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===Semitic form vs Romance form===
===Semitic form vs Romance form===

Revision as of 15:55, 17 March 2008

Native to Australia


 USA [1]
Native speakers
ca 500,000
Official status
Official language in
European Union European Union
Malta Malta
Regulated byIl-Kunsill Nazzjonali ta' l-Ilsien Malti
Language codes
ISO 639-1mt
ISO 639-2mlt
ISO 639-3mlt

Maltese (also known as Malti) is the national language of Malta[2] and an official language of the European Union. Maltese is generally accepted to be descended from Siculo-Arabic, the Arabic dialects that developed in Sicily and the rest of Southern Italy, but a few sources also claim it was from Tunisian or Maghrebi Arabic[3][4][5], with substantial borrowing from other languages such as Sicilian and Italian. It is the only Semitic language written in the Latin alphabet in its standard form.

Apart from its phonology, Maltese bears considerable similarity to urban varieties of Tunisian Arabic and other North African Arabic dialects. In the course of history, the language has adopted numerous loanwords, phonetic and phonological features, and even morphological and syntactic patterns from Sicilian and Italian, while many words (some with their plural forms) are also borrowed from English.

Maltese became an official language of Malta in 1934, alongside English, when Italian was dropped as the national language.[6] Today, there are an estimated 500,000 Maltese speakers, of whom 400,000 reside in Malta. Thousands of Maltese emigrants in Australia, the United States, Canada and Gibraltar can still speak the language. In 2007 it was reported that Maltese is still spoken by Maltese descendants in Tunisia.[7]

The oldest known document in Maltese is "Il Cantilena," a poem from the 15th century written by Pietro Caxaro.[8] For centuries, Maltese was nearly exclusively a spoken language, with writing being done in Arabic, or later, Italian [citation needed].



Consonants of Maltese[9]
  Bilabial Labio-
Dental Post-
Velar Pharyn-
Nasal m   n        
Plosive voiceless p   t   k   ʔ
voiced b   d   g    
Affricate voiceless     ts      
voiced     dz      
Fricative voiceless   f s ʃ   ħ  
voiced   v z        
Trill     r        
Approximant     l        


Vowels of Maltese[10]
Front Back
Close i u
Mid e o
Open a


Maltese grammar is fundamentally derived from Arabic, although Romance and Anglo-Saxon patterns are also used.

Semitic grammatical structure

Adjectives follow nouns, there are no separately formed native adverbs, and word order is fairly flexible. As in Arabic and Hebrew, both nouns and adjectives of Semitic origin take the definite article (for example It-tifel il-kbir, lit. "The boy the elder=The elder boy"; cf. Arabic at-tifl-u l-kabi:r, Hebrew ha-na`ar ha-gadol). This rule does not apply to adjectives of Romance origin.

Nouns are pluralized and also have a dual marker.

Semitic plurals are complex; if they are regular, they are marked by -iet/-ijiet, e.g., art, artijiet "lands (territorial possessions or property)" (cf. Arabic -at and Hebrew -ot) or -in (cf. Arabic -īn and Hebrew -im). If irregular, they fall in the pluralis fractus category, in which a word is pluralized by internal vowel changes: ktieb, kotba "books", raġel, irġiel "man","men".

Verbs still show a triliteral Semitic pattern, in which a verb is conjugated with prefixes, suffixes, and infixes (for example ktibna, Arabic katabna, Hebrew katavnu "we wrote"). There are two tenses: present and perfect.

Romance grammatical structure

The Romance pattern is generally simpler. Words of Romance origin are usually pluralized in two manners: addition of -i or -jiet (for example lingwa, lingwi "languages", from Sicilian lingua, lingui.)

The Maltese verb system incorporates Romance verbs and adds Arabic suffixes and prefixes to them (for example iddeċidejna "we decided" < (i)ddeċieda 'Romance verb' + -ejna, an Arabic first person plural perfect marker). Arabic only rarely does this, although several Arabic dialects like Tunisian do.

English grammatical structure

The English pattern is similar to the Romance pattern, in that words of English origin are pluralized by adding either an "-s" or "-jiet", for example tojlit, tojlits from the English toilet, toilets and friġġ, friġis from the word fridge. Some words can actually adopt either of the suffixes to denote the plural. More curious still, a few words loaned from English in Maltese can amalgamate both suffixes together, like brikksa from the English brick, which can adopt either collective form brikks or the plural form brikksiet.


Maltese vocabulary is a hybrid based on a foundation of Arabic Semitic roots with a heavy borrowing of Sicilian, Italian, and English loanwords. Its vocabulary consists of 52% Italian and Sicilian, 32% Arabic, and 6% English, with some of the remainder being French.[3][11] In this respect it is similar to English (a Germanic language heavily influenced by Norman French). The result of this highly uneven distribution of loanwords throughout the language is that a speaker of the loanword-source language (in this case Romance or English language speakers) can find a number of familiar words in, for instance, the main page of the Maltese Wikipedia or comprehend the subject of a newspaper article, but cannot understand even such basic Maltese sentences such as Ir-raġel qiegħed fid-dar (The man is in the house). This situation resembles that of a monolingual English speaker, who will often be able to guess the content of something in French if it is formal academic writing, but not understand much simpler sentences.

Words of Romance origin

An analysis of the etymology of the 41,000 words in Aquilina's Maltese-English Dictionary shows that words of Romance origin make up 52% of the Maltese vocabulary,[3] although another source claims 40%.[12] These are generally more 'learned' words, having to do with new ideas, objects, government, law, education, art, literature, and general learning. They are mostly derived from Sicilian and thus exhibit Sicilian phonetic characteristics, such as /u/ in place of /o/ and /i/ in place of /e/ (e.g. tiatru not teatro and fidi not fede). Also, as with Old Sicilian, /ʃ/ (English 'sh') is written 'x' and this produces spellings such as: ambaxxata /ambaʃːaːta/ ('embassy'), xena /ʃeːna/ ('scene' cf. Italian ambasciata, scena).

Below are just a few examples (Arabic is included for comparison):

Maltese Sicilian Italian English Arabic
Skola Scola Scuola School مدرسة (madrassah)
Gvern Cuvernu Governo Government حكومة (ḥukūmah)
Repubblika Ripùbblica Repubblica Republic جمهورية (ǧummhūriyyah)
Re Re Re King ملك (malik)
Natura Natura Natura Nature طبيعة (ṭabīʿah)
Pulizija Pulizzìa Polizia Police شرطة (shurta)
Ċentru Centru Centro Centre مركز (markaz)
Teatru Tiatru Teatro Theatre مسرح (masraḥ)

Siculo-Arabic Similarities

There are also strong similarities between Maltese and Sicilian words of Arabic origin, on account of the comparable cultural situation. between the two countries.

Siculo-Arabic Maltese English Arabic
Babbaluciu Bebbuxu Snail قوقع
Caponata Kapunata Caponata
Cassata Qassata Sicilian cake
Gebbia Ġiebja Cistern جابية
Giuggiulena Ġunġlien Sesame seed جلجلان
Saia Saqqajja Canal ساقية
Tanura Kenur Oven تنور
Zaffarana Żaffran Saffron زعفران
Zagara Zahar Blossom زهرة
Zibbibbu Żbib Raisins زبيب
Zuccu Zokk Tree trunk ساق

Quranic Arabic roots

Żammit (2000) found that 40% of a sample of 1,820 Quranic Arabic roots were found in Maltese, a lower percentage than found in Moroccan (58%) and Syrian Arabic (72%).[13] An analysis of the etymology of the 41,000 words in Aquilina's Maltese-English Dictionary shows that 32% of the Maltese vocabulary is of Arabic origin[3], although another source claims 40%.[14] Usually, words expressing basic concepts and ideas, such as raġel man, mara woman, tifel boy, dar house, xemx sun, sajf summer, are of Arabic origin.

The Maltese language has merged many of the original Arabic consonants together, in particular the emphatic consonants, with others that are common in European languages. So, original Arabic /d/, /ð/, and /dˤ/ all merged into Maltese /d/. The vowels, however, separated from the three in Arabic (/a i u/) to the five that are common in most other European languages (/a ɛ i o u/) and another vowel found in Maltese (/iɛ/); some unstressed short vowels have been elided. The common Arabic greeting as-salāmu 'alaykum would look like is-sliem għalikom in Maltese.

English loan words

It is estimated that English loanwords, which are becoming more commonplace, make up 20% of the Maltese vocabulary [15], although other sources claim it's only 6%. This percentage discrepancy is due to the fact that a number of new English loanwords are sometimes not officially considered part of the Maltese vocabulary, hence they're not included in certain dictionaries.[3] English loanwords are generally transliterated, although standard English pronunciation is virtually always retained. Below are just a few examples:

Maltese English
Futbol Football
Baskitbol Basketball
Mowbajl Mobile [Phone]
Lift Lift/Elevator
Friġġ Fridge
Friżer Freezer
Wejter Waiter
Biljard Billiard
Strajk Strike
Plejer Player
Frejm Frame
Bliċ Bleach
Fowlder Folder
Kompjuter Computer
Spikers Speakers
Televixin Television
Tojlit Toilet

Semitic form vs Romance form

Maltese can be spoken using either the Semitic or the Romance forms. A case in point is the English sentence The temple is situated opposite the village plaza:

  • Romance form: It-tempju sitwat oppost il-pjazza tal-villaġġ.
(Italian: Il tempio è situato davanti (opposto) alla piazza del villaggio.)
  • Semitic form: Il-maqdes jinsab biswit il-misraħ tar-raħal.

Both sentences are in Maltese and have exactly the same meaning. Generally though, no one form is ever spoken exclusively, and sentences are usually made up of words from both influences.

Church-related language during church services, mass and liturgies is heavily Semitic, and many words are not used in every-day common speech amongst the native Maltese-speaking population. [citation needed]

On the other hand, academic language frequently adopts a large number of Romance words, which is becoming the norm, a trend which is making the Maltese language more Europeanized, as opposed to poetry and literature which tend to utilize a lot of Semitic words which are not usually used in everyday speech. [citation needed]

Written Maltese

Since Maltese evolved after the Normans ended the Arab rule of the islands, there was little interest in developing a written form of the language for a long time after the Arabs' expulsion in the eleventh century. This was caused by the clergy's preference of Latin or Italian vernacular over the local tongue, and since the clergy was the educated class of Maltese society, their preference for foreign tongues undermined the early development of Maltese in literature and prose. Furthermore, as the islands were almost[16] always under foreign rule, those in power preferred the advancement of their own mother language over the native tongue. Throughout the centuries, the use of the Maltese language was often discouraged with varying degrees of enthusiasm and success, ostensibly in the hope that supplanting it would strengthen ties with the country which held possession of Malta at that particular point in time, a concept which has continuously surfaced in the islands and is also present to a certain extent in the present day. Under the rule of the Order of the Knights of Malta both French and an embryonic version of Italian were used for official documents and correspondence. During the British colonial period the use of English was encouraged through education, while Italian was regarded as the next most important language. It was not until 1936 that Maltese was even recognised as an official language, more as a British coup to offset Italian influence from that increasingly belligerent country than as a genuine belief in the importance of Maltese in the islands' administration. Uniquely, no other European country lacked a standardised written form of its language until the nineteenth century, when philologists and academics such as Mikiel Anton Vassalli made a concerted effort to transcribe spoken Maltese in a comprehensive written form. One would hence have to note that the lack of an established written tradition affected Maltese culture and fueled apathy towards the Maltese language in certain segments of the nation.


From the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe:

English Maltese

The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.

L-Unjoni hija mibnija fuq il-valuri ta' rispett għad-dinjità tal-bniedem, ta' libertà, ta' demokrazija, ta' ugwaljanza, ta' l-istat tad-dritt u tar-rispett għad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, inklużi d-drittijiet ta' persuni li jagħmlu parti minn minoranzi. Dawn il-valuri huma komuni għall-Istati Membri f'soċjetà karatterizzata mill-pluraliżmu, in-non-diskriminazzjoni, it-tolleranza, il-ġustizzja, is-solidarjetà u l-ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel.


Below is the Maltese alphabet, with IPA symbols and approximate English pronunciation:

Letter Name IPA Arabic Approximate English pronunciation
A a (for anġlu (angel)) a ـَ ، ـَا similar to 'a' in father
B b be (for ballun (ball)) b ب bar, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [p].
Ċ ċ ċe (for ċavetta (key)) ʧ (چ) church (note: dotless C has been replaced by K.)
D d de (for dar (home)) d د day, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [t].
E e e (for envelopp (envelope)) ɛ (ـَ ، ـَي) end
F f effe (for fjura (flower)) f ف far
Ġ ġ ġe (for ġelat (ice-cream)) ʤ ج jump, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [tʃ].
G g ge (for gallettina (biscuit)) ɡ (ج ، گ) game, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [k].
GĦ għ ajn (for għasfur (bird)) ˤ:, ħ: ع ، ح has the effect of lengthening and pharyngealizing associated vowels. When found at the end of a word or immediately before 'h' it has the sound of a double 'ħ' (see below).
H h akka (for hu (he))   ه ، ة not pronounced unless it is at the end of a word, in which case it has the sound of 'ħ'.
Ħ ħ ħe (for ħanżir (pig)) ħ ح no English equivalent; sounds like /h/ to English speakers.
I i i (for ikel (food)) i ـِ seat
IE ie ie (for ieqaf (stop)) , ـِي yet, feet
J j je (for jott (yacht)) j ي yard
K k ke (for kelb (dog)) k ك cave
L l elle (for libsa (dress)) l ل line
M m emme (for mara (woman)) m م march
N n enne (for nanna (granny)) n ن next
O o o (for ors (bear)) o (ـُ ، ـَو) like 'aw' in law, but shorter.
P p pe (for paġna (page)) p (پ) part
Q q qe (for qattus (cat)) ʔ ء ، ق glottal stop, found in the Cockney English pronunciation of "bottle" or the phrase "uh-oh".
R r erre (for reġina (queen)) r ر road
S s esse (for salib (cross)) s س sand
T t te (for tieqa (window)) t ت tired
U u u (for uviera (egg-cup)) u ـُ ، ـُو food
V v ve (for vjola (violet)) v (ڤ) vast, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [f].
W w we (for widna (ear)) w و west
X x exxe (for xadina (monkey)) ʃ / ʒ ش shade, sometimes as measure; when doubled the sound is elongated, as in "Cash shin" vs. "Cash in."
Ż ż że (for żarbun (shoes)) z ز maze, but at the end of a word it is devoiced to [s].
Z z ze (for zalza (sauce)) ʦ / ʣ (تْس) pizza; when doubled may change to gods

Final vowels with grave accents (à, è, ì, ò, ù) are also found in Maltese in words of Italian origin, such as libertà freedom, sigurtà security, or soċjetà society.

Orthography Rules

The official rules governing the structure of the Maltese language are found in the official guidebook issued by the Akkademja tal-Malti, the Academy of the Maltese language, which is named Tagħrif fuq il-Kitba Maltija, that is, Knowledge on Writing in Maltese. The first edition of this book was printed in 1924 by the Maltese government's printing press. The rules were further expanded in the 1984 book, iż-Żieda mat-Tagħrif, which focused mainly on the increasing influence of Romance and Anglo-Saxon words. In 1992 the Academy issued the Aġġornament tat-Tagħrif fuq il-Kitba Maltija, which updated the previous works. All these works were included in a revised and expanded guidebook published in 1996.

Nowadays, the National Council for the Maltese Language (KNM) is the main regulator of the Maltese language (see Maltese Language Act, below) and not the Akkademja tal-Malti anymore. However, these orthography rules are still valid and official.



There are equal numbers of newspapers written in English and Maltese, with none being written in Italian.

The vast majority of people preferred English as their choice of reading, with English being preffered by 61.13% of the population for books and 70.89% for magazines. Only 35.75% of the Maltese population preferred to read books in Maltese, and 22.65% of them preferred it for magazines.


Regarding Radio, Italian takes the place of English, with radio stations being predominantly in Maltese and Italian, with a few in English too.

82.41% of the population regularly listens to Maltese radio, 25.41% listens to Italian, and a smaller 14.69% listened to English radio.[17]


Malta has a few television stations in Maltese, but the majority are in Italian and English.

Online usage of Maltese language

The use of the Maltese language on the internet is not altogether too common, with the majority of "Maltese" websites in fact being in other languages. Out of a survey conducted on 13 Maltese websites, 92% of them were only in English, and the remainder was bilingual, but not including Maltese anyway.[18] This means that the numbers of Maltese websites which are written in Maltese are very few, with English taking preference.

Other languages in Malta

Dark blue shows official, previously official, or second language position of Italian. Light blue shows less common usage.

Before 1934, Italian was the sole official language of Malta. The Fascist Italians and Italian Maltese wanted to promote its use throughout Malta for plans to annex it to Italy. Although only the rich could speak Italian, with Maltese being generally spoken by those less well off, Italian was regarded as the official language.

Although Italian has since been exchanged for English, it is used and is spoken commonly in certain professional workplaces. In fact, today, 36% of the population can speak it, which compares to 1931, when only 14% spoke it[17] which in fact surprisingly shows an increase from the times when it was official there. Italian is also used in Italian Media, with Italian television stations, music, and publications remaining popular.[19]

Now, English is the co-official language alongside Maltese, and is spoken by 76% of the population,[17] although those that do not officially speak English will commonly use English loan words, as these have now entered the Maltese language. This compares to 1931, when there were 24% of the population who spoke English.

86% of the population prefer to use Maltese, 12% English, and 2% Italian.[17]


  1. ^ Ethnologue entry for Maltese
  2. ^ Constitution of Malta, I.5.(1),
  3. ^ a b c d e Brincat (2005)
  4. ^ Ethnologue entry for Maltese
  5. ^ Borg & Azzopardi-Alexander (1997:xiii) 'The immediate source for the Arabic vernacular spoken in Malta was Muslim Sicily, but its ultimate origin appears to have been Tunisia. In fact Maltese displays some areal traits typical of Maghrebine Arabic, although during the past eight hundred years of independent evolution it has drifted apart from Tunisian Arabic'.
  6. ^ Ignasi Badia i Capdevila. ""A view of the linguistic situation in Malta"". Retrieved 2008-01-04.
  7. ^ Times of Malta, 11 February 2007
  8. ^ "The 'Cantilena'". Retrieved 2007-07-29.
  9. ^ Hume (1996:165)
  10. ^ Hume (1996:165)
  11. ^ About Malta; GTS; retrieved on [2008-02-24]
  12. ^ BBC Education - Languages
  13. ^ Żammit (2000:241-245)
  14. ^ BBC Education - Languages
  15. ^ BBC Education - Languages
  16. ^ Except for a period of roughly one hundred years of nominal Spanish rule over the island, while the government lay in the hands of the Maltese Kunsill Popolari, Malta was continuously in foreign hands up until independence in 1964. This period was termed Żmien l-Ispanjoli.
  17. ^ a b c d Ignasi Badia i Capdevila; A view of the linguistic situation in Malta; NovesSl; [2004]; retrieved on [2008-02-24]
  18. ^ Country report for MINERVA Plus in 2005; Multilingual issues in Malta; Retrieved on [2008-02-24]
  19. ^ Country profile: Malta BBC News; [2008/01/10]; [2008/02/21]





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