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Same-sex marriage in Liechtenstein

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Laws regarding same-sex partnerships in Europe¹
  Civil union
  Limited domestic recognition (cohabitation)
  Limited foreign recognition (residency rights)
  Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples
¹ May include recent laws or court decisions that have not yet entered into effect.

Liechtenstein has recognized registered partnerships since 1 September 2011.


Legislative process

On 19 November 2001, MP Paul Vogt (Free List) submitted a registered partnership initiative to the Landtag, which after long discussion referred it to the Government for its opinion. The goal of reducing discrimination was undisputed; rather the kind of recognition and the timing compared to neighbouring countries were cause for discussion. On 15 April 2003, the Government published its position on the matter; it compared the legal situation in Liechtenstein with European countries with recognition of same-sex couples (e.g. Germany had recently introduced registered partnerships), but also with neighbouring Austria and Switzerland, which had no legal recognition of same-sex couples at the time. As the Government saw no urgent need and preferred to await developments in Austria and especially Switzerland, it recommended rejection.[1] On 14 May 2003, the Landtag discussed and rejected the initiative.

On 1 January 2007, registered partnerships in Switzerland took effect following approval by referendum on 5 June 2005.

On 17 September 2007, Amnesty International Liechtenstein submitted a petition calling for the legal recognition of same-sex couples. A subsequent motion put forward in the Landtag by the Free List party requesting that the Government introduce a registered partnership law similar to Switzerland's passed on 24 October 2007 with 19 representatives voting in favour and 6 voting against.[2][3]

24 October 2007 vote in the Landtag of Liechtenstein[4]
Political Affiliation Voted for Voted Against
Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)  G a
Patriotic Union (VU)  G a
Free List (FL)   -
Total 19 6
a. Part of the FBP-VU Coalition under Prime Minister Otmar Hasler.

In December 2009, Minister of Justice Aurelia Frick announced that she would present the draft of the registered partnership bill in January 2010.[5][6] The draft was presented in April 2010.[7][8][9] After the consultation period for the bill finished on 16 July, a few items were amended as a result of the discussion.

The registered partnership bill (Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz) has been described as very similar to the Austrian law passed in Autumn 2009.[10] In August 2010, the Prince regent, Alois declared his support for the bill.[11] On 23 November 2010, the Government formulated the final version of the bill,[12][13] which was approved by Parliament in the first reading on 16 December 2010.[14] It was passed in the second reading on 16 March 2011 and published on 21 March that same year.[15][16][17]

16 March 2011 vote in the Landtag of Liechtenstein on the motion moved by VU MP Diana Hilti [18][19]
Political Affiliation Voted for Voted Against Absent/Not Present (Did Not Vote)
Patriotic Union (VU)  G a
Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)  G a
Free List (FL)   - -
Total 14 7 4
a. Part of the VU-FBP Coalition under Prime Minister Klaus Tschütscher.
b. Served as a substitute deputy for Günther Kranz in the afternoon session.
16 March 2011 vote in the Landtag of Liechtenstein on the Partnership Act (as a whole) [20][21]
Political Affiliation Voted for Absent/Not Present (Did Not Vote)
Patriotic Union (VU)  G a
Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)  G a
Free List (FL)   -
Total 21 4
a. Part of the VU-FBP Coalition under Prime Minister Klaus Tschütscher.
b. Served as a substitute deputy for Günther Kranz in the afternoon session.


A group called Vox Populi (Voice of the People) announced its intention to force a referendum on the matter.[22][23] According to the Constitution, the organization had until 21 April[24] (30 days) to collect at least 1000 signatures.[25] As the necessary signatures were gathered (1208 valid signatures), a referendum was held between 17 and 19 June 2011.[26][27] The registered partnership law was approved by 68.8 percent of those who voted and thus went into effect on 1 September 2011.[28][29][30]

Family name

In 2016, the Government of Liechtenstein reformed family name law. Registered partners are now allowed to have a common family name; however, it is simply called "name" as opposed to "family name" for married couples, thus keeping a distinction. The reform was discussed in the Landtag on 4 March 2016 in its first reading, and was approved in its second and final reading on 31 August 2016.[31][32][33][34] It was published in the official gazette on 3 November 2016 and took effect on 1 January 2017.[35]

31 August 2016 vote in the Landtag of Liechtenstein on the motion moved by FBP MP Christine Wohlwend[36][37]
Political Affiliation Voted for Voted Against
Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)  G a -
Patriotic Union (VU)  G a
The Independents (DU)   -
Free List (FL)   -
Total 24 1
a. Part of the FBP-VU Coalition under Prime Minister Adrian Hasler.
b. Served as a substitute deputy for Christoph Beck.
c. Served as a substitute deputy for Erich Hasler.
d. Served as a substitute deputy for Wolfgang Marxer.
31 August 2016 vote in the Landtag of Liechtenstein on the Act amending the Partnership Act[38][39]
Political Affiliation Voted for
Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)  G a
Patriotic Union (VU)  G a
The Independents (DU)  
Free List (FL)  
Total 25
a. Part of the FBP-VU Coalition under Prime Minister Adrian Hasler.
b. Served as a substitute deputy for Christoph Beck.
c. Served as a substitute deputy for Erich Hasler.
d. Served as a substitute deputy for Wolfgang Marxer.


Eleven registered partnerships were performed in the first two years, following the entry into force of the law.[40] This made up 2.7% of all unions celebrated in those two years. 8 partnerships were between male couples and 3 were between female couples.

See also


  1. ^ "Stellungnahme der Regierung an den Landtag des Fürstentums Liechtenstein zur formulierten Initiative vom 19. November 2001 über die registrierte Partnerschaft und zur Abänderung des Ehegesetzes". Government of Liechtenstein. 15 April 2003.
  2. ^ "Marriage and partnership rights for same-sex partners: country-by-country". Archived from the original on 2008-04-20.
  3. ^ Template:De icon Motion
  4. ^ "Motion Betreffend Eingetragene Partnerschaft Gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare Der Abgeordneten Paul Vogt, Pepo Frick Und Andrea Matt Vom (25. SEPTEMBER 2007)" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  5. ^ Template:De icon Liechtensteiner Parlament soll im Sommer über Homo-Ehe debattieren
  6. ^ Template:De icon Liechtenstein: Homo-Ehe kommt nächstes Jahr
  7. ^ Template:De icon Vernehmlassungsbericht der Regierung betreffend die Schaffung eines Gesetzes über die eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare (LEBENSPARTNERSCHAFTSGESETZ; LPARTG) sowie die Abänderung weiterer Gesetze
  8. ^ Template:De icon Liechtenstein macht den Weg frei für homosexuelle Partnerschaften
  9. ^ Template:De icon Liechtenstein will Homo-Ehe erlauben
  10. ^ Template:De icon In Liechtenstein endete am Freitag die Beratungsfrist für eine Einführung der Eingetragenen Lebenspartnerachaft
  11. ^ Template:De icon Erbprinz für eingetragene Partnerschaft
  12. ^ Template:De icon Partnerschaftsgesetz verabschiedet
  13. ^ Template:De icon Partnerschaftsgesetz verabschiedet
  14. ^ Template:De icon Homo-Partnerschaft kommt voran
  15. ^ Template:De icon Ja zur eingetragenen Partnerschaft
  16. ^ Template:De icon Landtag einhellig für Partnerschaftsgesetz
  17. ^ Kincaid, Timothy (21 March 2011). "Liechtenstein parliament approves same-sex partner recognition". Box Turtle Bulletin. Archived from the original on 20 June 2017. Retrieved 20 June 2017.
  18. ^ "Traktandum 19: Schaffung eines Gesetzes über die eingetragene Partnerschaft gleichgeschlechtlicher - Paare sowie die Abänderung weiterer Gesetze (Abstimmung zum Antrag der Abg. Diana Hilti zum Inkrafttreten (1.9.2011)) (16.03.2011 / 19:55:13)" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  19. ^ "Landtagsprotokoll vom 16. März 2011 - Startseite" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  20. ^ "Traktandum 19: Schaffung eines Gesetzes über die eingetragene Partnerschaft gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare sowie die Abänderung weiterer Gesetze - Schlussabstimmung zum Partnerschaftsgesetz (16.03.2011 / 19:55:52)" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  21. ^ "Landtagsprotokoll vom 16. März 2011 - Startseite" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  22. ^ Template:De icon VOX POPULI
  23. ^ Template:De icon Partnerschaftsgesetz: Doch noch Widerstand
  24. ^ Template:De icon Liebe ist ein Menschenrecht
  25. ^ Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein
  26. ^ Template:De icon Partnerschaftsgesetz: Volk entscheidet Mitte Juni
  27. ^ Template:De icon Liechtensteiner stimmen im Juni über Homo- Ehe ab
  28. ^ "68,8 % Ja-Stimmen für Partnerschaftsgesetz". Liechtensteiner Volksblatt (in German). 19 June 2011. Retrieved 19 June 2011.
  29. ^ "Liechtenstein voters approve civil partnerships for gay couples". LGBTQ Nation. 19 June 2011. Archived from the original on 20 June 2017. Retrieved 20 June 2017.
  30. ^ Burroway, Jim (19 June 2011). "Liechtenstein Voters Approve Civil Partnership Law". Box Turtle Bulletin. Archived from the original on 20 June 2017. Retrieved 20 June 2017.
  31. ^ "Ist der «Familienname» heutzutage überholt?". Volksblatt. 4 March 2016.
  32. ^ "Kein «Familienname» für eingetragene Paare". Volksblatt. 10 July 2016.
  33. ^ "Namensrechtsreform bereit für zweite Landtagslesung". Volksblatt. 6 July 2016.
  34. ^ "Reform des Namensrechts eingetragener Partner (Nr. 14/2016) [1. Lesung: 4. März 2016] - Stellungnahme der Regierung (Nr. 80/2016); 2. Lesung" (in German). Landtag of Liechtenstein. Retrieved 6 November 2016.
  35. ^ Gesetz vom 31. August 2016 über die Abänderung des Partnerschaftsgesetzes
  36. ^ "Traktandum 16: Reform des Namensrechts eingetragener Partner; 2. Lesung- Abstimmung zum Antrag der Abg. Christine Wohlwend auf Gesetzesaufruf (31.08.2016 / 17:53:27)" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  37. ^ "Landtagsprotokoll vom 31. August 2016 - Startseite" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  38. ^ "Traktandum 16: Reform des Namensrechts eingetragener Partner; 2. Lesung - Schlussabstimmung zum Gesetz über die Abänderung des Partnerschaftsgesetzes (31.08.2016 / 17:54:12)" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  39. ^ "Landtagsprotokoll vom 31. August 2016 - Startseite" (in German). Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  40. ^ Template:De icon Elf eingetragene Partnerschaften in Vaduz geschlossen

External links