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[[Image:Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's 'comfort battalions'.jpg|thumb|250px|A Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's 'comfort battalions' during the [[Second Sino-Japanese War]].]]
[[Image:Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's 'comfort battalions'.jpg|thumb|250px|A Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's 'comfort battalions' during the [[Second Sino-Japanese War]].]]

{{nihongo|'''Comfort women'''|[[Japanese language|Japanese]]: 慰安婦|ianfu}} or {{nihongo|'''military comfort women'''|[[Japanese language|Japanese]]: 従軍慰安婦|jūgun-ianfu}} is a [[euphemism]] for women who provided (or were forced to provide) sex in [[Imperial Japanese Army|military]] [[brothel]]s in [[Japan]]ese-occupied countries during [[World War II]]. It is estimately that 100,000 to 200.000 girls and women were conscripted as comfort women.<ref>"Estimates of historians that 100,000 to 200.000 women were made to serve as comfort women are consistent with the large number of Japanese troops stationed throughout the Asia-Pacific region." Ustinia Dolgopol, Snehal Paranjape, International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, Switzerland[http://www.comfort-women.org/Unfinished.htm]
{{nihongo|'''Comfort women'''|[[Japanese language|Japanese]]: 慰安婦|ianfu}} or {{nihongo|'''military comfort women'''|[[Japanese language|Japanese]]: 従軍慰安婦|jūgun-ianfu}} is a [[euphemism]] for women who provided (or were forced to provide) sex in [[Imperial Japanese Army|military]] [[brothel]]s in [[Japan]]ese-occupied countries during [[World War II]].
==Historical background==
By 1872, Japan had prohibited slavery and restrict prostitution a voluntary contract system whereby women were employed by licensed brothels on the basis of a loan, usually to their poverty driven families, to be worked off over a period of years. In pre-WWII Japan prostitution was state-organised, the women licensed and subject to medical inspections. In the late 19th and early 20th Century, Japanese prostitutes were to be found in many parts of Asia, including Korea. The export of women for sexual service was not a new idea for the Japanese.

Around 200,000 girls and women, mostly from Korea and China, were conscripted as sex slaves.<ref>[http://archives.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/03/29/japan.comfort.women/index.html] [http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2006/10/15/congress_backs_off_of_wartime_japan_rebuke/] [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3693/is_200101/ai_n8953696] [http://www.comfort-women.org/ Comfort-Women.org]</ref>
Before Japanese influence, prostitution in Korea was associated either with upper class courtesans on the Chinese model or a pseudo-familial type with marriage or adoption by pimps. Amongst the Japanese systems imposed during occupation was an attempt to put prostitution on a more orderly basis. After total annexation in 1910, licensing was introduced controlled by the kempeitai, or military police under meticulous registration and provision for medical checks, e.g. in 1921, one survey found that over 50% of licensed and unlicensed Korean prostitutes were infected with veneral disease.

==Number of comfort women==
Given the well-ogranized and open nature of prostitution in Japan, it was seen as logical that there should be organized prostitution to serve the Japanese Armed Forces, one in which local Korean agents called "Zegen", Chinese agents called "Honpan" and prostitutes themselves, profited out of.<ref>On the earnings of comfort women, Mr.Shigemura writes that many owed an average of 4000 to 5000 yen loan (to brothel operators) at the beginning of the contract period, which was about a year. They returned this money, some as soon as three months,and on average 6 months. Their average savings were from 5 to 6 thousand yen,to about 10,000 yen. There was one woman who had saved 30,000 yen, which amazed everyone. Showa History Institute, November 1999 </ref><ref>George Hicks, "The Comfort Women". Allen & Unwin ISBN: 1863737278</ref>. During World War II, Japanese officials and local collaborators are alleged to have also forcibly engaged women from Korea and other nations. The women became known as [[comfort women]] although this terms was intitially used to also include non-sexual roles.

There are different theories on the breakdown of the comfort women's place of origin. According to [[Kanto Gakuin University]] professor [[Hirofumi Hayashi]], the majority of the women were from [[Japan]], [[Korea]], and [[China]]. <ref>Soh, C S. "Japan's Responsibility Toward Comfort Women Survivors". (May 2001). from [http://www.jpri.org/publications/workingpapers/wp77.html Japan Policy Research Institute], retrieved [[February 8]], [[2007]]</ref><ref>Nozaki, Y. "The Horrible History of the "Comfort Women" and the Fight to Suppress Their Story". (August 2005). from [http://hnn.us/articles/13533.html History News Network], retrieved [[February 8]], [[2007]]</ref><ref>Dudden, A. "US Congressional Resolution Calls on Japan to Accept Responsibility for Wartime Comfort Women". (April 2006). from [http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=10155 ZNet], retrieved [[February 8]], [[2007]]</ref> Others came from the [[Philippines]], [[Taiwan]], [[Thailand]], [[Vietnam]], [[Singapore]], [[Dutch East Indies]], and other Japanese-occupied countries and regions.
The US Army Force Office of Information Psychological Warfare Team stated, "a 'comfort girl' is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers" induced by the offer of plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, a practise already widespread within Korea and South East Asia. In the latter part of 1943 the Japanese Army issued orders that girls who had paid their debt could return to return to Korea. <ref>[http://www.exordio.com/1939-1945/codex/Documentos/report-49-USA-orig.html] Early in May of 1942 Japanese agents arrived in Korea for the purpose of enlisting Korean girls for "comfort service" in newly conquered Japanese territories in Southeast Asia. The nature of this "service" was not specified but it was assumed to be work connected with visiting the wounded in hospitals, rolling bandages, and generally making the soldiers happy. The inducement used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and the prospect of a new life in a new land, Singapore. On the basis of these false representations many girls enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen. The majority of the girls were ignorant and uneducated, although a few had been connected with "oldest profession on earth" before. The contract they signed bound them to Army regulations and to war for the "house master " for a period of from six months to a year depending on the family debt for which they were advanced.

According to Chuo University professor [[Yoshiaki Yoshimi]], there were about 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Korean, Filipino, Taiwanese, Burmese, Indonesian, Dutch[http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200702/200702090023.html], Australian and some Japanese women were forced to engage in sexual activity with Imperial military personnel. <ref>Yoshimi, Comfort Women : Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military during World War II, Columbia University press, 2002.</ref>

However, for Nihon University professor [[Ikuhiko Hata]], linked to the negationnist society [[Tsukurukai]], the women working in the licensed pleasure quarter were 40% Japanese, 20% Koreans, 10% Chinese, with others making up the remaining 30%.<ref name="Hata">Ikuo, HATA,''The Legend of Comfort Women - A Quantitative Observation'', No.388, [http://www.modern-korea.net/ Gendai Korea], pp. 31-43, 1999.1.25, Japan, http://hnn.us/articles/printfriendly/9954.html</ref>
The interrogations show the average Korean "comfort girl" to be about twenty-five years old, uneducated, childish, and selfish. She is not pretty either by Japanese of Caucasian standards. She is inclined to be egotistical and likes to talk about herself. Her attitude in front of strangers is quiet and demure, but she "knows the wiles of a woman." She claims to dislike her "profession" and would rather not talk either about it or her family. Because of the kind treatment she received as a prisoner from American soldiers at Myitkyina and Ledo, she feels that they are more emotional than Japanese soldiers. She is afraid of Chinese and Indian troops.

The Japanese government does not fully recognize allegations of large scale forced [[prostitution]] and, as such, does not additionally compensate the participants beyond what they earned during their period of service (As for the salary that a Japanese army had paid them, the half was deprived by their "master".<ref>Report 49: Prostitution in Korea during WWII - Segunda Guerra Mundial - Exordio [http://www.exordio.com/1939-1945/codex/Documentos/report-49-USA-orig.html]</ref> ). However, the Japanese government has repeatedly offered verbal "expressions of regret" for any wounds they have caused, written apology; and it has established the private [[Asian Women's Fund]].

In Myitkyina the girls were usually quartered in a large two story house (usually a school building) with a separate room for each girl. There each girl lived, slept, and transacted business. In Myitkina their food was prepared by and purchased from the "house master" as they received no regular ration from the Japanese Army. They lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. This was especially true of their second year in Burma. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received "comfort bags" from home. While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping.</ref>

==Number of comfort women==

There are different theories on the breakdown of the comfort women's place of origin. According to [[Kanto Gakuin University]] professor [[Hirofumi Hayashi]], the majority of the women were from [[Japan]], [[Korea]], and [[China]]. <ref>Soh, C S. "Japan's Responsibility Toward Comfort Women Survivors". (May 2001). from [http://www.jpri.org/publications/workingpapers/wp77.html Japan Policy Research Institute], retrieved [[February 8]], [[2007]]</ref><ref>Nozaki, Y. "The Horrible History of the "Comfort Women" and the Fight to Suppress Their Story". (August 2005). from [http://hnn.us/articles/13533.html History News Network], retrieved [[February 8]], [[2007]]</ref><ref>Dudden, A. "US Congressional Resolution Calls on Japan to Accept Responsibility for Wartime Comfort Women". (April 2006). from [http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=10155 ZNet], retrieved [[February 8]], [[2007]]</ref> Others came from the [[Philippines]], [[Taiwan]], [[Thailand]], [[Vietnam]], [[Singapore]], [[Dutch East Indies]], and other Japanese-occupied countries and regions, Chuo University professor [[Yoshiaki Yoshimi]] states there were about 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Taiwanese, Burmese, Indonesian, Dutch and Australian women were interned.<ref>Yoshimi, Comfort Women : Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military during World War II, Columbia University press, 2002.</ref> and Nihon University professor [[Ikuhiko Hata]] states the women working in the licensed pleasure quarter were 40% Japanese, 20% Koreans, 10% Chinese, with others making up the remaining 30%.<ref name="Hata">Ikuo, HATA,''The Legend of Comfort Women - A Quantitative Observation'', No.388, [http://www.modern-korea.net/ Gendai Korea], pp. 31-43, 1999.1.25, Japan, http://hnn.us/articles/printfriendly/9954.html</ref>

The Government of Japan has not accepted legal responsibility but in many statement s appears to accept moral responsibility for the existence of "comfort women" during the Second World War. <ref>Rapporteur by the Government of Japan included statements and appeals accepting moral responsibility for the problems of the so-called "comfort women". The statement made by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on 4 August 1993 accepted the existence of comfort stations, as well as the direct or indirect involvement of the then Japanese military in the establishment and management of the comfort stations and that, although recruitment was carried out by private recruitment, it was done at the request of the military. His statement further recognized that, in many cases, "comfort women" were recruited against their will and had to live in misery at comfort stations in a "coercive atmosphere" The Government of Japan "sincerely apologizes and (expresses its] remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable psychological wounds". In that statement, the Government of Japan expressed its "firm determination never to repeat the same mistake and that they would engrave such issue. through the study and teaching of history".[http://www.comfort-women.org/coomaras.htm]</ref> As for the salary that a Japanese army had paid them, the half was taken by their often Korean "master" as repayment of family debts.<ref>Report 49: Prostitution in Korea during WWII - Segunda Guerra Mundial - Exordio [http://www.exordio.com/1939-1945/codex/Documentos/report-49-USA-orig.html]</ref> ). However, the Japanese government has repeatedly offered verbal "expressions of regret" for any wounds they have caused, written apology; and it has established the private [[Asian Women's Fund]].

==Brothels as part of Japanese military policy==
==Brothels as part of Japanese military policy==
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==Responsibility and compensation==
==Responsibility and compensation==
Japan regards all World War II compensation claims to be settled.
Both South Korea and Japan mutually confirm that all claims arising from WWII between the countries and their people have been settled completely and finally by the [[Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea|Treaty on Basic Relations and Agreement of Economic Cooperation and Property Claims between Japan and the Republic of Korea]] in 1965. Some victims women have declined offers of money for compensation and would prefer acknowledgement of their ordeal but in 1990, the Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery filed suit, demanding compensation. Several surviving comfort women also independently filed suit in the [[Tokyo]] [[District Court]]. The court rejected these claims on the basis on the grounds under domestic and/or international law, such as statute of limitations, the immunity of the State at the time of the act concerned, and non-subjectivity of the individual of international law. [http://www1.jca.apc.org/vaww-net-japan/english/sexualslavery/courtcase.html].

Both South Korea and Japan mutually confirm that all claims between the countries and their people have been settled completely and finally by the [[Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea|Treaty on Basic Relations and Agreement of Economic Cooperation and Property Claims between Japan and the Republic of Korea]] in 1965. Both countries confirmed that the treaty includes all claims from South Korea on a government to government basis, but private or corporate compensations are still not settled. The female victims more than anything would like an official apology by the Japanese government. Many women have declined offers of money for compensation and would prefer acknowledgement of their ordeal.

Despite this, in 1990, the [[Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery]] filed suit, demanding official apologies and crimes against humanity compensation. Several surviving comfort women also independently filed suit in the [[Tokyo District Court]]. More suits followed in the ensuing years. It was widely expected that the court would reject all of these claims on the basis of the statutes of limitation or on the basis that the state is immune from civil suits in court on the matter of war time conduct. However, these suits have helped to revive and sustain the issue of comfort women in Japan as well as in the international media.

Initially the Japanese government denied any official connection to the wartime brothels; in June 1990, the Japanese government declared that all brothels were run by private contractors. However, in 1992, the historian [[Yoshimi Yoshiaki]] discovered incriminating documents in the archives of Japan's [[Japan Defense Agency|Defense Agency]] indicating that the military was directly involved in running the brothels (by, for example, selecting the agents who recruited). <ref>Yoshimi, ibid.</ref> When Yoshimi's findings were published in the Japanese media on January 12, 1993, they caused a sensation and forced the governement, represented by Chief Cabinet Secretary, [[Kato Koichi]], to acknowledge some of the facts the same day. On January 17, Prime minister [[Kiichi Miyazawa]] presented formal apologies for the suffering of the victims during a trip to South Korea. On July 6 and August 4, the Japanese governments issued two statements by which it recognized that "Comfort stations were operated in response to the request of the military of the day", that "The Japanese military was directly or indirectly involved in the establishement and management of the comfort stations and the transfert of the women" and that the women "were recruited in many cases against their own will through coaxing and coercion".<ref>Yoshimi, ibid., p.11</ref> Since then, Japan's official position has been one of admitting "moral but not legal" responsibility.
Initially the Japanese government denied any official connection to the wartime brothels; in June 1990, the Japanese government declared that all brothels were run by private contractors. However, in 1992, the historian [[Yoshimi Yoshiaki]] discovered incriminating documents in the archives of Japan's [[Japan Defense Agency|Defense Agency]] indicating that the military was directly involved in running the brothels (by, for example, selecting the agents who recruited). <ref>Yoshimi, ibid.</ref> When Yoshimi's findings were published in the Japanese media on January 12, 1993, they caused a sensation and forced the governement, represented by Chief Cabinet Secretary, [[Kato Koichi]], to acknowledge some of the facts the same day. On January 17, Prime minister [[Kiichi Miyazawa]] presented formal apologies for the suffering of the victims during a trip to South Korea. On July 6 and August 4, the Japanese governments issued two statements by which it recognized that "Comfort stations were operated in response to the request of the military of the day", that "The Japanese military was directly or indirectly involved in the establishement and management of the comfort stations and the transfert of the women" and that the women "were recruited in many cases against their own will through coaxing and coercion".<ref>Yoshimi, ibid., p.11</ref> Since then, Japan's official position has been one of admitting "moral but not legal" responsibility.

Revision as of 14:38, 20 February 2007

Template:Chinesename koreanname

A Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's 'comfort battalions' during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Comfort women (Japanese: 慰安婦, ianfu) or military comfort women (Japanese: 従軍慰安婦, jūgun-ianfu) is a euphemism for women who provided (or were forced to provide) sex in military brothels in Japanese-occupied countries during World War II.

Around 200,000 girls and women, mostly from Korea and China, were conscripted as sex slaves.[1]

Number of comfort women

There are different theories on the breakdown of the comfort women's place of origin. According to Kanto Gakuin University professor Hirofumi Hayashi, the majority of the women were from Japan, Korea, and China. [2][3][4] Others came from the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Dutch East Indies, and other Japanese-occupied countries and regions.

According to Chuo University professor Yoshiaki Yoshimi, there were about 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Korean, Filipino, Taiwanese, Burmese, Indonesian, Dutch[5], Australian and some Japanese women were forced to engage in sexual activity with Imperial military personnel. [5]

However, for Nihon University professor Ikuhiko Hata, linked to the negationnist society Tsukurukai, the women working in the licensed pleasure quarter were 40% Japanese, 20% Koreans, 10% Chinese, with others making up the remaining 30%.[6]

The Japanese government does not fully recognize allegations of large scale forced prostitution and, as such, does not additionally compensate the participants beyond what they earned during their period of service (As for the salary that a Japanese army had paid them, the half was deprived by their "master".[7] ). However, the Japanese government has repeatedly offered verbal "expressions of regret" for any wounds they have caused, written apology; and it has established the private Asian Women's Fund.

Brothels as part of Japanese military policy

Historical research into Japanese government records documents several reasons given for the establishment of military brothels. First, Japanese authorities hoped that by providing easily accessible prostitutes and sexual slaves, the morale and ultimately the military effectiveness of Japanese soldiers would be improved. Second, by institutionalizing brothels and placing them under official scrutiny, the government hoped to control the spread of STDs. Lastly, creating brothels in military bases directly on the front line removed the perceived need to grant leave to soldiers.

In the early stages of the war, Japanese authorities recruited prostitutes through conventional means. Middlemen advertised for prostitutes in newspapers circulating in Japan and the Japanese colonies of Korea, Taiwan, Manchukuo, and mainland China. Many who answered the advertisements were already prostitutes and offered their services voluntarily. Others were sold by their families to the military due to economic hardship. However, these sources soon dried up, especially from Japan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs resisted further issuance of travel visas for Japanese prostitutes, feeling it tarnished the image of the Japanese Empire. The military turned to acquiring comfort women outside mainland Japan, especially from Korea and occupied China. Many women were tricked or defrauded into joining the military brothels.

The military also sought comfort women from local sources. In urban areas, conventional advertising through middlemen was used alongside kidnapping. However, along the front lines, especially in the countryside where middlemen were rare, the military often directly demanded that local leaders procure women for the brothels. This situation became worse as the war progressed. Under the strain of the war effort, the military became unable to provide enough supplies to Japanese units; in response, the units made up the difference by demanding or looting supplies from the locals. Moreover, when the locals, especially Chinese, were considered hostile, Japanese soldiers carried out the "Three Alls Policy", which included indiscriminately kidnapping and raping local civilians.

It is also claimed that beatings and physical torture were not uncommon. A single woman could expect to have sex a dozen to forty times a day, often resulting in injury to the genitals. Women were divided into three or four categories, depending on their length of service. The "freshest" women were the least likely to suffer from STDs and were placed in the highest category. Virgins were usually given to officers for first sex. As time went on, the comfort women were downgraded as the likelihood of their acquiring STDs became more certain. Any others who were suspected with pregnancy were forced to undergo crude methods of abortion, more often than not killing the women through over-bleeding during surgical removals. When they were considered likely to be too diseased to be of any further use, they were abandoned, often far from home, or even in a different country, as the comfort women were shipped wherever deemed necessary. Sometimes to conceal the existence of their use of comfort women, retreating Japanese battalions would stash these women in secret caves and blast the entrance, causing landslides that sealed the cave. Many women reported having their uteruses rot from the diseases acquired from being raped by thousands of men over several years, at times requiring surgical removal.

Responsibility and compensation

Japan regards all World War II compensation claims to be settled.

Both South Korea and Japan mutually confirm that all claims between the countries and their people have been settled completely and finally by the Treaty on Basic Relations and Agreement of Economic Cooperation and Property Claims between Japan and the Republic of Korea in 1965. Both countries confirmed that the treaty includes all claims from South Korea on a government to government basis, but private or corporate compensations are still not settled. The female victims more than anything would like an official apology by the Japanese government. Many women have declined offers of money for compensation and would prefer acknowledgement of their ordeal.

Despite this, in 1990, the Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery filed suit, demanding official apologies and crimes against humanity compensation. Several surviving comfort women also independently filed suit in the Tokyo District Court. More suits followed in the ensuing years. It was widely expected that the court would reject all of these claims on the basis of the statutes of limitation or on the basis that the state is immune from civil suits in court on the matter of war time conduct. However, these suits have helped to revive and sustain the issue of comfort women in Japan as well as in the international media.

Initially the Japanese government denied any official connection to the wartime brothels; in June 1990, the Japanese government declared that all brothels were run by private contractors. However, in 1992, the historian Yoshimi Yoshiaki discovered incriminating documents in the archives of Japan's Defense Agency indicating that the military was directly involved in running the brothels (by, for example, selecting the agents who recruited). [8] When Yoshimi's findings were published in the Japanese media on January 12, 1993, they caused a sensation and forced the governement, represented by Chief Cabinet Secretary, Kato Koichi, to acknowledge some of the facts the same day. On January 17, Prime minister Kiichi Miyazawa presented formal apologies for the suffering of the victims during a trip to South Korea. On July 6 and August 4, the Japanese governments issued two statements by which it recognized that "Comfort stations were operated in response to the request of the military of the day", that "The Japanese military was directly or indirectly involved in the establishement and management of the comfort stations and the transfert of the women" and that the women "were recruited in many cases against their own will through coaxing and coercion".[9] Since then, Japan's official position has been one of admitting "moral but not legal" responsibility.

Following official admission of a military connection to the brothels in 1992, the debate has shifted to consideration of evidence and testimony of coercive recruitment of comfort women during the war. In a number of mock trials (without cross-examination), surviving women have testified of being subjected to coercion and rape. In 1995, Japan set up an "Asia Women's Fund" for atonement in the form of material compensation and to provide each surviving comfort woman with an unofficial signed apology from the prime minister. But because of the unofficial nature of the fund, many comfort women have rejected these payments and continue to seek an official apology and compensation.

However, on 17 January 2005, additional documents detailing the minutes of Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and South Korea were released by South Korean government. They suggest that the South Korean government agreed not to demand further compensation, either at the government or individual level against the Japanese government, after receiving $800 million in grants and soft loans from Japan as compensation for its 1910-1945 occupation, and to take all responsibility for individual cases in place of the Japanese government. This further reduces the likelihood of legal proceedings resulting in any formal admission of responsibility.

Clearly time is on the side of the Japanese government. The number of surviving comfort women has dwindled from many thousands to a mere handful, all of whom will have died in another few years.

The ongoing debate over comfort women

Comfort women as victims of "slave-hunting"

The popular conception of "comfort women" is that many comfort women were kidnapped by Japanese soldiers to serve as sex slaves under orders from the Japanese authorities. It is commonly believed among peoples in many countries, including Japan, and especially in China, North Korea, South Korea, and the U.S. where a large number of Chinese and Korean people have immigrated.

In 1983, Kiyosada(Seiji) Yoshida published Watashino sensō hanzai - Chōsenjin Kyōsei Renkō (My War Crimes: The Impressment of Koreans), in which the author confesses to forcibly procuring women from Jeju Island in Korea under the direct order from the Japanese military. In 1991, Asahi Shimbun, one of the major newspapers of Japan, ran a series on comfort women for a year. This is often regarded as the trigger of the on-going controversy over comfort women in Japan, also coinciding with re-examinations of other war crimes such as the Nanking Massacre and the activities of Unit 731. In this series the Asahi Shimbun repeatedly published excerpts of his book. Consequently, it was once regarded as an absolute evidence of "forced comfort women" and cited in the U.N. report by Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy as well.

However, Prof. Hata showed that the events portrayed in the book was a fabrication. Later, Yoshida admitted that he had included fictional elements in it, but refused to retract it 'due to his own pride'. [citation needed] Moreover, Prof. Yoshimi, a famous Japanese pursuer of Japanese government's responsibilities for comfort women, said in his book entitled Jūgun ianfu wo meguru 30 no uso to shinjitsu (30 Lies And Truths On Military Comfort Women) and a Japanese TV program Asa made nama TV!, it has not been verified that there were abductions of comfort women like slave-hunting by Japanese authorities in Korea and Taiwan (in TV: Japanese colonies), ignoring Yoshida's accusation.

It must be noted that several former comfort women testified that they were actually kidnapped by Japanese soldiers. [citation needed]

Controversy over Japan's responsibilities for comfort women

Prostitution and bonded labour were both legal[citation needed] in Japan when the events of World War II unfolded. Some assert that if the middlemen were coercing women, then much of the blame, whether legal or moral, can be shifted to them. Others maintain that even if legal, the system was morally opprobrious, should not have been legal and that the exploitation was on such a large scale that the government could not be absolved of complicity. While there is no dispute that the sexual slaves were acquired at the behest of the Japanese, they argue that these middlemen were not Japanese government officials, that women were sold to middlemen by their parents out of financial privation, and that many local community leaders used trickery or coercion to provide their own local women to the Japanese. Since forcible procurement by direct action occurred alongside procurement by private middlemen, it is often difficult to separate the two. Also, the issue of who caused the financial hardship on these families needs to be evaluated.

Fig.1. Recruitment advertising for Comfort women in newspapers in Korea.
(Right: Keijō nippō, July 26, 1944) "Comfort Women Wanted, Urgent!" Age: 17-30. Place of Employment: Rear-echelon...Comfort...[unreadable]. Monthly Salary: More than 300 yen. (You can receive an advance on salary up to 3000 yen.) From 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., ...[unreadable]. [Contact at] [Address(unreadable)] Imai [Employment] Registry

Pointing to the complicity of locals allows those who have an incentive to absolve Japan of its war guilt and to defeat compensation claims to deflect the responsibility away from the Japanese military. They claim that Japan had merely taken advantage of an already accepted local practice. The issue is extremely controversial, especially in regard to Korean comfort women. Subsequent research strongly suggests that Japanese soldiers on the frontline did indeed force women into military brothels.[citation needed] However, apologists for the Japanese government[who?] suggest that somehow the context in which such acts were carried out changes the nuance of the moral responsibility for the rapes. Moreover, the existence of middlemen makes it difficult for ex-comfort women to pursue compensation claims.(See Fig.1.)

There is debate over how much blame should be placed on the military hierarchy, or for that matter, the Japanese government. Common defenses of the Japanese government at the time are the lack of a document proving that the Japanese military ordered middlemen to procure comfort women by force, that the purpose of military brothel system was to prevent rape, and that the military issued the directive to select agents carefully in order that these agents would not get involved in illegal methods of procurement. Those who deny official responsibility admit that abuse at a local level might have occurred, but this is often blamed on failure of oversight, confused policy in regard to a suspected guerilla force, and a lack of resources at the front line. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (in)famously stated in his memoir that he set up a comfort house for his troops of about 3,000 when he was a navy lieutenant in charge of accounting. When criticised, he claimed that he was unaware that the women were forced into service. [citation needed]

See also


Some recent work on the comfort women issue include:

  • Tanaka, Yuki Japan's Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution During World War II and the US Occupation, London, Routledge: 2002. ISBN 0-415-19401-6.
  • Yoshimi, Yoshiaki Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military During World War II, Columbia University Press, 2001. (mentioned RAA too) ISBN 0-231-12032-X.
  • Molasky, Michael S. American Occupation of Japan and Okinawa, Routledge, 1999. ISBN 0-415-19194-7, ISBN 0-415-26044-2.
  • D. Kim-Gibson, Silence Broken: Korean Comfort Women, 1999. ISBN 0-931209-88-9.
  • Hicks, George L. The Comfort Women: Japan's Brutal Regime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War, 1997. ISBN 0-393-31694-7.
  • Schellstede, Sangmie Choi. Comfort Women Speak: Testimony by Sex Slaves of the Japanese Military, 2000. ISBN 0-8419-1413-3.

A review of the Tanaka text can be found in the academic journal Intersections, Issue 9:

A review of some of these books and a history and historiography of the issue, from a critical viewpoint, can be found in issue 58:2 of Monumenta Nipponica:

  • Wakabayashi, Bob Tadashii "Comfort Women: Beyond Litigious Feminism"

A work of literature on the issue was created by Korean American writer Nora Okja Keller:

  • Nora Okja Keller "Comfort Woman", London, Penguin: 1998. ISBN 0-14-026335-7.

  • Asian Women's Fund web site
  • Comfort-Women.org
  • "The Victims" (from the South Korean Ministry of Gender and Family Equality)
  • Photo gallery at the Seoul Times.
  • Coop, Stephanie (December 23, 2006). "Sex slave exhibition exposes darkness in East Timor" (Newspaper article). The Japan Times. Retrieved 2006-12-23. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |accessyear=, |coauthors=, and |month= (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)

Academic research

Japanese official statements

United States historical documents


  1. ^ [1] [2] [3] Comfort-Women.org
  2. ^ Soh, C S. "Japan's Responsibility Toward Comfort Women Survivors". (May 2001). from Japan Policy Research Institute, retrieved February 8, 2007
  3. ^ Nozaki, Y. "The Horrible History of the "Comfort Women" and the Fight to Suppress Their Story". (August 2005). from History News Network, retrieved February 8, 2007
  4. ^ Dudden, A. "US Congressional Resolution Calls on Japan to Accept Responsibility for Wartime Comfort Women". (April 2006). from ZNet, retrieved February 8, 2007
  5. ^ Yoshimi, Comfort Women : Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military during World War II, Columbia University press, 2002.
  6. ^ Ikuo, HATA,The Legend of Comfort Women - A Quantitative Observation, No.388, Gendai Korea, pp. 31-43, 1999.1.25, Japan, http://hnn.us/articles/printfriendly/9954.html
  7. ^ Report 49: Prostitution in Korea during WWII - Segunda Guerra Mundial - Exordio [4]
  8. ^ Yoshimi, ibid.
  9. ^ Yoshimi, ibid., p.11