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If you arrived at this page from a list of backlinks from any of these pages or from perusing my user-space, the purpose of this page is to populate a list of pages to process in AWB on my laptop whenever I run that program.

Subpage article counter: User:Seppi333/AWB/Counter

  1. 3-Indolepropionic acid
  2. 3-Methoxytyramine
  3. 4-Hydroxyamphetamine
  4. 4-Hydroxyphenylacetone
  5. 4-Hydroxynorephedrine
  6. Adderall
  7. Addiction
  8. Adrenergic receptor
  9. Alcoholism
  10. Antidepressant
  11. Antihistamine
  12. Amino acid
  13. Amphetamine
  14. Amygdalofugal pathway
  15. Associative learning
    1. Classical conditioning
    2. Operant conditioning
      1. Reinforcement
      2. Punishment (psychology)
  16. Autoreceptor
  17. Aversives
  18. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  19. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder management
  20. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive
  21. Behavioral addiction
  22. Beta-Endorphin
  23. Beta-Hydroxy beta-methylbutyric acid
  24. Beta-Hydroxy beta-methylbutyryl-CoA
  25. Beta-Hydroxybutyric acid
  26. Beta-Methylbutyric acid
  27. Bicalutamide
  28. Biogenic amine
  29. Biomolecular target
  30. Biomolecule
  31. Bodybuilding supplement
  32. Bupropion
  33. Butyrate—CoA ligase
  34. Butyric acid
  35. Caffeine
  36. Catecholamine
  37. Cocaine
  38. Crumbs and Whiskers
  39. Clostridium sporogenes
  40. Cryptosporidiosis
  41. CYP2D6
  42. Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript
  43. Dextroamphetamine
  44. Dietary supplement
  45. Dopamine
  46. Dopamine beta-hydroxylase
  47. Dopaminergic pathways
  48. Dopamine receptor
    1. D1-type
      1. DRD1
      2. DRD5
    2. D2-type
      1. DRD2
      2. DRD3
      3. DRD4
  49. Dopamine transporter
  50. Doping in sport
  51. Eoxin
    1. Eoxin A4
    2. Eoxin C4
    3. Eoxin D4
    4. Eoxin E4
  52. Endorphins
  53. Epigenetics
  54. Ergogenic aid
  55. Euphoria
  56. Executive functions (target of "Cognitive control" redirect)
  57. FOSB
  58. Flavin containing monooxygenase
  59. Flavin containing monooxygenase 3
  60. Fluoxetine
  61. Formetamide
  62. Full agonist
  63. Glutamate transporter
  64. Glycine N-acyltransferase
  65. Histamine
  66. History and culture of substituted amphetamines
  67. History of Benzedrine
  68. Human brain
  69. Human microbiota
  70. Hypericum perforatum
  71. Inhibitory control
  72. Leucine
  73. Levoamphetamine
  74. Lisdexamfetamine
  75. List of regular users of amphetamine
  76. Mast cell
  77. Mast cell activation syndrome
  78. Membrane transport protein
  79. Mesolimbic pathway
  80. Mesocortical pathway
  81. Messenger RNA
  82. Meta-Tyramine
  83. Methamphetamine
  84. Methylphenidate
  85. MDMA
  86. Medium spiny neuron
  87. Modafinil
  88. Monoamine neurotransmitter
  89. Monoamine oxidase
  90. Morphine
  91. Motivational salience
  92. mTOR
  93. N-Methylphenethylamine
  94. N-Methyltryptamine
  95. N-Methyltyramine
  96. Narcolepsy
  97. Neurobiological effects of physical exercise
  98. Neuroepigenetics
  99. Neuroimmune system
  100. Neuroplasticity
  101. Neurotransmitter
  102. Neurotransmission
  103. Neurotrophic factors
  104. Nicotine
  105. Nitazoxanide
  106. Nootropic
  107. Norepinephrine
  108. Norepinephrine transporter
  109. Norfenefrine
  110. Obesity
  111. Octopamine
  112. Opioid peptide
  113. Opioid use disorder
  114. Oxytocin
  115. Pavlovian-instrumental transfer
  116. Performance-enhancing substance
  117. Pharmaceutical drug
  118. Phenethylamine
  119. Phentermine
  120. Phenylacetone
  121. Phenylalanine
  122. Phenylethanolamine
  123. Phenylpropanolamine
  124. Physical exercise
  125. Protein kinase
  126. Psychostimulant (redirects to "Stimulant")
  127. Recreational drug use
  128. Reverse transport (target of "Neurotransmitter efflux" redirect)
  129. SLC1A1
  130. SLC22A3
  131. SLC22A5
  132. Serotonin
  133. Serotonin transporter
  134. Sexual addiction
  135. Stimulant psychosis
  136. Substance dependence
  137. Substituted amphetamine
  138. Substituted phenethylamine
  139. Synephrine
  140. Trace amine
  141. Trace amine-associated receptor
    1. TAAR1
    2. TAAR2
    3. TAAR5
    4. TAAR6
    5. TAAR8
    6. TAAR9
  142. Tryptamine
  143. Tryptophan
  144. Tyramine
  145. Tyrosine
  146. Vesicular monoamine transporter
  147. Vesicular monoamine transporter 1
  148. Vesicular monoamine transporter 2
  149. Zinc
  150. Zinc and the common cold

  1. 16-Epiestriol
  2. 17-Epiestriol
  3. Estradiol
  4. Estradiol (medication)
  5. Estriol
  6. Estrogen
  7. Estrogen (medication)
  8. Estrone
  9. Estrone (medication)
  10. Estrone glucuronide
  11. Estrone sulfate
  12. 2-Hydroxyestrone
  13. 4-Hydroxyestrone
  14. 16α-Hydroxyestrone
  15. 2-Methoxyestrone
  16. 4-Methoxyestrone
  17. Pharmacology of estradiol

Relevant enzymes:

  1. Catechol-O-methyltransferase
  2. Cytochrome P450
  3. Estrone sulfotransferase
  4. 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  5. Steroid sulfatase

Brain structures
  1. Amygdala
  2. Extended amygdala
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Lateral hypothalamus
  5. Nucleus accumbens
  6. Parafacial zone
  7. Prefrontal cortex
  8. Reticular formation (includes the ARAS)
  9. Reward system
  10. Rostromedial tegmental nucleus
  11. Substantia nigra
  12. Striatum
  13. Ventral tegmental area

  1. Econometrics
  2. Mathematical statistics
  3. Regression analysis
  4. Statistics
  5. Structural break

Selected mainspace pages I've created that aren't included in the list above

Compounds and substances:

  1. 1,3,7-Trimethyluric acid
  2. 2,3-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
  3. 3-Methylhistidine
  4. N,N-Dimethylethylamine
  5. Dimethylphenethylamine
  6. Formetorex
  7. Indole-3-carboxaldehyde
  8. Indoxyl sulfate
  9. Juven
  10. Methylphenethylamines
    1. 2-Methylphenethylamine
    2. 3-Methylphenethylamine
    3. 4-Methylphenethylamine

Other topics:

  1. Candida humilis
  2. Fractional synthetic rate
  3. H3K9me2
  4. Schock (album)
  5. Sturmfahrt

  1. Template:Addiction
  2. Template:Addiction glossary
  3. Template:Amino acid metabolism enzymes
  4. Template:Amphetamine
  5. Template:Amphetamine base in marketed amphetamine medications
  6. Template:Amphetamine pharmacodynamics
  7. Template:Amphetamine pharmacokinetics
  8. Template:Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
  9. Template:Bicalutamide metabolism
  10. Template:Catecholamine and trace amine biosynthesis
  11. Template:Cholesterol and steroid intermediates
  12. Template:Estradiol metabolism
  13. Template:FOSB addiction table
  14. Template:Glycolysis summary
  15. Template:Leucine metabolism in humans
  16. Template:Metabolic metro
  17. Template:Methamphetamine
  18. Template:Neuropeptides
  19. Template:Neurotransmitters
  20. Template:Neurotransmitter systems
  21. Template:Neurotrophic factors
  22. Template:Phenethylamines
  23. Template:Physical exercise
  24. Template:Psychostimulant addiction
  25. Template:TAAR ligands
  26. Template:Transcription factor glossary
  27. Template:Tryptophan metabolism by human microbiota


  1. This page