many) IDPs in the same year.[70]

Comparison between the number of refugees and IDPs who are supported by the UNHCR between 2014 and 1998.[71]
End-year 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Refugees 11,480,900 12,129,600 10,594,100 9,574,800 9,877,700 10,489,800 10,549,700 10,498,000 14,385,300
IDPs 5,063,900 5,998,500 4,646,600 5,426,500 12,794,300 14,442,200 14,697,900 17,670,400 32,274,600

Asylum seeker

An asylum seeker is a displaced person or migrant who seeks protection or at least the right to remain in another country. An asylum seeker is not necessarily a refugee and may never be granted asylum and thus not given refugee status; likewise a displaced person who would legally be entitled to refugee status may never apply for asylum, or not allowed to apply in the country they fled to and thus not be an asylum seeker. The term refugee is often used in two different contexts: 1) in everyday usage it refers to a displaced person who flees their home or country of origin, 2) in a more specific context it refers to a displaced person who was given refugee status in the country of asylum. In between these two stages the person may have been an asylum seeker. Until a request for refuge has been accepted, the person is referred to as an asylum seeker. An asylum seeker will be granted asylum, i.e. given refugee status, when the country of asylum is a signatory to the 1951 Refugee convention and agrees that the persons circumstances fall into the definition of a refugee, such as risk of persecution "on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group".[72] Only after the recognition of the asylum seeker's protection needs is he or she is officially referred to as a refugee in the more specific context and enjoys refugee status. This carries certain rights and obligations according to the legislation of the receiving country. Quota refugees do not need to apply for asylum on arrival as they were selected for resettlement by third countries and already went through the refugee status determination process in the first country of asylum.

Refugee status

There is a large difference between being a forcibly displaced person, i.e. having fled ones country of origin, and being granted "refugee status" in the country of asylum. Refugee status is given to quota refugees and can be given to asylum seekers if their application for asylum is successful. In order to be given refugee status either way a refugee has to go through a Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process, which is conducted by the government of the country of asylum or the UNHCR, and based on international, regional or national law.[73]

There is no specific method mandated for RSD (apart from the commitment to the 1951 Refugee Convention) and it is subject to the overall efficacy of the country’s internal administrative and judicial system as well as the characteristics of the refugee flow to which the country responds. This lack of a procedural direction could create a situation where political and strategic interests override humanitarian considerations in the RSD process.[74] There are also no fixed interpretations of the elements in the Refugee Convention and countries may interpret them differently (see also refugee roulette).

Ideally the government of each individual country should conduct RSDs in order to enable the UNHCR to remain independent and impartial. However, in 2013, the UNHCR conducted them in more than 50 countries and co-conducted them parallel to or jointly with governments in another 20 countries, which made it the second largest RSD body in the world[73]

There is one exception to the RSD process: younger Palestinian and Sahrawi refugees have refugee status without having fled their home country themselves. They inherited the refugee status from their ancestors who were the ones forced to migrate.

Refugee rights

Refugee rights encompass both customary law, peremptory norms, and international legal instruments and include:

These documents and declarations include the following rights and obligations for refugees:

Right of return

Even in a supposedly "post-conflict" environment, it is not a simple process for refugees to return home.[76] The UN Pinheiro Principles are guided by the idea that people not only have the right to return home, but also the right to the same property.[76] It seeks to return to the pre-conflict status quo and ensure that no one profits from violence. Yet this is a very complex issue and every situation is different; conflict is a highly transformative force and the pre-war status-quo can never be reestablished completely, even if that were desirable (it may have caused the conflict in the first place).[76] Therefore, the following are of particular importance to the right to return:[76]

  • may never have had property (e.g. in Afghanistan);
  • cannot access what property they have (Colombia, Guatemala, South Africa and Sudan);
  • ownership is unclear as families have expanded or split and division of the land becomes an issue;
  • death of owner may leave dependents without clear claim to the land;
  • people settled on the land know it is not theirs but have nowhere else to go (as in Colombia, Rwanda and Timor-Leste); and
  • have competing claims with others, including the state and its foreign or local business partners (as in Aceh, Angola, Colombia, Liberia and Sudan).

Refugees who were resettled to a third country will likely lose the indefinite leave to remain in this country if they return to their country of origin or the country of first asylum.

Right to non-refoulement

Non-refoulement is the right not to be returned to a place of persecution and is the foundation for international refugee law, as outlined in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.[77] The right to non-refoulement is distinct from the right to asylum. In order to respect the right to asylum states must not deport genuine refugees. In contrast, the right to non-refoulement allows states to transfer genuine refugees to third party countries with respectable human rights records. The portable procedural model, proposed by political philosopher Andy Lamey, emphasizes the right to non-refoulement by guaranteeing refugees three procedural rights (to a verbal hearing, to legal counsel, and to judicial review of detention decisions) and ensuring those rights in the constitution.[78] This proposal attempts to strike a balance between the interest of national governments and the interests of refugees.

Right to family reunification

Family reunification (which can also be a form of resettlement) is a recognized reason for immigration in many countries. Divided families have the right to be reunited if a family member with permanent right of residency applies for the reunification and can prove the people on the application were a family unit before arrival and wish to live as a family unit since separation. If application is successful this enables the rest of the family to immigrate to that country as well.

Right to travel

Those states that signed the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees are obliged to issue travel documents (i.e. "Convention Travel Document") to refugees lawfully residing in their territory.[79] It is a valid travel document in place of a passport, however, it cannot be used to travel to the country of origin, i.e. from where the refugee fled.

Restriction of onward movement

Once refugees or asylum seekers have found a safe place and protection of a state or territory outside their territory of origin they are discouraged from leaving again and seeking protection in another country. If they do move onward into a second country of asylum this movement is also called "irregular movement" by the UNHCR (see also asylum shopping). UNHCR support in the second country may be less than in the first country and they can even be returned to the first country.[80]

International attitude to refugees

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day occurs on 20 June. The day was created in 2000 by a special United Nations General Assembly Resolution. 20 June had previously been commemorated as African Refugee Day in a number of African countries.

In the United Kingdom World Refugee Day is celebrated as part of Refugee week. Refugee Week is a nationwide festival designed to promote understanding and to celebrate the cultural contributions of refugees, and features many events such as music, dance and theatre.

In the Roman Catholic Church, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated in January each year. It was instituted in 1914 by Pope Pius X.

Word of the year 2015 in German

The German word for refugee, which is Flüchtling, was chosen by the Society for the German Language (i.e. Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache) as word of the year in 2015.[81]

Prominent refugees

Refugee issues

Protracted displacement

Displacement is a long lasting reality for most refugees. Two-thirds of all refugees around the world have been displaced for over three years, which is known as being in 'protracted displacement'. 50% of refugees - around 10 million people - have been displaced for over ten years.[82] Research from the Overseas Development Institute has found that aid programmes for refugees need to move from short-term models of assistance (such as food or cash handouts) to more sustainable long-term programmes that help refugees become more self-reliant. This can involve tackling difficult legal and economic environments, by improving social services, job opportunities and laws.[82]

Medical problems

Refugee children from Syria at a clinic in Ramtha, Jordan, August 2013

Apart from physical wounds or starvation, a large percentage of refugees develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression. These long-term mental problems can severely impede the functionality of the person in everyday situations; it makes matters even worse for displaced persons who are confronted with a new environment and challenging situations. They are also at high risk for suicide.[83]

Among other symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder involves anxiety, over-alertness, sleeplessness, chronic fatigue syndrome, motor difficulties, failing short term memory, amnesia, nightmares and sleep-paralysis. Flashbacks are characteristic to the disorder: the patient experiences the traumatic event, or pieces of it, again and again. Depression is also characteristic for PTSD-patients and may also occur without accompanying PTSD.

PTSD was diagnosed in 34.1% of Palestinian children, most of whom were refugees, males, and working. The participants were 1,000 children aged 12 to 16 years from governmental, private, and United Nations Relief Work Agency UNRWA schools in East Jerusalem and various governorates in the West Bank.[84]

Another study showed that 28.3% of Bosnian refugee women had symptoms of PTSD three or four years after their arrival in Sweden. These women also had significantly higher risks of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress than Swedish-born women. For depression the odds ratio was 9.50 among Bosnian women.[85]

A study by the Department of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine at the Boston University School of Medicine demonstrated that twenty percent of Sudanese refugee minors living in the United States had a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. They were also more likely to have worse scores on all the Child Health Questionnaire subscales.[86]

Many more studies illustrate the problem. One meta-study was conducted by the psychiatry department of Oxford University at Warneford Hospital in the United Kingdom. Twenty surveys were analyzed, providing results for 6,743 adult refugees from seven countries. In the larger studies, 9% were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and 5% with major depression, with evidence of much psychiatric co-morbidity. Five surveys of 260 refugee children from three countries yielded a prevalence of 11% for post-traumatic stress disorder. According to this study, refugees resettled in Western countries could be about ten times more likely to have PTSD than age-matched general populations in those countries. Worldwide, tens of thousands of refugees and former refugees resettled in Western countries probably have post-traumatic stress disorder.[87]


Refugee populations consist of people who are terrified and are away from familiar surroundings. There can be instances of exploitation at the hands of enforcement officials, citizens of the host country, and even United Nations peacekeepers. Instances of human rights violations, child labor, mental and physical trauma/torture, violence-related trauma, and sexual exploitation, especially of children, are not entirely unknown. In many refugee camps in three war-torn West African countries, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, young girls were found to be exchanging sex for money, a handful of fruit, or even a bar of soap. Most of these girls were between 13 and 18 years of age. In most cases, if the girls had been forced to stay, they would have been forced into marriage. They became pregnant around the age of 15 on average. This happened as recently as in 2001. Parents tended to turn a blind eye because sexual exploitation had become a "mechanism of survival" in these camps.[88]

Security threats

Very rarely, refugees have been used and recruited as refugee warriors,[89] and the humanitarian aid directed at refugee relief has very rarely been utilized to fund the acquisition of arms.[90] Support from a refugee-receiving state has rarely been used to enable refugees to mobilize militarily, enabling conflict to spread across borders.[91]

Refugee crisis

Refugee crisis can refer to movements of large grous of displaced persons, who could be either internally displaced persons, refugees or other migrants. It can also refer to incidents in the country of origin or departure, to large problems whilst on the move or even after arrival in a safe country that involve large groups of displaced persons.

Refugees and people in refugee-like situations by region between 2014 and 2008
Region (UN major area) 2014














Africa 4,126,800 3,377,700 3,068,300 2,924,100 2,408,700 2,300,100 2,332,900
Asia 7,942,100 6,317,500 5,060,100 5,104,100 5,715,800 5,620,500 5,706,400
Europe 1,500,500 1,152,800 1,522,100 1,534,400 1,587,400 1,628,100 1,613,400
Latin America & Caribbean 352,700 382,000 380,700 377,800 373,900 367,400 350,300
Northern America 416,400 424,000 425,800 429,600 430,100 444,900 453,200
Oceania 46,800 45,300 41,000 34,800 33,800 35,600 33,600
Total 14,385,300 11,699,300 10,498,000 10,404,800 10,549,700 10,396,600 10,489,800

See also


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  75. ^ The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa
  76. ^ a b c d Sara Pantuliano (2009) Uncharted Territory: Land, Conflict and Humanitarian Action Overseas Development Institute
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  78. ^ Lamey, Andy (2011). Frontier Justice. Canada: Anchor Canada. pp. 232–266. ISBN 978-0-385-66255-0.
  79. ^ Under Article 28 of the Convention.
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  88. ^ Aggrawal A. (2005) "Refugee Medicine" in : Payne-James JJ, Byard RW, Corey TS, Henderson C (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Elsevier Academic Press: London, Vol. 3, Pp. 514–525.
  89. ^ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 1999 "The Security and Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Refugee Camps and Settlements." UNHCR EXCOM Report
  90. ^ Crisp, J. 1999 "A State of Insecurity: The Political Economy of Violence in Refugee-Populated Areas of Kenya." Working Paper No. 16, "New Issues in Refugee Research."
  91. ^ Weiss, Thomas G. (1999). "Principles, politics, and humanitarian action". Ethics & International Affairs. 13 (1): 1–22. doi:10.1111/j.1747-7093.1999.tb00322.x.
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  98. ^ "Global forced displacement trends. (Annexes) UNHCR Statistical Yearbook". United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. 2008. Retrieved 15 May 2016.

Further reading

Andy Lamey talks about the refugee crisis on Bookbits radio.
  • Betts, Alexander (2009). Protection by persuasion: international cooperation in the refugee regime. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Boswell, Christina (2005). The ethics of refugee policy. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Gibney, Matthew J. (2004). The ethics and politics of asylum: liberal democracy and the response to refugees. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Goodwin-Gill, Guy S.; McAdam, Jane (2007). The refugee in international law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hathaway, James C. (1997). Reconceiving international refugee law. The Hague: Nijhoff.
  • Hathaway, James C. (2005). The rights of refugees under international law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Helton, Arthur C. (2002). The price of indifference – refugees and humanitarian action in the new century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kenyon Lischer, Sarah (2008). Dangerous sanctuaries. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Loescher, Gil (1993). Beyond charity – international cooperation and the global refugee crisis. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Loescher, Gil; Betts, Alexander; Milnamandaer, James (2008). NHCR: the politics and practice of refugee protection into the twenty-first century. London: Routledge.
  • Martin, Susan F. (2005). The uprooted – improving humanitarian responses to forced migration. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
  • McAdam, Jane (2007). Complementary protection. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Milner, James (2009). The politics of asylum in Africa. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Nicholson, Frances; Twomey, Patrick (1999). Refugee rights and realities – evolving international concepts and regimes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Riedel, Gilles Giacca; Christophe Golay (2014). Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Contemporary Issues and Challenges Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in International Law. Contemporary Issues and Challenges. Oxford University Press. p. 560. ISBN 9780199685974. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |lastauthoramp= ignored (|name-list-style= suggested) (help) Site
  • Rutherford, Jonathan (2005). The asylum issue. London: Barefoot. ISBN 9781905007141.
  • Stedman, Stephen John; Tanner, Fred (2003). Refugee manipulation – war, politics, and the abuse of human suffering. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
  • UNHCR (2001). Refugee protection: A Guide to International Refugee Law UNHCR, Inter-Parliamentary Union
  • Zolberg, Aristide R.; Suhrke, Astri; Aguayo, Sergio (1989). Escape from violence – conflict and the refugee crisis in the developing world. New York: Oxford University Press.

External links