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Gobind Singh writes in the Sri Dasam Granth:
Gobind Singh writes in the Sri Dasam Granth:

{{quote|When there is incest, adultery, atheism, hatred of religion, no more dharma, and sin everywhere, the impossible Iron Age has come; in what way the world will be saved? For the helpless, the Lord Himself will manifest as the Supreme Purusha. He will be called the Kalki incarnation and will be glorious like a lion coming down from heaven.
When there is incest, adultery, atheism, hatred of religion, no more dharma, and sin everywhere, the impossible Iron Age has come; in what way the world will be saved? For the helpless, the Lord Himself will manifest as the Supreme Purusha. He will be called the Kalki incarnation and will be glorious like a lion coming down from heaven.

The return of Kalki in Sikhism is also predicted to be the end of the "Iron Age" and beginning of Satyuga.
The return of Kalki in Sikhism is also predicted to be the end of the "Iron Age" and beginning of Satyuga.

Revision as of 11:49, 24 April 2013


Kalki (Devanagari: [कल्कि] Error: {{Lang}}: unrecognized language code: dvg (help)), translates to 'Eternity,' 'White Horse,' or 'Destroyer of Filth' and is the final incarnation of Vishnu, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, our current epoch. Puranas foretell that he will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga.

The name Kalki is a metaphor for eternity or time. Its origins may lie in the Sanskrit word kalka which means foulness or filth. Hence, the name translates to the 'destroyer of foulness,' 'destroyer of darkness," or 'destroyer of ignorance.'[1] Another etymology from Sanskrit is 'white horse.'[2]

In Buddhist Kalachakra tradition, 25 rulers of the Shambhala Kingdom held the title of Kalki, Kulika or Kalki-king.[3] During Vaishakha, the first fortnight in Shukla Paksha is dedicated to fifteen deities, with each day for a different god. In this tradition, the twelfth day is Vaishakha Dwadashi and is dedicated to Madhava, another name for Kalki.

Maha Avatara

There are numerous interpratations of Vedic tradition. Avatara means "descent" and refers to a descent of the divine into mundane form. The Garuda Purana lists ten avatars, with Kalki being the tenth. The Bhagavata Purana initially lists twenty-two avatars, but mentions an additional three for a total of twenty-five. He is presented as the twenty-second avatar on that list. Popular images depict him riding a white horse with wings, known as 'Devadatta' or God given. In these images, Kalki is brandishing a brilliant sword in his left hand, eradicating the decadence of Kali Yuga. Lord Kalki will remove darkness of kali yuga and establish new yuga (age)called satya yuga on the earth. Satya yuga is also known as Krita yuga, same way, as per the characteristics of the next cycle of four yuga, next satya yuga will be known as Panchorath Yuga.


One of the earliest mentions of Kalki is in the Vishnu Purana, dated to after the Gupta Empire.[4] The Agni Purana, one of the earliest Puranas to describe Buddha as an avatar, also describes Kalki and end time. It draws heavily upon the Vishnu Purana in content. The Kalki Purana, a minor scripture by comparison, has the most detailed descriptions of Kalki.


As written in the Kalki Purana:

Literal translation:

शम्भल ग्राम मुख्यस्य ब्राह्मणस्य महात्मनः।
भवने विष्णुयशसः कल्किः प्रादुर्भविष्यति।।
Srimad Bhagavata Maha Purana – 12:2:18

शम्भल ग्राम मुख्यस्य ब्राह्मणस्य महात्मनः।
शम्भु Shambhu (Shiv Shambhu Bhola) + ल or ले (of) + ग्राम Grama (Community/Village) + मुख्यस्य Mukhyasya (Principally) + ब्राह्मणस्य Brahmanasya (of the Brahmins) + महात्मनः Maha Atman (Great Souls) Shiva Durga worshipping community principally of great souls Brahmins.

भवने विष्णुयशसः कल्किः प्रादुर्भविष्यति।।
भवने Bhavanê (At the home of) + विष्णु Vishnu + यशसः Yáśas (Worthy) + कल्क Kalk ( Mud or Sediment) + इ i (to arise from, come from) + प्रादुर् Prādúr (Arise/Born) भविष्यति Bhavishyati (In the future)
In the future at the home of Vishnu worthy, one from the mud/sediment will arise/be born.
This points to a name equivalent to mud or sediment born.

द्वादश्यां शुक्ल-पक्षस्य माधवे मासि माधवम्।
जातं ददृशतुः पुत्रं पितरौ हृष्ट-मानसौ।। (1:2:15 Kalki Purna)

द्वादश्यां - द्वा dvA (two) + दश्यां dashya (tens/10's) meaning 12 शुक्ल-पक्षस्य - शुक्ल Shukla (bright) + पक्षस्य(pakshaya) parts (the first part of the moon cycle) + माधवे madhva is hindu month of Chaitra</a> (First day of Chaitra is when Lord Brahma created the universe, Hindu new year starts) March/April + मासि masi (month of) + माधवम् Lord Krishna (as Kalki) arrived. जातं ददृशतुः पुत्रं पितरौ हृष्ट-मानसौ।।
जातं jatam (born - brought into existence) + ददृशतुः dadastu (then) + पुत्रं putram (a son) + पितरौ pitarau (parents [were]) + हृष्ट hrshta (thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry) + मानसौ manasau (mental feeling). or
12th of the first part of the moon cycle in the month of Chaitra (March/April, Hindu new year) Lord Krishna (as Kalki) arrived then the father was mentally overwhelmed by the son being born This also points to the sun sign of Aries. In Chaitra month, the fifteen days in Shukla paksha (first fortnight / first half of the month) are dedicated to fifteen gods or deities. Each day of Chaitra month is dedicated to each God. People worship a God on each day, the 12th day (Chaitra Dwadashi) is dedicated to Lord Sri Maha Vishnu.

There is description of his background in other sources of scripture. The Kalachakra tantra, first taught by Buddha to Dharmaraja Suchandra of Shambhala, also describes his background:

Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent brahmana of Shambhala village, the great souls Vishnuyasha and Sumati.

— Srimad-Bhagavatam Bhag.12.2.18

Vishnuyasha referring to the father of Kalki as a devotee of Vishnu. Sumati referring to the pure thinking of his mother in Shambhala or temple of Shiva.

The Agni Purana predicts that at the time of his birth, there will be evil kings will feed on the pious. Kalki, will be born son of Vishnuyasha, in the mythic Shambhala. He will have Yajnavalkya as his spiritual guru.

Parashurama, sixth avatar of Vishnu is a Chiranjivi and in scripture is believed to be alive, in waiting for the return of Kalki. He will be a martial guru to the avatar, instructing him to perform a severe penance in order to receive celestial weaponry.

After this, he will establish moral law in the form of the fourfold varnas, and organize society into four classes, after which there will be a return to the path of righteousness.[5] The purana also relates that Hari, will then give up the form of Kalki, return to heaven and the Krita or Satya Yuga will return as before.[6]

The Vishnu Purana also explains:

When the practices taught in the Vedas and institutes of law have nearly ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of His own spiritual nature, and who is the beginning and end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon earth. He will be born in the family of Vishnuyasha, an eminent brahmana of Shambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with eight superhuman faculties, when eight sun's (represented by 8 solar deities or Vasu who lord over Dhanishta Nakshatra) will together shine over the sky. By His irresistible might he will destroy all the mlecchas (Barbarians) and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will reestablish righteousness upon earth, and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as clear as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who will follow the laws of the Krita age or Satya Yuga, the age of purity. As it is said, 'When the sun and moon, and the lunar asterism Tishya, and the planet Jupiter, are in one mansion, the Krita age shall return.

— Vishnu Purana, Book Four, Chapter 24

The Padma Purana describes that Kalki will end the age of Kali and kill all mlecchas. He will gather all brahmanas and propound the highest truth, bringing back the ways of dharma that have been lost, and removing the prolonged hunger of the Brahmin. Kalki will defy oppression and be a banner of victory for the world.[7]

The Bhagavata Purana states

At the end of Kali Yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen, and when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the evil men, and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

— Bhagavata Purana, 2.7.38

It goes on to foretell his arrival:

The ascetic prince Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings.

— Bhagavata Purana, 12.2.19-20

The Kalki Purana combines elements of earlier scripture to describe Kalki. He will have the power to change the course of the stream of time and restore the path of the righteous. The evil demon Kali will spring from the back of Brahma and descend to earth and cause dharma to be forgotten and society to decay. When man stops offering yagna, Vishnu will then descend a final time to save the steadfast. He will be reborn as Kalki to a Brahmin family in the city of Shambhala.

Followers of Tibetan Buddhism have preserved the Kalachakra Tantra in which "Kalkin" is a title of 25 rulers in the mystical realm of Shambhala. This tantra mirrors a number of prophecies of the Puranas.


Padma will be the consort of the avatar, as written in the Kalki Purana:

Kalki Purna:

मत्तो विद्यां शिवाद् अस्त्रं लब्ध्वा वेद-मयं शुकम्।
सिंहले च प्रियां पद्मां धर्मान् संस्थापयिष्यसि।। 1:3:9 ततो दिग्-विजये भूपान् धर्म-हीनान् कलि-प्रियान्।
निगृह्य बौद्धान् देवापिं मरुञ् च स्थापयिष्यसि।। 1:3:10 श्रुत्वेति वचनं कल्किः शुकेन सहितो मुदा।
जगाम त्वरितो ऽश्वेन शिव-दत्तेन तन्मनाः।। 2:1:39 समुद्र-पारम् अमलं सिंहलं जलसंकुलम्। («=सिंहलद्वीप»)
नाना-विमान-बहुलं भास्वरं मणि-काञ्चनैः।। 2:1:40 प्रासादसदनाग्रेषु पताका-तोरणाकुलम्।
श्रेणी-सभा-पणाट्ताल-पुर-गोपुर-मण्दितम्।। 2:1:41

The beloved of Kalki is named Padma or (white-pink lotus) who lives at द्वीप dweep (island) सिंहले Sinhale (सिंह shiha (Lion) + ले(of))= "the island of the lion"(1:3:9).
The spotless/clean land of the lion one which is surrounded by an excellent/supreme ocean at the other side of this ocean. (Line 1 2:1:40).
Abundance of different kinds of chariot of the god (Air-Crafts) brilliant wealth and prosperity.(Line 2 2:1:40).Possible modern day Singapore Island.

Kalki Avatar according to Sikhism

Kalki Avatar Punjab Hills, Guler, c. 1765.

Kalki was described by Guru Gobind Singh in Sri Dasam Granth. Kalki is also mentioned the oral traditions of Guru Gobind Singh known as the sau sakhis, and possibly the Sarbloh Granth. He is foretold to return on horseback with sword, manifesting himself at the village Sambhal and sounding his trumpet before fighting the wicked.

Gobind Singh writes in the Sri Dasam Granth:

When there is incest, adultery, atheism, hatred of religion, no more dharma, and sin everywhere, the impossible Iron Age has come; in what way the world will be saved? For the helpless, the Lord Himself will manifest as the Supreme Purusha. He will be called the Kalki incarnation and will be glorious like a lion coming down from heaven.

The return of Kalki in Sikhism is also predicted to be the end of the "Iron Age" and beginning of Satyuga.

Predictions about his birth and time of arrival

Modern scholars have attempted to link recent history to Kalki. Given the traditional account of the Kali Yuga, which will last 432,000 years, and began in 3102 BCE, these claims have been described as problematic.[8][9] Some scholars such as Sri Yukteswar Giri and David Frawley have claimed there are smaller cycles within the larger 432,000 year revolution.[10][11]


South Indian astrologers have analyzed Puranas extensively to try and foretell the time of birth of Kalki. The signs described in the Kalki Purana are as follows:

  1. The moon will be in Dhanishtha nakshatra, Aquarius, suggesting he will be wealthy, acclaimed and swift in action and thought.
  2. The sun will be in Swati, the nakshatra of the sword.
  3. Jupiter will be in Purva Ashadha nakshatra, Sagittarius.
  4. The Ascendant Lord will be in Purva Ashadha nakshatra, also Sagittarius, suggesting invincibility and early victory.
  5. Saturn will be exalted in Libra, predicting a balance between justice and the sword.
  6. Ketu, lord of horse-headed Ashwini, will be exalted in Scorpio, suggesting he will descend atop a great white steed.

Astrologers have asserted that his birth year can be derived from Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu, the sun can be used to calculate the birth month, the moon the birth day. The ascendant lord can be used to even calculate the birth hour.

The Kalki Purana describes the time of his birth:

शम्भल ग्राम मुख्यस्य ब्राह्मणस्य महात्मनः

भवने विष्णुयशसः कल्किः प्रादुर्भविष्यति
भवने विष्णुयशसः कल्किः प्रादुर्भविष्यति
द्वादश्यां शुक्ल-पक्षस्य माधवे मासि माधवम्
जातं ददृशतुः पुत्रं पितरौ हृष्ट-मानसौ

— Kalki Purana, 1.2.15
Kalki with his mythic white horse Devadatta

Puranas describe the date as twenty-one fortnights from the birth of Krishna, which itself falls on Janmashtami in August. This would put his descent at Vaishakha, between April and May. At this time, the father of Kalki is foretold to be overwhelmed by the incarnation of Godhead that he sees as his son. This places Kalki under the sun sign of Aries.

The Bhavishya Purana foretells:

The Savior of the entire universe, Maha Vishnu
will be born on Margashirsha Month, Krishna Ashtami
8th day after the full-moon day.

— Bhavishya Purana, Canto IV, Chapter 23, Text 15

This is contradicted in another scripture by Sage Vyasa:

Lord Vishnu [Kalki] will be born in human form as Kalki Avatar, in Shambhala in Phalguna Shukla Dwadashi, the 12th day after a black moon, in the month of Madhava.

— Kalki Purana, Canto I, 2.10.15

Birth Predictions About Lord Kalki By Great Sage Vyas

Purana Author Father Mother Month Paksha Thidhi Star
Kalki Vyasa Vishnuyáśas Sumati Margashirsha Shukla Dwadashi Purva Phalguni or Utrra Phalguni
Bhavishya " " Vishnu Keerti Madhava Krishna Ashtami N/A

Above both prophecies is very accurate after decoding, this is Sage Vyas’s filter for fake Kalki Avatars
"Three Water Signs" 10:01, 20 April 2013 (UTC)

There have been a range of dates predicted, purportedly from different methods of calculation.[12] Sri Potuluri Virabrahmendra Swami, for example, wrote 1,000 years ago in his Divya Maha Kala Gnana, or 'Divine Knowledge of the Time,' that Kalki would arrive when the moon, sun, Venus and Jupiter entered the same sign. This is not a rare occurrence and last happened in early 2012, passing without event.[13] The time of arrival of Kalki has not been consistently asserted by astrologers.[12]

People who have claimed to be Kalki

in India people believe that Srivaikuntam in Tirunelveli District Tamil Nadu is the birthplace of Kalki. Nostradamus prediction that he will born in a peninsula supports it. kalki puram describes that he will born on the banks of river Tambrabarani and srivaikuntam is on the banks of the river. It is one of the 108 divya deshams of Lord Vishnu.

Dashavatara: (from left) Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Kalki.

See also


  1. ^ "The Kalki Purana". Ismaili.net. Retrieved 2013-01-20.
  2. ^ "Appearance of Kalki Avatar". yoga-philosophy.com. 2003. Retrieved 2008-06-15.
  3. ^ "Kalachakra History". International Kalachakra Network. 2006-07-29. Retrieved 2008-06-15.
  4. ^ Wilson, Horace (2001). Vishnu Purana. Ganesha Publishing. p. 72. ISBN 1-86210-016-0.
  5. ^ Agni Purana. pp. 16.7–9.
  6. ^ Agni Purana. p. 16.10.
  7. ^ Padma Purana. pp. 6.71.279–282.
  8. ^ "Bhaktivedanta VedaBase". Vedabase.net. Retrieved 2013-01-20.
  9. ^ The Indus Script and the Rg-Veda, Page 16, By Egbert Richter-Ushanas, ISBN 81-208-1405-3
  10. ^ The Holy Science, by Jnanavatar Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, Yogoda Sat-Sanga Society of India, 1949
  11. ^ Astrology of the Seers, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-914955-89-6
  12. ^ a b Chandra, Suresh (Aug 15, 2012). Encyclopaedia of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Kindle Edition. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  13. ^ Santanu Acharya. "Hindu Prophecies: Translations from the Kalki Purana". Ww-iii.tripod.com. Retrieved 2013-01-20.
  14. ^ Momen, Moojan (1990). "Hindu Prophecies". Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith. Oxford: George Ronald. ISBN 0-85398-299-6.
  15. ^ Buck, Christopher (2004). "The eschatology of Globalization: The multiple-messiahship of Bahā'u'llāh revisited". In Sharon, Moshe (ed.). Studies in Modern Religions, Religious Movements and the Bābī-Bahā'ī Faiths. Boston: Brill. pp. 143–178. ISBN 90-04-13904-4.
  16. ^ The Baha'i Faith in India: A Developmental Stage Approach by William Garlington, Occasional Papers in Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Studies, No. 2 (June, 1997)
  17. ^ Juergensmeyer, Mark (2006). Oxford Handbook of Global Religions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 520. ISBN 978-0-19-513798-9, ISBN (Ten digit): 0195137981.
  18. ^ Samael Aun Weor (2004) [1960]. The Aquarian Message: Gnostic Kabbalah and Tarot in the Apocalypse of St. John. Glorian Publishing. p. 224. ISBN 0-9745916-5-3.
  19. ^ Carolyn Lee (2007). The Avatar of What Is: The Divine life and Work of Adi Da. Dawn Horse Press. p. 122. ISBN 1-55778-250-4.Georg Feuerstein (2006) [1991]. Holy Madness: The Shock Tactics and Radical Teachings of Crazy-Wise Adepts, Holy Fools, and Rascal Gurus. Paragon House. p. 189. ISBN 978-1-57097-233-1.
  20. ^ "Sri Dasam Granth Sahib". Sridasam.org. Retrieved 2013-01-20.
  21. ^ Sri Kalki Peedum Society, was official founded on 22d July 1998 when it was registered under the Registry of Societies (Singapore).
  22. ^ Guru Sri Kalki Jothi, The biography of Sri Kalki states that his devotees regard him as their Kalki avatar.

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