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King William's College 106th general knowledge paper from The Guardian, Thursday 23 December 2010


Round Lead question Theme
1 In the year 1910 Event occurred in 1910
2 Who or what Named "Gordon"
3 Going out, what (numerically), where, suggests [...] And coming in: [...] Nicknames of holes on golf courses; first 5 questions are "going out" front 9, second five are "coming in" back 9.
4 Danes
5 Which independent school Independent school (United Kingdom)
6 Words beginning with "ut-"
7 Counties of Ireland
8 People in the Bible (Eponyms of books of the bible?)
9 Who or what Names ending in "-bert"
10 Which musician might have been Jazz musicians? Rebus names.
11 Letters of the English alphabet
12 Aubrey–Maturin series
13 elephants
14 Which elevated conduit bridges?
15 Where In Liverpool
16 Where Cities and towns in Italy
17 Which author concluded what with these words Last words of novels.
18 During 2010: Event occurred in 2010


Round No Question Answer Notes
1 1 who was the victim of al-Wardani? Boutros Ghali assassinated 20 February 1910 by by Ibrahim Nassif al-Wardani
1 2 who began with Helen's letters to her sister? E. M. Forster Howards End, published 1910
1 3 what activity, where, was banned as a potential cause of delays? Kissing at railway station platforms, in France 5 April 1910
1 4 which vessels were involved in a collision in la Manche costing 27 lives? Submarine Pluviose and steamship Pas de Calais 26 May 1910
1 5 who ordered a large quantity of a muscarine antagonist from a shop at 2 Bucknall Street? Hawley Harvey Crippen hyoscine is a muscarinic antagonist he used to poison his wife
1 6 whose death in the stationmaster's house led to the station taking his name some years later? Leo Tolstoy At Astapovo , now Lev Tolstoy, on 20 November 1910 OS.
1 7 who, having ruled which principality for 50 years, declared himself King? Nicholas I of Montenegro 28 August 1910
1 8 whose memorial was placed behind the National Portrait Gallery? Henry Irving Picture of the statue
1 9 which two unaccountable freaks went out together? Halley's Comet and Mark Twain "I came in with Halley's comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's comet. The Almighty said, no doubt: 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.'" Twain died 21 April 1910.
1 10 what was set alight on the Parisian stage? The Firebird Première 25 June 1910
2 1 blew hot and cool? Dexter Gordon Dexter Blows Hot and Cool 1955
2 2 was Mad Jack's spouse? Catherine Gordon Married John "Mad Jack" Byron
2 3 was the stuff that Smith was made of? answer notes
2 4 is an expression of surprise or indignation? Gordon Bennett
2 5 did the Emperor reward with the Yellow Jacket? Charles George Gordon Imperial yellow jacket awarded by for commanding the Ever Victorious Army in the Taiping Rebellion
2 6 started as the 100th, but became the 92nd and was later joined by the 75th? Gordon Highlanders 92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot were raised as the 100th Highlanders by the Duke of Gordon in 1794 being renumbered 92nd in 1798, and merged with 75th (Stirlingshire) Regiment of Foot in 1881.
2 7 is marked by the rarest dish in all the land? Gordon's Gin Bottle has boar's head logo; Boar's Head Carol described the boar's head as "the rarest dish in all the land".
2 8 did a wartime treble on a solar vehicle? Gordon Richards 1942 fillies triple crown on Sun Chariot
2 9 was Raymond's creation? Flash Gordon Originally drawn by Alex Raymond
2 10 merged with Osborne? Possibly John "Mad Jack" Byron, whose first wife was Amelia Osborne, Marchioness of Carmarthen and who later took the surname Gordon from his third wife Catherine Gordon.
3 1 a clutch of curlew's eggs? answer A whimbrel is a type of curlew.
3 2 a beverage "Faithful to the original"? 4th, Old Course at St Andrews is "Ginger Beer"; is Fentimans ginger beer "faithful to the original"? not on the bottle
"Babington's" is 2nd at Royal Dublin; Babington's tea room is in Rome...
3 3 an encounter on 13 September 1882? 7th at Royal Troon "Tel-el-Kebir", Battle of Tel el-Kebir
3 4 an annual event initiated by James Stanley? answer James Stanley
3 5 an earlier connection with the Morning Post? answer Morning Post
3 6 is there a geographical misplacement from South Uist? answer South Uist
3 7 sounds like a resident of Puddleby-on-the Marsh? answer Puddleby-on-the Marsh is the home of Doctor Dolittle.
3 8 is an apparent refuge for the bald? answer notes
3 9 follows Calamity? 15th, Royal Portrush 14th is "Calamity Corner"
3 10 finishes on time? answer notes
4 1 Who demonstrated phonetic pronunciation? Otto Jespersen International Phonetic Alphabet and Novial
4 2 Whose notes were worth one hundred crowns? Carl Nielsen On the 100-kroner note (1997–2009)
4 3 Who footed it in Italy, Spain, Japan and Holland? Michael Laudrup Played for Juventus F.C., FC Barcelona, Vissel Kobe, and AFC Ajax
4 4 Who sold Estonia and took a Baltic Island instead? Valdemar IV Paid 19,000 Cologne marks by the Teutonic Knights in 1346. Which island? Bornholm? Funen?
4 5 Who was first to cross the North-West Passage by dog-sled? Knud Rasmussen notes
4 6 Who died during the wedding celebrations of Tove and Gythe? answer notes
4 7 Who was decorated for valour following the Amiens push? answer notes
4 8 Whose tale about a sixth daughter inspired Eriksen? Hans Christian Andersen The Little Mermaid inspired the statue by Edvard Eriksen.
4 9 Who is especially associated with a supernova? Tycho Brahe With SN 1572
4 10 Who was cuckolded by the Royal physician? answer notes
5 1 started in the Depot? answer notes
5 2 favours Malvolian hosiery? answer notes
5 3 is approached by the Hundred? answer notes
5 4 sold the site to Merchant Taylors'? answer notes
5 5 possesses a relic of an epic crossing of the Scotia Sea? answer notes
5 6 had in its statutes a cryptic acknowledgement of the final chapter of St John's Gospel? answer notes
5 7 owes its foundation to Salmonella typhi? answer notes
5 8 has a boomer in the chapel tower? answer notes
5 9 was pictured by a little canal? answer notes
5 10 replaced a lofty hermitage? answer notes
6 1 What was updated by HG Wells? Utopia A Modern Utopia
6 2 What might be perceived as an apiary? Utah Nicknamed "the beehive state", after deseret.
6 3 Which island is doubly recognised on 198? Utsira 198 is the longwave frequency of BBC Radio 4, home of the Shipping Forecast which includes regions "North Utsire" and "South Utsire".
6 4 Who left great designs in the Gulf and New South Wales? Jørn Utzon Designed National Assembly of Kuwait building and Sydney Opera House.
6 5 Who, aided by wizardry, cuckolded his rival by impersonating him? Uther Pendragon Cuckolds Gorlois and impregnates Igraine with King Arthur.
6 6 Who, being the son of Suzanne, changed his name through the benevolence of her friend Miguel? Maurice Utrillo Born to Suzanne Valadon in 1883; Miguel Utrillo y Molins declared paternity in 1891.
6 7 What did hateful and rough weeds lose apart from beauty? utility Henry V V.ii.51–3: "Nothing teems / But hateful docks, rough thistles, kecksies, burs, / Losing both beauty and utility."
6 8 What was the native city of a unique pontiff? Utrecht Pope Adrian VI
6 9 What can be used instead of mahogany? answer notes
6 10 Who recruited Hare for Dad's Army? Alison Uttley Hare Joins the Home Guard (1942) The Home Guard nicknamed "Dad's Army"
7 1 Who began with 7-43? Dominic Cork First first-class match. County Cork
7 2 What excluded Hall in 1856? Clare College, Cambridge Formerly "Clare Hall". County Clare
7 3 What did Virginia adopt instead of Jones? Mayo Stage name. County Mayo
7 4 Who gained valuable experience from Gillespie? Doctor Kildare County Kildare
7 5 Who knocked out Jackie to become undisputed flyweight champion? Rinty Monaghan Beat Jackie Paterson in 1948. County Monaghan
7 6 Who looked into the disappearance of his West African GP's daughter? answer notes
7 7 What was judged to be a considerable distance from the Strand? Tipperary It's a Long Way to Tipperary. County Tipperary
7 8 Which minstrel finished with Danny Boy? answer notes
7 9 Where is St James the highest of all? answer notes
7 10 What is a funny five-liner? Limerick County Limerick
8 1 Who benefited from projectile vomiting? answer notes
8 2 Who likened the messenger to fullers' soap? Malachi Malachi 3:2: "But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:"
8 3 Who was a fruiterer specialising in Ficus sycomorus? answer Ficus sycomorus called the sycamore fig or the fig-mulberry.
8 4 Who placed the caterpillar at the end of the food chain? answer notes
8 5 Whose wife, a lady of ill-repute, bore him two sons and a daughter? answer notes
8 6 Whose narratives both start during the second year of the monarch's reign? answer notes
8 7 Who dreamed of a bear-like beast with three ribs between its teeth? Daniel Daniel 7:5: "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."
8 8 Whose broken yoke was replaced by one made of iron? Jeremiah? Jeremiah 28:10–28:13: "Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it. ... Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron. " But was the command actually fulfilled?
8 9 Who alluded twice to Leo becoming a vegetarian? Isaiah Leo &eq; lion Isaiah 11:7:"And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox";
Isaiah 65:25:"The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust [shall be] the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD."
8 10 Who found himself in an open-air ossuary? answer notes
9 1 is Hazel's cousin? answer notes
9 2 was crowned in Dublin Cathedral? Lambert Simnel In Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin on 24 May 1487
9 3 eponymous water bird has long been bedded down? answer notes
9 4 gained the GC for heroism on the Ely-Newmarket line? Benjamin Gimbert Soham rail disaster on Ely and Newmarket Railway
9 5 died in legal captivity of coronary thrombosis on 16 November, 1952? Humber Humbert In Lolita
9 6 wrote a risqué novel, which saw him tried but acquitted for irreligion and immorality? Gustave Flaubert For Madame Bovary when serialised in the Revue de Paris in 1856–7
9 7 carried on with George, regardless of Caroline, and later Frances? answer notes
9 8 put his name to a Top Secret Management Handbook? Dogbert Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook.
9 9 tragically completed his fourth, but not his eighth? Franz Schubert Symphony No. 4 "Tragic" and Symphony No. 8 ("Unfinished")
9 10 created William and Maudie? Herbert Lyons Other lives to live (1951)
10 1 in SW3? SW3 is ChelseaKnightsbridgeBrompton. Chelsea Quealey?
10 2 a mongrel? Mutt Carey
10 3 an ottoman? Turk Murphy notes
10 4 a hurried exit? answer notes
10 5 a plumbous abdomen? Lead Belly lead is "plumbous".
10 6 more specifically, Atropos? answer Atropos of the Greek Moirae fate was equivalent to Morta of the Roman Parcae.
10 7 emulsified by bile? answer fat is emulsified by bile; Fats Domino, Fats Navarro, Fats Waller
10 8 a fit of pique? Miff Mole notes
10 9 coniferous? Courtney Pine? pine is a conifer
10 10 lignified? Lignification is turning into wood. Woody Herman most likely if forename. Others Woody Shaw, Roy Wood, Colin Wood.
11 1 What was izzard? Z izzard is an old name for Z.
11 2 When did Neptune begin? answer notes
11 3 What gave way to 18 in 83? X rating British Board of Film Classification
11 4 What is a feature of aerial punctuation? answer notes
11 5 Which food substance can adversely affect the embryo?
11 6 What convinced Benedict of the suitability of the Florentine master? O Pope Benedict XII of Giotto, from Vasari's Lives of the Artists: "Giotto, che cortesissimo era, squadrato il cortigiano prese un foglio di carta et in quello, con un pennello che egli aveva in mano tinto di rosso, fermato il braccio al fianco per farne compasso e girato la mano, fece un tondo sí pari di sesto e di proffilo, che fu a vederlo una maraviglia grandissima."
11 7 Where did Jane lodge for two guineas a week? answer notes
11 8 What, symbolically, melts at 3410ºC? W tungsten
11 9 Who is a sharp know-all? answer notes
11 10 What is a zoonotic? Q fever is a zoonosis
12 1 What is perhaps the equal of roly-poly? spotted dick The Thirteen Gun Salute. Jam Roly-Poly and spotted dick are suet desserts.
12 2 What epidemic was survived by Sarah and Emily? smallpox on a Melanesian island The Commodore
12 3 What is made from hog's lard, mutton suet and quicksilver? "blue ointment" The Hundred Days. Compare blue mass and mercury(II) chloride
12 4 Upon whom had the captain's steward poured boiling jam juice? Peter Heywood Desolation Island
12 5 Which ancient bibulous Dane with pale red-rimmed eyes, was presented with a case of Priorato? Ole Bugge Master and Commander
12 6 Where, more than once, was a dead orphan child brought back for dissection and kept in a cupboard? the Grapes, in the liberties of the Savoy The Surgeon's Mate
12 7 Where did the small apothecary display the skeleton of an aardvark in his window? Stockholm The Letter of Marque
12 8 Translate 'Les bouts-dehors des bonnettes du petit perroquet'. foretopgallant studdingsail booms The Wine-Dark Sea.
12 9 What was the ultimate fate of the Armenian polyglot? He was left in the Surprise Adi, the captain's cook. The Thirteen Gun Salute
12 10 Who found a Frenchman's ring finger in his bowl? Mr West Clarissa Oakes
13 1 Who rescued John Galt? answer John Galt is the background hero of Atlas Shrugged
13 2 Who was No 1, of No 1 Company, of the XIVth Army? J. H. Williams "Elephant Bill"
13 3 What entitles Mrs Magnusson to add R af E after her name? Order of the Elephant Princess Christina, Mrs. Magnusson
13 4 Who chased Ran Bagha and caused a bridge of boats over the Jumna to collapse? Hawai In Akbarnama; see Akbar's Adventures with the Elephant Hawa'i in 1561
13 5 Whose son had served the Indian government in every way for 47 years? Radha Pyari Son was "Kala Nag, which means Black Snake, had served the Indian Government in every way that an elephant could serve it for forty-seven years" in "Toomai of the Elephants" in The Jungle Book.
13 6 Who was the favourite, and the only one of the 37, to survive the conflict with Scipio? Surus Hannibal's elephants by Scipio Africanus
13 7 Who, being the gift of a Mesopotamian ruler, was to perish on Lüneburger Heide? answer Lüneburg Heath
13 8 Who was presented to a Habsburg Prince by the King of Portugal? Suleiman By John III of Portugal to Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor
13 9 Who was presented to a Pope by the King of Portugal? Hanno Manuel I of Portugal to Pope Leo X
13 10 Who set off for their honeymoon in a yellow balloon? Babar the Elephant and Celeste Le Voyage de Babar (1932)
14 1 rotates for tall vessels? answer notes
14 2 might suggest marzipan? answer marchpane is another name for marzipan
14 3 is suspended from two open-web ribs? answer notes
14 4 is well seen 20 minutes after leaving Piccadilly? answer notes
14 5 features at the V&A museum, without its taller and younger companion? answer Victoria and Albert Museum
14 6 although a few weeks younger than Holmes, proved greatly more durable? answer notes
14 7 took its name from the Honourable Member for Berkshire? answer Berkshire (UK Parliament constituency)
14 8 bears the inscription "To Public Prosperity"? answer notes
14 9 provides an outlet for Trevor? answer notes
14 10 straddles Watling Street? answer Watling Street
15 1 does one come off the rails? Liverpool Lime Street railway station
15 2 might there be a quarryman's shelter? The Cavern Club The Quarrymen became The Beatles who played early gigs there
15 3 does the hairpin recall Loch and his successors? Aintree Racecourse Devon Loch stumbled at the hairpin turn
15 4 must one look in vain for Noble's Peel and Derby? answer Matthew Noble's sculptures of Robert Peel and Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby are in Parliament Square, London
15 5 does a dwelling at barely 30m seem seriously misplaced? answer notes
15 6 might one be excused for wrongly supposing a link with Camilla's great grandmother? answer Camilla Parker-Bowles' great grandmother was Alice Keppel, née Edmonstone
15 7 is there a possible source for the winner's garland? answer notes
15 8 did a party from Grange Hill cause a disturbance? answer notes
15 9 is there a suggestion of a subterranean spirit? answer notes
15 10 is there a fraction over the glass? answer notes
16 1 did Robinson settle for the elder sister? answer notes
16 2 was the master tailor interrupted in his reading of The Divine Comedy? answer notes
16 3 did apparent Benedictine hatred change, with assistance from friends, to love? Messina Much Ado About Nothing, Benedick and Beatrice
16 4 did the seemingly simple sister of the Hungarian Captain end up marrying his landlord? answer notes
16 5 did the beloved offspring of opposing feuding families commit suicide following the Friar's ruse? Verona Romeo and Juliet
16 6 did a Sicilian knight defeat the Duke in a duel and learn from the Saracen that his loved one was innocent? answer notes
16 7 did the rejected hunchback reveal the identity of his wife's real lover to the troupe leader? answer notes
16 8 did the dragoon gain the innkeeper's daughter in spite of a diabolical intrusion? answer notes
16 9 did the accursed jester unexpectedly find that his daughter had been bagged? answer notes
16 10 did the General's wife stab herself after being ravished by the Prince? answer notes
17 1 "Assist." answer notes
17 2 "All the papers on the subject are there in my safe." answer notes
17 3 "As soon as they had strength they arose, joined hands again, and went on." Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles gutenberg
17 4 "At any moment, it seemed, there could be surprises, huge upsets, even the end of small lizard worlds." Nicholas Monsarrat, [[]] notes
17 5 "The sun dipped down from the great tower on to the upturned face, and his eyes were glistening through their tears." Hall Caine, The Manxman gutenberg
17 6 "He remembered how Marie had said he was a man whom women loved easily, and he felt uncomfortable at being reminded of her." C. S. Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.
17 7 "I can't reconcile my mind to their taking up with kanakas, and I'd like to know where I'm to find them whites." Robert Louis Stevenson, The Beach of Falesá gutenberg
17 8 "And I began to curse and swear under my breath, because I'd left my shoes in the Mayni Tunnel" John Masters, Bhowani Junction notes
17 9 "Very lightly she slipped up into bed, and very soon she was asleep." Max Beerbohm, Zuleika Dobson gutenberg
17 10 "'Steer north,' said he." Joseph Conrad, The Rescue gutenberg
18 1 where did Joy uncover Fletch? answer notes
18 2 which city honoured a 1945 hero with its Große Siegel? answer notes
18 3 which Wizard Rose wilted towards the end of summer? answer Wizard Rose is a cultivar of Coleus blumei aka Solenostemon scutellarioides aka "painted nettle"
18 4 who finally achieved a victory by 417 days over Sinclair? answer notes
18 5 who was finally ousted by a Scottish philosopher and economist on 30 June? Edward Elgar Adam Smith replaced on £20 note
18 6 which joint, showing a philatelic fracture, required a proper replacement before release? answer notes
18 7 where did Schadow's figure receive a multicoloured multiplication? answer notes
18 8 which leo-aquiline promoter missed out on afternoon tea? Nick Griffin Was dis-invited to Royal garden party at Buckingham Palace bbc. "leo-aquiline" &eq; lion-eagle &eq; griffon.
18 9 who found that three coppers did not fool two coppers? answer notes
18 10 where did the tallest last the longest? Court 18, All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club Tallest-ever player John Isner (2.06 m) won longest-ever match (11h 5m) in The Championships, Wimbledon, 22–24 June 2010