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* [http://www.etclinic.com Healing Energy] - ET clinic - healing energy for all sorts of health problems.
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* [http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/New_Age/ Opendirectory New Age links] Large collection of New Age links at the [[Open Directory Project|Open Directory]]
* [http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/New_Age/ Opendirectory New Age links] Large collection of New Age links at the [[Open Directory Project|Open Directory]]

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For the literary magazine, see The New Age.
For the song, see New Age (Velvet Underground song).
For the type of music called New Age, see New Age music.

New Age is a broad movement of late 20th century and contemporary Western culture, characterised by an individual eclectic approach to spiritual exploration. [1][2] The New Age is a diverse movement of individuals including many who graft new age beliefs onto a traditional religious affiliation. Recent surveys of US adults indicate that around 20% of Americans hold at least some New Age beliefs. [3]

The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions from both East and West, many of which have been melded with ideas from modern science, particularly psychology and ecology. The New Age has borrowed from all the world's major religions with influences from Spiritualism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Sufism, Taoism, and Neo-Paganism being especially strong. Out of the movement have come a wide-ranging literature on spirituality, new musical styles and crafts - most visible in specialty shops and New Age fairs and festivals [4] [5]. The name "New Age" also refers to part of the LOHAS market segment in which its goods and services are sold to people in the movement.[6]


Though there are no formal or definitive boundaries for membership, those who are likely to sample many diverse teachings and practices (from both 'mainstream' and 'fringe' traditions) and to formulate their own beliefs and practices based on their experiences can be considered as New Age.[1] Rather than following the lead of an organised religion, "New Agers" typically construct their own spiritual journey based on material taken as needed from the mystical traditions of the worlds religions, also including shamanism, neopaganism and occultism.[2]

New Age practices and beliefs may be characterized as a form of alternative spirituality or alternative religion. Even apparent exceptions, such as alternative medicine or traditional medicine practices, often have some spiritual dimension — such as a conceptual integration of mind, body, and spirit.

The term New Age is used in a Western or modern context where the Judeo-Christian tradition and/or Positivism are dominant, so the use of "alternative" in New Age thought generally implies a contrast with these dominant religious and/or scientific beliefs. Hence, many New Age ideas and practices contain either explicit or implied critiques of organised mainstream Christianity —emphasis on meditation suggests that simple prayer and faith is insufficient. Belief in reincarnation (which not all New Age followers accept) challenges familiar Christian doctrines of the afterlife.


The term New Age has appeared through history to signify a new beginning whether desired or actual. For example the religion of Melchizedek in the Book of Genesis and the European Renaissance. [7] The contemporary usage of the term New Age was popularized by the American mass media during the late 1980s, to describe the alternative spiritual subculture interested in such things as meditation, channelling, reincarnation, crystals, psychic experience, holistic health, environmentalism, other fields associated with pseudoscience and anomalous phenomena, and various “unsolved mysteries” such as UFOs, Earth mysteries and Crop circles. Typical activities of this subculture include participation in study or meditation groups, attendance at lectures and fairs; the purchase of books, music, and other products such as crystals or incense; and patronage of fortune-tellers, healers and spiritual counselors.[8]

Quartz crystals are believed to have mystical properties by some New Age followers; see Crystal power

The New Age subculture already existed in the 1970s, and continued themes from the 1960s counterculture.[9] Earlier generations would have recognized some, but not all, of the New Age's constituent elements under the practices of Spiritualism, Theosophy, or some forms of New Thought / the Metaphysical movement, all of which date back to the nineteenth century, as does alternative health.[1][2] These movements in turn have roots in Transcendentalism, Mesmerism, Swedenborgianism, and various earlier Western esoteric or occult traditions, such as the Hermetic arts of astrology, magic, alchemy, and cabbala.

In the English-speaking world, we should make special mention of study groups devoted to American trance-diagnostician Edgar Cayce, who inspired many of today's channelers. The British neo-Theosophist Alice Bailey's writings may have supplied the term New Age (or New Era) in reference to the transition from the astrological age of Pisces to that of Aquarius. Another claimant for the term is the American artist mystic and philosopher Walter Russell spoke in an essay of "…this New Age philosophy of the spiritual re-awakening of man…" published in 1944. The Findhorn Foundation, an early New Age intentional community in northern Scotland founded in 1962 played a significant role. The movement in Russia has been heavily influenced by the legacy of Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich, who taught in the Theosophical tradition. Another former Theosophist, Rudolf Steiner and his anthroposophical movement, is a major influence, especially upon German-speaking New Agers. In Brazil, followers of Spiritist writer Allan Kardec[10] blend with the Africanized folk traditions of Candomblé and Umbanda.

Crop circles are seen as evidence of spirit beings or aliens by some with New Age belief

Key moments in raising public awareness of this subculture include the publication of Linda Goodman's best selling astrology books Sun Signs (1968) and Love Signs (1978), the Harmonic Convergence organized by Jose Arguelles in Sedona, Arizona in 1987; and the wave of interest in the broadcast of Shirley MacLaine's television mini-series Out on a Limb (also 1987). This was an autobiographical account of her mid-life spiritual exploration. Also influential are the claims of channelers such as Jane Roberts (Seth) and J.Z. Knight (Ramtha), as well as revealed writings such as A Course In Miracles (Helen Schucman),[11] , The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield),[12] Mutant Message Down Under (Marlo Morgan), Conversations with God (Neale Donald Walsch).

The question of which contemporary cultural elements ought to be included under the name of "New Age" is quite vexing. New Age channelers have many points of similarity with Spiritualist mediums. Many spiritual movements, such as neo-paganism and transpersonal psychology partially overlap with it. Many groups prefer to distance themselves from the possible negative connotations of the "New Age" name such as the media hoopla, commercialism, and perhaps hucksterism. For example, key individuals in the New Thought Movement, such as Ernest Holmes, have focused on a more scientific approach and do not share New Age beliefs in reincarnation, magic, or channeling. Major attempts to present the New Age as a values-based sociopolitical movement included Mark Satin's New Age Politics (orig. 1976),[13] Theodore Roszak's Person/Planet (1978), Marilyn Ferguson's Aquarian Conspiracy (1980), and Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin's Spiritual Politics (1994). The New Age is a wide menu of ideas and activities, from which participants in the subculture select their own preferred streams to patronise or identify with.

Since around 2000 the New Age movement is sometimes referred to as the New Edge movement when it is closely allied to ecological and environmental concerns. [14]


Those who categorize themselves as New Age followers have miltifarious beliefs; nevertheless, certain themes emerge.[1][2] An individual who identifies with the New Age may subscribe to some or all of these, depending on their own sense of what is right and wrong.

  • All humanity—indeed all life, everything in the universe—is spiritually interconnected, participating in the same energy. “God” is one name for this energy.[15]
  • The human mind has deep levels and vast powers, which are capable even of overriding physical reality. “You create your own reality.” [17] Nevertheless, this is subject to certain spiritual laws, such as the principle of cause and effect (karma).
  • Children are being born today with a more highly developed spiritual power than earlier generations. See Indigo Children. [18] [19]
  • The individual has a purpose here on earth, in the present surroundings, because there is a lesson to learn. The most important lesson is love.[20]
  • Death is not the end; there is only life in different forms. What some refer to as an afterlife does not punish us but teaches us, perhaps through the mechanisms of reincarnation or near-death experiences.[21]
  • Western science wrongly neglects such things as parapsychology, meditation, and holistic health.[1][2]
  • There exists a mystical core within all religions, Eastern and Western. Dogma and religious identity are not so important. The Bible is considered by some, but not all, to be a wise and holy book. Many important truths are found in the Bible, or are referred to only very obliquely. Some say that Jesus was an Essene, or that he traveled to India in his youth to study Eastern religions. Others say that Jesus was a later avatar of the Buddha.[23][24]
  • Feminine forms of spirituality, including feminine images of the divine, such as the female Aeon Sophia in Gnosticism, have been subordinated, masked, or obliterated by patriarchal movements that were widely practiced when sacred teachings were first committed to writing. A renaissance of the feminine is particularly appropriate at this time.[1][2]
  • A certain critical mass of people with a highly spiritual consciousness will bring about a sudden change in the whole population. See Hundredth Monkey.[25] [26]
  • Science and spirituality are ultimately harmonious. New discoveries in science, e.g. evolution and quantum mechanics, when rightly understood, point to spiritual principles.[27]
  • We have a responsibility to take part in positive creative activity and to work to heal ourselves, each other and the planet.[29][30][31]
  • The food you eat has an effect on your mind as well as your body. It is generally preferable to eat fresh organic vegetarian food which is locally grown and in season.[32][33][34] Raw food and sprouted seeds have a particularly spirit enhancing quality.[35][36]
  • Fasting can help you achieve higher levels of consciousness.[37]
  • Ultimately every interpersonal relationship has the potential to be a helpful experience in terms of our own growth. We learn about ourselves through our relationships with other people by getting to see what we need to work on ourselves and what strengths we bring to the other party in order to help them in their life. All our relationships are destined to be repeated until they are healed, if necessary over many lifetimes. As Souls seeking wholeness, our goal is eventually to learn to love everyone we come in contact with.[1]
  • Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis may truly have existed, leaving behind certain relics and monuments (the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge) whose true nature has not been discovered by mainstream historians.[38]
  • Certain geographic locations emanate special energy, which may be male or female in character. Many such places may have been considered sacred in the worlds religions or as healing places by indigenous native populations.[39]
  • Rocks and crystals have special psychic energies and can be an aid to meditation and healing.[40]
  • There are no coincidences (see Synchronicity). Everything around you has spiritual meaning, and spiritual lessons to teach you. You are meant to be here, and are always exactly where you need to be to learn from what confronts you.
  • The mind has hidden powers and abilities, which have a spiritual significance.
  • Dreams and psychic experiences are ways in which our souls express themselves.[41]
  • There is a cosmic goal. There is typically a belief that all entities are (willingly or unwillingly) cooperating in some cosmic goal of achieving a "higher" or more complete coherence with a cosmic "consciousness" (or some other goal state of "goodness"), often described as an evolutionary process or simply to learn. This underlying cosmic goal gives direction to all events, reducing the concept of coincidence to one of ignorance of hidden meaning.
  • This is a time of great transformation for the Earth and human consciousness. Certain dates have a special significance in these changes. 1986 and the Harmonic Convergence was one, and there are others to come in 2011 or 2012. [43] [44] [45]

Criticism and skepticism

Criticisms of the New Age have emerged from philosophical, scientific and skeptical thinkers. These often highlight the discrepancies between New Age's irreconcilable mix of unproven occultism and claimed acceptance of the laws of physics. Skeptics consider New Age nothing but a re-hash of old superstitions (such as necromancy; see the Witch of Endor; psychic phenomena and astrology are considered ancient superstitions by most scientific thinkers) with a few new additions (see Bermuda Triangle, therapeutic touch, Indigo children)

Religious and spiritual criticism

Many in established religions dislike New Age thinking as heretical, immoral and shifting without the clear guidance given by a sacred book or tradition of teaching. [46] [47]

Some, including neo-pagans and particularly reconstructionist groups, who are frequently labeled as New Age, often find the term inappropriate since it appears to link them with beliefs and practices they do not espouse. Others think that the classification of beliefs and movements under New Age has little added value due to the vagueness of the term. Instead, they prefer to refer directly to the individual beliefs and movements. Indeed, use by religious conservatives, scientists and others has caused the term "New Age" to sometimes have a derogatory connotation.[48][49][50]

Many adherents of traditional disciplines from cultures such as India, China, and elsewhere; a number of orthodox schools of Yoga, Tantra, Qigong, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and martial arts (the traditional Taijiquan families, for example), groups with histories reaching back many centuries in some cases, eschew the Western label New Age, seeing the movement it represents as either not fully understanding or deliberately trivializing their disciplines or out right distortions.[51]

Urarina shaman, 1988

Much of the strongest criticism of New Age eclecticism has come from American Indian writers and communities. The Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality[52] is one of the strongest statements of disapprobrium from traditional tribal religious leaders. Other Natives who have issued statements against "white shamanism" include Wendy Rose, Leslie Marmon Silko and Geary Hobson. A dominant Native American argument is that New Age shamans profit from tribal beliefs in a way that is fundamentally inconsistent with indigenous peoples' worldviews, while ignoring the communal aspects of indigenous peoples sacred beliefs and practices, such as among the Urarina of the Peruvian Amazon. In the US, part of the criticism leveled at the New Age movement has also been the perpetuation of Native racial stereotyping ("The Hollywood Indian"), cultural fetishism and the distortions of historic and anthropological insights into Native Americans' multiple and diverse ways of life and spirituality. This is abundantly clear when one contrasts the customary practice of ayahuasca shamanism among the Urarina, with New Age shamanism.

(see also Noble savage)

Rationalist and academic criticism

Some critics of New Age also say that a true understanding of reason and empiricism produces just as rich an experience as the New Agers claim for themselves, but with emotions and feelings based on thinking and logic instead of the other way around. They also point out that the definition of empiricism is: "the view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge." [2]

Strong criticism of new age beliefs comes from adherents of scientific skepticism. Adherents of scientific skepticism hold that one should question the veracity of claims, especially paranormal or extraordinary claims, unless such claims can be empirically tested. As science has been unable to find strong evidence of any paranormal activity, or to find ground for new-age beliefs, scientists sometimes take offense at the use of scientific terminology to promote what are considered unprovable religious beliefs.[53][54]

Underlying assumptions


Judging by its name, the New Age movement ought to involve millenarian claims, perhaps of a glorious future age which is about to begin.[55][56] As such it could theoretically be traced back to the time of Zoroaster, or to biblical apocalypticism. While such expectations are encountered often enough—e.g., the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, pole shifts and paradigm shifts, the imminent end of the Mayan calendar—the predominant themes of the New Age are mystical rather than apocalyptic. Hence the widespread interest within this subculture in the mystical traditions within the world’s various religions, especially Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Taoism, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and Esoteric Christianity. Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).


In keeping with a relativist stance, New Agers believe they do not contradict traditional belief systems, but rather some of them say that they are concerned with the ultimate truths contained within those systems, separating these truths from false tradition and dogma. On the other hand, adherents of other religions often claim that the New Age movement has a vague or superficial understanding of these religious concepts, leaving out that which may seem "negative" or contradict contemporary Western values and that New Age attempts at religious syncretism are vague and self-contradictory. [citation needed]

This relativism is not merely a spiritual relativism, but also extends to physical theories. Reality is considered largely from an experiential and subjective mode. Many New Age phenomena are not expected to be repeatable in the scientific sense, since they are presumed to be apparent only to the receptive mind; for example, telepathy may not be achievable by a skeptical mind, since a skeptical mind is not pre-conditioned to expect the phenomenon to exist. [17]


The New Age worldview typically involves a mysticism-based (rather than experiment-and-theory-based) view of describing and controlling the external world; for example, one might believe that tarot card reading works because of the "interconnectedness principle", rather than regarding the success (or failure) of tarot card reading as evidence of the interconnectedness principle. The various New Age vitalist theories of health and disease provide further examples. [citation needed]

Magical thinking

Some New Age practices and beliefs could make use of what British anthropologist Sir James George Frazer termed magical thinking, in The Golden Bough (1890). Common examples are the principle that objects once in contact maintain a practical link, or that objects that have similar properties exert an effect on each other. [57]


In contrast to the scientific method, the failure of some practice to achieve expected results is not considered as a failure of the underlying theory, but as a lack of knowledge about (hidden) extenuating circumstances. This stance has led some skeptics to pronounce the New Age movement to be primarily anti-intellectual in nature. [58] [2]


The emphasis on subjective knowledge and experience is a connection between New Age beliefs and postmodernism. The shift to a feeling of control over one's expression of spirituality reflects a trend towards personal responsibility, as well as personal empowerment. Its populist origins help characterize the New Age approach. This emphasizes an individual's choice in spiritual matters; the role of personal intuition and experience over societally sanctioned expert opinion and an experiential definition of reality. [59]


Many adherents of belief systems characterised as New Age rely heavily on the use of metaphors to describe experiences deemed to be beyond the empirical. Consciously or unconsciously, New Agers tend to redefine vocabulary borrowed from various belief systems, which can cause some confusion as well as increase opposition from skeptics and the traditional religions. In particular, the adoption of terms from the language of science such as "energy", "energy fields", and various terms borrowed from quantum physics and psychology but not then applied to any of their subject matter, have served to confuse the dialog between science and spirituality, leading to derisive labels such as pseudoscience and psychobabble.[60][61]

This phenomenon is additionally compounded by the propensity of some New Agers to pretend to esoteric meanings for familiar terms; the New Age meaning of the esoteric term is typically quite different from the common use, and is often described as intentionally inaccessible to those not sufficiently trained in the area of their use. See the following list:-

Many New Agers revere ancient sites, such as Stonehenge, above, as having a special "energy".
  • Forces. It is commonly held that there exist certain forces, independent of spiritual beings or agencies, and also distinct from forces as defined by science (e.g., gravitation, electro-magnetism, etc.). These forces are elemental in nature; and are held to operate in an automatic fashion as part of the natural order (for example, the force which causes seeds to sprout, grow, and bloom).
  • Power. The "forces", and everything else, are energized by a mystical power that exists in varying degrees in all things. Power is transferable, through physical contact, sensory perception, or mere proximity. Power may be accumulated or depleted in a person or object through a variety of mechanisms, including fate and esoteric practices. This power is held to be physically observable as "auras" and "psi energy"; and when encountered in great concentration, may even be dangerous.
  • Energy. In some belief systems, "forces" and "power" may seem to merge; e.g., in the concept of "vital force" that exists in so many traditional belief systems, and finds its expression in New Age concepts such as the alleged "energies" in Therapeutic Touch, Reiki or IRECA method and ideas of flowing streams of power in Earth, like "leylines" in Britain and Europe and earth energies addressed in the Chinese geomantic system of feng shui. The New Age use of the word "energy" should obviously not be confused with the scientific one.
  • Spirit. All beings (particularly sentient beings) are accompanied by a specific, intentional "energy" which corresponds to their consciousness, but is in some way independent of their corporeal existence. This energy typically is more primary than the physical entity, in the sense that it remains in some form after the physical death of that being.
  • Holism. A coherent, interconnected cosmos. Everything in the cosmos is actually or potentially interconnected, as if by invisible threads, not only in space but also across time. Further, it is held that every thing and every event that has happened, is happening, or will happen leaves a detectable record of itself in the cosmic "medium" such as the Akashic Records or the morphogenic field.


See main article Alternative medicine

Many people with a New Age perspective also adopt complementary and alternative medicine.[62] Some rely on New Age treatments exclusively, while others use them in combination with conventional medicine. This approach is regarded as completely compatible with New age belief in the unity of mind, body, spirit, and the emphasis on things of a natural origin. Some noteworthy New Age techniques are herbal medicine, Ayurveda, acupuncture, homeopathy, iridology, auras, and the use of crystals in healing therapy.

Some New Age writers have taken the belief that You create your own reality and applied it to disease with the conclusion that illnesses have a metaphysical origin and can be treated by a deep evaluation of long held negative emotional and spiritual attitudes. This has a parallel in the Christian notion that "it is done unto you as you believe." Notably, Louise Hay has published books containing lists of diseases and the associated negative belief, accompanied by the correcting positive belief. A cure may be sought by repeating the correcting positive affirmation. This approach has its origins in Christian Science. It has been criticised as seeming to blame the sufferer for causing the condition. The intent is to empower the individual so that he or she can change the thinking and therefore change the condition.

Some followers of New Age thought may also believe certain individuals have the ability to heal, in a similar way to the healing practices reported to have been used by Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament.

It should be noted that, when considered as actual medical techniques, most of these systems of treatment are viewed with extreme skepticism and even as quackery by most scientific professionals. When tested using the same types of regimens as those applied to pharmaceutical drugs and surgical techniques (for example, double blind clinical studies), these systems rarely yield demonstrable improvements over standard techniques. Direct harm can result from a treatment such as acupuncture (bruising, dizziness, infection), from poorly prescribed herbal medicine or from an untrained person self-administering herbal medicines. Indirect harm can result when a person seeks new age treatment as a replacement for a proven scientific treatment, and in some cases this has resulted in death.

However, one benefit of New Age medicine's popularity, and its criticism of conventional medicine, has been to encourage many medical practitioners to pay closer attention to the entire patient's needs rather than just her or his specific disease San Francisco Medical Library. Such approaches, termed "holistic medicine", are now becoming more popular. Conventional medicine has recognised that a patient's state of mind can be crucial in determining the outcome of many diseases, and this perception has helped recast the roles of doctor and patient as more egalitarian.

Critics of New Age medicine continue to point out that without some kind of testing procedure, there is no way of separating those techniques, medicinal herbs, and lifestyle changes which actually contribute to increased health from those which have no effect, or which are actually deleterious to one's health. The National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, are at 2005 carrying out research on determining which of these practices may be useful in support of conventional medical practice.


See a longer description at the New Age music article

Although more rock than new age in genre, the 1967 successful musical Hair with its opening song "Aquarius" and the memorable line "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius" brought the New Age concept to the attention of a huge worldwide audience. The first actual use of the term in pop music was by American rock and roll band The Velvet Underground in their pessimistic 1969 song "New Age".

A large percentage of music described as of New Age genre is instrumental, and electronic. This music has its roots in the 1970s with the works of such free-form jazz groups recording on the ECM label such as Oregon, the Paul Winter Group, and other pre-ambient bands; as well as ambient performers such as Brian Eno. The Greek artist Yanni, one of the "superstars" of the New Age genre, relies heavily on synthesizers and instrumental "world music" sounds.

Vocal arrangements are also common. Enya, although claiming her music is not of this genre, has won a New Age Grammy for her music which utilizes vocals in a variety of languages, including Latin. Less well known is Medwyn Goodall, who relies mainly on electronic keyboard effects, and includes acoustic guitar as well.

Music labeled New Age often has a vision of a better future, expresses an appreciation of goodness and beauty, even an anticipation, relevant to some event. Rarely does New Age music dwell on a problem with this world or its inhabitants; instead it offers a peaceful vision of a better world. Often the music is celestial, when the title names stars or deep space explorations. Ennio Morricone wrote the entire score for the movie Mission to Mars, and while the credits flash we hear All the Friends, New Age orchestral style. Additionally, instrumental albums often come with "liner notes" encouraging the music's use in meditation, and many albums have been recorded with specific design for this purpose.

While other genres like ambient, psy-trance, goa trance are not associated with New Age in their philosophies they can in some ways be likened to a New Age perspective. Psy-trance, especially, suggests a fusion of transcendental feeling and the individual's connectedness with the cosmos. This experience and the dance culture surrounding it may carry cultural memes about technology, parapsychology, artificial intelligence, as well as a view that thoughts may in fact determine reality.

See also

See List of New Age topics for a summary of related articles, or click on the New Age category at the foot of this page.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g New Age Transformed J Gordon Melton, Director Institute for the Study of American Religion - Accessed June 2006
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h What Is “New Age? Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. Cult Observer, 1993, Volume 10, No. 1- Accessed July 2006
  3. ^ George Barnia, "The Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators", Word Publishing, Dallas TX, (1996). Quoted at religioustolerance.org note 2
  4. ^ The Mind, Body Spirit Festival has run event in the UK since 1977. Accessed Dec 2006.
  5. ^ International Listing of New Age Shows, Expos & Exhibitions at www.equinoxastrology.com. Accessed Dec 2006.
  6. ^ Who Buys New Age Materials? Exploring Sociodemographic, Religious, Network, and Contextual Correlates Of New Age Consumption Daniel P. Mears, Christopher G. Ellison - Accessed June 2006
  7. ^ The Dawn of a New Age "The new age in Europe was eventually called "the Renaissance". Accessed December 2006
  8. ^ Roots of New Age Movement, a history Accessed June 2006
  9. ^ New Age Files includes a comprehensive timeline, and information from 1800 to the present day. Accessed July 2006
  10. ^ Alan Kardec - Spirit Writings Accessed July 2006.
  11. ^ A Course in Miracles Claims to be a complete self-study spiritual thought system. - Accessed July 2006
  12. ^ The Celestine Prophect webpage Believes is that there is a growing worldwide interest in spirituality that is creating a new spiritual awareness and culture that will flourish in the new millennium. Accessed July 2006
  13. ^ Radical Middle Newsletter New World Alliance New Age political movement - Accessed July 2006
  14. ^ From New Age to New Edge Across Borders Media Video. "Can we really change the world without changing ourselves? From New Age to New Edge explores this question, as it travels to the remote rainforests of western Canada, where a revolution is in the making. Here, the face of environmental activism is going through radical changes, as it dovetails with the personal growth movement. " Accessed December 2006.
  15. ^ Only God Exists website - "The source or cause of the universe has never been, and nor can it ever be, separate from the universe; Nor can it be that this same source or cause be separate from you." Accessed July 2006
  16. ^ Ascended Masters Research Center Ascended Masters Research Center does not guarantee the accuracy of any content on this site or on any external sites linked to us. The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth. - Accessed July 2006
  17. ^ a b Reality Shifters news We create our own reality -strange-but-true articles and stories from around the world about mysterious appearances, disappearances, transformations, and transportations.
  18. ^ [http://www.indigochild.com/News-CNN.html CNN News interview with Sandy Bershad an Indigo Child, 11/15/2005. Accessed October 2006
  19. ^ http://www.greatdreams.com/indigo.htm Indigo Children - Crystalline Children. "Awakening-Healing News" Letter of Light,4 Jun 2002. Accessed October 2006.
  20. ^ The New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose Inc by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles and Kay Eileen Meyer. Accessed October 2006
  21. ^ Reincarnation and NDE Research Near-Death Experiences & the Afterlife Accessed October 2006
  22. ^ Divine Revelation New Age course offereing to develop intuition. Accessed October 2006
  23. ^ [www.sacred-texts.com/chr/agjc/index.htm The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ] This book is an extensive reworking of the Jesus story with strong Theosophical and Spiritualist influences. Of interest is the attempt to fill in the two decade gap in the Jesus's traditional biography.
  24. ^ The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age , Transcribed by Levi H. Dowling. The Aquarian Gospel of Christ resonates so strongly with the teachings of The Reluctant Messenger that it is presented here for those ready to receive its message.
  25. ^ The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon Robert Todd Carroll (2005) Skeptic's Dictionary -accessed July 2006.
  26. ^ Hundredth Monkeying "An inner aid project to help midwife the world through necessary global evolutionary changes." Accessed December 2006
  27. ^ Quantum Interconnectedness Physics and Consciousness web sitestarstuffs.com sees science as supporting the view that the universe is interconnected in much subtler ways than had once been thought. Accessed July 2006
  28. ^ Kabbalah - Judiasm's Way Into The New Age - The Light for the Last Days - Accessed July 2006
  29. ^ Prayers for Planetary Healing Ananda online
  30. ^ The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness, and The Universe Within You e-book accessed July 2006
  31. ^ Planetary Healing Circles "This is a S.O.S. -- an emergency call -- a call to heal our planet, Mother Earth and, by doing so, to benefit ourselves. This is a call to all who care. Please, bear with me and lend me your ears for just few minuets. Be blessed for your caring and patience." Gaiamind.com
  32. ^ Why people have to be vegetarian ? Quanyin Meditation - Accessed July 2006
  33. ^ Max Heindel (Author), New age Vegetarian Cookbook , Publisher: Rosicrucian Fellowship, first published 1970 ASIN B000715016
  34. ^ The Macrobiotic Guide "Macobiotics is not just a diet, but a program of learning, study and personal growth, including the development of better discernment and choices around food, diet and other evironmental and lifestyle choices. "
  35. ^ Rawguru - Open your mind "Feel the fullness of the sun enlighten your being as you consciously drink in the force. The force of life, the energy that sustains and controls the entire planet- solar radiation."
  36. ^ Raw Spirit What the raw food advocates don't preach "After I took the big leap, many unexpected changes started happening; things I hadn't read about like the negative physical side effects and the incredible spiritual dimension of being Raw." Author Matthew J. Monarch
  37. ^ Fast Fasting "Abstinence from food for a length of time. A common ascetic practice, it is also a widespread mode of purification with respect to ritual activities or the restoration of health. "
  38. ^ Atlantis Myth or Reality Andreea Haktanir Accessed July 2006
  39. ^ Sacred Places by Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe, Professor, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Accessed July 2006
  40. ^ Ellie Crystal's Metaphysical and Science Website "Many crystals have healing properties that you can discover. Crystals vibrate to at different frequencies to enhance healing."
  41. ^ Electric Dreams at dreamgate.com, e-zine of dream study of the Electric Dreams Community . Accessed October 2006
  42. ^ Attracting Unlimited Abundance and Happiness Through Belief
  43. ^ Network 2012 An international communications hub for linking up Light Workers around the world.. "In the year 2012 we begin a new 26,000 year cycle. We are now in an intense 25 year transition period comparable to a birthing - the birthing of a new era." Accessed November 2006
  44. ^ Children of Light an institute of self-mastery, dedicated to informing and educating individuals about the personal and planetary Ascension that we are now experiencing. Accessed November 2006
  45. ^ r Nvisible Solara teaches the meaning of the sign 11:11 and the significance of November 11, 2011. Accessed November 2006
  46. ^ [http://www.inplainsite.org/html/relativism.html Relativism Is it "absolutely" true that there is no "absolute" truth?] In Plain Site, Christian view of Relativism. Accessed December 2006.
  47. ^ Jews for Morality The New Age Movement:Reversion to Paganism. How the New Age Movement undermines the very foundations of a moral society. By Mayer Adani. 31 Aug. 2001 Accessed December 2006
  48. ^ Watchman Fellowship, a ministry of Christian Discernment. Accessed July 2006
  49. ^ New Age: False Religion - Islamic criticism Accessed July 2006
  50. ^ *A Catholic Christian Reflection on the New Age Accessed July 2006
  51. ^ New Age vs. Vedic tradition Accessed July 2006
  52. ^ Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality - Accessed July 2006
  53. ^ A New Ager's path to becoming a skeptic Accessed July 2006
  54. ^ Dutch skeptic website with articles and links to criticism of a range of New Age topics Accessed July 2006
  55. ^ The Sleeper Awakens onlygodexists.org 2006 Accessed June 2006
  56. ^ [http://www.rosicrucian.com/zineen/magen119.htm The Aquarian Age - Rosicrucian Fellowship Accessed July 2006
  57. ^ Magical thinking, Sleeping with Extra-Terrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of Piety by Wendy Kaminer. New York: Pantheon, 1999. Review in Issues in Science and Technology , accessed December 2006
  58. ^ Critiques of Post Modernism (And of Irrationalism in General) Ernest Partridge, Ph.D, June 1, 2006. Accessed December 2006.
  59. ^ Postmodernism and new age unreason Skeptical Inquirer, May-June, 1995 by George Englebretsen. Accessed December 2006.
  60. ^ A New Age Glossary (pdf) Michael A. Cox North American Mission Board & the Southern Baptist Convention. Accessed June 2006
  61. ^ Glossary for the new Millennium and Aquarian Age Dr Joshua David Stone "I AM University" 2004 - Accessed June 2006
  62. ^ National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine National Institutes of Health - Accessed June 2006

Academic study of the New Age

  • Albanese, Catherine L. (1990) Nature Religion in America; From the Algonkian Indians to the New Age, University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London.
  • Barna, George , (1996) The Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators, Word Publishing, Dallas TX. ISBN 0-8499-3603-9
  • Bloch, Jon P., (1998) New Spirituality, Self, and Belonging: How New Agers and Neo-Pagans Talk About Themselves, Praeger, Westport, Connceticut & London.
  • Drane, John, (1999) What is the New Age Still Saying to the Church? Marshall Pickering, London.
  • Ferguson, Marilyn (1982) The Aquarian Conspiracy, Paladin, London.
  • Godwin, Joscelyn, (1994) The Theosophical Enlightenment, State University of New York Press, New York.
  • Hanegraaff, Wouter J., (1998) New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, State University of New York Press, Albany, New York.
  • Heelas, Paul, (1996) The New Age Movement, Blackwell, Oxford.
  • ------ and Linda Woodhead (2004) The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality, Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Kemp, Daren, (2004) New Age: A Guide. Alternative Spiritualities from Aquarian Conspiracy to Next Age, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Kohn, Rachael, (2003) The New Believers: Re-Imagining God, HarperCollins, Sydney.
  • Langone, Michael D (1993). "What Is "New Age?"". Cult Observer. 10 (1). Retrieved 26 August 2005
  • Lewis, James R. and J. Gordon Melton (eds). (1992) Perspectives on the New Age, State University of New York Press, Albany, New York.
  • Melton, J.Gordon, (1995) Whither the New Age? Chapter 35 of T. Miller's , America's Alternative Religions, SUNY Press, Albany, NY .
  • Michael, June, (2000) Path to Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Higher Consciousness, Writers Club Press, New York.
  • Naisbitt J. & Aburdene P., (1990) Megatrends 2000, William Morrow & Company, New York, NY.
  • Pike, Sarah M., (2004) New Age and Neopagan Religions in America, Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Roof, Wade Clark (1999) Spiritual Marketplace: Baby Boomers and the Remaking of American Religion, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Rothstein, Mikael (ed). (2001) New Age Religion and Globalization, Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Saliba, John A., (1999) Christian Responses to the New Age Movement: A Critical Assessment, Geoffrey Chapman, London. * Sutcliffe, Steven & Marion Bowman (eds). (2000) Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Sutcliffe, Steven J., (2003) Children of the New Age: A History of Spiritual Practices, Routledge, London and New York.
  • York, Michael, (1995) The Emerging Network: A Sociology of the New Age and Neo-Pagan Movements, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland.
  • Carlos Seeker: Searching for answers (e-book format)
  • Healing Energy - ET clinic - healing energy for all sorts of health problems.