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''The word sustainability, meaning "to maintain a certain state or condition indefinitely" is being used in this article in a restricted sense.
[[Image:Earth flag PD.jpg|thumb|right|The [[Earth Day]] flag includes a [[NASA]] [[The Blue Marble|photo]] of the [[Earth]].]]
'''Sustainability''' is a characteristic of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. The term, in its [[Natural environment|environmental]] usage, refers to the potential longevity of vital human [[Ecology|ecological]] support systems, such as the planet's [[Climate|climatic system]], systems of [[agriculture]], [[industry]], [[forestry]], [[fisheries]], and the systems on which they depend. In recent years, public discourse has led to a use of "sustainability" in reference to how long human ecological systems can be expected to be usefully productive. In the past, complex human [[Society|societies]] have died out, sometimes as a result of their own growth-associated impacts on ecological support systems. The implication is that modern industrial society, which continues to grow in scale and complexity, will also [[Societal collapse|collapse]].

The implied preference would be for systems to be productive indefinitely, or be "sustainable." For example, "[[sustainable agriculture]]" would develop agricultural systems to last indefinitely; "[[sustainable development]]" can be a development of economic systems that last indefinitely, etc. A side discourse relates the term sustainability to longevity of natural ecosystems and reserves (set aside for other-than-human species), but the challenging emphasis has been on human systems and [[anthropogenic]] problems, such as anthropogenic [[climate change]], or the depletion of [[fossil fuel]] reserves.

''Main articles: [[Earth Charter]], [[sustainability science]], [[sustainable development]], [[sustainability governance]], [[sustainability accounting]].''
Though relatively new, the term "sustainability" has already proved useful. Sustainability discourse is discussion of how to make human [[economic systems]] last longer and have less impact on [[ecological systems]], and particularly relates to concern over major global problems relating to [[climate change]] and [[oil depletion]]. More useful than discussion, however, is to find ways to make some unit of economic production — a business firm, a family household, a farm — more sustainable. To assist in this, it is meaningful and pragmatic to speak of some practices being "more sustainable" or "less sustainable." Thus, energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulbs might be considered more sustainable than incandescent ones, and so on. Given the science, it is more apt to talk of moving "towards sustainability," or away from it. Sustainability advocates would argue that this kind of discourse helps inform debate about human impacts on planet Earth.

'''Sustainability'''<ref group=nb>The word sustainability is being used in a restrictive sense here</ref> as an international commitment to a secure environmental, social and economic future <ref group=nb>there is no universally agreed definition of sustainability. This statement is not a formal definition but a statement of sentiments expressed by the Brundtland Commission and the environmental, social and economic distinction promoted at the Rio Summit in 1992</ref> arose in the 1980s as part of the United Nations program for [[sustainable development]].<ref group=nb>The distinction between sustainability, sustainability science, and sustainable development is unclear but it is retained here to reflect current practice</ref>
One reason many commentators consider sustainability hard to define is the sheer number of meanings of sustainability that abound. The popularity of the term, and the many isolated attempts on the part of governments and other agents to begin sustainability programs, have led to these competing definitions, and much confusion. The often-uttered statement that there "is no agreed-upon definition of sustainability" results from this confusion.

In implementing this program three key areas have emerged: [[sustainability science]] as the academic study that examines and underpins ''the broad, inclusive, and contradictory currents that humankind will need to navigate toward a just and sustainable future'';<ref> Kates, R.W. & Parris, T.M. 2003. Long-term trends and a sustainability transition. ''Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA'' 100(4): 8062-8067.</ref> [[sustainability governance]]<ref> [http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx] ''Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’’, see Conceptual Framework </ref> <ref> Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. 2003. ''Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment.'' Island Press, London </ref> as the process of implementation of sustainability strategies, these being informed by [[sustainability accounting]],<ref> Schaltegger,S. , Bennett, M. & Burritt, R. (eds) 2006. ''Sustainability Accounting and Reporting''. Springer. ISBN 9781402049736 </ref> <ref> Hak, T., Moldan, B. & Dahl, A.L. (2007). SCOPE 67. ''Sustainability indicators''. Island Press, London. ISBN 9781597261319 </ref> the evidence-based quantitative information necessary to establish benchmarks, set management goals, and measure progress.
One of the first and most oft-cited definitions of sustainability, and almost certainly the one that will survive for posterity, is the one created by the [[Brundtland Commission]], led by the former Norwegian Prime Minister [[Gro Harlem Brundtland]]. The Commission defined [[sustainable development]] as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."<ref>United Nations. 1987. [http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/42/ares42-187.htm "Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development."] General Assembly Resolution 42/187, 11 December 1987. Retrieved: 2007-04-12</ref> The Brundtland definition thus implicitly argues for the rights of future generations to raw materials and vital ecosystem services to be taken into account in decision making.
{{Portal|Sustainable development|Sustainable development.svg}}
==Historical development of the idea==
''Main articles: [[environmentalism]], [[United Nations Conference on the Environment]], [[Brundtland Commission]], [[Earth Summit (1992)]], [[United Nations Conference on Environment and Development]], [[Agenda 21]], [[Millennium Declaration]], [[Earth Summit 2002]], [[Millennium Development Goals]]''.

Beginning with the [[environmental movement]] of the 1960s there has been an increasing awareness that human use of the Earth is approaching a range of environmental and resource limits and that this trend, rather than diminishing, is escalating at an alarming rate. <ref>Meadows, D.H., & D.L., Randers, J., & Behrens III, W.W. 1972. The Limits to Growth. Universe Books, New York. </ref> <ref> World Wildlife Fund 2006. ‘’Living Planet Report 2006’’. </ref> <ref>[http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment web site – full range of reports available here </ref>
Sustainability can be defined both qualitatively in words, as an ethical/ecological proposition such as the Brundtland definition above, and quantitatively in terms of system life expectancy and the trajectory of certain factors or terms in the system. Operationalization of the term obviously raises the question of a quantitative definition; in order to set sustainability goals and achieve them, communities have to know whether their efforts are successful or not, so they have to know what to measure. Most recently, the leading attempts at operationalization have given metrics of climate emissions, and their reduction, some level of priority above other metrics. Since the factor of fossil fuel use is necessarily embedded in any meaningful climate emissions metric, climate neutrality (or the state of being [[climate neutral]]) is not an unreasonable partial proxy metric for overall sustainability, and is also relatively easy to measure. Many institutional sustainability programs have placed becoming [[climate neutral]] at the top of their list of sustainability goals, although the social and deliberative processes by which this prioritization took place is generally unexamined, or only partially examined a priori.

[[Image:Flag of the United Nations.svg|200px|right|The United Nations]]
Other sustainability concerns might be harder to account for because of the complexity of their cycles and systems. Quantitative analysis in sustainability thinking typically uses [[system dynamics]] modeling, because systems are often non-linear and so-called [[feedback loops]] are key factors. So, for instance, important human ecological sub-systems that could be analyzed or modeled in this way might include the [[nitrogen cycle]], and cycles of other important nutrients, in [[sustainable agriculture]], or the depletion of [[oil reserves]] and other fossil [[energy]] reserves. One of the key problems in communicating the quantitative impacts of many sustainability issues, such as climate change, oil depletion, or population growth, is that feedback effects often create exponential change. Because the mathematics of exponentiality is not well-understood by ordinary people, and since human nature seems to be to expect linear change, if any, people are often surprised by the speed and rate of change of sustainability phenomena. This has led to recommendations that understanding feedback in dynamic systems be a primary goal of basic environmental education.
The 1972 [[United Nations Conference on the Environment]] held in Stockholm was the UN's first major conference on international environmental issues and marked the beginning of cooperative international environmental policies and politics. During the 1970s, while the developed world was considering the effects of the global population explosion, pollution and consumerism, the developing countries, faced with continued poverty and deprivation, regarded development as essential - to provide the necessities of food, clean water and shelter. In 1980 the [[International Union for the Conservation of Nature]] had published its influential ''World Conservation Strategy''<ref group=nb>An updated version entitled Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living (IUCN/WWF, 1991) was published in 1991.</ref> followed in 1982 its ''World Charter for Nature''<ref>[http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/37/a37r007.htm] World Charter for Nature</ref> which drew attention to the decline of the world’s ecosystems. Faced with the differing priorities of the developed and developing world the United Nation’s [[World Commission on Environment and Development]] (the [[Brundtland Commission]]) worked for two years to try and resolve the apparent conflict between the environment and development. The Commission concluded that development was acceptable but it must now be different: it must be ''sustainable'' development. Development needed to be directed to meeting the needs of the poor in a way that no longer caused environmental problems but helped to solve them or, in the words of the Commission in 1987:

<blockquote>''Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.'' </blockquote>
According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), it stated that in 1980, the term sustainable development was introduced, and it popularised in the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission).<ref>Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (1997). Towards sustainable transportation : conference organised by the OECD, hosted by the Government of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, 24-27 March 1996 : conference highlights and overview of issues, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris.</ref> In the Brundtland Commission, sustainable development was defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.<ref>Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (1997). Towards sustainable transportation : conference organised by the OECD, hosted by the Government of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, 24-27 March 1996 : conference highlights and overview of issues, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris. Page 10</ref> From this definition, it has been noted by the Commission that it contained two key concepts which are ‘needs’ and ‘limitations’. These can be described as following:

In the same year the Commission’s book [[Our Common Future]] was launched and that effectively began the era of sustainability. The 1992 UN Environmental Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil produced the [[Rio Declaration on Environment and Development]] [[Earth Summit (1992)]]with an action agenda,[[Agenda 21]], implemented by thee [[Commission on Sustainable Development]]. Also at Rio negotiations began for an international agreement on climate change which eventually lead to the [[Kyoto Protocol]] and agreements on forestry and the [[Convention on Biological Diversity]] were also initiated.
''needs, meaning “in particular the essential needs of the world’s poor,” and limitations, meaning “limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs”''<ref>Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (1997). Towards sustainable transportation : conference organised by the OECD, hosted by the Government of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, 24-27 March 1996 : conference highlights and overview of issues, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris. Page 10</ref>
The global sustainability process continued to evolve and expand. By the time of the [[World Summit on Sustainable Development]] ([[Earth Summit 2002]]), held in Johannesburg, delegates included those from the [[World Business Council for Sustainable Development]] and thousands of local governments reporting on how they had implemented [[Local Agenda 21]] and the ''Cities for Climate Protection'' program<ref>[http://www.iclei.org/index.php?id=800]Cities for Climate Protection</ref>. A broad-based consensus had been reached on what was to be done. This Summit, building on the 2000 United Nations [[Millennium Declaration]] produced eight [[Millennium Development Goals]] for 2015 (adopted by 189 countries) and established the "WEHAB" targets for water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity. <ref> United Nations Development Program. 2002. Human development report 2002. United Nations Development Program, New York.</ref>
Focus has now shifted to the core value of human well-being which is predicated on the successful integration of the three pillars of sustainability with [[ecosystem services]] (see below).<ref>[http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment web site – full range of reports available here </ref>

==Conceptual issues in sustainability thinking==
There is no consensus definition of sustainability although that of the Brundtland Commission is most frequently quoted. Following the Rio Summit it is also often pointed out that, to be effective, any action must integrate three sustainability "pillars": environment, society and economy. <ref group=nb>the three pillars are not universally accepted: to these is sometimes added a fourth ’’institution’’ pillar, and indigenous peoples at UN summits have also advocated a ''culture'' pillar; the society pillar is sometimes replaced with "community".</ref>
=== Values, purpose, the focus on outcomes ===
For what purpose are we conserving natural capital? Is the society supported by this capital just and decent, worthy of preservation? Obviously, the work of sustaining a society raises the question of the moral worth of that society. This is clearly a question of ethics or values.

Difficulty in defining sustainability stems in part from the fact that it encompasses the entire domain of human activity. It is a very general concept, like liberty or justice, which is accepted as important and for which no other terms are available, but which defies consensual definition. <ref>Beckers et al, in SCOPE-ASI background paper, 2004.</ref> It is also a call to action and open to political interpretation concerning the nature of the current situation and the most appropriate way forward. The Brundtland plea to protect the environment for future generations is less controversial than the implied negotiation between environmental, social and economic interests that followed the Rio Summit. The notion of ''sustainable development'' is sometimes resisted because many regard it as an oxymoron – that development is inevitably carried out at the expense of the environment.<ref> Hamilton, C. 2003. ''Growth Fetish.'' Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest.</ref> A further practical difficulty with a universal definition is that the the actions needed to address "sustainability" will vary according to the level of human organisation under consideration — so addressing sustainability at the global, institutional or individual levels requires different governance and behaviours.
Values vary greatly in detail within and between cultures, as well as between academic disciplines (e.g., between economists and ecologists). <ref>[[Clem Tisdell|Tisdell, C.]] 1988. Sustainable development: Differing perspectives of ecologists and economists, and relevance to LDCs. ''World Development'' 16(3): 373-384.</ref> The introduction of social values to sustainability goals implies a much more complex and contentious debate, and those focused on ecological impacts tend to strongly resist non-ecological interpretations.
The [[European Environment Agency]] sustainable development program lists eight objectives that summarize the thrust of the ''global'' sustainability agenda: <ref>Stanners et al. 2006. ''Frameworks for policy integration indicators, for sustainable development, and for evaluating complex scientific evidence.'' In: Hak, T. et al. ''Assessing Sustainability Indicators'', SCOPE 67. Island Press, London.</ref><br />

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Others see at the heart of the concept of sustainability a fundamental, immutable value set that is best stated as 'parallel care and respect for the ecosystem and for the people within'. From this value set emerges the goal of sustainability: to achieve human and ecosystem longevity and [[well-being]] together. Seen in this way, the concept of sustainability is much more than environmental protection in another guise. It is a positive concept that has as much to do with achieving well-being for people and ecosystems as it has to do with reducing ecological stress or environmental impacts. This kind of vision is of course much more debatable or subjective than the simpler definitions such as the Brundtland Definition or the "Daly Rules."
* provide future generations with the same environmental potential as presently exists (addressing intergenerational equity)
* manage economic growth to be less resource intensive and less polluting (decoupling economic growth and environmental deterioration)
* better integrate sectoral and environmental policies (integrating sectors)
* maintain and enhance the adaptive capacity of the environmental system (ensuring environmental adaptability)
* avoid irreversible long-term environmental damage to ecosystems and human health (avoiding irreversible damage)
* avoid imposing unfair or high environmental costs on vulnerable populations (ensuring distributional equity)
* assume responsibility for environmental effects that occur outside the area of jurisdiction (accepting global responsibility)
* introduce rules, processes and practices that ensure the uptake of sustainable development policies at all levels of sustainability governance (applying sustainability governance)

==Environmental, social and economic cooperation==
At its least, sustainability implies paying attention to [[comprehensive outcome]]s of events and actions insofar as they can be anticipated at present. This is known as [[full cost accounting]], or [[Environmental accounting]]. This kind of accounting assumes that all aspects of a system can be measured and audited ([[Environmental audits]]).
''Main article: [[sustainable development]]''.
{{UN portal}}
As the debate about the best way to address sustainability<ref group=nb>Determining what is truly sustainable is often an extremely complex problem needing extensive sustainability accounting: “more sustainable” and “less sustainable” are generally more precise expressions to use</ref> evolved it became broadly accepted that the global sustainability agenda, to be effective, would require cooperation across the environmental, social and economic domains and this was reinforced at the [[2005 World Summit]].

==Are environmental, social and economic interests equal?==
Environmental accounting can be a limited biological interpretation as in [[ecological footprint]] analysis, or may include social factors as in the [[ICLEI]]—[[Triple Bottom Line]] standards for urban and community accounts. Obviously, sustainability definitions and metrics that focus on accounting are often less prescriptive of economic systems or of political, philosophical, or religious values.
[[Environmentalist]] disenchantment with some aspects of the global sustainability agenda can be attributed to the view that the environmental, social, and economic pillars cannot, strictly, be treated as equal.
[[Image:Sustainable development.svg|left|250px|thumb|The three pillars of sustainability]]
===Environmental pillar===
The global environment is seen as the ecological and material basis of human existence and it is being progressively degraded. Economies should address the goals of the societies they serve, and these societies, in turn, are ultimately dependent on available natural resources. However, this ranking is often observed in reverse order. <ref> Daly, H.E., (1996), ''Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development.'' Beacon Press, Boston. </ref> By placing such strong emphasis on economic growth as a core human value, and investing such little effort in protecting the biosphere, we are setting ourselves on a trajectory of self destruction.<ref> Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Holling, C. S., Jansson, N.-O., Levin, S., Maler, K.-G., Perrings, C., and Pimental, D., 1995. ''Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. ''Science'' 268: 520-521. </ref> One consequence of this discussion is that for many people ''sustainability'' means simply ''environmental sustainability'' a reduction of human impact on the Earth’s resources and environmental services to a sustainable level without full consideration of the social and economic dimensions.

===Economic pillar===
At most, sustainability is clearly intended by some advocates as a means of [[Social engineering (political science)|configuring]] [[civilization]] and human activity so that [[society]], its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in the present, while preserving [[biodiversity]] and natural [[ecosystem]]s, and planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals in a very long term. It can easily be seen that the definitions and metrices that might result are prescriptive of political, philosophical or religious values.
''Main article: [[environmental economics]], [[environmental law]]''.

[[Ecological economics]] explores the environment-ecological system interface <ref> Hawken, P, Lovins, A.B. & L.H. 1999. ‘’Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution.’’ Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, USA </ref>. The relationship between sustainability is now the As commodity or service scarcity increases then the resultant increase in prices will act as a restraint that also encourages technical innovation and alternative products. Howe..ver, this principle applies only when the product or service falls within the market system. <ref>Nemetz, P.N. 2003. Basic concepts of sustainable development for business students. Journal of International Business Education vol. 1 no. 1.</ref> Nature, referred to by sustainability science as [[ecosystem services]], can no longer be regarded as both unlimited and free. While these services remain unpriced economic [[externalities]] they will be overused and degraded, a situation referred to as the [[Tragedy of the Commons]]. <ref>Garrett Hardin, [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/162/3859/1243 "The Tragedy of the Commons"], ''Science'', Vol. 162, No. 3859 (December 13, 1968), pp. 1243-1248. Also available [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/162/3859/1243.pdf here] and [http://www.garretthardinsociety.org/articles/art_tragedy_of_the_commons.html here.]</ref>
The evolution of the concept of Sustainability in engineering design is modern, where it is a fundamental change in philosophy, it is a non linear process driven by internal values instead of compliance in response to imposed requirements. This requires a multi-disciplinary approach to decision making, consideration of long term sustainability over short-term benefits (Hasna, 2007)
The biological world is now becoming progressively subject to taxes, tradable permits.

===Common principles===
===Social pillar===
''Main topics: [[list of global sustainability statistics]], [[sustainability accounting]].
Despite differences, a number of common principles are embedded in most charters or action programmes to achieve sustainable development, sustainability or sustainable prosperity. These include (Hargroves & Smith 2005, see bibliography):

With the view that “it is the responsibility of sustainability science to map the broad, inclusive, and contradictory currents that humankind will need to navigate toward a just and sustainable future” Kates and Parris have identified key interconnected areas that will need careful monitoring as part of a sustainability transition. <ref> [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1231331100] Kates, R.W. & Parriss, T.M. 2003. Long term trends and a sustainability transition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 100(14): 8062-8067. </ref> These are the areas needing rigorous sustainability accounting. Although environmental social and economic factors are closely interconnected the following items they list have a strong social dimension.
* Dealing transparently and systemically with risk, uncertainty and [[irreversibility]].
* Ensuring appropriate valuation, appreciation and [[Restoration ecology|restoration]] of nature.
* Integration of environmental, social, human and economic goals in policies and activities.
* Equal opportunity and [[Participation (decision making)|community participation]]/[[Sustainable community]].
* [[Conservation biology|Conservation]] of [[biodiversity]] and [[Ecological health|ecological integrity]].
* Ensuring inter-generational equity.
* Recognizing the global integration of localities.
* A commitment to [[best practice]].

====Peace and security====
* No net loss of [[human capital]] or [[natural capital]].
[[Image:Unpicture.jpg|250px|thumb|United Nations General Assembly.]]
War, crime and corruption divert resources from areas of greatest human need and generally threaten human well-being and the environment. Diminishing natural resources increase the likelihood of “resource wars”.
* The principle of [[continuous improvement]].

====Population, migration, urbanization====
* The need for good governance.
''Main topics: [[population]], [[overpopulation]],[[urbanization]], [[megalopolis]], [[migration]]''.
[[Image:Population curve.svg|thumb|left|360px|Human population from [[Prehistoric times|10,000 BC]] &ndash; [[2000|AD 2000]].]]
The world population will likely increase by 2.5 billion over the next 43 years, passing from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050. This increase is equivalent to the overall number of people in the world in 1950 and it will be absorbed mostly by the less developed regions, whose population is projected to rise from 5.4 billion in 2007 to 7.9 billion in 2050. In contrast, the population of the more developed regions is expected to remain largely unchanged at 1.2 billion and would have declined were it not for the projected net migration from developing to developed countries, which is expected to average 2.3 million persons a year after 2010. <ref>[ http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/wpp2006/wpp2006.htm] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2007). World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, Highlights, Working Paper No. ESA/P/WP.202.</ref> Between-country migration and movement from rural to urban situations continues to increase. In some regions coalescence of urban centres has given rise to the term [[megalopolis]]. Emerging economies like those of China and India aspire to the living standards of the Western world as does the non-industrialised world. Long-term estimates suggest a peak at around 2070 of nine billion people, and then slowly decreases to 8.4 billion by 2100. <ref>Lutz, W., Sanderson, W.C., Scherbov, S. 2004. ‘’The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century’’ .... Earthscan, London. ISBN:1844070891. </ref><ref>[http://atlas.aaas.org/index.php?part=1&sec=onotes]AAAS Atlas of population & environment</ref>

====Affluence, poverty, well-being, health====
===Weak versus strong sustainability===
''Main topics: [[poverty]], [[affluenza]], [[well-being]], [[environmental law]]''
<!-- The redirects 'weak sustainability' and 'strong sustainability' link to this section -->
However, a distinction between different 'degrees' of sustainability should be made. The debate currently focuses on the sustainability between economy and the environment which can in other words be considered as between '[[natural capital]]' and 'manufactured/[[man-made capital]]'. This is also captured in the ''''weak' versus 'strong' sustainability''' discussions, which began as a debate between conservative British economist [[Wilfred Beckerman]] and sustainability founder [[Herman E. Daly]].

Per capita gross domestic product continues to increase around the world, except in Africa. Income inequality continues to grow both within and between countries. <ref>[http://http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20398986~menuPK:64133163~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html] see World Bank Statistics</ref> Global disparity between affluent and poor people and nations is addressed by the [[Millennium Declaration]]. Human well-being as measured by the [[Human Development Index]] is, on average, improving in terms of life-expectancy, literacy, pwer capita income, gender equity and access to legal support. Health has improved with lower child mortality, improved nutrition and general health although there is still concern over AIDS and the potential for a global pandemic of an illness like bird flu, spread rapidly by modern transport.
Weak sustainability is advocated by the [[Hartwick's Rule]], which states that as long as TOTAL [[capital]] stays constant, sustainable development can be achieved. As long as the diminishing natural capital stocks are being replaced by gains in the man-made stock, total capital will stay constant and the current level of consumption can continue. The proponents believe that economic growth is beneficial as increased levels of [[income]] lead to increased levels of environmental protectionism. This is also known as the 'substitutability paradigm'.

====Globalisation, governance====
Conversely, strong sustainability, as supported by [[Herman Daly]], holds the view that natural capital and man-made capital are only complementary at best. In order for sustainable development to be achieved, natural capital has to be kept constant independently from man-made capital. This is known as the 'non-substitutability paradigm'. Advocates of weak sustainability thus make a categorical error. So, for instance, and according to Daly, it makes no sense to substitute man-made capital, in the form of fishing boats, for natural capital, in the form of fish stocks, and the attempt to do so usually ends in ecological disaster.
''Main articles: [[globalization]], [[sustainability governance]]''

The increasing globalization of trade and exchange of technology, along with increased migration, and communication together with a global approach to the management of environmental problems, are all indicative of an emergent global culture. The power of national governments appears to have decreased in the face of transnational and non-government organizations. Sustainability must be a key part of this increased connectedness and transition towards an international value system.
===Population growth and consumption===
One of the critical issues in sustainability is that of human [[overpopulation]] combined with current lifestyle patterns. Some studies have suggested that the current [[world population]] nearly seven billion, is too great to support sustainably,<ref>E. O. Wilson, ''The future of life'', 2001</ref> others, such as the book ''[[The Improving State of the World]]'', argues that this is sustainable. At current material consumption levels, this challenge for sustainability is distributed unevenly. According to calculations of the ecological footprint, the ecological pressure of a US resident is 12 times that of a resident of India and 24 times that of a Somali resident.<ref>Global Footprint Network [http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=national_footprints "National Footprints"]. Download National Footprint Results in .xls format. Retrieved on: [[August 4]], [[2007]].</ref> Obviously, were the total human population to be reduced, it would be easier to achieve sustainability in most human systems. Equally, reduction of levels of consumption by those nations with large per-capita footprints could have an equal or greater impact. The inclusion of discussion of the factor of population in the overall sustainability debate has led to the accusation, typically from conservative or libertarian economists such as [[Julian Simon]], that sustainability advocates are [[neo-malthusians]].

With the world population continuing to grow, there is increasing pressure on arable land, water, energy, and biological resources to provide enough food while supporting viable [[ecosystems]]. World Bank and United Nations studies show that there are over 854 million people who are undernourished. This is due to a combination of lack of food, low incomes, and poor food distribution.<ref>World Hunger Education Service [http://www.worldhunger.org/articles/Learn/world%20hunger%20facts%202002.htm World Hunger Facts 2008]. Retrieved on: [[February 10]], [[2008]].</ref> According to the UN, world population is projected to grow from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050 due to the [[demographic transition]].

With expanding population, the food problem will worsen.<ref>Pimentel, D, X. Huang, A. Cordova, and M. Pimentel (1996). [http://dieoff.org/page57.htm "Impact of Population Growth on Food Supplies and Environment"]. Paper presented at [[AAAS]] Annual Meeting, Baltimore, February 1996. ''Population and Development Review''. Retrieved on [[August 4]], [[2007]].</ref>
''Main articles: [[Ecological Footprint]], [[Environmental Performance Index]], [[Environmental Sustainability Index]].''

Almost all developed nations have an [[Ecological Footprint]] significantly larger than their geographic area. <ref>[assets.panda.org/downloads/living_planet_report.pdf]World Wildlife Fund 2006. Living Planet Report 2006.</ref> These ‘’extra’’ resources are derived in several ways: embedded in the goods and services of world trade; taken from the past (e.g. fossil fuels); or taken from the future ­ as unsustainable resource usage. The global sustainable development goal is to raise our collective standard of living without increasing our use of resources.
Critics of efforts to reduce population rather than consumption fear that efforts to reduce population growth may lead to [[human rights]] violations such as [[involuntary sterilization]] and the [[infanticide|abandoning of infants to die]]. Some human-rights watchers report that this is already taking place in [[China]], as a result of its one child per family policy.

==Decoupling environmental degradation and economic growth==
It appears inevitable to some commentators {{Fact|date=August 2007}} that human population numbers will be constrained and brought into some form of equilibrium by the [[Malthusian catastrophe|Malthusian limit]] and in accordance with the [[Verhulst equation|Logistic function]]. In his book [[collapse (book)|Collapse]], author [[Jared Diamond]] presents several societies where population growth mixed with unsustainable consumption levels have led to collapses in population numbers.
''Main article: [[environmental economics]].''
[[Image:World GDP Capita 1-2003 A.D.png|350px|right|World [[GDP]] per capita by region for last 2000 years (100 yr slices)|thumb]]
Historically there is a close inverse correlation between economic growth and environmental degradation: as communities grow, so the environment declines. This trend is clearly demonstrated on graphs of human population numbers, economic growth, and environmental indicators.<ref>[http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment web site – full range of reports available here </ref> <br />
Limitless economic growth has been compared to the malignant growth of a cancer.<ref>see Nemetz, P.N. 2003. Basic concepts of sustainable development for business students. ''Journal of International Business Education''????</ref> This is because unsustainable growth is eating away at the Earth's life-support system of environmental services. Sustainability must break this link between growth and environmental degradation while, over the second half of the 20th century, world population has doubled, food production has tripled, energy use quadrupled, and overall economic activity has quintupled. <ref>National Research Council. 1999. ''Our common journey.'' National Academic Press, Washington.</ref> Mismanagement of finite natural resources by cultures such as the Maya, Anasazi and Easter Islanders eventually led to their demise by destroying their life-support resource base <ref> Diamond, J. 1997. ''Guns, germs and steel: the fates of human societies''. W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN 0-393-06131-0</ref> <ref> Diamond, J. 2005. ''Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed''. New York: Viking Books. ISBN 1-586-63863-7.</ref> and there is the concern that, unless growth is checked, planet Earth will follow a similar path.

==''Direct'' global environmental impacts==
==The phenomenon of change resistance==
''Main articles: [[Millennium Ecosystem Assessment]], [[Living Planet Report]] 2006, [[Convention on Biological Diversity]], [[World Conservation Monitoring Centre]], [[lists of environmental topics]], [[conservation biology]], [[list of global sustainability statistics]], [[list of environmental agreements]].''
The above concepts focus primarily on the proper practices required to live sustainably. However, there is also the need to consider why there is such strong resistance to adopting sustainable practices.

Perhaps at their most basic level, human impact on the Earth is manifest through changes in the global biogeochemical cycles of chemicals that are critical to life, especially water, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. There is now sound scientific evidence that human activity is having a significant impact on all of these cycles and this is most obvious through the direct human impacts on the oceans and freshwater systems, the land and atmosphere (see ''direct impacts'' below, monitored largely by [[environmental science]] as part of [[conservation biology]]). However, the main driver of these direct impacts is human demand for food, energy, materials and water (see ''indirect impacts'' below, currently a major aspect of sustainability science). Managing sustainability can be undertaken both at the point of impact (direct impact) or by managing human demand and the process of direct impact creation (indirect impacts). The [[Millennium Ecosystem Assessment]]provides the most comprehensive current synthesis of the state of the Earth’s ecosystems.[[Ecosystem services]] are the life-support system of the planet. The rapidly escalating and potentially critical nature of human global impact on the environment over the last 50 years is now the source of major biological concern <ref> [http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx] ‘’Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’’, see Conceptual Framework </ref> <ref> Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. 2003. ‘’Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment.’’ Island Press, London </ref>.
===Barriers to achieving ecological sustainability===
There has been long-standing and widespread public awareness of the seriousness of the consequence of overpopulation (e.g., Nelson, 1986; Yankelovitch, et al., 1983; [[Collapse (book)|Diamond, Jared (2005)]] ).

Unruh (2000, 2002) has argued that numerous barriers to sustainability arise because today's technological systems and governing institutions were designed and built for permanence and reliability, not change. In the case of fossil fuel-based systems this is termed "carbon lock-in" and inhibits many change efforts.
[[Image:Eolienne et centrale thermique Nuon Sloterdijk.jpg|Vestas turbine in Amsterdam|thumb|left|150px|”Using the Atmosphere”]]
''Main topics: [[Earth’s atmosphere]], [[climate change]], [[acid rain]], [[ozone depletion]], [[air pollution]], [[decarbonisation]].''

Human negative effects on the [[atmosphere]] include production of [[acid rain]], [[photochemical smog]], toxic chemicals and [[particulate matter]]. Because the atmosphere has an important role in [[climate]] and [[weather]] control, [[cloud]] formation and major weather events, [[climate change]] and the [[carbon cycle]] have become a major focus of research (see [[Energy]]).
Others, particularly [http://www.thwink.org/sustain/general/ChangeResistance.htm Thwink.org], argue that if enough members of the [[environmental movement]] adopted a problem solving process that fit the problem, the movement would make the astonishing discovery that the crux of the problem is not what it thought it was. It is not the proper practices or ''technical side'' of the problem after all. Any number of these practices would be adequate. Instead the real issue is why is it so difficult to persuade social agents (such as people, corporations, and nations) to adopt the proper practices needed to live sustainably? Thus the heart of the matter is the change resistance or ''social side'' of the problem.

This is generally attributed to “change resistance” (see, e.g., [http://www.thwink.org/sustain/general/ChangeResistance.htm Thwink.org]), viewed as involving change in individual values, whether at personal, corporate, or collective levels (see e.g., [[Stafford Beer]]). Unfortunately, it has been frequently demonstrated, e.g., in the studies cited, that people’s values are, in general, in the right place. The problem is to enact them. This has led to the preparation of numerous “wish lists”—such as that compiled by Shah, H., & Marks, N. (2004)—drawing together many recommendations for government action.
[[Image: Gentle waves come in at a sandy beach.JPG|thumb|right|250px|]]
''Main topics: [[overfishing]], [[ocean acidification]].''

Oceans and their circulation patterns have a critical effect on climate and the food supply for both humans and other organisms. Major environmental impacts occur in the more habitable regions of the oceans – the estuaries, coastline and bays. Because of their vastness oceans act as a dumping ground for human waste. Trends of concern include: ocean warming and sea level rise, alteration of present-day currents, [[over-fishing]] (beyond sustainable levels), [[ocean acidification]], and reef bleaching. Strategies for improvement include more careful waste management, statutory control of overfishing and restoration of coastal and other marine habitat.
Government and individual failure to act on the available information is widely attributed to personal greed (deemed to be inherent in human nature) especially on the part of international capitalists. But even [[Karl Marx]] did not suggest this, instead highlighting sociological processes which have been in operation for thousands of years.{{Fact|date=February 2008}} [[Murray Bookchin]] likewise documents this process over millennia, describing, in detail, the factors that were operational at each transition point.{{Fact|date=February 2008}} If fault is to be found with Marx's work it can be argued that it lies elsewhere. Because he believed that the collapse of capitalism was imminent, he never discussed how to run society in an innovative way in the long term public interest. Strangely, Bookchin, in the end, does not suggest how to intervene in and harness the sociocybernetic processes he has identified but contents himself with an account of requisite features of a sustainable society derived from his analysis of organic (primordial) societies.{{Fact|date=February 2008}}

Two things seem to follow from this brief discussion.
[[Image:White water lily with water droplets.jpg|thumb|left|150px|White Waterlily]]
''Main topics: [[Land use, land-use change and forestry]], [[land cover]], [[urbanization]], [[deforestation]].''

Land use change is fundamental to the operations of the biosphere. This includes alteration to biogeochemcal cycles, effects of agriculture, proportions of forest and woodland, grassland and pasture.
#It is vital to follow up the study of the [[sociocybernetic]], or systems (see also systems theory), processes which, it seems, primarily control what happens in society.
#We should use the social-science-based insights already available to evolve forms of [[Public management]] that will act on information in an innovative way in the long term public interest.{{Fact|date=February 2008}}

==Precautionary principle==
''Main topics: [[forestry]], [[deforestation]]''.
The [[precautionary principle]] states that if there is a risk that an action could cause harm, and there is a lack of scientific consensus on the matter, the burden of proof is on those who would support taking the action.

Historically about 47% of the world’s forests have been lost to human use. Present-day forests occupy about a quarter of the world’s ice-free land with about half occurring in the tropics <ref>World Resources Institute 1998. ''World resources 1998-1999.'' Oxford University Press, Oxford.</ref> In temperate and boreal regions forest area is gradually increasing (with the exception of Siberia), but deforestation in the tropics is of major concern.
{{Quotation|When competing "experts" recommend diametrically opposing paths of action regarding resources, carrying capacity, sustainability, and the future, we serve the cause of sustainability by choosing the conservative path, which is defined as the path that would leave society in the less precarious position if the chosen path turns out to be the wrong path.<ref>Bartlett, A. (1997). [http://dieoff.org/page146.htm "Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth and the Environment -- Revisited"]. ''Renewable Resources Journal, 15, 4, Winter 1997-98. Retrieved on: [[August 4]], [[2007]].</ref>}}
Forests can moderate the local climate and the global water cycle through their light reflectance ([[albedo]]) and [[evapotranspiration]]. They also conserve [[biodiversity]], protect water quality, preserve soil and soil quality, provide fuel and [[pharmaceuticals]], and purify the air. These free [[ecosystem services]] have no market value and so forest conservation has little appeal when compared with the economic benefits of logging and clearance which, through soil degradation and organic decomposition returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has estimated that about 90% of the carbon stored in land vegetation is locked up in trees and that they sequester about 50% more carbon than is present in the atmosphere. Changes in land use currently contribute about 20% of total global carbon emissions (in heavily logged Indonesia and Brazil it is the greatest source of emissions).<ref>Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2006 Global forest resources assessment 2005: progress towards sustainable forest management. Forestry paper 147. FAO, Rome.</ref>
Climate change can be mitigated by sequestering carbon in reafforestation schemes, new plantations, and timber products. Wood biomass is a renewable carbon-neutral fuel. The FAO has concluded that, over the period 2005–2050, effective use of tree planting could absorb about 10–20% of man-made emissions – so clearly we need to monitor the condition of the world's forests very closely (both [[reafforestation]] and [[deforestation]]) as they must be part of any coordinated emissions mitigation strategy.<ref>IPCC, 2006. IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse inventories, vol.4, agriculture, forestry, and other land uses. Institute for global environment strategies, Japan.</ref>

====''Cultivated land''====
[[Cleaner Production]] aims at applying the precautionary principle to industrial processes. The objective is to minimize waste, emissions, energy consumption by optimizing the organization and technology of production, and increasing the use of renewable resources.
''Main topic: [[agriculture]].''

Agriculture now occupies about 38% of the Earth’s land surface area and land use change, especially clearance for crops is occurring mostly in the tropics. Grasslands have been extensively modified world-wide.
==See also==
{{Portal|Sustainable development|Sustainable development.svg}}
<!-- Keep alphabetical. Note that these links are to topics relating to sustainability that are not covered in the article. Links to organizations do not belong here. -->

''Main topic: [[extinction]], [[International Union for Conservation of Nature]].''
[[Image:ParusCaeruleus.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Blue Tit]]
*[[Agenda 21]]
Appropriation of land for agroforestry has resulted in loss of biodiversity. Current extinction rate are 100 to 1000 times their prehuman levels with more than 10% birds and mammals threatened, about 8% of plants and 5% of fish and more than 20% of freshwater species.
*[[Appropriate Technology]]
*[[Applied Sustainability]]
*[[Bright green environmentalism]]
*[[Cleaner Production]]
*[[Corporate Sustainability]]
*[[Cradle to Cradle]]
*[[Earth Charter]]
*[[Ecological economics]]
*[[Future studies]]
*[[Family planning]]
*[[Green conventions, meetings & events]]
*[[Green design]]
*[[Hannover Principles]]
*[[Industrial Ecology]]
*[[Institute for Sustainable Communication]]
*[[Intergenerational ethics]]
*[[List of sustainability topics]]
*[[Material efficiency]]
*[[Melbourne Principles]]
*[[Peak Oil]]
*[[product service system]]
*[[Second law of thermodynamics]]
*[[Simple living]]
*[[Soft energy path]]
*[[Steady state (macroeconomics)]]
*[[Strategic Sustainable Development]]
*[[The People & Planet Green League]]
*[[Triple bottom line]] <!-- please, not another blog *[[Worldchanging]]-->

====''Biological invasions''====
===Other sustainability articles===
''Main topics: [[introduced species]], [[invasive species]].''
*[[Sustainability metric and indices]]
*[[Sustainability reporting]]
*[[Sustainable advertising]]
*[[Sustainable agriculture]]
*[[Sustainable architecture]]
*[[Sustainable art]]
*[[Sustainable business]]
*[[Sustainable city]]
*[[Sustainable Communities Plan]]
*[[Sustainable community]]
*[[Sustainable design]]
*[[Sustainable development]]
*[[Sustainable eating]]
*[[Sustainable fashion]]
*[[Sustainable fisheries]]
*[[Sustainable forest management]]
*[[Sustainable forestry]]
*[[Sustainable industries]]
*[[Sustainable landscape architecture]]
*[[Sustainable living]]
*[[Sustainable municipal infrastructure]]
*[[Sustainable packaging]]
*[[Sustainable Procurement]]
*[[Sustainable tourism]]
*[[Sustainable transport]]
*[[Sustainable urban drainage systems]]
*[[Sustainable urban infrastructure]]
*[[Sustainable yield]]

Increasingly efficient global transport has facilitated the spread of organisms across the planet. The most stark examples are human diseases like HIV AIDS and bird flu but invasive weeds and animals are now, after climate change, the greatest threat to native biodiversity.
==Notes and references==

Freshwater habitat is the world’s most vulnerable of the major biological systems due to the human need for potable water for food irrigation, industry and domestic use. Human freshwater withdrawals make up about 10% of global freshwater runoff. <ref>WWF. 2006. Living Planet Report 2006.</ref> and of this 15-35% is considered unsustainable - a proportion that is likely to increase as climate change worsens, populations increase, and water supplies become polluted and unsanitary.<ref> [http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx] ‘’Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’’, see Conceptual Framework </ref> <ref> Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. 2003. ‘’Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment.’’ Island Press, London </ref> In the industrial world demand management has slowed absolute usage rates but in the developing world water security, and therefore food security, remain among the most important issues to address. Increasing urbanization pollutes clean water supplies and much of the world still does not have access to clean, safe water.
*{{note|Leone2005}}{{cite journal
| author= Leone, M.
| title= The Quest for an Environmental Metric: Gazing at weather systems, a ground-breaking scientist spawned an ecological accounting standard that Wall Street might one day embrace
| journal= CFO Publishing
| year=2005 | volume= | issue= | pages=
| url = http://www.cfo.com/printable/article.cfm/5300667?f=options
*{{note|Maine2003}}{{cite journal
| author= Maine, T.
| title= Towards a Metric of Sustainability
| journal= CSIRO Publishing
| year=2003 | volume= | issue= | pages=
| url=http://www.isosconference.org.au/papers/Maine.pdf
*{{note|Brown1997}}{{cite journal
| author= Brown, M.T. and Ulgiati, S.
| title= Emergy-based indices and ratios to evaluate sustainability: monitoring economies and technology toward environmentally sound innovation
| journal= Ecological Engineering
| year=1997 | volume= 9 | issue= | pages= 51–69
| url = http://www.urbanecology.washington.edu/student_info/classes/spring2003/MBrown-Emergy-sustainability1997.pdf
| doi = 10.1016/S0925-8574(97)00033-5
*{{note|Brown1999}}{{cite journal
| author= Brown, M.T. and Ulgiati, S.
| title= Emergy Evaluation of the Biosphere and Natural Capital
| journal= Ambio
| year=1999 | volume= 28 | issue= 6 | pages=
| url=http://www.cfr.washington.edu/research.urbaneco/student_info/classes/spring2003/MBrown-emergy-biosphere-natural-capital.pdf
*{{note|Zhao2005}}{{cite journal
| author= Zhao, S.; Li, Z.; Li, W.
| title= A modified method of ecological footprint calculation and its application
| journal= Ecological Modelling
| year=2005 | volume= 185 | issue= 1 | pages= 65–75
| url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VBS-4F6F697-1&_coverDate=06%2F10%2F2005&_alid=366544285&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=5934&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=58ece879d00f4d841e14e49e9911200c
| doi = 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.11.016
*{{note|Ukidwe2004}}{{cite journal
| author= Yi, Heui-seok; Hau, Jorge L. ; Ukidwe, Nandan U. and Bakshi, Bhavik R.
| title= Hierarchical Thermodynamic Metrics for Evaluating the Environmental Sustainability of Industrial Processes
| journal= Environmental Progress
| year=2004 | volume= 23 | issue= 4 | pages= 65–75
| url = http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/109856013/ABSTRACT?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 <!-- http://www.che.eng.ohio-state.edu/~ukidwe/ukidwe_envprog.pdf -->
| doi = 10.1002/ep.10049
*{{note|Jain2005}}{{cite journal
| author= Jain, R.
| title= Sustainability: metrics, specific indicators and preference index
| journal= Clean Techn Environ Policy
| year=2005 | volume= 7 | issue= | pages= 71–72
| url = http://www.springerlink.com/media/h4d4779uuq0yynfhktb6/contributions/t/2/2/5/t225524055312t88.pdf
| doi = 10.1007/s10098-005-0273-3
| format= {{dead link|date=June 2008}} &ndash; <sup>[http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3ASustainability%3A+metrics%2C+specific+indicators+and+preference+index&as_publication=Clean+Techn+Environ+Policy&as_ylo=2005&as_yhi=2005&btnG=Search Scholar search]</sup>
*{{note|Jain2005}}{{cite journal
| author= Hasna, A. M.
| title= Sustainability in Engineering Design
| journal= The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
| year=2007 | volume= 4 | issue=1 | pages= 69–88
| url =
| doi =

==''Indirect'' global environmental impacts==
''Main topic: [[Appropriate technology]]''

The ''direct'' impacts on the environment described above are the effect of human consumption of biological and physical resources. Managing ''direct'' human impacts on oceans, atmosphere and land is "end of pipe" management; it does not manage the ''indirect'' "start of pipe" causes of this impact which can be attributed to three fundamental factors:

:* population numbers
:* levels of consumption (affluence)
:* impact per unit of resource use (which is a result of the technology used)

This has been expressed through an equation:
<ref>Ehrlich, P.R. & Holden, J.P. 1974. Human Population and the global environment. ''American Scientist'' 62(3): 282-292. </ref>
:::::::::::::<blockquote> '''I = PAT'''
::::::where: I = environmental impact, P = population, A = affluence, T = technology</blockquote>

However, this equation has been subject to several criticisms: affluence may provide the means to tackle environmental problems; it does not include social considerations such the effect of efficient environmental governance; it is difficult to apply in a realistic and useful way. <ref> see Goudie, A. 2006. ''The human impact on the natural environment.'' 6th edn. Blackwell, Oxford.</ref> Nevertheless, it provides a strong starting point for discussion and addressing sustainability now focuses much of its attention on managing levels of consumption and resource impact by seeking, for example, to modify individual lifestyles, and to apply ideas like [[ecodesign]], [[industrial ecology]], [[dematerialisation]] and [[decarbonisation]].

As individuals we are inclined to monitor our use of resources like energy and water through our domestic water and energy bills and car fuel use – but much greater quantities of these resources are embodied in the goods and services we use. In the same way society as a whole tends to consider environmental management in terms of direct impacts rather than their driver - human consumption. Patterns of consumption must reflect the cleverer use of resources: e.g. using renewable energy rather than fossil fuels and fewer embodied resource in goods and services etc.

===Production, consumption, technology===
''Main topics: [[consumption]], [[primary production]], [[simple living]], [[consumerism]].''

Whether we must live off the interest of our natural capital (strong sustainability.<ref>Daly H. 1996. Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development. Boston: Beacon Press. ISBN 0-8070-4709-0.</ref>) or whether it is possible to thrive indefinitely while taking more natural resources, provided total capital remains constant (weak sustainability.)<ref>Hartwick, John M. 1977. Intergenerational Equity and the Investment of Rents from Exhaustible Resources. ‘’American Economic Review’’ 67, December, pp. 972-74.</ref>

In coming to terms with human consumption sustainability science focuses on four interconected and basic human resource needs: '''water''' (agriculture, industry, domestic use), '''energy''' (industry, transport, tools and appliances), '''materials''' (manufacturing, construction) and '''food''' (horticulture, agriculture and agribusiness).<ref>Cross, R. & Spencer, R. 2008. ''Sustainable gardens.'' CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Melbourne. ISBN 0 643 09422 2</ref>

''Main articles: [[energy]], [[climate change]], [[decarbonisation]].''
{{renewable energy sources}}
Since the industrial revolution the concentrated energy of the Sun stored in fossilised plants as fossil-fuels have been a major driver of technology and the source of both economic and political power. In 2007, after prolonged skepticism about the human contribution to climate change climate scientists of the IPCC concluded that there was at least a 90% probability that this atmospheric increase in CO2 was human-induced - essentially due to fossil fuel emissions and, to a lesser extent, the CO2 released from changes in land use. Projections for the coming century indicate that a minimum of 500 ppm can be expected and possibly as much as 1000 ppm. Stabilising the world’s climate will require high income countries to reduce their emissions by 60-90% over 2006 levels by 2050. This should stabilise atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at 450-650 ppm from current levels of about 380 ppm. Above this level and temperatures would probably rise by more than 2o C to produce “catastrophic” climate change. <ref>[www.ipcc.ch] IPCC (2007). Climate change 2007: the physical science basis. Summary for policymakers </ref>.<ref>[unfccc.int]] United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change</ref> Reduction of current CO2 levels must be achieved against a background of global population increase and developing countries aspiring to energy-intensive high consumption Western lifestyles.

[[Image:The Earth seen from Apollo 17.jpg|left|thumb|Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface; the [[ocean]]s contain 97.2% of the Earth's water. The [[Antarctic ice sheet]] contains 90% of all fresh water on Earth and is visible at the South Pole. Condensed atmospheric water [[cloud]]s contribute to the Earth's [[albedo]].]]
Agriculture accounts for about 70% of total human water use and many efficiencies can be introduced here to reduce evaporation, improve irrigation technology and more intensive demand management.

[[Image:Materials science tetrahedron;structure, processing, performance, and proprerties.svg|thumb|175px|right|Materials – The Materials Science Tetrahedron]]
''Main topics: [[ecolabelling]], [[ecodesign]], [[recycle]], [[detoxification]], [[extended producer responsibility]].''

Materials used by humans are still increasing in volume, number, diversity and toxicity. Synthetic chemical production is escalating and global transport systems accelerate distribution across the globe. Much of the sustainability effort is directed at converting the linear path of materials from one of extraction to production and disposal as waste, to a cyclical one that reuses materials indefinitely, much like the waste cycle in nature.

[[Image:Recycle001.svg|thumb|70px|right|International [[recycle]] symbol]]
''Main articles: [[dematerialization]], [[zero waste]], [[industrial ecology]].''

To achieve a more circular material flow many ideas are becoming more widely accepted apart from the well-established “reduce, reuse and recycle” appeal. Chief among these are the ideas of [[dematerialisation]] and [[zero waste]] combined with [[materials flow analysis]], but there are also attempts to engage industry through [[ecodesign]], [[product stewardship]], [[integrated product policy]], [[integrated waste management]] and [[extended producer responsibility]], and individuals are encouraged by ethical consumption, [[green purchasing]], [[ecolabelling]]. Financial incentives include deposits, refunds, taxes, advance disposal fees etc.

[[Image:Foods.jpg|thumbnail|175px|left|A vegetarian smorgasboard]]
''Main articles: [[food]], [[poverty]], [[food security]], [[organic agriculture]], [[sustainable agriculture]], [[vegetarianism]].''

Feeding more than six billion human bodies takes a heavy toll on the Earth’s resources. This begins with the human appropriation of about 38% <ref>[http://faostat.fao.org/Portals/_Faostat/documents/pdf/world.pdf] Food and Agriculture Association</ref> of the Earth’s land surface and about 20% of its net primary productivity<ref> Imhoff, M.L. et al. (2004). Global patterns in human consumption of net primary production. ‘’Nature’’ 429: 870-873.</ref>. Added to this are the resource-hungry activities of industrial agribusiness – everything from the initial cultivation need for irrigation water, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to the resource costs of food packaging, transport (now a major part of global trade) and retail. The benefits of food production are obvious: without food we cannot survive. But the list of costs is a long one: topsoil depletion, erosion and conversion to desert from tillage for monocultures of annual crops; overgrazing; salinisation; sodification; waterlogging; high levels of fossil fuel use; reliance on inorganic fertilisers and synthetic organic pesticides; reductions in genetic diversity by the mass use of monocultures; water resource depletion; pollution of waterbodies by run-off and groundwater contamination; social problems including the decline of family farms and weakening of rural communities.
At the local level there are various movements working towards more sustainable use of wastelands, peripheral urban land and domestic gardens. Included here would be [[permaculture]], <ref>[http://www.sustainability.dpc.wa.gov.au/CaseStudies/permaculture/Permaculture.htm] Newman, L. 2002, Permaculture: Designing For A Sustainable Future, sustainability case study, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Perth, viewed 15 August 2002</ref>, [[urban horticulture]], [[local food]], [[slow food]], [[organic gardening]] and the like.

==Cultural change==
''Further articles: [[Precautionary Principle]], [[cultural change]], [[ecopsychology]], [[environmental psychology]], [[environmental sociology]].''

Human behaviour does not necessarily change simply as a result of scientific evidence. Achieving a sustainability transition is more to do with cultural and behavioural change. The solutions are not to be found only in environmental science and engineering, but in the social sciences, humanities and business.
Barriers to sustainability include the following: continued population growth; increasingly efficient but resource-hungry technology (extracting, processing, and distributing more in less time); a social and political culture that focuses on the short term ­ change is only seen through the eyes of an election cycle or a human lifetime and we are inclined to accept our environmental heritage without question; constant incentive to increase consumption; a distancing from the environmental consequences of our actions (e.g. our waste does not pile up in the back yard); the complexity of ecosystems makes it difficult for scientists to give clear and unequivocal advice to political decision-makers, hence the recommendation to adopt the [[Precautionary Principle]] (in difficult cases take the cautious approach); we do not (as yet) pay for nature as we would for other goods and services and are therefore inclined to assume it has little value; we are not prepared to change our behaviour if it takes us out of our comfort zone (even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence); we feel that our own individual action is insignificant and unimportant. In summary, we have a cultural tradition that places a high value on material goods and a low value on nature – hence the need for a period of cultural and behavioural change. <ref>[http://learningforsustainability.net/] learning for sustainability</ref>

<references group=nb/>


==Further reading==

*Allen, P. (Ed) 1993. ''Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability''. ISBN 0-471-58082-1 Paperback. 344 pages.
*Allen, P. (Ed) 1993. ''Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability''. ISBN 0-471-58082-1 Paperback. 344 pages.
*AtKisson, A. 1999. ''Believing Cassandra, An Optimist looks at a Pessimist’s World'', Chelsea Green Publishing., White River Junction, VT
*AtKisson, A. 1999. ''Believing Cassandra, An Optimist looks at a Pessimist’s World'', Chelsea Green Publishing., White River Junction, VT
Line 263: Line 229:
*[[Mark Jarzombek|Jarzombek, Mark]]. "Sustainability—Architecture: between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems," ''Blueprints'' 21/1 (Winter 2003), pp. 6-9; and LOG 8 (Summer 206) 7-13.
*[[Mark Jarzombek|Jarzombek, Mark]]. "Sustainability—Architecture: between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems," ''Blueprints'' 21/1 (Winter 2003), pp. 6-9; and LOG 8 (Summer 206) 7-13.
*Kriegman, O. 2006. [http://www.gtinitiative.org/documents/PDFFINALS/15Movements.pdf ''Dawn of the Cosmopolitan: The Hope of a Global Citizens Movement'']. Boston: Tellus Institute.
*Kriegman, O. 2006. [http://www.gtinitiative.org/documents/PDFFINALS/15Movements.pdf ''Dawn of the Cosmopolitan: The Hope of a Global Citizens Movement'']. Boston: Tellus Institute.
*Kull, Kalevi; Kukk, Toomas; Lotman, Aleksei 2003. When culture supports biodiversity: The case of the wooded meadow. In: Roepstrorff, Andreas; Bubandt, Nils; Kull, Kalevi (eds.), ''Imagining Nature: Practices of Cosmology and Identity''. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 76-96.
*Kull, Kalevi; Kukk, Toomas; Lotman, Aleksei 2003. When culture supports biodiversity: The case of the wooded meadow. In: Roepstrorff, Andreas; Bubandt, Nils; Kull, Kalevi (eds.), ''Imagining Nature: Practices of Cosmology and Identity''. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 76-96.
*Lane, R. E. (1991). The Market Experience. New York: Cambridge University Press.
*Lane, R. E. (1991). The Market Experience. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Line 282: Line 249:
*Yankelovitch, D., Zetterberg, H., Strumpel, B., Shanks, M., et al. (1983). Work and Human Values. New York: Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies.
*Yankelovitch, D., Zetterberg, H., Strumpel, B., Shanks, M., et al. (1983). Work and Human Values. New York: Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies.
*Young, L. & J. Hamshire 2000. ''Promoting Practical Sustainability''. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Canberra Australia, ISBN 0-642-45058-7. Free copies available at AusAID Public Affairs, GPO Box 887, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
*Young, L. & J. Hamshire 2000. ''Promoting Practical Sustainability''. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Canberra Australia, ISBN 0-642-45058-7. Free copies available at AusAID Public Affairs, GPO Box 887, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

==See also==
* [[Timeline of environmental events]]
* [[List of environmental agreements]]
* [[Lists of environmental topics]]

| name = Sustainability
| title = [[Sustainability]]
| titlestyle = background:#7FBF7F
| groupstyle = background:#7FBF7F
| belowstyle = background:#7FBF7F
| group1 = Subdisciplines
| list1 = [[sustainability science]]{{·}}[[sustainability accounting]]{{·}}[[sustainability governance]]{{·}}

| group2 = Internl. agreements, reports etc.
| list2 = [[United Nations Conference on the Human Environment|United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm (1972)]]{{·}}[[Brundtland Commission|Brundtlandt Commission Report (1983)]]{{·}}[[Our Common Future|Report of Brundtland Commission published as book ''Our Common Future'' (1987)]]{{·}}[[Earth Summit (1992)]]{{·}}[[Agenda 21|Agenda 21 (1992)]]{{·}}[[Convention on Biological Diversity|Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)]]{{·}}[[Millennium Declaration|Millennium Declaration (2000)]]{{·}}[[Millennium Ecosystem Assessment|Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005)]]{{·}}

| group3 = Philosophy and definition
| list3 = [[Earth Charter]]{{·}}[[environmentalism]]{{·}} [[environmental ethics]]{{·}}[[sustainable development]]{{·}}

| group4 = Related disciplines
| list4 = [[environmental biotechnology]]{{·}}[[environmental chemistry]]{{·}}[[environmental design]]{{·}}[[environmental economics]]{{·}}[[environmental engineering]]{{·}}[[environmental ethics]]{{·}}[[environmental history]]{{·}}[[environmental law]]{{·}}[[environmental psychology]]{{·}}[[environmental science]]{{·}}[[environmental sociology]]{{·}}

| group5 = Population
| list5 = [[birth control]]{{·}}[[overpopulation]]{{·}}[[population]]{{·}}[[population control]]{{·}}[[zero population growth]]{{·}}

| group6 = Consumption
| list6 = [[consumption]]{{·}}[[Ecological Footprint]]{{·}}[[ethical consumerism]]{{·}}[[overconsumption]]{{·}}[[tragedy of the commons]]{{·}}

| group7 = Technology
| list7 = [[environmental technology]]{{·}}

| group8 = Food
| list8 = [[poverty]]{{·}}[[food security]]{{·}}[[local food]]{{·}}[[permaculture]]{{·}}[[sustainable agriculture]]{{·}}[[sustainable eating]]{{·}}[[urban horticulture]]{{·}}

| group9 = Energy
| list9 = [[biofuels]]{{·}}[[carbon footprint]]{{·}}[[emissions trading]]{{·}}[[energy conservation]]{{·}}[[energy descent]]{{·}}[[peak oil]][[renewable energy]]{{·}}[[solar power]]{{·}}[[wind power]]{{·}}

| group10 = Water
| list10 =

| group11 = Materials
| list11 = [[materials]]{{·}}[[industrial ecology]]{{·}}[[recycling]]{{·}} [[waste]] {{·}}[[zero waste]] {{·}}

| group12 = Biodiversity
| list12 = [[biosecurity]]{{·}}[[biosphere]]{{·}}[[endangered species]]{{·}}[[invasive species]]{{·}}

| group13 = Sustainable professions etc.
| list13 = [[Sustainable advertising|advertising]]{{·}}[[Sustainable agriculture|agriculture]]{{·}}[[Sustainable architecture|architecture]]{{·}}[[Sustainable art|art]]{{·}}[[Sustainable business|business]]{{·}}[[Sustainable city|city]]{{·}}[[Sustainable Communities Plan|communities plan]]{{·}}[[Sustainable community|community]]{{·}}[[Sustainable design|design]]{{·}}[[Sustainable development|development]]{{·}} [[Sustainable eating|eating]]{{·}}[[Sustainable fashion|fashion]]{{·}}[[Sustainable fisheries|fisheries]]{{·}}[[Sustainable forest management|forest management]]{{·}}[[Sustainable forestry|forestry]]{{·}}[[Sustainable industries|industries]]{{·}}[[Sustainable landscape architecture|landscape architecture]]{{·}}[[Sustainable living|living]]{{·}}[[Sustainable municipal infrastructure|municipal infrastructure]]{{·}}[[Sustainable packaging|packaging]]{{·}}[[Sustainable Procurement|procurement]]{{·}}[[Sustainability reporting|reporting]]{{·}}[[Sustainable tourism|tourism]]{{·}}[[Sustainable transport|transport]]{{·}}[[Sustainable urban drainage systems|urban drainage systems]]{{·}}[[Sustainable urban infrastructure|urban infrastructure]]{{·}}[[Sustainable yield|yield]]{{·}}

| group14 = Lists
| list14 = [[Association of Environmental Professionals]]{{·}}[[List of climate change topics|climate change topics]]{{·}}[[List of conservation issues|conservation issues]]{{·}}[[List of conservation topics|conservation topics]]{{·}}[[List of environmental agreements|environmental agreements]]{{·}}[[List of environmental health hazards|environmental health hazards]]{{·}}[[List of environmental issues|environmental issues]]{{·}}[[List of environmental organisations|environmental organisations]]{{·}}[[Lists of environmental topics|environmental topics]]{{·}}[[List of global sustainability statistics|global sustainability statistics]]{{·}}[[List of environmental sound topics|environmental sound topics]]{{·}}[[List of environmental studies topics|environmental studies topics]]{{·}}

| group15 = Glossaries
== External links ==
| list15 = [[glossary of climate change]]{{·}}[[glossary of environmental science]]{{·}}
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* [[Appropedia:|Appropedia]], an active wiki on sustainability, appropriate technology and international development.
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* AAAS Center for Science, Innovation and Sustainability [http://www.aaas.org/programs/centers/sd/]
* Sustainability at the National Academies [http://sustainability.nationalacademies.org/]
* Goethe-Institut: Dossier - On the Path to a Culture of Sustainability [http://www.goethe.de/sustainability]

| group16 = Major topics
[[Category:Sustainability| ]]
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The word sustainability, meaning "to maintain a certain state or condition indefinitely" is being used in this article in a restricted sense.

Main articles: Earth Charter, sustainability science, sustainable development, sustainability governance, sustainability accounting.

Sustainability[nb 1] as an international commitment to a secure environmental, social and economic future [nb 2] arose in the 1980s as part of the United Nations program for sustainable development.[nb 3]

In implementing this program three key areas have emerged: sustainability science as the academic study that examines and underpins the broad, inclusive, and contradictory currents that humankind will need to navigate toward a just and sustainable future;[1] sustainability governance[2] [3] as the process of implementation of sustainability strategies, these being informed by sustainability accounting,[4] [5] the evidence-based quantitative information necessary to establish benchmarks, set management goals, and measure progress.

Historical development of the idea

Main articles: environmentalism, United Nations Conference on the Environment, Brundtland Commission, Earth Summit (1992), United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, Millennium Declaration, Earth Summit 2002, Millennium Development Goals.

Beginning with the environmental movement of the 1960s there has been an increasing awareness that human use of the Earth is approaching a range of environmental and resource limits and that this trend, rather than diminishing, is escalating at an alarming rate. [6] [7] [8]

The United Nations
The United Nations

The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment held in Stockholm was the UN's first major conference on international environmental issues and marked the beginning of cooperative international environmental policies and politics. During the 1970s, while the developed world was considering the effects of the global population explosion, pollution and consumerism, the developing countries, faced with continued poverty and deprivation, regarded development as essential - to provide the necessities of food, clean water and shelter. In 1980 the International Union for the Conservation of Nature had published its influential World Conservation Strategy[nb 4] followed in 1982 its World Charter for Nature[9] which drew attention to the decline of the world’s ecosystems. Faced with the differing priorities of the developed and developing world the United Nation’s World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission) worked for two years to try and resolve the apparent conflict between the environment and development. The Commission concluded that development was acceptable but it must now be different: it must be sustainable development. Development needed to be directed to meeting the needs of the poor in a way that no longer caused environmental problems but helped to solve them or, in the words of the Commission in 1987:

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

In the same year the Commission’s book Our Common Future was launched and that effectively began the era of sustainability. The 1992 UN Environmental Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil produced the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development Earth Summit (1992)with an action agenda,Agenda 21, implemented by thee Commission on Sustainable Development. Also at Rio negotiations began for an international agreement on climate change which eventually lead to the Kyoto Protocol and agreements on forestry and the Convention on Biological Diversity were also initiated. The global sustainability process continued to evolve and expand. By the time of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit 2002), held in Johannesburg, delegates included those from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and thousands of local governments reporting on how they had implemented Local Agenda 21 and the Cities for Climate Protection program[10]. A broad-based consensus had been reached on what was to be done. This Summit, building on the 2000 United Nations Millennium Declaration produced eight Millennium Development Goals for 2015 (adopted by 189 countries) and established the "WEHAB" targets for water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity. [11] Focus has now shifted to the core value of human well-being which is predicated on the successful integration of the three pillars of sustainability with ecosystem services (see below).[12]


There is no consensus definition of sustainability although that of the Brundtland Commission is most frequently quoted. Following the Rio Summit it is also often pointed out that, to be effective, any action must integrate three sustainability "pillars": environment, society and economy. [nb 5]

Difficulty in defining sustainability stems in part from the fact that it encompasses the entire domain of human activity. It is a very general concept, like liberty or justice, which is accepted as important and for which no other terms are available, but which defies consensual definition. [13] It is also a call to action and open to political interpretation concerning the nature of the current situation and the most appropriate way forward. The Brundtland plea to protect the environment for future generations is less controversial than the implied negotiation between environmental, social and economic interests that followed the Rio Summit. The notion of sustainable development is sometimes resisted because many regard it as an oxymoron – that development is inevitably carried out at the expense of the environment.[14] A further practical difficulty with a universal definition is that the the actions needed to address "sustainability" will vary according to the level of human organisation under consideration — so addressing sustainability at the global, institutional or individual levels requires different governance and behaviours. The European Environment Agency sustainable development program lists eight objectives that summarize the thrust of the global sustainability agenda: [15]

  • provide future generations with the same environmental potential as presently exists (addressing intergenerational equity)
  • manage economic growth to be less resource intensive and less polluting (decoupling economic growth and environmental deterioration)
  • better integrate sectoral and environmental policies (integrating sectors)
  • maintain and enhance the adaptive capacity of the environmental system (ensuring environmental adaptability)
  • avoid irreversible long-term environmental damage to ecosystems and human health (avoiding irreversible damage)
  • avoid imposing unfair or high environmental costs on vulnerable populations (ensuring distributional equity)
  • assume responsibility for environmental effects that occur outside the area of jurisdiction (accepting global responsibility)
  • introduce rules, processes and practices that ensure the uptake of sustainable development policies at all levels of sustainability governance (applying sustainability governance)

Environmental, social and economic cooperation

Main article: sustainable development. Template:UN portal As the debate about the best way to address sustainability[nb 6] evolved it became broadly accepted that the global sustainability agenda, to be effective, would require cooperation across the environmental, social and economic domains and this was reinforced at the 2005 World Summit.

Are environmental, social and economic interests equal?

Environmentalist disenchantment with some aspects of the global sustainability agenda can be attributed to the view that the environmental, social, and economic pillars cannot, strictly, be treated as equal.

The three pillars of sustainability

Environmental pillar

The global environment is seen as the ecological and material basis of human existence and it is being progressively degraded. Economies should address the goals of the societies they serve, and these societies, in turn, are ultimately dependent on available natural resources. However, this ranking is often observed in reverse order. [16] By placing such strong emphasis on economic growth as a core human value, and investing such little effort in protecting the biosphere, we are setting ourselves on a trajectory of self destruction.[17] One consequence of this discussion is that for many people sustainability means simply environmental sustainability a reduction of human impact on the Earth’s resources and environmental services to a sustainable level without full consideration of the social and economic dimensions.

Economic pillar

Main article: environmental economics, environmental law.

Ecological economics explores the environment-ecological system interface [18]. The relationship between sustainability is now the As commodity or service scarcity increases then the resultant increase in prices will act as a restraint that also encourages technical innovation and alternative products. Howe..ver, this principle applies only when the product or service falls within the market system. [19] Nature, referred to by sustainability science as ecosystem services, can no longer be regarded as both unlimited and free. While these services remain unpriced economic externalities they will be overused and degraded, a situation referred to as the Tragedy of the Commons. [20] The biological world is now becoming progressively subject to taxes, tradable permits.

Social pillar

Main topics: list of global sustainability statistics, sustainability accounting.

With the view that “it is the responsibility of sustainability science to map the broad, inclusive, and contradictory currents that humankind will need to navigate toward a just and sustainable future” Kates and Parris have identified key interconnected areas that will need careful monitoring as part of a sustainability transition. [21] These are the areas needing rigorous sustainability accounting. Although environmental social and economic factors are closely interconnected the following items they list have a strong social dimension.

Peace and security

United Nations General Assembly.

War, crime and corruption divert resources from areas of greatest human need and generally threaten human well-being and the environment. Diminishing natural resources increase the likelihood of “resource wars”.

Population, migration, urbanization

Main topics: population, overpopulation,urbanization, megalopolis, migration.

Human population from 10,000 BCAD 2000.

The world population will likely increase by 2.5 billion over the next 43 years, passing from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050. This increase is equivalent to the overall number of people in the world in 1950 and it will be absorbed mostly by the less developed regions, whose population is projected to rise from 5.4 billion in 2007 to 7.9 billion in 2050. In contrast, the population of the more developed regions is expected to remain largely unchanged at 1.2 billion and would have declined were it not for the projected net migration from developing to developed countries, which is expected to average 2.3 million persons a year after 2010. [22] Between-country migration and movement from rural to urban situations continues to increase. In some regions coalescence of urban centres has given rise to the term megalopolis. Emerging economies like those of China and India aspire to the living standards of the Western world as does the non-industrialised world. Long-term estimates suggest a peak at around 2070 of nine billion people, and then slowly decreases to 8.4 billion by 2100. [23][24]

Affluence, poverty, well-being, health

Main topics: poverty, affluenza, well-being, environmental law

Per capita gross domestic product continues to increase around the world, except in Africa. Income inequality continues to grow both within and between countries. [25] Global disparity between affluent and poor people and nations is addressed by the Millennium Declaration. Human well-being as measured by the Human Development Index is, on average, improving in terms of life-expectancy, literacy, pwer capita income, gender equity and access to legal support. Health has improved with lower child mortality, improved nutrition and general health although there is still concern over AIDS and the potential for a global pandemic of an illness like bird flu, spread rapidly by modern transport.

Globalisation, governance

Main articles: globalization, sustainability governance

The increasing globalization of trade and exchange of technology, along with increased migration, and communication together with a global approach to the management of environmental problems, are all indicative of an emergent global culture. The power of national governments appears to have decreased in the face of transnational and non-government organizations. Sustainability must be a key part of this increased connectedness and transition towards an international value system.


Main articles: Ecological Footprint, Environmental Performance Index, Environmental Sustainability Index.

Almost all developed nations have an Ecological Footprint significantly larger than their geographic area. [26] These ‘’extra’’ resources are derived in several ways: embedded in the goods and services of world trade; taken from the past (e.g. fossil fuels); or taken from the future ­ as unsustainable resource usage. The global sustainable development goal is to raise our collective standard of living without increasing our use of resources.

Decoupling environmental degradation and economic growth

Main article: environmental economics.

World GDP per capita by region for last 2000 years (100 yr slices)

Historically there is a close inverse correlation between economic growth and environmental degradation: as communities grow, so the environment declines. This trend is clearly demonstrated on graphs of human population numbers, economic growth, and environmental indicators.[27]
Limitless economic growth has been compared to the malignant growth of a cancer.[28] This is because unsustainable growth is eating away at the Earth's life-support system of environmental services. Sustainability must break this link between growth and environmental degradation while, over the second half of the 20th century, world population has doubled, food production has tripled, energy use quadrupled, and overall economic activity has quintupled. [29] Mismanagement of finite natural resources by cultures such as the Maya, Anasazi and Easter Islanders eventually led to their demise by destroying their life-support resource base [30] [31] and there is the concern that, unless growth is checked, planet Earth will follow a similar path.

Direct global environmental impacts

Main articles: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Living Planet Report 2006, Convention on Biological Diversity, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, lists of environmental topics, conservation biology, list of global sustainability statistics, list of environmental agreements.

Perhaps at their most basic level, human impact on the Earth is manifest through changes in the global biogeochemical cycles of chemicals that are critical to life, especially water, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. There is now sound scientific evidence that human activity is having a significant impact on all of these cycles and this is most obvious through the direct human impacts on the oceans and freshwater systems, the land and atmosphere (see direct impacts below, monitored largely by environmental science as part of conservation biology). However, the main driver of these direct impacts is human demand for food, energy, materials and water (see indirect impacts below, currently a major aspect of sustainability science). Managing sustainability can be undertaken both at the point of impact (direct impact) or by managing human demand and the process of direct impact creation (indirect impacts). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessmentprovides the most comprehensive current synthesis of the state of the Earth’s ecosystems.Ecosystem services are the life-support system of the planet. The rapidly escalating and potentially critical nature of human global impact on the environment over the last 50 years is now the source of major biological concern [32] [33].


”Using the Atmosphere”

Main topics: Earth’s atmosphere, climate change, acid rain, ozone depletion, air pollution, decarbonisation.

Human negative effects on the atmosphere include production of acid rain, photochemical smog, toxic chemicals and particulate matter. Because the atmosphere has an important role in climate and weather control, cloud formation and major weather events, climate change and the carbon cycle have become a major focus of research (see Energy).


Main topics: overfishing, ocean acidification.

Oceans and their circulation patterns have a critical effect on climate and the food supply for both humans and other organisms. Major environmental impacts occur in the more habitable regions of the oceans – the estuaries, coastline and bays. Because of their vastness oceans act as a dumping ground for human waste. Trends of concern include: ocean warming and sea level rise, alteration of present-day currents, over-fishing (beyond sustainable levels), ocean acidification, and reef bleaching. Strategies for improvement include more careful waste management, statutory control of overfishing and restoration of coastal and other marine habitat.


White Waterlily

Main topics: Land use, land-use change and forestry, land cover, urbanization, deforestation.

Land use change is fundamental to the operations of the biosphere. This includes alteration to biogeochemcal cycles, effects of agriculture, proportions of forest and woodland, grassland and pasture.


Main topics: forestry, deforestation.

Historically about 47% of the world’s forests have been lost to human use. Present-day forests occupy about a quarter of the world’s ice-free land with about half occurring in the tropics [34] In temperate and boreal regions forest area is gradually increasing (with the exception of Siberia), but deforestation in the tropics is of major concern. Forests can moderate the local climate and the global water cycle through their light reflectance (albedo) and evapotranspiration. They also conserve biodiversity, protect water quality, preserve soil and soil quality, provide fuel and pharmaceuticals, and purify the air. These free ecosystem services have no market value and so forest conservation has little appeal when compared with the economic benefits of logging and clearance which, through soil degradation and organic decomposition returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has estimated that about 90% of the carbon stored in land vegetation is locked up in trees and that they sequester about 50% more carbon than is present in the atmosphere. Changes in land use currently contribute about 20% of total global carbon emissions (in heavily logged Indonesia and Brazil it is the greatest source of emissions).[35] Climate change can be mitigated by sequestering carbon in reafforestation schemes, new plantations, and timber products. Wood biomass is a renewable carbon-neutral fuel. The FAO has concluded that, over the period 2005–2050, effective use of tree planting could absorb about 10–20% of man-made emissions – so clearly we need to monitor the condition of the world's forests very closely (both reafforestation and deforestation) as they must be part of any coordinated emissions mitigation strategy.[36]

Cultivated land

Main topic: agriculture.

Agriculture now occupies about 38% of the Earth’s land surface area and land use change, especially clearance for crops is occurring mostly in the tropics. Grasslands have been extensively modified world-wide.


Main topic: extinction, International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Blue Tit

Appropriation of land for agroforestry has resulted in loss of biodiversity. Current extinction rate are 100 to 1000 times their prehuman levels with more than 10% birds and mammals threatened, about 8% of plants and 5% of fish and more than 20% of freshwater species.

Biological invasions

Main topics: introduced species, invasive species.

Increasingly efficient global transport has facilitated the spread of organisms across the planet. The most stark examples are human diseases like HIV AIDS and bird flu but invasive weeds and animals are now, after climate change, the greatest threat to native biodiversity.


Freshwater habitat is the world’s most vulnerable of the major biological systems due to the human need for potable water for food irrigation, industry and domestic use. Human freshwater withdrawals make up about 10% of global freshwater runoff. [37] and of this 15-35% is considered unsustainable - a proportion that is likely to increase as climate change worsens, populations increase, and water supplies become polluted and unsanitary.[38] [39] In the industrial world demand management has slowed absolute usage rates but in the developing world water security, and therefore food security, remain among the most important issues to address. Increasing urbanization pollutes clean water supplies and much of the world still does not have access to clean, safe water.

Indirect global environmental impacts

Main topic: Appropriate technology

The direct impacts on the environment described above are the effect of human consumption of biological and physical resources. Managing direct human impacts on oceans, atmosphere and land is "end of pipe" management; it does not manage the indirect "start of pipe" causes of this impact which can be attributed to three fundamental factors:

  • population numbers
  • levels of consumption (affluence)
  • impact per unit of resource use (which is a result of the technology used)

This has been expressed through an equation: [40]


where: I = environmental impact, P = population, A = affluence, T = technology

However, this equation has been subject to several criticisms: affluence may provide the means to tackle environmental problems; it does not include social considerations such the effect of efficient environmental governance; it is difficult to apply in a realistic and useful way. [41] Nevertheless, it provides a strong starting point for discussion and addressing sustainability now focuses much of its attention on managing levels of consumption and resource impact by seeking, for example, to modify individual lifestyles, and to apply ideas like ecodesign, industrial ecology, dematerialisation and decarbonisation.

As individuals we are inclined to monitor our use of resources like energy and water through our domestic water and energy bills and car fuel use – but much greater quantities of these resources are embodied in the goods and services we use. In the same way society as a whole tends to consider environmental management in terms of direct impacts rather than their driver - human consumption. Patterns of consumption must reflect the cleverer use of resources: e.g. using renewable energy rather than fossil fuels and fewer embodied resource in goods and services etc.

Production, consumption, technology

Main topics: consumption, primary production, simple living, consumerism.

Whether we must live off the interest of our natural capital (strong sustainability.[42]) or whether it is possible to thrive indefinitely while taking more natural resources, provided total capital remains constant (weak sustainability.)[43]

In coming to terms with human consumption sustainability science focuses on four interconected and basic human resource needs: water (agriculture, industry, domestic use), energy (industry, transport, tools and appliances), materials (manufacturing, construction) and food (horticulture, agriculture and agribusiness).[44]


Main articles: energy, climate change, decarbonisation.

Since the industrial revolution the concentrated energy of the Sun stored in fossilised plants as fossil-fuels have been a major driver of technology and the source of both economic and political power. In 2007, after prolonged skepticism about the human contribution to climate change climate scientists of the IPCC concluded that there was at least a 90% probability that this atmospheric increase in CO2 was human-induced - essentially due to fossil fuel emissions and, to a lesser extent, the CO2 released from changes in land use. Projections for the coming century indicate that a minimum of 500 ppm can be expected and possibly as much as 1000 ppm. Stabilising the world’s climate will require high income countries to reduce their emissions by 60-90% over 2006 levels by 2050. This should stabilise atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at 450-650 ppm from current levels of about 380 ppm. Above this level and temperatures would probably rise by more than 2o C to produce “catastrophic” climate change. [45].[46] Reduction of current CO2 levels must be achieved against a background of global population increase and developing countries aspiring to energy-intensive high consumption Western lifestyles.


Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface; the oceans contain 97.2% of the Earth's water. The Antarctic ice sheet contains 90% of all fresh water on Earth and is visible at the South Pole. Condensed atmospheric water clouds contribute to the Earth's albedo.

Agriculture accounts for about 70% of total human water use and many efficiencies can be introduced here to reduce evaporation, improve irrigation technology and more intensive demand management.


Materials – The Materials Science Tetrahedron

Main topics: ecolabelling, ecodesign, recycle, detoxification, extended producer responsibility.

Materials used by humans are still increasing in volume, number, diversity and toxicity. Synthetic chemical production is escalating and global transport systems accelerate distribution across the globe. Much of the sustainability effort is directed at converting the linear path of materials from one of extraction to production and disposal as waste, to a cyclical one that reuses materials indefinitely, much like the waste cycle in nature.

International recycle symbol

Main articles: dematerialization, zero waste, industrial ecology.

To achieve a more circular material flow many ideas are becoming more widely accepted apart from the well-established “reduce, reuse and recycle” appeal. Chief among these are the ideas of dematerialisation and zero waste combined with materials flow analysis, but there are also attempts to engage industry through ecodesign, product stewardship, integrated product policy, integrated waste management and extended producer responsibility, and individuals are encouraged by ethical consumption, green purchasing, ecolabelling. Financial incentives include deposits, refunds, taxes, advance disposal fees etc.


A vegetarian smorgasboard

Main articles: food, poverty, food security, organic agriculture, sustainable agriculture, vegetarianism.

Feeding more than six billion human bodies takes a heavy toll on the Earth’s resources. This begins with the human appropriation of about 38% [47] of the Earth’s land surface and about 20% of its net primary productivity[48]. Added to this are the resource-hungry activities of industrial agribusiness – everything from the initial cultivation need for irrigation water, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to the resource costs of food packaging, transport (now a major part of global trade) and retail. The benefits of food production are obvious: without food we cannot survive. But the list of costs is a long one: topsoil depletion, erosion and conversion to desert from tillage for monocultures of annual crops; overgrazing; salinisation; sodification; waterlogging; high levels of fossil fuel use; reliance on inorganic fertilisers and synthetic organic pesticides; reductions in genetic diversity by the mass use of monocultures; water resource depletion; pollution of waterbodies by run-off and groundwater contamination; social problems including the decline of family farms and weakening of rural communities. At the local level there are various movements working towards more sustainable use of wastelands, peripheral urban land and domestic gardens. Included here would be permaculture, [49], urban horticulture, local food, slow food, organic gardening and the like.

Cultural change

Further articles: Precautionary Principle, cultural change, ecopsychology, environmental psychology, environmental sociology.

Human behaviour does not necessarily change simply as a result of scientific evidence. Achieving a sustainability transition is more to do with cultural and behavioural change. The solutions are not to be found only in environmental science and engineering, but in the social sciences, humanities and business. Barriers to sustainability include the following: continued population growth; increasingly efficient but resource-hungry technology (extracting, processing, and distributing more in less time); a social and political culture that focuses on the short term ­ change is only seen through the eyes of an election cycle or a human lifetime and we are inclined to accept our environmental heritage without question; constant incentive to increase consumption; a distancing from the environmental consequences of our actions (e.g. our waste does not pile up in the back yard); the complexity of ecosystems makes it difficult for scientists to give clear and unequivocal advice to political decision-makers, hence the recommendation to adopt the Precautionary Principle (in difficult cases take the cautious approach); we do not (as yet) pay for nature as we would for other goods and services and are therefore inclined to assume it has little value; we are not prepared to change our behaviour if it takes us out of our comfort zone (even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence); we feel that our own individual action is insignificant and unimportant. In summary, we have a cultural tradition that places a high value on material goods and a low value on nature – hence the need for a period of cultural and behavioural change. [50]


  1. ^ The word sustainability is being used in a restrictive sense here
  2. ^ there is no universally agreed definition of sustainability. This statement is not a formal definition but a statement of sentiments expressed by the Brundtland Commission and the environmental, social and economic distinction promoted at the Rio Summit in 1992
  3. ^ The distinction between sustainability, sustainability science, and sustainable development is unclear but it is retained here to reflect current practice
  4. ^ An updated version entitled Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living (IUCN/WWF, 1991) was published in 1991.
  5. ^ the three pillars are not universally accepted: to these is sometimes added a fourth ’’institution’’ pillar, and indigenous peoples at UN summits have also advocated a culture pillar; the society pillar is sometimes replaced with "community".
  6. ^ Determining what is truly sustainable is often an extremely complex problem needing extensive sustainability accounting: “more sustainable” and “less sustainable” are generally more precise expressions to use


  1. ^ Kates, R.W. & Parris, T.M. 2003. Long-term trends and a sustainability transition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 100(4): 8062-8067.
  2. ^ [1] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’’, see Conceptual Framework
  3. ^ Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. 2003. Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment. Island Press, London
  4. ^ Schaltegger,S. , Bennett, M. & Burritt, R. (eds) 2006. Sustainability Accounting and Reporting. Springer. ISBN 9781402049736
  5. ^ Hak, T., Moldan, B. & Dahl, A.L. (2007). SCOPE 67. Sustainability indicators. Island Press, London. ISBN 9781597261319
  6. ^ Meadows, D.H., & D.L., Randers, J., & Behrens III, W.W. 1972. The Limits to Growth. Universe Books, New York.
  7. ^ World Wildlife Fund 2006. ‘’Living Planet Report 2006’’.
  8. ^ [2] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment web site – full range of reports available here
  9. ^ [3] World Charter for Nature
  10. ^ [4]Cities for Climate Protection
  11. ^ United Nations Development Program. 2002. Human development report 2002. United Nations Development Program, New York.
  12. ^ [5] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment web site – full range of reports available here
  13. ^ Beckers et al, in SCOPE-ASI background paper, 2004.
  14. ^ Hamilton, C. 2003. Growth Fetish. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest.
  15. ^ Stanners et al. 2006. Frameworks for policy integration indicators, for sustainable development, and for evaluating complex scientific evidence. In: Hak, T. et al. Assessing Sustainability Indicators, SCOPE 67. Island Press, London.
  16. ^ Daly, H.E., (1996), Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development. Beacon Press, Boston.
  17. ^ Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Holling, C. S., Jansson, N.-O., Levin, S., Maler, K.-G., Perrings, C., and Pimental, D., 1995. Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. Science 268: 520-521.
  18. ^ Hawken, P, Lovins, A.B. & L.H. 1999. ‘’Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution.’’ Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass, USA
  19. ^ Nemetz, P.N. 2003. Basic concepts of sustainable development for business students. Journal of International Business Education vol. 1 no. 1.
  20. ^ Garrett Hardin, "The Tragedy of the Commons", Science, Vol. 162, No. 3859 (December 13, 1968), pp. 1243-1248. Also available here and here.
  21. ^ [6] Kates, R.W. & Parriss, T.M. 2003. Long term trends and a sustainability transition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 100(14): 8062-8067.
  22. ^ [ http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/wpp2006/wpp2006.htm] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2007). World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, Highlights, Working Paper No. ESA/P/WP.202.
  23. ^ Lutz, W., Sanderson, W.C., Scherbov, S. 2004. ‘’The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century’’ .... Earthscan, London. ISBN:1844070891.
  24. ^ [7]AAAS Atlas of population & environment
  25. ^ [8] see World Bank Statistics
  26. ^ [assets.panda.org/downloads/living_planet_report.pdf]World Wildlife Fund 2006. Living Planet Report 2006.
  27. ^ [9] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment web site – full range of reports available here
  28. ^ see Nemetz, P.N. 2003. Basic concepts of sustainable development for business students. Journal of International Business Education????
  29. ^ National Research Council. 1999. Our common journey. National Academic Press, Washington.
  30. ^ Diamond, J. 1997. Guns, germs and steel: the fates of human societies. W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN 0-393-06131-0
  31. ^ Diamond, J. 2005. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York: Viking Books. ISBN 1-586-63863-7.
  32. ^ [10] ‘’Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’’, see Conceptual Framework
  33. ^ Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. 2003. ‘’Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment.’’ Island Press, London
  34. ^ World Resources Institute 1998. World resources 1998-1999. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  35. ^ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2006 Global forest resources assessment 2005: progress towards sustainable forest management. Forestry paper 147. FAO, Rome.
  36. ^ IPCC, 2006. IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse inventories, vol.4, agriculture, forestry, and other land uses. Institute for global environment strategies, Japan.
  37. ^ WWF. 2006. Living Planet Report 2006.
  38. ^ [11] ‘’Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’’, see Conceptual Framework
  39. ^ Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board. 2003. ‘’Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment.’’ Island Press, London
  40. ^ Ehrlich, P.R. & Holden, J.P. 1974. Human Population and the global environment. American Scientist 62(3): 282-292.
  41. ^ see Goudie, A. 2006. The human impact on the natural environment. 6th edn. Blackwell, Oxford.
  42. ^ Daly H. 1996. Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development. Boston: Beacon Press. ISBN 0-8070-4709-0.
  43. ^ Hartwick, John M. 1977. Intergenerational Equity and the Investment of Rents from Exhaustible Resources. ‘’American Economic Review’’ 67, December, pp. 972-74.
  44. ^ Cross, R. & Spencer, R. 2008. Sustainable gardens. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Melbourne. ISBN 0 643 09422 2
  45. ^ [www.ipcc.ch] IPCC (2007). Climate change 2007: the physical science basis. Summary for policymakers
  46. ^ [unfccc.int]] United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  47. ^ [12] Food and Agriculture Association
  48. ^ Imhoff, M.L. et al. (2004). Global patterns in human consumption of net primary production. ‘’Nature’’ 429: 870-873.
  49. ^ [13] Newman, L. 2002, Permaculture: Designing For A Sustainable Future, sustainability case study, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Perth, viewed 15 August 2002
  50. ^ [14] learning for sustainability

Further reading

See also